[Q] Unauthorized ADB on Mac - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have searched extensively to no end. When I ./adb devices in terminal, it lists my phone but says 'unauthorized.'
I do not get a prompt on my phone to authorize its connection to osx.
I have rest phone to factory spec. Still nothing.

lablunk said:
I have searched extensively to no end. When I ./adb devices in terminal, it lists my phone but says 'unauthorized.'
I do not get a prompt on my phone to authorize its connection to osx.
I have rest phone to factory spec. Still nothing.
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I had this issue on a stock rom with ADB in Windows and in Linux. This apparently is a known "issue" with the stock rom when the USB mode is set to MTP.
The "fix" is to make sure you are in Network mode (either Internet or Modem is fine). You might have to disconnect and re-connect the USB cable a couple times (and re-select the Nework mode) before it will actually connect with ADB. If it pops up with the ADB Verify Server Fingerprint window on the phone, you have sucessfully made an ADB connection.


adb unable to connect...

I was to B&N today, read few books in store (on nook)
Came home, tried to connect:
adb unable to connect...
run dropbear - unable to ssh
rebooted nook via terminal
adb unable to connect...
Scratched head…
rebooted nook again via terminal
adb unable to connect...
Did basic adb troubleshooting:
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
adb unable to connect...
stop adbd
adbd &
adb unable to connect...
showed listening (with adbd running)
rebooted nook via terminal
rebooted PC…
adb unable to connect...
put noogie SD, reboot, check uRamdisk – same size & timestamp
removed noogie, off/on - connected right away!
I’m puzzled…
I saw few times, after 2-3 days of reading adb is unable to connect, but reboot fixed it always.
What was different this time?
“Cold reboot”?
I spend like 30min and feel like an idiot right now…
I was unable to connect over the usb port as well. Without too long investigation I've used adbwireless app on NT and was able to connect.
You might want to refresh server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
then connect using your NT ip address:5555 and you should be done.
In my case, I think, there are too many conflicting drivers installed and NT is not being recognized when connected.
Good luck
Adapt0r said:
I was unable to connect over the usb port as well. Without too long investigation I've used adbwireless app on NT and was able to connect.
You might want to refresh server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
then connect using your NT ip address:5555 and you should be done.
In my case, I think, there are too many conflicting drivers installed and NT is not being recognized when connected.
Good luck
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I did it as well before every adb connect, thought it not worth to mention.
Naturally, "rebooting PC" should reboot adb server too, right?
But it didn't help either...
If you see this issue again, just try toggling ADB Wireless On/Off and it should reset anything on the devices side. Also I've noticed that sometimes and completely random from what I can tell "USB Debugging" will get unchecked, which will mess with ADB access via USB.
Disabling/Enabling ADBwireless sometimes may help.
Maybe a stupid question: Do you have a firewall running on your pc?
digiflash said:
Disabling/Enabling ADBwireless sometimes may help.
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won't it be the same as below or it does more?
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
digiflash said:
Maybe a stupid question: Do you have a firewall running on your pc?
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I did check it too. It was nothing worth to mention.
abd attempted to connect - got nothing back (timeout)
on NST adbd was listening, I was able to access gmail.
I can ssh neither, and dropbear was listening too.
Looks, in fact, like firewall on NST was blocking all incoming connection.
That's why I wrote "Scratched head…" - which means I checked pretty much everything.
Could somebody explain, what is the major difference for NST between:
reboot (hot reboot) & shutdown/start (cold reboot)
Or more precisely for the latter:
insert noogie SD/reboot/remove noogie SD/turn off/turn on
ApokrifX said:
insert noogie SD/reboot/remove noogie SD/turn off/turn on
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Cannot connect today at all. Cold reboot doesn’t help anymore...
Did some more tests (including ADBwireless):
I cannot ping [nook IP] from my computer
I can ping [nook IP] from router.
From PC
>telnet [nook IP] 5555
Connecting To [nook IP]...Could not open connection to the host, on port 5555: Connect failed
From router:
telnet [nook IP] 5555
Connection didn’t timeout (i.e. it does connect!)
Again, looks like something on Nook blocking connections from all IP, except from default gateway (i.e. router)
Question: Does rooting process unblock connections from other IPs?
About Disabling/Enabling ADBwireless:
Before running ADBwireless
netstat -tapn doesn’t work
stop adbd
both above disappear from netstat
start adbd
both show up
run ADBwireless
get message: ADBwireless is off
pushed button, message changed to: adb connect [nook IP]:5555
(adb connct didn’t work)
Switch to terminal,
I.e. no more:
Subsequent "stop adbd"/"start adbd" changes nothing:
I was wondering what ADBwireless supposed to do then?
Could somebody check from his nook what netstat shows, please?
Nook can connect to internet (gmail, market) + netstat shows all outgoing connections…
What else can I try?
I guess, I can switch to adb usb…
It might be helpful if you tell what OS you are running on your PC and what did you do with NT. If we can reproduce your case then we can troubleshoot it otherwise you will hear useless guesses and speculations.
I like NT as a reader and nothing else. Web and games are looking awful on it.
Adapt0r said:
It might be helpful if you tell what OS you are running on your PC and what did you do with NT. If we can reproduce your case then we can troubleshoot it otherwise you will hear useless guesses and speculations.
I like NT as a reader and nothing else. Web and games are looking awful on it.
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One box is XP with Outpost firewall (abd set to full trust).
Another win7 (FW policy – allow outgoing connections + few exceptions).
I’m Win developer/admin and Linux(CentOs) admin.
I’m complete noob when it comes to Linux non-shell related programming.
Router runs DD-WRT.
As of now I switched to uRamdisk_1_1_rooted_usb.
When I run dropbear, I see it listening on 22, but cannot ssh still.
That’s all I guess…
Could you do one test for me please?
If your NST runs uRamdisk_1_1_rooted_wifi:
Could you ping you NST from you box
If not - could you do same from your router/AP?
1. I don't have uRamdisk_1_1_rooted_wifi on my NT and can't test it.
2. adbWireless works on my Win 7 and Mac the same way. Both comps have firewalls running and both are on the same network. I can connect and ping NT.
Just for clarification I will describe how it works on my setup:
- I start adbWireless on NT,
- it asks for root permission if it for the first time and I grant it
- then shows fat button on the screen and says adbWireless is off
- I push the button
- it says adbWireless is on, from your computer run
adb connect
At this point I can ping IP address and run adb shell.
I've rooted NT for purposes of software testing and customization. I did it twice with older and newer Nooter and did not find any noticeable differences.
Let me know if you want some other tests or info.
Adapt0r said:
I can connect and ping NT.
At this point I can ping IP address and run adb shell.
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To clarify (trying to get a setup as simple as possible):
We connected NST to our home wireless network and it gets IP.
We didn’t touch adbWireless yet!
Now do two tests, please:
1. From NST we ping gateway or "another device on same network", (providing it let us).
2. From "another device on same network", ping NST.
What do you get?
I thought, adbWireless just configure adbd for IP connection (as opposite for USB one) and starts it - nothing else.
If #1 works, but not #2,
and #2 starts working after you “hit adbWireless button”, than adbWireless does more then I wrote above…
Sorry, I didn't have time to do your test at home. I'll try today.
I think you are correct, adbWireless does configuration of connection by executing something like this:
Turning On:
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
Turning Off wifi and start listening on usb
setprop service.adb.tcp.port -1
stop adbd
start adbd
Ping NST_ip_address from PC works fine.
Since I don't have terminal installed I could not test reverse pinging.
Just figured out:
1: I press “big red button” in adbWireless.
2: I push back button
And it pushed adbWireless into background.
If it’s the same as turning it (adbWireless) off,
it’s possible, that adbWireless reset adbd service to use USB.
Thus there is nothing listening on 5555 when I run netstat in terminal on NST.
Who’s with me?
Should be east to test:
press “big red button” in adbWireless.
I push back button
try to connect
ApokrifX said:
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Updated router firmware - I can ping nook and ADB over wireless works too.
Not sure thought, if it was wireless channel problem.
I've read somewhere, some NST firmwares doesn't work on high channels or certain combined modes - like works on A+B, but not A+G
Apparently, NST firmware 1.1.2 was targeted to solve some of these issues.
I didn't have the proper folder for the adb.exe.
I have a similar problem: I recently rooted my nook simple touch with touchnooter 2.1.31, and all seems well but I can't connect to the adb wireless. IP is according to adb; I can ping from my Win XP computer if I use, but not if I add the 5555, but I just can't connect to the ereader. Wireless connections seem fine otherwise. I've tried shutting off and one the wireless adb.
I'm a complete beginner in this. On the reader, the screen has this:
"from your computer run: adb connect"
This suggests that I can't simply use a firefox browser to connect? I tried using the windows cmd box, but windows indicates it doesn't know what 'adb' is. Then I found a website about adbwireless: http://theunlockr.com/2011/04/12/how-to-connect-to-your-android-device-through-adb-wirelessly/
and installed Adroid SDK Tools as indicated. When I use the cmd window, go to the proper sdk tools subfolder, and type 'adb connect', windows still insists it doesn't recognize 'adb'
Please help!
try adb.exe
Meter 13,
Thanks for the reply. I added a pre-script to my op. I had created a bat file to move to the proper folder but had realized that the adb.exe had been moved to the platform-tools subfolder from its old location in the tools folder. Once I realized this, all worked well - connected to my nook, and used adb to install an apk file.
Just a note:
Ping isn't the usual TCP/UDP stuff, so there are no (port) numbers on the end.
ADB uses TCP and a port number but it usually defaults to 5555
adb connect
adb connect
You can also telnet to check if you can connect to the nook via TCP and port 5555
telnet 5555
(Note: If this works it will tell you that you are connected, but you can't do anything because ADB is a binary protocol.)
I had the same problem, turns out the correct drivers weren't installed. Ive downloaded HTC sync from HTC.com. I installed it and removed HTC sync afterwards. The drivers should stay there. Now reconnect your phone and try "adb devices" Before ADB wouldn't recognize my device but now it does. Tried to "adb backup -all" again, and it worked instantly.
Maybe this solves the problem?
You could try going back to a stock /boot partition.
I run my nstg rooted with the addition of about 8 files (su, xbin, busybox in system, adb wireless in /data plus a launcher) when I first root.
with the nstg, at least, I don't actually need the modified kernels - adb connects from my computers to the nstg, I simply don't have a root shell when I first connect.
This is fixed by doing an
once I'm in
Might be worth trying a restore of just partion 1 from your backup?

no fastboot or adb access

I can't access my N7 with adb (when booted) or fastboot (while in the bootloader). It's connected via a USB cable. This is both with a Mac and WUGS. Commands like fastboot devices or adb devices return nothing as the device isn't seen. I can connect my N4 and use those commands without problem. I just tried doing the same with my 2013 N7 and it's not being seen, either. Strange. I don't think I've had this problem before on the Mac. I have on Windows, which I can sometimes resolve by installing and reinstalling drivers until something works.
I'd wanted to update the 2012 N7 to Lollipop.
Thoughts, anyone?
maigre said:
I can't access my N7 with adb (when booted) or fastboot (while in the bootloader). It's connected via a USB cable. This is both with a Mac and WUGS. Commands like fastboot devices or adb devices return nothing as the device isn't seen. I can connect my N4 and use those commands without problem. I just tried doing the same with my 2013 N7 and it's not being seen, either. Strange. I don't think I've had this problem before on the Mac. I have on Windows, which I can sometimes resolve by installing and reinstalling drivers until something works.
I'd wanted to update the 2012 N7 to Lollipop.
Thoughts, anyone?
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Crazy as it sounds, try another USB cable. Reboot everything, plug in fresh, and try again. Failing that, use WUGS to reinstall all your USB drivers. Use the stock Google.
The cable was the culprit. I tried another and it worked. Thanks so much!
I'm having a similar problem that's driving me insane.
Nexus 7 wi-fi version
I've loaded every driver on the planet and in recovery mode it simply will not show up. And I'm not talking won't show up using ADB, I get absolutely nothing in device manager. So before anyone tells me to point to the device and manually change the driver, there is no device to try and point a driver to.
In "normal" mode, it shows up perfectly fine in Device Manager as Android ADB Composite Device. ADB will list it in devices with no problem. It will accept the "adv reboot recovery" command perfectly and reboot the tablet into stock recovery. The minute it does that, the device disappears from the Device Manager list and nothing takes it's place. I've tried to have it search for new hardware, I've tried the Google USB drivers kit, I've used Koush's Universal Driver install. I've used 3 different cables on 2 different USB ports.
This is a completely stock N7 running 4.4.4 plugged into a Windows 8.1 64 bit PC.
The last thing I'm wondering is do I have to unlock the bootloader at all? I don't want to because it'll wipe the tablet. If so I guess I'll just wait out the actual OTA rather than try to sideload it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Yaz75 said:
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Any suggestions at all?
Ummm... does the Stock Recovery actually run "adbd" by default? If it doesn't (or it doesn't start adbd until you execute the sideload menu item), then you wouldn't normally see anything on the other side of the cable with a stock Recovery. (I don't have my tablet with me to check)
Here's an extra "any suggestion at all":
Get rid of Windows and use Linux; there are no drivers to screw with in the latter case.
No, seriously. But probably not what you are thinking.
If you can get a "live CD" to boot** on your PC, you can (as root) run the "lsusb" command to see what devices are enumerated on the USB bus, port by port.
In conjuction with the decoder ring at the end of this post, you can determine from inspection of the USB VID/PID identifiers whether or not all the hardware is behaving, and whether or not the tablet is in the mode you think it is supposed to be in.
The reason this is valuable is that it allows you to take drivers completely off the table; if everything is as it should be, then you know that all the hardware and cabling are functioning correctly, the tablet is behaving correctly, your PC hardware is behaving correctly, and that 100% of the problem is Windows driver issues.
If you want to go the extra 1/4 mile, you can put a copy of (Linux) fastboot & adb plus your flashables on a USB key, and run adb or fastboot from the Live CD boot. It won't matter that the live CD doesn't have them preinstalled, they will be on your USB key. It will be easier on you if you can find statically-linked fastboot and adb binaries; if not you will have to copy one or two supporting shared libs (.so files) along with the binaries, and find out what LD_LIBRARY_PATH is all about.
suppose the USB key mounts at /media/usb1; then
$ sudo /bin/bash
# mkdir /tmp/tools
# cp /media/usb1/fastboot /media/usb1/adb /media/usb1/*.so /tmp/tools/
# chmod 755 /tmp/tools/*
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/lib:/usr/lib:/tmp/tools:.'
# cd /tmp/tools
# ./fastboot devices
# ./adb devices
Good luck; as you are using Windows you are going to need it. Hahaha LOL
**depending on whether your BIOS on your win 8.x PC can be toggled between UEFI and Legacy modes or not, this can be either trivial (Legacy boot mode) or complicated (UEFI) requiring a "Trusted Computing" crypto boot shim from MisterSoftie.
Ok this works for me
Use USBDeview (http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html)
delete all the associated drivers like Google, Samsung, etc for ADB, etc
Restart Computer
Reconnect N7 without MTP and USB debugging
Wait for PC to recognise device and install driver
*If you see something like PC unable to recognise device, go into device and Update Driver and choose "Automatic....."
Disconnect and Reconnect with MTP and USB Debugging
Wait for PC to recognise device and install driver
Restart N7 in bootloader
Wait for PC to recognise device and install driver
* My PC OS is Win 8.1 Pro 64bit
make sure mtp is switched off, i couldnt get adb or fastboot on my nexus just now . switched off mtp and works fine

[SOLVED] No ADB on G5 Plus

Trying to run adb results in the USB notification to cycle off/on on the new Moto G5 Plus. I've tried multiple cables, computers, and a factory reset of the phone (both times with the factory image).
Has anyone encountered such an issue?
Basically, I can enable debugging mode and connect my computer, but the moment I issue `adb start-server` the USB notification on the phone begins to cycle. There is no message to authorize the device or anything. For what it's worth, this computer works fine with another device (as does the other). I've deleted the .android directory and saw no change, too.
badhat said:
Trying to run adb results in the USB notification to cycle off/on on the new Moto G5 Plus. I've tried multiple cables, computers, and a factory reset of the phone (both times with the factory image).
Has anyone encountered such an issue?
Basically, I can enable debugging mode and connect my computer, but the moment I issue `adb start-server` the USB notification on the phone begins to cycle. There is no message to authorize the device or anything. For what it's worth, this computer works fine with another device (as does the other). I've deleted the .android directory and saw no change, too.
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I'm confused... What are you trying to do? I've never used that command...
acejavelin said:
I'm confused... What are you trying to do? I've never used that command...
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The `start server` command just begins to run the adb daemon. It is run without explicitly issuing this command if you run something like `adb devices`. It's like setting up the environment without actually querying anything on the device.
badhat said:
The `start server` command just begins to run the adb daemon. It is run without explicitly issuing this command if you run something like `adb devices`. It's like setting up the environment without actually querying anything on the device.
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I tried this just out of interest... revoked all ADB authorizations, rebooted my phone and PC, and connected and did a "adb start-server". It popped up the authorization windows like normal, I approved it and it worked like normal. Subsequent kill-server and start-server commands had no unusual effects either after revoking authorizations or not.
acejavelin said:
I tried this just out of interest... revoked all ADB authorizations, rebooted my phone and PC, and connected and did a "adb start-server". It popped up the authorization windows like normal, I approved it and it worked like normal. Subsequent kill-server and start-server commands had no unusual effects either after revoking authorizations or now.
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OK, I tried using a different Android SDK (grabbed from https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip) and now it's working. There must be something about the one my distribution packaged that is broken.
$ adb version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 8.0.0_r11
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD ./adb version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 3db08f2c6889-android
Installed as /home/badhat/Downloads/adb/platform-tools/adb

Unable to adb

Been trying to get an adb connection to this phone. I'm on the latest Sprint available OTA (NMJ32F). Have not side loaded the later version. Never rooted.
When connecting the phone to PC, device manager shows "Essential Phone ADB" is working properly. I also tried the Google generic ADB driver. The phone also shows a notification "ADB debugging is connected. Tap to disable".
"adb devices” always returns empty. I am able to adb other devices.
I think the problem is the phone is not asking me to authorize the ADB connection as my other phones and tablets normally do.
Any idea?
Did you get permissions on your phone when popup appears?
No. The phone doesn't pop up the permission question. But I don't know why.
Don't know but as long as you don't give permission you can't sideload
Euclid's Brother said:
Been trying to get an adb connection to this phone. I'm on the latest Sprint available OTA (NMJ32F). Have not side loaded the later version. Never rooted.
When connecting the phone to PC, device manager shows "Essential Phone ADB" is working properly. I also tried the Google generic ADB driver. The phone also shows a notification "ADB debugging is connected. Tap to disable".
"adb devices” always returns empty. I am able to adb other devices.
I think the problem is the phone is not asking me to authorize the ADB connection as my other phones and tablets normally do.
Any idea?
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Try the usb driver and SDK platform tools directly from Essential website:
I am using the drivers from Essential website. However, I was using the lastest Unified Android Toolkit for the adb command. Looks like it may be outdated, as the adb.exe and it's dll's in the link from Essential website is newer. I will try the platform tools from there and see if there is a difference.
Is USB debugging enabled in Developer settings?
Are you in Fastboot? Did you try "fastboot devices"?
ADB devices returns your device is offline?

ADB not connecting

I cant tell what im doing wrong, ive never had this much of a headache using ADB.
For the life of me i cannot connect to my device to run commands.
I can see the device and the serial, but its forcing me to connect over tcpip, and every time I put in the correct IP and port 5037 and it refuses to connect.
Device will authorize my PC, but that is it, and ADB will not run in USB mode and keeps asking me for the IP, which I can ping, but it wont connect.
Please help
What commands are you wanting to run?
And you are using the most recent USB drivers?
It sounds like the correct comm port is being used, as you get basic recognition, but I'd check anyway. Try a different USB port, maybe different PC.
Let us know.
Did you try adb kill-server then adb start-server?
I had an app I was trying to give privileges to, figured I couldn't but wanted to try anyway. That part kinda doesn't matter though because I cant get far enough.
I do have the latest drivers installed, tried 3 different ports but not a different pc.
I killed and restarted the server in USB mode, but then it says no devices connected and the phone disconnects and reconnects each time, and adb restarts in tcp/IP when it doesn't detect the phone
