[Q] installing android on windows8 phone - Windows 8 General

i am using nokia lumia 720, is it possible to install android os on my phone. if so what are the procedures

Wrong question. Here's the right one:
[Q] Using the Internet, is it possible to search for the answer to a question that has been asked (and answered) dozens if not hundreds of times already?
[A] Yes it is! In fact, it's actually the number one rule of this forum to do so!

Oh, a few other important points for you:
1) There is no such thing as "windows8 phone" (is your Shift key broken or something?) or even "Windows 8 Phone". It's called Windows Phone 8. (The OS family in general is called Windows Phone. It has very little to do with the OS family called Windows, although the next version of each is expected to bridge that gap somewhat.)
2) You are not on the forum for Windows Phone 8. You are on the forum for Windows 8. They are almost completely different things.
3) There is actually a forum on XDA for WP8. In fact, it's easier to find than this one...
4) Your question has been asked and answered many times there alone (to say nothing of the many other places around the Web). Short version: NO


Android on a cheap chinese device (M-001)

OK folks, I bought a device from China to test a theory. I want music/videos/tinterweb etc in every room in my house. The plan was to have a docking station with speakers attached in every room. Then 4-5 tablets that I could plug in when I went into that room. So, if I'm in the shower, I can play death metal whilst my girlfriend watches Sex in the City in bed. That was the plan!
I got the Android tablet today and to say I'm not impressed is an understatement. The device is an unbranded tablet labelled as Mid & E-book. It's running Android 1.6.
My problem is this. Firstly I want to stream music and video from my network. It seems that all the Android apps I can find don't stream! They download to the device (with a 2gb memory this isn't practical). If there is an app that will stream properly, then great. Secondly, I want to be able to connect to my network at home. I have found an app called ES File Explorer that will connect, but I'd like to be able to login to my domain as I do with my laptop.
Maybe it's because I'm not used to it yet, but Android doesn't seem to be as good as Windows Mobile. It's quite clunky and the apps seem to crash like Windows CE!!
So, my questions are these:
If I stick with Android, can I get a media player that will stream music from the network?
Can I get an app that will let me log on to the network properly?
Can I upgrade the OS to a newer version of Android?
If I don't stick with Android, can I install Windows Mobile on this tablet?
If the company that created the table releases an upgrade then definitely you can upgrade it. I'm not so certain as Manuel updates for that particular device.
and I'm more than certain that it is not possible to install windows mobile onto your device.
as for the first two questions, apps like that may appear but have not recently.. :/
Hmmm. I thought Android was supposed to be the better version of the iPhone OS since they're both linux based. I was under the impression that there were thousands of apps to do everything. It seems that there are fewer apps than there are on Win Mobile and the ones that are available aren't as good as the the Win Mobile ones.
I hadn't even thought to check out the ability to stream music/video. Windows Media Player does this, as does every other music player on Windows. It seems ridiculous that this isn't an available for Android.
Anyone fancy writing a couple of apps?
timfoster said:
My problem is this. Firstly I want to stream music and video from my network. It seems that all the Android apps I can find don't stream! They download to the device (with a 2gb memory this isn't practical). If there is an app that will stream properly, then great. Secondly, I want to be able to connect to my network at home. I have found an app called ES File Explorer that will connect, but I'd like to be able to login to my domain as I do with my laptop.
Maybe it's because I'm not used to it yet, but Android doesn't seem to be as good as Windows Mobile. It's quite clunky and the apps seem to crash like Windows CE!!
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You bought a unbranded no-name device from China, at a very cheap price I'm guessing. What did you expect? You could have looked up if there were any apps that would do as you desire before you bought the device. I'm not sure what you mean with connecting to your network? As in a wifi connection? Does the device have a wifi adapter? The clunkiness is probably because of low level hardware specs, as you'd expect from a cheap product (assuming it's cheap now). The apps crashing is probably because the manufacturer did a quick and dirty android install.
madsborelli said:
You bought a unbranded no-name device from China, at a very cheap price I'm guessing. What did you expect?.
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I wasn't expecting a £500 device obviously. But I did kind of expect it to do what it said on the box!
madsborelli said:
You could have looked up if there were any apps that would do as you desire before you bought the device.
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I hadn't thought it would be necessary. Android is a standard operating system. I don't check to see if a media player on Windows actually plays media files. It's taken as read. With the marketplace as competitive as it is, basic media player capabilities are the minimum I would expect from a device.
madsborelli said:
I'm not sure what you mean with connecting to your network? As in a wifi connection? Does the device have a wifi adapter?
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On my HTC TP2 I can connect to my domain as I can on my laptop. This is the kind of app I was looking for. Again, as WM6 is considered to be the 3rd OS (behind iPhone and Android) and it can do this kind of thing, I would have thought that Android would do it too. Maybe not as a part of the OS, but since "there's an app for everything" I would have expected there to be an app for it.
madsborelli said:
The clunkiness is probably because of low level hardware specs, as you'd expect from a cheap product (assuming it's cheap now). The apps crashing is probably because the manufacturer did a quick and dirty android install.
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This is why I thought I could upgrade the OS. To my mind this is no different to my laptop. If I want to run Windows XP or Windows 7, I simply upgrade. Why would this tablet be different? I know it runs on solid state memory, but so does my phone. Low level specs shouldn't be an issue either. Wifi and media players have been around long enough now for the components to be cheap. The components in HTC phones are no different and they work just fine.
The fact that the tablet was cheap shouldn't enter into it. I need it to do one simply task. I'm not looking for a tablet that I can use as my primary machine. I need a simple device for a simple task.
timfoster said:
I hadn't thought it would be necessary. Android is a standard operating system. I don't check to see if a media player on Windows actually plays media files. It's taken as read. With the marketplace as competitive as it is, basic media player capabilities are the minimum I would expect from a device.
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the market place on this device isn't android market place it is a c****y alternative with no where near the amount of apps on the official one, it would be better for you to browse the web and try to find the plain APK files
timfoster said:
This is why I thought I could upgrade the OS. To my mind this is no different to my laptop. If I want to run Windows XP or Windows 7, I simply upgrade. Why would this tablet be different? I know it runs on solid state memory, but so does my phone.
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theres a massive difference between your laptop and a tablet running android. i mean its completely different windows the operating system will install onto your laptop and grab all the necessary drivers(unlike vista). android is nothing like this, with android you first have to work out how to get to the boot menu. unlike windows its not going to come up and say would you like to boot from cd? they will try and hide the boot menu to stop you the consumer messing up the device and claiming for a new one on the warranty. and when you've got there you then have to try and find how to install the packages. often with the new device you first of all have to load on a new boot menu, because the manufacturer has locked the first one only to flash encrypted files.
timfoster said:
Low level specs shouldn't be an issue either. Wifi and media players have been around long enough now for the components to be cheap. The components in HTC phones are no different and they work just fine.
The fact that the tablet was cheap shouldn't enter into it. I need it to do one simply task. I'm not looking for a tablet that I can use as my primary machine. I need a simple device for a simple task.
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look sorry dude but buying a cheap device means a hell of alot of trouble adimtadly the "specs" are the same as an entry level htc phone, but the hardware is not the phones will come with decent porcessors and, these things come with cheap processors. If you want to get a decent "hardware" tablet get a apad irobot with the rockchip processor, it gets the best reviews.
look sorry if i sound a bit rude through out this but please have a read around and you will find, android isn't just a simple insert the cd upgrade process. if your wanting something that hasn't been released by the manafacturer yet, you are gonna have to rely on this community to help you get what you want. and trust me saying all this s*** is simple isn't going to get you much help. i started a thread a while ago about this exact device. GO AND READ IT, it contains info about how to re-flash a much better rom from my understanding, i don't own the device. of course if you would have search you would have found my thread.
slaming said:
the market place on this device isn't android market place it is a c****y alternative with no where near the amount of apps on the official one, it would be better for you to browse the web and try to find the plain APK files
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Really?? That's outrageous. It says it's the Android marketplace. I assumed that as the majority of apps were chinese, it was just a case that I needed to change the locale somehow. I hadn't looked properly as the wifi failed over the weekend. I've tried it this morning at work and it can't connect to the wifi here either so it's going back anyway now.
slaming said:
theres a massive difference between your laptop and a tablet running android. i mean its completely different windows the operating system will install onto your laptop and grab all the necessary drivers(unlike vista). android is nothing like this, with android you first have to work out how to get to the boot menu. unlike windows its not going to come up and say would you like to boot from cd? they will try and hide the boot menu to stop you the consumer messing up the device and claiming for a new one on the warranty. and when you've got there you then have to try and find how to install the packages. often with the new device you first of all have to load on a new boot menu, because the manufacturer has locked the first one only to flash encrypted files.
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I understand that manufacturers of handhelds (tablets and phones) don't make it easy to change the OS. Quite why is beyond me, but there you go. That said though, the guys on this forum are usually brilliant in being able to cook up upgraded ROMs for every device almost as soon as it's released. I don't profess to know how they do it, I'm just grateful that they do.
slaming said:
If you want to get a decent "hardware" tablet get a apad irobot with the rockchip processor, it gets the best reviews.
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I've looked at the reviews of the apad and it seems fine. I suspect I'll get one to replace this one when it goes back. What exactly is the difference between the rockchip processor and the other one? The price of the different devices indicates that the rockchip is better (as everyone says), but why? Is it just a bit faster?
slaming said:
look sorry if i sound a bit rude through out this but please have a read around and you will find, android isn't just a simple insert the cd upgrade process. if your wanting something that hasn't been released by the manafacturer yet, you are gonna have to rely on this community to help you get what you want.
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slaming said:
trust me saying all this s*** is simple isn't going to get you much help.
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I wasn't trying to say "this is easy, anyone can do it". Far from it. I work in software development and understand the complexities that go into developing apps. I also understand that developing an OS of whatever degree is ten times harder. The point I was trying to make is that Android is now an accepted mainstream OS. Most people will have little understanding of what goes into developing an app. The majority won't even care. But becuase it's a mainstream OS, the majority (including me) would expect the same functionality as provided by another OS. Maybe not out of the box, but I would have thought that someone, somewhere, (not necessarily here) would have gone to the trouble of developing a media player that will stream from the source location, and a domain login app. Android is becoming more prevalent in the corporate environment and so you would have expected somebody (or some company) to have developed such apps. People will pay for quality apps (me included). I'm sorry if you felt that I was slagging off this board. I wasn't. I was simply asking the questions (surely the point of this board?)
slaming said:
i started a thread a while ago about this exact device. GO AND READ IT, it contains info about how to re-flash a much better rom from my understanding, i don't own the device. of course if you would have search you would have found my thread.
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I did a search again today (as I did before posting the original message) but still can't find your thread about re-flashing this device. If you could point me in the direction of it, I would be grateful. Chances are I won't be flashing it now (since it's going back), but useful to read.
timfoster said:
Really?? That's outrageous. It says it's the Android marketplace. I assumed that as the majority of apps were chinese, it was just a case that I needed to change the locale somehow. I hadn't looked properly as the wifi failed over the weekend. I've tried it this morning at work and it can't connect to the wifi here either so it's going back anyway now.
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yeah i know but google isn't releasing the files for tablet yet only phone.
I did a search again today (as I did before posting the original message) but still can't find your thread about re-flashing this device. If you could point me in the direction of it said:
UMM here we go http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=675603
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iOS and Android are "smartphone" Operating Systems, Windows Mobile is a Pocket PC Operating System
That's why you're able to do almost anything and hack to your heart's content in Winmo but the other OSs seem so lacking.
WinMo is not for everyone, mostly because most people are ignorant to what it is truly capable of doing, they just want a phone that runs apps, thats thats why they flock to iOS and Android...Which in turn means less and less people using Winmo thus less support for it since phone companies are a business and they care about their bottom lines, more people in adroind = more money.
I love windows mobile and wish a HD2-like device would be available for CDMA
sp1kez said:
iOS and Android are "smartphone" Operating Systems, Windows Mobile is a Pocket PC Operating System
That's why you're able to do almost anything and hack to your heart's content in Winmo but the other OSs seem so lacking.
WinMo is not for everyone, mostly because most people are ignorant to what it is truly capable of doing, they just want a phone that runs apps, thats thats why they flock to iOS and Android...Which in turn means less and less people using Winmo thus less support for it since phone companies are a business and they care about their bottom lines, more people in adroind = more money.
I love windows mobile and wish a HD2-like device would be available for CDMA
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Forgive my ignorance then, but what's the difference between a smartphone and a pocket pc os?
Since my primary use for this device is to stream media from my network, and it seems finding a media player that can do this on Android is going to be difficult to say the least, can I upgrade the apad iRobot M to run Win Mobile? I have just brought one on AliExpress.
timfoster said:
Forgive my ignorance then, but what's the difference between a smartphone and a pocket pc os?
Since my primary use for this device is to stream media from my network, and it seems finding a media player that can do this on Android is going to be difficult to say the least, can I upgrade the apad iRobot M to run Win Mobile? I have just brought one on AliExpress.
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you will not be able to install winmo to an android tablet, its kinda like trying to install mac onto an AMD machine.
There are tablets like the one you purchased that run WinMo if your interested.
why on earth would you want a non windows device to log onto a windows domain?
The only valid reason I can come up with is to acces your shares or printers on the domain. You can't apply machine and or userpolicies like you would to windows clients.
I work in a large company with +/- 9000 clients and +/- 800 servers as a sysadmin and I never understood why some people use dc @home
but to answer that question, you can logon to a windows domain with a linux client using a samba client ed. But you might have to compile them for arm against the kernel version running on your device. Don't know whether there are packages available for android out of the box. But for your needs (especially) the domain logon, I would go for a windows based tablet.
This happened before. Someone bought a knock-off Android. They all worked together and got it rooted. it was beautiful-er then this girl I'm liking right now.

[Q] hd2 wp7 owners?

Are you using wp7 on your hd2 until the updates come out to see if they give us the simple features the os lacks?
If so will you buy a real wp7 phone?
Or wait for another rom for the hd2?
Or wait to see what new wp7 phones come out this year?
I tried android but "force close" errors would happen & the phone would always freeze up. So I just went back to 6.5 without sense. After installing Wp7 it's a big plus for me being stable even with its drawbacks & the first rom for the hd2.
I would like to have the following updates on my phone:
1. Copy/paste witch is coming
2. Usb mode even if it only shows pictures, music, office, pdf & such
3. Tethering
4. Easy way to make custom ringtones & text
5. sms draft
6. flash
7. all the rest of the regular things....
It truly amazes me how people think, Not Just You
Create threads like this.
This community is all over the place. I go to this forum that forum, You have 7 threads talking about the same damn thing.
Hats off to the Mods trying to clean it up. (I've posted a couple things in the wrong thread)
Back on topic,
A real Windows Phone?
I don't know maybe I consider the HD2 a REAL Windows Phone 6, 7.....
As far as the updates go.
It took the I-phone what 2 years for copy and paste, they still don't actually support Flash.
Regular things
Microsoft is far from Perfect, Who is?
SMS draft - You really need that for 160 characters
Usb Mode - Do some searching, start here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=915664&page=8
Tethering - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=922000
Custom Ringtone - Ever heard of Chevron
These things ae not official, but for the most part they work.
To make threads like this is useless, Do the right thing and have the mods delete it along with this message.

how to install comodo antivirus on Windows 8

dear all,
until now (jan 16, 2013), i can not install comodo antiviurs on Windows 8 (acer 4736 laptop).
in the beginning, install going to normal, but after i log out and restart,
windows 8 give me blinking display... and i can not enter password (always blinking)
please, can you help me....
First question would be "Why??" seeing as Win8 has built-in antivirus.
Second question would be "Why ask here?" as this is not a tech support forum, much less one specific to your particular program (shouldn't you be asking Comodo about this?)
Third question would be, literally, "have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?" as it may just be that the initial reboot failed for whatever reason.
Other questions that come to mind:
Do you have BitLocker enabled?
Does the Windows logo appear before you get to the screen with the flashing cursor, or not?
If you go to the Windows bootloader screen (used to be press F8 right when the OS starts loading, might be different now), can you boot a "last known good configuration"?
tq for your response GoodDayToDie,
(1) Why?? because i already familiar with comodo and can be set firewall to one or multiapplication. So i can choose one by one application so it can connect or disconnect from internet.
(2) is it windows 8 general forum??? so may be i have someone which much experience to help me to solve my problem..
(3) turn it off or on (already done but still blink)
(4) bitlocker enabled? no i did, i try to install comodo with clean / fresh windows 8.
(5) windows logo is appear, and blink in log on display
(6) last known good? (you mean to back as before i install comodo? yeah, it is normally again but comodo it's gone.... (
I suppose it's possible you didn't know this, but Windows Firewall has allowed application-by-application control (and a great many other fine-grained settings, like controlling access from a specific application to a specific external host in a specific direction on a specific port and specific protocol and depending on whether you're on a home, work, or public network) since Vista. I mean, sure, I can understand wanting to use a program you're familiar with, but if what you know is broken, sometimes the solution is to use something else.
No... it's the "General" section of the Win8 dev & hacking forum. This question pertains neither to development nor hacking for Win8; it's pure tech support. Again, shouldn't you be asking Comodo about this?
If you have access to the boot screen (which it sounds like you do, if you were able to use Last Known Good configuration), you might try Safe Mode, get the system to boot up, then check the Event Viewer for any problems occurring at the times that you booted up before. That's just a guess of where you might learn more, though; beyond that I really don't know. You could also try (if it's Win8 Pro and you've enabled this option) accessing the machine using Remote Desktop instead of trying to log in at the console, but usually that only works if the problem is in hardware.
The op post question in the right forum. This is win 8 devl and hack but in general forum. Any questions regarding win 8 does not need to be about devl and hacking can post them here in general. The key word is general and it doesn't have to do with devl and hacking. Say you can post how to swipe a charm bar or how to install flash player in here and it has nothing to do with devl and hacking but would be wrong to post in devl and hacking section. You don't have to go to adobe tech support for it if it can be answered here.Others thought maybe op question can be exposed better and answered here as oppose to comodo forum and maybe comodo is not an active forum among others reasons. No disrespect to comodo forum for I never visit. Or maybe op likes xda forum better . I don't know...
Posting how to do cool things is a reasonable use of XDA-Devs... posting a request for tech support of a third-party product just doesn't feel like one. Maybe it's due to the wider userbase of Win8, or maybe things have just changed, but that's not the sort of thing I used to see very often on this site, and if somebody did try asking, the usual response was "take it to the seller/manufacturer/developer". IMO (note: not a moderator, or we wouldn't be discussing this here), this is basically spam, diluting the useful posts (like, tips, tricks, ideas for hacks,, notifications of newly released apps or tools, etc.) and making me wonder why I bother reading General. Maybe I just won't bother.
Also, the OPs account is at most a couple weeks old... that's an awfully short time to fall deeply in love with a site to the point that you would post *anything*, no matter how related to the site's purpose, there.
anduios said:
The op post question in the right forum. This is win 8 devl and hack but in general forum. Any questions regarding win 8 does not need to be about devl and hacking can post them here in general. The key word is general and it doesn't have to do with devl and hacking. Say you can post how to swipe a charm bar or how to install flash player in here and it has nothing to do with devl and hacking but would be wrong to post in devl and hacking section. You don't have to go to adobe tech support for it if it can be answered here.Others thought maybe op question can be exposed better and answered here as oppose to comodo forum and maybe comodo is not an active forum among others reasons. No disrespect to comodo forum for I never visit. Or maybe op likes xda forum better . I don't know...
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yeah, tq for your support anduios.
that is right, i am looking for who user has experience or may be ever had this problem, so i can get information from here.
i already make the same to comodo forum, but getting no answer yet.
i hope i can increase my knowledge about xda, so i join this site.
GoodDayToDie said:
Posting how to do cool things is a reasonable use of XDA-Devs... posting a request for tech support of a third-party product just doesn't feel like one. Maybe it's due to the wider userbase of Win8, or maybe things have just changed, but that's not the sort of thing I used to see very often on this site, and if somebody did try asking, the usual response was "take it to the seller/manufacturer/developer". IMO (note: not a moderator, or we wouldn't be discussing this here), this is basically spam, diluting the useful posts (like, tips, tricks, ideas for hacks,, notifications of newly released apps or tools, etc.) and making me wonder why I bother reading General. Maybe I just won't bother.
Also, the OPs account is at most a couple weeks old... that's an awfully short time to fall deeply in love with a site to the point that you would post *anything*, no matter how related to the site's purpose, there.
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no lovely yet (actually), may be letter, but now, if i connect to the internet, i always type forum.xda-developers.com
Fair enough... I don't mean to scare people away from XDA-Devs, just that everything has a place. I don't understand why you'd expect help here regarding a mostly-unrelated third-party product, though. The best you could hope for is somebody else having had that problem, *and* fixed it, *and* not have bothered to post the solution yet, *and* they see your post. Given that there's no info I could find in a quick search related to this problem, it seems like the obvious answer is to take it to the people who would know... the developers. There's also a perfectly good forum of people who use Comodo over at forums.comodo.com.
If you'd asked "how can I set per-application firewall rules in Win8" then people could, and would, help out here. If you'd asked "is it possible to add a firewall rule from a Windows Store app?" it would even be on-topic. Whatever... we're both wasting our time here. I've given you all I can, which mostly boils down to advice.

Aircrack-ng on Windows Phone 8

I have one question: How can i run aircrack-ng on Nokia Lumia 520. I need it just testing purposes.
I have three answers!
1) Wrong forum section, buddy. Windows 8 != Windows Phone 8. For the life of me, I don't understand how people get this messed up so often.
2) You can't. There are quite a few reasons for this, but they all boil down to "phone apps don't have permission to do that".
3) You can run it on whatever actual PC you have - even if that PC is actually a tablet, like a Surface Pro - just fine, though. I can think of no legit reason to need to do it on a phone (for "just testing") and not be able to use a real computer with a non-crippled OS.

[Q] Windows Registry question

First, I am sorry if this question is not related to this subforum, but I can't find another place where I could ask this question.
Second, I have Mobii WinTab with Windows 8.1 with Bing, and I was wondering if I could manage something in the registry to make better touch on the screen so I could use a stylus that I can't use it right now, but I can use it on my Lumia 920. Is there anything I could do in registry for that?
Thank you.
Tonchi91 said:
First, I am sorry if this question is not related to this subforum, but I can't find another place where I could ask this question.
Second, I have Mobii WinTab with Windows 8.1 with Bing, and I was wondering if I could manage something in the registry to make better touch on the screen so I could use a stylus that I can't use it right now, but I can use it on my Lumia 920. Is there anything I could do in registry for that?
Thank you.
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This is the windows phone forum, not windows 8.
and (don't quote me on this) registry editing is only possible on normal versions of windows and not RT
I know this is Windows Phone forum, that's why I said I am sorry for this post if it is not related to the category.
I have 32bit version of Windows on my tablet.
"Hi, I know this is a motorcycle forum, but I'm having a lot of trouble with my Prius and I couldn't figure out where to ask..." <-- what you are doing. In the time it took you to type that apology you could have found several better places to post. XDA has a Win8 forum. So do something like two hundred other sites on the Internet. Microsoft runs several themselves.
Also, and I like how you couldn't even be bothered to use the Q&A subforum for your Q, no, you had to put it in dev&hacking. (Hint: not actually liking that part. This is basically spam. Congrats, you're a spammer.)
Oh, and for what it's worth @matgras, RT fully supports registry editing; you can use powershell, the command-line reg.exe tool, or the regedit.exe GUI.
@OP: Without more info about your problem, I couldn't help you even if you *were* asking in the right place. I have never seen, much less used, your brand of tablet. Nor do I know what stylus you use on the phone. No, posting that info here will not get you an answer; I'll just add you to my ignore list.

