[FREE][GAME][Brain & Puzzle] "PACK ON POINT" a challenge to Brain - General Marketing & SEO

Description Available on Google Playstore
Give your brain new exercise with Pack On Point Challenge packed with One Player, Two Player, Time Trial and Pack On Point mode. The Tiger is your competitor and you have to pack with your Smart Animals on given point. Try saving your animals and defeat the tiger. Enjoy competing online score with your friends.
One Player: Pack The tiger anywhere on any point.
Two Player: Play with your friend
Pack On Point: Pack The Tiger on given point.
Time Trial: Pack the Tiger in time limit and unlock achievements
Play Modes: Easy , Hard.
- Simple to play
- Online score
- Leaderboard and Achievements
- Play and complete game on any device without losing completed points
- Implemented AI
- Suitable graphics
- Enjoy on 7" and 10" Tablets


Games for Titan

Has anyone got any links or games for the titan.
Many thanks
Check out Pocketgear.com or Handago.com for a large list of PocketPC programs, including games.
Astraware is one of my favorites for games as well. I like their board game and solitaire game packs. Zuma, Text Twist, Word Mojo, Sudoku, and Platypus are also good ones in my opinion.
Real Dice as some very nice card games that can be played against others online, which is kinda cool, though it is hard to find players at times.
Sorry... you asked for links, here's links to the sites I mentioned above:
Also check out this site: http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/
I can't judge on the quality of anything there, but it does have one nice attribute: FREE.
EDIT: No longer needed, forum mods have resolved.
PS. Have you looked into Shadows of Legend I think it's called? Apparently it's a MMORPG you can play online from your windows mobile client. I just came across the website today and will download it onto my PC and load it onto my titan when I get home to see if such a thing actually does work. Lord knows I have hours to waste at my job on downtime and would love to fill some time in with a solid RPG. It's also free but you have an option to purchase credits or something for additional things? again not 100% sure how this exactly works will read more on it and post a review at a later date in case this is of interest to anyone on the site. Happy hunting and if you find some really good games let me know!
This it your LAST WARNING!!!
Next time I see you directing or posting how to links or directions to WAREZ, You are banned!!!
Twice in 2 days now!!
There is a giant thread at ppcgeeks, with free and paid games. Here is a link:
Here are the games I have and really enjoy so far. You can find these easily by Googling them:
1. Legacy: An absolutely amazing Wizardry-like role playing game. You can have up to 4 characters of a variety of classes and the view is quasi-first person. You go through dungeons, caves, wilderneses, and towns. There are shops and NPCs and side quests. The game is massive and there are official expansions and player modded expansions. Really a wonderful game if you like FRPGs and one of the few games I have actually paid for.
These guys have a new game called Quest that is Legacy but even better, with aclhemical and crafting rules and better graphics.
I cannot recommend Legacy enough.
2. MBroPoker: A disclaimer, as the author is my uncle, but this is a great 7 card stud program against 6 other AI players, each with differing "personalities". The graphics are a bit fuzzy on the cards, but you can change them to letter reps (for example, AH = Ace of Hearts) and it looks much better.
3. Leo's Flight Simulator and Leo's Space Combat Simulator: People are still amazed at how much stuff Leo packed into these programs. The Flight Sim is a full blown Flight Sim, and you had better know how to work one to have a chance of not crashing. Includes all sorts of weird aviation accurate stuff like radio freqs, talking to the towers, etc. Has scenery for New York, San Fran, and WW1 Paris. Has over 30 types of planes, including towed gliders. has settings for time of day, cloud cover, thermals, etc. Amazingly complicated.
Space Simulator is a space combat game where you are the pilot and have missions to blow up enemies using lasers and missiles. Less complicated than Flight Sim. Neat sound effects too.
The big problem with both of these games is that there is no documentation in the programs. You have to download the PC versions and then they have documentation. Even then, the author is Italian, and the documentation is in English but not the best.
But if you have the patience to test these out (and if you have Flight Sim experience for the Flight Sim) these are awesome.
4. Pocket Humanity: Civilization on the Pocket PC. If you like Civ, you will enjoy Pocket Humanity. No...the graphics are old school (ala Civ 1), but the play is decent and you can have a huge world with up to 17 AI!! All the nations are present, the techs, many different types of units, Wonders, everything you would expect from a turn-based Civ-like game.
5. Pocket UFO: An almost exact port of Xcom UFO for the pocket PC. Excellent graphics, wonderful unit encyclopedia. No instructions...so you need to essentially download the manual for the original Xcom game. Not too hard to find this in PDF format. Xcom is routinely voted the best PC game of all time, and so this being an almost exact port...well draw your own conclusions.
6. Pocket Conquer and Pocket General: These are shareware, though the free portion is entirely playable (you just cannot change settings). Conquer is Risk. general is Stratego. They play EXACTLY like the boardgames with some setting mods if you so desire. They play well and are very well designed. When I get tired of the free mode I will pay for these...they are that good. The AI on Risk is very accomplished against a human player (against the other AI they don't do as well).
7. Pocket Uno, Pocket Racko, Pocket Parchisi: These are by the same develo0per and they are all excellent. The Uno is better than even the commercial Uno pgoram put out by the real owners of the game.
8. Pocket Millebornes: I love millebornes, and this is the best program I have found for the game.
9. Trip Yahtzee: Best freeware yahtzee game I have seen. Allows up to 2 players.
Other games I have not played enough to comment upo but they look promising:
Creatonia: A very detailed RPG.
Crimson Fields: A tactical turn based hexagon wargame with many scenarios. Looks very nice.
Has anyone found a free (non trial) version of spider solitaire? I can only find trial or pay versions.
Spider solitaire anyone?
found from
Thanks but the software doesn't mention windows mobile compatibility.

How-To White-Box a Game (Making of XnO Part II)

No story is complete without its origins. We love to share with you the very first white-box environment of XnO!
XnO began its origins from the name "Ice Breakers", the way the cylindrical blocks were breaking. We had 3 walls couple of boxes from unity asset packages. And began the journey. We wanted to take a simple idea and implement in it all the possible depths.
When we began majority of the games were 2D or side scrollers, that never gave the player full satisfaction of real life interaction with physics of the objects. So we chose a 3D engine, as to why "unity" - the amount of tutorials, community support and ease of start was a key factor in choosing that engine.
To be a team you would need atleast 3 components to begin with - programmer, 2D/3D artist and level designer. Not to say one person can handle more than one aspect. As a team we were all on the same page, we want to make a physics based game with focus on gameplay first.
We followed the following steps:
i) Create first level - We used very basic components - rectangle, sphere, cylinder to create a game play scenario.
ii) Create a flow through of the game - Main Menu, Options and Level Select Screens. Once this was done adding new levels was very easy.
iii) In Game HUD - To enter and exit from any level
iv) Uploaded a web version for our friends/family to play.
Once we had all the pieces then we focussed on exploring all the possible depths and variations in the gameplay that can be achieved to make the game engaging and fun. In our case - target variations, introducing obstacles, power-ups, use of accelerometer to enhance gameplay. Once we had built the key features in, we explored on how to increase difficulty of the levels as the game progressed. At this stage we made some of our models, used some from unity and still used royalty free music.
Once we had good 20 levels working with all the above, we started showing it to people who either played a lot of games or were in gaming. This gave us a good insight on how improve.
As an indie developer it was so much easier for us to do the white-box the way we did because we focussed on Gameplay and Game Design, not so much on the art in the beginning. So when we got the feedback to change, it was so much easier to do it. We were never set in stone.
XnO is our attempt at making a 3D game with as close as possible to real physics without sacrificing the gameplay and memory footprint of the game. XnO is now available on Google Play and Amazon App Store.

[GAME] Cyber Fighter: Arcade Game

In the Cyber Fighter: Arcade Game you are to take a fighter under control and set off to the cyberspace. We bring two game modes to your attention: Arcade and Hard. You are to battle with six different bosses in the Arcade mode where simple enemies can be killed with one hit. There is also a possibility to replenish the number of lives just scoring a certain amount of points. If you find the Arcade mode too easy or you have already finished it so it’s just the time to try the Hard mode.
You can save up Credits (currency) for the purchase of new fighters in the Hard mode. In this mode you will find six fighters with different damage and durability. You will make sure you will not be able to kill simple enemies with one hit since they become much stronger. Don’t expect that you will succeed in passing Cyber Fighter: Arcade Game at one push up to the end. To save up Credits for a new fighter, you will have to replay this game more than once. The better fighter you receive the easier it will be to pass the game.
The Cyber Fighter: Arcade Game is made in a particular graphics and audio style, which can help you to refresh your memory of those times that you spent in the front of arcade machines.
If it was before your time but you like good old retro games then you should definitely try Cyber Fighter: Arcade Game.
now the game is FULL and totally FREE. You can grab it by the link above. Hope you will like it.
Version 1.02 released!
Try it now!
Reworked player's fighters textures

New FREE Brain strategic GAME

Give your brain new exercise with Pack On Point Challenge packed with One Player, Two Player, Time Trial and Pack On Point mode. The Tiger is your competitor and you have to pack with your Smart Animals on given point. Try saving your animals and defeat the tiger. Enjoy competing online score with your friends.
One Player: Pack The tiger anywhere on any point.
Two Player: Play with your friend
Pack On Point: Pack The Tiger on given point.
Time Trial: Pack the Tiger in time limit and unlock achievements
Play Modes: Easy , Hard.
- Simple to play
- Online score
- Leaderboard and Achievements
- Play and complete game on any device without losing completed points
- Implemented AI
- Suitable graphics
Catch Game here:
TYPE "packonpoint" in playstore search

[FREE Game] Square League

Maybe you have played to this classic game on your childhood at school or have heard about it through a friend and/or relatives.
It's an easy and fun game for two to four players. You can play against other people or against (CPU) machine. Further it includes several modes of play: online, against machine and offline (to play with your friends while you're with them).
Each game consists of a board with a set of dots. Each player must join two straight points to form a line, by turns, so that they have to try to form a square before opponents. When a square is created, it is filled with the color of the player who has formed it. In this way, the objective of the game is to try to fill more squares than the other players to win.
This game includes outstanding features such as:
- The existence of a series of rankings (points, wins, balance) so that each player can see his/her progress in the game.
- The existence of a series of ranges/awards obtained within each classification to be rewarding positive developments in each player.
- The viewing of the top 10 players for each ranking from Square League and the comparative of the player regarding these (if he/she is not within these 10 players) So if you want to have a good time playing and entertain yourself, either with friends or alone, this is your game.
Available for all Android devices.
Enjoy the game!
