[Q] Errors when attempting to SBF reset - Droid X General

So I Found my old Droid X earlier this week the battery was bad so I got a new one and I attempted to restore the device using tomsgt123's (RootJunky) video (I can't post links ) and RSDlite must have froze on me because it got stuck and 98% of something to do with ram (I can't find a log so I can't rely be more specific) and then I let it sit thinking it was just taking a while and I came back nothing was on the program and my device just says code corrupted battery low cannot program.
So what I am wondering is if I can retry If i can manage to get the battery charged or if this thing just became a brick
I should also mention that when I pressed start on RSDlite my battery was fully charged
Thank You in advance if you can help me.
Edit I found a log actually
2014/07/04 10:51:29 | -- | ERROR: AP Die ID: 1e300210fa903a0a0000d8ff0100
2014/07/04 10:51:29 | -- | ERROR: BP Die ID: 0000000000000000b55432890485
2014/07/04 10:51:29 | -- | ERROR: AP Public ID: 2469367a1407acd048a3f1e89f054bd90523fa08
2014/07/04 10:51:29 | -- | ERROR: BP Public ID: 040000000500000002000000ffff00002d003289
2014/07/04 11:14:29 | 0 | ERROR: Interface BP: Error sending RAM download for bootloader. Device API Error: 0xE003003F Address: 0x156000 Command: ADDR ->(970)RDLOp
2014/07/04 11:14:29 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Flash failed. ->(1195)PST_FP_FlashThread
2014/07/04 11:14:31 | 0 | ERROR: Flash failure: Interface BP: Error sending RAM download for bootloader. Device API Error: 0xE003003F Address: 0x156000 Command: ADDR (Error Code: e003003f),
Detailed Error Details: Direction of the Error=2000, Command Value=200000, Code Group Number=257 ->(625)FlashHdlr

Motorola Drivers are not installed on windows.
Install drivers or use DX (MB810) ezSBF & Root 2.3.4/4.5.621

Ill Try
Ok, Thanks I thought I had the drivers installed already though as Ive already done some work on other motorola devices this week. But I'm ordering a battery charger should be here in a couple days and I'm going to try the live CD method Ive already burned the CD so Thanks


Help, failed flashing 4.1.6 :/

Here's the error log:
01:48:11, March 31, 2011
Line: 340
ERROR: Interface AP-OS: Error flashing subscriber unit. Device API Error: 0xE0020090 Address: 0x2000 Command: BIN
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\FlashOp.cpp
Device ID: 0
01:49:09, March 31, 2011
Line: 1190
ERROR: Phone[0000]: Flash failed.
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashThread.cpp
Device ID: 0
01:49:09, March 31, 2011
Line: 597
ERROR: Flash failure: Interface AP-OS: Error flashing subscriber unit. Device API Error: 0xE0020090 Address: 0x2000 Command: BIN (Error Code: e0020090),
Detailed Error Details: Direction of the Error=3000, Command Value=300000, Code Group Number=2
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\FlashHdlr.cpp
Device ID: 0
This was after installing Gingerblur. Tried to flash back to stock ROM to get the OTA update but couldn't complete it. Please help, thanks!

Flashing failes everytime I try to flash. Rsdlite error included

This was my first time.
I did all what was required.
But when I started the flash through RSD lite after just 1 min it showed me FAIL
It went from 1% to 100% once, and then it showed FAIL
Now when I unplugged the USB and remove the battery and insert it back again it automaticaly goes into bootloader and then I tried to flash again which gave me same result.
This is my phone status.
The screen shows
Code Corrupt
Battery OK
OK to Program
Trasnfer Mode:
This is what the Rsdlite Error log file has.
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 537
ERROR: AP Die ID: 1140010e560368010000dcff0200
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 544
ERROR: BP Die ID: 0000000000000000000000000000
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 551
ERROR: AP Public ID: 785fdd0a961a8e4b1e6a0497d703ee271d20c5c0
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 558
ERROR: BP Public ID: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 709
ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error erasing subscriber unit. Device API Error: 0xE0030040 Command: ERASE
File: D:\GitProjectsReleases\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\ErasingOp.cpp
Device ID: 0
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 1195
ERROR: Phone[0000]: Flash failed.
File: D:\GitProjectsReleases\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashThread.cpp
Device ID: 0
22:32:29, May 13, 2012
Line: 610
ERROR: Flash failure: Phone[0000]: Error erasing subscriber unit. Device API Error: 0xE0030040 Command: ERASE (Error Code: e0030040),
Detailed Error Details: Direction of the Error=2000, Command Value=100000, Code Group Number=No Codegroup
File: D:\GitProjectsReleases\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\FlashHdlr.cpp
Device ID: 0
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Please someone reply asap.
use the recommened rsdlite version...i have seen many other version of rsdlite gives such errors..i actually dont remember the exact version ..haven't used it for a while..
do a search in this forum..
All the best
I have read few other places and it said to use RSDLITE 4.9, which I did.
try version 3.4.8 if m not wrong..
Which one do you used for flashing?
i think the above version only..i have recommended the same version to many people and it works like a charm in past..search this forum for rsdlite stable version by experience of people..
I did successfully flash my Defy+ with RSDLite v5.6 (search the forum or google)
Maybe there's something wrong with your sbf-file? Just a wild guess, don't know if the error message tells actually something different...
Thanks for your time guys. I was trying to flash on my Desktop with no avail.
Tried on my lappy and Bingo its all done perfectly.
Happy I have finally upgraded to CM7 its really nice and fast.


well here is my brick!
If I flash my phone nimporte what SBF says "flash error"
2012/05/07 13:45:13 | -- | ERROR: AP Die ID: 0ab0010b107660010000d8ff0100
2012/05/07 13:45:13 | -- | ERROR: BP Die ID: 0000000000000000000000000000
2012/05/07 13:45:13 | -- | ERROR: AP Public ID: e53a8a292b0b38ade4b76e0e3be0cde12a8d02bd
2012/05/07 13:45:13 | -- | ERROR: BP Public ID: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2012/05/07 13:48:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 31 checksums. File: 0xB975, Phone: 0x9A68 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:52:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE003003F Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:52:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 33 checksums. File: 0xFC1B, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:56:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE003003F Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:56:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 34 checksums. File: 0xAB80, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:57:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE0030009 Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:57:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 35 checksums. File: 0x41F4, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:58:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE0030009 Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:58:22 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 39 checksums. File: 0x830D, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:59:23 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE0030009 Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 13:59:23 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 42 checksums. File: 0x4BB7, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 14:00:23 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE0030009 Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 14:00:23 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 45 checksums. File: 0xA9B3, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/05/07 14:01:23 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE0030009 Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/05/07 14:01:23 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 47 checksums. File: 0xDE21, Phone: 0x4805 ->(1557)FlashOp
and when I restart the "code corrupt"
1 i made an SBF with the GC32 and my phone but remains redemare Blocke sue the blue LED
2 i have access to stck recovery
"e: can not mount cache: recovery / command
e: can not mount cache: recovery / caller
e: can not mount cache: recovery / log "
even after a wipe such toujour "
3 i have access to bootmenu but nothing works
"error: busybox rootfs Was Not created
error: cp not found "
thank you for your help
which rom SBF did u use?
I tested: 3.4.2-179-2 cee deblur
3.4.2-177-5 nordic deblur
3.4.2-177-3 ITA Blur
3.4.2-177-3 GB Blur
3.4.2-164 France (NU, Orange, SFR)
without success
Have you renamed the SBF in short name like "ABC.sbf"?
Have you pushed this short named SBF in the main Folder of RSD Lite?
Maybe your data cable is damaged.
Have made a factoryreset before flashing?
1 dont work
2 yes
3 i m tested for 3 data cable by moto
4 yes of course
only cg31, cg32, cg34, cg53, cg61, cg64 and cg65 pass
I fear your Defy is really bricked, i have read a nearly similiar thread on german forum.
The only solution for this User was to put his Defy to SC.
In his case the motherboard (probably damaged flash-memory) of the Defy was changed by SC.
i feel sorry with you.
thank you
R.I.P my defy
I would take the Defy to the Service Center.
The user i told you, made it and AFAIK the Service Center repair his phone in warranty.
Give your SC a try, the only thing could happend is, that the SC will tell you the repair costs something.
Then you can decide if you want to repair it or not.
The costs for repair are among to 120€.
I defy have longer under warranty and I did not want to be paid € 120 for the repaired while it costed me 50 €.
I bought a new phone
Have you considered selling it for parts for example? 'Cause if the price is right, I might be interested...
Hi , plz i want to ask you, what you did to your phone with this problem, because this is happening to me now and i don't know what i should do

[Q] Officially Bricked?

Current Status: Brick
I tried flashing stock SBF CEE 3.4.2-179-2 (retail central Europe) from here http://sbf.droid-developers.org/umts_jordan/list.php
I get IO and checksum errors resulting in FAIL. Now the phone does not boot.
Boot Loader
[B]Code Corrupt[/B]
Battery OK
OK to Program
Connect USB Data Cable
With RSD Lite 5.7 on Windows XP and MotoHelper drivers MotoHelper_2.0.40_Driver_4.9.0.exe
RSD Lite log::
2012/12/20 02:05:45 | -- | ERROR: AP Die ID: 1b10000791b963010000dcff0200
2012/12/20 02:05:45 | -- | ERROR: BP Die ID: 0000000000000000000000000000
2012/12/20 02:05:45 | -- | ERROR: AP Public ID: 35bc21063d231f528e8ce8e9b9942dcd161967c5
2012/12/20 02:05:45 | -- | ERROR: BP Public ID: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2012/12/20 02:09:03 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 31 checksums. File: 0x9A68, Phone: 0x9C68 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/12/20 02:09:03 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 32 checksums. File: 0x4805, Phone: 0x4A05 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/12/20 02:13:03 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error geting subscriber unit checksum. Device API Error: 0xE003003F Command: RQRCS ->(1511)FlashOp
2012/12/20 02:26:03 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 65 checksums. File: 0x2409, Phone: 0x4A05 ->(1557)FlashOp
2012/12/20 02:26:03 | 0 | ERROR: Phone[0000]: Flash failed. ->(1195)PST_FP_FlashThread
2012/12/20 02:26:03 | 0 | ERROR: Flash failure: Phone[0000]: Error verifying Code Group 31 checksums. File: 0x9A68, Phone: 0x9C68 (Error Code: 31),
Detailed Error Details: Direction of the Error=No Direction, Command Value=4000000, Code Group Number=31 ->(625)FlashHdlr
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Based on advice from skeevy420, I tried flashing with sbf_flash on linux.
Index[1]: Unexpected chip 32
>> Verifying CG32
Chechsum error (Expected 0x4805, Got 0x4a05)
!! failed
>> Verifying CG53
usb_bulk_write -110
!! failed
>> Verifying CG65
usb_bulk_write -19
!! failed
It looks like writing (or reading) fails, resulting in checksum errors.
More Info:
Verified MD5 of all my downloads
Tried a couple of other SBF from the same version (3.4.2)
Phone is from T-Mobile USA
Can I do something to change brick status?
Do I need a different SBF version?
Does read/write error really means hardware problem, cannot be fixed by software?
Do those IO errors mean driver version problem?
New sbf not compatible with old (old was stock T-Mobile Froyo)?
Accept the fact that the phone is hopeless?
Any help appreciated!
Here's a basic tutorial to flash sbf's with Linux -- RSDLite quit recognizing my Bravo and the Linux sbf_flash tool was the only way to fix it. You may have to install the Linux adb drivers, not sure, but those instructions are on Kayant's Compile CM10 thread (first post).
After flashing, you might have to go to factory recovery and wipe data and cache in order for the phone to boot -- maybe even have to flash a 2nd or 3rd time. I once had to flash the sbf AND wipe data\cache 5 times in a row in order to get my Bravo to boot up after accidentally flashing a Defy boot.img (usually only 1 flash is needed, I do stupid things with my phones)
Thanks, I will give this a try.
Do you install linux on the drive (like dual boot) or boot from a CD? If you boot from a CD, how do you install motorola drivers?
Just did MD5 checksum of all my downloaded files and they are all good.
Tried it with linux, getting similar errors:
>> Verifying CG32
Chechsum error (Expected 0x4805, Got 0x4a05)
!! failed
>> Verifying CG53
usb_bulk_write -110
!! failed
>> Verifying CG65
usb_bulk_write -19
!! failed
Unfortunately this error has no solution that I'm aware of, it seems like a hardware issue. Though you can try selecting the ti omap blank flash checkbox while flashing from rsd
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
Just a silly idea: is your USB cable/PC USB port OK? Try it on another PC and with another cable. Use a cable as short as possible and make sure that the phone is the only device connected to the PC via USB including the mouse.
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app
thekguy said:
Unfortunately this error has no solution that I'm aware of, it seems like a hardware issue. Though you can try selecting the ti omap blank flash checkbox while flashing from rsd
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
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Thanks, I think you are right.
I tried the omap option, did not help. Any other tweaks I can do to RSD light?
As far as USB, its the stock motorola cable. I disconnected everything from the computer, basically a laptop with nothing around it. I dont think its the problem, I tried over 10 sbfs and they all consistently show the same errors.
I am gonna hijack this thread...
So I believe I bricked the Defy I was supposed to be fixing.
It was acting up, the battery was sometimes showing a ? mark, and the rom it was flashed with was super buggy.
I decided to flash it with this sbf
from here (Because I had read that it was the stock 2.1 Eclair from T-Mobile, the one the one was running originally.)
Now it won't boot.
Edit: The battery was dead. The cable was faulty so it cause a problem while flashing. Managed to get back at bootloader. Re-trying again but with:
EDIT 2: The keyboard is not working so I can't logging into motoblur ._." Frustration... Going to keep flashing to see if its the screen of my phone or the actual program.
Edit 3: It appears it was the screen sensors being dirty. All solved.
Any solution for this??
ChavitoArg said:
Any solution for this??
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Try This
I am having same problems flashing my defy. Tried different kinds of sbf using rsd lite but keep getting error verifying group code checksums from code 33 onwards...then flashing fails.
Any solutions??

[Q] Semi-Bricked Device Fix

So, prior to my stupidity, I made a system.img dump via dd
However, after my stupidity (tried flashing some lib files....), I am now stuck with only stock recovery mode, or download mode.
How can I flash back my system.img? I tried in download mode with heimdall... but it fails with
[email protected]:/media/MediaTwo/MyRom# heimdall flash --verbose --no-reboot --SYSTEM system.img
Heimdall v1.4.0
Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna
This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is
If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
development please consider donating:
Initialising connection...
Detecting device...
Manufacturer: "Sasmsung"
Product: "MSM8960"
length: 18
device class: 2
S/N: 0
VID:PID: 04E8:685D
bcdDevice: 0100
iMan:iProd:iSer: 1:2:0
nb confs: 1
interface[0].altsetting[0]: num endpoints = 1
Class.SubClass.Protocol: 02.02.01
endpoint[0].address: 82
max packet size: 0010
polling interval: 09
interface[1].altsetting[0]: num endpoints = 2
Class.SubClass.Protocol: 0A.00.00
endpoint[0].address: 81
max packet size: 0200
polling interval: 00
endpoint[1].address: 01
max packet size: 0200
polling interval: 00
Claiming interface...
Attempt failed. Detaching driver...
Claiming interface again...
Setting up interface...
Initialising protocol...
WARNING: Control transfer #1 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #2 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #3 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #4 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #5 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #6 failed. Result: -9
ERROR: Failed to receive handshake response. Retrying...
Protocol initialisation successful.
Beginning session...
Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
Please be patient!
Session begun.
Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.
Uploading SYSTEM
ERROR: Failed to unpack received packet.
ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
ERROR: SYSTEM upload failed!
Ending session...
Releasing device interface...
Re-attaching kernel driver...
so I tried creating an update.zip that I could sideload flash in stock recovery, but that fails as well with
E: footer is wrong
E: signature verification failed
If I could get into adb shell, I'd be set... all I'd have to do is dd the system.img back (been there done that in SafeStrap), but when I try adb shell in stock recovery I just get "error: device not found", and in sideload mode, I get "error: closed"
Please help? :crying:
kevp75 said:
So, prior to my stupidity, I made a system.img dump via dd
However, after my stupidity (tried flashing some lib files....), I am now stuck with only stock recovery mode, or download mode.
How can I flash back my system.img? I tried in download mode with heimdall... but it fails with
[email protected]:/media/MediaTwo/MyRom# heimdall flash --verbose --no-reboot --SYSTEM system.img
Heimdall v1.4.0
Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna
This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is
If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
development please consider donating:
Initialising connection...
Detecting device...
Manufacturer: "Sasmsung"
Product: "MSM8960"
length: 18
device class: 2
S/N: 0
VID:PID: 04E8:685D
bcdDevice: 0100
iMan:iProd:iSer: 1:2:0
nb confs: 1
interface[0].altsetting[0]: num endpoints = 1
Class.SubClass.Protocol: 02.02.01
endpoint[0].address: 82
max packet size: 0010
polling interval: 09
interface[1].altsetting[0]: num endpoints = 2
Class.SubClass.Protocol: 0A.00.00
endpoint[0].address: 81
max packet size: 0200
polling interval: 00
endpoint[1].address: 01
max packet size: 0200
polling interval: 00
Claiming interface...
Attempt failed. Detaching driver...
Claiming interface again...
Setting up interface...
Initialising protocol...
WARNING: Control transfer #1 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #2 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #3 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #4 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #5 failed. Result: -9
WARNING: Control transfer #6 failed. Result: -9
ERROR: Failed to receive handshake response. Retrying...
Protocol initialisation successful.
Beginning session...
Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
Please be patient!
Session begun.
Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.
Uploading SYSTEM
ERROR: Failed to unpack received packet.
ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
ERROR: SYSTEM upload failed!
Ending session...
Releasing device interface...
Re-attaching kernel driver...
so I tried creating an update.zip that I could sideload flash in stock recovery, but that fails as well with
E: footer is wrong
E: signature verification failed
If I could get into adb shell, I'd be set... all I'd have to do is dd the system.img back (been there done that in SafeStrap), but when I try adb shell in stock recovery I just get "error: device not found", and in sideload mode, I get "error: closed"
Please help? :crying:
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Can't use heimdall or stock recovery because it isn't a signed file and stock recovery doesn't allow adb shell. Your only option is to reflash unless you have Safestrap.
Sent from my SGH-I337 running GPE
DeadlySin9 said:
Can't use heimdall or stock recovery because it isn't a signed file and stock recovery doesn't allow adb shell. Your only option is to reflash unless you have Safestrap.
Sent from my SGH-I337 running GPE
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I had SafeStrap, but not aymore... only stock recovery and download mode.
Is there a Odin/Heimdall flashable version of SafeStrap floating around somewhere that I have not seen?
kevp75 said:
I had SafeStrap, but not aymore... only stock recovery and download mode.
Is there a Odin/Heimdall flashable version of SafeStrap floating around somewhere that I have not seen?
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Is it really my only option to go back, Odin flash NB1, upgrade to NC1, install SELinux Mode Changer and SafeStrap, then restore my system.img from within SafeStrap?
I have my data "files" backed up as an image (which I'll need to un-image, because it's too big for my Fat32 SDCard clocking in at 8.7G LOL), but I can adb push those back in as well...
I'm going to end up doing this, but I would like to keep this open in case another solution comes along....
kevp75 said:
Is it really my only option to go back, Odin flash NB1, upgrade to NC1, install SELinux Mode Changer and SafeStrap, then restore my system.img from within SafeStrap?
I have my data "files" backed up as an image (which I'll need to un-image, because it's too big for my Fat32 SDCard clocking in at 8.7G LOL), but I can adb push those back in as well...
I'm going to end up doing this, but I would like to keep this open in case another solution comes along....
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unfortunately I had to odin back... but up and running
Rockin' it from my Smartly GoldenEye 35 NF1 (muchas gracias:* @iB4STiD @loganfarrell @muniz_ri @Venom0642 @ted77usa @rebel1699* @iB4STiD) ~ 20GB free cloud https://copy.com?r=vtiraF
Check me out online @ http://kevin.pirnie.us
Yes I know to reflash but having reflashed for 10+ times and being returned the similar errors, these errors are probably the USB hw problems, and not likely to be phones-sided. The root solution is to renew the USB tethers, even the Macs.
DeadlySin9 said:
Can't use heimdall or stock recovery because it isn't a signed file and stock recovery doesn't allow adb shell. Your only option is to reflash unless you have Safestrap.
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