Way to store Preferences - Java for Android App Development

Hey Guys,
I am creating a app to rename other apps via xposed and the main code is written. Now I simply want to make a interface where you can define a app to rename and then enter a new name. For the beginning I thought about a Activity where you enter the Package Name and the desired name. Later on I want to use a list view to show all apps, from where you can choose one to rename(Like App Settings etc.). To show the renamed apps I want to use a ListView. Now I am stuck with a problem: My xposed code works with an array to check and rename. The list view can be used with an array or an arraylist, but I need a way to store the preferences(which are stored in a array).
Do you have a good idea or a sample how to realise this? And does somebody know a nice App List type of thing(I googled, but the project there aren't usable with my kind of approach.)

GalaxyInABox said:
Hey Guys,
I am creating a app to rename other apps via xposed and the main code is written. Now I simply want to make a interface where you can define a app to rename and then enter a new name. For the beginning I thought about a Activity where you enter the Package Name and the desired name. Later on I want to use a list view to show all apps, from where you can choose one to rename(Like App Settings etc.). To show the renamed apps I want to use a ListView. Now I am stuck with a problem: My xposed code works with an array to check and rename. The list view can be used with an array or an arraylist, but I need a way to store the preferences(which are stored in a array).
Do you have a good idea or a sample how to realise this? And does somebody know a nice App List type of thing(I googled, but the project there aren't usable with my kind of approach.)
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Ah the data storage problem... I think we all came across this at least once . I suppose you read this guide on the different options available? Well there are actually three options: SharedPreferences, text or csv file and SQL.
The first one would need some work around and is probably the slowest. You would save a separate string directly into the SharedPreferences (maybe in a new file to avoid collisions?) with the array name and its index somehow in the key. That's just two methods of coding but not the nicest way to do it.
The text or csv file however is the more common way, here you'd save your array in one line of the file, each item separated with a ; or some other char. Needs a bit more coding and also the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on preKitKat if I remember correctly.
The third one is the nicest and most modular one. Because it makes use of SQL it needs quite a bit of knowledge and some coding (but less than the text file).
I guess for simple things that you want to do it is better to stay away from SQL for now unless you know how to use it and use the SharedPreferences.
Edit: take a look at the answers to this question, they give you the code as well... And you can use StringSets in ICS and above if the order of your list doesn't matter !

I'd say go down the SQLite DB way, chances are that if you plan on expanding your coding knowledge and want to keep creating apps you'll be needing to learn this in the future anyway so why delay?
Google AndroidHive and look at their SQL tutorial - I used it when learning and found it very informative
Sent from my HTCSensation using Tapatalk

Thank you very much! As coming from windows, first of all I thought about SQL as well, but it seems oversized for the set of data i want to store. I also took a look at the stackoverflow thread you linked. It looks easy to implement, but the need to use an external class file made me look for another way. I found this one, which works pretty well for me, as I look forward to interchange the method of saving the data with a better one using the SharedPreferences(which actually should be really easy with my code).
Maybe you can tell me yet another thing: Is there a way of declaring an object(like the ArrayList) to make it accessible from every class except from giving every class(activity) it's own "load the preferences" and "save the preferences" code block or sending intents all over the place? This would make saving much easier and allow me to update the preferences during runtime and without a reboot
Edit: This was my answer to.SimplicityApks ^^ I'll take a closer look at SQL now, since you, Jonny, told me that it' nevertheless necessary.

GalaxyInABox said:
Thank you very much! As coming from windows, first of all I thought about SQL as well, but it seems oversized for the set of data i want to store. I also took a look at the stackoverflow thread you linked. It looks easy to implement, but the need to use an external class file made me look for another way. I found this one, which works pretty well for me, as I look forward to interchange the method of saving the data with a better one using the SharedPreferences(which actually should be really easy with my code).
Maybe you can tell me yet another thing: Is there a way of declaring an object(like the ArrayList) to make it accessible from every class except from giving every class(activity) it's own "load the preferences" and "save the preferences" code block or sending intents all over the place? This would make saving much easier and allow me to update the preferences during runtime and without a reboot
Edit: This was my answer to.SimplicityApks ^^ I'll take a closer look at SQL now, since you, Jonny, told me that it' nevertheless necessary.
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You mean you want to make your ArrayList, which is an instance variable in the activity, accessible to every other class within your package without having an instance of your activity at hands? Well the basic solution would be to make the ArrayList static. But that is not recommended because it won't be created and garbage collected at the same time as your activity and also it's not a nice way .
If you had an instance of the activity it would be just using a public getter for it, but without I'd put your ArrayList into a separate class following the Singleton pattern. That way you have only one global instance which contains the ArrayList.

Thanks again for your reply! I changed my mind about the ArrayList and created a method, where everything is stored in the SharedPreferences and the ArrayList's only purpose is the use with the ListView and Adapter. This way I don't have to write the ArrayList to the SharedPreferences and changes will be much easier to control. Although I had to implement another type of save/load method to interact with the class thats being loaded by xposed. That was needed because of the restriction that you can only load SharedPreferences with a context, which my class doesn't have. It's an inconvenient way, but it works


Developer with a Marketing question!

I'm a programmer; I don't do Sales, I don't do Marketing LOL
I'm working on an app that has my partner and I debating on pretty much a daily basis. I'll try to explain best as possible without too much detail.
The app takes a pre-loaded database (a "template") from assets folder and loads into the app. Works fine. Thing is, there will be more templates, probably up to 20 for which we want to charge (we're talking small amounts here).
So, here is the debate we're having:
1. Create 20 apps with each having the one template. Easy as hell for me but goes against my programming standards as to why have 20 apps when ONE does the work? NOTE: Does not need any permissions
2. Create one app, ask user for template on startup, download from cloud. A little tougher, but not much. Problem here is that what if they want 2 templates? Or 5? We want to charge for each template. I could do "AppName +2" or "AppName +5"
versions and charge accordingly. NOTE: Max templates a user would have is probably 5.
3. In-app purchasing...I've read about this. Not so easy. You either hide content (and over bloat your app or code a mechanism that allows Joe to have in-app purchase app, but not Julie). Google makes clear note of this in their docs. NOTE: my bloat would be about a 7,000 row database on user's phone.
So, just looking for some other opinions...all comments welcome!
From what I can understand, I think # 1 is the most tried and true method, as most launchers with themes work this way. The upside for you as far as making money is concerned is that there are people who want all their options, whether or not they will ever use them... I have been guilty of it myself with lp+ themes. I've paid for ones I'll never use, because it's there and most apps tend to be in the "impulse buy" price range.
I agree, #1 is your best option, it may require a lot more work as far as deploying goes, but it is the most reliable method.
Interesting! Thank you for your replies.
A little more information...the templates (e.g. database) will probably never change from initial download, so that update is a moot point.
One thing I didn't think about is creating and SAVING 20 keys!!! Yikes. I've lost those before...very bad situation when that happens. Not to mention 20 distinct package names.
One thing I didn't think about is creating and SAVING 20 keys!!! Yikes. I've lost those before...very bad situation when that happens. Not to mention 20 distinct package names.
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You can sign all packages with the same key.
As of package names, all you need is to change the application package not the code packages. The ADT has a tool for renaming application packages.
1. Create 20 apps with each having the one template. Easy as hell for me but goes against my programming standards as to why have 20 apps when ONE does the work? NOTE: Does not need any permissions
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Here is my suggestion, although I never tried it:
Create 20 apps for templates with no logic at all.
For each one of these apps:
(1) Put a single template file in the res/raw folder
(2) Create an Activity that doesn't do anything at all (call finish on onCreate).
(3) Set intent-filter for your null activity with android.intent.action.MAIN and your own custom category.
Create 1 main application with all application logic and code but with no templates at all (or just one default template).
(1) Search for installed templates using PackageManager.queryIntentActivities with an Intent that match Intent.ACTION_MAIN and your custom category.
(2) Read templates using Context.createPackageContext, getResources of the created context, getIdentifier to find the id of the template file and openRawResource to actually open it as an InputStream.
There are other methods to share resources, take look at android:sharedUserId.
Interesting concept, but if I read it right, I sill need 20 "dummy" apps to go with the main "driver".
I've got some time to mess with this because I have to implement drag and drop on some ListViews. I might just end-up coding the in-app purchase stuff.
EDIT: LOL, I can't wait till I can afford an iPad and port all my stuff to iOS

Store Item Finder / Item Locator

I'm trying to build an app for a school project that will locate items in a grocery store. For example, if I type in "orange juice" into the app, it will create a marker on a floorplan of the store. In this way I want to be able to populate a map with markers that correspond to items in a grocery list. Users can then walk around the store and swipe off markers as they pick up the items.
Does anyone know how I could do this? Are there any open source Android apps currently out there I could look at?
I feel like this would be a fairly simple project involving just uploading a .jpeg into an app and assigning coordinates to classes of items, like "juice" to {20,30} or something like that, but I have very little programming experience and am lost as to how to start.
Well, people normally do not get an answer if they ask how to do the whole app.
So try to find the solution yourself and ask the community if you've got more specific questions/problems.
nikwen said:
Well, people normally do not get an answer if they ask how to do the whole app.
So try to find the solution yourself and ask the community if you've got more specific questions/problems.
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Yeah I realize that I'm not going to get a step by step process... but I was just asking for general advice. Somebody suggested I use a .shp file and use an overlay with all the markers corresponding to the items, then create a pop up marker event for every time the user selects an item, which was helpful.
I'm looking for general ideas on implementation, that's all.
justinyeh said:
Yeah I realize that I'm not going to get a step by step process... but I was just asking for general advice. Somebody suggested I use a .shp file and use an overlay with all the markers corresponding to the items, then create a pop up marker event for every time the user selects an item, which was helpful.
I'm looking for general ideas on implementation, that's all.
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You could save the name and the coordinates to files using JSON which can easily be written manually.
Have a look at Google's gson library.

[GUIDE] Using the Share Intent

Hello everyone,
While making an app, I wanted to let the user be able to share some content (shameless plug: from a clearable EditText). So, I looked up how to do this.
In this thread, I will share (pun not even intended) with you how to use the Share Intent yourself, so that your users can also quickly involve anyone they know in what they're doing.
There are some things that I am going to assume you've done:
- You have made your base app
- You have a Button done and set up, only needing a method to execute the Share Intent.
Now, let's get to it!
Step 1 - The method:
First, you have to set up the method. As always, give it a nice and descriptive name, so everyone (including you later, believe me that you'll need it) knows what it does.
Of course, this just follows standard syntax. I'm going to name it share, because simple!
So, you'll get this:
private void share() {
// This is the method where we share some content
Step 2 - The Intent:
You want to make sure that Android recognises your Intent as being a Share Intent. Of course, because of the flexibility of Intents, this is also easily done. Just declare another parameter, which isn't the usual set of Classes.
My Intent will be called shareIntent.
Like so:
Intent shareIntent = new Intent(android.content.intent.ACTION_SEND);
Step 3 - The type:
When sharing content in Android, you have to let the system know what you're sharing. Naturally, it has to react differently to different types of content. An image can be handled by certain apps, while others can only handle text. Apart from that, the apps have to process the items differently.
This is done by declaring the MIME type, which are unique identifiers for different data types.
Some possible types are text/plain, image/gif and video/mp4.
In this case, we are going to share some text. This is done by adding the following line under the Intent declaration:
With the setType method, you could target specific apps. However, this is obviously not a good idea. If a user doesn't have that app on their phone, it'll cause trouble. Therefore, just use the right type and let the user select the relevant application.
Step 4 - The Content:
Now for the real work. What are you sharing? Of course, text! But you have to give the Intent that text, because it won't just snuff it out by itself.
How do we do this? Simple, again.
Just create a String and use that. Of course, you can hard code a String in the Intent, but it's best to use a variable. After all, you're probably going to be sharing dynamic content.
This is done as follows, though you should really know this by now:
String sharedString = "Hey, we are sharing!";
Step 5 - The extras:
You have to also give the Intent its extra information. For this example, we'll be setting two types of extras: a subject and the body.
This way, there is flexibility. If the user chooses to share the text using an email application, the subject will also be used. If they don't, it won't be used.
This is done by adding the following lines to your sharing method:
shareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "This is the subject");
shareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, sharedString);
Step 5 - The Chooser:
Whenever you share something, you see the Dialog pop up for you to select the app you want to use in your sharing the content. This is the next and last step in this guide, and is basically just starting the Intent with a special parameter.
Not every type of media can be shared to every app. When you share certain content, Android looks at what apps have declared themselves candidates for that MIME type.
So, if you are not seeing certain apps appear, check whether the app can work with that MIME type!
Start the Intent like this:
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, "Share via"));
Of course, the title to the chooser doesn't have to be "Share via". It can be any other text or variable (keep this in mind for apps that have translations!).
Facebook doesn't do this right! The facebook app doesn't do sharing right, so it will probably not show up in the list of apps that you might see when following the tutorial. To counteract this, target the app using the specific API.
Have fun sharing, and thanks for reading!
P.S.: Images can be added, should anyone want me to do so.
I also found this for the ActionBar very interesting: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/widget/ShareActionProvider.html
nikwen said:
I also found this for the ActionBar very interesting: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/widget/ShareActionProvider.html
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True, the ShareActionProvider is quite nice but has one really big downside: You have to update it with the Intent BEFORE the user clicks the item, and there is no workaround. So if you want to generate an image when the user clicks share, you cannot use the ShareActionProvider.
And thanks for the guide OP!
SimplicityApks said:
True, the ShareActionProvider is quite nice but has one really big downside: You have to update it with the Intent BEFORE the user clicks the item, and there is no workaround. So if you want to generate an image when the user clicks share, you cannot use the ShareActionProvider.
And thanks for the guide OP!
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Wouldn't it be possible to extend the class? Maybe it could be achieved that way.
nikwen said:
Wouldn't it be possible to extend the class? Maybe it could be achieved that way.
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Could work, but I have no idea what methods to override... I need to have a closer look at this.

Practice App Ideas

I am new to Android App development. I need some simple application ideas to practice. please give me some ideas. I just made Rock, Paper, Scissor game. So easy games like this will be fine(I think )
Build a notepad app that lets you write and save notes. Build it steps where you increase the difficulty as you go on:
Make an app with a textbox that lets you enter text
Add a save button and learn how to execute code when the button is hit. Whenever you encounter any problems or don't know what to do, use Google! There are a lot of other running the same path as you and me who have encountered problems. The solution is almost always a search away!
Implement a save function that saves the content when the button is hit. When the user reopens the app load the text file and put the content in the textbox. Tip: Use SharedPreferences
Time to add support for multiple notes! Start off by learning how to move between activities (windows), in your notepad app add a button labeled "All notes" that sends you to another activity when clicked. Use Google to finds articles on how to do this.
Once you've figured out how to move between windows, it's time to create a list with all the notes. To display a list you use ListViews, before jumping in to showing the actual notes create a mock list containing your favorite cars, cats, Justin Bieber songs, whatever! Once you get a hang of it, move on to the next step
Learn how to store multiple strings instead of just one. Check out JSON, it's a simple data structure that lets you store.. data. Tip: store the notes in JSONObjects in a JSONArray. The final JSON-string can be stored in SharedPreferences.
Once you get a grip of JSON, add an add button, preferably in the ActionBar, that lets you add notes. Save the new note in the JSONArray.
Replace the cars or cats that are currently shown by the created lists.
VoilĂ , you have a fully functional notepad app and you've learned how to: move between activities, store data, ListViews, find solutions with Google etc. Good luck!
What are you aiming for, eventually ? Do you want to be a game developer, utility developer, are you aiming for a job developing apps ?
That might help you decide what kind of test apps to make.
If you go for a game you could spend a fair bit of time dealing with the graphical elements and gameplay without understanding the basics... so before you do that I'd suggest getting familiar with the building blocks (Activity, Intent, Service, Handler, Looper and so on) first.
jokernw said:
I am new to Android App development. I need some simple application ideas to practice. please give me some ideas. I just made Rock, Paper, Scissor game. So easy games like this will be fine(I think )
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I started with memory game, you can go for it as well

[Q] Editing an app

I'm editing an app using APKGUI, mostly to modify the look to conform more to holo style. I would, however, like to modify it a little. It is a messaging app and i want to put pictures of those who sent the message next to the message (line in hangouts) but I can't get it to work by editing the XML. Is there any way to do this through APKGUI modifications or not?
Nickcu13 said:
I'm editing an app using APKGUI, mostly to modify the look to conform more to holo style. I would, however, like to modify it a little. It is a messaging app and i want to put pictures of those who sent the message next to the message (line in hangouts) but I can't get it to work by editing the XML. Is there any way to do this through APKGUI modifications or not?
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depends on the app but I would suspect not as you would need code to resolve from a content provider to then populate the item (ImageView) in the row. So that would be in the adapter code powering the listView in the app
deanwray said:
depends on the app but I would suspect not as you would need code to resolve from a content provider to then populate the item (ImageView) in the row. So that would be in the adapter code powering the listView in the app
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is there any way to get into the code?
Nickcu13 said:
is there any way to get into the code?
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yeah if it's not too obfuscated when decompiled and you know how to query a content provider and load images, maybe not doing said actions on the ui thread but on another thread.. use smart messenger instead when I'm done you will be able to create a UI to your own needs </shamelessplug>
deanwray said:
yeah if it's not too obfuscated when decompiled and you know how to query a content provider and load images, maybe not doing said actions on the ui thread but on another thread.. use smart messenger instead when I'm done you will be able to create a UI to your own needs </shamelessplug>
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basically all i need to do is get to the coding of one section where the profile image is displayed, and copy the query into the new section. but i don't know how to do that or where to find it in the decompiled part. It's not a normal messaging app, it's more of a people discovery app with messaging haha.
Nickcu13 said:
basically all i need to do is get to the coding of one section where the profile image is displayed, and copy the query into the new section. but i don't know how to do that or where to find it in the decompiled part. It's not a normal messaging app, it's more of a people discovery app with messaging haha.
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it is not really a copy paste and work job Or that would be like, 0.0001% probability of working
deanwray said:
it is not really a copy paste and work job Or that would be like, 0.0001% probability of working
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and why is that?
Nickcu13 said:
and why is that?
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cause you would possibly need the following, get the contact id from the row from xxx variable/data, construct the now unique uri to pass to a content resolver to lookup the image uri and or path, then get an instance of the row imageView (or whatever view was going to hold the image) then pass that to a loader/async/new thread along with the uri for that then to load in the background, then check that when loaded the imageView instance is still the same (due to the way android recycles views) before setting it back on the main ui thread.
So a recap on the variable/s
contact id source (of that row)
the instance and data tracking in a thread
so these things are not something you can find in one app or even from the same app and "paste" into another section.
hope that, well, makes enough sense to know it's not a copy paste thing
deanwray said:
cause you would possibly need the following, get the contact id from the row from xxx variable/data, construct the now unique uri to pass to a content resolver to lookup the image uri and or path, then get an instance of the row imageView (or whatever view was going to hold the image) then pass that to a loader/async/new thread along with the uri for that then to load in the background, then check that when loaded the imageView instance is still the same (due to the way android recycles views) before setting it back on the main ui thread.
So a recap on the variable/s
contact id source (of that row)
the instance and data tracking in a thread
so these things are not something you can find in one app or even from the same app and "paste" into another section.
hope that, well, makes enough sense to know it's not a copy paste thing
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so if it does all that once, all i need to to is copy and paste it, then change the variables to be unique.
Nickcu13 said:
so if it does all that once, all i need to to is copy and paste it, then change the variables to be unique.
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well no, each one of those happens for every row, also you would have to "find" the data and instances to make it happen. example would be simply finding the resource ident (integer) for the imageView and grabbing an instance of it. findViewById(R.id.someIDofImageView) but then to avoid constant findViewById lookups on recycled views you would use a viewholder pattern, that then you would create a new object class that would hold this (cause lookups for the same ident on the same row many times when scrolling would not be great)... and more stuff, and thats just for the imageView instance part... clearer ?
I guess my point would be it's more involved that you perhaps think it is. Specially if you know little or no android/java
deanwray said:
I guess my point would be it's more involved that you perhaps think it is. Specially if you know little or no android/java
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Another thing not to forget is the APK signature. If you unpack, edit and repack an APK you must sign it, othewise the installation will fail.
