Hello all. I have a T-Mobile MyTouch3G running the latest Cyanogen Mod and I'm running into some issues with alittle lag. Every time I'm running an app for awhile the press the home button I keep getting "home activity force close errors". Or when i go back to the home screen it almost seems like it has to boot back up and load every shortcut back to my screen. Also once I wake the phone up from sleep "like say when i receive a text and i go to read it" its very laggy and takes about 20 seconds for it to start running smooth again.
I rarely have many apps running usually just power manager, gmail, and messaging. I have 210 MB of space available in my internal memory.
I've tried factory reset. Different versions of cyanogen but all to no avail.
I love this phone, by far one of the best phones I've ever owned. So if anybody has any idears that'd be great!
I think I would have taken a full wipe.
boot into recovery, and full wipe the flash CyanogenMod ROM again.
Try going to ur app drawer and click spare parts. Go all the way to the bottom and check the "put home in memory" -something like that-. I had a similar problem and that helped me with
I had this problem on my Vodafone UK Magic with and it seems that UNchecking "keep home in memory" helps (source attached link)
"In the several threads above, solutions/fixes include disabling 'keep home
in memory', enabling compcache, and/or enabling swap. " Version Owner Summary Stars Modified
Even though I'm saying the exact opposite of the poster before me, I hope this helps.
All options will work for you. But if you join them all its even better. Locks home in memory with spare parts and enable compcashe. You might also run fix_permissions. In your terminal type in:
Problem Fixed!
thanks for all the input. I should have got on here along time ago instead of trying to fiddle with it myself. Two thumbs up xda community!
Awesome ROM - thanks for sharing your work!
I flashed the standalone 4.0 followed by the 4.01 update. Now I'm grabbing extras a bit at a time. Some observations/questions:
1. When I boot/reboot, I let the phone settle in (read SD,etc). I unlock, but then Launcher Pro is completely unresponsive. I must long press home button & use task mgr to kill it. When it comes back, all is good until next reboot.
2. I restored downloaded apps using Titanium. Market is not recognizing any as installed. First time I've gone this route. Expected?
3. I can't back out of Contacts; gotta use Home button.
4. Recently edited Memos don't come to the top of the list. Can that be reverted to the 2.1 behavior?
Small stuff in view of super clean, super cool ROM.
Thanks again!
It's disappointing, but I feel certain this post would have gotten a reply or some comments if posted in the Dev section. Here in the General section, it's either remained below the radar or been ignored. Can a mod or admin tell me if there was a more appropriate place for my post? Obviously, I haven't met the 10 post minimum, or I would have popped it in the Dev section in the Blackhole thread where others are posting their observations and feedback of that ROM. Thanks.
upgrade to Blackhole 4.2
Might as well work my way towards the 10-post minimum so I can post to the dev section where discussion actually happens...
I followed this thread to get CWM shaped up:
Trying a backup initiated through ROM Manager resulted in badness, so I repeated the steps for CWM (using Odin). BTW, I had to boot the phone once without the SD card to move past being stuck at the Samsung logo. I then rebooted into CWM (red) and did a backup.
Then I followed SoS's instructions and installed the standalone 4.2:
As long as I was just working within CWM, I was fine. ROM Manager is totally hosed. It really can only be used now to browse the ala carte options. Trying to install through it results in being stuck at the Samsung logo. 3-fingered booting from powered off doesn't even work. Repeat the CWM fix (using Odin) and boot once without the SD card.
To get around ROM Manager Madness, I use it to pick the options I want, then cancel the final step, reboot into recovery from a long press of the power button and use CWM to install the individual zips. Fine.
The original oddities in Blackhole 4.x are still present on my device. The two that are most bothersome: [1] I can't back out of contacts [2] Launcher Pro is unresponsive after booting.
For the contacts issue, create a new link to contacts from the app drawer and use the new one to replace the existing.
good day.
chopper the dog said:
For the contacts issue, create a new link to contacts from the app drawer and use the new one to replace the existing.
good day.
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Thanks for the reply, I'll try that.
Worked great, thanks!
clock lag persists
Initially I thought that the clock lag I was experiencing in 4.01 was gone in 4.2. Nope, it remains. As others have said, seems to be related to enabling Wi-fi.
I'll go check the threads for updates but, last I checked, a double reboot was the suggested fix. I'm not clear whether people were suggesting that to be some sort of permanent fix. It didn't seem to be for me.
The time would correct after the first reboot and I would reboot again to comply with the posts, but I <think> the problem would return under 4.01. Now under 4.2, I'm sure. Last night, I double-rebooted and this morning the clock was 20 minutes slow.
Like I said, I'll go looking for updates now. Could be that this has already been resolved for real.
voice recorder, car home
Just adding a couple more oddities to the current list: voice recorder force closes and car home doesn't come up automatically when you plug in to the car cradle.
Reloading the voice recorder zip through CWM was about the only tactic I tried with no luck. Then I wanted to grab something for the ROM over-the-air, but the site was down. Checked in here and saw there was a problem with the host. That interruption of being able to download pieces parts OTA was kind of the proverbial straw, so I'm trying a SuperClean.
Pushed it through Odin and the process was smooth. The ROM looks good. None of the same oddities except the clock lag. I'm changing the sleep state of Wi-fi to see if that makes a difference.
SonofSkywalker does amazing work and I'm sure I'll be trying his ROMs again. For now, though, something different.
clock lag fix?
as per a forum suggestion, I changed the Wi-fi sleep setting. So far, it seems to prevent clock lag.
Home Screen | Menu | Settings | Wireless & Network | Wi-Fi settings | Advanced | Wi-Fi sleep policy -> select 'When screen turns off'.
Does anyone know if this has been an issue in the VZW full stock 2.2?
battery life is better
Under Super Clean 2.6, launching Google Maps and exiting has released the wake lock and battery life is much better.
Does a user guide, sticky or FAQ exist for Spare Parts? I could see that "other | running" was 100%, but I wasn't sure how to zero in on what was causing it other than trial and error based on other users' posts.
unread email count
A quick search of the forums didn't turn up much discussion, so I'll throw this out there:
on DL30 leak, the general email icon would increment and not decrement or clear until mail was manipulated on the phone. In other words, if it said 3 unread messages and I used Outlook (or the mail provider's web mail) to deal with them, it would sync and accurately display the message state in the list of emails - but the email icon on the home screen would still show 3. If 3 more came in and again they were dealt with elsewhere, the icon would go to 6. Only if action was taken on the phone itself would the counter "get real".
On Blackhole 4.x and SuperClean 2.x (any custom EB01 ROM?), the email icon on the home screen doesn't show an unread count (fine by me, I don't miss it), but when you pull down the notification bar, the unread count there acts exactly the same way.
Anyone else experiencing this? Devs, can it be fixed?
Did you clear your cache and davlik? I had some issues(when I closed an app none of my apps would show up and overall everything was running really slow). However when I was on superclean 2.6 I cleared my cache and davlik(for the first time) before I upgraded to superclean 2.8 and overall everything is working no problems.
thanks i havent used anything but sc!
I have some bugs for the Express Rom, maybe someone can shoot it to one of the guys, since I cant post in the dev group.
In landscape mode, click (touch) on the "people" widget and the mail widget will open, if you have a widget next to the "messages" widget, touching the messages widget will go to the app next to it.
Also in Landscape mode looking at the People Favorites/4G widget, the 4G widgets need to be re-sized, as the white blocks are covering the people favorite apps (top left corner)
In "all apps", touch menu button popup you will see weather options, touch snowball and you get a FC
lol was going to post photos but cant do that either lol
how many to go till I can?
ok well those things are minor but thought I would post them
First, I would like to post this in the dev thread but like the OP I am in "10 post purgatory". I am enjoying the ROM - it is the 4th or 5th that I have flashed on the EVO and hands down the best.
I was a little scary waiting for the install to finish 30-35 minutes but patience is a virtue in this case.......
I am running the Express ROM 3.6.1 and had a couple of issues:
The HTC bookmarks uninstall/install issue I fixed by installing the apk posted in the dev thread with root explorer into the data/app_s folder and then changing the permissions to match the rest of the widgets in that folder. re-booted and re-installed the widget - worked perfectly.
The lockscreen apps/weather bug is still a problem for me - even after wiping 3 times, using the, and re-flashing. Tried various wipes and re-flashes and nothing worked, yes I followed the instructions posted in the dev thread for Personalize, Rosie, then Short Cut Lockscreen, then back button and power off, power on - waiting for the RC to fix this.
Have also had issues with ending calls that are answered from the lockscreen or originated in voicemail.
Also, haven't seen anyone else complain of this but the voicemail icon doesn't display the counter with un-viewed voicemails. The mail and messenger icons do have the counters however. Has anyone else seen/fixed this one?
I would love to see some options for modding the clock on the lockscreen - even if it just to change the color.
Edit: forgot to mention I installed the calculator widget on one of the home screens and it centers on the screen. After re-booting it moved to the upper right corner of the screen, uninstalled and re-installed and it goes back to the correct position - odd.
All in all, a great ROM - many thanks to the developers for all the work and the support going on over in the development section.
The express rom is a great rom but just like many of the roms out there it is a WIP and the devs know that there all glitches and they are working their buts off to get us amazing roms because the evos developers just take care of us so much better then so many other phones and we are really thankful for them. But since they are still working on it we just need to give them time to work all the bugs out and when it is all done we will have one heck of a rom! We just have to be patient but that is the least we can do for out devs
I hope I helped If I did please hit the thanks!
As far as touching a widget and having the app next to it open up, that's what the OP for the rom is referring to when he says 'much resizing needs to be done'. I believe it's because of the resolution differences. Editing M10s is apparently very frustrating and time consuming, as this ROM (or variations of it) has been being worked on for roughly a year , since The_Platypus started it. (There was also someone involved at the very beginning, but I forget who)
sent from AOKP heaven
scottspa74 said:
As far as touching a widget and having the app next to it open up, that's what the OP for the rom is referring to when he says 'much resizing needs to be done'. I believe it's because of the resolution differences. Editing M10s is apparently very frustrating and time consuming, as this ROM (or variations of it) has been being worked on for roughly a year , since The_Platypus started it. (There was also someone involved at the very beginning, but I forget who)
sent from AOKP heaven
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sac23 ported the Flyer originally, I believe, and then justinswidebody was the first one who tried the Express (after my incessant begging, lol). The platty jumped on, if I recall correctly.
Bingo. Yeah, I remembered justinswidebody shortly after posting,....but completely forgot about sac23
sent from AOKP heaven
only bug ive seen is the linking people together from my other accs ie facebook twitter tango..... btw dont get the themed one they suck because its someone elses get 3.6.0 and run it with the anthrax og evo4g kernel...ftw
after 2 weeks on the ROM....
The install has started to become somewhat unstable - I am getting random FC's and screen lockups that require me to remove the battery and reboot. After it was first installed, it ran very smoothly except for the known bugs..
At some point I will probably go thru the wipe procedure and re-install to see if it happens again.
I did notice one other issue (probably a re-sizing issue) with the calculator widget. The display truncates in the portrait mode. It displays correctly in horizontal mode, but then the keyboard has the problem of when you push the far left or far right keys, it rotates the display to the next home screen......
one more thing.....
I guess I should re-iterate what I said in post 2 that I love this ROM (3.6.1 themed) and appreciate all the work going on in dev forum. I am just posting these notes because I know that work is ongoing on the RC release and I hope someone will stumble over here and see them.
So here is another observation - The Bluetooth link to the hands free system (Argos) in my MBZ has been acting strange for the last week. It always pairs reliably when I get in the car but it sometimes will not transfer the audio to the vehicle's system (even though the phone and the car both say they are connected. Lately, I have had to manually cycle the Bluetooth off and then back on to get it to work. I have run a few other custom ROMs and not experienced this. For sometime pryor to installing this ROM I was running the Kinged Shooter and then the rooted stock 4.53......
The Argos is Bluetooth 1.2 - not sure if that matters though.
Thanks again for all the hard work.
So, lets make a list of issues with this release:
1. Wifi from time to time crashes when enabling it, for example when you try to enable wifi it goes into "limbo state" where you cannot disable or enable it again.
2. Shazam/soundhound cannot identify songs if you play them from integrated music player.
3. The 3rd one is most hardest to explain, basically if application crashes "home" button does not work (in gingerbread it always worked), so you have to wait app to respond or wait about 30 seconds for android message, that application hung.
I'm seriously thining about returning back to gingerbread due to these issues, although battery usage is nice and gps work really impressive, but this release is very buggy
read the stickies - you know...the giant one right at the top of the screen that says
*******DO NOT Start any more New Threads on ICS*******
I dont care what it says, its not related to that topic anyway, I'm sure I'm not only one who has issues with this release and I think it would be a great idea to keep all issues in one forum thread instead on many threads in this forum.
I'll add an issue too: it has Touchwiz.
Exchange battery bug drain!
Before stating any issue at all, one should state whether or not they did a full wipe/factory reset, if you didn't, the problem is not the firmware, but the owner of the phone.
Of the three issues stated by the opening poster, I only have one, which is the lengthy wait if an app force closes, the other two are not firmware bugs, they are user bugs.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
If you are interested, I have wiped my phone before installing this release.
Iskorptix said:
I'm seriously thining about returning back to gingerbread due to these issues, although battery usage is nice and gps work really impressive, but this release is very buggy
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Agree with you there, just gone bag to GB as I am off on hols this week and can do without any hiccups for now.
Iskorptix said:
If you are interested, I have wiped my phone before installing this release.
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Do it after installing on stock kernel to be 100% sure
except for the occasional force close, I have zero issues (three so far, twice was gmail and lastly the PGA Tour App)
And I did test both Soundhound and Shazam while playing music, identified songs in less than 10 seconds
first of all, i did a full wipe before and after flashing, have no mods installed, just a bunch of apps.
for me, the biggest problem right now is email with social hub. in gingerbread, when i opened the social hub it was in the state i left it, mostly the email accounts overview, now it always starts on feeds, and when you click messages, it shows all accounts' combined inbox and it seems kinda buggy, because the number of new emails never match. notifications show 3 new emails, the social hub says there is 5 and upon opening, it looks like there is only one, because the combined inbox just does not work properly.
also, i set it to display the next message, once i deleted one, but no, it goes back to the ridiculous overview. and within an email there is no next message and previous message buttons anymore, they are only present in the email app, which, incidentally, looks like the social hub, but has completely different buttons, whereas on gingerbread, it was exactly the same (only that the social hub also has facebook and twitter, which is why i use it, to combine all messages in one place, at least if it works).
another bug i already posted in the release thread (but of course it was lost in between all the noob posts, "halp, mai pohne brokez") is that many menu items are way too long and disappear to the right, see attached screenshot. there are settings with checkboxes, and you can't even read, what you just activated/deactivated.
samsung should either make small blue explanations underneath or let those lines scroll through to reveal the right part.
also, after rooting, i could not restore my titanium backup, so i set it all up manually and even then, google play apps that install to the sd card by default, didn't work.
Solution: flashing back stock kernel. another piece of important information, completely lost in the release thread.
i never bothered before, because with the old bootloader and if you bring your device into bootloader mode using the jig, you never have a yellow triangle. (yes, even if you root your device and NOT use the jig afterwards, no yellow triangle).
the following might be specific to my device and not apply to yours, so it does not count as a bug:
when i bought the phone in june '11, it came with ke2 i believe, and it got incredibly hot while playing 3d games (gameloft etc.). non of the roms that came after that had that problem until la2, which also had incredibly poor battery life.
now, lpq has great battery life and does not really get hot, but once you play, while charging your phone, it gets as hot, as it never has before. yesterday, after 30 minutes of osmos hd, i couldn't continue, as my fingers hurt, touching the display and the phone's backside. on battery, i can play for hours without any temparature change.
(if anyone can confirm this, i'd be glad)
oh and before i forget:
@leftovermagic and the others posting while i write this:
the point of that sticky is to stop noobs from creating a new thread with the same topic, which is "lpq released". this is a bug collection and just like the "my first impressions" thread it is something different from the release message. as stated above, reported bugs get totally lost in that thread with hundreds of people too stupid to flash the rom in the first place.
if this thread were to be kept clean from comments and just be a collection of bug reports, it would be useful, general whining is not.
EDIT: oops, forgot the screenshot.
For me the big problem is that some games black screen after 1 minute playing, especially many gameloft games..
Not compatible with ICS yet?
Guys, to keep information somewhat organized and to respect lufc's sticky to not create anymore ICS threads, please discuss issues in one of these 2 existing threads: (preferable)
This makes searching and keeping up with things much simpler.
Hard to explain in the title with a few words, but both stock browser and dolphin are not saving in memory. Just upgraded to 11.0 CyanogenMod last night from 10.2.
Example: So if navigate to a webpage and it loads, then I hit the home button and go to my email, then come back to the browser, the webpage I was previously on is gone and the browser basically reloads and goes to my home page. My old version of CM kept the webpage in memory so I could always pick up where I left off. Same basic thing with Dolphin browser, except it remembers the last page but still has to reload it. Both browsers have default settings.
Other apps, like Google Maps and Gallery, remember where I was last time I exited the app. I can click on them and they come back up from where I left off before. This leads me to believe its related to the browsers only, which doesn't make sense to me.
One other side note... if I close an app, there is a half second refresh of my home screen as if its reloading it again and not saving it in memory. Kinda weird and maybe its related? My older version didn't have these issues. Any ideas I can try?
Flashed paranoid Android and everything working perfectly. No idea what happened with cm but something wasn't installed right on the system level. Mods can close this thread as solved.