Custom 'Desktop (create shortcut)' - Remove .fileextension - Shortcut - Windows 8 General

Hi guys n girls,
I am not sure if this is even relevant on here or not? But I figured I should share anyway. Like I mean I don't know how many of you guys use your desktop now that there is the start screen? Or how many of you even use right click menu much but for myself right click is the most used functionality I use in Windows and quite frankly come to expect from other IT systems (web, Linux etc) so this may or may not apply.
I have for ever got sick and tired of right click -> open Send to Menu and creating a Desktop Shortcut for a file or app....then needing to go to the Desktop right click the newly made shortcut and then removing the trailing file extension, dash and words shortcut in brackets. If you are like me and you want a solution where you just right click -. Create shortcut and forget and not need to do anymore then look no further.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I have small AutoIT app (compiled script) that does exactly that.
Desktop (create shortcut).au3 SHA1 - 630A9CE23BF669035EEB089C2948BBD8B38BB505
Desktop (create shortcut).exe SHA1 - 829518AD4233E59D686822D960AAC71405D57CCD
Desktop (create shortcut).ico SHA1 - 16239287978841199F8A2FC56AA36EE55F197083
Download Link Desktop (create shortcut).zip
Virustotal readout - God knows why anyone would use any of the virus scanners flagging AutoIT as a virus. This indicates to me that they are merely only searching for header info and not actually decyphering any of the code. That should be alarming to anyone. Anyway here it is, it gets 2 false negatives out of 52.
Now the code so that you can compile it all your self. For the Geeks in other words
I have commented each part so that those of you just learning or getting a grasp of AutoIT can understand. It is really quite simple however it does take in to consideration a lot of things which many .au3 script writers tend to neglect, such as returning of the proper file extension does not mean StringTrimRight($filename, 4), as it doesn't account for long extension names nor does stopping at a period/point/fullstop.....what happens when a directory has a period? What about names of files that have other periods such as
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Desktop (create shortcut).ico
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=Desktop (create shortcut).exe
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: Jarmezrocks
Script Version: 1.0
Script Function: The purpose of creating this was due to an annoyance with Windows 7 where
I was constantly editing the shortcuts created from the right click 'Send To'
create 'Desktop (create shortcut)' where I would need to remove the junk that
Microsoft attached as a postfix i.e. - (short cut) and remove the file
extension as well. E.g. Notepad.exe -> creates a shortcut 'Notepad.exe - (shortcut)'
when what I really wanted created was a shortcut called 'Notepad'
This AutoIT script was created to solve this issue/annoyance.
Usage: Place the compiled exe where ever you like (here's the inception part LOL)
right click the compiled exe and create a shortcut (remember you won't have to do this ever again haha)
rename it 'Desktop (create shortcut)' the same as the Desktop (create shortcut).Desklink
item in the Send To menu.
Locate your Send To menu: Start -> Run -> type this: shell:sendto -> press enter
This opens the directory for your Send To items, likely located somewhere like
C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
Paste the shortcut to the exe here
Note: You will now have a duplicate in the Send To menu, so I advise that you hide the old .Desklink item
Right click -> File Properties -> Hidden
Test by Right clicking any file and choosing Send To -> Desktop (create shortcut)
Acknowledgements: AutoIT Forums;
User Harlequin for this post/thread ->
User Voodooman for this post/thread ->
Future plans: Following versions (still testing - *I have a bug I need to iron out) should allow the user to double click the executable and
Choose to install it to the Send To context menu and automate the part outlined above in the usage section (hide the old desklink)
and create a shortcut of it's self. It should do checking so that if the user double clicks the exe again it checks for either the
existing Desklink extension or the shortcut.lnk and prompt the user if they want to remove it and restore the original Windows functionality.
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global $Input = $CmdLineRaw ; Obtain the selected file full path (name of file and location) as a string parsed as a command line parameter i.e %1
Global $LinkFileName = RemoveExt(GetFileName($Input)); Generate the file name from the input using the following functions
; These are pretty self explained - Thanks Voodooman (You may have necro-bumped an expremely old thread created by n00b years before who has now become a developer but we all forgive you - your post is valid)
Func RemoveExt($Input)
Local $ExtArray = StringSplit($Input, ".")
Return StringReplace($Input, "." & $ExtArray[$ExtArray[0]], "", -1)
EndFunc ;==>RemoveExt
Func RemoveExtRegExp($Input)
Return StringRegExpReplace($Input, "\.[^.]*$", "")
EndFunc ;==>RemoveExtRegExp
Func GetFileName($Input)
Local $PathArray = StringSplit($Input, "\/")
Return $PathArray[$PathArray[0]]
EndFunc ;==>GetFileName
; Importance of the following. As pointed out by Harlequin using any StringRightTrim methods of obtaining the extension doesn't account for several things
; "." can located in the path of a folder name and "." can appear more than once within files or folders i.e What would one do when trying to return
; the extension of a html file or any other long extension file type?
Func CreateLink()
If $CmdLineRaw Then ;Check if it's a command parameter i.e. %1 or path to the file you want a shortcut made for
For $YLoop = StringLen($CmdLineRaw) To 1 Step -1 ; Loop through the all of the "." in the path and string from the last "."
If StringMid($CmdLineRaw, $YLoop, 1) == "." Then
$Ext = StringMid($CmdLineRaw, $YLoop) ; Generate the extension type
$YLoop = 1
Local $Type = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\." & $Ext, "") ; Look up the type from the registry to find the application
Local $FileName = $CmdLineRaw
Local $LnkFileLocate = (@DesktopDir & "\" & $LinkFileName & ".lnk"); Here is the working part - Generate the Desktop shortcut from the derived file name
Local $WorkingDirectory = ""
Local $Icon = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & $Type & "\DefaultIcon", ""); Derive the file type icon from the registered application
Local $IconNumber = 1
Local $Description = "" ; I decided to leav this blank
Local $State = @SW_SHOWNORMAL ;Can also be @SW_MAXIMUM or @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE or even @SW_HIDE
If Not FileExists($LinkFileName) Then ;Check there isn't already as shortcut
FileCreateShortcut($FileName, $LnkFileLocate, $WorkingDirectory, "", $Description, $Icon, "", $IconNumber, $State); Generate the shortcut
EndFunc ;==>CreateLink
CreateLink() ; Execute the Function

Thanks for sharing. I can't say I've ever actually done this - leaving aside the fact that I don't use the desktop to store things much, if I were to do so I'd be more likely to use mklink instead of the context menu (I use the command line *way* more than I use any Metro app, and nearly as much as I use the desktop with a mouse) - but it's good to have solutions, and it'll probably help somebody. I just tried creating such a shortcut and I agree the added name stuff is annoying.

Thanks mate
Well, I tend to post things more so for the discovery. To me it was more fascinating working out the code to use to solve the issue rather than the issue it's self. Like when you think about it, the research and time that went into developing the code to generate the shortcuts to save time probably took longer than what it would take to correct a million shortcuts....but that's beyond the point. IMHO we as people should change how we do things if we learn that there is a better way. It takes sharing your discoveries with others before the true benefits are realised.

There is a long-known small software that allows you to do just what you wanted and more, with a simple and user-friendly GUI.
You can find it on google looking for "vista shortcut overlay manager" aka fxvisor.
It allows you to replace or remove the arrow on the shortcut icons and to remove the "- Shortcut" extension, permanently (you can uninstall the program after you've done".
It was originally designed for Windows Vista, but works just great even on 7 and 8/8.1. Just download it accordingly to your 32 bit or 64 bit Windows version (32 bit version doesn't work on Windows-x64 and vice-versa).

Uncle Scrooge said:
There is a long-known small software that allows you to do just what you wanted and more, with a simple and user-friendly GUI.
You can find it on google looking for "vista shortcut overlay manager" aka fxvisor.
It allows you to replace or remove the arrow on the shortcut icons and to remove the "- Shortcut" extension, permanently (you can uninstall the program after you've done".
It was originally designed for Windows Vista, but works just great even on 7 and 8/8.1. Just download it accordingly to your 32 bit or 64 bit Windows version (32 bit version doesn't work on Windows-x64 and vice-versa).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This only does what the registry edit above does. It still does not replace the file extension attached on the end. And one may as well edit for one as they would do for all. Back to square 1. Thanks for the pointer though I did already know about these guys and have used their app before, some other forum member might find this valuable.

I don't understand.
The "Vista Shortcut Manager" program worked for me, on my Windows 8.1 32 bit.
It DOES remove the "- Shortcut" extension when I create desktop shortcuts.

Uncle Scrooge said:
I don't understand.
The "Vista Shortcut Manager" program worked for me, on my Windows 8.1 32 bit.
It DOES remove the "- Shortcut" extension when I create desktop shortcuts.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Aggggghhhhhh :silly: DW
What I meant was...
What about the file extension?
notpad.exe normally goes to -> notepad.exe - Shortcut
With "Vista Shortcut Manager" (the same registry edit mentioned by another member)
notepad.exe goes to -> notepad.exe
I still then need to double long click or right click shortcut properties and remove .exe from the end.
What I want then is this
notepad.exe goes to -> notepad
"Vista Shortcut Manager" doesn't remove the .exe off the end of the shortcut it created, it only removes "- Shortcut" from the end. In other words, if one has to go to the shortcut created, right click and edit the shortcut and remove ".exe" or (insert any file extension here) then what is the point?
If I have to edit the shortcut to do that, then I may as well edit the shortcut to remove ".exe" AND "- Shortcut" at the same time! The idea behind this was to create shortcuts that require no additional 'touch ups' no edits or changing in anyway.
If you're happy to have the file extension left on the end of the file you created a shortcut from then that's fine; this is probably not aimed at you.
But yes thank you for pointing out that helpful app for other people that want the functionality without needing to know why/how etc.....which kind of goes against what XDA is all about. XDA is about developers sharing code, ideas, mods to various devices and computers that we can test, trial, give feedback, improve or just plain use in everyday life.
Again....this isn't specifically about the shortcut nor the desklink applet that creates them, this is more about the code that I posted, and how it 'could' potentially assist other developers who are doing something of their own that might be using say hmm get file extension of some file....say a smali file (which is denoted by a 4 character length as opposed to the more traditional 3 character length like apk) and allowing developers to "recycle" a single function that works for all file extensions rather than write a block of code for each instance. They may do this using AutoIT, or they may look at my code and see how this can be translated (with ease) to work with other languages such as C# and so forth.
Anyway I hope this makes more sense to you now?

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MSCEInf (Cab Analyser) : in the same vein as ThemeGenCE

Just published yesterday, another program MSCEInf (
is a Cab Analyser which show you all the things done if you install a CAB on your PocketPC : Files, Registry settings, shortcuts...
It lets you extract all files with original names and build the inf file as it was build before compiled to CAB.
So you can make changes, if you need it, and rebuild the CAB with the program of Microsoft CABWIZ (installed by Microsoft Theme Generator).
It works with all Cabs (also with TSK which are Cabs with extension changed).
It is still in french! but easy to understand. If you find that it is helpful, i can translate it in "loosely" english !
Like ThemeGenCE, it accepts "Open With" command and Drag and Drop on the window (drag and drop a cab on the opened window).
Friendly, Benoît
Thanks benoit - an english version would be nice - my french is not that good :wink:
English version has been sent to the webmaster of CodePPC 5 minutes ago.
Maybe on line today... or in two months...
Friendly, BenThon
MSCEInf in English
Now available in English !
Friendly, BenThon
Merci bien Benoit pour MSCEInf.
It's a great one.
Re: MSCEInf in English
BenThon said:
Now available in English !
Friendly, BenThon
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks benoit!
Nice app. Very well done.
tip: can you make clicking the column header sorting that column?
Yes, it is possible. But I have just sent to the webmaster of CodePPC a version 1.3.8 with "cosmetic" improvements.
Maybe for the next one ...
Friendly, Benoît
Nice app. Very well done.
tip: can you make clicking the column header sorting that column?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In which pages do you think it will be useful ?
Sorry for the late reply.
I also use your app when checking what is installed. Sometimes the deinstallation of apps is not perfect on ppc.
So sorting on items that I want to remove (files/dirs and registry hives)
would be very useful.
But is sorting when clicking the column header not default? I assume not.
Is it possible to make it extract only selected files from the cab?
Sort Tabs
I have just implemented the alpha sort for each columns in each tabs.
I will put in the next version. Thanks for the suggestion !
I can send you this version if you give me a mail.
Friendly, Benoît
New Version of MSCEInf (1.3.9)
New Version of MSCEInf (1.3.9)
Improvements :
1) Alphabetic sort on each column in each tab.
2) New button for choosing files to extract :
Either check the checkboxes for selecting files to extract.
Or Drag and Drop files to the right column of selected files and also the ability to unselect file by Drag and Drop from the column of selected files to the recycled bin.
3) Links, About box...
4) Cosmetics...
MSCEInf Webpage
Thanks benoit - i find myself using this program more and more!
Look forward to future updates :wink:
If you are planning more opstions ;O)
- extract using the full path name (directory structure)
- drag & drop from the Files tab directly (with posibbility to do a selection
with the more (click, ctrl+click etc)
Got an error once reusing the already started program when dropping a cab onto it. It wasn't the cab. Retried it but could not reproduce it.
The error was in french while I use he english version.
Again great prgram. I use it nearly every day now.
Nice App,
A super feature would be if you can double Click a file and open it with its associated application or as second option notepad (or favorite editor). so you can have a look inside with extracting all first.
Maybe even save it back afer modifictions or a feature to replace an existing file.
Nice tool, great work!
In the right direction to become a full alternative to 'WinCE CAB Manager', for which author claims 149US$ :evil:
If we could delete/ insert new entries/files directly in your tool and rebuilt the CAB, it would be superb ;-)
Suugestions for MSCEInf
Thanks for your encouragements !
My comments :
1) Extract files with full path name : not difficult to do (maybe later).
2) Drag and Drop from Files Tab : not difficult to do (maybe later).
3) Double click and open files with
- associated application
- Notepad
not difficult to do (maybe later).
4) Delete/Insert new entries and rebuild the cab : more laborious to do. But you can use the rebuild INF file after editing and Cabwiz to rebuild the cab. It is not difficult to do.
Next version of MSCEInf (1.4) is quite finished. Now, the program also read the _setup.xml file and extract all datas in it. It also rebuild a traditional INF file.
PS : Maybe, instead of the 145 $ for Cab Manager, my program will become a Cardware (postcard from your location)...
Work in Progress !
2) Drag and Drop from Files Tab : not difficult to do (maybe later).
3) Double click and open files with
- associated application
- Notepad
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Points 2) and 3) are now implemented. Will be published with future version !
Point 1) for tomorrow !... Maybe...
building cab files...
anyone out there know of any good tutorials for using cabwiz and building an inf file from scratch? I have looked and looked! Basically I want to build some basic theme cabs and a few cabs that make registry changes and then put them into my extended rom. (I do a lot of experimenting and therefore a lot of hard resets!)
thanks, jess
MSCEInf V1.4 New version on line !
Contributions of version 1.4
This version now allows the reading of the files "_ setup.xml" contained in the CAB :
- Rebuilt the tree structure of file XML with possibility of extending or of reducing branches of the tree.
- Also Rebuilt a conventional INF file (can be copied to the clipboard).
- Creates a Memo (can be copied to the clipboard) with the Register keys in a format of the Regedit type (for the "Geeks").
For the CABS with a conventional INF file like those with a "_setup.xml" file :
- Possibility of "Using Folder Names" for files saving.
- Additional Informations on the files with also possibility of sorting on these new columns :
- Size of the file.
- Date and Hour of the file.
- Type of the file (its extension).
- Possibility of Multiselection on the files (Shift, Control).
- Possibility Drag and Drop for one or more files towards the Explorer (Folder, Desktop...).
- Contextual Menu on the file under the cursor (Right Button) allowing :
- Open the file with the associated application (If it is a program - Extension "EXE" - the launching of the program is prohibited, which is surer. The icon of the program is shown) or "Open with..." if there is no association.
- Open the file with the Notepad.
If MSCEinf is defined as an application for opening CAB, the program will be loaded. If it was minimized, it will be restored.
If the button of Checking of Signature is activated, MSCEInf authorizes 2 signatures ' MSCE ' and ' CE4+ ' and only those (If it is not one of the two authorized signatures, the pointer of the mouse positions on the button of checking of signature after having posted a message of alarm). If not activated, there is no checking of the signature of the CAB.
With this version you can reorder columns in Files Tabs.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
CodePPC Page
MSCEInf Page
English Version
French Version
German Version

[APP] 09.12.2009 - Link Creator 1.5 - Shortcut Creator

Hi All,
I've made a simple application, that creates the link to any file/application and then puts that link to Windows\Start Menu\Programs or any other selected by You folder...
I've noticed that when using TouchFlo3D, you can't just add to Program Tab just any link, any program, there is no browsing option, link has to be in Start Menu Folder. Making links with notepad or Word is not a easy / simple thing, that's why Link Creator was made ... to make life simpler
PLEASE POST SOME RPLy... (what You like, what seems to be stupid, any bugs etc. )
Version 1.5
1) Support of WVGA now it's more finger friendly
2) Additional shortcut to explore and manage special folders
3) Bigger Fonts ! better accuracy in choosing folders / files...
4) no automatic softreset after changing manilla softkey (it was very annoying)
- minor changes...
Version 1.4
1) Save as Manilla Softkey (Left and Right Softkey, and it works very well with arguments - so now creating link to for ex.TouchLockPro with additional LOCK argument is very easy...)
2) Create URL/Mail - now You can create mail or www.* link and put it to whatever you want place - it uses default - signed to specified type system program (for browsing www and creating emails)
1) exception when file doesn't exist (in selecting File and clicking OK) - now if everything is all right OK button will be colored to Red otherwise you will be promped with msg.
2) installation problem with adding shortcut to Link Creator to the Start Menu\Programs - now it's fixed (on not WWE Roms for ex. Polish Roms there was problem with it)
3) in 1.3 version link additional argument was added under inverted commas (1#"\FOLDER\program.exe argument"), now it's fixed (added checkbox "argument outside inverted commas" for default it is checked... and now arguments are after commas - so we get sth like this: - 1#"\FOLDER\program.exe" argument - and it works
4) added space (****.exe"_) while saving link with argument (so now, there is no need to type additional one blank space in arguments textbox)
5) fixed all "Save In..." problems "Folder doesn't exist"
6) Key Mapping Problems solved
7) some layout changes.
to do:
1) setting icons
2) editor for created link
3) soft keys for System
4) saving with UTF-8 for speciall chars like ś, ą, ę... others
5) make program more finger friendlly - bigger scrollbars, dropdown lists etc.
Version 1.3
1) changed "Select File to Link" explorer: short directory listing for better navigation
2) changed "Save in Selected Place" explorer: short directory listing, for better navigation
3) changed Menu style
4) added "Manage Links" - an explorer that gives you ability to find any link files (supoorted filters are: *.lnk, *.lnkbak, *.*) on your PPC and then you can rename, delete, or delete them (by changing it's extension (*.lnk -> *.lnkbak) )
5) added fingerfriendly popup menu for "Manage Links" (-Close-)
6) added "Save as Key Mapping" - special in Windows direcotory filename creator, that gives You ability to map some Hardware Keys with your "files" (Long Press Send Button, Long Press Power Button, Short Press Power Button). There are two options for Save as Key Mapping: a) saving special filename, b) deleting special filename.
Version 1.2
1) added "auto counting chars method"
2) removed .net openfiledialog
3) added my own "explorer" for searching "to be linked file"
4) excluded System.Windows.Forms.dll (back to very small size of cab installer 12KB)
5) some "label" changes...
version 1.1:
1) file filtering: all files, exe, jpg, bmp, png, mp3, wav, avi, mp4, wmv, txt, pdf, doc
2) changed caption Select Exe to Select File
3) new Menu Options:
- Save in Programs
- Save in Start Menu
- Save in StartUp
- Save in Selected Place
- Close
4) included System.Windows.Forms.dll for same openfiledialog on every .net platform... (I guess )
(thanks to Mieszko Zagańczyk from for testing and noticing problem with filtering and different open file dialog on his Touch HD)
version 1.0
first release
see #4Post for download...
here are some screen-shots (version 1.0)...
Screen of "Programs" without SSMaPa (that we want to have in Programs):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Main Screen of Link Creator:
After pressing Select Ext (or any Other type of file):
we browse for any file...
Main Window with updated link section:
now we can change some values (as name of Link, or input additional arguments)
Selecting from Link Creator's menu: "Save in Start Menu" does what we wanted... (Saves our link file in \Windows\Start Menu\ Programs)
After done job there will be a msg box...
Just select the output folder
another happy msg Box
we've saved our link in "\Windows\Start Menu" so our link will appear just like that:
Our Link we can add to Programs Tab of TouchFlo3D
Selecting Program to be added:
Operation Done...
You can also add any other file: (mp3 for example)
And then just add it to Programs Tab of TouchFlo3D
Here it is - how sweet that now you can listen to Eric Clapton Layla choosing it right from your TouchFLO3D Program TAB
Nice work! Useful for people who can't do it manually, and way easier so that the people who know, don't have to do it manually anymore! win-win situation. cheers!
soon I'll add screens of 1.5
Nice job
nice work - shoutout:
WOW - This looks very promising indeed! Loading up on my Fuze right now.
A nice feature would be for it to count the number of characters and automatically add the number in front of the # symbol so we do not have to count them.
updates will be ASAP
cichy3000 said:
updates will be ASAP
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Very very nice thanks
Link Creator 1.1
version 1.1:
1) file filtering: all files, exe, jpg, bmp, png, mp3, wav, avi, mp4, wmv, txt, pdf, doc
2) changed caption Select Exe to Select File
3) new Menu Options:
- Save in Programs
- Save in Start Menu
- Save in StartUp
- Save in Selected Place
- Close
4) included System.Windows.Forms.dll for same openfiledialog on every .net platform... (I guess )
(thanks to Mieszko Zagańczyk from for testing and noticing problem with filtering and different open file dialog on his Touch HD)
aWesome will try it out
dzięki za zgłoszenie probelmu... rzeczywiscie "listing" plikow w program files jest utrudniony... bo nie wskazywane sa inne foldery (np wchodzac do Program Files, nie zobaczysz innych folderow... do których mogłbyś wejsc i zaznaczyc plik exe...) korzystałem z gotowego komponentu w Visual Studio... ale widze ze trzeba napisac swoje "okno dialogowe" otwierania plikow ... eh ...
jakbys mogl to zglosic na forum, bede Ci bardzo wdzieczny...
Adam Ciszewski
I am trying to use this program on my HTC Titan. When I try to select a file to link the app will only allow me to select from what is installed on my SD card and not on the device. I do have the app installed on the internal memory. Also, I am assuming I can, if I link to IE, and add an additional argument will I be able to link to a Web page?
Link Creator Updated !!
Version 1.2
1) added "auto counting chars method"
2) removed .net openfiledialog
3) added my own "explorer" for searching "to be linked file"
4) excluded System.Windows.Forms.dll (back to very small size of cab installer 12KB)
5) some "label" changes...
cichy3000 said:
Version 1.2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
App don't work with non-latin chars in pathname.
Save shortcuts in ANSI-code, NOT UTF-8!!!
Nice work! .. this will save time creating shortcuts .... thanx
vadim_bogaiskov said:
App don't work with non-latin chars in pathname.
Save shortcuts in ANSI-code, NOT UTF-8!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
... thanks for "!!!" I really wouldn't get what you've just written...
Omareo said:
Nice work! .. this will save time creating shortcuts .... thanx
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This job seems to be very usefull for me !
I'll testing on my diamond.
Thx a lot
I try to use it on my HTC Touch (Elf - P3450) but don't work

How can you link to a folder instead of an app in new Topaz Start menu?

I have asked this question on some other xda-developer forums with no solution so thought maybe I was asking in the wrong place.
Basically I have flashed to the new Topaz rom and like the new Start Menu when you tap on Start but I can only add apps and not folders. I want to link to category folders in my Windows/Start/ folder.
Please how can this be done?
I tried to go into the registry to edit the paths for each square but that did not work.
I beg of you lol! Please!
How can this be done? Folders are not .lnk files. Maybe that is the solution to make Folders into .link files.
I can answer your question but it is in a wrong section.. so moderators will flog both of us
crajee said:
I can answer your question but it is in a wrong section.. so moderators will flog both of us
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
so answer his question and hope for the moderator to move this thread ;-)
btw: i would be interested in the answer as well
Method 1 Only downside is clutter (unlike method2)
Without any third party app lets open a folder called Multimedia in Programs menu:
With a registry Editor got to one of the shortcut keys:
Say: HKLM\SoftwareHTC\Manila\ProgramLauncer\18
Create (if not exists) a string Value :
Name: command
String: windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia
Edit the Path key:
String: windows\fexplore.exe
Save and exit your reg editor.
Click the shortcut and it will launch file explorer with the folder.
You can Change the View options in File Explorer to "Icon".
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Please wait for method 2..
Method 2
Folderview.exe from HTC has been notorious in having a hard coded encrypted path to Programs Folder and could not open any custom folder, and use to end only in questions how to do it. After much reversing this has been almost overcome in this app. Enjoy!!
Folder Viewer
Q.What does this app do?
A. It allows you to navigate through custom start menu folders on Blacksone that you can create
and categorise your applications. Modified win 6.1 ROMs have replaced the Start Menu with Manila
Programs Tab. However sometimes you need more customised access to your apps.
Add the Favourites icon to start menu
A. Install
B. Open the Fav.reg with Notepad on your Desktop.
In the line :[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\2]
Replace "2" with the icon of your choice in the start group.
The icons are numbered as follows:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
And so on...
Create the Start Group Shortcut
Copy the Fav.reg to your Blackstone.
Import the registry the file with your favourite registry Editor.
Create App Shortcuts in windows\Start Menu\Favourites:
Create Subfolders in the "Favourites" folder e.g System, Multimedia, Business and so on.
(A few have been created for you convenience).
Add the application short cuts of your choice to each folder.
Back Navigation:
In each of the custom folder (Multimedia, Business etc,. Add a shortcut to parent("Favourites" folder)
This shortcut called "Favourites.lnk" has been supplied in this package in sample folders.
Restart your HD. Enjoy!!
You can study the shortcut properties and tweak it your own satisfaction.
1.Navigating All Programs possible on first launch only. You can always click start menu to relaunch.
2.Use the Hard key (Back) to navigate back the second time from a subfolder.
3.Only one level of folders reasonable (but usually enough for most users anyway).
4.Tested on Blackstone with Dutty's 3.4 only.
The author disclaims any responsibility with respect to this application.
Use at your own risk.
you could also go on your pc, navigate to the folder, create a shortcut (which would be a .ink file), put the shortcut on your touch hd and then link to it in the registry editor,
THREAD MOVED to blackstone section
You have two methods now. Let me know if it helps
Matthes42 said:
btw: i would be interested in the answer as well
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ASK768 said:
you could also go on your pc, navigate to the folder, create a shortcut (which would be a .ink file), put the shortcut on your touch hd and then link to it in the registry editor,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You will get a File Not found Error.
total commander is good for making shortcuts
Thanks Crajee. I used method 1 except did not use the path setting: String: windows\fexplore.exe
Instead I used the path: "\windows\start menu\games" for example
Thank you so much!
A few questions...
1. I want to use the hi res folder icon from "file explorer" each category folder. How can I link to it?
2. What is the path for manilla settings or win mo settings page as I accidentally deleted them?
3. I want to use the hi res topaz icon used for "File explore" in each category folder. What is the "Icon path" info i need? Is it to a specific dll file?
4. Finally, are there any custom icon sets i can impost and choose from or how can i customise my own icons and use them for folders or apps.
Here is the result below.
@ tboy2000 on your custom folders you never got error messages trying to open them?
no mate.
here is an example of one folder...
(value not set)
\windows\start menu\office
Icon Path
Is ReadOnly
0x0 (0)
\windows\Start menu\
but that's not a custom folder that's one of the folders cooked into the rom.
I made a folder of my skyscape medical books, named it med books, when i did "windows\start menu\programs\med book" for the path, i get the certificate error or that it cannot be found.
for me, it works using method 1 as crajee outlined, using windows\fexplore.exe.
That aside, i'd also like to know which dll has the icons b/c i don't like having the fexplore icon...fugly...
Hi tboy2000, Nice to know it works well for U.
tboy2000 said:
2. What is the path for manilla settings or win mo settings page as I accidentally deleted them?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Manilla Settings path:
Command = --switchtopage Manila://
Path = \Windows\manila.exe
IconPath = \windows\HTC\Assets\Images\programlauncher\Program_icon\settings_88.qtc
If you want Direct link to "All Settings" then U should use custom apps as I described in another post.
tboy2000 said:
3. I want to use the hi res topaz icon used for "File explore" in each category folder. What is the "Icon path" info i need? Is it to a specific dll file?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
DRTigerlilly said:
That aside, i'd also like to know which dll has the icons b/c i don't like having the fexplore icon...fugly...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Again it seems not possible to link icons from dll files like in usual shortcuts.
So you need to extract the icon of your choice from the shellres.192.dll (copy to Desktop and extract with resource explorer eg. Reshack. Save as .ico file and copy to windows directory). In the IconPath use "\windows\myicon.ico" where myicon.ico is the name of the icon U extracted.
tboy2000 said:
4. Finally, are there any custom icon sets i can impost and choose from or how can i customise my own icons and use them for folders or apps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not I am aware of. There are a few posts on this in this forum though.
tboy2000 said:
no mate.
here is an example of one folder...
(value not set)
\windows\start menu\office
Icon Path
Is ReadOnly
0x0 (0)
\windows\Start menu\
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
May be some thing else you have set??
For example for me this method opens up "All programs" with the Title Office..
No Filtering occurs..
For me, when i click on a category icon, i get the list of apps in the category with the category title. See images below.
I have also used the pc prog in this link below to change the icons in my start menu...
I have not set anything else. Yes I used office in my example above but it also works with folders i have made up such as travel.
Hmmm... tboy2000 I can't understand but that would be cool. Mine always goes to first item for All Programs - Dutty 3.4. Only Title chnages. What ROM are U using?
That's why i hacked the old method (Method 2).
Anyone else??
I am using Dutty 3.4 rom also.
I just had a thought. If it just shows All Programs, that means you don't have any sub-folders in your windows start menu directory. Make sure you create new folders and name them for each category.

Resextract - resource extractor plugin for Total Commander.

We all know what Reshack and Restorator are.
For me, only problem is, that sometimes their usage is annoying.
Sometimes files are editable with first program, and vice versa.
I realized, that there's alternative, and damn, it is GOOD.
It saves time when we want to change something fast, also, editing strings is possible too.
From our point of view it is mainly useful for using with exes and dlls, muis are not supported, unfortunately.
Of course, we should remember to not to use it with netcf apps nor upxed files.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Version 1.1.1
- Decompilation of 32-bit PE executables (EXE SCR) and libraries (DLL OCX CPL BPL), resource files (RES DCR).
- Automatic detection of 32-bit executables and libraries by format. Resource files are detected only by extension.
- Resources with primary language are placed in both resource directory and resource type directory. "Primary" means the following: plugin searches for resource that better fits keyboard layouts.
- Resources can be deleted either internally (fast, but not safe; file may be damaged) or using Resource Hacker (you can get it from Backup copy with name "filename.ext.!!!" is created.
- Supports almost all standard resources. Styles for common controls can be decompiled as named constants.
- Decompilation process is fully customizable. Options can be stored either in the regsitry or in the ini-file (see below).
- Sometimes plugin behaves not trivially (even I sometimes didn't expect the result), so even advanced users should read ReadMe file.
You should not register it for any particular extension. Instead, register it for extension like "pe_res_dummy". It will allow entering self-executable archives.
- Unpack "ResExtract.wcx" and "ResConfig.exe" into "Total Commander \ Plugins" directory.
- Configuration -> Options... -> Packer -> Additional packers -> Configure packer extension WCX's
- Enter "pe_res_dummy" into the edit box
- Press "New type", browse for plugin, then press "Open"
- Press all "OK" buttons
If plugin finds ini file, it uses it to store configuration, otherwise registry is used. If you want plugin to store options in the ini-file, copy "ResExtract.ini" to the directory where plugin located.
After installing new version of plugin it is recomended that you run configuration application and click on the "Restore Defaults" button. Otherwise, some new functions may not work correctly. For example, detection of the resource format will not work if there is superfluous "type=extension" string.
When your cursor is over one of the files with supported format (see above), press "Ctrl + Page Down" to enter file. You can copy resources from file and delete resources. To delete resource completely delete directory, not file. Otherwise, only resource with primary language will be deleted.
- Icons (ICO) and cursors (CUR). They can be extracted as a whole or as particular format. Formats have names like "16x16 256 Colors" or "48x48 True Color (XP)". "(XP)" mark in the format name means that it is 32-bit icon with alpha channel.
- Dialogs - both standard and extended (RC). Types and styles are decompiled as named constants for controls: Button, Static, Edit, ScrollBar, ListBox, ComboBox, ToolbarWindow32, RichEdit, SysAnimate32, SysDateTimePick32, SysHeader32, SysListView32, SysMonthCal32, SysPager, SysTabControl32, SysTreeView32, msctls_hotkey32, msctls_progress32, msctls_statusbar32, msctls_trackbar32, msctls_updown32, ComboBoxEx32, ReBarWindow32, ToolbarWindow32, RichEdit20A, BorBtn, BorRadio, BorRadio, BorCheck, BorStatic, BorShade. Styles for unknown controls are decompiled as hex values. All window styles are decompiled as named constants.
- Menus - both standard and extended (RC)
- Borland forms (DFM) are decompiled into the text format.
- Version information (RC)
- String and message tables (RC)
- Accelerator tables (RC). Keys are decompiled into the "VK_" constants.
- XP Manifests (XML)
- Toolbars (RC)
- Registry scripts (RGS)
- Registry installation (INI)
- Bitmaps (BMP DIB)
- Text (TXT). If the first KB of resource does not contain non-printable symbols, it is detected as text
- Web resources (HTM HTML GIF JPG JPEG XSL)
- AVI video files (AVI)
- Wave sound files (WAV)
- Metafiles (WMF)
- Executables (EXE)
- Virtual devices (VXD)
- Resources with unknown format have "BIN" extension
- Corrupted with exe-compressors resources have "!!!" extension
- Resources with incorrect format have "!" extension
All lists (extensions, languages) are words separated by spaces. All numbers (languages, resource types) are decimal. If you have already used plugin in this session of Total Commander, for changes to take place you must restart it or call "cm_UnloadPlugins" command. Total Commander caches archive contents, so if options change list of the resources, "cm_UnloadPlugins" will not help, you will have to restart program. Options are saved in the registry under the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Athari\res_wcx.wcx. You can use Regedit to import and export options.
Plugin looks for current keyboard layouts and chooses resource to be extracted out of language directory. If you want to extract all resources of a file, you can disable this feature. "Ignore sublanguages" means that when plugin chooses languages to be extracted, it would not care about sublanguages. That is if you have "English (US)" keyboard layout, resource with "English (UK)" language can be choosen. Resource files cannot be detected by content; they are detected only by extension. If you have resource files with another extensions, you can add this extension to the list. Warning: do not try open file registered as RES, that does not have RES format; it may cause errors.
Options in this tab affect only resource names and extensions. The first way to set extension is after the name of resource type. These strings have format "type=extension", without spaces. Type can be string or decimal number defining resource type. If resource have already got dot in the name, adding of "BIN" extension can be disabled.
This tab is for compatibility with other resource compilers. Some of them do not understand some statements. For example, Resource Hacker does not understand "SEPARSTOR" and a few styles; Borland C++ does not understand most styles of non-standard controls etc. If your resource compiler has any problems using decompiled resources, you can press "Compatibility mode" button. All values will be extracted as hex values, which are understood by every normal compiler. However, resources will lose readability.
Instead of using internal method of deleting resources you should use Resource Hacker™, because it is much more reliable. You can download it free from However, it cannot delete icon formats and it is slower. If you want to delete icon formats, you can temporarily disable option "Use Resource Hacker". Warning: if you use internal method do not delete the last resource, file will be damaged.
Some executable files can be packed with exe-compressors. Some or all of their resources cannot be extracted. You can change extensions or set "hidden" attribute of corrupted resources. In addition, although some resources can be unpacked, they cannot be decompiled. To test format of the resources while opening archive check "Test format" box.
- If you delete the last resource of particular type, Total Commander does not update the view. It updates only after entering ".." dir. I cannot fix it. Author of Total Commander should fix it.
- If you enter language subdirectory of the only resource of particular type and delete that language, you would not be able to exit from file. You will have to use history (Alt + Down arrow) or enter dir manually (click on the panel title). I cannot fix it too. Therefore, if you want to delete Version Info, you should not enter language subdirectory to do it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

[Q] How to replace \Windows\ .dlls

I want to replace phcanhtc.dll and phcanrc.dll with these dll ( for wm6.5.3 with all fixes but I do not know how to do it.
I've searched on forum without relevant results.
Please help
me too, i really dont know
Why not simply, when device is booting i.e. processing HKLM\init, override old dll-version with new dll-version?
Could You elaborate a bit on that information? I mean, what is "CopyDLLs.exe" and how does it work? Where to find more information about it (Google doesn't return much...)? What is the "Depend" key and what does that HEX mean?
Thought the concept behind the solution proposal I outlined above is reconstructable to everyone:
1) you simply add two lines to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init] with which an executable ( of your choice, I use freeware TULL.exe for those reasons - you can name it how you want to do it, ex. CopyDLLs.exe ) is started. BTW: 'DependXXXX' is the load order index for 'LaunchXXXX' and 'hex' indicates that it's a binary value.
2) using TULL.exe you create a related .INI-file that is read by TULL.exe (or renamed to CopyDLLs.exe, what I think is more meaningful) with contents like this:
;overide xyz dll
C "\Save\xyz.dll" "\Windows\xyz.dll"
FYI: TULL.exe you can downlad here
Thank You for that valuable information! I have been using and customizing WM four years now and I have so far understood that it's impossible to replace DLL-s which are in ROM and cannot be overwritten with Resco or similar file manager. Although I don't need it anymore (I would have a year ago), it's still good to know. One question tho, if I may... By asking "what does hex mean" I didn't really mean that, I know there are DWORDs, binary values etc, sorry about that I actually meant what does that value do. But You already answered that. I still wonder, how is that load order index constructed, I mean, how do I know what to put there?
OverWrite vs. Override
1) You have to distinguish between terms 'overwrite' (i.e. physical replacement) and 'override' (i.e. logical replacement). The method I suggested is to 'override' a DLL before its first use. If a DLL is already loaded, the method of course will NOT work (only the internal DLL counter is incremented by 1)!
2) With regards to how determine DependXXXX value (excerpt from
The other option for launching an application at boot time is to use the HKLM\Init keys, this requires that the application call back into the operating system by calling SignalStarted( ); to let the operating system know that the application is running. The reason for this is that the HKLM\Init keys have two parts, LaunchXX and DependXX. The LaunchXX key (where XX is a numeric value) simply points at the executable to launch. For example, take the following snippet from my operating system image registry file (once the operating system is built, the complete registry can be examined in text form in the build release folder as reginit.ini)
The snippet from the registry above launches three processes, Shell, Device, and GWES. Notice that device.exe (Launch20) has a dependency on Hex:0a (10 decimal). This equates to Launch10, or shell.exe, so the Shell process needs to signal the operating system that it's up and running so that any dependencies (in this case device.exe) can then be started. The same is also true of gwes.exe (launch30), device.exe depends on hex:14 (20 decimal), so GWES can't run until device.exe calls SignalStarted.
OK, thank You again for the thorough explanation. I just want to confirm one thing - as far as I understand from that description, it would also be possible to launch an *.exe which will copy and overwrite the original DLL before it's loaded in boot order? I ask because a bunch of the DLL files cannot be overwritten after the device has booted. Like I said, some of the files in ROM can be overwritten and some cannot be. I have so far suspected that the ones that cannot be overwritten cannot be overwritten because a) they are already loaded; b) they are locked by some process. I cannot imagine any other mechanism that distinguishes between one DLL and another. Would it work or am I missing something here?
You didn't read it carefully
Again: YOU HAVE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN OVERWRITE AND OVERRIDE. We all know that a file located in ROM never can be 'overwritten', but 'overridden', this due to the fact how WinCE searches for a DLL called by an application: 1 -> in directory where the application is located, 2 -> in folder \Windows, 3 -> in folder declared in CE's SystemPath and 4) finally in ROM.
Ending this excursion into the world of WinCE: If you make the desired DLL-copy-operations directly after device.exe (CE 5) / device.dll (CE 6) has done its job (means file system is mounted and ready to be used) you can 'override' each ROM-located DLL if it isn't already lasting (loaded) in RAM, means you simply copy new version of DLL to folder \Windows. BTW: The DLLs you see in \Windows might be located in ROM, or not ( i.e. located in RAM - folder \Windows itself is RAM), this depends on how OEM implemented this.
Only a practical example I've in use:
;increase storage memory (KB)
W \NandFlash\CE-Utilities\SetSystemMemoryDivisionKB.exe, 3072
; delay execution by the passed value in milliseconds
D 1000
;load backlight settings
W \NandFlash\CE-Utilities\regimp.exe, /f:\NandFlash\MyRegistry\backlight.ini /s
W \NandFlash\CE-Utilities\RegFlushKeys.exe
;prepare using .NET CF 3.5 instead .NET CF 2.0 (ROM located)
C "\NandFlash\NetCFCfg\device.config" "\Windows\device.config"
[COLOR="Red"]C "\NandFlash\MyCESystemPath\mscoree.dll" "\Windows\mscoree.dll"[/COLOR]
; delay execution by the passed value in milliseconds
D 1000
Original ROM-located mscoree.dll (part of pre-installed .NET CF 2.0) gets overriden with mscoree.dll that comes with .NET CF 3.5, thus now .NET CF 3.5 is running instead of .NET CF 2.0
Thanks again for Your answer, which is again thorough and informative. Basically You answered "Yes" to my question I say this because - as I am not as knowledgeable about WinCE system as You are - it seems I just call the process that You describe as "overriding" simply "overwriting". This is because I wasn't aware how WinCE searches for a file or how the \Windows\ folder contents is handled / processed. And also because when I copy a DLL file to \Windows\ folder, Resco simply asks "Do You want to overwrite...?" etc I am not a WinCE developer, I'm simply an enthusiast and I might call things more simply, sorry for that. But I think I got valuable information from You one way or another and the most important thing is, I got the point. However You call it.
@jwoegerbauer: Thanks friend for the nice examples and explanations .
I want to copy a new NLS file to a WinCE device, before system was loaded.
I've tried to do what you suggested here, jwoegerbauer, with my Mio C520.
I've wrote registry keys to activate the sciprt I wrote, before the system loaded - with no success.
I've tried both MortScript and TULL as script-language - both with no success.
The registry keys that I've tried to import are:
"Launch25"="\My Flash Disk\Temp\CopyNLS.exe"
I've tried also to import
which cause the system to freeze in the main menu (before MP is loaded), and
which cause the system to freeze in the boot load.
I'll be happy to know what else can I try to activate the code.
If the wince.nls is located in the XIP already you cannot override it. It is loaded before the FAT partition is there and the filter driver could redirect calls to the FAT copy of a dll.
You need to re-cook with the wince.nls moved to the SYS, seems however that some specialties need to be taken care of when doing so (search here at XDA for this).
So, I understand that my only option is to implant a soft-reset during the installaion of MioPocket.
Do you know how to do soft-reset with those chinese devices?
Reset does not help you if the wince.nls is located in the XIP. You will not be able to replace it with any means - the OS will load it before you have any chance to interfere.
Your only option is to replace the OS (with a cooked one) where the wince.nls is different from the start - or where it is not located in the XIP partition.
Why do you want to replace the wince.nls? Probably your problem can be solved another way?
Well, actually, in the Mio C520 - reset does help me. It's re-written the wince.nls file with the one I copied, and used it very well.
My problem now is my Chinese device, based on WinCE 6.0 embedded.
I've installed MioPocket on it, and translate some of the words to Hebrew. The problem is that the hebrew is 'backwards', meaning if for ex. instead of "Hello" - It'll show "olleH".
Here is screenshot of both devices, to the left is the Mio C520, which is OK, and to the right is the Chinese device, which is written 'backwords'
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
So I thoght - maybe, if I'll made the Chinese device to do soft-reset, just like the Mio - maybe the problem will be solved.
But maybe you are right, and there's completely another solution to this problem. I sure hope there is...
Well, I can neither read Chinese nor Hebrew - so nothing to guide you here.
Not sure what you wanted to achieve with the new wince.nls
What I understood is that this files basically gives you all the entries in the Locale panel of the settings file - so where you can select the format of the time/date or currency. First you select the Locale (not UI language which is a different setting) and then you can pick for each of the items defined by this locale set the relevant options that are stored in the wince.nls file. It also holds all menu items of that local setting in all languages - which makes it quite big depending on the number of languages supported.
So if you could "replace" the wince.nls, then for sure it is not in the XIP and all my previous comments are useless for you.
If you are after swapping the direction of writing on your device this is a totally different thing. I am sure it is not part of the .nls but a system setting for the UI part of the device. You may need to search for "Arabic Support" or alike in the Windows CE forums around the world. I have not seen much discussed here at XDA for this specialty.
Good luck!
After a search inside the GPS file system (I forgot to mention that in the original menu of the GPS the Hebrew was just fine - meaning from right to left - what led me to think there's something in the OS responsible for that) - I found a file named SetLanguage.exe which may be repsosible to display the hebrew in the right direction.
Anyone in here can hex the file and understand what's it's usage?
I attached also file named Arab.dll, maybe is also related..
Any help will be much appriciate!
Absolute OFF-TOPIC
SetLanguage.exe (by Lenovo Beijing Ltd.) you attached depends on libraries
Arab.dll, MultiLanDll.dll, ApicalDrvApi.dll, AppLoginDll.dll, MFC80U.dll and COREDLL.dll.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This executable is only useable on very specific devices.
As stated by MS, Windows CE by default uses the fonts as listet next to implement hebrew
Arial (subset 1_08) arial_1_08
Arial Bold (subset 1_08) arialbd_1_08
Courier New (subset 1_08) cour_1_08
Tahoma (subset 1_08) tahoma_1_08
Tahoma Bold (subset 1_08) tahomabd_1_08
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Click to collapse

