[Q] Clarification On Making CM-10 Card - Nook Color Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have read multiple tutorials on making the card (mostly C-M 7) and there seems to be some differences. Some say to expand the boot partition and some don't. Which is it? If you have to grow it to how do you do it if you have only Linux? Gparted can't grow FAT.. I tried but 3 different versions errored out.
Second is do you copy the gaps.zip and C10.1.zip to the unused portion of the SD that is there after the image file is written to the SD card or the boot partition that is created.
One tutorial said I should unmount the card before writing the image. None of the others did.
Any help for a newbie appreciated.

Ray2047 said:
I have read multiple tutorials on making the card (mostly C-M 7) and there seems to be some differences. Some say to expand the boot partition and some don't. Which is it? If you have to grow it to how do you do it if you have only Linux? Gparted can't grow FAT.. I tried but 3 different versions errored out.
Second is do you copy the gaps.zip and C10.1.zip to the unused portion of the SD that is there after the image file is written to the SD card or the boot partition that is created.
One tutorial said I should unmount the card before writing the image. None of the others did.
Any help for a newbie appreciated.
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Use my NC guide for installing CM10 to SD linked in my signature. You do not expand the boot partition, I have made it big enough, use the rev8b version. Copy the CM files directly to the boot partition.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app

leapinlar said:
Use my NC guide for installing CM10 to SD linked in my signature. You do not expand the boot partition, I have made it big enough, use the rev8b version. Copy the CM files directly to the boot partition.
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When I attempt to copy CM. I get disk full. Tried as User and root.
Looking at the partition in Gparted I get Size=117.63 MB Used 9.73 MB Unused 107.90 MB so it doesn't seem to be full.. The image I used was Android/generic-sdcard-v1.3.img

Ray2047 said:
When I attempt to copy CM. I get disk full. Tried as User and root.
Looking at the partition in Gparted I get Size=117.63 MB Used 9.73 MB Unused 107.90 MB so it doesn't seem to be full.. The image I used was Android/generic-sdcard-v1.3.img
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I told you to use my rev8b from my thread. That old 1.3 will not work on the new CM zips.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app

leapinlar said:
I told you to use my rev8b from my thread. That old 1.3 will not work on the new CM zips.
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Sorry. I did get that from a link in your thread. I will have to go back and look for the correct link. Thanks for your patience.

Got it. Thanks for all the help. Now if the Post Office finally delivers the Nook I bought I can test it.


[How-to]Darktremors apps2sd on Froyo

Edit: I made some scripts that you can run from gscript lite found in market for free. This script will mount the last partition so your windows pc will see it. There is one for mount and one for unmount. Plug your phone in pc and run the mountsd script and your window should pop up on the pc with the folder showing the partition that your froyo rom is using. If you have your card partitioned differently then these instructions then you can just edit the mountsd script where it says /dev/block/mmcblk0p4. Change the 4 to the number of the fat32 partition that you want it to mount. http://www.multiupload.com/HNIKCP720C
If you want to copy from froyo partition to recovery partition try this
Conap said:
No need to stop being lazy but you gotta give me a minute lol...download script and run it in gscripts. In File Manager if you press the home button you will see sdcard and sdcard2. sdcard is the froyo partition and sdcard2 is the recovery partition of the card. I am sure you can get to it in astro too but don't have it downloaded to test. Just navigate to the root folder of the phone and it should have the sdcard2 directory. This will stick untill you reboot then you will have to run the script again.
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We all have seen that froyo doesn't like partitioned sd cards. After many attempts at partitioning my sd card for another project i'm working on I figured out a way to install the "old" apps2sd on Froyo. I know alot of people preferred the way it was done in 2.1. Froyo seems to use the last partition on the sd card at least untill the 7th partition which it stops looking after that. Amon's recovery works with the first partition on the sd card. So the solution is to put a Fat32 partition as the first partition then put your ext3 and swap partitions and then a 4th partition as fat32 for the phone to use when booted. The important thing to remember is to put any rom's you want to flash on the first partition. Your nand backups will also be stored on the first partition. Pictures, music, video's, stuff you download to the phone and any other normal stuff that uses sd card will end up on 4th partition. I will give instructions using a program called gparted. I think it is available for windows also. This should work with any type of partitioning software.
I will leave the original instructions at bottom of post but after a lot of partitioning my sd card for this project and the ubuntu/debian project and the DualRom project I've found that this method is a little better. I believe someone else linked to this method somewhere in this thread
Conap said:
ok try this...boot phone into recovery...hopefully you have amon's recovery cause I don't think clockwork uses parted(not sure). Then type or copy/paste these commands:
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
rm 1
rm 2
rm 3
rm 4
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 2000
mkpartfs primary ext2 2001 2500
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 2501 2550
mkpartfs primary fat32 2551 7948
Depending on the number of partitions on your sdcard currently it may say error after the rm 1,rm 2, rm 3, rm 4 commands. You can ignore them.
Then reboot your phone or copy the file you want to flash back on to card and flash it.
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1. BACK UP YOUR SD CARD!!!!!!!!(this will erase all data on sd card)
2. Plug your phone into your pc and mount the sd card(like you would if transferring files from pc to your card)
3. Open GParted and on the bar at the top click Gparted then devices and choose the phone( should be the second in the list if you only have one hard drive and no other external storage devices connected)
4. On the gparted screen you will see the partitions of your sd card. There should only be one at the moment if you are already using froyo. Right click on all of the partitions and click unmount and then delete. This will delete everything on your sd. Please be sure you have backed up your card.
5. You should now have one line that says unallocated.
6. Right click on unallocated and click click new. It will bring up a screen that has size and type of partition sizes. The only things you need to change are the size and type. For the first partitions I used 2000mib in the new size box but I keep around 5 Nand backups and 10 to 15 rom's stored on my card at a time. If you do not do alot of nands and store alot of roms you could probably make this partition smaller. Then under file system choose fat32 from the dropdown menu and choose add.
7. Right click on unallocated again and click new. This will bring up the screen to chose size and file system again. Normally people use 500mb for the ext3 partition for apps2sd. You can adjust the number to fit your needs. Choose your size and then make the file system ext3 and click add.
8. Right click unallocated again and click new. This partition should be around 50mb and choose file system as linux-swap.
9. Right click unallocated and new again. This will be the partition you use for your media on your phone such as pic's or music. You will want to use the rest of the space left on your card for this partition. Choose fat32 for the file system and click add.
10. You should now see 4 sections listed. First and last should be fat32, second ext3 and 3rd linux-swap. If it looks correct you hit the checkmark button at the top of the gparted screen. It will make all changes to your sd card. You can then unmount your card and make sure your phone reads it. I reccomend taking 1 picture before copying the stuff you backed up back onto your card.
Remember to put your Nand folder and any roms onto partition 1 and all other stuff you backed up on partition 4. When your card is setup you can go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=715933 to get the zip to flash to install the apps2sd. Install apps2sd as per instructions on that thread.
I have apps2sd currently running on my phone with CELB3.2 and it is working fine. I set my card up on a linux machine with gparted.
you are the man Conap ...currently running your 3.2froyo, which BTW is smooth as heck....what I hate the most about froyo is there A2sd setup ....and you have just solved that problem
rvpartsguy said:
you are the man Conap ...currently running your 3.2froyo, which BTW is smooth as heck....what I hate the most about froyo is there A2sd setup ....and you have just solved that problem
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Well if you or anyone else that has windows test's this can someone report if you can access both fat32 partitions when you mount the phone in windows....
I'll be trying this ish later. Superb work conap. I'm on windows, I'll let you know how it goes as well
Sent from my Droid Eris using XDA App
I'm undecided if I'll try this, but if I do it'll probably more to see how it works under Windows than to use it myself.
I wish the best of both worlds, being able to have Widget apps installed to SD card, but not have separate partitions, and still be able to specify applications I want to remain in the phone memory, for speed.
No matter what, though, beautiful! Thanks for writing up the instructions!
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I'm undecided if I'll try this, but if I do it'll probably more to see how it works under Windows than to use it myself.
I wish the best of both worlds, being able to have Widget apps installed to SD card, but not have separate partitions, and still be able to specify applications I want to remain in the phone memory, for speed.
No matter what, though, beautiful! Thanks for writing up the instructions!
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I agree it would be nice to have the option to move specific apps back to the phone. But I have seen alot of people that prefer this way so I thought i'd write this up. I actually needed partitions for other things which is why I was looking into it anyway. I now have 8 partitions on my sd card and everything still functions correctly. I did find that Froyo would read the last partition on the sd card up untill 7 partitions. When I added an 8th partition it still looked at partition 7. In case any one was interested in more partitions just make sure the fat32 is last partition untill you have more then 7 leave 7 as fat32.
Conap said:
I agree it would be nice to have the option to move specific apps back to the phone. But I have seen alot of people that prefer this way so I thought i'd write this up. I actually needed partitions for other things which is why I was looking into it anyway. I now have 8 partitions on my sd card and everything still functions correctly. I did find that Froyo would read the last partition on the sd card up untill 7 partitions. When I added an 8th partition it still looked at partition 7. In case any one was interested in more partitions just make sure the fat32 is last partition untill you have more then 7 leave 7 as fat32.
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Do you have a 16GB or larger card? Wow!
Very interesting information, thank you!
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Do you have a 16GB or larger card? Wow!
Very interesting information, thank you!
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nope just stock 8gb...mostly small partitions for testing some ideas lol...i did find that the phone does not mount any more then 7 partitions(kernel limitation maybe) You can have more then 7 if you are useing your card for things other then the phone but for phone purposes 7 is the limit.
How do I plug my phone into my computer?
need help!!
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
Conap said:
nope just stock 8gb...mostly small partitions for testing some ideas lol...i did find that the phone does not mount any more then 7 partitions(kernel limitation maybe) You can have more then 7 if you are useing your card for things other then the phone but for phone purposes 7 is the limit.
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Oh, okay! Nosey people (me) want to know. Hehehe.
workshed said:
How do I plug my phone into my computer?
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You're messing with me, right? The USB cable that came with your phone, that you can also charge your phone with???
ykhehra1 said:
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
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You'll probably have to boot your Vista 32-bit installation DVD and run a Startup Repair. Or if the computer came with a recovery DVD that you hopefully burned after booting up the computer the first time, use that.
If you don't have any easier option, you can download Startup Repair-only burnable disc images from the EasyBCD website. Just google for it. Make sure and download the correct one (Vista 32-bit), and then you'll have to burn it to a CD and boot from it. Hopefully you're computer doesn't have any SATA or RAID setup that Vista doesn't include the drivers for, otherwise you'll have to download those and put them on a flash drive, and then you can load them from the Vista repair CD.
Good luck.
ykhehra1 said:
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
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There is no makeboot option on gparted in linux that i can see...if you think you have messed up the boot partition of your pc don't restart it till you fix it. Google should be your best friend on that one. I don't use windows so can't be of any help to you there....
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Oh, okay! Nosey people (me) want to know. Hehehe.
You're messing with me, right? The USB cable that came with your phone, that you can also charge your phone with???
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What's a usb cable... is it that black thing with a square end??
Its g8 solution, good job! little tricky on windows, but worked at the end.
workshed said:
What's a usb cable... is it that black thing with a square end??
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Ooooh, you got me. LOL!
ykhehra1 said:
Its g8 solution, good job! little tricky on windows, but worked at the end.
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Are you able to get both FAT32 partitions (partition 1 for ROMs and other flashes, partition 4 for everything else) mounted with drive letters under Windows?
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
asilentcivilian said:
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
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nevermind, i found the 2.1 dark tremor thread. i assume the same results apply to froyo with this.
asilentcivilian said:
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
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some people just prefer this way. this way actually stores the whole apk on the phone and save's more room then froyo. plus you can mount your sd card while still using your apps. I did this mainly cause I wan't partitions for other things on my phone personally. It just happens that it helps the apps2sd issue too...

[Q] CM7 SD Boot - Can you expand EXT4

I've had a lot of success creating a bootable CM7 using the size agnostic preparation instructions. (Here) I want to keep the Nook at stock, for a variety of reasons. Anyway, I created a very nice installation on a 16gb uSD card and did a lot of work setting up LP+ and my hundred-odd android apps. (I also have an Evo 4G). I was fortunate enough to get a 32gb uSD at a great price and want to move my installation over to that. The most successful by making an image with the Win32DriveImage and flashing that back to the 32gb uSD card, which leaves a large area of un-partitioned space. I've tried a couple downloaded tools but have been unsuccessful. Is there a command I can use in Terminal Emulator to to do that? I know I can use the agnostic procedure to start from scratch, but I'd really hate to do that.
The only thing that would make starting over is if someone can point me to instructions that would allow me to have an installation that boots from uSD and has fully functional CWR and Rom Manager. I love how it works on my EVO to download and install updates with a couple clicks. (Everything I've tried there seems to mess with the core Nook).
Thanks a lot!
Use Minitool Partition Wizard, or another windows partition manager to expand the last storage partition.
LBN1 said:
Use Minitool Partition Wizard, or another windows partition manager to expand the last storage partition.
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Thanks for the suggestion. I tried a few partition managers and run into the same problem including with MiniTool. It will start the process of expanding or copying and expanding in one step, but it will eventually say "file system error" just before it finishes. It suggests repairing the file system, but none of the tools can do this with the ext4 partition. Still trying though. Gonna give the Acronis partition manager a whirl.
bitbearmi said:
Is there a command I can use in Terminal Emulator to to do that? I know I can use the agnostic procedure to start from scratch, but I'd really hate to do that.
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You can edit partitions with fdisk from the terminal emulator. I suggest googling, it's a pretty old school tool and isn't very friendly. You should easily be able to resize your "sd" partition with that. Actually more accurately you should be able to delete that last partition and then create a bigger one in it's place. won't keep your data, but you can just copy it over to your computer and resize, then copy back.
Another option would be gparted which comes with basically every live linux cd ever. That one can actually do true resizes and should handle ext4 partitions easily (it is a linux file system after all)
bitbearmi said:
The only thing that would make starting over is if someone can point me to instructions that would allow me to have an installation that boots from uSD and has fully functional CWR and Rom Manager. I love how it works on my EVO to download and install updates with a couple clicks. (Everything I've tried there seems to mess with the core Nook).
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You don't need to start over. Get a new uboot.bin for your cards boot partition from here.
Then get the clockwordmod kernel and ramdisk from the zip at the end of this post. Put the uImage and uRamdisk on the sd card as uAltImg and uAltRam.
Now when you choose sd:alternate from the boot menu it will boot you into clockwork.
Thank you so much. I think that will do the trick.
ylixir said:
You don't need to start over. Get a new uboot.bin for your cards boot partition from here.
Then get the clockwordmod kernel and ramdisk from the zip at the end of this post. Put the uImage and uRamdisk on the sd card as uAltImg and uAltRam.
Now when you choose sd:alternate from the boot menu it will boot you into clockwork.
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OK. All is well and the dual-boot solution is super-convenient. But I'm a little perplexed as to how to work with CWM in this environment. Ideally I'd like this to work just as it does on my EVO, Rom Manager lets me know there is a new version, I select it, it downloads asks if an want Gapps and backup (yes please) then it does its thing. Maybe that is way too much to ask. If so, then the main things I need to know are how to instal an updated build that I download separately? Do I just copy it to the root of the boot partition.
Sorry for being such a n00b with the nook. Its funny but I'm much more confident messing with my phone, which if bricked, is pretty catastrophic. (LOL)
The instructions for updating CM7 for the agnostic build is in the OP's post for that build.
"How to update to a new build:
put the new build you want to try on the first partition. (the name must be update-cm-*.zip or cm_encore_full*.zip or just update-*.zip)
Boot from the SDcard in the recovery mode (see above) and the new snapshot would be installed.
The partition layout would be preserved, filesystems are NOT reformatted, so your data should be safe."
Also, Easeus Partition Manager is supposed to be able to resize partitions w/o destroying data. YMMV, of course. I used it to extend ext 4 but prior to putting anything there.
Didn't have any luck with easus either, but ended up using a gparted boot which worked great. Normally I would use recovery nandroid to backup the rom before installing the updated, but when I did that by booting into alternate, I ended up backing up the nook rom to the root partition, so I think the safest thing to do is to use win32diskmanager to image the entire sd card.
ylixir said:
You don't need to start over. Get a new uboot.bin for your cards boot partition from here.
Then get the clockwordmod kernel and ramdisk from the zip at the end of this post. Put the uImage and uRamdisk on the sd card as uAltImg and uAltRam.
Now when you choose sd:alternate from the boot menu it will boot you into clockwork.
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So, just to make absolutely sure, if I already have CM7 installed on an SD card, which I've been using as a daily driver, installing apps, downloading Kindle books, PDFs, and the like, but I want to put CWMR onto the SD card, the steps you outlined should be OK?
NOTE: I know, I know, if I'm confused I probably shouldn't be screwing around with things...But the size-agnostic SD CM7 method was so bloodless that I thought the other stuff would be pretty easy to do. For whatever reason, adding stuff like the OC kernel and CWMR has been a little confusing.

[Q] HELP!! Used Verygreen's instructions and have problems!

I have a 16Gb SandDisk class2 that I just bought, using verygreen's instructions for "ROM][CM7] [v1.3] Size-agnostic SD Card image and CM7 installer for SD Cards", and completing the first step for putting the image on the card, I now end up with an SD card that shows it is only 116MB and out of space!!! HELP!!! How do I undo this???
Edit: Relevant to emmc flashing technique only. Too tired to think yesterday.
babyfine24 said:
I have a 16Gb SandDisk class2 that I just bought, using verygreen's instructions for "ROM][CM7] [v1.3] Size-agnostic SD Card image and CM7 installer for SD Cards", and completing the first step for putting the image on the card, I now end up with an SD card that shows it is only 116MB and out of space!!! HELP!!! How do I undo this???
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If you read the instructions you'd know that was normal... that is the "boot" partition you are seeing.
You can use something like EASEUS or MiniTools Partition managers to resize it prior to putting it in the nook and letting it set up the other partitions (keep it below 2GB... I recommend 1.75GB)
After you put it in the nook and let it set up... you cannot resize partition 1... but can resize partition 4 if it doesn't automatically set up to use the entire free space automatically.
I used EASUS partition manager. You can get it for free here: http://www.partition-tool.com/personal.htm
When you put the image on the card the software did not use all available space. Get EASUS and stretch out the last partition to the max and you will get full use of your card again.
I've been followed a lot of instructions but this particular "partition the uSD" always gives me problem. I bet I do not fully understand the process of using EASEUS or MiniTool to RESIZE PRIOR putting into the NC.
Can someone who has done this pls write up a detail instructions? Dizzy, pat, can you help?
Thing is: after creating a bootable uSD, the card becomes "boot" and only 110+ MB available like OP indicated, that's fine, we all understand that.
Next step is using EASEUS or MiniTool to resize.
Resize what?
As after creating the uSD, only "boot" partition showed as FAT32, the rest is UNallocated. Sine we haven't inserted the uSD in the NC yet, therefore no such ext4, ... created. So what are we resizing here? The "boot" partition?
votinh said:
Thing is: after creating a bootable uSD, the card becomes "boot" and only 110+ MB available like OP indicated, that's fine, we all understand that.
Next step is using EASEUS or MiniTool to resize.
Resize what?
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You then resize the only partition that has been created on the drive... the 110MB partition.
votinh said:
As after creating the uSD, only "boot" partition showed as FAT32, the rest is UNallocated. Sine we haven't inserted the uSD in the NC yet, therefore no such ext4, ... created. So what are we resizing here? The "boot" partition?
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After resizing only partition prior to running the uSD in the nook... you put it in nook...let it create the other partitions... after it is done... put it back in computer and resize the LAST partition on it.
What you're seeing is normal. The image copy sets things up, then the install step rearranges and populates the rest of the card. All that's happened is that an image of a tiny card has been copied onto a larger card, but that's not the final setup.
Unless you're unhappy with the final partitioning, you don't need to mess with it manually.
If you're feeling adventurous, Verygreen has posted that you can set up the partitions the way you want, then copy the files from the image (not the image itself) onto the first partition, and the installer will leave them that way.
Pretty slick, actually.
DizzyDen said:
You then resize the only partition that has been created on the drive... the 110MB partition.
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So, you said we "resize" the "boot" partition, right?
If so, we resize it from 110+MB to 1.75GB like you recommended in previous post?
Should we say "supersize" it? expand it? increase it?
Put the word aside, let say I increase the boot partition to 1.75GB, what about the rest? Still UNallocated, I believe.
After resizing only partition prior to running the uSD in the nook... you put it in nook...let it create the other partitions... after it is done... put it back in computer and resize the LAST partition on it.
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If I follow through, the first (boot) partition will still be seen as FAT32 and Windows will only see the very first FAT32 partition. What is the purpose of "resizing" the last partition?
Are you telling me that after resize the last partition, Windows will see it (as well as the first "boot" FAT32)?
votinh said:
So, you said we "resize" the "boot" partition, right?
If so, we resize it from 110+MB to 1.75GB like you recommended in previous post?
Should we say "supersize" it? expand it? increase it?
Put the word aside, let say I increase the boot partition to 1.75GB, what about the rest? Still UNallocated, I believe.
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Just use the resize tool to make it max 1.75GB... the rest will still be unallocated until you let it do its thing by booting it in the nook.
votinh said:
If I follow through, the first (boot) partition will still be seen as FAT32 and Windows will only see the very first FAT32 partition. What is the purpose of "resizing" the last partition?
Are you telling me that after resize the last partition, Windows will see it (as well as the first "boot" FAT32)?
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The purpose of resizing the last partition is to allow the nook to use the entire disk.... has nothing to do with windows seeing it.
DizzyDen said:
Just use the resize tool to make it max 1.75GB... the rest will still be unallocated until you let it do its thing by booting it in the nook.
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Big thanks
The purpose of resizing the last partition is to allow the nook to use the entire disk.... has nothing to do with windows seeing it.
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I keep thinking that after the NC does the magic partition, it will automatically sees the rest.
Moreover, if the USB cable plugged in and tap to turn on USB Mass Storage, it's ready to use anyway.
I might miss that but I thought PC see the left over (via usb cable plugged) without "resizing" any partition.
I have to do it over again to be sure.
Just take the uSD out and load it in computer... start EASEUS or MiniTools partition manager and see if it shows the last partition taking the remaining space... or if there's still part unallocated.

[Q] Dual Boot from emmc and from internal storage

This was probably already covered by another thread but i have looked through dozens of posts and i haven't found an answer yet...
So i want to know how i can boot one rom (cm7) from internal storage and another rom (cm9) from emmc...
if possible, please provide some files and a guide...
davidmargolin said:
This was probably already covered by another thread but i have looked through dozens of posts and i haven't found an answer yet...
So i want to know how i can boot one rom (cm7) from internal storage and another rom (cm9) from emmc...
if possible, please provide some files and a guide...
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It's not difficult. Just follow these threads below.
First install CM7 to emmc per this thread:
Then install CM9 to SD per this thread (just substitute CM9 for CM7 in the instructions):
Also you need to use my updated generic image file instead of the one in the link above. Get it here:
If you want to use both systems with the same SD card so you don't have to swap cards all the time, follow these instructions:
After you have installed both of these systems, go to CM7 and using root explorer, edit the file vold.fstab in /etc. There will be a line there that includes 'sdcard auto' (without the quote). Change that to 'sdcard 4'. Save and reboot. Now both CM7 and CM9 will share the same media sdcard space. No need to swap cards between systems.
Also to determine which system boots, hold the n key while nothing and a boot menu will come up. Use it to select which system you want to boot to.
Sent from my Nook Color running ICS and Tapatalk
emmc and internal
heres the thing though... i dont want anything booting from my sd card... just from my internal storage and then my emmc...
davidmargolin said:
heres the thing though... i dont want anything booting from my sd card... just from my internal storage and then my emmc...
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BTW, emmc and internal storage are the same thing.
edit: There are some really old threads that tell you how to repartition the nook so that you can have two systems on emmc. But that is no longer recommended due to many issues, including updating is difficult and repartitioning is risky.
edit2: If you are thinking you can install a system to the media partition of emmc ("internal storage"), it's not possible. The only way to get two systems internally (ie., without using an SD) is to repartition. The existing media partition is deleted and new system partitions are created to accommodate the new system files and then a new smaller media partition is recreated. But that is a very non-standard installation and most update- zips will not work with that setup. You have to use specially modified versions.
Sent from my Nook Color running ICS and Tapatalk
leapinlar said:
BTW, emmc and internal storage are the same thing.
edit: There are some really old threads that tell you how to repartition the nook so that you can have two systems on emmc. But that is no longer recommended due to many issues, including updating is difficult and repartitioning is risky.
Sent from my Nook Color running ICS and Tapatalk
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so why does my nook list emmc and internal seperately????
... look at the pic
davidmargolin said:
so why does my nook list emmc and internal seperately????
... look at the pic
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Look at my edit2 above. That "internal storage" shown is just a partition of emmc (/data, which is part of emmc where your system data and apps are stored). And other systems cannot be installed there.
Why are you against SD installs?
edit: Just a little educating, emmc means Embedded MultiMedia Card. It is where everything is stored internally. It is partitioned into several partitions, /system, /data, /cache, and others. It creates a media partition to store your media and it calls that "emmc" on that picture you posted. and it calls the /data partition "internal storage". Very confusing for noobs.
forget about dual booting for a sec...
can i merge the two partitions (internal + emmc) together...
davidmargolin said:
forget about dual booting for a sec...
can i merge the two partitions (internal + emmc) together...
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No, see my edit above.
Edit: But you can change the size of each by repartitioning. The old nooks came with a 1GB /data and a 5GB /media. The newer nooks come with 5GB /data and 1GB /media. Looking at your picture you have the old nook.
sorry... i dont know too much bout these things...
but what about the additional storage mnt/usbdisk (see picture)... whats that
davidmargolin said:
sorry... i dont know too much bout these things...
but what about the additional storage mnt/usbdisk (see picture)... whats that
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That is if you install a usb drive by attaching a special adapter and plugging in a usb flash drive.
If you want both CM9 and CM7, I highly recommend the scheme I listed in my first reply. It's what I use and it works great.
kk.. thanks alot... ill dual boot with sd...
davidmargolin said:
kk.. thanks alot... ill dual boot with sd...
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After thinking about it, I would recommend reversing which is on emmc and which on SD. You will not be updating CM7 very often and likely updating CM9 a lot. It is easier to update emmc, so I would put CM9 on emmc and CM7 on SD.
Sent from my Nook Color running ICS and Tapatalk
so i just use the disk image u gave me and write it to my sd card...
then i put cm7 on the card and the nook does the rest... right???
davidmargolin said:
so i just use the disk image u gave me and write it to my sd card...
then i put cm7 on the card and the nook does the rest... right???
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Yes, assuming when you said 'write' you meant burned the image using win32diskimager.
Sent from my Nook Color running ICS and Tapatalk

[Q] Cyanoboot Loading

I have CM7 installed on eMMC, and CM10 installed on an SD Card.
I was wondering how do I make the eMMC automatically boot first instead of the SD Card?
R800i. 'Nuff said.
There is a app in the play store from Dal "Nook Tweaks" that will allow you to set the boot order. And a collection of other things as well.
RoboticBuddy said:
I have CM7 installed on eMMC, and CM10 installed on an SD Card.
I was wondering how do I make the eMMC automatically boot first instead of the SD Card?
R800i. 'Nuff said.
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Might be complicated...
I have tried to get the Nook Tweaks app to change boot order in evry installation I've used, but with no luck. I do know that the first file read by the nook to boot is the uboot.bin in the first sdcard partition. If you could somehow recode that (make a backup first!) in the Nook's machine language, you could make it do just about whatever you want. Or you could ask one of the big Nookie devs to do it (fattire, eyeballer, krylon360, etc)
Good luck!
PS If you get that working, could you PM me with a link to it? Thanks.
thejrcrafter2 said:
I have tried to get the Nook Tweaks app to change boot order in evry installation I've used, but with no luck. I do know that the first file read by the nook to boot is the uboot.bin in the first sdcard partition. If you could somehow recode that (make a backup first!) in the Nook's machine language, you could make it do just about whatever you want. Or you could ask one of the big Nookie devs to do it (fattire, eyeballer, krylon360, etc)
Good luck!
PS If you get that working, could you PM me with a link to it? Thanks.
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You don't need to do any recoding of u-boot.bin. If you look at fattire's thread on CyanoBoot, (which is a modified u-boot.bin) you will learn how to put two files in the /rom partition to tell u-boot.bin how to boot. That is what Nook Tweaks does for you automatically.

