How To Make Apps Automatically Hidden After Installation - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

When I Extract Some Apps From Any Rom,,Apps Like Quickpanel.apk,nofrillscpu.apk,spareparts.apk etc etc.They Get Automatically Hidden Amd Are Not Shown In App Menu..
How To Do That Can Anyone Give Me Guide

to hide app from launcher
decompile with apktool
open androidmanifest.xml
find the line that starts
<application android:label=
in that line will be a drawable value like
delete that part of the line - dont know if you have to delete the string lable too as iv not done it before
to show the apps in launcher reverse the process
re-sign the apk once done

Are you rooted? If so, install CCSWE App Manager from Google Play. Give it root permissions and you can hide/show any app from your launcher.
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dimsar2013 said:
Are you rooted? If so, install CCSWE App Manager from Google Play. Give it root permissions and you can hide/show any app from your launcher.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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TY bro.. But I dont want to use any third party app

marcussmith2626 said:
to hide app from launcher
decompile with apktool
open androidmanifest.xml
find the line that starts
<application android:label=
in that line will be a drawable value like
delete that part of the line - dont know if you have to delete the string lable too as iv not done it before
to show the apps in launcher reverse the process
re-sign the apk once done
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Mmmm..ok I wil try n rply soon


Help using Ninjamorph to change icon!!!

I am trying to change the Icon using Ninja Morph. I did exactly what the tread on "how to NinjaMorph" but it does not work.
It seems like I can change the color on the Icon's but it will not let me change out the Icon.
Here is what I did.
I start with New Project
go System than App
than I go the the app that I want to change the Icon
open Res, than Drawable-hdpi, tap the icon I want to change.
Than it opens a folders
I go to the folder with the Icon that I want to replace it with
I click on the Icon that I want use.
After that I exit
than I go to Finish Project,
It as me to confirm Action and couple of other question after.
I reboot the phone and the icon is not change.
What am I missing?
Note: I already did review the tread "how to ninjamorph" and it seem like I am doing everything correctly. The only thing is that the tread says that phone should reboot automatically and mine doesn't. I reboot manually.
When I change the icon color on "edit icon", it works fine.
By the way, I already have busybox installed.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
What's the app?
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I tried many different app. One of the example is browser.
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There are some system apps that just wont take. Does the app disappear from the drawer after you edit it? If not then its not taking the change. Be wsue youre changing the png as they normally have a couple pngs that look the same but only one is the icon.
Have you tried manually replacing them?
I tried many different apps. I can edit the icon by changing colors but it will not let me replace icon.
Sent from my DROIDX
Droid-Xer said:
There are some system apps that just wont take. Does the app disappear from the drawer after you edit it? If not then its not taking the change. Be wsue youre changing the png as they normally have a couple pngs that look the same but only one is the icon.
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When I edit the icon, it would disappear but when I reboot the phone, app will reappear. The only thing is that I have to mount the app in the system. Once I edit the app it was not reinstall with app manager. In other words I have to mount the application directly into the zip folder for the system then reinstall the theme or the rom.
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I've had some experience with ninja morph not always accepting my changes. After you open your project, use astro to go to sd/androidthemes/workspace. Copy paste the files using astro and then go to ninjamorph and finish the project. Then I use root explorer to paste the app in system/app. Install it (sometimes says fail but it works) then change the permissions and reboot. Just match the permissions list with any other app in system/app as they're all the same. Then reboot. Hope this helps.
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newtsevo said:
I've had some experience with ninja morph not always accepting my changes. After you open your project, use astro to go to sd/androidthemes/workspace. Copy paste the files using astro and then go to ninjamorph and finish the project. Then I use root explorer to paste the app in system/app. Install it (sometimes says fail but it works) then change the permissions and reboot. Just match the permissions list with any other app in system/app as they're all the same. Then reboot. Hope this helps.
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What do you mean by changing the permission? Also, can you be little bit more specific with instructions? I am fairly new to all this.
Also, is there a way I can try to change the icons with my computer? Is there a program or an app out there that works like a Ninja Morph for the desktop?
Sent from my DROIDX
I actually use picsay on the phone to make small edits to the icons. I then pull them from my sd to my pc to convert the jpeg back to png and insert them. But you can also use photoshop to edit images/create your own. Theg have to be the correct size.
I gave up. I just decided to use Better Cut. I never knew/realized you can customize icons on your phone with icon.

Go locker

The go loker only work if we installed go launcher there any way to use go locker without go launcher..???
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
That would require some smali editing after decompiling the apk, actually a LOT of smali editing, which isn't really easy.
System.out.println("Sent from my SGY");
yashuperia said:
The go loker only work if we installed go launcher there any way to use go locker without go launcher..???
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Try this. Create a flash package with all these things:
1.Go locker.apk
2.Libs from go launcher and go locker in one folder
Flash it and see if it works
First install go launcher and go locker. Then active go locker and then uninstall go launcher. Then see , Go locker will work without go launcher... coz I'm using go locker without go launcher....
Ops, but it works only for some times
hell_lock said:
Try this. Create a flash package with all these things:
1.Go locker.apk
2.Libs from go launcher and go locker in one folder
Flash it and see if it works
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Libs?? There are libs in an apk file?? I never saw 'em when i decompiled an apk or even when I was creating an app. An APK file consists of only icons, java source codes (or smali in case of decompiled), and XML files. Atleast, that's all I know!
anasdcool71 said:
Libs?? There are libs in an apk file?? I never saw 'em when i decompiled an apk or even when I was creating an app. An APK file consists of only icons, java source codes (or smali in case of decompiled), and XML files. Atleast, that's all I know!
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Dude then you have a long way to go . Not all apk's have /lib folder but some of em have it. For example download go launcher ex and make a backup of its apk. Look inside that apk using a zip archiver.
hell_lock said:
Dude then you have a long way to go . Not all apk's have /lib folder but some of em have it. For example download go launcher ex and make a backup of its apk. Look inside that apk using a zip archiver.
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You're right...just saw it....btw, opened zeam launcher's and holo launcher's apk too and saw no folder named 'libs'...i wonder why an apk would need libs...
hell_lock said:
Dude then you have a long way to go . Not all apk's have /lib folder but some of em have it. For example download go launcher ex and make a backup of its apk. Look inside that apk using a zip archiver.
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Its probably 3rd app dependencies,
Other launchers doesnt require that
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Adobe flash player have libs in its apk.. I found many apk with this lib folder...

[Q] make default system app

uhm i recently found this
and i want this app to be my default SYSTEM app, in short i want to uninstall "samsung keyboard" and replace this wp7 keyboard (click the link). i want to make it my default system keyboard.
any suggestion? guide? i'm noob/..
use titanium backup to remove the samsung keyboard from system,
then use adb push, to install the new keyboard, it goes to the /system/app
but i'd suggest just downloading smart keyboard if you want a keyboard + lots of theme support
one question..
can i install holo launcher using root explorer? i will forcely move holo launcher to become a system app?
and i will uninstall samsung home?
rmhoh said:
can i install holo launcher using root explorer? i will forcely move holo launcher to become a system app?
and i will uninstall samsung home?
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anything saved to the /system/app is a system app
deathnotice01 said:
anything saved to the /system/app is a system app
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I truly think you are right but please tell him to set permissions as it will not be visible unless u set permission's and in my view use link2sd for these purposes as it includes an option directly to convert it to a system or user app............ :cyclops:
Speaking of permissions, after you move an apk to /system/app...set the permissions to rw-r-r. I think both shivamsejal and deathnotice forgot to say that. And link2sd is good too, but who wants to remain a noob in these things?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Just remember not all app can push as system..
anasdcool71 said:
Speaking of permissions, after you move an apk to /system/app...set the permissions to rw-r-r. I think both shivamsejal and deathnotice forgot to say that. And link2sd is good too, but who wants to remain a noob in these things?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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bro I already said to set permissions.................... just check it....:silly:
shivamsejal said:
bro I already said to set permissions.................... just check it....:silly:
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You did tell him to set permissions, but how will he know that the permissions should be set to rw-r-r or rwx-r-r or r-rw-rwx, etc.? There are so many different kinds of permissions. Permissions should be the right one, not just any one.
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anasdcool71 said:
You did tell him to set permissions, but how will he know that the permissions should be set to rw-r-r or rwx-r-r or r-rw-rwx, etc.? There are so many different kinds of permissions. Permissions should be the right one, not just any one.
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yup's sorry but I thinked he must be knowing about it as everyone knows how to set permission's except noob's ....:good: sorry though.. will keep in mind from next time.
shivamsejal said:
yup's sorry but I thinked he must be knowing about it as everyone knows how to set permission's except noob's ....:good: sorry though.. will keep in mind from next time.
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sir, thanks i would be asking it lately about setting permissions in root explorer.
deathnotice01 said:
anything saved to the /system/app is a system app
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sir,im a little bit curious about setting permission.i am planning to uninstall my default messaging and replace with a new which i like i have to put the apk to /system/app the apk and set permission after uninstalling the default or just install the apk?is there any possibilities that i don't received sms?
blackpanther2209 said:
sir,im a little bit curious about setting permission.i am planning to uninstall my default messaging and replace with a new which i like i have to put the apk to /system/app the apk and set permission after uninstalling the default or just install the apk?is there any possibilities that i don't received sms?
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Yiu definitely wont recieve sms if you renove stock mms.apk... suggest you just hide if your launcher supports hiding apps
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
thank u very much sir!
thirdzcee said:
Yiu definitely wont recieve sms if you renove stock mms.apk... suggest you just hide if your launcher supports hiding apps
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actually mms.apk can be removed and you can still recieve messages,
if you use go sms, handecent, pansi you'd be able to recieve messages with or without stock messaging,
the phone.apk is the one reponsible for the cellular radio decoding and recieving,
if you remove that you'll have no signal
Replacing apps to system.
I have the repencis 3.5 advanced with PCB blue theme, awesome rom BTW! As you know it comes with system replaced. I want to replace stock browser with chrome browser as system app, unless you have better faster browser . Open to suggestions. I followed directions but it didn't work. Please help, thank you! Blackpanther, thanks for the system/app/paste app info it worked great. Shevas I still haven't needed the permissions setting but thanks for the info aswell.
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When converting a user app to system, what else changes besides permissions? I'm using cod rom with katsugi kernel. Some apps wont work properly even though permissions are set right like quickpic on this rom, but it worked as system app on repencis. I will appreciate a reply thanks
Proverbs 20:7
daddybux said:
When converting a user app to system, what else changes besides permissions? I'm using cod rom with katsugi kernel. Some apps wont work properly even though permissions are set right like quickpic on this rom, but it worked as system app on repencis. I will appreciate a reply thanks
Proverbs 20:7
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You need to extract lib files of apk and put it in /system/lib and set permission to rw-r--r... use root explorer tap on the apk then tap on view it will open up contents of apk file navigate to lib folder and choose folder named armeabi cause that is the lib files for our phone which is armv6 extract contents of that folder aand follow the procedure i gave abive on where to put them
touch /human/brain
chmod +x /human/brain
echo "make thirdzcee a sandwich" /human/brain
---------- Post added at 04:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ----------
deathnotice01 said:
actually mms.apk can be removed and you can still recieve messages,
if you use go sms, handecent, pansi you'd be able to recieve messages with or without stock messaging,
the phone.apk is the one reponsible for the cellular radio decoding and recieving,
if you remove that you'll have no signal
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But this does not work with all replacement mms like ics mms for example you wont recieve sms if you reolace stock with it
touch /human/brain
chmod +x /human/brain
echo "make thirdzcee a sandwich" /human/brain
About to try it but thanks for the quick reply
Proverbs 20:7
So I got the quickpic app to work. Thanks for that info. But I tried to do the same with ics picture gallery and I followed the steps but no lib folder. This was also a system app on another rom. I looked for the lib files of this app in the system/lib but there was nothing there. Btw I was having trouble with smart keyboard pro but I found and fixed permissions in system/lib for that too. Thanks! So where else can the lib files hide if not in system/lib or apk/"view"/lib/armeabi/? Thanks again 3rdzc
Proverbs 20:7

Deleted Google Talk.

So I was reading on how to change my name on Google Talk and someone suggested removing the app and installing it again.
After I used a ROM Toolbox Pro to uninstall talk, downloaded an apk to install it again and its not working !
Sorry for being a noob, but how do I get it back?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
download es file ex file explorer and move it with root to /system/app, then it should install itself....
Maybe you could attach it on your post here (the apk) cause u need it
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One additional step, when you move the APK to /system/app make sure that you set the permissions properly. System apps need to be rw-r--r-- (644).
And reboot after setting the permissions. The app should be there.
can't acces the gtalk
after all process
can't login

Google Maps?

So I'm rooted with the De La Vega method and it works great. As we all know, the new google maps v7 will not allow you to do a lot of things that the old versions would allow. I've found some older APKs from v6 and previous, but when I go to install, it will not allow it. Any ideas why, or how to get around it?
I'm interested in this as well. Plus the navigation voice is so robot like and it can hardly pronounce street names properly.
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takemo said:
I'm interested in this as well. Plus the navigation voice is so robot like and it can hardly pronounce street names properly.
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
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You can change the speech from Samsung to Google speech engine, sounds MUCH better. The method is somewhere in these forums.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I'd imagine maps is a system app, so using a file explorer go to system> apps and replace the maps apk with your older one, change permissions and reboot.
dirtyfingers said:
I'd imagine maps is a system app, so using a file explorer go to system> apps and replace the maps apk with your older one, change permissions and reboot.
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How do I change permissions? I've tried using ES File Explorer but I can't replace that system file.
KOKJ said:
How do I change permissions? I've tried using ES File Explorer but I can't replace that system file.
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Sorry I'm not familiar with es file explorer. I use root explorer and just long press the file and select change permissions. Maybe try changing the extension of the original apk to something like .bak before you copy the new apk then you could always go back if you wanted the newest version again.
dirtyfingers said:
Sorry I'm not familiar with es file explorer. I use root explorer and just long press the file and select change permissions. Maybe try changing the extension of the original apk to something like .bak before you copy the new apk then you could always go back if you wanted the newest version again.
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Will give it a shot and report back. Thanks.
dirtyfingers said:
Sorry I'm not familiar with es file explorer. I use root explorer and just long press the file and select change permissions. Maybe try changing the extension of the original apk to something like .bak before you copy the new apk then you could always go back if you wanted the newest version again.
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Once I downloaded the correct app to allow permission changes, I was able to rename the v7 file, copy over the v6 file and rebooted with no problems. However, the application didn't show up in the app list. So, I had to then install that same APK and everything works great. I now have all of my stored maps back!
What can't u do on v7?
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Where did you locate previous versions of Maps? I am tired of current version of Maps forcing me to allow WIFI and Network Locations to work. Just a battery hog doing that.
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MichaelMcC said:
Where did you locate previous versions of Maps? I am tired of current version of Maps forcing me to allow WIFI and Network Locations to work. Just a battery hog doing that.
Sent from my SCH-I905 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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There are several places online that have archives. I also had my APKs all backed up in such an event.
If you get blackout updater (Google play) or in Android themes. The blacked out version of Google maps is the last V6 version. I was glad to have the map view back.
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