Galaxy s4 unsuccessful calls - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

my phone is a samsung galaxy s4 sprint, I have a problem with calls
I make a call to another cell in which if given all of the caller, but the S4 sprint cell nothing happens .. like nobody's calling, also happens when I make a call if he does, but when I end the call the call is locked and continues
As shown in this video
The only way to stop the call is putting it in flight mode

Looks like you are runing AOKP or some other CM based rom. That is a common problem on those roms and you should ask in the rom thread. There have been several posts complaining about your issue.


sound leaking whenever a phone call comes!!!

I am using TELUS vogue in india on TATA network
i am on my own have unlocked the phone to use it in INDIA i have a found a strange thing that
whenvere a phone call comes along with the ring i can hear the sound of person who is calling or any sound i can hear around him
although it is great as i can hear what the caller wants to say to me!!
i 1st thought that only my phone might had such problem but i unlocked another SPRINT VOGUE which showed the same signs too and in it also the voice of caller leaked along with the ring goin on and his/her voice
i cant hear the voice when i put my phone on VIBRATE MODE i am using NFS FAN V17 ROM
i have beeen using the phone 4rm WINMO 6.0/6.1/6.5 still the phone shows leak in rings
so what should be the problem that such a sound leaks!!????
That a funny one, never heard of that problem here in the States. I would say it is probably something to do with your network and a flashed phone from another country. But it sound like a cool feature as long as they don't hear you. But yes the only thing that should be carried is the ring until the call is answered.
If you hear your phone still ringing after you answer the call then it is defenately a phone issue.
If you search the Vogue forum you'll see that an awful lot of people with flashed Vogues on WinMo see this (some people with stock Vogues claim to see it as well).
I don't think it's international-related and I don't think anyone ever figured out why it happened or how to change it.
for some previous coverage.
My vogue on Sprint does the same. Usually when another person on the sprint network calls me.

question about call recording

this is somewhat of a galaxy s 1 question, but ill throw it at you guys anyway.. i was always told when i looked into a call recording app, that android wasnt able to record calls, because of hardware limitations, but then i saw a call recorder pop up in my Darky rom, on my SGS.. no idea who made it or where it came from, never heard anything about it before or after, but its been there in his roms since. how was the galaxy s1 able to have a call recorder built right into the dialer app, who did it, and will the galaxy s2 be able to have such a thing?
I'm not sure who told you there but there are a few on the market.
I also had a call recorder with the Gingervillian ROM on my HTC Desire so I think it's part of the CM7 mods.
so does that mean if CM7 comes to the S2, well see a call recorder?
Isn't Call recording not a part of the SGS II TW Rom? I could have sworn I saw it was state somewhere. I just cant recall where at the moment.

Cyanogenmod - Call Issues

I got this issue since 10.1 (and on 10.2) where i recieve phone calls.
1. The call comes in, and i pick it up but i can't hear the caller.
2. Sometimes the caller can hear me but i can't hear them.
3. Sometimes i can hear the caller but the call got noise
I had to return to stock ROM after this. It doesnt matter if i use a RC or nightly build. This also happens on my both S3 and S4? I have not modified the modem or any other files
Any suggestions on whats wrong?

Unable to make calls

After flashing a new rom on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3, I am unable to make calls, if I click the call button it wont ring but it says dialing, and if the person answers I can't hear them. I tried flashing another rom to see if that particular rom was the issue, but it wasn't, seems like its hardware problem? Taking out, rebooting, putting the sim card back in, rebooting again did not work.

The other person cant hear me in a phone call (Galaxy J1)

Hey, I'm using a Galaxy J1 that is running kitkat, when in a phone call, the other person cannot hear me, however I can hear them fine. The same issue seems to occur with everyone I call. However the microphone does work. Thanks for any help
