[Q] Foxhound stuck on bootloader - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi! I just installed foxhound ground zeroes rom to my samsung galaxy s4 i9505 and yeah it got stuck to the bootloader and there's a blinking blue led on the corner. I could go to my old rom but it was foxhound 2.0 and the 4.2.2 would be nice. I didn't wipe all the data because of so many apps and stuff i need. And what about the modem and the other thing that was supposed to flash on odin, what do they do? Any suggestions?
Edit: New thing popped up, i can't go to recovery for an unknown reason.

ippeman said:
Hi! I just installed foxhound ground zeroes rom to my samsung galaxy s4 i9505 and yeah it got stuck to the bootloader and there's a blinking blue led on the corner. I could go to my old rom but it was foxhound 2.0 and the 4.2.2 would be nice. I didn't wipe all the data because of so many apps and stuff i need. And what about the modem and the other thing that was supposed to flash on odin, what do they do? Any suggestions?
Edit: New thing popped up, i can't go to recovery for an unknown reason.
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Hmm, this has happened to me before too.
If you cannot get into recovery, can you get into download mode?
When it happened to me I used Odin to flash the stock firmware to get the phone working again. Hope this helps


Stock roms?

EDIT: okay I found the stock rom, but my problem persists, so I'll just state the issue im having and hopefully someone who knows what theyre doing can tell me where I screwed up lol.
So, I had my Sprint S4 on MDC, was rooted with CF auto root, and had TWRP recovery.. I let my little brother play with my new phone, and he saw the lil update notification in the tray, so he updated to MF9 for me... That didnt go as planned.
After the update, my phone rebooted, and went all the way to the sprint logo, and stuck there. for about an hour. My device got reeaaallly hot so i popped the battery out, since power buttons werent responding. Put the battery back in, and same problem. SO, I got the stock rom, and booted it with Odin. It booted to recovery, then rebooted and stuck on the Samsung Galaxy S4 splash screen. I did the stock rom again, did the same thing. Now im stuck on the samsung splash screen and I have no idea what to do
dannyblunts said:
EDIT: okay I found the stock rom, but my problem persists, so I'll just state the issue im having and hopefully someone who knows what theyre doing can tell me where I screwed up lol.
So, I had my Sprint S4 on MDC, was rooted with CF auto root, and had TWRP recovery.. I let my little brother play with my new phone, and he saw the lil update notification in the tray, so he updated to MF9 for me... That didnt go as planned.
After the update, my phone rebooted, and went all the way to the sprint logo, and stuck there. for about an hour. My device got reeaaallly hot so i popped the battery out, since power buttons werent responding. Put the battery back in, and same problem. SO, I got the stock rom, and booted it with Odin. It booted to recovery, then rebooted and stuck on the Samsung Galaxy S4 splash screen. I did the stock rom again, did the same thing. Now im stuck on the samsung splash screen and I have no idea what to do
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Go to recovery, do a factory reset, reboot.
Bt I doubt he was able to update you to MF9 since you were in MDC I believe he updated you to MDL.
Edit: here a stock tar of MF9 if you need it. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2375523
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
I'm not sure that will work but it's worth a try. You might have to just use PC Odin and do a full flash then reroot it and get it to where you want it.

help please

Hiya guys need some help
I have a galaxy s4 gt-i9505 that I had running the Google play edition ROM
Then my wife ordered a galaxy gear for my birthday (early January)
I tried to put the latest carrier ROM on through Odin and it flashed OK but kept coming up with procces.android.acore has stopped
I did some googleing and then re-flashed the ROM but clicked the wipe button and it flashed OK
But when it restarted it got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't get past the Samsung logo
I then flashed twrp recovery and managed to get 4.4 ROM on there (but it seems really laggy and drops calls everytime)
I have tried to recover my backup but twrp can't see it and the cwm recovery won't flash on
So how do I either get stock back on my phone or a ROM that will accept the gear and isn't laggy or buggy
Thanks in advance for the help guys
ianst28 said:
Hiya guys need some help
I have a galaxy s4 gt-i9505 that I had running the Google play edition ROM
Then my wife ordered a galaxy gear for my birthday (early January)
I tried to put the latest carrier ROM on through Odin and it flashed OK but kept coming up with procces.android.acore has stopped
I did some googleing and then re-flashed the ROM but clicked the wipe button and it flashed OK
But when it restarted it got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't get past the Samsung logo
I then flashed twrp recovery and managed to get 4.4 ROM on there (but it seems really laggy and drops calls everytime)
I have tried to recover my backup but twrp can't see it and the cwm recovery won't flash on
So how do I either get stock back on my phone or a ROM that will accept the gear and isn't laggy or buggy
Thanks in advance for the help guys
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Download the triangle away app. (search google or xda)
Download the latest Samsung ROM from Sammobile.com
Enter in recovery mode and WIPE all data,
Flash the ROM via ODIN.
When its done, enter in recover again and make another wipe.
If u get a successful boot, and if u have a new bootloader(knox) u wont be able to use WIFI, u'll need to use Triangle away to wipe the binary counter. SO then u will need to REFLASH the ROM.
After all of this, u should get the phone working fine.
Sorry for the text. ;o
Good luck, bro.
ianst28 said:
Hiya guys need some help
I have a galaxy s4 gt-i9505 that I had running the Google play edition ROM
Then my wife ordered a galaxy gear for my birthday (early January)
I tried to put the latest carrier ROM on through Odin and it flashed OK but kept coming up with procces.android.acore has stopped
I did some googleing and then re-flashed the ROM but clicked the wipe button and it flashed OK
But when it restarted it got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't get past the Samsung logo
I then flashed twrp recovery and managed to get 4.4 ROM on there (but it seems really laggy and drops calls everytime)
I have tried to recover my backup but twrp can't see it and the cwm recovery won't flash on
So how do I either get stock back on my phone or a ROM that will accept the gear and isn't laggy or buggy
Thanks in advance for the help guys
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Correct ROM for ur UK branded to Vodafone is this ONE
ok so i admit i'm an idiot,
what i forgot was that i needed to use adb to get into cwm recovery
when i realised that i could recover back to my stable version
so in order to use the gear (when it arrives) do i need to go back to stock or can i use the google play edition rom i like ???
Joku1981 said:
Correct ROM for ur UK branded to Vodafone is this ONE
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also have to admit i was freaked out that you knew i was on voda ..... till i realised it was in my profile lol
ok so i did all of the above with the correct firmware and again it just keeps saying acore ?? process stopped ..so i had to flash back through to the 4.4 rom then flash cwm on and restore my old 4.3 rom
i tried a wipe through odin and that just caused a bootloop again
any other ideas on how to get back to stock ??
ianst28 said:
ok so i did all of the above with the correct firmware and again it just keeps saying acore ?? process stopped ..so i had to flash back through to the 4.4 rom then flash cwm on and restore my old 4.3 rom
i tried a wipe through odin and that just caused a bootloop again
any other ideas on how to get back to stock ??
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Mate, try this steps:
1. Flash stock recovery
2. Flash stock rom from sammobile
3. wipe
The gear only works with stock rom 4.3
ok so i tried everything nothing worked and i got stuck in a constant bootloop
then i tried flashing it with odin 3.09 .......all was going well till it failed and left me with nothing on the phone at all
i re-tried with through 3.07 and this time it worked
i now have stock on my phone thankfully
thanks for all the help guys

bricked my s4...soft bricked?

I soft bricked my at&t s4. I had flashed the golden eye rom and it was working fine. but today i woke up and it was at the black screen with white text saying "samsung galaxy s4". dunno why randomly it happened at night. But does this mean i dont have root? cuz ive never seen this screen since i rooted and flashed roms onto the phone. any help would be appreciated.
im using twrp and was using cm10.1 and just changed to golden eye tw rom. any help?
more info
param.006 said:
I soft bricked my at&t s4. I had flashed the golden eye rom and it was working fine. but today i woke up and it was at the black screen with white text saying "samsung galaxy s4". dunno why randomly it happened at night. But does this mean i dont have root? cuz ive never seen this screen since i rooted and flashed roms onto the phone. any help would be appreciated.
im using twrp and was using cm10.1 and just changed to golden eye tw rom. any help?
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what is your baseband are you running and did you wipe your phone before you flashed the new rom
galaxy s4 i337 stuck on bootAnimation
hi my phone is at&t galaxy s4 i337 rooted but not instaled recovery the phone was working good suddenly i deleted at&t software updater application the phone reboot itself stuck in at&t boot logo now is not booting up tried to wipe data factory reset but nothing and then when i am trying to wipe ceche partition giving me error tried to reflash via odin olso error please help thnks

[Q] Galaxy S4 Sacs Rom Issue Please Help

I just flashed this rom successfully yesterday. The rom was stable and working, however I wanted to get the hotspot to work. I used a hotspot mod on a previous 4.3 rom, so I tried it again on this rom. I flashed the MDC Hotspot Mod while in Philz Touch 5.18 recovery. After flashing the hotspot mod, I reboot the system and it is stuck at the "Kit Kat" splash screen. I went back to recovery, wiped everything (data reset, cache, davlik cache) and reinstalled the rom and it seemed to work fine. However, I wanted to get the hostpot working so later in the night I reinstalled a 4.3 rom, and now I can not get any rom to work. When I boot up I am not faced with the Galaxy S4 screen saying:
Set Warranty Bit: kernel
It will not go to the Kit Kat splash screen, I can get to download mode and recovery mode. I tried completely re-rooting the device, Installing different roms and even a different kernel, but I can't seem to get anything to work. At this point, I just need my phone to work and will use any rom. I don't think this is a fully bricked device because I can get into recovery and download mode. I can live without hotspot for now, just need a working phone. If anyone can advise here or help please reply here or email me at [email protected]. This is my daily driver phone and I need it to work, hopefully it is an easy fix like getting a stock 4.4 kernel? BTW this was a brand new galaxy s4 which came with stock 4.4, so I am not sure if installing 4.3 had an issue with it. Maybe using ODIN to fix the problem, I am not sure. I have successfully rooted many phones including HTC EVO 4G, HTC EVO 3D and Galaxy S4( until now) and have never ran into this issue. Please advice anyone!! Thanks!
RE: S4 Sac Rom Issue Please Help
I ran into a similar problem and my device would not boot. I simply just reflashed clockwork 6.0.4 recovery from Odin and was able to get back into recovery to wipe and reflash a new rom. Hope this helps. Note: I selected PDA in Odin. Here is a tutorial to get recovery back.
Good luck.

[Q] sm-g870a

Howdy, att s5 active was acting up so i downloaded the stock ne4 firmware from sammobile and flashed it via odin. Now the phone is stuck at the s5 splash screen and refuses to boot. I have tried booting into recovery and wiping cache and performing a factory reset to no avail. I have also tried using the firmware upgrade feature in kies but this did not work either. I am at a loss if anyone could point me in the right direction to help me get this thing working again i would be very appreciative.
The phone is completely stock , never rooted or messed with recovery or anything like that.
spazzd said:
Howdy, att s5 active was acting up so i downloaded the stock ne4 firmware from sammobile and flashed it via odin. Now the phone is stuck at the s5 splash screen and refuses to boot. I have tried booting into recovery and wiping cache and performing a factory reset to no avail. I have also tried using the firmware upgrade feature in kies but this did not work either. I am at a loss if anyone could point me in the right direction to help me get this thing working again i would be very appreciative.
The phone is completely stock , never rooted or messed with recovery or anything like that.
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For anyone experiencing issues similar to what I was i believe i have found a solution : eventually i was able to get 4.4.2 to boot fully up - but then began to experience random resets. What I did was go into developer options and switch from dalvik to art. After all of the apps were done optimizing the s5 active now works perfectly, without issue. Hopefully this information helps someone else get theirs working properly.
What firmware you flas first time? ???4.4.2???
Petreion said:
What firmware you flas first time? ???4.4.2???
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yeah the ne4 firmware .
