Applying theme not working - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When I try to apply themes not all themed items apply. I run Clean Rom and hyperdrive. Tried to apply galaxy man and cobalt themes both don't theme my battery and both theme the dialer but not dark backgrounds as they should. Also contacts are white background.....
I'm running ss 3.65
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tapped from my Note 3


How to fix white text on a white background ?

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white letters on top of the white background also ~> very difficult to see!
Who can guide me fix ?
I tried replacing "framework-res.apk" of the other rom like: Hyperion, Jelly Bean, Cod Rom, Afla ...all have the same situation

[THEMES] BlackThemes for Cataclysm and TeamAndroVamp Rom

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Themes for Cataclysm Rom and TeamAndroVamp Rom
Dialer in red, black theme options, full compatible with ART..
Before, Make Namdroid if you want back..
Red Buttons!mV9B1S5B!VZfBdvAaCOt2Hcpv2p6qDech9SZGj8hvhEc5q2Id_uw
White Buttons!bVFnELgJ!XzklLANYzjQWkb4TA8S1ZgzZJ-HPjKBM1IbAd_XSy6U


Hello Ladies and Gentleman!
Presenting before you a theme again​Features
Themed SystemUI.apk colors
Themed Home.apk icons and colors
Themed icons in the navigation bar
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Hit the thanks button
Download the theme
Install as a normal apk
Download link

Stock Issues

Does anyone have a Stock Rom or Theme that is all black and White
Have you searched at all? Look in development and themes & apps.
AllianceROM is stock based and can be any color you want including black and white. I currently have black and grey...
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That looks nice

[THEME][APK][CM11]Corona UI :A Colourful look

Here I Present our first Theme made it with @kvrjsoni
It is Completely based on Hybrid Blue Thank You rush25
The Idea Behind The Theme is Making it Colorful
Different Colors have been used for Different Apps
Several Things have been Themed
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Hope You All Like It
It is a work in progress download will b available soon
Closed at OP request
