[Q] Screen Orientation - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ppl do you know how can I rotate the screen orientation in a game?
Most of the game have only one orientation, and it's the one that I don't like because heats very much (superior left part of the screeen). So how can I rotate it.
Auto Rotate didn't solve the problem...


How to zoom in after changing screen orientation in Opera??

Is this a bug?
I can not zoom in after rotating the screen from portrait to landscape orientation and vice versa, not even using the zoom bar at the bottom of the screen. I have to reload the site in order to be able to zoom in again, which is a bit annoying.
I have the same problem, anyone more info?

lock screen orientation sideways

I have been looking for an app that will lock my orientation sideways. Any suggestions. I have searched and all I can find is a widget to turn off screen orientation,and doin that makes the screen stay in regular position.

Nexus 4 video rotation problem

So I've noticed that when recording a video vertically and then turn it horizontally (or the other way around), in the play back it doesn't actually rotate the video and you have to rotate the screen to watch it.
Question is. Is there any way to fix the play back so u won't have to rotate the phone it self or any app to do that ?

I want to switch to Portrait Mode

When I'm not using my TV I want it to function as a portrait mode picture frame. I have it set on a mount that can rotate from landscape to portrait. I've tried most of the set rotation like apps that are available in the google store. They will rotate the screen to portrait, but then the shield will rotate the screen and add giant black bars to the side.
Is there any way to modify the code in the shield to prevent it from doing this?

Rotate Screen 180 degree

hey guys
i want to rotate the screen of my fossil gen5. tried it with adb, sideloaded APKs that promise to rotate screen (worked partially. whole screen rotated BUT the always on / screen saver did not) but non of the ideas i had worked.
any idea how to rotate the screen of the watch system-wide? i mean... there must be a setting somewhere. some configs, inis, xmls. cant find any of that...

