Need a copy of stock Gallery app. - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Can someone send me a copy of SecGallery2013.apk and SecGallery2013.odex? It is located in /system/priv-app for those who do not know.


Request a dump of /system/app

I have some apps I cannot unfreeze. Would someone dump their /system/app and put on dropbox or something?

I need contacts.apk and phone.apk files

Hi, I've deleted these files because I don't like it, I've installed Youlu Adress but I can't edit contacts.
Could someone upload these files? They are in system/app.
Thank you!
Here shows how to get applications from flash


Copy your secmms.apk and secmms.odex file then delete both of them from System>App
Copy attached secmms.apk and change permission > reboot.
Check whether attaching emoji in SMS converting them to MMS or not. It should not convert. Working perfectly for me.
Remember only for rooted phone.

[Q] Extract Galaxy S4 App and Priv-app folders

Can anyone extract Galaxy S4 Android 5.0.1 App and Priv-app folders?
I'm sure someone can extract the folders. But will they? I doubt it, unless there's a good reason for it. So what do you need the folders for?
Or flash a stock rom, root it, access the system folder and copy the app and priv-app folders onto the sdcard.
If it is possible

[Q] How to install cereberus.apk as a system file?

I have a question because I don't know how to install cereberus.apk as a system file.
I have single .apk file but in system\app I have some folders with apk files inside.
Do I need to make folder for my apk file or only copy this and change permissions (644)?
And which is the best place for this apk:
Thanks a lot
If you are rooted you can use titanium backup to change it from a normal app to a system app.
Alternatively you can drop the apk into system/priv-app, fix its permissions and then reboot.

