[Q] Help!!! internal storage read/write permissions!! NAE - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Sprint galaxy s4


[Q] Can i flash 4.4 KitKat on my At&T galaxy s4

Hey guys sorry for the stupid question, so i have AT&T galaxy S4 SGH-I337 with CM 10.2 Nightly with superuser rooted. i really wanna flash to cm11 4.4 KitKat but
i have the MF3 modem so i don know if it should be a problem ( i attached a picture) i would like to know if there is anyway for me to flash to CM11 or any other KitKat rom to my S4.
Thank you for you help.

rooting s4

do you root s4 i337m with the new nc1 file same asa other s4

[Q] verizon galaxy note 3 Hyperdrive

I'm Currently on 4.3 but I'm thinking about updating my phone to 4.4.2 kitkat is there a Hyperdrive rom for Verizon galaxy note 3 on kitkat and is there a time line for the safestrap v3.72 from has code because the main reason I haven't updated my phone is because it has no room slots available on safestrap v3.72

[Q] S5 Toggles

Anyway to get the S5 Toggles on my Note 3.
I'm running the NC2 4.4.2 rooted stock ROM.

[Q] I9505 firmware on sgh1337

Can I flash the official firmware of Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 to at&t's Samsung Galaxy sgh 1337?
And depending on your build, you may be limited to using SafeStrap for any flashing.

