[TUTORIAL] How to integrate a custom recovery into your custom ROM - Sony Cross-Device General

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Hello everyone
In this tutorial i will show you how to integrate the recovery into a custom rom.
This way users will not have to install it separately
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You must know how to build a custom rom using Android Kitchen.
You must know how to edit an updater-script using Notepad++.
The WORKING folder of your rom (the one you get from the android kitchen when you extract system.img or zip folder or system.tar).
The recovery's flashable zip.
For this tutorial i am gonna use the PhilZ Touch CWM as example but this method is universal for all recoveries.
So, let's start:
1. Create in the kitchen's WORKING folder, a new folder and name it system2 (in your case working folder's name is gonna be different).
2. Extact the recovery's system folder contents into the system2 folder (the one previously created).
3. From the recovery's META-INF folder open, using Notepad++, the updater-script.
In my case looks like this:
4. Before proceeding, let me explain what is going on with the following lines:
package_extract_file("system/bin/recovery.tar", "/system/bin/recovery.tar");
package_extract_file("system/bin/taimport", "/system/bin/taimport");
package_extract_file("system/bin/taimportx", "/system/bin/taimportx");
package_extract_dir("system/btmgr", "/system/btmgr");
----- package_extract_dir(” “, “/”) – This command extracts all the files from the folder mentioned inside first quotation to the directory inside second quotation. -----
So since you created a new folder named system2, the above lines should be edited and look like this:
package_extract_file("system2/bin/recovery.tar", "/system/bin/recovery.tar");
package_extract_file("system2/bin/taimport", "/system/bin/taimport");
package_extract_file("system2/bin/taimportx", "/system/bin/taimportx");
package_extract_dir("system2/btmgr", "/system/btmgr");
5. Now open, using Notepad++, the updater-script for your rom.
6. Now copy the edited lines from the recovery's updater-script into the updater-script of your rom (add them at the bottom). Remove the show_progress lines. Now save the file.
7. Now you can build your rom and enjoy the integrated recovery!
8. Happy rom building


Too good
So you are back with your pc i guess

Awesome! Definitely looks much, much better than the "ms-dos" clone I see in my device

Bro @DaRk-L0rD
Very nice and very clear explained, specially for new ones :good:

Very clever tutorial my friend!! :good:
keep rocking...

Nice guide..
U are featured on portal. Congrats
Sent from my C5303 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Congratz bro.your post is on portal.nice job

Great, its work for me! :highfive:


[SCRIPT] APK Manager like UI interface to edit m10 files

Based on apk manager script I have created a script which gives ease to modify m10 files. Copy script.bat into folder where m10tools binaries exist (at location where m10decoder.exe, m10encoder.exe, etc...).
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Download Script File Here
1. Create folders Decoded, Encoded and m10_files at location where m10tool binaries are placed.
2. Copy script.bat at location where m10tool binaries are placed.
How to use
1. Place you m10 files in m10_files folder.
2. Select desired operation as shown in screen shot.
Change Logs
[B]Version 1.0[/B]
Initial release
Let me know if anyone needs any help on this
Hmmm... We need something like this impleted in apkmanager... Looks great amresh!
worked like a charm, thanks a ton amresh
Man thats great thanx!
Senergized in 3D
Can't believe I haven't thanked you yet. I've been using this for about a month now, and one thing everyone should know, is this tool has an extra advantage. Contrary to the m10 Editor UI Application, this script uses straight command line which makes all of your sense 3.0 m10 images decode with the same file name every time, where as the UI will give you random file names every time. And this is way simpler
Amresh, This was an ingenious idea and I can't thank you enough!
mpitcher225 said:
Can't believe I haven't thanked you yet. I've been using this for about a month now, and one thing everyone should know, is this tool has an extra advantage. Contrary to the m10 Editor UI Application, this script uses straight command line which makes all of your sense 3.0 m10 images decode with the same file name every time, where as the UI will give you random file names every time. And this is way simpler
Amresh, This was an ingenious idea and I can't thank you enough!
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Has this program been optimized to work with sense 3..5?
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
i tried to modify the htc love apk. m10 files, but the thing is when i separate the dat and png files the folders are empty...plz help if u can..
sweet, thanks, will give it a shot

[Guide][Mod][Transparent Widget][how to] make transparent Power Widgets

Guys,today I am going to discuss on how to make the power Widgets bar of any rom transparent...:good:
Requirements :
3)any pictures editor(photoshop)
4) Basic Knowledge
1) goto system/app of ur device and copy out the setting.apk from there to sdcard,then to pc.
2) Now extract that apk with 7zip in any folder of you pc.....
3) Now go in side the res/drawable-hdpi or drawable-mdpi, whichever your cell support
4)Now there u will find a. Pic with name appwidget_bg.9 now open this picture with Photoshop or any others pic editor...
5) Now decrease it opacity level 0%...otherswise it look odd.
6)save the file in png format.
7)Rename it to the original pic...
I mean appwidget_bg or. whatever it is...
8) now copy paste it in extracted setting folder &replace the previous one..
9) you are done...now make all this extracted files a zip..but name it as .apk...
I mean when zipping up..give the name of the file like this.. setting.apk this .apk instead of.zip
Now. Make a flashble zip and flash it...
That's alllll
Dont forget to hit on thanks button and also comments if this guide helped u.... :good:
If you have successfuly done all the steps as I said...then the results will lead u to this.......:good::good::good::good:
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If u still have some doubts regarding this tutorial.then feel free to ask me by leaving a comment here....
All Rom/Mod/Guide by Abhijit Guha
1)X-ZooM V2 Fully Transparent Rom
2)[GUIDE][HOW TO] Decompile Android App
3)[GUIDE][HOW TO] Make Transparent Power Widget​
keeep it up...!
9) you are done...now make all this extracted files a zip..but name it as .apk...
I mean when zipping up..give the name of the file like this.. setting.apk this .apk instead of.zip
Now. Make a flashble zip and flash it..
How to make a flashable zip from modified settings.apk ?
mpmaheshbabu said:
9) you are done...now make all this extracted files a zip..but name it as .apk...
I mean when zipping up..give the name of the file like this.. setting.apk this .apk instead of.zip
Now. Make a flashble zip and flash it..
How to make a flashable zip from modified settings.apk ?
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No, you haven't got me..... i said...the setting.apk is completed now....
So make a flashable zip, put the setting.apk inside the zip, goto recovery, & flash it,...thats all....
& if you dont know how to make a flashable zip...then just skip the process of making flashable zip...take the
completed setting.apk goto system/app remove the previous setting.apk from there put the new one ,change permission.reboot.

[Tool] Nocturnal Automated APK tool 1-18-2015

I have created this tool a few years ago but kept it for internal use. Now i am releasing it for public use.
This is a very easy apk tool
Make sure you have Java JDK installed and Path set
Download the latest Nocturnal_apk_toolkit.zip
Extract the zip
place the framework-res.apk from the rom you are working with in the apktool folder
drag the framework-res.apk into the apktool-if -2.0.0rc3
next drag the apk you want to edit to the apktool-d -2.0.0rc3
you can edit the apk in the newly created folder
once finished, drag the edited folder into the apktool-b -2.0.0rc3
Once compiled, resign and enjoy!
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XDA:DevDB Information
[Tool] Nocturnal Automated APK tool 1-18-2015, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Awesome, I'll try it out as soon as I get the chance. I've been having issues to my current APK Tool in recompiling lollipop aosp system apps after making modifications. Hopefully this fixes my issue.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda premium
XsMagical said:
I have created this tool a few years ago but kept it for internal use. Now i am releasing it for public use.
This is a very easy apk tool
Make sure you have Java JDK installed and Path set
Download the latest Nocturnal_apk_toolkit.zip
Extract the zip
place the framework-res.apk from the rom you are working with in the apktool folder
drag the framework-res.apk into the apktool-if -2.0.0rc3
next drag the apk you want to edit to the apktool-d -2.0.0rc3
you can edit the apk in the newly created folder
once finished, drag the edited folder into the apktool-b -2.0.0rc3
Once compiled, resign and enjoy!
XDA:DevDB Information
[Tool] Nocturnal Automated APK tool 1-18-2015, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
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lick download error Nocturnal_apk_toolkit.zip upload lick https://mega.nz thanks for Nocturnal_apk_toolkit.zip

Convert a Odin flashable Stock Rom into a Zip file ?

Hi there, my question is simple, i would like to know how can i turn our Odin flashable Stock Roms into zip files like all custom roms out there in which i could access to /system/app or /framework and everything to easily have a clean base to hopefully start creating some Custom roms
Thanks everyone
I Don't know How to Do that But i use altenative way To extract any Odin File As below..
Simply Open ".tar" File with 7z File Zipper.
Copy Out Sytem.img File.
then follow this tutorial:
Easy and Simple.
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or Unknown file format.
maybe because ilt's a GB rom ?
I did it on windows 8 where i can simply open .img file .... Or i used some commands ..i don't remember right now will try to google it again...
I'll get back when i find it..for win7..
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA Free mobile app
used Unaffys.dll technique from this thread
try and report....
OxygeenHD said:
Hi there, my question is simple, i would like to know how can i turn our Odin flashable Stock Roms into zip files like all custom roms out there in which i could access to /system/app or /framework and everything to easily have a clean base to hopefully start creating some Custom roms
Thanks everyone
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This is very simple
Iv already written a whole guide for this
Once you have extracted it you can just load it into a working folder in kitchen or do what you like with it
marcussmith2626 said:
This is very simple
Iv already written a whole guide for this
Once you have extracted it you can just load it into a working folder in kitchen or do what you like with it
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Thanks mate, problem solved.

[GUIDE] How to flash any Stock Rom using Latest TWRP recovery by codeworkx/official

Hi Guys,
Iam now writing a guide to let you know that how to flash stock Rom using latest twrp recovery by both codeworkx or official
Steps :
First open the downloaded stock rom using any zip utilities, for example winrar.
navigate to the following directory
now open the update script using any text editing tool. like notpad++
Remove the first two lines.
Now you re good to go.
If you are still getting the error
then please replace all occurrence of the device name from "le_s2_ww" to "s2" . You can use the find and replace feature of the Notepad ++
Comment below if you have any queries. :angel:
Hit thanks if you thinks it is usefull
Visit my webiste please : https://www.confusedweb.com
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now after doing so the recovery says rhat the update-binary is missing
You are Great.. Thank a lot.
Thank You
Excellent... worked perfectly. Thank you.
I downloaded x527 stock from here:
But when I want to do your point 3, I just find a metadata and a otacert file in it and no update script?
FridrufHau said:
I downloaded x527 stock from here:
But when I want to do your point 3, I just find a metadata and a otacert file in it and no update script?
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You are in the wrong path!
Look at
not at
Oh this is embarrassing
Maybe one last question, as I did a lot of version back and forth and I am not able just to flash the bootloader or/and modem file of 19s, I would like to do a clean install of the recovery.
So if I do factory reset with data and cache and start the instalation this will be complete clean?
Or should I delete some files or folders which are beside the sdcard folder, too?
JamBax said:
You are in the wrong path!
Look at
not at
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Lol , I made a factory reset and flashed the modified update.zip and now I lost my baseband. What should I do now, I don't really want to use my backup because of the wrong modem version...
