Need clock widget app - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys I was deleting some apps from system and because I am really stup.... I deleted clock widget and now I have no widget on lockscreen. Someone got this? I need it with odex file too. I am on d806
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can't help but use dashclock instead of the original. more fetures


Samsung Weather Widget on Alliance XXLS7

So I love Robbie Hood’s Jelly Bean XXLS7 Rom but I am using APEX Launcher and the Samsung Widget Weather Clock is missing. It’s not a problem if you’re using Samsung’s Touchwiz Launcher as you could use the accuweather widget but as i have said I am using APEX.
So I extracted SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk and AccuweatherDaemonb.apk from Crash 1976, flash both of them through Aliance Rom Customizer as system apps, go to Recovery and fix permissions. After rebooting, I got my old Samsung Widget Weather Clock.
Hi man can you upload the SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk? Can't find it, thanks in advance...
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koRn666 said:
Hi man can you upload the SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk? Can't find it, thanks in advance...
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Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Any app to set a custom lock wallpaper?

Since my ROM (slimkat), great rom, but does not have the option I am missing. I know gravity is an option but will mess all my setup. I will prefer an apk that let me set a lockscreen wallpaper.
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Touchwiz Problem

Hello Guys. I have a touchwiz problem: the weather widget only show thw clock, and the time dont show on lockscreen. Anyone had this problem or now how to resolve it?
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[Q] g3 stock font

Is there any chance to have g3 fonts? I want the new smart Gothic, is it possible?
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I think the app iFont has a font similar to New Smart Gothic. If not you can look here, over 500 fonts...
Tinchoska said:
Is there any chance to have g3 fonts? I want the new smart Gothic, is it possible?
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Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Art Vanderlay said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is it to flash via recovery?
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Tinchoska said:
Is it to flash via recovery?
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Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Its not flashable, they're ttf files like all your system fonts. You can install them with the font installer app.

Multi window after G928FXXU2AOJ5

Has anyone noticed changes in multi window after latest update?
I don't see anymore the big dot in the middle to resize windows.
Same here. Can only make a splitview
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I found what was causing the problem: with PackageDisablerPro I had disable FlashBarServivce
thegios said:
I found what was causing the problem: with PackageDisablerPro I had disable FlashBarServivce
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It works perfectly
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