[Q] navigating philz touch with a broken screen - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Hi Ironically yesterday i broke the LCD on my phone playing flappy bird.....the phone works but i have no screen can anyone help me navigate philz touch recovery to mount my internal storage? i need to know how many button presses and which direction.
Thanks any help appreciated.

This is from Philz version 6.08.9
Volume down 5 times
Press power button
You are now at this screen:
- mount /system
- unmount /cache
- mount /preload
- mount /efs
- mount /data
- mount /storage/sdcard1
- format /system
- format /cache
- format /preload
- format /data
- format /storage/sdcard1
- format /data and /data/media (/sdcard)
- mount USB storage
- +++++Go Back+++++


Uruk 0.5 with easy installer fixes

Hi .
Main issue which is shared I encountered with 0.5 once installed is that /cache was read only due to it behing a sub directory of / . ie I installed from archos 2.1.X here 2.1.4 where mmblk0p3 is swap and not ext3 thus mount of mmblk0p3 as ext3 to /cache was not working.
I commented:
mount ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /cache noatime nosuid noexec
and added:
mount ext4 /data/cache /cache bind noatime nosuid noexec
instead. It fixes download/install from android market once it was automatically updated by the UpdateMarket process. and probably other issues as well.
- install seemed to work with easy installer until the send the uruk install file via usb where the usb was seen by my linux station but nothing to mount was available. Using the sdcard in the station showed up that no partition table existed and that there was a "label" issue. This was fixed by applying the partition and formating scheme by hand (I uncompressed the uruk initramfs.cpio.gs and used the commands from the /init dedicated to that and they worked ).
I guessed something was wrong with the partitionning and fs as this step was near instantaneous for a 16G sdcard class 6. After parititionning and formating by hand and redoing the partitioning in easy installer it indeed took a few moments and afterwards the mmcblk2p1 was indeed available via usb for the last "copy installation files" steps.
- one question : I used UrukDroid-GoogleMarket_1.0.tgz should I have used gAppsInstaller - Froyo for archos instead ? Ie I see nowhere google maps in the market. While it as available in stock archos firmware with the external google apps installer. I will attempt the upgrade to 0.6RC2 of uruk in a few minutes. I wonder if it could help in this regards.

[Q] Broken /data mounting recovery

Please help D: Recovery's cant mount /data and internal card, CWM - "Error mounting /data!", TWRP - "e:unable to mount /data", so any CM fw go into infinite loading. Any suggestions?

[Q] My posts keep being deleted!! E: failed to mount /sdcard (Invalid argument)

E: failed to mount /sdcard (Invalid argument) when trying to mount sdcard.
I have done a fresh install and after getting to the point where i need to install a rom from sd zip i can't as the cwm won't recognise the sdcard.
Card has been formatted by mintoolpartition wizard. fat32 32kb
Hope this post gets on here this time 3rd time round
dandanfireman said:
E: failed to mount /sdcard (Invalid argument) when trying to mount sdcard.
I have done a fresh install and after getting to the point where i need to install a rom from sd zip i can't as the cwm won't recognise the sdcard.
Card has been formatted by mintoolpartition wizard. fat32 32kb
Hope this post gets on here this time 3rd time round
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
please specify the exact partition layout achieved with minitool. we might be particularly interested in the presence/absence of other partitions (intended or unintended), their relative order to one another, and which ones are primary or logical partitions, etc.

[Q] Stuck on encrypted boot

I rooted my i9500.
I flashed CM ROM and encrypted my device.
Later I updated my CM ROM using recovery mode.
When I powered on my device I was asked to enter my encryption password.
After taht I am stuck at the Android logo (decrypting logo).
I tried the following using recovery mode:
- I wiped /data
- I wiped cache
- I wiped Dalvik cache
- I set it to factory settings
All this didn't help.
I found 2 (for me not working) solutions:
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p12
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p15
No success.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thank you in advance!
The logic when booting is that vold tries to mount /data and if that fails, tries to read the master key from the crypto footer, setup decryption and then tries to mount it again.
So, formatting /data should be enough, but I think simply using the 'wipe' options from most recovery will only try (and fail) to delete files on the previously mounted filesystem. I don't know which partition is mounted as /data on your device, but the CM tree for i9500 suggests it's mmcblk0p21, not 12 or 15.

Link2SD mounting /dev/block/vold/179:2 on /data/sdext2 failed: No such device

Hello. I install CM7 with this guide on wiki cyanogenmod org (Install_CM_for_jordan)
I create 2 primary partition on my sd card: FAT32 10GB and Ext4 5GB
I have fresh installation, connect WiFi, google account and I install Link2SD.
Then i Try (re)create mount script in Link2SD(Plus) I got following error:
Mount script error
Mount script cannot be created.
mount: mounting /dev/block/vold/179:2 on /data/sdext2 failed: No such device
I don't know how to fix it. I searched on forums but I can't understand. Can you help me fix it step by step?
I really need Link2SD. I used it on my previous phone and work great.
How I should fix this?
I think your header tells it all.
/data/sdext2 failed: No such device. You formatted your sd card with ext4 but link2sd is looking for ext2.
Have your tried to format the 2nd partition of your sd with ext2?
In my point of view 5GB for the link2sd partition is too much. 1 GB should be sufficient.
Regards, Gazorbeam
Hello guys, I have the same problem. Thanks Gazorbem for your advice, but app itself asks about the system that it will search for (user can indicate whether it is ext2 or ext4 etc.) I tried all options available (although I know that my partition is in format ext3) but problem still remains - app still can't mount this partition

