Stock themed dialer, contacts and mms? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

Does anyone know where I can find a stock themed dialer, contacts and mms for my s4 with a locked bootloader? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
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troybklyn said:
Does anyone know where I can find a stock themed dialer, contacts and mms for my s4 with a locked bootloader? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
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Just because you have a locked bootloader, doesn't mean you can't root and the like . Make sure you know your Android and modem version, and do a quick search on XDA.
And do you mean AOSP-based apps? I don't know any way to get AOSP (or themed) apps on TouchWiz ROMs unless you flash via custom recovery, which needs root.


Deodex rom or how to?

Sorry if this has been answered but i havent found it yet... googled it and searched here. Is there a way to deodex the stock or is there a deodex rom. Also i dont know how to nandroid from stock recovery. Can someone help me out since there is no custom recovery(?) Unless i missed the custom recovery.
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No custom recovery for att yet, can not nandrod from stock recovery, there is a thread on how to get a deodexed ROM on the phone
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Can u direct me the thread sorry
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Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk HD
Thank u...
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blkghost22 said:
Thank u...
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Then click his thanks button. He could have been rude, but instead kindly directed you to exactly what you were looking for *good*
Sent from my AT&T Galaxy S4 - Stock 4.2.2 Rooted
Sorry but i keep getting adb is not recognized...
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blkghost22 said:
Sorry but i keep getting adb is not recognized...
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If you use the forums search function you will find many instances where people ran across the same thing for many different reasons. You will need to check (based on what you will find) and see which reason is causing your problem with ADB. It could be anything from a driver issue to out-of-date SDK tools and many other reasons so there is no way to know until you check and trouble shoot.
the de-odex thread talks about at&t. will this work on other carriers?
Rogers in particular?

[Q] Bypass exchange security

Hello people of the XDA.
Does anyone have the stock sammy mail apk where exchange pin can be bypassed? Anyone kind to share?
Im on rooted stock odexed rom using at gt-i9505 euro version.
Thanks in advance!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
Just use Touchdown from the Play Store. It keeps your exchange security in the app and not the device.
Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk HD
I've got the same thing! I tried touchdown and it's not working, any other way?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the reply, but I would like to keep on using the stock app, as i like it. I know some of the custom roms have it, but dont know which files to replace unfortunately....
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
I would also like to know how to bypass this option. I've installed Touchdown and it's working for me, but I think that the Email apk of the S4 looks better and is more clearer.
dashrink said:
Hello people of the XDA.
Does anyone have the stock sammy mail apk where exchange pin can be bypassed? Anyone kind to share?
Im on rooted stock odexed rom using at gt-i9505 euro version.
Thanks in advance!
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Make sure to backup your stock SecEmail and SecExchange apks. Flashable zip of my stock apks
This depends on what rom base you're using but I have a couple options for you.
This thread gives you instructions on how to patch
Or you can download my patched apks Here as an easily flashable zip. Note, this will only work on Galaxy S4 TouchWiz Based Roms.
Try enhanced mail from play store.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda premium
I'm running rooted default S4 touchwiz rom, if a I simply flash your zip via CWM will that work?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
works perfect....thanks running tw rom on wicked....5.1

[Q] (Q) Stock LG keyboard

I am using grievous rom for ATT, I would like to install the stock LG keyboard so I can send emoji in the stock messaging app. how would I go about doing this. I have tried to take the apk from clean rom but I have not been able to get it working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. A flashable zip would be even better.
Here it is.
Sent from my LG-VS980 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
That one only works on aosp 4.3 or 4.4. The one in using is based on stock 4.2. Thanks anyway.
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Premium HD app
Intub8 said:
That one only works on aosp 4.3 or 4.4. The one in using is based on stock 4.2. Thanks anyway.
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Sorry just assumed.
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[Q] Replace stock dialer with KitKat's?

Hi all I've been thinking of replacing the stock dialer with the I've from KitKat specifically from the Google play edition rom for the S4. Has anyone tired this yet and would it be better to use the one from cyanogenmod 10.2? I'm currently using stock MJA rooted with the latest KT kernel.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
Not possible from my understanding..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
Couldn't I replace the SecPhone apk with the one from KitKat?
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
I would love this! I have the dialer on the S4. It would also be really cool to get the HTC dialer on there.
LordKoga said:
Couldn't I replace the SecPhone apk with the one from KitKat?
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4.4 vs 4.3..... Touch wiz vs aosp. I wouldn't think so without modifying
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
I did manage to replacethe stock email app with the one from Cyanogenmod 10.2 just by deleting SecEmail.apk and SecExchange.apk with the email and exchange apks from cyanogenmod would replacing the dialer be that different?
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
That's because the email is universal like a play store apk. But the dialer is specific to 4.4 aosp. Doubt it will work as I said. Make a backup and try.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

Help unlocking Buddy's note

If I root it and use chainfires cf auto root or w.e thru Odin to install a recovery will he be good to go...will it unlock the bootloader or will I send it into a security error by flashing clockwork
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
You will most likely brick it. Use Hash code's safestrap in development section
With safestrap tho can't you only flash stock ROMs?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
He was wanting to experience the pure vanilla android and get off a touchwiz rom
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thakrew317 said:
With safestrap tho can't you only flash stock ROMs?
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thakrew317 said:
He was wanting to experience the pure vanilla android and get off a touchwiz rom
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Correct, our VZW specific Note 3 has a locked bootloader so we can't modify it aside from the stock .tar file via Odin
You want to use this method to apply the MJE update before doing anything else
Then root via Kingo, have to google it
Then install Safestrap, open it, select install recovery
Lol good luck let us know if you run into issues it's not too rough
OK that sucks that the boot loader hasn't been unlocked yet
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thakrew317 said:
He was wanting to experience the pure vanilla android and get off a touchwiz rom
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If he wants the full root experience, at this time his best option might be to return the phone for something else if he is within his 14-day period.
I'm not sure what else though ... The N3 is a great device. My understanding is that the camera on the HTC One isn't great, and I'm not sure what the root situation on the LG device is, nor how much developer love it will get over time.
Maybe he should leave Big Red for a different carrier... making sure they know exactly why on the way out the door.
Haha yeah thats what i said I have T-Mobile s4 and had mine hacked in 5 mins with a custom ROM on it
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thakrew317 said:
Haha yeah thats what i said I have T-Mobile s4 and had mine hacked in 5 mins with a custom ROM on it
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Running Beans Build 6 with a custom launcher with Wanam Xposed Framework mods and it's not bad at all. I'm sure he'd be happy with that.
I'll def check it out thanks
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