(Script) Galaxy Cleaner Lollipop DeBloater - Galaxy S 4 Active Android Development

Hello everybody welcome to Galaxy Cleaner formally Ultra Kleaner. Many of you have probably used my de-bloater zips for HTC devices and the Galaxy S4's before. So now I bring you a lollipop All Galaxy model's version's' galaxy cleaner will remove load's of bloatware from your device. Cleaner devices operate more efficiently and use less ram. By freeing up space in the system we also speed up operation's. I have spent a considerable amount of time downloading roms for each galaxy device to find your bloatware. If and I'm sure I did I missed something please report the apps and or libs you find to be bloat. Free up over 400mbs of space.
Google apps in system:
I have removed most of Google's app from the systems folders,not all of them. I left what has been known to create issues alone,all main google apps still reside in system area's. If your missing one you want,get from playstore.
Your carrier bloatware:
While I have tried to rifle through and pick them out,some I don't know about may still exist.
How to report bloat for removal:
Lollipop requires a slightly different method for removal. When reporting an app for removal follow this simple guideline for report.
Report system location and folder only such as (system/app/BasicDreams) The folder name not the apk name.
Below is full list of what's being removed. It is your responsibility to add a #in front of,or remove the lines of apps you want to keep.
Make a backup!Make a backup!Make a backup!Make a backup!
See below for a full list of removed item's
ui_print("Removing bloat in System App");
ui_print("Removing bloat in System Priv-App");
ui_print("Removing bloat in Data App");
Downloads: See main thread:
Below is Kitkat cleaner I'm leaving it for legacy purposes.

Carrier De-bloating for AT&T for now. Please post your carrier bloat ware apks' locations and names. List libs also if applicable.


blaz1nr said:
Welcome to Ultra Kleaner
Ultra Kleaner is a script mod De-bloater.Many of you may have used my Kleaner for your Htc devices. As with all my de-bloaters massive free space/ram gains will be achieved,all while keeping devices stable and fully working. Below is a the complete code with all items listed for removal. It is your responsibility to check and remove lines for item's you want to keep.Have any suggestion's or know of more safe to remove apps please post them.
Check below to see what's being removed.Knox_Out is included in removal.
Gains up to 440+mb's achievable from pure stock.
ui_print("Removing Knox in Libs");
ui_print("Removing Knox in Data");
ui_print("Knox Removed");
ui_print("Cleaning System");
ui_print("Removing Data Apps");
ui_print("Removing Samsung Extras");
ui_print("Removing FaceLock");
ui_print("Take That SpyWare");
ui_print("WOW that was Ultra Fast");
ui_print("Enjoy the SPACE");
ui_print("blaz1nr Ultra Klean for Samsung");
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Any thoughts about turning this into an Aroma installer? That way the user wouldn't have to manually edit the script, they could specify what they want removed within the installer.

I had thought about doing just that. I don't really have a lot of free time. There would be a lot of lines to add. I'll see what I can come up with. I mainly make these for me, but I always share them. Just in case someone else might want it.

blaz1nr said:
I had thought about doing just that. I don't really have a lot of free time. There would be a lot of lines to add. I'll see what I can come up with. I mainly make these for me, but I always share them. Just in case someone else might want it.
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It looks like you already have categories for things that are being removed (Knox, System Bloat, Data Bloat, Samsung Extras, and FaceLock). Maybe these could be 5 check boxes in Aroma so the user could select entire categories to delete rather than each individual item.
I appreciate your work and look forward to the other things your are cooking up.


Its ok

thanks download now

Ran this script and it deleted my entire phone and reset it to factory. I'm pretty bummed right now.

Does This Script Supported On KitKat 4.4.2 Stock Rom Also????

atfaniqbal said:
Does This Script Supported On KitKat 4.4.2 Stock Rom Also????
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Here's another option, install titanium backup and use either the freeze or the uninstall system applications functions. You can download the .zip in the OP to a PC and extract it like a normal zip file in winrar or 7zip. Navigate in the newly extracted folder to META-INF/com/google/android/ and open the file updater-script with notepad++. You now have a list of every single system app this script is meant to remove, and the option of picking and choosing which ones you do, with titanium backup. Slower, yes, but much safer. Also here's a useful list of bloatware safe to remove (I got this over at the Verizon Galaxy S4 forum in case any of the names seem strange. Yes it should be perfectly safe to remove any AT&T app, I certainly did):
-AllShare ControlShare Service
-AllShare FileShare Service
-Amazon App Suite
-Amazon Kindle
-Amazon mp3
-Android Live Wallpapers
-Ant Radio Service
-Ant+ Plugins
-Backup Assistant Plus
-Black Hole
-Caller Name ID
-Cloud print
-Enterprise Sim Pin Service
-Enterprise SysScope Service
-Enterprise VPN Services
-Face Unlock
-Google Now Launcher
-Google Play Books
-Google Play Games
-Google Play Movies & TV
-Google Play Newstand
-Google Search
-Homescreen Tips
-HP Print Service Plugin
-KNOX notification manager
-KNOX store
-KLMS Agent
-Live Wallpaper Picker
-Magic Smoke Wallpapers
-Manage accessibility
-Mobile Print
-Movie Studio
-Music Visualization Wallpapers
-My Verizon Mobile
-Nearby Service
-NFC Service
-NFC Test
-NFL Mobile
-Phase Beam
-Photo Screensavers
-Polaris Office 5
-Print Spooler
-Quick Office
-S Memo
-S Note Provider
-S Translator
-S Voice
-Samsung Account
-Samsung Billing
-Samsung Books
-Samsung Calendar SyncAdapter
-Samsung Content Agent
-Samsung Games
-Samsung Knox
-Samsung Memory SyncAdapter
-Samsung Print Service
-Samsung Print Service Plugin
-Samsung Push Service
-Samsung Updates
-Samsung WatchOn
-Security Policy Updates
-Setup 4.4.2-10
-Setup Wizard 4.4.2
-Setup Wizard 1.0
-Setup Wizard 1.3
-Slacker Radio
-SmartActions Android Framework
-SmartActions Proprietary Framework
-Travel Wallpaper
-Trip Advisor
-Try air move
-Virtual Tour Viewer
-VMware Ready
-WFDS Print Service Plugin
-Yahoo! Finance

Milenko2121 said:
Ran this script and it deleted my entire phone and reset it to factory. I'm pretty bummed right now.
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dont know but mine is stuck on the little blue att ball with white background. any suggestions?

hi guys! dumb question(s) ahead^^
-how to run/start/install this script?
- needs root?
sunny regards from germany

subattack said:
hi guys! dumb question(s) ahead^^
-how to run/start/install this script?
- needs root?
sunny regards from germany
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Flash in recovery
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using XDA Free mobile app

Thank you

Can This Script Run On Latest Lollipop Update ????

atfaniqbal said:
Can This Script Run On Latest Lollipop Update ????
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Yes and No the sub folders now in Lollipop need to be removed different. Ill update it for lollipop. This hasn't been a top priority, since I've been working on my tweaks package. I will start updating today and making a central thread for multiply devices. A link will appear here for the main thread. I need to look at some s6 and s5 systems to see whats there.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using XDA Free mobile app

blaz1nr said:
Yes and No the sub folders now in Lollipop need to be removed different. Ill update it for lollipop. This hasn't been a top priority, since I've been working on my tweaks package. I will start updating today and making a central thread for multiply devices. A link will appear here for the main thread. I need to look at some s6 and s5 systems to see whats there.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using XDA Free mobile app
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Good to know sir. Thank you.

Lollipop version ip on new thread. Enjoy...


[SCRIPT][CWM] NoMoto - Stock ROM Debloat Scripts (KitKat | Lollipop)

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything that happens as a result of flashing these files. Your destiny is your own.​
WARNING: This script will remove Velvet.apk (Google Search) - If you use Google Now Launcher, change to another launcher before flashing this script.
These scripts will remove the bloat from Stock Motorola ROMs and Google Play Edition. Scripts can be run in Custom Recovery (CWM / TWRP) prior to first boot to avoid unnecessary setup and app updates. I have not experienced any force closing or obvious problems as a result of these scripts. Infact, theoretically; you should gain battery-life and performance by having less services running on your handset. Nandroid Backup before flashing recommended.
Motorola apps can be reinstalled via Google Play Store.
NOTE #1: If you cannot boot after running this script, flash one of the following zips: Velvet-KitKat | Velvet-Lollipop
NOTE #2: If you loose wifi, reflash stock / custom kernel.
LessMoto v007: (Motorola Camera and Gallery remain)
All Pre-installed Google apps (excluding Play Store)
Audio Effects (Equalizer)
DemoMode app
Face Unlock
FM Radio
HP Legacy Plugin
Live Wallpapers (Pre-installed) (You can still add your own)
Motorola promotional video and pictures
Motorola Alert
Motorola Assist
Motorola Migrate
Motorola Help
Motorola Rescue Add-on
Motorola Bootanimation
Photo Table
Print Spooler
Stock Exchange
Stock Email
[GPE] Chinese Keyboard (GooglePinyinIME)
[GPE] Hindi Keyboard (GoogleHindiIME)
[GPE] Korean Keyboard (KoreanIME)
[GPE] Japanese Keyboard (iWnnIME)​
NoMoto v005: (WARNING: OTA Updates no longer possible)
Same as 'LessMoto'
All Motorola apps and services​
KitKat or older:
LessMoto v005: (Motorola Camera and Gallery remain)
All Pre-installed Google apps (excluding Play Store)
Audio Effects (Equalizer)
Chinese Keyboard (GooglePinyinIME)
com.qualcomm.atfwd (Wifi Display)
DemoMode app
Face Unlock
FM Radio
HP Legacy Plugin
Live Wallpapers (Pre-installed) (You can still add your own)
Motorola promotional video and pictures
Motorola Alert
Motorola Migrate
Motorola Help
Motorola Rescue Add-on
Motorola Bootanimation
Photo Table
Picasa Uploader
Print Spooler
QualcommSettings app
Stock Exchange
Stock Email
NoMoto v004: (WARNING: OTA Updates no longer possible)
Same as 'LessMoto'
All Motorola apps and services​
ExtremeNoMoto v004: (WARNING: OTA Updates no longer possible)
Same as 'NoMoto'
Motorola Ringtones
Motorola UI Sounds​With NoMoto and ExtremeNoMoto; 'Motorola Privacy' still remains as a menu item, however you should not receive any further Motorola updates, FOTA, Bootanimation, Contextual Services etc.​
Older Versions:
LessMoto: v001 | v002 | v003 | v004
NoMoto: v001 | v002 | v003
ExtremeNoMoto: v001 | v002 | v003
Initial release.
Fixed removal of following:
Chinese Keyboard (GooglePinyinIME)
FM Radio
Stock Email
Script also now removes:
Print Spooler
Added removal of:
Picasa Uploader
Audio Effects (Equalizer)
com.qualcomm.atfwd (Wifi Display)
Added removal of:
Velvet (Pre-installed Google Search)
Fully removed all files related to Chinese Keyboard (GooglePinyinIME)​
Same as 'LessMoto v003'
Same as 'LessMoto v004'
Same as 'LessMoto v005'​
Same as 'LessMoto v003'
Same as 'LessMoto v004'
Same as 'LessMoto v005'​
lost101 said:
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ru sure this deserves to be in original development forum?
Report it to a mod and have it moved to where you think it belongs.
Wow, lightspeed script, worked like a charm. Thanks!
EDIT: XT1033
Edit: Thanks , removed the bloat.
To remove a .apk from the list,I have to edit updater-script right?
great !
How does this work if I've already removed a few of the apps (via Titanium Backup) and updated some via Google Play? Will it skip over the ones already removed? Will I have to uninstall the updates to the others?
Nicolae-Daniel said:
To remove a .apk from the list,I have to edit updater-script right?
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Yes. But use notepad++ if in windows.
benutne said:
How does this work if I've already removed a few of the apps (via Titanium Backup) and updated some via Google Play? Will it skip over the ones already removed? Will I have to uninstall the updates to the others?
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The script will remove all Google apps (both pre-installed and updated) on the phone. It will skip over any expected, but not present.
lost101 said:
The script will remove both pre-installed and updated versions of any Google apps on the phone.
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What about apps I've already removed? Will it choke on those, or notice they're already gone and skip em?
benutne said:
What about apps I've already removed? Will it choke on those, or notice they're already gone and skip em?
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It will just skip them.
Just ran the script. Looks like it took care of all the Google apps that were preinstalled and the boot animation. However, it did miss several others, inlcuding a lot of the Moto apps. I've listed the items it did delete in green, the ones it missed in red. Blue is if I can't tell. I'm on 4.4.2, a Boost Mobile phone if that matters.
All preinstalled Google apps (excluding Play Store)
Chinese Keyboard (GooglePinyinIME)
DemoMode app
Face Unlock
FM Radio
HP Legacy Plugin
Live Wallpapers
Motorola promotional video and pictures
Motorola Alert
Motorola Migrate
Motorola Help
Motorola Rescue Add-on
Motorola Bootanimation
QualcommSettings app
Stock Exchange
Stock Email
benutne, the remaining apps should now be gone. Live Wallpaper functionality remains; the script only removes pre-installed wallpapers.
lost101 said:
benutne, the remaining apps should now be gone. Live Wallpaper functionality remains; the script only removes pre-installed wallpapers.
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Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. I looks like some apps got deleted while others did not. Moto Migrate is still there, even in the app launcher. It looks like the live wallpapers did get deleted though. I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out though.
benutne said:
Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. I looks like some apps got deleted while others did not. Moto Migrate is still there, even in the app launcher. It looks like the live wallpapers did get deleted though. I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out though.
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Just to make it clear, I've updated the script. v002 should address the things you mentioned.
lost101 said:
Just to make it clear, I've updated the script. v002 should address the things you mentioned.
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Awesome. That did the trick. Bang up job man, thanks!
nice work
NoMoto and ExtremeNoMoto now available. 'Motorola Privacy' still remains as a menu item, however you should not receive any further Motorola updates, FOTA, Bootanimation, Contextual Services etc.
I runned this script and now after the starting animations of the boot i get a black screen, what's the problem?

What ROM should i choose ?

Hello , to all.
I am an owner of Samsung Glaaxy S4 GT- I 9505 with Android 4.4.2 and Kernel 3.4.0-3423977. It's the official latest update here in Europe.
But Samsung has a lot of programms inside that i don't need and they run on the background.
I am using most for typing , viber, sms, calls, camera (A lot), and inserting files from computer to computer via the phone, and 1-2 games to pass my time,but inside has a lot of programms.
Which is a good room stable,without any problems and really light without all this unnecessary programs ?
I am waiting for suggestions.
I'm a big fan of CyanogenMod. Works great for me! It is fast, reliable, up-to-date. If you haven't already, give it a try....
AccountSaver said:
Hello , to all.
I am an owner of Samsung Glaaxy S4 GT- I 9505 with Android 4.4.2 and Kernel 3.4.0-3423977. It's the official latest update here in Europe.
But Samsung has a lot of programms inside that i don't need and they run on the background.
I am using most for typing , viber, sms, calls, camera (A lot), and inserting files from computer to computer via the phone, and 1-2 games to pass my time,but inside has a lot of programms.
Which is a good room stable,without any problems and really light without all this unnecessary programs ?
I am waiting for suggestions.
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For me Omega rom almost 100% stock with improvements , fast , stable , lots of support , lets you install the bloatware you want....
Playzoid said:
I'm a big fan of CyanogenMod. Works great for me! It is fast, reliable, up-to-date. If you haven't already, give it a try....
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Can you provide me with a link to test it out ? Doesn't it, using a lot of programs ?
MAX 404 said:
For me Omega rom almost 100% stock with improvements , fast , stable , lots of support , lets you install the bloatware you want....
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What is bloat ware ?
And what you mean about stock improvements will it have also all the programs that i don't need of the samsung ?
AccountSaver said:
Can you provide me with a link to test it out ? Doesn't it, using a lot of programs ?
What is bloat ware ?
And what you mean about stock improvements will it have also all the programs that i don't need of the samsung ?
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From Wikipedia
The term "bloatware" may be applied to software that has become bloated through inefficiency or accretion of features as outlined above.[2] Confusingly, the same term bloatware is also commonly used to refer to preinstalled software on a device, usually included by the hardware manufacturer, that is mostly unwanted by the purchaser. This may account for up to 45% of pre-installed software on a new device.[4]
The term may also be applied to the accumulation of unwanted and unused software elements that remain after partial and incomplete uninstallation. These elements may include whole programs, libraries, associated configuration information or data. The impact over time may be resultant deterioration of performance as the unwanted software or software components occupy memory, waste processing time, add disk I/O, consume storage and cause delays at system startup and shutdown. In the worst cases, the leftover software may interfere with the correct operation of wanted software.[5]
kernel talexop
Multi csc
Aroma Installer
Installation is fully customizable by user and there is options to install everything or remove all Bloatware
aroma installer now has the option to remove more then 800 mb of almost 80 bloatware apps, widgets and services
Option to full wipe from aroma installer
Option to Remove all Bloatware from aroma installer
Option to install or not all Omega addon apps from aroma installer
Wipe cache partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe Dalvik Cache automatic during installation
Wipe preload partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe System automatic before roms installation
Omegas Emblem Bootanimation by our artist anbech
Omegas Emblem Shutdown animation by our artist anbech
OmegaDroid Kit Kat Wallpapers by our artist Jorq1H
Applications developed by Omegas Team (bartito & indie):
Omega Files by indie
OmegaDroid - The official application of www.omegadroid.co by indie
OmegaDroid Wallpapers application - Screenshot by indie
Task manager shortcut app by indie
Accounts Sync Profiler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Backup manager for apps & data - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
CPU Adjuster - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Notification Manager - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Recycle Bin - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Wireless Scheduler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
more to come ....
if someone wants to help with our app development, with beta testing, suggestions, translations and be part of our app dev team please sent me a pm.
Call Recording
Phone with no increasing ringtone
3MinitBattery Mod - with more than 1000 battery mods - Full credits to gharrington
4-way reboot menu
TW Launcher with scrolling wallpaper (can be disabled from Omega Files)
Hide sms from call logs
No sms to mms conversion
Unlimited contacts to sms - mms
sms/mms Backup - Restore
Increased sms hour limit to 1000
Disable scrolling cache
Email with Exchange Security Disabled
Exit button to stock browser
Join more unlimited contacts in the contacts
All supported languages enabled
All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
Camera shutter sound on-off
Modded YouTube by rolle (can download videos) - available at Omega Files
Addon applications:
Xposed Framework Installer by rovo89 - read more about Xposed here
Android Camera 4.4.2 with Photoshare
Android Keyboard 4.4.2 - available at Omega Files
Flash player Support
Dolphin Browser with Flashplayer support
Dolphin Browser Jet Pack
Es File Explorer
Hide It Pro
Hi-Q MP3 Recorder
MW Apps Manager
App Settings xposed module
Wanam Xposed
Phone INFO ★Samsung★
Removed (Can be added from Omega Files):
Boot sound
Charger Connection Sound
Stock Theme Changes:
Accuwheather widget transparent by indie
Omega Theme for aroma installer by our artist anbech
Bloatware :
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
AccountSaver said:
Can you provide me with a link to test it out ? Doesn't it, using a lot of programs ?
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Playzoid said:
AccountSaver said:
Can you provide me with a link to test it out ? Doesn't it, using a lot of programs ?
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Ι will try this one out ,for the 1st time ,and then we will see.
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MAX 404 said:
From Wikipedia
The term "bloatware" may be applied to software that has become bloated through inefficiency or accretion of features as outlined above.[2] Confusingly, the same term bloatware is also commonly used to refer to preinstalled software on a device, usually included by the hardware manufacturer, that is mostly unwanted by the purchaser. This may account for up to 45% of pre-installed software on a new device.[4]
The term may also be applied to the accumulation of unwanted and unused software elements that remain after partial and incomplete uninstallation. These elements may include whole programs, libraries, associated configuration information or data. The impact over time may be resultant deterioration of performance as the unwanted software or software components occupy memory, waste processing time, add disk I/O, consume storage and cause delays at system startup and shutdown. In the worst cases, the leftover software may interfere with the correct operation of wanted software.[5]
kernel talexop
Multi csc
Aroma Installer
Installation is fully customizable by user and there is options to install everything or remove all Bloatware
aroma installer now has the option to remove more then 800 mb of almost 80 bloatware apps, widgets and services
Option to full wipe from aroma installer
Option to Remove all Bloatware from aroma installer
Option to install or not all Omega addon apps from aroma installer
Wipe cache partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe Dalvik Cache automatic during installation
Wipe preload partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe System automatic before roms installation
Omegas Emblem Bootanimation by our artist anbech
Omegas Emblem Shutdown animation by our artist anbech
OmegaDroid Kit Kat Wallpapers by our artist Jorq1H
Applications developed by Omegas Team (bartito & indie):
Omega Files by indie
OmegaDroid - The official application of www.omegadroid.co by indie
OmegaDroid Wallpapers application - Screenshot by indie
Task manager shortcut app by indie
Accounts Sync Profiler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Backup manager for apps & data - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
CPU Adjuster - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Notification Manager - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Recycle Bin - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Wireless Scheduler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
more to come ....
if someone wants to help with our app development, with beta testing, suggestions, translations and be part of our app dev team please sent me a pm.
Call Recording
Phone with no increasing ringtone
3MinitBattery Mod - with more than 1000 battery mods - Full credits to gharrington
4-way reboot menu
TW Launcher with scrolling wallpaper (can be disabled from Omega Files)
Hide sms from call logs
No sms to mms conversion
Unlimited contacts to sms - mms
sms/mms Backup - Restore
Increased sms hour limit to 1000
Disable scrolling cache
Email with Exchange Security Disabled
Exit button to stock browser
Join more unlimited contacts in the contacts
All supported languages enabled
All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
Camera shutter sound on-off
Modded YouTube by rolle (can download videos) - available at Omega Files
Addon applications:
Xposed Framework Installer by rovo89 - read more about Xposed here
Android Camera 4.4.2 with Photoshare
Android Keyboard 4.4.2 - available at Omega Files
Flash player Support
Dolphin Browser with Flashplayer support
Dolphin Browser Jet Pack
Es File Explorer
Hide It Pro
Hi-Q MP3 Recorder
MW Apps Manager
App Settings xposed module
Wanam Xposed
Phone INFO ★Samsung★
Removed (Can be added from Omega Files):
Boot sound
Charger Connection Sound
Stock Theme Changes:
Accuwheather widget transparent by indie
Omega Theme for aroma installer by our artist anbech
Bloatware :
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
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So in conclusion you can say that bloatware is the "apps" that most companies use during the release of their phones and they are stock .Correct ?
AccountSaver said:
So in conclusion you can say that bloatware is the "apps" that most companies use during the release of their phones and they are stock .Correct ?
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MAX 404 said:
From Wikipedia
The term "bloatware" may be applied to software that has become bloated through inefficiency or accretion of features as outlined above.[2] Confusingly, the same term bloatware is also commonly used to refer to preinstalled software on a device, usually included by the hardware manufacturer, that is mostly unwanted by the purchaser. This may account for up to 45% of pre-installed software on a new device.[4]
The term may also be applied to the accumulation of unwanted and unused software elements that remain after partial and incomplete uninstallation. These elements may include whole programs, libraries, associated configuration information or data. The impact over time may be resultant deterioration of performance as the unwanted software or software components occupy memory, waste processing time, add disk I/O, consume storage and cause delays at system startup and shutdown. In the worst cases, the leftover software may interfere with the correct operation of wanted software.[5]
kernel talexop
Multi csc
Aroma Installer
Installation is fully customizable by user and there is options to install everything or remove all Bloatware
aroma installer now has the option to remove more then 800 mb of almost 80 bloatware apps, widgets and services
Option to full wipe from aroma installer
Option to Remove all Bloatware from aroma installer
Option to install or not all Omega addon apps from aroma installer
Wipe cache partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe Dalvik Cache automatic during installation
Wipe preload partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe System automatic before roms installation
Omegas Emblem Bootanimation by our artist anbech
Omegas Emblem Shutdown animation by our artist anbech
OmegaDroid Kit Kat Wallpapers by our artist Jorq1H
Applications developed by Omegas Team (bartito & indie):
Omega Files by indie
OmegaDroid - The official application of www.omegadroid.co by indie
OmegaDroid Wallpapers application - Screenshot by indie
Task manager shortcut app by indie
Accounts Sync Profiler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Backup manager for apps & data - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
CPU Adjuster - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Notification Manager - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Recycle Bin - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Wireless Scheduler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
more to come ....
if someone wants to help with our app development, with beta testing, suggestions, translations and be part of our app dev team please sent me a pm.
Call Recording
Phone with no increasing ringtone
3MinitBattery Mod - with more than 1000 battery mods - Full credits to gharrington
4-way reboot menu
TW Launcher with scrolling wallpaper (can be disabled from Omega Files)
Hide sms from call logs
No sms to mms conversion
Unlimited contacts to sms - mms
sms/mms Backup - Restore
Increased sms hour limit to 1000
Disable scrolling cache
Email with Exchange Security Disabled
Exit button to stock browser
Join more unlimited contacts in the contacts
All supported languages enabled
All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
Camera shutter sound on-off
Modded YouTube by rolle (can download videos) - available at Omega Files
Addon applications:
Xposed Framework Installer by rovo89 - read more about Xposed here
Android Camera 4.4.2 with Photoshare
Android Keyboard 4.4.2 - available at Omega Files
Flash player Support
Dolphin Browser with Flashplayer support
Dolphin Browser Jet Pack
Es File Explorer
Hide It Pro
Hi-Q MP3 Recorder
MW Apps Manager
App Settings xposed module
Wanam Xposed
Phone INFO ★Samsung★
Removed (Can be added from Omega Files):
Boot sound
Charger Connection Sound
Stock Theme Changes:
Accuwheather widget transparent by indie
Omega Theme for aroma installer by our artist anbech
Bloatware :
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
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MAX 404 said:
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Could you help me out ? I am trying to root my 4.4.2 and i can't find an easy way. Is there any fast and easy ?
AccountSaver said:
Could you help me out ? I am trying to root my 4.4.2 and i can't find an easy way. Is there any fast and easy ?
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Click to collapse
Is easy there should be no problem, check here
MAX 404 said:
Is easy there should be no problem, check here
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Click to collapse
I have already done it but as i said the download links in the section of IGNF100% is not working.
if you want a clean and stable ROM, you definetely should take a look at this GPE:
Almost pure Android Experience, just with a few very useful tweaks, and amazing battery life! I'm using this ROM since a few days now and I'm fascinated, it's like I'd bought a completely new phone! Even better than Cyanogenmod in my opinion, because I've had a few bugs on CM12 (bad battery life, very bad microphone quality etc.). Camera is working fine, too.
AccountSaver said:
Could you help me out ? I am trying to root my 4.4.2 and i can't find an easy way. Is there any fast and easy ?
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Click to collapse
heres the link to my thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/i9505-develop/root-samsung-galaxy-s4-i9500-i9505-t2982844
Hope this helps.
Dont forget to hit thanks if it helps
RCxtwin said:
if you want a clean and stable ROM, you definetely should take a look at this GPE:
Almost pure Android Experience, just with a few very useful tweaks, and amazing battery life! I'm using this ROM since a few days now and I'm fascinated, it's like I'd bought a completely new phone! Even better than Cyanogenmod in my opinion, because I've had a few bugs on CM12 (bad battery life, very bad microphone quality etc.). Camera is working fine, too.
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Ι will try out later on.But i don't want 5.0 version because i have found some stuff that are not welcome to me.
I have already tried:
*Google Play 5.0
*(Few Minutes ago i installed the 4.4.4 Official Google)
And next is yours and after the Omega,and after the Albe95.
I will find the best one out.
Kushan02 said:
heres the link to my thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/i9505-develop/root-samsung-galaxy-s4-i9500-i9505-t2982844
Hope this helps.
Dont forget to hit thanks if it helps
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Thank you.
AccountSaver said:
Thank you.
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Click to collapse
bro it would be great if you could hit the thanks button

Sim and wifi fix aftar lollipop update

For people who lost sim and wifi aftar updating to 5.1.1
all you have to do is installing this rom via odin then install the 5.1.1 and everything will work just fine
Would any 4.42 version work or only this one?
ashishpmb said:
Would any 4.42 version work or only this one?
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as far as i know only this one workes
ive tried 3 other 4.4.2 stock and this one is the only one worked
sasukesama said:
as far as i know only this one workes
ive tried 3 other 4.4.2 stock and this one is the only one worked
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Thanks, I used a different one and it worked perfectly.
ashishpmb said:
Thanks, I used a different one and it worked perfectly.
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which one you used? so i might be able to find an alternative fix because i think it has somethink to do with modem
sasukesama said:
which one you used? so i might be able to find an alternative fix because i think it has somethink to do with modem
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South Africa version KitKat.
It looks like it's the modem that affects the Wifi.
BTW, I flashed the India version.
I also debloated, removed close to 100 sammie rubbish. Rom is quick and smooth.
ashishpmb said:
South Africa version KitKat.
It looks like it's the modem that affects the Wifi.
BTW, I flashed the India version.
I also debloated, removed close to 100 sammie rubbish. Rom is quick and smooth.
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Click to collapse
can you tell me the apps you removed? i want to do it but im not sure what to remove
Thank you
sasukesama said:
can you tell me the apps you removed? i want to do it but im not sure what to remove
Thank you
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Firstly, I give you a copy of a post by a great Dev @xXx who created a tool called Barebone Cleaner.
I downloaded zip and placed in SD card.
Went into recovery and install zip which takes you to an Aroma installation.
Be careful. Do not go for Barebone cleaning.
You have lots of choices, just read so that you don't delete important applications.
As always, make a Nandroid backup before and I would suggest that you install Nova because touchwizz is deleted.
Let me know how it goes.
I have copied the Devs post which was posted on S5 thread.
Ps, I own S5 and my wife has S5 mini.
Download latest 5.96a version.
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner
Features & Benefits
* Free Rom choice: Choose any Samsung Touchwiz Lollipop Rom and cleans it down to a core level. This way you can choose a Rom which fits your personal liking and requirements and clean it down to your comfort level.
* Reduced to the Max: Reduce Rom A full blown Samsung Rom comes with about 300 apps which can be brought down to about 75 core apps
* Faster Rom: After a full clean you will have about 1.1 GB free RAM available which is about 300-400 MB more compared to a full blown Samsung Rom. This increase the performance.
* Individual Cleaning Definitions: The BareBone Cleaner provides you with plenty of options to customize the cleaning process and make sure you prevent apps you want to keep from cleaning.
* Compatible: Several user feedbacks confirm that the BareBone Cleaner works with odexed and deodexed as well as Samsung based Lollipop and KitKat roms on all kind of S5 variants.
* Saved Profiles:
鈥�* Ones you have defined your individual profile it will be saved as an editable text file on your SDcard (URWsoft folder) and next time you flash a Rom you can run this profile with the exact same settings with no additional effort.
* You will have predefined profiles for one click cleaning available. One save Default Profile and an Extrem BareBone Cleaning Profile.
* You can reset your profile to default setting anytime and start to define a new profile.
* You have a Bypass option available which will keep you defined profile and just present you with a complete unselected profile. This will help you to just select one or more apps for addition cleaning or select one of the Install options
鈥�Multi Window Operation: On the first customization window you can select which further menus you want to enable. Only these windows will be presented.
鈥�Alternative Apps and Tweaks: You might want to get rid of the S5 stock keyboard, or the TouchWiz Launcher. As an alternative you can select the S6 keyboard or Nova Launcher etc. from the Install Apps menu and be able to remove the stock apps without being left with an unusable rom.
鈥�Rom Specifics Menu: Most of the rom chefs implement different kind of apps to their roms which are additional to the Samsung standard Rom content. In order to give you the opportunity to get rid of specific unwanted apps which I started this new section. This will grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options.
鈥�Users Selection Menu: Some users requested me to clean even more content which I either didn’t test sufficiently yet or might remove rom functionality which is required for a seamless rom operation. These requests can be found in the Users Menu. If you tested these selections please let us know your experience is with it. If everything works fine for daily use these cleanings could be easily shifted into the standard cleaning options.
鈥�Additional Features: The BareBone Cleaner will further grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options. The profiles will help already to combine a feature rich utility with ease of use and fast track profile executions.
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner Project
I’m not a developer but I’m flashing ROMs since quite some years and today I’m experienced enough for this project.
The BareBone Cleaner is an Aroma Installer based tool which will debloat your TouchWiz Lollipop rom up to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So get rid of all the Samsung crap, bloatware, the annoying “check cover” warning or other apps which you could easily add again to your personal liking from the Google Playstore.
I’m sure many of you was looking for this kind of solution in order to choose any rom fitting your personal liking.
Background of this Project
The original kick-off for this project was a longer temporary absence of Edgarf28 who provides us with his awesome XtreStoLite rom. I used his rom since the very first day on my S5 and even I tried tons of other roms, for some reasons I always returned to XtreStoLite.
Therefore I started to develop the BareBone Cleaner to be able to choose any TouchWiz Lollipop rom and clean it down to the same level as Edgar is doing with his rom. Short after I decided to share my BareBone Cleaner in this thread Edgar returned and provided an updated rom version.
As I enjoy this project and got several motivating feedbacks from users who would like to clean the rom of their choice, I decided to continue the development of my BareBone Cleaner and bring it to the next level by porting the cleaner logic to a user friendly Aroma Installer. Now users can individually choose what they would like to clean and I will step by step add more options now.
The most important factors for me, beside the combination of performance and battery life is the fact the I’m able to run the original TouchWiz rom but maximum debloated to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So what happens if you use my script?
The script deletes all kind of apps from your installed rom based on your selections down to a core level what is required for a stable operation. From that level you can add any desired app from the Google Playstore to satisfy your personal requirements and style.
Important notes
The BareBone Cleaner is designed to clean TouchWiz Lollipop 5.0.x roms running on the S5 G900F which are either odexed or deodexed.
Currently I’m not planning to support other rom types. I’m happy to get your feedback if you tried it successfully on other roms as well so other users can benefit from that information as well.
Best use is running the BareBone Cleaner from recovery right after flashing a new rom but you can also make use of it if you want to clean your existing installation. In this case you might experience that apps like Google maps, Youtube etc. will be gone. In this case just load them again from Google Playstore.
! Flash this Script at your own Risk !
!! - I don't take any responsibility for any Damage - !!
Create a Nandroid-Backup before flashing the script!
In Post #166 you will find my Best Practise Guide for "Flash addicted users"
In Post #167 you will find my "Step by Step Guide for some common flash Use Case Scenarios"
In Post #234 you will find my "Guide for my Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod"
Download folder
This is a fixed folder link and will provide you with a list of all available versions. Just choose your prefered version.
Change Log
New Rom Support – Full support for “SIXPERIENCE 5.1”.
Update – Google Messenger updated to latest version.
New Rom Support – Full support for the “Epsilon Project”.
New Rom Support – Updated support for the “S6 Revolution v3”.
New Option – added “Active Application Widget”.under “Samsung Apps” section.
Update – NovaLauncher and Google Messenger are on latest version now.
Update - some Audio Mod settings
New Option – added “VPN System” Now you can select if you want to keep the VPN related services.
New Option – added “Polaris Viewer”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find the option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements” which enhanced the compilation mod with Dolby ATMOS thanks to @worstenbrood.
Guide for the Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod
Bug Fix – Wifi issues like forgetting password and connecting are solved thanks to @nip_miniw
Bug Fix – S-Voice FC fixed.
Update – Support for SIXPERIENCE 2.0
New Option – added “Sensor Calibration / Sam Test Apps” under “Optional Cleaning”. Keep all stuff to be able to enter hidden menus using “Secret Codes”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find new option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements”
This Audio Mod will replace Sound Alive Services with DSP+ EQ by @noskojv and eXtremeBeats by @Ben Feutrill for the best audio experiences and usability.
Update – Nova Launcher updated to latest version
Bug Fix - Samsung Account will not be cleaned with Barebonhe Cleaning anymore to ensure full Theme functionallity on S6 type roms. Cleaning this is now an option in the Samsung Apps submenu
Bug Fix: Removed "Google Webview cleaning option as this forced certain apps to fc.
New Rom Support – Supports Sixperience S6 Rom now.
New Rom Support – Supports Darklord S6 Rom now.
Update for latest Google Messenger version.
New Options – If you use S6 type roms from ambasadii or scholz123 you have several new cleaning options in the “Optional Cleaning – Menu” under section “S6 Rom Specials”.
Bug Fix – Stock File Manager was always cleaned independent from selection.
Bug Fix – FC of Google Maps when “Sound Alive Service” was cleaned.
Bug Fix – In some cases the Google Play Store closed right after starting.
New Option – Now it’s possible to exclude the Stock File Manager from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Kids Mode was not working correctly even it was excluded from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Parts of Google TTS, Stock Video Player and SBrowser was always cleaned even it was excluded from cleaning.
New Feature - One Hand Mode added to Optional Cleaning Menu.
Bug Fix – Weather Widget didn't work after cleaning even when unchecked to not be cleaned.
Bug Fix - Saved Profile on sdcard was not properly updated after each cleaning session.
Bug Fix – not being able to edit saved profiles on sdcard in URWsoft soft folder is resolved after the next execution of the Barebone Cleaner.
Selection items for addition menus in main menu are highlighted in blue color now for a better overview.
Complete redevelopment
Implemented saved Profiles to save individual settings and provide fast track profile executions (see info’s above under features & benefits)
Additional and more detailed cleaning options
New Rom Specifics Menu to be able to remove specific and non-stock apps as well.
New menu structure with multi window operation for better selective cleaning operation.
Fixed bug: urwsoft folder on sdcard was not recognized as a folder.
:good::good::good: @amarullz for the aroma installer framework @edgarf28 for the S6 Keyboard and System Fonts @daxgirl for his 6thGear Extended reboot menu @noskojv for his DSP+ audio mod @Ben Feutrill for his eXtremeBeats™ audio mod @Klenamenis for his build.prop updater script @worstenbrood for his Dolby ATMOS audio mod
Common Questions
Can I add or remove stuff?
“Yes you can do if you have some Aroma installer know-how by editing the update script file in the zip package with notepad++.
There you find the list of everything to be deleted. You can take out or add any other desired content to be cleaned.”
I hope everybody else enjoys this tool as I do. 
If you like the BareBone Cleaner don’t forget to hit “Thanks”
ashishpmb said:
Firstly, I give you a copy of a post by a great Dev @xXx who created a tool called Barebone Cleaner.
I downloaded zip and placed in SD card.
Went into recovery and install zip which takes you to an Aroma installation.
Be careful. Do not go for Barebone cleaning.
You have lots of choices, just read so that you don't delete important applications.
As always, make a Nandroid backup before and I would suggest that you install Nova because touchwizz is deleted.
Let me know how it goes.
I have copied the Devs post which was posted on S5 thread.
Ps, I own S5 and my wife has S5 mini.
Download latest 5.96a version.
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner
Features & Benefits
* Free Rom choice: Choose any Samsung Touchwiz Lollipop Rom and cleans it down to a core level. This way you can choose a Rom which fits your personal liking and requirements and clean it down to your comfort level.
* Reduced to the Max: Reduce Rom A full blown Samsung Rom comes with about 300 apps which can be brought down to about 75 core apps
* Faster Rom: After a full clean you will have about 1.1 GB free RAM available which is about 300-400 MB more compared to a full blown Samsung Rom. This increase the performance.
* Individual Cleaning Definitions: The BareBone Cleaner provides you with plenty of options to customize the cleaning process and make sure you prevent apps you want to keep from cleaning.
* Compatible: Several user feedbacks confirm that the BareBone Cleaner works with odexed and deodexed as well as Samsung based Lollipop and KitKat roms on all kind of S5 variants.
* Saved Profiles:
鈥�* Ones you have defined your individual profile it will be saved as an editable text file on your SDcard (URWsoft folder) and next time you flash a Rom you can run this profile with the exact same settings with no additional effort.
* You will have predefined profiles for one click cleaning available. One save Default Profile and an Extrem BareBone Cleaning Profile.
* You can reset your profile to default setting anytime and start to define a new profile.
* You have a Bypass option available which will keep you defined profile and just present you with a complete unselected profile. This will help you to just select one or more apps for addition cleaning or select one of the Install options
鈥�Multi Window Operation: On the first customization window you can select which further menus you want to enable. Only these windows will be presented.
鈥�Alternative Apps and Tweaks: You might want to get rid of the S5 stock keyboard, or the TouchWiz Launcher. As an alternative you can select the S6 keyboard or Nova Launcher etc. from the Install Apps menu and be able to remove the stock apps without being left with an unusable rom.
鈥�Rom Specifics Menu: Most of the rom chefs implement different kind of apps to their roms which are additional to the Samsung standard Rom content. In order to give you the opportunity to get rid of specific unwanted apps which I started this new section. This will grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options.
鈥�Users Selection Menu: Some users requested me to clean even more content which I either didn’t test sufficiently yet or might remove rom functionality which is required for a seamless rom operation. These requests can be found in the Users Menu. If you tested these selections please let us know your experience is with it. If everything works fine for daily use these cleanings could be easily shifted into the standard cleaning options.
鈥�Additional Features: The BareBone Cleaner will further grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options. The profiles will help already to combine a feature rich utility with ease of use and fast track profile executions.
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner Project
I’m not a developer but I’m flashing ROMs since quite some years and today I’m experienced enough for this project.
The BareBone Cleaner is an Aroma Installer based tool which will debloat your TouchWiz Lollipop rom up to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So get rid of all the Samsung crap, bloatware, the annoying “check cover” warning or other apps which you could easily add again to your personal liking from the Google Playstore.
I’m sure many of you was looking for this kind of solution in order to choose any rom fitting your personal liking.
Background of this Project
The original kick-off for this project was a longer temporary absence of Edgarf28 who provides us with his awesome XtreStoLite rom. I used his rom since the very first day on my S5 and even I tried tons of other roms, for some reasons I always returned to XtreStoLite.
Therefore I started to develop the BareBone Cleaner to be able to choose any TouchWiz Lollipop rom and clean it down to the same level as Edgar is doing with his rom. Short after I decided to share my BareBone Cleaner in this thread Edgar returned and provided an updated rom version.
As I enjoy this project and got several motivating feedbacks from users who would like to clean the rom of their choice, I decided to continue the development of my BareBone Cleaner and bring it to the next level by porting the cleaner logic to a user friendly Aroma Installer. Now users can individually choose what they would like to clean and I will step by step add more options now.
The most important factors for me, beside the combination of performance and battery life is the fact the I’m able to run the original TouchWiz rom but maximum debloated to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So what happens if you use my script?
The script deletes all kind of apps from your installed rom based on your selections down to a core level what is required for a stable operation. From that level you can add any desired app from the Google Playstore to satisfy your personal requirements and style.
Important notes
The BareBone Cleaner is designed to clean TouchWiz Lollipop 5.0.x roms running on the S5 G900F which are either odexed or deodexed.
Currently I’m not planning to support other rom types. I’m happy to get your feedback if you tried it successfully on other roms as well so other users can benefit from that information as well.
Best use is running the BareBone Cleaner from recovery right after flashing a new rom but you can also make use of it if you want to clean your existing installation. In this case you might experience that apps like Google maps, Youtube etc. will be gone. In this case just load them again from Google Playstore.
! Flash this Script at your own Risk !
!! - I don't take any responsibility for any Damage - !!
Create a Nandroid-Backup before flashing the script!
In Post #166 you will find my Best Practise Guide for "Flash addicted users"
In Post #167 you will find my "Step by Step Guide for some common flash Use Case Scenarios"
In Post #234 you will find my "Guide for my Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod"
Download folder
This is a fixed folder link and will provide you with a list of all available versions. Just choose your prefered version.
Change Log
New Rom Support – Full support for “SIXPERIENCE 5.1”.
Update – Google Messenger updated to latest version.
New Rom Support – Full support for the “Epsilon Project”.
New Rom Support – Updated support for the “S6 Revolution v3”.
New Option – added “Active Application Widget”.under “Samsung Apps” section.
Update – NovaLauncher and Google Messenger are on latest version now.
Update - some Audio Mod settings
New Option – added “VPN System” Now you can select if you want to keep the VPN related services.
New Option – added “Polaris Viewer”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find the option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements” which enhanced the compilation mod with Dolby ATMOS thanks to @worstenbrood.
Guide for the Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod
Bug Fix – Wifi issues like forgetting password and connecting are solved thanks to @nip_miniw
Bug Fix – S-Voice FC fixed.
Update – Support for SIXPERIENCE 2.0
New Option – added “Sensor Calibration / Sam Test Apps” under “Optional Cleaning”. Keep all stuff to be able to enter hidden menus using “Secret Codes”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find new option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements”
This Audio Mod will replace Sound Alive Services with DSP+ EQ by @noskojv and eXtremeBeats by @Ben Feutrill for the best audio experiences and usability.
Update – Nova Launcher updated to latest version
Bug Fix - Samsung Account will not be cleaned with Barebonhe Cleaning anymore to ensure full Theme functionallity on S6 type roms. Cleaning this is now an option in the Samsung Apps submenu
Bug Fix: Removed "Google Webview cleaning option as this forced certain apps to fc.
New Rom Support – Supports Sixperience S6 Rom now.
New Rom Support – Supports Darklord S6 Rom now.
Update for latest Google Messenger version.
New Options – If you use S6 type roms from ambasadii or scholz123 you have several new cleaning options in the “Optional Cleaning – Menu” under section “S6 Rom Specials”.
Bug Fix – Stock File Manager was always cleaned independent from selection.
Bug Fix – FC of Google Maps when “Sound Alive Service” was cleaned.
Bug Fix – In some cases the Google Play Store closed right after starting.
New Option – Now it’s possible to exclude the Stock File Manager from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Kids Mode was not working correctly even it was excluded from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Parts of Google TTS, Stock Video Player and SBrowser was always cleaned even it was excluded from cleaning.
New Feature - One Hand Mode added to Optional Cleaning Menu.
Bug Fix – Weather Widget didn't work after cleaning even when unchecked to not be cleaned.
Bug Fix - Saved Profile on sdcard was not properly updated after each cleaning session.
Bug Fix – not being able to edit saved profiles on sdcard in URWsoft soft folder is resolved after the next execution of the Barebone Cleaner.
Selection items for addition menus in main menu are highlighted in blue color now for a better overview.
Complete redevelopment
Implemented saved Profiles to save individual settings and provide fast track profile executions (see info’s above under features & benefits)
Additional and more detailed cleaning options
New Rom Specifics Menu to be able to remove specific and non-stock apps as well.
New menu structure with multi window operation for better selective cleaning operation.
Fixed bug: urwsoft folder on sdcard was not recognized as a folder.
:good::good::good: @amarullz for the aroma installer framework @edgarf28 for the S6 Keyboard and System Fonts @daxgirl for his 6thGear Extended reboot menu @noskojv for his DSP+ audio mod @Ben Feutrill for his eXtremeBeats™ audio mod @Klenamenis for his build.prop updater script @worstenbrood for his Dolby ATMOS audio mod
Common Questions
Can I add or remove stuff?
“Yes you can do if you have some Aroma installer know-how by editing the update script file in the zip package with notepad++.
There you find the list of everything to be deleted. You can take out or add any other desired content to be cleaned.”
I hope everybody else enjoys this tool as I do. 
If you like the BareBone Cleaner don’t forget to hit “Thanks”
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Click to collapse
i have removed lots of apps but still only 250mb ram free without opening any app :')
what about you?
So, has it worked?
ashishpmb said:
So, has it worked?
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Click to collapse
yeah it worked but the ram is the same : /
i wonder if @xXx will let me post this on the s5 mini because its working and its very useful
I'm sure he will. PM him.
Ask him if you can start a new thread on S5 mini?
The Ram remains the same, but the bloatware is gone. No touchwizz etc. It's nice and clean.
ashishpmb said:
I'm sure he will. PM him.
Ask him if you can start a new thread on S5 mini?
The Ram remains the same, but the bloatware is gone. No touchwizz etc. It's nice and clean.
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Click to collapse
sent a message to him
waiting for an answer
ashishpmb said:
I'm sure he will. PM him.
Ask him if you can start a new thread on S5 mini?
The Ram remains the same, but the bloatware is gone. No touchwizz etc. It's nice and clean.
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Click to collapse
sasukesama said:
sent a message to him
waiting for an answer
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Click to collapse
I answered the PM and provided permission.
Regarding Android RAM management there are plenty of knowledge articles available explaining about that.
Essentially, after loading the OS, services etc. into RAM, Android will load as many apps into RAM as possible until a certain threshold. This way these apps are starting much faster when required. So if you remove bloatware which used RAM before the cleaning the free RAM is used now for other apps which are most probably the ones you frequently use. This way for you as a user everything is more responsive and faster after cleaning.

Smooth your 5.1.1 TW experience !!

So as you know our S5 mini isnt loved by devs and no custom roms are available for it
so how about we mod the stock rom by our selfs !!!
@xXx made a script for his Galaxy S5 that will clean your rom the way you like it and fortunately its working on the S5 mini as well
so i will copy his thread nothing more i asked him to do so and he said its ok
so lets get started
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner
Features & Benefits
Free Rom choice:*Choose any Samsung Touchwiz Lollipop Rom and cleans it down to a core level. This way you can choose a Rom which fits your personal liking and requirements and clean it down to your comfort level.Reduced to the Max:*Reduce Rom A full blown Samsung Rom comes with about 300 apps which can be brought down to about 75 core appsFaster Rom:*After a full clean you will have about 1.1 GB free RAM available which is about 300-400 MB more compared to a full blown Samsung Rom. This increase the performance.Individual Cleaning Definitions:*The BareBone Cleaner provides you with plenty of options to customize the cleaning process and make sure you prevent apps you want to keep from cleaning.Compatible:*Several user feedbacks confirm that the BareBone Cleaner works with odexed and deodexed as well as Samsung based Lollipop and KitKat roms on all kind of S5 variants.Saved Profilesnes you have defined your individual profile it will be saved as an editable text file on your SDcard (URWsoft folder) and next time you flash a Rom you can run this profile with the exact same settings with no additional effort.You will have predefined profiles for one click cleaning available. One save Default Profile and an Extrem BareBone Cleaning Profile.You can reset your profile to default setting anytime and start to define a new profile.You have a Bypass option available which will keep you defined profile and just present you with a complete unselected profile. This will help you to just select one or more apps for addition cleaning or select one of the Install optionsMulti Window Operation:*On the first customization window you can select which further menus you want to enable. Only these windows will be presented.Alternative Apps and Tweaks:*You might want to get rid of the S5 stock keyboard, or the TouchWiz Launcher. As an alternative you can select the S6 keyboard or Nova Launcher etc. from the Install Apps menu and be able to remove the stock apps without being left with an unusable rom.Rom Specifics Menu:*Most of the rom chefs implement different kind of apps to their roms which are additional to the Samsung standard Rom content. In order to give you the opportunity to get rid of specific unwanted apps which I started this new section. This will grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options.Users Selection Menu:*Some users requested me to clean even more content which I either didn’t test sufficiently yet or might remove rom functionality which is required for a seamless rom operation. These requests can be found in the Users Menu. If you tested these selections please let us know your experience is with it. If everything works fine for daily use these cleanings could be easily shifted into the standard cleaning options.Additional Features:*The BareBone Cleaner will further grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options. The profiles will help already to combine a feature rich utility with ease of use and fast track profile executions.
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner Project
I’m not a developer but I’m flashing ROMs since quite some years and today I’m experienced enough for this project.
The BareBone Cleaner is an Aroma Installer based tool which will debloat your TouchWiz Lollipop rom up to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So get rid of all the Samsung crap, bloatware, the annoying “check cover” warning or other apps which you could easily add again to your personal liking from the Google Playstore.
I’m sure many of you was looking for this kind of solution in order to choose any rom fitting your personal liking.
Background of this Project
The original kick-off for this project was a longer temporary absence of*Edgarf28*who provides us with his awesome*XtreStoLite*rom. I used his rom since the very first day on my S5 and even I tried tons of other roms, for some reasons I always returned to XtreStoLite.
Therefore I started to develop the BareBone Cleaner to be able to choose any TouchWiz Lollipop rom and clean it down to the same level as Edgar is doing with his rom. Short after I decided to share my BareBone Cleaner in this thread Edgar returned and provided an updated rom version.
As I enjoy this project and got several motivating feedbacks from users who would like to clean the rom of their choice, I decided to continue the development of my BareBone Cleaner and bring it to the next level by porting the cleaner logic to a user friendly Aroma Installer. Now users can individually choose what they would like to clean and I will step by step add more options now.
The most important factors for me, beside the combination of performance and battery life is the fact the I’m able to run the original TouchWiz rom but maximum debloated to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So what happens if you use my script?
The script deletes all kind of apps from your installed rom based on your selections down to a core level what is required for a stable operation. From that level you can add any desired app from the Google Playstore to satisfy your personal requirements and style.
Important notes
The BareBone Cleaner is designed to clean TouchWiz Lollipop 5.0.x roms running on the S5 G900F which are either odexed or deodexed.
Currently I’m not planning to support other rom types. I’m happy to get your feedback if you tried it successfully on other roms as well so other users can benefit from that information as well.
Best use is running the BareBone Cleaner from recovery right after flashing a new rom but you can also make use of it if you want to clean your existing installation. In this case you might experience that apps like Google maps, Youtube etc. will be gone. In this case just load them again from Google Playstore.*
! Flash this Script at your own Risk !
!! - I don't take any responsibility for any Damage - !!
Create a Nandroid-Backup before flashing the script!
In*Post #166*you will find my Best Practise Guide for "Flash addicted users"
In*Post #167*you will find my "Step by Step Guide for some common flash Use Case Scenarios"
In*Post #234*you will find my "Guide for my Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod"
Download folder
This is a fixed folder link and will provide you with a list of all available versions. Just choose your prefered version.
Change Log
New Rom Support – Full support for “SIXPERIENCE 5.1”.
Update – Google Messenger updated to latest version.
New Rom Support – Full support for the “Epsilon Project”.
New Rom Support – Updated support for the “S6 Revolution v3”.
New Option – added “Active Application Widget”.under “Samsung Apps” section.
Update – NovaLauncher and Google Messenger are on latest version now.
Update - some Audio Mod settings
New Option – added “VPN System” Now you can select if you want to keep the VPN related services.
New Option – added “Polaris Viewer”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find the option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements” which enhanced the compilation mod with Dolby ATMOS thanks to @worstenbrood.
Guide for the Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod
Bug Fix – Wifi issues like forgetting password and connecting are solved thanks to @nip_miniw
Bug Fix – S-Voice FC fixed.
Update – Support for SIXPERIENCE 2.0*
New Option – added “Sensor Calibration / Sam Test Apps” under “Optional Cleaning”. Keep all stuff to be able to enter hidden menus using “Secret Codes”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find new option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements”
This Audio Mod will replace Sound Alive Services with DSP+ EQ by @noskojvand eXtremeBeats by @Ben Feutrill*for the best audio experiences and usability.
Update – Nova Launcher updated to latest version
Bug Fix - Samsung Account will not be cleaned with Barebonhe Cleaning anymore*to ensure full Theme functionallity on S6 type roms. Cleaning this is now an option in the Samsung Apps submenu
Bug Fix: Removed "Google Webview cleaning option as this forced certain apps to fc.
New Rom Support – Supports Sixperience S6 Rom now.
New Rom Support – Supports Darklord S6 Rom now.
Update for latest Google Messenger version.
New Options – If you use S6 type roms from ambasadii or scholz123 you have several new cleaning options in the “Optional Cleaning – Menu” under section “S6 Rom Specials”.
Bug Fix – Stock File Manager was always cleaned independent from selection.
Bug Fix – FC of Google Maps when “Sound Alive Service” was cleaned.
Bug Fix – In some cases the Google Play Store closed right after starting.
New Option – Now it’s possible to exclude the Stock File Manager from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Kids Mode was not working correctly even it was excluded from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Parts of Google TTS, Stock Video Player and SBrowser was always cleaned even it was excluded from cleaning.
New Feature - One Hand Mode added to Optional Cleaning Menu.
Bug Fix – Weather Widget didn't work after cleaning even when unchecked to not be cleaned.
Bug Fix - Saved Profile on sdcard was not properly updated after each cleaning session.
Bug Fix – not being able to edit saved profiles on sdcard in URWsoft soft folder is resolved after the next execution of the Barebone Cleaner.
Selection items for addition menus in main menu are highlighted in blue color now for a better overview.
Complete redevelopment
Implemented saved Profiles to save individual settings and provide fast track profile executions (see info’s above under features & benefits)
Additional and more detailed cleaning options
New Rom Specifics Menu to be able to remove specific and non-stock apps as well.
New menu structure with multi window operation for better selective cleaning operation.
Fixed bug: urwsoft folder on sdcard was not recognized as a folder.
@amarullz*for the aroma installer framework
@edgarf28*for the S6 Keyboard and System Fonts
@daxgirl*for his 6thGear Extended reboot menu
@noskojv*for his DSP+ audio mod
@Ben Feutrill*for his eXtremeBeats™*audio mod
@Klenamenis*for his build.prop updater script
@worstenbrood*for his Dolby ATMOS audio mod
Common Questions
Can I add or remove stuff?
“Yes you can do if you have some Aroma installer know-how*by editing the update script file in the zip package with notepad++.
There you find the list of everything to be deleted. You can take out or add any other desired content to be cleaned.”
I hope everybody else enjoys this tool as I do.*
If you like the BareBone Cleaner don’t forget to hit “Thanks”
if you like it dont forgot the thanks button : (
as well as the original thread here
I also want to thank @ashishpmb for telling me about this great mod : )
thank you everyone and waiting for your feedback
Tested on my G800H running the Indian stock 5.1.1
Have you tried using it on S5 mini? How did it go?
Also, how can I install it?
RushPL said:
Have you tried using it on S5 mini? How did it go?
Also, how can I install it?
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yup i used it on my s5 mini and ive removed 83 Samsung system apps
the device is very fast now and smooth
as for installation download the ZIP and flash it via recovery
it will open a window with an aroma installer
follow the instructions that will show
and just in case make a backup for your current rom so you can restore it if you removed something you need
So I can flash any S5 ROM on my S5 Mini (g800f) ? And then I have to flash this Mod, and ROM should work, right ?
Envoyé de mon SM-G800F en utilisant Tapatalk
Joseph67500 said:
So I can flash any S5 ROM on my S5 Mini (g800f) ? And then I have to flash this Mod, and ROM should work, right ?
Envoyé de mon SM-G800F en utilisant Tapatalk
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No, you cannot flash ANY S5 Rom on a S5 MINI. You will brick your phone.
Please read the introduction to this thread.
Ok excuse me and thanks you
Envoyé de mon SM-G800F en utilisant Tapatalk
sasukesama said:
yup i used it on my s5 mini and ive removed 83 Samsung system apps
the device is very fast now and smooth
as for installation download the ZIP and flash it via recovery
it will open a window with an aroma installer
follow the instructions that will show
and just in case make a backup for your current rom so you can restore it if you removed something you need
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which version did you flash there is two files in the link?
kayshibe said:
which version did you flash there is two files in the link?
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FYl: TWRP breaks Aroma Installer... so only works with the old build.
dreinulldrei said:
FYl: TWRP breaks Aroma Installer... so only works with the old build.
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Good to know
thank you
please report to jackeagle so he will fix it
sasukesama said:
Good to know
thank you
please report to jackeagle so he will fix it
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I wanted to post in the correct thread, but my account here is new, so I am not allowed to do this.
I sent an email/pm to jackeagle but did not get a reply.
dreinulldrei said:
I wanted to post in the correct thread, but my account here is new, so I am not allowed to do this.
I sent an email/pm to jackeagle but did not get a reply.
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Can you post a comment in his thread of twrp with the problem so he will see it just in case he didnt noticed your message
I think the problem is related to hardware overlays and not handled correctly for this build. There is a workaround in the r4 build of the same TWRP source rev. for the Moto X Play. Aroma hangs when the zip has loaded and the splash screen should be displayed on top of the TWRP interface. It just hangs and all you can do is reboot. Just run this installer from the latest TWRP. It won't change anything until after you have made all these choices. So it should be safe to try.
dreinulldrei said:
I think the problem is related to hardware overlays and not handled correctly for this build. There is a workaround in the r4 build of the same TWRP source rev. for the Moto X Play. Aroma hangs when the zip has loaded and the splash screen should be displayed on top of the TWRP interface. It just hangs and all you can do is reboot. Just run this installer from the latest TWRP. It won't change anything until after you have made all these choices. So it should be safe to try.
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So @[email protected] what now?
You try by linking here from the dev thread?
sasukesama said:
So as you know our S5 mini isnt loved by devs and no custom roms are available for it
so how about we mod the stock rom by our selfs !!!
@xXx made a script for his Galaxy S5 that will clean your rom the way you like it and fortunately its working on the S5 mini as well
so i will copy his thread nothing more i asked him to do so and he said its ok
so lets get started
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner
Features & Benefits
Free Rom choice:*Choose any Samsung Touchwiz Lollipop Rom and cleans it down to a core level. This way you can choose a Rom which fits your personal liking and requirements and clean it down to your comfort level.Reduced to the Max:*Reduce Rom A full blown Samsung Rom comes with about 300 apps which can be brought down to about 75 core appsFaster Rom:*After a full clean you will have about 1.1 GB free RAM available which is about 300-400 MB more compared to a full blown Samsung Rom. This increase the performance.Individual Cleaning Definitions:*The BareBone Cleaner provides you with plenty of options to customize the cleaning process and make sure you prevent apps you want to keep from cleaning.Compatible:*Several user feedbacks confirm that the BareBone Cleaner works with odexed and deodexed as well as Samsung based Lollipop and KitKat roms on all kind of S5 variants.Saved Profilesnes you have defined your individual profile it will be saved as an editable text file on your SDcard (URWsoft folder) and next time you flash a Rom you can run this profile with the exact same settings with no additional effort.You will have predefined profiles for one click cleaning available. One save Default Profile and an Extrem BareBone Cleaning Profile.You can reset your profile to default setting anytime and start to define a new profile.You have a Bypass option available which will keep you defined profile and just present you with a complete unselected profile. This will help you to just select one or more apps for addition cleaning or select one of the Install optionsMulti Window Operation:*On the first customization window you can select which further menus you want to enable. Only these windows will be presented.Alternative Apps and Tweaks:*You might want to get rid of the S5 stock keyboard, or the TouchWiz Launcher. As an alternative you can select the S6 keyboard or Nova Launcher etc. from the Install Apps menu and be able to remove the stock apps without being left with an unusable rom.Rom Specifics Menu:*Most of the rom chefs implement different kind of apps to their roms which are additional to the Samsung standard Rom content. In order to give you the opportunity to get rid of specific unwanted apps which I started this new section. This will grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options.Users Selection Menu:*Some users requested me to clean even more content which I either didn’t test sufficiently yet or might remove rom functionality which is required for a seamless rom operation. These requests can be found in the Users Menu. If you tested these selections please let us know your experience is with it. If everything works fine for daily use these cleanings could be easily shifted into the standard cleaning options.Additional Features:*The BareBone Cleaner will further grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options. The profiles will help already to combine a feature rich utility with ease of use and fast track profile executions.
URWsoft BareBone Cleaner Project
I’m not a developer but I’m flashing ROMs since quite some years and today I’m experienced enough for this project.
The BareBone Cleaner is an Aroma Installer based tool which will debloat your TouchWiz Lollipop rom up to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So get rid of all the Samsung crap, bloatware, the annoying “check cover” warning or other apps which you could easily add again to your personal liking from the Google Playstore.
I’m sure many of you was looking for this kind of solution in order to choose any rom fitting your personal liking.
Background of this Project
The original kick-off for this project was a longer temporary absence of*Edgarf28*who provides us with his awesome*XtreStoLite*rom. I used his rom since the very first day on my S5 and even I tried tons of other roms, for some reasons I always returned to XtreStoLite.
Therefore I started to develop the BareBone Cleaner to be able to choose any TouchWiz Lollipop rom and clean it down to the same level as Edgar is doing with his rom. Short after I decided to share my BareBone Cleaner in this thread Edgar returned and provided an updated rom version.
As I enjoy this project and got several motivating feedbacks from users who would like to clean the rom of their choice, I decided to continue the development of my BareBone Cleaner and bring it to the next level by porting the cleaner logic to a user friendly Aroma Installer. Now users can individually choose what they would like to clean and I will step by step add more options now.
The most important factors for me, beside the combination of performance and battery life is the fact the I’m able to run the original TouchWiz rom but maximum debloated to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So what happens if you use my script?
The script deletes all kind of apps from your installed rom based on your selections down to a core level what is required for a stable operation. From that level you can add any desired app from the Google Playstore to satisfy your personal requirements and style.
Important notes
The BareBone Cleaner is designed to clean TouchWiz Lollipop 5.0.x roms running on the S5 G900F which are either odexed or deodexed.
Currently I’m not planning to support other rom types. I’m happy to get your feedback if you tried it successfully on other roms as well so other users can benefit from that information as well.
Best use is running the BareBone Cleaner from recovery right after flashing a new rom but you can also make use of it if you want to clean your existing installation. In this case you might experience that apps like Google maps, Youtube etc. will be gone. In this case just load them again from Google Playstore.*
! Flash this Script at your own Risk !
!! - I don't take any responsibility for any Damage - !!
Create a Nandroid-Backup before flashing the script!
In*Post #166*you will find my Best Practise Guide for "Flash addicted users"
In*Post #167*you will find my "Step by Step Guide for some common flash Use Case Scenarios"
In*Post #234*you will find my "Guide for my Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod"
Download folder
This is a fixed folder link and will provide you with a list of all available versions. Just choose your prefered version.
Change Log
New Rom Support – Full support for “SIXPERIENCE 5.1”.
Update – Google Messenger updated to latest version.
New Rom Support – Full support for the “Epsilon Project”.
New Rom Support – Updated support for the “S6 Revolution v3”.
New Option – added “Active Application Widget”.under “Samsung Apps” section.
Update – NovaLauncher and Google Messenger are on latest version now.
Update - some Audio Mod settings
New Option – added “VPN System” Now you can select if you want to keep the VPN related services.
New Option – added “Polaris Viewer”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find the option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements” which enhanced the compilation mod with Dolby ATMOS thanks to @worstenbrood.
Guide for the Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod
Bug Fix – Wifi issues like forgetting password and connecting are solved thanks to @nip_miniw
Bug Fix – S-Voice FC fixed.
Update – Support for SIXPERIENCE 2.0*
New Option – added “Sensor Calibration / Sam Test Apps” under “Optional Cleaning”. Keep all stuff to be able to enter hidden menus using “Secret Codes”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find new option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements”
This Audio Mod will replace Sound Alive Services with DSP+ EQ by @noskojvand eXtremeBeats by @Ben Feutrill*for the best audio experiences and usability.
Update – Nova Launcher updated to latest version
Bug Fix - Samsung Account will not be cleaned with Barebonhe Cleaning anymore*to ensure full Theme functionallity on S6 type roms. Cleaning this is now an option in the Samsung Apps submenu
Bug Fix: Removed "Google Webview cleaning option as this forced certain apps to fc.
New Rom Support – Supports Sixperience S6 Rom now.
New Rom Support – Supports Darklord S6 Rom now.
Update for latest Google Messenger version.
New Options – If you use S6 type roms from ambasadii or scholz123 you have several new cleaning options in the “Optional Cleaning – Menu” under section “S6 Rom Specials”.
Bug Fix – Stock File Manager was always cleaned independent from selection.
Bug Fix – FC of Google Maps when “Sound Alive Service” was cleaned.
Bug Fix – In some cases the Google Play Store closed right after starting.
New Option – Now it’s possible to exclude the Stock File Manager from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Kids Mode was not working correctly even it was excluded from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Parts of Google TTS, Stock Video Player and SBrowser was always cleaned even it was excluded from cleaning.
New Feature - One Hand Mode added to Optional Cleaning Menu.
Bug Fix – Weather Widget didn't work after cleaning even when unchecked to not be cleaned.
Bug Fix - Saved Profile on sdcard was not properly updated after each cleaning session.
Bug Fix – not being able to edit saved profiles on sdcard in URWsoft soft folder is resolved after the next execution of the Barebone Cleaner.
Selection items for addition menus in main menu are highlighted in blue color now for a better overview.
Complete redevelopment
Implemented saved Profiles to save individual settings and provide fast track profile executions (see info’s above under features & benefits)
Additional and more detailed cleaning options
New Rom Specifics Menu to be able to remove specific and non-stock apps as well.
New menu structure with multi window operation for better selective cleaning operation.
Fixed bug: urwsoft folder on sdcard was not recognized as a folder.
@amarullz*for the aroma installer framework
@edgarf28*for the S6 Keyboard and System Fonts
@daxgirl*for his 6thGear Extended reboot menu
@noskojv*for his DSP+ audio mod
@Ben Feutrill*for his eXtremeBeats™*audio mod
@Klenamenis*for his build.prop updater script
@worstenbrood*for his Dolby ATMOS audio mod
Common Questions
Can I add or remove stuff?
“Yes you can do if you have some Aroma installer know-how*by editing the update script file in the zip package with notepad++.
There you find the list of everything to be deleted. You can take out or add any other desired content to be cleaned.”
I hope everybody else enjoys this tool as I do.*
If you like the BareBone Cleaner don’t forget to hit “Thanks”
if you like it dont forgot the thanks button : (
as well as the original thread here
I also want to thank @ashishpmb for telling me about this great mod : )
thank you everyone and waiting for your feedback
Tested on my G800H running the Indian stock 5.1.1
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It works in Kitkat 4.4 (g800h)?
mbsa0000 said:
It works in Kitkat 4.4 (g800h)?
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It should but not tested
also dont try to install any mod like s6 keyboard because they're made for lollipop
in case your gonna try it :v
Last two versions not work with
bill_kevin said:
Last two versions not work with
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Click to collapse
Because jackeagle twrp has problems with aroma
flash it using rvr alpha twrp
So what is the exact workaround for this to flash?

[ROM-PORT(2.1)]Enigma ROM [J2 PRIME][STABLE][G532M/G?/F?]

Your warranty is now void. *
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about flashing this zip file
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you. HARD!
* */
ENIGMA N7 ROM PORT for J2 Prime (V6.1)​
- Base on Note 7 firmware:
- Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- BusyBox Support
- Knox Completely Removed
- Debloated
- Added CSC Tweaks
*Full N7 apps
*Fully Working Game launcher & Game Tools
*Fully working GraceUX photo staudio
*disabled signature checks
*fix do not disturb fc
*Green battery icon
*S7e nougat animations
*Fully themed like S8 & S7e nougat
*S7e nougat Gallery
*S7e nougat Galaxy apps & Widget
*S7e nougat Launcher
*S7e nougat WallpaperChooser
*S7e nougat Calculator
*S7e nougat Wallpapers
*S7e nougat SVoice
*S7e nougat keyboard
*S8 Music App
*S8 Videos list App
*S8 Voice recorder
*All S8 Icons
*A5 2017 camera app themed like nougat
*N7 message app themed like nougat
*N7 Phone & contacts themed like nougat
*N7 SyatemUI themed like nougat
*N7 Setting app themed like nougat
*N7 Myfile themed like nougat
*N7 smart manager themed like nougat
*N7 video app themed like nougat
*Edge features
*mirror link
*Other N7 apps . . .
*S Secure and Power planning
*Native blur
*working Radio
*Nougat Sounds
*Added RC for small compatibility on a few MODs
*Screen record
*Samsung native multiwindow
*Themes working 100%
*Smart stay
*App lock
*Floating Messages
*Scroll capture
*If you choose the Nougat battery MOD, it conflicts with some themes
*Radio doesn't' work
*You tell me
29/01/19 (V2.1):
- Added more mods to RC
- New Aroma Installer
- Fixed adb and USB debugging not being able to activate
- Nougat Battery added options added
- Nougat MOD Notifications
- Added AOD
- Added screen filters
- Added Dolby Atmos (Aroma optional)
- Added iYBP (Aroma optional)
- Added MiXplorer (Aroma optional)
- Added Front Flash Notification (Aroma optional)
- Added Adaway (Aroma optional)
You can find screenshots here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=78791901&postcount=93
05/11/18 (V1.0):
Android File Host
Android File Host
*Fully wipe /data and /system (or FORMAT DATA, if necessary)
*Install ZIP
*Flash ROOT method
*Let it boot for aprox. 20 minutes at first boot
@Allooosh98 For his great ROM (original creator)
@parth111999 For his great ROM (original creator)
@ashyx for porting TWRP to our crappy device xd
@Misma13 (Red Dragon) for help on some apps and his experience on ports
@By Zonik for his amazing help and tutorials with ROM control.
ROM control GitHub: https://github.com/Zonik94/6thGear-RomControl-v2.0
@Albe96 for all your help with teaching me on how to port. I know I must've bothered you countless of times, thank you for being such a cool dude!
@malbert16442 for his tutorial on how to port ROMs and for his help as well
@Sachin Kumar53 for his great work on AOD which you can find here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/root-display-samsung-device-running-t3691231
@BlackMesa123 for his Nougat notification MOD in MM, looks great as always.
-The Nougat battery MOD was added by a member of the Vietnamese Facebook Group and all credit goes to that person, if you have an XDA user name please let me know so I can fully credit you
And to all the Samsung and Android modding community that are too extensive to list, but if you feel that you should get some thanks, you can PM me so I can add you (I am probably missing a few people o: )
XDA:DevDB Information
Enigma ROM Port for J2 Prime, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy J2
ShaDisNX255, Misma13
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
Based On: Touchwiz
Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2019-01-29
Created 2018-11-05
Last Updated 2019-01-29
How to report a bug/Ask for a change​
Over the small amount of time I've been doing my edits and shared them with the community, I've noticed something that seems to irritate me. I can't speak for all the developers on this forum, but I do edits/ROMs/PORTs/etc... to what I like. I don't work for anybody else but me. I share my work because it may have something of value to other people and/or some people may share the same taste as me on regards to what they want on a ROM.
That being said, that doesn't mean I will completely ignore what the community has to say.
First and foremost, it must be said, I am merely a beginner. I do not claim to be a professional developer that knows how to add everything, I am nowhere close and I learn as I go.
There are ways to ask for something and/or report a bug when it comes to ROMs, and this post is my attempt to try to explain how to (and how not to) report a bug in order to help me out as much as possible to try to fix something
You can also ask for something to be added, but there are also ways to ask for something
So, here we go
Keep in mind:
I do not add stuff that can easily be downloaded from the Playstore
I, myself, don't do kernel edits
I COULD remove stuff if NOBODY uses it
How NOT to report a bug:
"SystemUI (or any app)is crashing, please help!"
"Instagram doesn't allow me to edit my post, what could be wrong?"
"My bank account app is not letting me do such thing"
These posts are sort of pointless as they only state something but I have no context on what could be causing it. Also, I can't really control (for the most part) third-party apps, so if you're going to ask about them this way, don't even bother
A slightly better way to report a bug:
"I clean installed the ROM and was working fine, after I installed Facebook and logged in, I immediately uploaded a photo and SystemUI started to crash. Can you look in to it?"
"I tried to install Black Neon theme (a link to it would work as well) and it was working fine until I tried to activate AOD (or anything else for some reason) and SystemUI (or any other app) is crashing, could you look in to it?"
"My bank account app doesn't let me take a screenshot of my accounts. I get a toast notification saying "Can't take screenshot due to security policy"
As you can see, this provides a bit more context and explanation on your current situation. This gives me a little more detail on trying to replicate the problem and hopefully could fix it by replicating it. Well, except for point #3 which is out of my hands for the most part (I think). If you include what kernel you're using would make everything better! Also any significant change that would require root (like xposed and or anything that modifies /system also needs to be informed for better results)
The BEST way to report a bug:
Please learn the ins and outs of a logcat, this really helps a lot on finding what the problem is. Also, please give a brief explanation as the above examples when providing a log cat
How NOT to ask for stuff:
On your next update, add iris scanner
You should add (app) on your next update
Hey, please add (app or feature) on your next update
No, I do not work for you. Even if you say please like the third example, that doesn't mean you're being polite. It still sounds like an order lol so you should probably rephrase your request.
How to ask for stuff to be added to my work:
Would you be so kind to add (feature) to your ROM, if possible?
Would it be possible to add this app to your ROM?
Please, can you add (feature) to your ROM, if it isn't much to ask?
See how politeness makes everything better? You're not demanding it, you're just politely asking to see if maybe it is within my grasp to add something. And if all request would be like this, I can assure you I'd try my best to add said feature
I hope this is useful to you or I at least hope that some people read it.
If not, I can just tell you to return to stock ROM, probably better than any ROM I put out anyway
-one more-
My opinion
The best rom for j2 prime i recommended for all j2 prime users
A lot of thanks for all the developers?
Here we go.Keep it up.I hope you can shade faith on J2 Series and do something great in future.Good luck and again never give up.
Gonna try this one mate.
Gracias hermano!
well, can't make adb work, it does not show the popup to authorize access
microMXL said:
well, can't make adb work, it does not show the popup to authorize access
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dang, I must've included my prototype kernel that I was trying to make adb insecure LOL!
Sorry about that
Let me try to fix and re-upload :crying:
microMXL said:
well, can't make adb work, it does not show the popup to authorize access
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can flash this kernel through TWRP (create a backup first, please)
Then wipe dalvik and cache
How to flash boot.img through TWRP:
1.- Select Install
2.- Select Install Image on the bottom right hand corner
3.- Select boot.img
4.- Select Boot and swipe to confirm flash
5.- Wipe dalvik and cache
(Don't forget to re-root)
Should get adb back
noticed something, data is encrypted at twrp , turn out i have to flash no encrypt;verity
so far everything works smoothly on G - variant
RaptorCode said:
noticed something, data is encrypted at twrp , turn out i have to flash no encrypt;verity
so far everything works smoothly on G - variant
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Great! That means I can change compatibility, works good on G variant
it don't have Chinese font ,how can I fix it?
n572770 said:
it don't have Chinese font ,how can I fix it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Probably going to need somebody totranslate it. I don't know how to do that
I cant send messenger from sim 2
ShaDisNX255 said:
Dang, I must've included my prototype kernel that I was trying to make adb insecure LOL!
Sorry about that
Let me try to fix and re-upload :crying:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ADB still not working for me
How much space is left on data partition? currently i'm on stock G532MUMU1AQH1 Panama ROM and i can get 3.2GB free on data partition after factory reset and uninstalling pre-installed games.
mpjoe2000 said:
How much space is left on data partition? currently i'm on stock G532MUMU1AQH1 Panama ROM and i can get 3.2GB free on data partition after factory reset and uninstalling pre-installed games.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
2.3 GB after fresh install.
But I've heard that some users have used an app (that I am not allowed to mention in XDA) to re-odex the ROM and get an additional 1 GB of storage.
Should be plenty of information going around
i'ts rom work fine on g532f without bug:laugh:
bug first wi-fi and hotspot on only boot
solved by reboot system
thx man :victory:
Thanks for everyone's time and willing to test
I can now update the thread to say it supports G and F variants as well
