Flashing new version of cm - Oppo Find 5

Hello everybody, i wanna ask a quick question, i run cm 10 stable on my find 5 and today i tried to update via ota to cm 11 nightly, the update went well but when the system booted up the trybuchet launchers kept on crashing every second, am i supposed to flash the update manually on a clean device or is there actually a way to fix it? Thanks in advance guys..
Sent from my Find 5 using Tapatalk

Psyzed said:
Hello everybody, i wanna ask a quick question, i run cm 10 stable on my find 5 and today i tried to update via ota to cm 11 nightly, the update went well but when the system booted up the trybuchet launchers kept on crashing every second, am i supposed to flash the update manually on a clean device or is there actually a way to fix it? Thanks in advance guys..
Sent from my Find 5 using Tapatalk
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Yes, you should do clean install since it's updating from jelly bean to kitkat.

monkeywithbanana said:
Yes, you should do clean install since it's updating from jelly bean to kitkat.
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Thanx mAn
Sent from my Find 5 using Tapatalk

monkeywithbanana said:
Yes, you should do clean install since it's updating from jelly bean to kitkat.
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One last question on that topic please, if i upgrade to 4.4.2 can i then recieve all nightlies without having issues?
Sent from my Find 5 using Tapatalk

Yes with the ota app
Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk


Bootloop on 4.2

I was running cm-10 new 32gb Nexus 7 and decided to update to cm-10.1. It flashed fine but when I reboot it wont boot. If I flash again it boots fine but it doesnt matter how I flash...when I reboot it just goes into a bootloop (google black screen).
Please, any advice?
Sounds like the download is bad. Try downloading again and use adb to put it on the Nexus.
davisac said:
Sounds like the download is bad. Try downloading again and use adb to put it on the Nexus.
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I rooted with the Tool Kit and the version was 4.1.1. After I rooted and unlocked, I flashed cm-10 stable. Used it for a while and everything was fine. Last night I flashed like 4 different ROMs with the same result...bootloop after a reboot. I noticed on the first ROM, when I finished the setup and rebooted. Should I go back to stock but with 4.2 using the Tool Kit and then root again?
Wally72 said:
I rooted with the Tool Kit and the version was 4.1.1. After I rooted and unlocked, I flashed cm-10 stable. Used it for a while and everything was fine. Last night I flashed like 4 different ROMs with the same result...bootloop after a reboot. I noticed on the first ROM, when I finished the setup and rebooted. Should I go back to stock but with 4.2 using the Tool Kit and then root again?
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Yeah I would see if stock is doing that too. If so it sounds like something wrong with your device not the software.
Sounds like someone didn't do a factory reset between flashes....
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
davisac said:
Yeah I would see if stock is doing that too. If so it sounds like something wrong with your device not the software.
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Pirateghost said:
Sounds like someone didn't do a factory reset between flashes....
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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I have TWRP and this bootloop only happens on 4.2 ROMs. 4.1.2 runs fine, and I flashed it afterwards to see if it is the tablet. It Reboots fine with 4.1. As far as factory reset...I rather flash clean, so YES I did the full wipe.
Thx for your replys guys. I really appreciate it.
Wally72 said:
I have TWRP and this bootloop only happens on 4.2 ROMs. 4.1.2 runs fine, and I flashed it afterwards to see if it is the tablet. It Reboots fine with 4.1. As far as factory reset...I rather flash clean, so YES I did the full wipe.
Thx for your replys guys. I really appreciate it.
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What version of TWRP are you using? You need to be on the latest for 4.2 roms. I think.
davisac said:
What version of TWRP are you using? You need to be on the latest for 4.2 roms. I think.
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I do have, but guess what....I found the problem! I was flashing M-kernel because I read that that kernel is great for playing games. Since I have a whole bunch of games, I decided to flash it. All the ROMs I flashed...I flashed with that kernel, and it booted fine. My issue was at reboot. Every time it put me on a bootloop. I just finished flashing grouper-M1 from CM, did my setup and rebooted, and booted fine!
Imma do some more reading to see if I can find a good kernel to run with cm-10.1.
Thank you daviac!!!!!:good:
Edit to the previous post and maybe it will help others:
The problem was not the kernel...IT WAS THE BOOTLOADERS version. I had to upgrade bootloaders. With adb I flashed the image and everything is fine!
Reading is fundamental...and I've learned my lesson!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
There is a disclaimer before installing M-Kernel or probably any other kernel, that states that you need to be on the latest bootloader version. But it's ok, its best to learn from mistakes right?
Leonhan said:
There is a disclaimer before installing M-Kernel or probably any other kernel, that states that you need to be on the latest bootloader version. But it's ok, its best to learn from mistakes right?
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Lol...after flashing I don't know how many ROMs and getting those bootloops...I went back to that thread and that's how I decided to flash the image. And you're right...some people like me just learn the hard way!!! Currently running Dirty AOKP with M-Kernel, and love it.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
Wally72 said:
Edit to the previous post and maybe it will help others:
The problem was not the kernel...IT WAS THE BOOTLOADERS version. I had to upgrade bootloaders. With adb I flashed the image and everything is fine!
Reading is fundamental...and I've learned my lesson!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
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Hey, I got same problem with you.
How do you upgrade bootloader? My bootloader version is 4.1.3.
Thanks before.
inex_emo**** said:
Hey, I got same problem with you.
How do you upgrade bootloader? My bootloader version is 4.1.3.
Thanks before.
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That's the latest version.

JB 4.1.2 released

Just saw on SamMobile Stock Jelly Bean 4.1.2 has been released.
nico_las said:
Just saw on SamMobile Stock Jelly Bean 4.1.2 has been released.
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Old news...)
PS: wrong category; not need this thread in Android Dev....
freaksamael said:
Old news...)
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I hope to get some P6810 JB leak asap
please... devoloper , we need deodex , root. stock rom .
Sent from my GT-P6800 using Tapatalk HD
theerachai said:
please... devoloper , we need deodex , root. stock rom .
Sent from my GT-P6800 using Tapatalk HD
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Just flash with odin mobile and auto-inject superuser.apk and root it all while flashing. Worked for me.
freaksamael said:
Old news...)
PS: wrong category; not need this thread in Android Dev....
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It might be wrong section, but definitely NOT old news. The Official JB release was timestamped April 22nd, but it hit sammobile repository just this morning.
Great news!
yeekli said:
It might be wrong section, but definitely NOT old news. The Official JB release was timestamped April 22nd, but it hit sammobile repository just this morning.
Great news!
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at least 4 hours old @ the time when happily announce "the news" were at least 3 reporting users with official JB installed :laugh:
After unrooted my 7.7, update ota, success.
So far don't know how to root it. Using rootinh method like in ics, not working, failed when checking signature or something like that.
No multi window as far as i know.
Lock screen like note, with ripple effect, application shortcut, news scrolling. There is smart stay also.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Good news...
Can anybody post a link as sammobile just keeps saying loading..
I want to install with mobile odin and inject su etc to keep root access..
im glad its 4.12 and not 4.2.2 due to the issues mounting NTFS and reading it from apps..
Hopefully theres something inside to be learned for the developers of custom roms to help fix issues..
Why don,t release p6810,version?
downloading now and is 20.3kb...maybe next week i might have it lol
Would love to see the tab in JB. If anyone can upload a video or screenshots even, I'd be grateful.
nico_las said:
Just saw on SamMobile Stock Jelly Bean 4.1.2 has been released.
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I just open link , but i can find firmware for GT-P6800...
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda app-developers app
How to I maintain root when I flash with odin?
you cant... if you want to maintain the root use mobile odin..
So I assume I am flashing with Odin, then downloading mobile odin, and then rooting with that?
mobile odin need root... if you are in root ics.. just download mobile odin at the original thread by chainfire... you can flash the JB files directly and retain the root
I cant tell If mine is bootlooping or not, the samsung animation keeps popping up over and over circling then pulsing. Before it just stayed pulsing the animation never started over..
EDIT: I went into recovery and wiped the cache and data and now it seems to be booting normally. I assumed odin would wipe the data i guess not..
nope odin only wipe system


Hi guys,
I'm about to flash my first non-stock recovery on my i9505.
I wanted to know if anyone of you has got the last version of cwm official recovery ( and has tried to update the official nightlies of Cyanogenmod 10.1 through the update manager without hassle.
I've followed the thread and for my understanding i should install the version that i can download from the cm10.1 thread instead of official one. Is it correct?
For ppl using it: did you have any issue?
No more status issues mate. Use the one which can be downloaded via Rom Manager or through the one provided by invisiblek in the CM thread
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
mundixx said:
No more status issues mate. Use the one which can be downloaded via Rom Manager or through the one provided by invisiblek in the CM thread
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Thanks for the prompt reply! Just flashed via ROM manager and it flashed perfect straight away. Trying to understand if mute calls from cyanogenmod are due to basebands different from MEA before flashing new ROM.
Actually some people having MEA basebands are saying that they have no call issues with their phone. I'll just add the information if someone of u can be interested in!
mundixx said:
No more status issues mate. Use the one which can be downloaded via Rom Manager or through the one provided by invisiblek in the CM thread
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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How do you download .via Rom Manager? S4 doesn't seem to be on the list of supported devices for me..

kitkat released for n7, link for ota for flo/wifi version included

Please someone post those ota files
Ota for WiFi version, thanks @elcom
godutch said:
Please someone post those ota files
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you and everyone have to wait
I received the ota but has to revert to stock and now it won't show up again. Any way I can force it? I have already tried force stopping Google services framework and rechecking for update, but didn't work
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
If anyone received the OTA can't they just go into the cache folder, grab the zip file, and post it?
I decided to restore mine completely to stock to see if i can get the ota and normaly within 10 mins of being back on stock i get one update to the 15r update but im not even getting that at the moment...
threi_ said:
If anyone received the OTA can't they just go into the cache folder, grab the zip file, and post it?
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Wish I had known this before I went back to stock. My nexus 7 had already downloaded the update. Arghhhh
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
godutch said:
Please someone post those ota files
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Search 1st before starting a new thread about a same subject!
henklbr said:
Search 1st before starting a new thread about a same subject!
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Like you will find it between all the false kitkat released today/releases soon/when will we receive kitkat threads
You can download the update here:
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
elcom said:
You can download the update here:
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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do I have to be on stock 4.3 to flash this? because there's KRT16O from JSS15R in it.
top1610 said:
do I have to be on stock 4.3 to flash this? because there's KRT16O from JSS15R in it.
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Yes, I'm pretty sure you need to be on JSS15R.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

ParanoidAndroid Kitkat - How to update?

I'm currently running pa_g2-4.0-ALPHA-20131203-d802 on my LG G2 d802, but would like to update it to the current version pa_g2-4.0-ALPHA-20131205-d802.
How do I do this without losing everything on my phone? Do I just install normally with TWRP?
lagrra said:
I'm currently running pa_g2-4.0-ALPHA-20131203-d802 on my LG G2 d802, but would like to update it to the current version pa_g2-4.0-ALPHA-20131205-d802.
How do I do this without losing everything on my phone? Do I just install normally with TWRP?
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by asking questions in the right place.
G1_enthusiast said:
by asking questions in the right place.
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And where would that be if I may ask?
Do a nandroid, then flash the update. If something f's up, clean flash it. Anymore questions, post back
Sent from my LG-G2 using Tapatalk
lagrra said:
I'm currently running pa_g2-4.0-ALPHA-20131203-d802 on my LG G2 d802, but would like to update it to the current version pa_g2-4.0-ALPHA-20131205-d802.
How do I do this without losing everything on my phone? Do I just install normally with TWRP?
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Wipe dalvik and cache then install new rom and gapps
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simorangkir_dcs said:
Wipe dalvik and cache then install new rom and gapps
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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That is what I did and it worked perfectly. All my stuff is still intact. Couldn't Walt for an answar so I just tried. But thx
