How to use eclipse for AOSP Mms app? - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hi guys,
I want to modify the AOSP Mms app and add some bluetooth functionality to it. I am new to android app development, so I heavily rely on eclipse IDE. Can anyone tell me how I can add AOSP Mms app to eclipse? I know how to build it using Make Mms on my AOSP tree, but I want to use eclipse for development.
(Yay! My first post )


Extending standard Android OS apps (Email etc)

Hi guys,
I have been having an issue with the Email app since Exchange support was added in version 2.0 whereby I cannot specify a port in the server Url.
I have submitted bug requests to the AOSP bug tracker, others have followed suit and also pitched in - but alas it doesn't seem to be a priority. Which is perfectly acceptable given the list, but it is becoming a real show-stopper for me.
SO! I would like to try and fix it. I have identified some of the code which might help get me started and add that support - accept it seems I need to build the ENTIRE android source tree in order to create just the Email app.... which is a problem for me, since I have OSX 10.6 which is flaky with the build instructions.
I tried to extract the source from the tree, and place it into an Eclipse project and build against the SDK 2.2 but this is not happening as Google have linked against the source tree, so certain imports fail ( for example)
So I am wondering if it is at all possible to build the standard apps in Eclipse? - I'm pretty sure it must be as I think LauncherPro is based on the original Launcher (please correct me if I am wrong here)
Thanks guys,

[Q] communication between android app and java application

Hi all,
Im new in this forum and just wanna ask for some help on where can i find a simple tutorial or a sample project of an android application that can communicate with a java application on a PC.
im thinking via wifi.. also i got some knowledge in java programming and right now im starting to learn more about android development.
some simple tutorial/samples like an android app where you have to type a message and it will show on the java application in the PC when the send button is clicked.
wakkana12 said:
Hi all,
Im new in this forum and just wanna ask for some help on where can i find a simple tutorial or a sample project of an android application that can communicate with a java application on a PC.
im thinking via wifi.. also i got some knowledge in java programming and right now im starting to learn more about android development.
some simple tutorial/samples like an android app where you have to type a message and it will show on the java application in the PC when the send button is clicked.
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You probably want to check out Google App Engine and their Cloud Messaging and datastore features.
It would be better than WiFi or Bluetooth as you could be the other side of the world.....

Adding Peak/Off-Peak Time Support to AOSP Email App

I am considering a project to add peak and off peak time configuration to the aosp email app. I have zero android or java coding experience and my general coding experience is limited to some pretty simple php. However, this is a feature I greatly desire, and my searching tells me others do as well.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is feasible. Any advice on where to start?

[Q]requirements/tools, programming lang. required to build a messaging app in android

iam interested in learning how whatsapp or viber was build. i want to build one of such kind with excellent feature. please lead me to the right programming tools required and sdk that i may learn everything before i build one in android mobile.
patokirui said:
iam interested in learning how whatsapp or viber was build. i want to build one of such kind with excellent feature. please lead me to the right programming tools required and sdk that i may learn everything before i build one in android mobile.
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I started developing Android almost 3 years ago. As for today, the only programming tools I've ever used to build Android APPS (not Games) were Android Studio and Eclipse (ADT Plugin). Please consider that Whatsapp, Viber and other messaging apps (Telegram and more) are COMPLETELY based on customised version of XMPP which is a "open standard Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)." (Wikipedia). You could try to start developing something like that but if you just started the Android Developing I wouldn't suggest such difficult things... If you need help, I'm always here!

[Q] [DEV][Gradle] How to make a modular Application ?

Hi guys,
I'm currently working on an app for a company that asked me to make it modular.
Actually the app contains different features and the company would like to be able to compile the differents flavors of the App via Gradle.
If I understood correctly the current flavor solution offered in Android Studio doesn't fit my needs as if I have like 5 differents modules I'd have to make a flavor for : feature 1, feature 1 + 2, feature 1 + 2 + 3, feature 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, feature 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, feature 2, feature 2 + 3, ...... and so on.
So how can I say to gradle I just want to compile this part of my code ?
And how can I manage my code in a clean way for my app to understand which modules are enabled or not ?
Thanks a lot for your answers !
Not sure I'm understanding the problem. Create the flavors and in each of the src/<flavor>/ directories you can specify a build.gradle file and in that gradle file you can add dependencies for other modules. So this modular code would exist in <project root>/libprojects and the separate flavors would then conditionally include that code as a dependency. Make sense?
Each of those build.gradle files in the separate flavors could include dependencies for modules that it needs. Remember, code in a flavor takes precedence over code in src/main/java. So use that to your advantage to creating modular code.
Thanks a lot for your answer
It kinda give me an answer for the concept of isolating code on libraries. But the code isn't the biggest issue for me. Is it possible to put the resources (drawable and raw) in the libs so that I can grab them only on the required flavor of my app ? And do this via gradle dependency as I would have too much flavors otherwise.
Thanks again
joplayer said:
Thanks a lot for your answer
It kinda give me an answer for the concept of isolating code on libraries. But the code isn't the biggest issue for me. Is it possible to put the resources (drawable and raw) in the libs so that I can grab them only on the required flavor of my app ? And do this via gradle dependency as I would have too much flavors otherwise.
Thanks again
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FYI, make sure you tap "reply" in the future so a person's post is "quoted" otherwise that person, me, doesn't get notified you responded from XDA. I just happened to click back on this post. Didn't receive a notification.
When you say libs do you mean "libprojects" folder or do you mean libs as in creating a jar file with those resources? Don't forget you can copy the dependencies from another flavor if you need to at compile time. Not sure if that would help in your scenario.
shafty023 said:
FYI, make sure you tap "reply" in the future so a person's post is "quoted" otherwise that person, me, doesn't get notified you responded from XDA. I just happened to click back on this post. Didn't receive a notification.
When you say libs do you mean "libprojects" folder or do you mean libs as in creating a jar file with those resources? Don't forget you can copy the dependencies from another flavor if you need to at compile time. Not sure if that would help in your scenario.
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Sorry, bad old reflex
Actually that is my problem. How am I supposed to isolate my features ? Should I make an Android library ? Should I brutally use gradle to isolate some files ?
Thanks again
joplayer said:
Sorry, bad old reflex
Actually that is my problem. How am I supposed to isolate my features ? Should I make an Android library ? Should I brutally use gradle to isolate some files ?
Thanks again
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It really depends on what you mean by isolate features. If you mean paid vs free app then you should undoubtedly isolate those features with a gradle variable that is set at compile time and read from at runtime via the BuildConfig class.
if (BuildConfig.IS_PRO) {
... some code
It's more of a mess to exclude code then to just make a single code source where you conditionally include/exclude based on compile time variables.
shafty023 said:
It really depends on what you mean by isolate features. If you mean paid vs free app then you should undoubtedly isolate those features with a gradle variable that is set at compile time and read from at runtime via the BuildConfig class.
if (BuildConfig.IS_PRO) {
... some code
It's more of a mess to exclude code then to just make a single code source where you conditionally include/exclude based on compile time variables.
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Thanks a lot I think this kind of syntax might help me.
To make things clear the product will be compilable for different end products. One might want geolocalization, another not. As features end up taking space in the APK I need to exclude them from compilation. And finally this app must be compilable out of Android Studio so Gradle is my only savior ! And I'm far from beeing a Gradle expert so thanks for your answer I'll look at it

