Lenovo A369i having 3G connection - Networking

Hi, ..
My phone Lenovo A369i have a problem. 3G connection is very slowly. How I can do that is faster.....
Thanks for all...

Soe Linn Naing said:
Hi, ..
My phone Lenovo A369i have a problem. 3G connection is very slowly. How I can do that is faster.....
Thanks for all...
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*#*#3646633#*#* this code takes you to ENGINEER MODE. go to Telephony Section. scroll down to Mobile data service preferred and tick the option given to you. And there you go with all the speed available to you by your provider and region.:laugh:
Hit Thanks if my reply has been useful to you

sir can anyone here help me with my lost imei on a369i? i tried the engineer mode but it doesnt respond when i press send at command ..help please
Sent from my V01 using XDA Free mobile app

Use mtk droid tool to fix imei ,root required


need help = phone function gone

hello all
after i tried to flash with the rom Roto-JME-Full-v4 i have no phone function anymore. i flashed back to overcome kernel and pda and tried madoco - nothing
how do i get the phone function back
please advice
thank you guys
Did you also flash a modem file? Without that one the tab dosen't eve notice that there is a sim card inserted.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
AlexTheStampede said:
Did you also flash a modem file? Without that one the tab dosen't eve notice that there is a sim card inserted.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
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i dont understand why it didnt worked before
in the guide is written all 3 to the same time
it doesnt work that way (for me)
also if i did it separate
1. modem, then phone
it worked after i installed the phone part, REBOOTED, download modus again, inserted the modem part
AlexTheStampede said:
Did you also flash a modem file? Without that one the tab dosen't eve notice that there is a sim card inserted.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
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do you have any idea why a data connection isnt working anymore. the phone part is fixed so far
Pille69 said:
do you have any idea why a data connection isnt working anymore. the phone part is fixed so far
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Right APN settings?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Perza80 said:
Right APN settings?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
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i dont know what are apn standing for
but if you mean the settings in the network - mobile networks - use packet data - its ticked
no - it have something to do with the roms - how can i clean all - make it complete nacked - nothing in it
Pille69 said:
i dont know what are apn standing for
but if you mean the settings in the network - mobile networks - use packet data - its ticked
no - it have something to do with the roms - how can i clean all - make it complete nacked - nothing in it
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Acces point names! Every operator has its own internet settings apn:s. U should check the right settings. Settings-whireles...-mobile networks etc...
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Perza80 said:
Acces point names! Every operator has its own internet settings apn:s. U should check the right settings. Settings-whireles...-mobile networks etc...
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
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thank you
that was the problem
but just for interest
why the last roms always fill it without interaction
the first time i need to enter it - i did not think on these option
The development forum: support for ESL members
Pille69 said:
thank you
that was the problem
but just for interest
why the last roms always fill it without interaction
the first time i need to enter it - i did not think on these option
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In some roms these functions are part of the rom just like the original roms.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
I have had the same problem (eg phone function gone) when tried to flash the Overcome rom.
Tried to install a separate modem using Addon-modem.zip from the roto-JME firmware via the recovery, but installation aborted.
I have finally re-flashed the whole firmware (roto-JME) via Odin and phone function is back and all is OK.
But I want to flash this Overcome 1.2 so how can I do it having phone function working?
I'm really sorry for my poor english, so I hope you understand what I'm asking for.

MMI code started...I am fed up with this.help

Please guyz help me. i am already fed up with this "MMI code started" problem. Since the first day of buying thi phone i had this problem.when i try to use our provider to recharge my balance, it rejects the process..i want to type *101#pin code# but it rejects..rex4u i think u can help.
Try turning off data if activated or turn off an turn on your phone and try again
Sent from my GT-I9003 using XDA App
It didn't help(((
Nightwish sgsl said:
Please guyz help me. i am already fed up with this "MMI code started" problem. Since the first day of buying thi phone i had this problem.when i try to use our provider to recharge my balance, it rejects the process..i want to type *101#pin code# but it rejects..rex4u i think u can help.
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Are you sure that you should type *101#...# but not *101*...# ? I don't know your provider rules but here we put # only at the end of command
Sent from my GT-I9003
yeah i am using this provider over 1-2 years))...i use other phones to recharge my balance(.but when noone is next to me, there are no charges(
Nightwish sgsl said:
Please guyz help me. i am already fed up with this "MMI code started" problem. Since the first day of buying thi phone i had this problem.when i try to use our provider to recharge my balance, it rejects the process..i want to type *101#pin code# but it rejects..rex4u i think u can help.
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Same here dude.. I get the same error while trying to load.. Our code something is *220# pin # and.after i press call it rejects it but if i try *220# then send it says call card invalid.. My carrier has two ways of loading so i just simply tried the other method.. I thought i am th only one having this problem.. Hoping for a solution soon..
Sent from my GT-I9003 using XDA App
i hope someone will help us((
Android takes this combination as a system command
That's why.
May be something can be done in custom kernel if it is so important.
yes it is very important for me.but is it dangerous to do something in kernel?
Let's see
thnx in advance. i'll wait. good luck...
rex4u said:
Let's see
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Rex, it was working fine for me when i had my original fw and flashed with the same fw but when i flashed to XXKB3 it is when where the problem start occuring
Sent from my GT-I9003 using XDA App
i had this problem even on my original f.m xxkb1...i faced this problem after flashing to xxkb3 too

[Q] After Update No 3G connection

Dear friends
i brought a focus and unlocked by using FASTGSM, sim work fine i tried to add apn to work my 3g connection , i tried every method i can find from this forum, its impossible to connect.. do you guys have any idea ..?
can anyone help me please ?
safeburn said:
can anyone help me please ?
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Have you tried Network Profile from Samsung (Marketplace)?
thank you very much i tried every methods i didn't thought about this application thank you for reminding me....

Jio sim for Lenovo A6000 1GB Ram

Hi admins and genius we need your help because many ways I tried but I can't get code for get reliance Jio sim for our lenovo A6000 series and I need fast replies from all developers in XDA Developers help.Please help us to use JIO NETWORK ...
praveenlenovo969 said:
Hi admins and genius we need your help because many ways I tried but I can't get code for get reliance Jio sim for our lenovo A6000 series and I need fast replies from all developers in XDA Developers help.Please help us to use JIO NETWORK ...
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First of all, XDA do not endorse in any such illegal activities, which may cause harm to any entity, whether a company or person. So questions as such do not qualify to be asked on XDA.
sasukay said:
First of all, XDA do not endorse in any such illegal activities, which may cause harm to any entity, whether a company or person. So questions as such do not qualify to be asked on XDA.
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What are You speaking I asked Question about My phone Not Yours..If You know the Answer then answer don't try to teach me about the XDA.mind it ...
Instead of asking here ,go through some youtube tutorials.
Sent from my Lenovo A6000 Plus
shivamgupta1996 said:
Instead of asking here ,go through some youtube tutorials.
Sent from my Lenovo A6000 Plus
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I get the code for buy bio sim
Go to allabouthackingtips.cf
And I will post on xda.
praveenlenovo969 said:
Hi admins and genius we need your help because many ways I tried but I can't get code for get reliance Jio sim for our lenovo A6000 series and I need fast replies from all developers in XDA Developers help.Please help us to use JIO NETWORK ...
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i got my sim without any bar code. by using lenovo a6000 plus
shukat said:
i got my sim without any bar code. by using lenovo a6000 plus
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praveenlenovo969 said:
Hi admins and genius we need your help because many ways I tried but I can't get code for get reliance Jio sim for our lenovo A6000 series and I need fast replies from all developers in XDA Developers help.Please help us to use JIO NETWORK ...
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first of all you have to download MyJio App than download all apps in listed in the jio application. After dwnld success.Turn off your wifi then open MyJio App and turn on Data or wifi and click on Get Jio Sim. SIMPLE

celluler data loss

Has anyone experienced mobile data loss? (The signal is there)
After on off mobile or airplane mode my celluler data does not appear, if restarted it can appear again ... Pls hlp
Sorry for my bad english. Thx
dwixprasetia said:
Has anyone experienced mobile data loss? (The signal is there)
After on off mobile or airplane mode my celluler data does not appear, if restarted it can appear again ... Pls hlp
Sorry for my bad english. Thx
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Which rom u use and your bootloader?
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