[Q] [L3] 4.0.4 Apps like snapchat not working - Optimus L3, L5, L7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I know the 4.0 camera has some bugs, but is there any way to run apps like snapchat without getting a green-screen? Gingerbread works great with snapchat but ICS won't. Wat do?


CM 6.0.0 DS's camera keeps crashing and reboot the phone, anyone got this problem?

CM 6.0.0 DS's camera keeps crashing and reboot the phone, anyone got this problem?
Basically if something involved the camera, such as using qik, and the AWlauncher to lauch camera, after it is opend or closed, the phone rebooted.
If i open camera via normal app button, and close it, everything is normal.
try to update adw launcher or do a reflash
isnt the adw launcher with CM the most up to date?
and where do i get the new adw launcher?
I also saw there is issue with the camera apk, and google isnt releasing it out to find out the issue within the software.
if u cant find a dump of an older camera apk try a newer one like from gingerbread or upgrade to cm6.1

New Google (Honeycomb) Test Versions Of Music, Gallery, Clock And Camera

techfrom10 got access to a test version of Market and downloaded some Google apps which apparently are test versions also.
Please see which apk works fine for you. As for me, only the camera is ok! LOL
What is working:
-Other users report Camera is OK (including me). FC when switching to video and viewing preview.
-Other users report Music is working fine for them.
-Clock widget is ok. Honeycomb style But only the widget. if you open it, FC!
*I checked the details of the apks: target version is 11, meaning those are for Honeycomb.
Maybe FCs are caused by missing or incompatible libraries.
Thanks to techfrom10!
im on dark v10 rc3 and i cant get clock, gallery, music to work. Camera and market work fine though, do i need to uninstall the old clock gallery and music to get it working?
rhys100 said:
im on dark v10 rc3 and i cant get clock, gallery, music to work. Camera and market work fine though, do i need to uninstall the old clock gallery and music to get it working?
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Nope you do not need to. Somehow other apks work on other ROM versions of SGS. Mine which is running stock XXJVK only has camera working ok.
I hope others will test these and see which apks work for any ROM, may it be stock or custom, and maybe devs here could find out why it works or not.
Running Darkys 9.3 Music works fine, have not tested the others yet.
i got gingerbread.xxjvk, camera works until i change to video, everything else force closes.
mattsd said:
i got gingerbread.xxjvk, camera works until i change to video, everything else force closes.
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Same as mine. As confirmed, these apps are for Honeycomb F/W only. It only goes to show that Google is about to release its proprietary apps for Honeycomb, with new Market interface
I'd be interested to know if there has been any updates to the Google News Weather widget app (genie.apk). I've got version 1.2.02 (RC2(PROD) according to the settings page in the widget, but i've had this since Eclair 2.1 and it was taken out of a Cyanogen ROM for the Nexus.
Now on 2.2.1 and the widget seems to still work, but sometime the offline caching doesn't work as well as it used to on 2.2.
Anyone got a new version of the genie.apk?
silverstorm said:
I'd be interested to know if there has been any updates to the Google News Weather widget app (genie.apk). I've got version 1.2.02 (RC2(PROD) according to the settings page in the widget, but i've had this since Eclair 2.1 and it was taken out of a Cyanogen ROM for the Nexus.
Now on 2.2.1 and the widget seems to still work, but sometime the offline caching doesn't work as well as it used to on 2.2.
Anyone got a new version of the genie.apk?
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Apparently techfrom10 did not see or download it in the test Market. I think Google already abandoned that app as it is not even pre-installed on Nexus S.
Let us just hope that come Honeycomb release, a new better version of geniewidget will also come out. For now it is just MIA for that app.
none of them work on js8
i had music player and it worked fine on js8. and on xxjvk, the camera worked for me. no video, just photo.
thanks i will try...
Thanks for testing guys! I hope some devs could figure out how to fix or circumvent the FCs so we could use it on our phone
Though I am not that hopeful since the source code for those apps is not yet released. Besides any missing libraries, coming from Honeycomb, would be difficult to fix.
On stock JVK,
music, gallery, clock FC on open.
Camera FC when switching to video mode.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
We all have almost the same result. Let's wait then for the HC to come out before we can use these goodies
I'm on Goatrip (Jvk) with damiangto's ultimate kernel beta 5
And i've tried all of them but only camera works
The clock widget works but after every reboot it gives me FCs :/
Sent from my GT-I9000 with GoatripROM using XDA App

CyanogenMod camera features missing!!!

Hey everybody.
So I flashed CM10.1 today. The Camera app had a few more features than the stock camera app, it used to have ISO settings and burst mode and it didn't continuously autofocus like the stock camera app did. It also had a feature called power shot. But then after I installed a few apps, i couldn't find any of those features on the camera. The apps I installed were chrome, whatsapp, facebook messenger and solid explorer. I had also removed a few cm apps like movie studio, so i wiped and reflashed the rom, but I still don't have those features. Any Idea what's wrong? My camera app is like the stock cam now. No cm features at all.
Did you flash GAPPs? If so, it replaces the CM camera with the stock Google one
Ohhhh! Okay, that makes sense. Thank you a lot!!
Isn't it possible to get the best of both worlds???
EDIT - Found the solution! thanks!

[Q] Instagram Video not posting

Hi Guys
I have a Samsung GS3 with Omnirom 4.4, latest nightly installed. the Rom is AWESOME thanks to the dudes for all their hard work.
I am unable to post a video to instagram. The problem actually occurred on the stock rom 4.3 and was hoping the custom rom would sort it.
The problem is as follows. I can set the video up in instagram, trim & Crop, apply filter, select cover frame no problem but as soon as you want to post it to instagram it crashes "Unfortunately, Instagram has stopped"
The problem seems to be with GS3 only as my wifes GS3 also doesnt work but it does work on my friends GS4.
Is there something I can do or do i have to wait for Omni or Instagram to sort out the issue?
Thanks for your help

Working Google Camera V3.2 ???

does any one know if there is a Google Camera with the latest ui thats works on any marshmallow devices
because i can't find any! there are latest google camera that can be installed with any marshmallow and arm devices but if you switch the camera to camcorder the google camera crush. if someone know or have a latest google camera that fully works can someone share it. thanks!
i like the latest google cam. because of the ui and ability to take pictures while video recording. :fingers-crossed:

