Android™ 4.4.3, KitKat® Rolls Out to Moto Devices - Moto X General

Android™ 4.4.3, KitKat® Rolls Out to Moto Devices This Week
An amazing phone experience is more than just the physical device you hold in your hand. We know that the complete phone experience is about both the software and the hardware. And we believe that your software should continually evolve to get better and better and keep you on the cutting edge.
We are excited to announce some icing on top of the, well, KitKat. Starting today, we are rolling out Android™ 4.4.3, KitKat®, which was just released by Google.
This week we begin rolling out to:
Moto X T-Mobile users
Moto G users who bought online in the U.S. (includes Moto G 4G LTE) and at retail in Brazil
Moto E users who bought online in the U.S. For Moto E users, you are still up for the next major Android update as well. Consider this the cherry on top.
This latest software update brings an improved dialer with a new interface and new colors to enhance consistency and usability, as well as several stability, framework, security fixes, and enhancements to the power profile capabilities.
Motorola users will also enjoy:
Improved camera image quality for Moto X including better consistency of exposure, more realistic flash coloring, and improved photos in low light conditions using front camera.
For Moto X and Moto G, pausing for video recording with a convenient pause/resume button on the viewfinder.
Motorola Alert ( See Next Reply for Details below) in this update for Moto X and Moto G users.
This new app helps give peace of mind by sending periodic messages to the contacts you choose.
Check our release notes for Moto X, Moto G, and Moto E for more detailed information.
Wondering when new software updates will come to you? Please check our software upgrades page for the latest information.
Posted by Steve Horowitz, SVP, Software Engineering

:: Post Android™ 4.4.3, KitKat® for Moto Devices This Week ::
Motorola Alert lets you quickly alert people important to you when you need them.
Simply put your phone on alert and it will begin sending periodic notifications with your location
to the people you designate so they can act fast to get you the help you need.
With Motorola Alert you can also set up places such as Home, Work or School,
so that your loved ones can be automatically notified when you leave or arrive.
Download MOTOROLA ALERT HERE for your Moto X 4.4.3, KitKat®
Source : Google Play

Where´s the Developer Edition 4.4.3 ROM???

rodpp said:
Where´s the Developer Edition 4.4.3 ROM???
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The GSM Developer Edition uses the same ROM as the T-Mobile variant. If you are referring to the VZW Dev Edition, you'll have to wait a little longer as it has not been released yet.

samwathegreat said:
The GSM Developer Edition uses the same ROM as the T-Mobile variant. If you are referring to the VZW Dev Edition, you'll have to wait a little longer as it has not been released yet.
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Thank you for the fast answer!
Unfortunately my phone is a Brazilian XT1058, with the bootloader unlocked. The GSM DE is XT1053. It seems that I must wait...

rodpp said:
Thank you for the fast answer!
Unfortunately my phone is a Brazilian XT1058, with the bootloader unlocked. The GSM DE is XT1053. It seems that I must wait...
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Agreed, you should wait. The XT1058 is not a developer edition (only XT1053, as you have stated). Although some folks have flashed the XT1053 rom on their XT1058 (with unlocked bootloader), we haven't received confirmation that LTE or HSPA/HSPA+ work. Only that calling and 2G data do indeed work with the XT1053 rom on an XT1058.
It won't be too long....will be worth the wait.
Good Luck

samwathegreat said:
Agreed, you should wait. The XT1058 is not a developer edition (only XT1053, as you have stated). Although some folks have flashed the XT1053 rom on their XT1058 (with unlocked bootloader), we haven't received confirmation that LTE or HSPA/HSPA+ work. Only that calling and 2G data do indeed work with the XT1053 rom on an XT1058.
It won't be too long....will be worth the wait.
Good Luck
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Yes, I´ll wait. For the moment I will do a factory reset because sometimes my phone is very slow, the wifi tethering is unreliable, etc. Probably because I installed a lot of Xposed modules, apps, etc.

Re: 4.4.3 camera update
Wondering if anyone who has the update has tried out the camera, if it's improved. That would probably be the biggest benefit for me I think from the update. The pause on video is a very nice addition, was surprised it wasn't there originally.
Will be eager to hear about the camera, or see any sample posts/comparisons with the previous version
Sent from my XT1058

Notice NO word about a fix for battery. I dont know about anyone else but back in November when I bought my XT1055 USC I unlocked BL on 4.2.2 and had Amazing battery life. 4.4 and 4.4.2 have been a major disappointment battery wise. IMHO
Sent From My Motorola Flagship!

This update fixed my bluetooth issues with my Sony MW600 where the audio connection would cut out after I made or received a phone call. I'd have to disconnect and reconnect. After the update, my bluetooth audio stays functional after a call is made or received.
Battery life for me appears to be better. I've consistently reached between 4-5 SOT for me. Up from 3.5-4 SOT right before the update.

M973 said:
Re: 4.4.3 camera update
Wondering if anyone who has the update has tried out the camera, if it's improved. That would probably be the biggest benefit for me I think from the update. The pause on video is a very nice addition, was surprised it wasn't there originally.
Will be eager to hear about the camera, or see any sample posts/comparisons with the previous version
Sent from my XT1058
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First photo 4.4.2,
Second photo 4.4.3
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First photo 4.4.2, (front camera low light)
Second photo 4.4.3 (front camera low light)
View attachment 2784329
View attachment 2784330

I've been checking a lot but still no update. How long will the update rollout for all XT1053?
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk

omias said:
First photo 4.4.2,
Second photo 4.4.3
View attachment 2784321
View attachment 2784322
First photo 4.4.2, (front camera low light)
Second photo 4.4.3 (front camera low light)
View attachment 2784329
View attachment 2784330
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It does look improved for low light and focus I think
Thank you

Are there any added features to the camera app after the update? Is the phones battery life noticeably better?

success2be said:
I've been checking a lot but still no update. How long will the update rollout for all XT1053?
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
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same with me since they announce the update. but just right now, when I checked there's um update. Im downloading it right now. maybe u can try to check it as well.
Sent from my XT1053 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

ryuben2k said:
same with me since they announce the update. but just right now, when I checked there's um update. Im downloading it right now. maybe u can try to check it as well.
Sent from my XT1053 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yes, just got it too after lunch. Hopefully the mobile data bug is truly fixed.
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk

Has Motorola incremented the bootloader version with the 4.4.3 update?
4.4.2 had 30.B4

Thanks for the pics..
Is the first set of photos with flash?
Please post your general impressions about the camera update in various conditions. Is there a significant improvement in image quality?

Steve-x said:
Has Motorola incremented the bootloader version with the 4.4.3 update?
4.4.2 had 30.B4
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Same !! 4.4.3 has 30.B4
But...... surprisingly I can't downgrade to 4.4.2 (I wanna flash Brasil retail 4.4.3)

omias said:
Same !! 4.4.3 has 30.B4
But...... surprisingly I can't downgrade to 4.4.2 (I wanna flash Brasil retail 4.4.3)
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Did you try JUST flashing gpt.bin & motoboot.img, then reboot back into bootloader & flash the rest of the images? Since the bootloader version is the same, there is no reason you can't downgrade.
By flashing the partition and motoboot, THEN rebooting back to bootloader, it should solve the gpt.bin mis-match.
in bootloader mode:
fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
mfastboot flash motoboot motoboot.img
mfastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
mfastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot erase customize
fastboot erase clogo
If you do in that order, it should work.


Security warning for all Note 10.1 devices

As many of you know, all devices that have a Exynos processor have a security hole, called EXYNOS EXPLOIT.
Basically, this security hole allowes apps to have complete access to everything on your device.
For more information on this security hole, click:
Samsung has released new firmware for exynos devices, these firmwares close this security hole.
For your own security, every Note 10.1 should change to the latest 2013 firmware.
2013 firmware has a code that ends with M** for example:
N8010XXUCMA5 (4.1.2)
N8000XXCMA1 (4.1.2)
N8013UEUCMA3 (4.1.2)
You can get the newest firmware on and
Firmware on these sites is official Samsung firmware from Samsung Kies.
About country versions and OTA updates:
Experience shows that the waiting time for your country firmware version or an OTA update for your country depends on the priority your country has for samsung (waiting time of 1 day, many months or possibly never get an update for your country).
Samsung firmware for the Note 10.1 includes all languages and is almost identical in all country versions (with exception of the China version).
Also the Taiwan version offers all languages at setup. You just have to select Samsung Keyboard in your language version in settings and the firmware will be like your own country version.
You should backup all your data/apps/settings with something like Titanium backup, install the new firmware and then do a factory reset.
You can also not do the factory reset, but you may have compatibility problems.
To install firmware on your Note 10.1 you need Odin.
You can download it here:
Samsung Odin3 v1.85 for Note 10.1
Samsung Odin3 Manual for Note 10.1
Direct links to the firmwares:
4.1.2 Germany for GT-N8010
4.1.2 Germany for GT-N8000
4.1.2 USA for GT-N8013
legion1911 said:
As many of you know, all devices that have a exynos processor have a serious security hole, called EXYNOS EXPLOIT. Basically, this allowes apps to have complete access to everything on your device.
Samsung has released new firmware for exynos devices, these firmwares close this serious security hole.
Every Note 10.1 should change to a firmware with code that ends with M** (that M means 2013), for example:
For GT-N8010
For GT-N8000
For GT-N8013
You can get the newest firmware on and
They are not mirrors, they often have one rom, that the other one does not have.
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That's the build for 4.1.2.
Stoney60 said:
That's the build for 4.1.2.
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Which only Germany has, as far as I know?
Officially, anyway. I'm using redemption at the mo, which I think uses the German 4.1.2... not sure though.
Stoney60 said:
That's the build for 4.1.2.
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No. It is not related to the android version. the patch is in the boot image. Also the 4.1.1. ending with M** is fixed.
legion1911 said:
No. It is not related to the android version. the patch is in the boot image. Also the 4.1.1. ending with M** is fixed.
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Stoney60 said:
Pardon me, but:
View attachment 1654212
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What you posted does not contradict me. you refered to 3 roms and say they are 4.1.2. They are not all 3 4.1.2. The fix is in the boot image, not in android. If you take your 4.1.2 and change only the boot image, you are again with security hole.
Like this
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
legion1911 said:
No. It is not related to the android version. the patch is in the boot image. Also the 4.1.1. ending with M** is fixed.
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I'm saying, I've been to both and, neither of which have the updates you have posted in the op. The hotfile links you posted take you to a d/l site that has the N8013EUCMA3 firmware that is the same as the 4.1.2 build number you can see in my screenshot.
---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------
gronimo21 said:
Like this
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
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Yup, just like my screenprint
will there be an official update?
Legion, can you update the first post with some more specific advice. Is this THE ota exynos update? Are Sammy going to release this OTA or is this it? Is this image for ALL devices irrespective of country. How it affects region specific devices. Also, flashing details etc.
I was under the impression that Bri was for Taiwan specific devices only! But I read somewhere that this update can be flashed regardless of region.
I think a little more advice on the first post would help users here.
I'm downloading now and will update as soon as, but a lot of users won't download based on the first post being unclear.
As per I know all patches will be release via OTA, the US 4.1.2 rom is already patch the German 4.1.2 rom has received the patch via OTA. Others I am not aware of but yes it will come out in form of an OTA. The OTA should be around 10 - 20 MB
So this download is NOT needed then? Is there any point downloading the ROM Legion has linked to?
The roms he has linked are stock firmwares for regions like Germany, US which have already received the patch. If you are on stock rom for your country then wait you will receive the OTA soon, if you are on a stock rom from another region then you will not so it makes sense to flash the German rom.
Also a question to all those how many device have been harmed because of exploit till date I have not seen even a single member posting about it so I do not think it is as serious as we make out to be
Well, downloaded and installed on ma tab UK 8010. Been messing around with it for the last half hour, checking everything works as it should.
Device OFFICIAL status.
Allshare Cast works fine.
No issues with language.
Seems slightly smoother and faster.
All tested apps work as they did prior.
Still 4.1.1 as expected. Exynos exploit fixed.
So, I would say given my previous thread, IF you have issues with Kies or OTA I would download and install.
samir_a said:
The roms he has linked are stock firmwares for regions like Germany, US which have already received the patch. If you are on stock rom for your country then wait you will receive the OTA soon, if you are on a stock rom from another region then you will not so it makes sense to flash the German rom.
Also a question to all those how many device have been harmed because of exploit till date I have not seen even a single member posting about it so I do not think it is as serious as we make out to be
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Absolutely agree with Samir. Why would you downgrade to 4.1.1 just to fix a feature which seems never to have caused a problem!
Other than allowing the Note10.1 to be much easier to root for the hundreds (probably thousands) of users who have used the simple rooting method using the Exynos Exploit?
No issues with language.
Seems slightly smoother and faster.
All tested apps work as they did prior.
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Compared to what - original 4.1.2?
I think I would rather wait for the "official" OTA update than download from a unknown source, thanks all the same.
Dont worry his source are geniune as they are the samfirmware stock rom links so do not worry about the source
pwatkins said:
Absolutely agree with Samir. Why would you downgrade to 4.1.1 just to fix a feature which seems never to have caused a problem!
Other than allowing the Note10.1 to be much easier to root for the hundreds (probably thousands) of users who have used the simple rooting method using the Exynos Exploit?
Compared to what - original 4.1.2?
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I agree, but I was on 4.1.1 anyway. So closing a potential issue is a no brainer for me. It may well be the best/easiest way to root the tab but having such a potentially dangerous exploit there is not worth the risk.
Just because no one has been affected (or reported having been affected, or even knows they are affected) doesn't justify keeping it open. Especially IF you use the tab for banking, or other financial or work purposes!
My thoughts anyway.
Well its not that someone can use the exploit by magic they need a disguise to do that in form of an app or something else so if you are using it for banking then you would anyways be extra sure of the source of apps you install or website you browse.
Also once you patch it does not mean that your device cannot be hacked there are many other ways to it may be the above one was the easiest.
Again I am in no advocating not to patch the exploit but just putting some facts. Infact there was an article which said there were may fishing apps on google play itself
Way I see it is simple. The tab has a major exploit, the option to fix that exploit is now available. Folks can argue semantics/doomsday scenarios all day long, but it don't change the facts!

Motorola's "Moto Turbo" Receives Minor Software Update

Anybody got this yet? Both my Moto Maxx XT1225 (Mexico and Puerto Rico) are flashed to Moto Turbo XT1225 images and I have not received any OTA notification.
India Moto Turbo is currently LXG22.33-12.11. This will take it to LXG22.33-12.16
Motorola's Moto Turbo Receives Minor Software Update
Posted by: Prateek Roy Chowdhury Updated: Monday, May 25, 2015, 13:00 [IST]
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The Motorola Moto Turbo, the Indian variant of the Verizon exclusive DROID Turbo has just received a new firmware update.
Motorola Moto Turbo In Pictures While the phone will still be running on Android Lollipop 5.0.2 after the update, it brings about performance and stability improvements. The update is 16.7MB in size and updates the build number to LXG22.33-12.16.
Previously we had seen that the Moto Turbo was facing some issues in terms of stability as it occasionally did hang up while we were using it. This update should most likely fix the issue and should also improve the performance.
Apart from that, it also fixes a rare issue that will prompt you to enter a PIN code in order to boot up the device and also might result in a audio error if you attempt to make an emergency call before entering the required PIN.
The update is available OTA on Moto Turbo devices in India. While neither the Moto Turbo nor its international counterparts have received the update to Lollipop 5.1, it is said to be releasing sometime in June.
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This was announced several weeks ago, it was an urgent update because it seems that when you tried to make an emergency call, the other people on the the line couldn't hear anything.
I already have the mexico firmware update on the thread
I flashed this 16mb ota over moto maxx mexico 5.0.2, it brings performance and stability fixes for real. Very recommended ota update who owns a moto maxx / turbo. I didn't take note of the kernel date from the previous 5.0.2 but this one is from april 24, so it must be newer.
Semseddin said:
I flashed this 16mb ota over moto maxx mexico 5.0.2, it brings performance and stability fixes for real. Very recommended ota update who owns a moto maxx / turbo. I didn't take note of the kernel date from the previous 5.0.2 but this one is from april 24, so it must be newer.
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The last one is from March 12.
Guys, I have unlocked bootloader and Root. it's safe install this update? Someone at this condition tried? Success?
RanonBR said:
Guys, I have unlocked bootloader and Root. it's safe install this update? Someone at this condition tried? Success?
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No, if you are rooted you're gonna boot loop, happened to me
Jaocagomez said:
No, if you are rooted you're gonna boot loop, happened to me
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So, you don't yet have the complete image to flash with LXG22.33-12.16. ?
And what's with all the crappy "news: websites out there suddenly touting the Moto Maxx is now getting 5.0.2? We've had final 5.0.2 since March... 5.02. soak test was in February, if you want to go back that far.
India Moto Turbo LAUNCHED with 5.0.2 in March, and Moto Maxx got 5.0.2 about the same time.
ChazzMatt said:
So, you don't yet have the complete image to flash with LXG22.33-12.16. ?
And what's with all the crappy websites out there this suddenly touting the Moto Maxx is now getting 5.0.2? We've had final 5.0.2 since March... 5.02. soak test was in February, if you want to go back that far.
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no i dont have a full version, it just released that ota, i doubt its gonna be a full version, you have to install mexico lollipop then that ota and flash it on stock recovery.
it really feels somehow more smooth and animations looks better.
Jaocagomez said:
no i dont have a full version, it just released that ota, i doubt its gonna be a full version, you have to install mexico lollipop then that ota and flash it on stock recovery.
it really feels somehow more smooth and animations looks better.
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I agree with you.
Just downgraded to KitKat 2 days ago because of the slowdowns.
Not I'm on 5.0.2 again with that update, it seems way better.
Let's see if it stands the [ultimate] test of time.
.13 loved to crash/slowdown my Snapchat/Spotify/Chrome to the point it was IMPOSSIBLE to use ((
And it insisted to shutdown the Moto 360 connection (buggy bluetooth) :/
Let's hope this got fixed. This were the only issues that I found, tho it were very severe :/
Jaocagomez said:
No, if you are rooted you're gonna boot loop, happened to me
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so i guess we'll have to reflash the stock firmware before updating to 5.1, or android m if we recieve it?
---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------
Semseddin said:
I flashed this 16mb ota over moto maxx mexico 5.0.2, it brings performance and stability fixes for real. Very recommended ota update who owns a moto maxx / turbo. I didn't take note of the kernel date from the previous 5.0.2 but this one is from april 24, so it must be newer.
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how is your battery performance? does this update affect battery coz mine seems to drain quickly
sn9691 said:
so i guess we'll have to reflash the stock firmware before updating to 5.1, or android m if we recieve it?
---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------
how is your battery performance? does this update affect battery coz mine seems to drain quickly
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i think there is a slight decrease in battery life,too. However i think it is related to radio because there is not strong H+ connection in my apartment and i usually forget to change network to 2G before sleeping. Cell standby takes %7 of battery according to my battery stats. Before it was about %3-4.
Sent from my XT1225 using XDA Free mobile app
Is the OTA somewhere to download? Based on the screenshots, the radio FW is not updated.
Hi, I'm unlocked and rooted on my Moto Maxx (from Brazil), I have received the OTA, so I don't have to update? What can I have to do for the update to be ok?
sn9691 said:
so i guess we'll have to reflash the stock firmware before updating to 5.1, or android m if we recieve it?
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I'm hoping for 5.1 Motorola will post full images or they'll leak. So, we can flash via ADB.
I don't want to go through the hassle of incremental updates from stock.
ChazzMatt said:
I'm hoping for 5.1 Motorola will post full images or they'll leak. So, we can flash via ADB.
I don't want to go through the hassle of incremental updates from stock.
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adrynalyne said:
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but @Jaocagomez did that and boot looped on the latest OTA. He was rooted. He had to go back to stock to then flash the OTA update.
I also have root, TWRP installed. It's the hassle of going back completely stock I want to avoid.
Motorola has not released the full image which contains the latest OTA update. So, just hoping with 5.1 they do...
Unless I am misunderstanding something with your suggestion?
Of course "official" 5.1 for Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo is probably a month away at the least. It won't come until Droid Turbo gets it, in my opinion.
We already have two custom ROMs for the Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo XT1225 built on 5.1.1, of course, but will be nice to have official sources released.
Skrilax_CZ said:
Is the OTA somewhere to download? Based on the screenshots, the radio FW is not updated.
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i have it on my thread already
ChazzMatt said:
but @Jaocagomez did that and boot looped on the latest OTA. He was rooted. He had to go back to stock to then flash the OTA update.
I also have root, TWRP installed. It's the hassle of going back completely stock I want to avoid.
Motorola has not released the full image which contains the latest OTA update. So, just hoping with 5.1 they do...
Unless I am misunderstanding something with your suggestion?
Of course "official" 5.1 for Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo is probably a month away at the least. It won't come until Droid Turbo gets it, in my opinion.
We already have two custom ROMs for the Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo XT1225 built on 5.1.1, of course, but will be nice to have official sources released.
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try first making a twrp backup, install stock recovery then try ota root survivor, disable root and take the ota , if doesnt work install twrp again and restore your backup
ChazzMatt said:
but @Jaocagomez did that and boot looped on the latest OTA. He was rooted. He had to go back to stock to then flash the OTA update.
I also have root, TWRP installed. It's the hassle of going back completely stock I want to avoid.
Motorola has not released the full image which contains the latest OTA update. So, just hoping with 5.1 they do...
Unless I am misunderstanding something with your suggestion?
Of course "official" 5.1 for Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo is probably a month away at the least. It won't come until Droid Turbo gets it, in my opinion.
We already have two custom ROMs for the Moto Maxx/Moto Turbo XT1225 built on 5.1.1, of course, but will be nice to have official sources released.
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I was referring to your full images comment.
Full images can't be flashed via adb, which makes sense because nothing can be running on the flashed parititons and adbd is a kernel service.
It is also why you must reboot after flashing the bootloader, because it runs off whatever is in memory until you reboot. When rebooting, it reads the new flash from the partition.
Jaocagomez said:
No, if you are rooted you're gonna boot loop, happened to me
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how did you solve your bootloop?

How to upgrade to .67 version ?

Hi ! I was using custom roms on my phone then I switched back to stock nd also I relocked my bootloader but after that I cant update it to .67 version I am on .35 version. I am from India and everyone has received OTA for .67 version but mine doesnt shows any update. Any help ?
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
deepu28792 said:
Hi ! I was using custom roms on my phone then I switched back to stock nd also I relocked my bootloader but after that I cant update it to .67 version I am on .35 version. I am from India and everyone has received OTA for .67 version but mine doesnt shows any update. Any help ?
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Same problem here.
You'd have to be on the NPN25.137-15 firmware to have received the .67 update - if you're on the retin software channel, I think the .35 version is the incorrect one for your channel (.35 is for US devices, if I recall). Therefore, you'll likely not get any updates, and if you were to flash the NPNS25.137-35-5 update, may mean you cannot downgrade in future.
If you're on the retin channel and want the .67 update, then unfortunately you'll likely have to unlock your bootloader (wiping your device) then attempt to flash NPN25.137-15 (do your research first and ensure this does not brick your device), then you should be able to update to NPN25.137-67. As far as I know, there is no fastboot ROM currently for NPN25.137-67 so re-locking the bootloader is not possible at the moment.
echo92 said:
You'd have to be on the NPN25.137-15 firmware to have received the .67 update - if you're on the retin software channel, I think the .35 version is the incorrect one for your channel (.35 is for US devices, if I recall). Therefore, you'll likely not get any updates, and if you were to flash the NPNS25.137-35-5 update, may mean you cannot downgrade in future.
If you're on the retin channel and want the .67 update, then unfortunately you'll likely have to unlock your bootloader (wiping your device) then attempt to flash NPN25.137-15 (do your research first and ensure this does not brick your device), then you should be able to update to NPN25.137-67. As far as I know, there is no fastboot ROM currently for NPN25.137-67 so re-locking the bootloader is not possible at the moment.
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I downgraded my phone from .35 to .15 version and now I have received OTA and have successfully updated to .67 version.
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
deepu28792 said:
I downgraded my phone from .35 to .15 version and now I have received OTA and have successfully updated to .67 version.
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
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Please provide instructions for this, I am unable to downgrade.
earlycray said:
Please provide instructions for this, I am unable to downgrade.
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Its really simple. Just download the firmware .15 from the link below and flash it. If you have already re-locked ur bootloader thn flash the full firmware and if not yet unlocked use the commands provide in the thread. The .15 version shows for Brazil but it works with our Indian version too. Try it I did the same.
Press thanks if I helped you.
deepu28792 said:
Its really simple. Just download the firmware .15 from the link below and flash it. If you have already re-locked ur bootloader thn flash the full firmware and if not yet unlocked use the commands provide in the thread. The .15 version shows for Brazil but it works with our Indian version too. Try it I did the same.
Press thanks if I helped you.
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I am receiving this error. I was previously on NPNS25.137-35-5.
earlycray said:
I am receiving this error. I was previously on NPNS25.137-35-5.
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then you cant downgrade. I thought you were on .35, I have read it somewhere that if u r on .35-5 then you cannot downgrade
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
deepu28792 said:
then you cant downgrade. I thought you were on .35, I have read it somewhere that if u r on .35-5 then you cannot downgrade
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
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I will have to wait for full image of -67 to upgrade, correct ?
earlycray said:
I will have to wait for full image of -67 to upgrade, correct ?
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I'm not even sure if you can flash the NPN25.137-67 image even, MarckozZ downgraded from NPNS25.137-35-5 to NPN25.137-15 and attempted to take the OTA to NPN25.137-67, which hard bricked their device.
Though they were able to recover their device, it looks like updating is very risky/not possible after the recovery:
Now, the fastboot of NPN25.137-67 might not let you flash the GPT and bootloader over the NPNS25.137-35-5 and let you flash the rest of the OS, but that's asking for trouble when an OTA arrives - hopefully the OTA scripts would check for a bootloader/GPT mismatch, but they may not and you could run into a hard brick.
echo92 said:
the fastboot of NPN25.137-67 might not let you flash the GPT and bootloader over the NPNS25.137-35-5
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Wow. I dun goofed. What are my options at this point? Also, could you kindly please explain the above ?
earlycray said:
Wow. I've done goofed. What are my options at this point? Also, could you kindly please explain the above ?
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As I understand it, fastboot has checks built in that communicate with the bootloader and verify whether the GPT/bootloader of the firmware you're attempting to flash can be flashed. If you have a newer bootloader on your device, then your bootloader may refuse to permit the flash of the older bootloader (especially with the NPNS25.137-35-5 update, which appears to have a critical security bug fixed in the May 2017 patch, so downgrading would allow you to re-open that bug, which Motorola wouldn't want).
Now, you can get around this, in theory, by omitting GPT and bootloader from your fastboot flash, so fastboot may flash the rest of your system. However, now you'll have a NPN25.137-67 system, but a GPT/bootloader from NPNS25.137-35-5. Though this should run, it becomes very risky if you choose to install an OTA and forget you have this mismatch; the OTA will think you have the NPN25.137-67 firmware and patch accordingly, which may seriously corrupt your bootloader. In that case, you'll have to use a blankflash to recover your device (if it works) and be unable to recover your data, unless it was held on a SD card mounted in portable storage. I've seen similar scenarios occur with the Moto G4 (luckily we've just got a new blankflash to recover from the June 2017 security patch) and with the Moto Z Play.
In summary, you could flash the NPN25.137-67 firmware when it comes out, but the mismatch makes updates very risky - I personally wouldn't use the fastboot updates in this situation. You might wish to look into the TWRP flashables of the NPN25.137-67, as they'll update the system side of things (and most if not all the functions of your device should work as though you were still on stock NPN25.137-67), but without the risk of bricking your device. Granted, you'll have to unlock and flash TWRP in this situation though, and you will no longer be able to flash OTA updates, though hopefully the TWRP flashable maintainer will update the TWRP flash file to the newest OTA.
I'm not aware of other options besides keeping an eye out for NPNS25.137-35-5 updates, unfortunately, as your device is off the official update path Later on, Motorola may unify firmware updates into one global file, but for the time being, just be careful (and also be aware that the patch situation is a bit confusing!). On the other hand, at least you've got a May security patch
If I simply stuck to the current firmware, what would happen? The NFC chip appears to be working even tho this is the us? Model.
earlycray said:
If I simply stuck to the current firmware, what would happen? The NFC chip appears to be working even tho this is the us? Model.
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Hang on, which model of the Moto G5 Plus are you using?
Cause depending on the model, you might actually be on the right firmware and not need the -67 update (which is usually only for retin, Indian retail) devices...
To clarify, as far as I know:
retin (I think retla too?) devices should be on NPN25.137-67 (March 2017 security patch)
retus devices should be on NPNS25.137-33-5 (May), NPNS25.137-35-5 (May) or NPN25.137-43-5 (Verizon specific, March)
reteu devices should be on NPNS25.137-33-5 (May)
From your previous posts you've got a XT1685?
That is correct. However it was purchased in Australia. And judging by some Australian tech forums the latest fw is -67.

[Help Me] Moto G5 Plus Hard Bricked & Solved

Hello All,
Recently my device Moto G5 Plus Hard Bricked and was not opening. When I plug data cable to laptop or Charger LED light was blinking. I have searched many threads on this Forum but finally, somehow I managed to recover my Device. (This thread Helped me to recover my device And the thing is BlankFlash (@vache) for POTTER was not working on my device and I have searched thread and got to know that I have downgraded update and due to this my device has eaten up my bootloader. So now one of the members of this forum (@Rakesh1b) helped me to recover my device as he said "Now I need to blank flash (ALBUS) with Moto Z2 Bootloader (it has worked with many members and me too) on Moto G5 Plus and it worked fine and I cannot Install Stock ROM on POTTER rather I have to install Stock ROM which STOCK TOM DEODEXED DEBLOATED" then I can Install any Custom ROM on it! You can see the picture I have attached to this thread.
Now my actual problem is "I want to go back to my STOCK ROM (I need OTA Updates though) with Relock Bootloader" Can anyone help me to figure out these problems which I am facing now.
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Bro sorry to say this that until we get an updated blankflash which has an updated bootloader and gpt version of potter which has either the same or higher version that we had in our mobile when they're bricked i.e mostly after May or June or same as April version of bootloader we cannot get back to stock room because you know that the bootloader and gpt are of motoz so obviously the ROM won't bootup due to mismatch so let's hope and wait for the developers or any member until they release a leaked Motorola blankflash with updated blankflash there is nothing we can do until then but just wait in xda for motog4 also same happened when many had updated through OTA to take nougat and they had downgraded before that and they had waited for 4 to 6 months till and updated blankflash is leaked but in our case we are very lucky that Albus blankflash worked and we are able to use our phones ,potter blankflash will work for them who had not updated bootloader when flashing different ROMs the npns35-5,npns33-3,.67 OTA had updated bootloader and gpt if we have not tried any of these then vaches blankflash will work.
I am confident that an updated blankflash with the bootloader and gpt of the updated version will be released but we have to wait till then we can only hope that vache sees our problem then there is chance because the current blankflash is even provided by him thanks a ton vache without your help many potters would have been in coma.
Guys first don't hardbrick your mobile read everything carefully then flash if they're safe. That they won't mess with your bootloader.
* Don't take OTA after downgrading ROM.
* Flash any stock ROMs through fastboot only.
And there is not much problem with custom ROMs which are twrp flashable.
Bhai, suppose if vache releases updated Blank Flash for Moto G5 plus with updated bootloader then can we Install NPN137.15 then get OTA directly to NPN137. 67??? Is this possible if he releases the updated one???
Also please inform me if vache releases updated version of Blank Flash. Because badly I'm in need of this. Hope you understand my pain !!!
If vache releases an updated blankflash with updated bootloader and gpt then you can flash npn15 through fastboot ROM but if you again try to take OTA then what happens is if the bootloader version in OTA is old compared to bldr version in blankflash then you will again successfully hardbrick your mobile now same blankflash can be used again to revive it back but the solution is when an updated blankflash comes then whatever stock ROMs we flash we have to just flash them using fastboot method in this method if we are on a latest available ROM and we try to downgrade to old version of ROM then fastboot will safely don't allow us to flash the old rom saying downgrade error or even it flashes it will leave the bootloader and gpt with the updated version and only flashes system images and you could boot up your downgraded ROM the thing is fastboot verifies and keeps us in safe zone but in the case of OTA it doesn't check all that but only checks if it is on the correct default ROM for which the OTA is released and patches the ROM with all the contents in it so we are risking taking the OTA so safe method is to flash only fastboot stock ROMs that will be released and stay with them if we are clear about the versions of bootloader gpt then we can take OTA there is no problem but many don't know that and they try and bricked their devices.
Hope you understood.
Dear posters... 3 things:
1. Please do NOT keep quoting the previous post - there's no point and it just slows page loads down.
2. Do NOT keep "mentioning" other members in your posts. This REALLY annoys those you have mentioned as their inbox gets full of repeated childish demands for attention. And guess what? They ignore them... and you.
3. Questions must be asked in the Q and A Forum. So moved.
If anyone finds the Blank Flash updated version for Moto g5+ with updated bootloader please let me know through this thread. I'll be thankful.
Can anyone help me to get a better camera quality on custom ROM
anthonyqwe said:
Can anyone help me to get a better camera quality on custom ROM
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No Chance Bro, only on stock you can achieve...
@Rakesh1b Bro, as you know I'm using Albus bootloader in my potter. So can I use albus stock ROM in my potter??
?? bro I could understand your desperation there is no other way other than using twrp based stock ROMs or any custom ROMs for us u had been using debloated stock ROM since I bricked it is much more faster and stable than Moto stock images don't try any other ROMs which are not meant for motog5plus plus because there kernel source varies and configuration varies so don't try any other ROM and mess your potter u will make it totally unusable if even the current blankflash fails to work after installing any other ROM.
Hope you understood.
Be cool just enjoy your potter till new blankflash is released.
@vache please help!!!
the best option we have since i also hardbricked and returned thanks to albus, is to wait for the release of Oreo, rather than using new blank flash, with oreo stock rom image (around 1.5 gb) and flashing it through fastboot we'll be able to return to stock since will have new updated recovery gpt and whatever is needed. by the monent as Rakesh1b said debloated is better than stock faster cleaner etc and the otas.......not necesary really i have installes lineage 14.1 (nougat based) and works awesome, maybe ill move to 15 once more stable and may be even before the offic( oreo based) ial release of oreo.
LLegion said:
the best option we have since i also hardbricked and returned thanks to albus, is to wait for the release of Oreo, rather than using new blank flash, with oreo stock rom image (around 1.5 gb) and flashing it through fastboot we'll be able to return to stock since will have new updated recovery gpt and whatever is needed. by the monent as Rakesh1b said debloated is better than stock faster cleaner etc and the otas.......not necesary really i have installes lineage 14.1 (nougat based) and works awesome, maybe ill move to 15 once more stable and may be even before the offic( oreo based) ial release of oreo.
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Gpt and bootloader from Oreo won't be enough. Since they're using albus bootloader and partitions, overwriting gpt and bootloader from Oreo, will simply throw errors. Definitely will be needed a blankflash specifically for potter; then any Oreo firmware will work for flashing.
Moto G5s Hard bricked blankflash files and loader.img required.
Rakesh1b said:
bro I could understand your desperation there is no other way other than using twrp based stock ROMs or any custom ROMs for us u had been using debloated stock ROM since I bricked it is much more faster and stable than Moto stock images don't try any other ROMs which are not meant for motog5plus plus because there kernel source varies and configuration varies so don't try any other ROM and mess your potter u will make it totally unusable if even the current blankflash fails to work after installing any other ROM.
Hope you understood.
Be cool just enjoy your potter till new blankflash is released.
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Did Vache realesed Potter BlankFlash? I have find something in potter folder is this the original blank flash of potter?
mohammadsharfuddin said:
Did Vache realesed Potter BlankFlash? I have find something in potter folder is this the original blank flash of potter?
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Nope, it's the one that he developed. There's no official one yet.
thedr34m13 said:
Nope, it's the one that he developed. There's no official one yet.
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I thought that blankflash, with the April 2017 timestamp on it, was the original potter one, as it looked to be leaked with the original factory image? Regardless, we can't make blankflashes sadly (needing to be signed by Motorola, as I understand it) and that potter blankflash is far too old to be used in most cases.
If we're really lucky, perhaps a factory Oreo stock ROM might be leaked which may have an original Oreo potter blankflash. If not (i.e. it's just a standard fastboot ROM) then we'd have to wait for a leak or spend money on a new motherboard.
echo92 said:
I thought that blankflash, with the April 2017 timestamp on it, was the original potter one, as it looked to be leaked with the original factory image? Regardless, we can't make blankflashes sadly (needing to be signed by Motorola, as I understand it) and that potter blankflash is far too old to be used in most cases.
If we're really lucky, perhaps a factory Oreo stock ROM might be leaked which may have an original Oreo potter blankflash. If not (i.e. it's just a standard fastboot ROM) then we'd have to wait for a leak or spend money on a new motherboard.
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It it's an original one then I heard wrong, but like you said it's outdated. I'm really hoping that stock Oreo fixes all the imei issues and such.
How does the pixel series do in terms of going back to stock? Google does have full firmware images online, but do they completely restore the phone?
thedr34m13 said:
It it's an original one then I heard wrong, but like you said it's outdated. I'm really hoping that stock Oreo fixes all the imei issues and such.
How does the pixel series do in terms of going back to stock? Google does have full firmware images online, but do they completely restore the phone?
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Yeah, depends on what we'll get when the Oreo fastboot ROMs come out. I still am not entirely sure what causes the loss of IMEI (would be nice to know to prevent a future repeat), though like you I hope that the updated modems fix those unfortunate IMEI issues.
I think the fastboot images for Pixel devices do let you restore back to stock without wiping data (unless you're coming from a custom ROM, then general advice seems to be a full wipe). Like with our Moto devices, you can do the equivalent of omitting 'fastboot erase userdata' with removing -w in the flashing script:
I guess the provision of updated firmware makes it less likely that a user flashes old firmware and then gets hard bricked by an old OTA flashing over a newer bootloader, and also Google appears to prevent you from flashing older firmware anyway:
That being said, there appear to be some Pixels that have been hard bricked (though looks like hardware failure than flashing something the Pixel didn't like:
Stuck in bootloop
I blankflashed the albus bootloader on my potter. But when i flash the stock potter rom, it doesn't boot up and goes into boot loop . Only shows the unlocked bootloader warning again and again. Also i am unable to flash the twrp of either potter or albus. It says unsigned bootloader.
Can u provide the link of the stock rom that u flashed?

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XT1962-1 Single-sim ..... Canada, USA.
XT1962-4 Dual-sim ....... Latin America, Brazil
XT1962-5 NFC Dual-sim Europe, Various (International)
If you flash an older Firmware than the current version on the phone.
The bootloader needs to be unlocked.
Do not install OTA Updates, they will likely brick the device.
Do not install OTA Updates if
The device is rooted;
A Custom recovery is installed
Firmware was downgrated
UnLocking the Bootloader
[GUIDE] unlock your G7 bootloader by mingkee
ReLocking the Bootloader
Back to Stock & ReLock Boot Loader (Google Fi) by vbrtrmn
[Fixing] Baseband <not found> / IMEI=0 / No Network After Flash / Issues
Fixing your Moto stuck in Qualcomm QHSUSB_Bulk or qloader mode
Need a Loader File to unbrick Moto G7. by Phillen13
Using Lenovo's MOTO Smart Assistant to Update/Repair/Backup
How to fix MOTO G7 / xt1962-1 stuck in Bootloader (stuck in fastboot) unable to boot by sd86
Flashing Firmware and Updates
manually update G7 using fastboot by mingkee
xt1962-1/river_amz stock resources (16_7) & tools by sd86
Back to Stock & ReLock Boot Loader (Google Fi) by vbrtrmn
Custom Roms/Recovery/Root/
Root your G7 with Magisk
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL]Lineage OS 16.0
TWRP for Moto G7 (river)
I will be getting G7 for sure (Plus does not have US version) and I am sure it will support T-Mobile VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling like the predecessors.
Hopefully some developer will develop TWRP so well can root it
Does the Moto G7 support hdmi video out on the USB-C port? Thanks!
kaiomatico said:
Does the Moto G7 support hdmi video out on the USB-C port? Thanks!
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I don't see any specs that say for sure, but I expect it will not as the G6 line did not.
I will be picking up my Moto g7 within the next hour or so and I will begin trying to see how far I can get before I get back to streaming later
Does anybody know how to download full ROM from Moto/Lenovo?
I may try to make patched boot.img for root
I am not gonna make TWRP because I don't know how to do
i just got mine yesterday at best buy. its a great phone compared to the g6. good design, lightweight and smooth Ui.
---------- Post added at 08:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 AM ----------
mingkee said:
Does anybody know how to download full ROM from Moto/Lenovo?
I may try to make patched boot.img for root
I am not gonna make TWRP because I don't know how to do
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each phone has its own partition table soo im not sure? the full rom probably isnt available yet.
Good news: now mine is bootloader unlocked and it's ready to install root
Hopefully somebody can get both original and patched boot.img and/or TWRP for it.
Root is available for open market model.
Let the fun begin
will there be a magisk release for the G7? if so, when will it be released? how long does the development process usually take ?
mingkee said:
Root is available for open market model.
Let the fun begin
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How do I know if my G7 bought at Best Buy yesterday is "open market"? What other types are there?
maybeme2 said:
How do I know if my G7 bought at Best Buy yesterday is "open market"? What other types are there?
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I have two
One bought from Best Buy
One bought from B&H
Both are rooted and bootloader unlocked
---------- Post added at 01:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 AM ----------
aquinteros said:
will there be a magisk release for the G7? if so, when will it be released? how long does the development process usually take ?
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Just use the current version to patch boot.img and install Manager
mingkee said:
I have two
One bought from Best Buy
One bought from B&H
Both are rooted and bootloader unlocked
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So, is the one from Best Buy 'open market'?
More importantly for me, how exactly would I unlock the bootloader and root the G7. Can it be unrooted if necessary? I thought that was all still in development including no twrp recovery available.
maybeme2 said:
So, is the one from Best Buy 'open market'?
More importantly for me, how exactly would I unlock the bootloader and root the G7. Can it be unrooted if necessary? I thought that was all still in development including no twrp recovery available.
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I have both rooted by patching boot.img with Magisk
Since I downloaded full ROM, I can revert it to clean stock if I want to
So I've been trying to perform a stock update but can't get my device to use magisks OTA ability. So I'm trying to flash the recent OTA with RSD but can't get the program to detect my device. I'm at a loss, would someone be able to help me out?
Which Moto G7 preinstalled apps can be safely disabled? Anyone know?
Omegapsy said:
So I've been trying to perform a stock update but can't get my device to use magisks OTA ability. So I'm trying to flash the recent OTA with RSD but can't get the program to detect my device. I'm at a loss, would someone be able to help me out?
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RSD only recognize phones with Windows 7. Windows 10 will run RSD but won't recognize any phones (even in compatibility mode)
---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------
mingkee said:
I have both rooted by patching boot.img with Magisk
Since I downloaded full ROM, I can revert it to clean stock if I want to
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What is your exact model from BestBuy and BH Photo? Are they the same? Will they both work for Verizon? I assume RETUS or RETAIL? XT1962-1?
HueyT said:
RSD only recognize phones with Windows 7. Windows 10 will run RSD but won't recognize any phones (even in compatibility mode)
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That's ass. No worries though since I've since managed to learn how to manually apply the packages via fastboot. Thanks for the info.
hueyt said:
rsd only recognize phones with windows 7. Windows 10 will run rsd but won't recognize any phones (even in compatibility mode)
---------- post added at 04:36 pm ---------- previous post was at 04:35 pm ----------
what is your exact model from bestbuy and bh photo? Are they the same? Will they both work for verizon? I assume retus or retail? Xt1962-1?
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