[Q] (Q) Screen stays on when I miss phone call or msg - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I posted the question in the Q & A thread but I fear my question got lost in between the many that are asked.
I own a rooted S4 from Rogers Canada, which used to be on Alpha Infamous rom, an old version like the 5.0 from at least 6 months ago. Everything runned fine until recently. The phone started giving me some trouble. After missing a phone call while I didn't had the phone on me, the screen stayed on showing missed call until I happened to see the phone and pressing power to close it. The same started happening with message at about the same time.
Since I thought I might have installed a dumb apk on gplay that messed something in the settings, I went to get a new Rom. Alpha having no development for a long time, I thought I'd try something else.
I have tried both omega v25 and [23/03][4.4.2][XXUFNBH]< Echoe v18 > [07/02][4.3][NA4]< Echoe v12.1 "The Final Bean">, the latest which I run at the moment. Both gave me the same trouble with the screen staying powered after missing a msg or a phone call.
Since I don't know how to fix it, I was wondering if anyone could help me out ?
I'm no pro at rooting/flashing but I did the wipe dalvik, cache and everything before flashing both of the new rom. I didn't update the bootloader as I didn't remember clearly how or if it was necessary but the rom in general runs great so I figured out it was ok this way. The only trouble I have is with the screen as previously stated. I didn't flashed the modem either as I seem to have great download speed (without testing, simply feeling it).
So as of now, I'm running Echoe V18 with most of the bloatware disabled in aroma installer.
What can I do to fix this? I've tried googling but nothing close to my trouble came as result. Neither could I find an answer here, there's so many result I might have simply missed it.
Thanks for the help!

Anyone's able to help out ? My question is getting phased out but still has no answer. Please ?


[Q] CM6 / CM7 - CM7 won't work.

Hey guys!
Got a little problem here!
Here's the situation, I'm perfectly able to flash CM6.10 (? - The latest stable for Wildfire anyway), but I've had no luck when trying to flash CM7. Either, it gets stuck at the white HTC splash after flashing and rebooting, or it gets stuck at the CM splash screen. The arrow just stops moving around in circles and freezes!
Not completely sure what this could be, I clear everything before I flash CM7 so ... And I ofc admit that I'm no sort of expert in this area, as almost every single flash has been perfectly fine to me, so I thought that you guys could figure this one out .
Try flashing kernel v4.1 from the HCDR.Kernel thread from the Wildfire Android Development Zone. Since you say you have cleared everything as stated by the first post in CM7, guess I wont be going into that.
I actually tried that as a last resort before going to bed yesterday, and that solved the problem! So thanks anyway, you were right !
Later on I installed the Gapps for CM7, but then when i booted my phone, i got the "Low Memory"-warning that wants you to remove some apps, and all the apps started to crash all the time. Especially the browser, not entirely sure of what's causing all this!
I had the same boot problem and 4.1 also fixed it for me. I've not had any low memory issues but I only really have the google applications... One problem I do have is that I don't seem to be able to pair with any Bluetooth devices, I just don't get long enough to type in the PIN!
Can't post a report on the dev thread as I'm new here...
PS Which 6.10 have you been using? Did you have any Bluetooth issues?

Too many issues so few roms

3rd thread, about 4th rom flashed
constant issues with builds. have gone from stock to:
cm 6.1.3 -apps crashing, random crash notices i.e "phone book has crashed force close" - "the process com.android.phone has stopped unexpectedly"
cm 7 - random reboots, opening browser caused power cycle, wifi issues, lag (thread posted, no solutions at the forefront)
currently on tripnraver pre release. now another issue. no signal what so ever.
original baseband on this xperia x10a is .55. it is suggested to use with bands 52 or 49.
loading either of these basebands. which ive done. doesn't seem to fix the no signal problem. the description states should be backwards compatible even if appropriate bb is not installed on device. yet no luck.
attempting to flash either baseband fails to resolve this problem. currently trying to flash back to stock and try another full reinstall and baseband flash in flashtool.
any ideas would be a great help. having to flash x number of times between roms is getting quite time consuming
thanks everyone.
if you want to stay on the miui rom, you can flash the baseband patch located here and stay on whatever baseband works best for you (I'm on .55 and find it fantastic), then when you load the rom, go to dev tools>bad behaviour>crash the system server.
Otherwise, I would recommend wolfbreaks cm 6.1.3, as it is the most stable. You must have done something wrong during installation as I never had an issue with his roms.
The only issue I have ever had with any rom is MiUi and thats because I used the wrong baseband. You must be doing something wrong for you to be having problems
if you want, try this flash, it's trips miui pre-final with the baseband patch implemented.
worked with my .54 baseband
thanks so much for the links to the baseband patches. i remember coming across a thread that posted it but unfortunately forgot to book mark. so im definitely going to go ahead and try with the patch installed. hopefully all works well
each rom ive flashed has been done properly according to instructions. cache wiped, dalvik, and full reset as per menu options in xrecovery.
one way or another i experienced lag for the most part, and as mentioned some random crashes. never had reset on wolfs rom just error messages at times. trips rom worked excellent, smooth and quick. hopefully with the patch implemented everything will work flawlessly
thanks you guys
Flashed over rom with baseband patch. signal working. everything running smooth.
except for when using camera zoom. zoom default displays 0x. as soon as the option is selected it spawns an immediate force close
any patches? or similar outcome for anyone else?
i will outline my steps below so everyones up to speed on how i performed this flash.
- flashed back stock in SEUS
- root with one click (success)
- installed busy box (market)
- installed xrecovery apk
- booted into xrec
1. full factory reset
2. wipe cache
3. wipe dalvik cache
4. wipe battery stats
5. install custom zip from sd card
6. selected trips rom with bb patch implemented
5. reboot
Camera zoom doesn't work in most ROMs yet and the lag you were experiencing was likely just the FW "settling" it can take a little bit and a couple reboots sometimes for the phone to calibrate itself properly.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
thanks cmoney. maybe ill try my luck with cm7. give it a few reboots and hope for the best. great rom. im really loving trips iphonesque style
clean smooth and quick. everythings working great. hoping the zoom may get fixed soon enough. only other inquiry i have with regards to this rom is the apps2sd.
this feature is essential to myself personally. and it is not working as ive noticed on this rom. ive read a thread with regards to a fix for the last release. i checked the settings for an enable option in case the feature requires being manually set as active but nothing listed. within sd settings state reads as unavailable. if anyone has an answer as to whether this fix will function with the current pre release. ill be going ahead with completeling the flash and reporting what i find back on this thread.
thanks again everyone
Try Wolfbreaks rom. It's very very stable for me. It has cam and everything upto date.
im going to flash back to wolfbreaks updated 6.1.3 unless anyone can point me in the direction of a fix for trips rom.
the smooth and fluid feel of trips rom was brilliant. i am hopeful someone has directions for an apps2sd fix as i have flashed the build twice and the same issue has occured.
thesoundofsilence said:
im going to flash back to wolfbreaks updated 6.1.3 unless anyone can point me in the direction of a fix for trips rom.
the smooth and fluid feel of trips rom was brilliant. i am hopeful someone has directions for an apps2sd fix as i have flashed the build twice and the same issue has occured.
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works for me on trips newest....
i just downloaded the new version 1.0
this is ridiculous. without the baseband patch. crash system server. no signal
now apps to sd is saying "apps2sd is not supported on this device"
this is an xperia x10, so obviously there must be something wrong here.
can anyone elaborate on exactly what to do about this because im going to attempt to flash back the rom, flash the bb patch right after, reboot. i assume this will only solve my signal issue. but this apps to sd is getting extremely frustrating and i can not figure out why it is not showing an enabled status.
- Flashed 1.0 with baseband patch - network signal resolved.
- apps to sd is STILL not working. and i really dont know what to do about this. everything else on this rom is perfect. is there something im missing? i came across a patch for apps2sd fix but this was for a previous version. would it be needed here? is there a setting that must be enabled first in order to start apps to sd as a service.
- as mentioned previously within the main menu, under sd card settings. message states "apps2sd is not supported on device" and on previous build would display "apps2sd unavailable". its simply impossible that the phone doesn't support it. as with every other rom the feature has worked. froyo would support it. the question is how do i go about enabling said feature?
thesoundofsilence said:
i just downloaded the new version 1.0
this is ridiculous. without the baseband patch. crash system server. no signal
now apps to sd is saying "apps2sd is not supported on this device"
this is an xperia x10, so obviously there must be something wrong here.
can anyone elaborate on exactly what to do about this because im going to attempt to flash back the rom, flash the bb patch right after, reboot. i assume this will only solve my signal issue. but this apps to sd is getting extremely frustrating and i can not figure out why it is not showing an enabled status.
- Flashed 1.0 with baseband patch - network signal resolved.
- apps to sd is STILL not working. and i really dont know what to do about this. everything else on this rom is perfect. is there something im missing? i came across a patch for apps2sd fix but this was for a previous version. would it be needed here? is there a setting that must be enabled first in order to start apps to sd as a service.
- as mentioned previously within the main menu, under sd card settings. message states "apps2sd is not supported on device" and on previous build would display "apps2sd unavailable". its simply impossible that the phone doesn't support it. as with every other rom the feature has worked. froyo would support it. the question is how do i go about enabling said feature?
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I dunno man, it works fine for me, but I copied data from my 0.3.2 xrecovery image, so that might be why. try flashing that apps2sd fix for 0.3.2, should work fine
damn it. i just found that thread. found the links to the fixes. so far ive tried miui32_a2sd_fix.zip. and flashed that over with xrec prior to reboot. which did nothing.
there are two more links so im going to try those two flashes as well and hope that one of them will do the trick. if its working when utilizing .32 patches then ideally the bloody thing would have to work here. thanks for the input though dtox. much appreciated
I don't know what else to suggest man
From the feedback I see in the miui thread, everyone else is reporting it working!
Did you factory wipe, wipe cache partition, and wipe dalvik cache before install? then flash the miui 1.0.zip, and flash immediately the baseband patch then reboot into the rom.
Remember not all apps allow apps2sd so use something like android system info, go into the applications tab click on one, click manage and then see if the option "move to sd" is highlighted. Like I said check a few though, not all apps can be moved
i just replied in the dev section lol but yes i have gone ahead and checked the applications menu. specifically downloaded a file i have moved to sd on a previous occasion from the market.
the "apps to sd" selection is completely greyed out. no matter what application i click on or download. i did a full wipe, full install, and selected the apps2sd fix immediately after rom and bbpatch flash, prior to rebooting. issue still remains.
we'll see i guess. thanks again dtox
thesoundofsilence said:
i just replied in the dev section lol but yes i have gone ahead and checked the applications menu. specifically downloaded a file i have moved to sd on a previous occasion from the market.
the "apps to sd" selection is completely greyed out. no matter what application i click on or download. i did a full wipe, full install, and selected the apps2sd fix immediately after rom and bbpatch flash, prior to rebooting. issue still remains.
we'll see i guess. thanks again dtox
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Try it again but without the fix...
i did that to it doesnt work i get the same message displayed
i tried with fix and without. another thing to note is that the rom itself says it should work with a different baseband as it has elements of unified. (which it doesn't) i had to flash the bb patch to get signal.
im not sure whats up with this but until i figure it out for a certainty ive flashed back over to wolf breaks rom. hopefully something will surface and i can give trips rom another go.
thesoundofsilence said:
i did that to it doesnt work i get the same message displayed
i tried with fix and without. another thing to note is that the rom itself says it should work with a different baseband as it has elements of unified. (which it doesn't) i had to flash the bb patch to get signal.
im not sure whats up with this but until i figure it out for a certainty ive flashed back over to wolf breaks rom. hopefully something will surface and i can give trips rom another go.
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No idea man, like I said it is fine for everyone else so I'm so no big development will arise that will make it function with your phone....
maybe it has something to do with 10a. i dont know. but the point is it shouldn't even be doing this regardless. hypothetically if its froyo and it has apps2sd built in. it should work. its not the way ive flashed. the phone supports it. so my only conclusion the rom must not be as compatible as stated. and from reading different posts about the prev builds sometimes the patches worked at other times they didnt. and also the fact that the rom is claimed to work without the need for a bbpatch. yet without the patch instaled phone caught no single. i guess certain unexplainable glitches can be bound to happen at times but any how ill give it one last go.
if nothing comes out of that then im giving up on that build because it seems relatively hopeless.
lol I'm using an x10a...
Still man you're the only person reporting this. Don't you find that strange? What baseband are you using anyhow?


Well, here is my story...
My cell phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 mod. GT-I9300. Locked for Digitel (Venezuela mobile carrier). Android Stock Rom version: 4.1.2.
I bought this cellular a year ago, and it worked flawlessly almost for 12 months straight. I haven't experienced any single freezing or rebooting problem. I downloaded KIES and the program detected that a new version of Android was available for downloading for my phone. Bump! Error. I should have backed up my EFS first before doing the upgrading. BACKUP YOURS, IMPORTANT!)
NOTE: Backup your personal data as well since any ROM installation will remove for sure your personal data and info.
After upgrading and a few days later, my cellphone started to act somewhat funny. I started to got some freezing. To be specifically, my phone started to freeze, the screen just froze and nothing happened when I touched the screen, pressed any button. The only thing worked was to restart the cell (by pressing and holding the POWER button or by removing the batteries). Anyway, the freaking freezing problems continue occurring.
By the way, the warranty expired just a few days ago...
Since I couldn't do anything to stop the freezing problems, I decided to root the cell and install a new version of Android not official for Samsung and test its performance. But before that, I factory reset my cellphone, but it didn't work at all.
I tested several Android version I could find on internet: cm-11-20140....-i9300.zip, specifically, the SNAPSHOT, STABLE, NIGHTLY version. None of that worked, I also tested the cm-10-20... without luck. In fact, the freezing problems with those versions got worse and worse.
Taking the above in consideration, I decided to re-install the stock rom version (ver. 4.1.0) the one that was shipped with my phone when I bought it. You can find these version for any carrier in the world at: sammobile
I flashed and I used it for almost a day or so. During that period of time, I could feel that the freezing issues were gone, not even a freezing event. But unfortunately, I couldn't connect to any Mobile Network!!, so I had just bricked my cell phone !!! I took it to the cell carrier company (DIGITEL) and they could not do anything since my warranty already expired. WTF ! I was alone with my own problem now to sort it out.
By no means I mean this is a cure but I have just stopped getting the hellish freezing and rebooting problems, and I just wanna share my experience with you so maybe I could help you to get rid of this annoying issues for the time being.
Picking up where I was left off, all I had was my bricked phone and a working ROM: ver. 4.1.2, So I decided to to reinstall this version back on my phone and see if it connected to the mobile carrier.
I reinstalled it and of course, after erasing cache partitions and making a factory reset. The procedures to install any ROM on your cellphone you can find it on internet (for instance, youtube may help a lot).
After I installed the version 4.1.2. my cellphone could connect to the mobile carrier once again... phewww!! But the freezing problems continued to appear in the fuc# phone. Well, now the only option I had to test thoroughly my cell was to install any application one after another but testing if the application was the culprit for the freezing issue.
But right after installing the stock Rom, I got a error message when my phone run to the first screen (Home Screen): TOUCHWIZ stopped responding... it lit my LIGHT BULB! I searched the web for the TOUCHWIZ and found out reports regarding many problems with Touchwiz.
Holy craps! The TOUCHWIZ is a BUGGY APPLICATION that comes with the STOCK ROM developed by SAMSUNG.
My friends there is no way to UNINSTALL that application but to use another LAUNCHER. I fired up and decided to download KIT KAT Launcher. Well, I downloaded the launcher and when you first run this application a windows pops up so you can decide what launcher the cellphone may use and the time to use it. I select ALWAYS I press the HOME button, the launcher to use is KIT KAT.
In addition to that I disable various stuffs, follows (you have to go through the setting app):
Disable Touch wiz (delete CACHE, and FORCE STOP)
Disable GPS
Disable Multi Windows
Disable Swipe Lock ( I found my cellphone freezes a lot while this is on)
I don't use a lot of widgets... but only one: The Clock and Alarm widget.
So far (it has passed 5 days straight without freezing). My phone froze on me while I was downloading something (maybe the phone was updating an app) and at the same time I was texting someone. I am suspicious that there is something to do with the downloading system too and the phone that could trigger a freeze.
Anyway, if you have experienced the freezing issue on your Galaxy S3 just like me, then try what I just outlined and give it a test. But do not download a bunch of program at the same time, just pick one by one, and allow some time to test your application and check if your phone is stable before continue with the next app to download and so forth. I have downloaded so far: whatsapp, BBM, sudoku and other games.
Hope you can get rid of the freezing problems just the way I did, any question feel free to ask.
I will continue posting any advance with my phone.
PS: excuse my standard English.
Flashing a custom rom would help with the freezing issues too!
Try temasek's 4.4 rom its a lot more smooth than ur stock ull feel u have a new phone
You also lost ur carrier signal because ur efs partition was read only or something so backup ur efs before flashing the rom
kariiim said:
Flashing a custom rom would help with the freezing issues too!
Try temasek's 4.4 rom its a lot more smooth than ur stock ull feel u have a new phone
You also lost ur carrier signal because ur efs partition was read only or something so backup ur efs before flashing the rom
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Nope,, it didn't work with my cellphone. I already tested it. As a matter of fact, I can name you all the ROM I flashed to my cellphone:
None of the above rom I used stopped the freezing issue, that's why I needed to return to stock rom, and since then I am using it without experiencing any laggy or freezing.
Thanks anyway. :good:
Isnt it possible to create a rom with all of Samsungs bloat ripped off (TouchWiz included) and replaced with stock apps?
The problem is that non stock kernel roms use up a lot more battery than the stock one...
i havent got this
Dude, you seem like a total beginner at this. You might want to start by trying a proper wipe, install a rom like Temasek and install a kernel like Boeffla.
Touchwiz is not the problem for your freezing. Get a custom kernel on there and try undervolting to lower the temp your phone. It may be too hot and may lock up.
You don't have to stick to roms available from your carrier either. You might just want to try any recent 4.3 rom from Sammy.
jinosong said:
Dude, you seem like a total beginner at this. You might want to start by trying a proper wipe, install a rom like Temasek and install a kernel like Boeffla.
Touchwiz is not the problem for your freezing. Get a custom kernel on there and try undervolting to lower the temp your phone. It may be too hot and may lock up.
You don't have to stick to roms available from your carrier either. You might just want to try any recent 4.3 rom from Sammy.
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Yeah,,, you may be right I am a newbie... but since I stopped using TOUCHWIZ, I have experienced fewer a fewer lock-ups. I dunno what it is happening with my phone, but that is a fact. I am using KITKAT launcher.
The current stock ROM I am using is: 4.1.2 .... (I9300UBEMH2)
I am not familiar with undervolting to lower my phone's temp... maybe you can guide me about using it, or I could search the web for it.
UPDATE: I installed TWITTER Apps yesterday and each time I used it, it froze my phone for 12 min approx. Any suggestion?
Read the freezing thread sticky .
Delete this non working fix as well .
JJEgan said:
Read the freezing thread sticky .
Delete this non working fix as well .
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Why should I? Are you a moderator of this forum?
Well I just want to update my post.
Yesterday I just wanted to continue figuring this freezing problem out. Since I published my experiences about freezing until yesterday the problem appears to have reduced significantly. I was using stock ROM ver. 4.1.2 flashed with KIES.
But I wanted to continue testing other ROM's. I tried to install a ROM named SAMMY'S ROM developed by guy named JustArchi (that I found in this forum). However I could not install it on my phone (SGS3 - GT-I9300) since it gave me some errors when I tried to install: ERROR STATUS 7
A margin note: This techie or nerdie called JustArchi gave me the boot from his thread for trying to seek help on this error.. so I trashed this SAMMY'S ROM and move on with another solution.
Whatever, I downloaded another official stock Rom ver. 4.3, released by SAMSUNG, intended for IRELAND - I am not from Ireland, but Venezuela (I founded it at SAMMOBILE under the top 10 latest firmware just released). By using ODIN, I flashed my phone, and to tell the truth, my phone feels differently. I haven't experimented any sluggish or lagging, not even a freezing so far (knocking on wood).
For precaution, I am installing one app at the time, and giving it time to see if everything is stable.
Conclusion: to any guys who is getting the annoying freezing, I think you must stick with it until your mobile carrier makes ROM ver. 4.3 available. Otherwise, if you are like me, wanting to work things out for yourself, download any ROM (ver. 4.3 compatible with your phone model) and test it on your phone. Before doing that, you just have to search the Internet for directions to do so, I am not responsible for what you do with your phone. I'll keep updating if another problem arises.
Note: since I am getting some rude comments from senior members who think they are too techie to read newbie's comments, queries, etc. I am not interested in their replies since they are not helping at all, thus I just ignore your lame comments from now on. Just scram.
Dude, you're really not helping anybody here with your information here. I don't know what you think you're sharing. The error 7 pertains to recover error which can be eliminated by installing an alternate recovery version.
I don't care if you're a newbie or not but you are spreading false info.
I'll scram now.

G4 Plus XT1642 always crashing on first boot @ "checking connection" screen

So i just got a new moto g4 plus XT1642 (UK amazon version) and so of course the first thing i had to do was install a custom rom, so i followed a guide here to unlock it and install TWRP which went fine until i flashed a new firmware, I dont know if i somehow installed the wrong one but now it wont go past the "checking connection" screen on setup without crashing (sometimes it doesnt even get past the welcome language screen) I have tried flashing the stock firmware but it just does the same thing no matter which one i try (XT1642_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-48_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip is the right one i think?)
If anyone could help me get back to marshmellow it started with then i promise i wont mess around with it again :3
Thanks for any help you can give.
Edit: Okay so I finally just went to do the thing i started out to do which was to install the Resurrection Remix rom (http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-g4-plus/development/rom-resurrection-remix-n-5-8-0-t3507275) so I just thought that maybe if i got it installed it might fix what problems i was having and yeah sure enough i followed what i was supposed to flash first which was (Moto_G4_Plus_XT1643_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-63_Stock_Img) btw and then flashed Resurrection Remix and it just started working again, everything seems fine but I'm worried I might have broken something with all my puttering around with its inside ya know?
But the main thing is phone calls work, texts work, it rooted itself magically, can install unsigned apks and such, wifi works and so does the fingerprint sensor which i heard people were having issues with. So should i just not look for problems and enjoy it maybe? I'm glad i got it sorted im some fashion at least
So I HAVE now noticed that some apps seem to hang/crash sometimes, epecially games, not sure if it has to do with my puttering around though Is there anything I can do to check that everything is working ok? any programs that scan for errors or something?
Happy its working don't get me wrong but no issues would be best ^^
I've got your same model and I use this to get back to stock: XT1621-XT1622-XT1642_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-23.4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_CFC.xml
If you're running rr and everything works you don't need to do anything just stick with it.
gabriwinter said:
I've got your same model and I use this to get back to stock: XT1621-XT1622-XT1642_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-23.4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_CFC.xml
If you're running rr and everything works you don't need to do anything just stick with it.
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Hey, thanks for the input, I did use that when i was having issues but it still caused that crashing at the connection screen issue sso i dont know why it would work for you and not me, perhaps i needed to get it to a working state before i could downgrade again? I dont really want to try it out now and see, the crashing issue seems to be infrequent so its possible its a different issue (software conflicts or ram overusage maybe?). I'll keep using it and see what issues develop

Big problems with my Ascend G7-L03

Hello everybody,
I'm relatively new to the world of ROMs and I'm hoping some people smarter than me can help.
A few weeks ago, I started having issues with my phone, on the stock ROM for Wind Canada, restarting continuously. It would sometimes work for up to 10 hours, but sometimes no longer than 10 seconds. There didn't seem any rhyme or reason to it doing so. I figured that it was a good time to play around with a new ROM, and I took a backup (of a faulty operating system). It's been a bit of a ****show since then, and I don't remember exactly everything that I've tried, but here is a sampling:
CM13.1 - the ROM successfully loads, but then I get stuck in a reboot loop.
CM12.1 - I figured that if 13.1 didn't work, I shouldn't try 14.1, so I went down to 12.1. This worked beautifully, until I tried to make a call - and I can't hang up. To hang up, I need to reboot the phone. Annoying, to say the least. Everything else seems to work really well, other than a slightly shortened battery life, but I can live with that, if everything else works.
CM14.1 - I tried loading it, but it says right off the bat that the L03 isn't part of the compatible list and doesn't process. I know I can suppress that message, but I figured that if it was meant to be on that list, it would be.
Resurrection 5.1 - I don't remember what happened here, but I think it ended up in a bootloop.
I can't find the original ROM on Huawei's site, and the one that seem similar for different countries are meant to be done within the OS as an update (Update.app).
So, I'm stuck here - I can't seem to revert back to the original ROM (which was Android 4.4.4, which was fine), and I can't seem to update to any other ROMs. I want to fix this, because as far as I'm concerned, the hardware is pretty good and I can make this phone last. However, my wife is pushing me to replace it...
Does anybody have any advice as to what I should try next? I really don't feel like using CM12.1 in its current state, which is what is installed now, since I need to reboot between phone calls, but it seems to be my only option for now.
Three notes - 1) I am currently on my 5th or so install of CM12.1. I have tried to look for ways to replace the dialer, since that seems to be the problem, but I haven't found a way. Can one replace the stock dialer?
2) I have tried installing multiple GAPPs packages, including ones that supposedly replace the dialer, but this hasn't helped.
3) I don't know if this is relevant, but in CM12.1, under "About phone", my Device model is "unknown". Is that always the case?
Somebody out there must have a better solution and my hair's all gone now, from me pulling it out...
Any help you can give me is appreciated!!!
Exactly in the same boat as Steve...... "Cant hang up" is seems to be the only major problem.....i have the exact phone too.....and tried same things too to no help....any help wud be appreciated...

