Anything but stock rom causes a reboot loop - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Basically any rom I try, will boot up to the Home screen and then before I can count to 7 reboot, and this will loop forever unless I shutdown and load the stock rooted rom. As long as I leave my phone off for a period of time the stock rom will work stably and be fine, if I try to go directly into the stock rom after trying any other apps will randomly crash and even the stock rom will be unstable. Often it will reboot randomly, although I will get more time with it before it does. Yes i am clearing Caches in between roms, no that does not make a difference. I'm not sure what i did wrong.
Here's how what I have done so far:
1. Odin flashed from MI9 to MJ7, now running N900VVRUBMJE
2. Rooted phone with Kingo (Installed Root Checker app made sure of rooted status)
3. installed safestrap
4. installed super SU on stock rom (and I install the super SU .zip along with any rom I have flashed)
5. set up safestrap so that the stock rom is on one of the backup slots and custom rom boots from the stock location (this is done so I can have the full amount of available memory on the custom rom.)
I have backups of everything.
Please help me I have been trying to get the Beanstown 106 rom to work on my phone but ANY rom I use (except stock) has the same issue get to home screen and reboot 5-7 seconds later. What did I miss?

MAsterOSkillio said:
Basically any rom I try, will boot up to the Home screen and then before I can count to 7 reboot, and this will loop forever unless I shutdown and load the stock rooted rom. As long as I leave my phone off for a period of time the stock rom will work stably and be fine, if I try to go directly into the stock rom after trying any other apps will randomly crash and even the stock rom will be unstable. Often it will reboot randomly, although I will get more time with it before it does. Yes i am clearing Caches in between roms, no that does not make a difference. I'm not sure what i did wrong.
Here's how what I have done so far:
1. Odin flashed from MI9 to MJ7, now running N900VVRUBMJE
2. Rooted phone with Kingo (Installed Root Checker app made sure of rooted status)
3. installed safestrap
4. installed super SU on stock rom (and I install the super SU .zip along with any rom I have flashed)
5. set up safestrap so that the stock rom is on one of the backup slots and custom rom boots from the stock location (this is done so I can have the full amount of available memory on the custom rom.)
I have backups of everything.
Please help me I have been trying to get the Beanstown 106 rom to work on my phone but ANY rom I use (except stock) has the same issue get to home screen and reboot 5-7 seconds later. What did I miss?
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make sure you're running SS version 3.65 I think. If you're using 3.7x there are known problems. Too, try to re download Beans rom, you may have a bad download.
---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------
drag&fly said:
make sure you're running SS version 3.65 I think. If you're using 3.7x there are known problems. Too, try to re download Beans rom, you may have a bad download.
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You can also make a backup of your stock rom and then run beans in your stock slot. I keep my backup on my external SD.

drag&fly said:
make sure you're running SS version 3.65 I think. If you're using 3.7x there are known problems. Too, try to re download Beans rom, you may have a bad download.
---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------
You can also make a backup of your stock rom and then run beans in your stock slot. I keep my backup on my external SD.
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Thanks for the quick reply! ! Definatly 3.65 and I have tried deleting the rom and downloading again, from different computers even. I have been trying to run beans from the stock slot.

MAsterOSkillio said:
Thanks for the quick reply! ! Definatly 3.65 and I have tried deleting the rom and downloading again, from different computers even. I have been trying to run beans from the stock slot.
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I'm sure someone with more knowledge will chime in soon. Patience Grasshoppa!

Tried a wipe from safestrap and it softbricked the phone, recovering with kies as we speak. I MUST have missed a step somewhere, because a wipe with safestrap should not cause bricking.

MAsterOSkillio said:
Tried a wipe from safestrap and it softbricked the phone, recovering with kies as we speak. I MUST have missed a step somewhere, because a wipe with safestrap should not cause bricking.
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What kind of wipe? If you wipe everything from the stock slot, do not reboot recovery.

After the back to stock reflash with kies everything seems stable, I'm most of the way through the setup without a reboot yet!

MAsterOSkillio said:
After the back to stock reflash with kies everything seems stable, I'm most of the way through the setup without a reboot yet!
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I would encourage you to leave the stock ROM in the stock slot and put dev ROMs in the other slots.
I'm not sure why that would matter unless Safestrap has an unintended dependency on the contents of /system beyond it's own interception toolkit. As it stands, the Safestrap "recovery" (not really a recovery at all - it is an application running on top of the stock kernel and stock ramdisk) needs to inject it's own interception toolkit onto whatever is in the "stock slot" - be that an actual stock ROM or a dev ROM.
I suppose that means that Safestrap needs to re-install itself after a flash to the stock slot occurs; perhaps there is a bug in there someplace.
good luck


[Answered] Unroot with Iconia Root

So I rooted a couple of days after I got the Tab, left the Stock Rooted Rom and then loaded the Honey Villian Kernel for O/C purposes. Since O/C is the only thing I do with Root, I am thinking of going back to Unrooted.
My question is, in Iconia Root, if I hit the Unroot with the Custom Kernel still installed what happens? or since I do not have a copy of the original Kernel, how can I reinstall it before Unrooting?
Build is Acer_A500_4.010.13_com_gen2
Current Kernel is Honeyvillain- 1.0+
Thanks in advance
Alteros said:
So I rooted a couple of days after I got the Tab, left the Stock Rooted Rom and then loaded the Honey Villian Kernel for O/C purposes. Since O/C is the only thing I do with Root, I am thinking of going back to Unrooted.
My question is, in Iconia Root, if I hit the Unroot with the Custom Kernel still installed what happens? or since I do not have a copy of the original Kernel, how can I reinstall it before Unrooting?
Build is Acer_A500_4.010.13_com_gen2
Current Kernel is Honeyvillain- 1.0+
Thanks in advance
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Did you not backup using CWM before flashing your custom kernel?
If you made that mistake, all you need to do is get the stock kernel from the build you're currently on, create a CWM flashable file and flash your stock kernel back.
I did make a backup, then screwed up and wiped the External Card it was stored on. I know, such a newbish mistake. Since then, I have other Backups, just not one with the Original Kernel.
thanks a bunch.. will see if I can search out the kernel I need.
Just grab one of the stock 3.2.1 roms in the development section and install it through cwm. That will replace the kernel, then run acer recovery installer from the market to return to stock recovery. After that you can try running iconiaroot to remove superuser or you can just uninstall it from settings/applications. Now you should be good to go.
Here is a link to a non rooted latest version. It installs through cwm.
The problem is, cwm will still be on your tablet so you will have to flash the stock recovery. I don't know where you can get a flashable version of the stock recovery without using Acer recovery installer which of course requires you to be rooted to use. Although the advantage to keeping cwm will be you can still flash a custom rom in the future the disadvantage would be you won't be able to take OTAs because they will fail when the don't find the stock recovery.
So even if I successfully Unroot, I will not be able to take OTA's?
I have the kernel and was just going to flash it back, and Unroot. If I cant take the OTA's then it's not worth the effort.
Thanks for the information.. My tablet is fine the way it is, just figured if I wasn't really using root, I would go back to stock. Not really interested in flashing a Rom as I don't want to reload all the apps and set it back up.
Thanks again, as usual you guys are quick and helpful.
Alteros said:
........ Not really interested in flashing a Rom as I don't want to reload all the apps and set it back up.
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@Alteros - What I am about to say is NOT recommended by 90% of all posters so I expect there to be replies urging you not to do this - HOWEVER - if you install a custom Rom then just wipe the following (1)Cache (2)Dalvic Cache (3)Battery Stats DON'T wipe DATA. When you format just format the following (1)System (2)Cache (3)Flexrom DON'T format DATA.
By doing this you should get back all your Apps. There is a possibility, as other posters will tell you, that you will screw up the new Rom and then have to jump through hoops to get back to Stock. But if you want to take the chance and it works then you will have your new Rom and retain your Apps.
kjy2010 said:
Did you not backup using CWM before flashing your custom kernel?
If you made that mistake, all you need to do is get the stock kernel from the build you're currently on, create a CWM flashable file and flash your stock kernel back.
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couldnt he just flash a rooted stock rom( a couple pages back in the dev section) then proceed with the unroot
---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 PM ----------
metpolds said:
@Alteros - What I am about to say is NOT recommended by 90% of all posters so I expect there to be replies urging you not to do this - HOWEVER - if you install a custom Rom then just wipe the following (1)Cache (2)Dalvic Cache (3)Battery Stats DON'T wipe DATA. When you format just format the following (1)System (2)Cache (3)Flexrom DON'T format DATA.
By doing this you should get back all your Apps. There is a possibility, as other posters will tell you, that you will screw up the new Rom and then have to jump through hoops to get back to Stock. But if you want to take the chance and it works then you will have your new Rom and retain your Apps.
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yeah that might work, but he may just to get titianium backup and backup all his apps, if he is going to revert to stock, by flashing a stock rom over a custom rom things might act funny and since he is not rooted only thing he can do is wipe the device and start new
his less headache way of doing things is to leave root and recovery, and use a stock rom. Theres alot of tegra devices out there and who knows how long this community will be kicking out updates long after acer closes support for A500
Thanks to everyone that helped. I ended up loading Thor's 14.2 over the weekend, was not nearly as painful as I thought it would be. So I may try more in the future.
You guys are always quick to respond and helpful.
What I think I learned is that, once you root, you can never go completely stock again. Since there is not a way to get rid of CWM, at least not easily.

[Q] MJE rooting woes

As the title states I have the MJE build. Have been told by a few friends rooting it may be a bit more difficult. Can I still root using kingo or is there a better alternative? Also I have been watching youtube how to videos like crazy and still I am lost as to how to get safestrap and jelly beans rom to the phone. Do I need to click the link from the phone or do I have to use my pc and copy the files to the phone?
There is only one reason why I want to root as of right now so I can run a wifi app that must be rooted from the play store. Thanks to anyone who offers me assistance.
Rootpooty said:
As the title states I have the MJE build. Have been told by a few friends rooting it may be a bit more difficult. Can I still root using kingo or is there a better alternative? Also I have been watching youtube how to videos like crazy and still I am lost as to how to get safestrap and jelly beans rom to the phone. Do I need to click the link from the phone or do I have to use my pc and copy the files to the phone?
There is only one reason why I want to root as of right now so I can run a wifi app that must be rooted from the play store. Thanks to anyone who offers me assistance.
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I was able to root MJE pretty easily.. What i did was on Stock unrooted 4.3, (I Odin to 4.3 Stock MJE to make sure all was good, you shouldnt have too but i did because i went to 4.4.2 unrooted first) Use the 1.1.6 Klingo.. It MUST be 1.1.6. Any other version seems not to work properly. I had to run it 2x for it to root (it fails the first time, then it goes thru the second). From, there its cake to install safestrap, and Odin to 4.4.2 with the instructions in the sticky page. Took me 30 mins tops.
SuBDivisions said:
I was able to root MJE pretty easily.. What i did was on Stock unrooted 4.3, (I Odin to 4.3 Stock MJE to make sure all was good, you shouldnt have too but i did because i went to 4.4.2 unrooted first) Use the 1.1.6 Klingo.. It MUST be 1.1.6. Any other version seems not to work properly. I had to run it 2x for it to root (it fails the first time, then it goes thru the second). From, there its cake to install safestrap, and Odin to 4.4.2 with the instructions in the sticky page. Took me 30 mins tops.
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what i would like to do is intall safestrap and jelly beans rom. im still on 4.3 dont know much about 4.4 yet
Rootpooty said:
what i would like to do is intall safestrap and jelly beans rom. im still on 4.3 dont know much about 4.4 yet
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I rooted with Kingo too. Root de La Vega doesn't work, just soft bricks. I was able to get the latest Kingo to work from their site. I used the USB 3 cable connected to pc then from status bar option selected mtp over USB 3. With that setup, Kingo work right away.
Installing Safestrap is super easy. Just download the stable version (3.65), install the apk, run the apk and select install recovery. That's it.
Installing a ROM is also easy in Safestrap. Just follow instructions in Safestrap OP to create slot 1, activate slot 1 and install ROM to slot 1. Note that the ROM you install will use the kernel of the stock ROM, so no AOSP.
Once you're satisfied with your new ROM in slot 1, you can move it to the stock slot and totally replace your stock ROM and delete slot 1 to save storage. To do that, make nandroid backups in recovery of both the stock slot and of slot 1, wipe the stock slot (advanced wipe to wipe system and data rather than just just nonadvanced wipe which does basically a factory reset - JUST DON'T WIPE THE SD CARD) and recover the slot 1 nandroid to the stock slot.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
yearn2burn said:
I rooted with Kingo too. Root de La Vega doesn't work, just soft bricks. I was able to get the latest Kingo to work from their site. I used the USB 3 cable connected to pc then from status bar option selected mtp over USB 3. With that setup, Kingo work right away.
Installing Safestrap is super easy. Just download the stable version (3.65), install the apk, run the apk and select install recovery. That's it.
Installing a ROM is also easy in Safestrap. Just follow instructions in Safestrap OP to create slot 1, activate slot 1 and install ROM to slot 1. Note that the ROM you install will use the kernel of the stock ROM, so no AOSP.
Once you're satisfied with your new ROM in slot 1, you can move it to the stock slot and totally replace your stock ROM and delete slot 1 to save storage. To do that, make nandroid backups in recovery of both the stock slot and of slot 1, wipe the stock slot (advanced wipe to wipe system and data rather than just just nonadvanced wipe which does basically a factory reset - JUST DON'T WIPE THE SD CARD) and recover the slot 1 nandroid to the stock slot.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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Did you use Kingo 1.2.1? I only ask since SuBDivisions said 1.1.6 usually only works. Right now I downloaded 1.2.1 from the main site.

Would like to flash a custom rom, seem to have a problem doing it. need help

Ok, after my last attempt to follow the instructions and spending over a full day with a bricked phone, I don't trust myself to do it again.
But I refuse to let the bloatware have its way...
So if someone can work me through the process to installing an easy, basic ROM I would highly appreciate it.
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy s4. i337. AT&T service, and it's on stock right now. 4.4.2. That's all I can tell you, I think it's Mk2 but I'd like to be able to find a way to MAKE SURE, before I screw anything up.
I have Odin, and I'm about to root my phone. If anyone will help me I'd greatly appreciate it!
i don't think you need odin anymore since towel root. i'm fairly certain it is just root, install safestrap, flash rom, flash root and carrier modules enjoy. goldeneye is a really nice rom for these phones with all the bloat removed and a few nice tweaks and addons.
exactly what i did last time, i flashed the new goldeneye with safestrap and it was brick city for 24 hours...
everything went fine and then it went into a bootloop when it tried to restart
First thing I'd do is read through this more than once
Then I'd update to nc1 firmware, root with towelroot, then install safestrap 3.72
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
jd1639 said:
First thing I'd do is read through this more than once
Then I'd update to nc1 firmware, root with towelroot, then install safestrap 3.72
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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alright thanks
is there no way to just upgrade from where I am now? really would take an inferior rom over having to upgrade firmware before I...upgrade firmware.....
also how do I tell for sure what I'm on now?
Damani311 said:
alright thanks
is there no way to just upgrade from where I am now? really would take an inferior rom over having to upgrade firmware before I...upgrade firmware.....
also how do I tell for sure what I'm on now?
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Go into settings, about phone. Look at your build number, what are the last three characters?
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jd1639 said:
Go into settings, about phone. Look at your build number, what are the last three characters?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Damani311 said:
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I'd ota to nc1. Then you can use towel root to root
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
jd1639 said:
I'd ota to nc1. Then you can use towel root to root
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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You're on NB1 stock ROM, but I bet your baseband is actually NC1, based on the description here and in our PMs about your current status.
Like JD said, you can go into the phone's settings, and see if it takes the OTA update to NC1. That's the easiest way to get there. Alternatively, you can download the NC1 update zip file (from here) and flash it in the stock recovery. You get into stock recovery by starting with power off, and doing a power/home/upvolume start up. In there, there are options to install update from SD card. See the All things ATT & related links for the details. It's handy to have that NC1 updater zip. It's just an update that needs to be applied on top of NB1... it's not a replacement for starting with NB1.
Then, root with towel root. Install SuperSU from play store and let it disable knox. (may need to reboot phone after installing SuperSU if it hangs). Install SELinux Mode Changer from play store and set to permissive. Install SafeSTrap (from here). Note, there seems to be a zip file with lots of these goodies pre-included as a variant of the NC1 zip, at the same location quoted above. I haven't used that version, but it's probably fine.
Boot to safestrap. Very important: THOROUGHLY WIPE THE SYSTEM BEFORE FLASHING THE ROM. This means go into advanced wipe and wipe everything but the external SD card. Some folks say do it three times... seems to me there's a problem if doing it once doesn't work...
Then while still in safestrap recovery flash the GoldenEye ROM to the stock slot (our version of Safestrap only supports the stock slot). When it flashes, it brings up the Aroma installer. Choose the ATT / Safestrap options. When it finishes DO NOT DO NOT!! reboot. Exit the installer without letting it reboot and go back to safestrap. Some people recommend wiping the cache/dalvik caches again after flashing the rom (but of course you wouldn't wipe system at this point!).
While still in SafeStrap recovery:
-Flash file. (from here)
-Then flash the NC1 modem zip file (from here).
-Finally flash the I337 build.prop/APN zip (from here) . You could also manually enter the APN info (from the All Things ATT 1st post) but it is unclear to me whether GoldenEye properly identifies the phone build.prop entries with everything needed to be able to download all the I337 apps. I used the zip file and everything worked out great.
That's the overview. Detailed instructions are in the various threads. It sounds awfully complex but once you've done it a few times it all makes sense and is easy. But forgetting to do the wipes, or omitting SuperSu or any of the little details can cause a failure.
Takes ~5-10 mins for first boot, as I recall. I was nervous when it took so long. I left it, started cooking dinner, came back in a bit, it was done.
Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.
Frankenscript said:
You're on NB1 stock ROM, but I bet your baseband is actually NC1, based on the description here and in our PMs about your current status.
Like JD said, you can go into the phone's settings, and see if it takes the OTA update to NC1. That's the easiest way to get there. Alternatively, you can download the NC1 update zip file (from here) and flash it in the stock recovery. You get into stock recovery by starting with power off, and doing a power/home/upvolume start up. In there, there are options to install update from SD card. See the All things ATT & related links for the details. It's handy to have that NC1 updater zip. It's just an update that needs to be applied on top of NB1... it's not a replacement for starting with NB1.
Then, root with towel root. Install SuperSU from play store and let it disable knox. (may need to reboot phone after installing SuperSU if it hangs). Install SELinux Mode Changer from play store and set to permissive. Install SafeSTrap (from here). Note, there seems to be a zip file with lots of these goodies pre-included as a variant of the NC1 zip, at the same location quoted above. I haven't used that version, but it's probably fine.
Boot to safestrap. Very important: THOROUGHLY WIPE THE SYSTEM BEFORE FLASHING THE ROM. This means go into advanced wipe and wipe everything but the external SD card. Some folks say do it three times... seems to me there's a problem if doing it once doesn't work...
Then while still in safestrap recovery flash the GoldenEye ROM. When it flashes, it brings up the Aroma installer. Choose the ATT / Safestrap options. When it finishes DO NOT DO NOT!! reboot. Exit the installer without letting it reboot and go back to safestrap. Some people recommend wiping the cache/dalvik caches again after flashing the rom (but of course you wouldn't wipe system at this point!).
While still in SafeStrap recovery:
-Flash file. (from here)
-Then flash the NC1 modem zip file (from here).
-Finally flash the I337 build.prop/APN zip (from here) . You could also manually enter the APN info (from the All Things ATT 1st post) but it is unclear to me whether GoldenEye properly identifies the phone build.prop entries with everything needed to be able to download all the I337 apps. I used the zip file and everything worked out great.
That's the overview. Detailed instructions are in the various threads. It sounds awfully complex but once you've done it a few times it all makes sense and is easy. But forgetting to do the wipes, or omitting SuperSu or any of the little details can cause a failure.
Takes ~5-10 mins for first boot, as I recall. I was nervous when it took so long. I left it, started cooking dinner, came back in a bit, it was done.
Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.
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wow awesome dude thanks a ton!
got to the part after installing safestrap, where it's time for goldeneye
which version of the rom should i use? the newest one got me in big trouble last time?
and so I'm going to need 4 zip files on my phone before i flash ROM?
Flash Goldeneye
-Flash file. (from here)
-Then flash the NC1 modem zip file (from here).
-Finally flash the I337 build.prop/APN zip
If so i'll proceed.....thanks again
I'm using Golden Eye v36. However, I've seen folks saying v38 (current) is good too... not sure where the problem cropped up with your last attempt so I can't speculate what the problem was.
And you're right, there should be 4 zip files on your SD card. The ROM, SuperSU, NC1 module, and the ATT APN/BuildProp file, which may not be necessary but worked fine for me.
alright looks like I'm up and running! wifi doesnt work, I think that's the only issue I can detect so far.........
WiFi fail usually fixed by flashing module matching your baseband. If nc1 module doesn't fix it, try nb1.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Frankenscript said:
WiFi fail usually fixed by flashing module matching your baseband. If nc1 module doesn't fix it, try nb1.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
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i was hoping that was it, but it didn't get it....shoot
thanks for helping me out here
i flashed the jfleatt nb1 modules, btw
I'm out of ideas, sorry! Maybe start a thread about module not restoring WiFi after flash. My one relevant data point is that once, instead of Odin NB1 then flash NC1 update, I odined the rootable NB1. After that I did safestrap and flashed a ROM plus modules. I was never able to get WiFi no matter what I flashed. Odined back to regular NB1 then did NC1 update. Flashed ROM and modules again... Success. I assume kernel (locked on nc1 for me) has to interact with ROM and module. Improper match causes fail. Are you certain of what baseband you have?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Did you do the Selinux thingy--:good:
rugmankc said:
Did you do the Selinux thingy--:good:
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Were you able to sort out the WiFi? Poking around the internet it does seem like permission issues are often at root of it, and the Selinux Mode Changer mentioned above (set to permissive) might be the solution.
Good luck! :good:
I think he is sorted based on posts on other threads. Maybe he will let us know--:good:
In just a couple of words, here's a basic overview of the ROM-flashing process:
- Root using Towelroot
- Install SuperSU
- Install Safestrap
- Download ROM
- Download modules
- Flash both
- Reboot
- Enjoy
Just make sure that whatever firmware you're on matches the ROM and modules (ex. NB1 users flash NB1 ROMs or MK2 ROMs and NB1 modules)
Best of luck! :good::good::good:
Appreciate your reply, but think OP is sorted and never came back--

Installing Custom Roms On Newly Rooted Phones With BOK3,BOG5 and BOE1 Bootloader

Instruction for installing a custom rom using safestrap
1. Choose a Lollipop Rom from the Verizon Galaxy S 5 Android Development. OnlyLollipop 5.0 TW based roms will work
2. If you already got safestrap working skip to step 10. Otherwise install the apk's in this zip View attachment
3. Once all are installed Click On Busybox Grant Super User Access and click on install
4. Now open Lollipop Safestrap and click on Install SafeStrap Grant Super User Access
5. Click On Install Recovery Once Installed It will Say State: Installed
6. Click the Back Button to take you to Lollipop Safestrap Recovery Main Screen
7. Click On Recovery Reboot. Grant Super User Access.
8. On the next screen click FLASH then when dialog comes up asking CLICK HERE TO REBOOT TO SAFESTRAP click on that and your phone will reboot to safestrap. May take a few seconds for the Recovery Screen to come up
9 In Safestrap Under Boot Options LEAVE THIS ALONE Install everything to STOCK ROM SLOT
10. Now If you have not I would make a backup of your current Rom so if something happens you can get back to where you are at now.
11.. Click on Wipe You will see 3 options Advance Wipe, Format Data And Swipe To Factory Reset. If you dont see these and you see a dialog asking something about entering Yes just hit the back button
12 To Install a new rom click on Advance Wipe And Check Dalvick Cache,Data,Cache,System Then click Swipe To wipe.
13. Now Click The Home Button
14 Now Choose Install. Underneath the header on the next screen You will see a black box it will either say Storage: Micro SDcard or Storage: Internal Storage. You can switch between the 2 by clicking that black box
15 Locate the zip you want to install and click on it
16. In next screen Click Swipe To Confirm Flash and your install will begin
17. When Finished Do Not Click Reboot Now Or Reboot System. Click The Home Button. All Older Roms should run fine on latest BOK3 Firmware so if your on BOK3 firmware simply flash BOK3 kernel.
18. Once That is installed you can reboot to system
19. If you get some kind of warning about unauthorized software all you need to do is delete SecurityLogAgent folder from the system/app
20 Now If you want to select a different Firmware Zip you only need to do this once. It will remain that Firmware untill another Firmware Zip is flashed. If you flash A Firmware Zip There is no need to flash a Kernel Zip during the same installation.
21. Most Deodexed Lollipop Roms will Take Up to 10 Min to boot. If it seems longer than that simple pull the battery and restart phone.
22. If something goes wrong! If the rom fails to boot or bootloops you are not screwed if you flashed with safestrap.
23. To get back to safestrap from a bootloop. Pull the battery. Boot to download mode Power+Volume Down+Home
24. Plug into your computer.
24. Open Odin make sure phone is connect blue box saying comport whatever will be lit up. In the AP section locate the NI2_stock_kernel.tar.md5 and flash kernel.
25. When phone reboots watch screen and click on the Recovery Button when the SafeStrap Screen comes up. If you miss it pull the battery and try again.
26. Once in Safestrap you can restore a back up or what ever you need to do
Just a note. You can also use flashfire to flash rom. Flashfire is a great tool. Just know that if you flash a rom with flashfire and have safestrap installed you will loose your safestrap installation. So after you flash a rom with flashfire if you want to use safestrap you will have to reinstall it. If something goes wrong during the the install when flashing with flash fire you will not be able to get back to safestrap and your only method if your bootlooped is using odin and flashing full factory tar image and going through the root process again!
Install Kit Kat Roms On All Bootloaders
Edit: I updated the method and added new firmware zips ran into some hardware issues these fixed the problem
This method should work for All Bootloaders Without having to wipe data on Internal storage
Download This one should work for all Kit Kat Roms. This is a 4.4.4 Version I tested it on 4.42 Version and it worked fine . If you want to use a differen versions, all Version listed below
Reboot To Safestrap Wipe cache, system, data, dalvik cache then flash above zip
Go back and Wipe cache, system, data
Install Kit Kat Rom
Reboot to system and go through setup.
Remember when using Kit Kat Roms there is no reason to flash kernel in safestrap as you are all ready running kit kat kernel. Also do not use Lollipop Safestrap on kit kat roms you can reach safestrap by simply rebooting rom and choosing safestrap recovery when dialog comes up
All Firmwares
can i use the Optimal Rom if i have BOK3?
coopmaster said:
can i use the Optimal Rom if i have BOK3?
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Yes. I just added some instructions in OP that may be helpful
jrkruse said:
Yes. I just added some instructions in OP that may be helpful
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Just a question so if i have BOK3 when i go to flash the firmware do i need to wait till that rom has a BOK3 firmware or can i flash any of them?
coopmaster said:
Just a question so if i have BOK3 when i go to flash the firmware do i need to wait till that rom has a BOK3 firmware or can i flash any of them?
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. The BOK3 Firmware should be fine even on older roms. Just flash the rom and stay on the latest firmware. You may get a waring about unauthorized actions dialog warning just delete the SecurityLogAgent folder from the system/app folder, but all older roms should run fine on BOK3 firmware.
jrkruse said:
. The BOK3 Firmware should be fine even on older roms. Just flash the rom and stay on the latest firmware. You may get a waring about unauthorized actions dialog warning just delete the SecurityLogAgent folder from the system/app folder, but all older roms should run fine on BOK3 firmware.
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sweet thank you.
Might be stupid question but I was wondering if Extreme Syndicate and Cyanogemod are compatible.
jrkruse said:
. The BOK3 Firmware should be fine even on older roms. Just flash the rom and stay on the latest firmware. You may get a waring about unauthorized actions dialog warning just delete the SecurityLogAgent folder from the system/app folder, but all older roms should run fine on BOK3 firmware.
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Am I understanding you correctly that newer firmwares are backwards-compatible? Are you referring to only Lollipop ROMs, or does this also apply to older KitKat ROMs?
If I were to update past BOD, that does slam the door on downgrading to a KitKat bootloader as we have already discussed. I understood this to mean I wouldn't be able to use any KitKat ROMs.
painiac said:
Am I understanding you correctly that newer firmwares are backwards-compatible? Are you referring to only Lollipop ROMs, or does this also apply to older KitKat ROMs?
If I were to update past BOD, that does slam the door on downgrading to a KitKat bootloader as we have already discussed. I understood this to mean I wouldn't be able to use any KitKat ROMs.
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You can get kitkat roms to boot just by flashing the rom the kernel and the NON_HLOS.bin but I dont know if your bootloaders will let the NON-HLOS.bin flash or not. You have to wipe data and internal storage also
Plasma ROM steer clear of, doesn't wanna play nice. However Optimal ROM works perfectly but hopefully the developer updates it to BOK3. Is anyone working on a debloat.bat for this firmware? or can someone?
DimitrieRetezatu said:
Might be stupid question but I was wondering if Extreme Syndicate and Cyanogemod are compatible.
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Not sure about Extreme Syndicate. ROMs must be touchwiz based. No AOSP based ROMs, so Cyanogenmod is not compatible. You have to look for ROMs in the Verizon Galaxy S5 Android Development forum. Cannot flash anything in the Original Android Development forum. Also probably not any or possibly just a couple from the Unified Development forum.
landshark68 said:
Not sure about Extreme Syndicate. ROMs must be touchwiz based. No AOSP based ROMs, so Cyanogenmod is not compatible. You have to look for ROMs in the Verizon Galaxy S5 Android Development forum. Cannot flash anything in the Original Android Development forum. Also probably not any or possibly just a couple from the Unified Development forum.
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Thanks for the response. Makes more sense when you put it like that. Hopefully people will see that the new root is available and update some ROMs!
secandRRe said:
Plasma ROM steer clear of, doesn't wanna play nice. However Optimal ROM works perfectly but hopefully the developer updates it to BOK3. Is anyone working on a debloat.bat for this firmware? or can someone?
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There are several debloater zips I have made just check the OP on my rom threads
If you like a very debloated rom that is super fast and great on battery I recommend my BS Free Roms. @CVertigo1 made a new BOK3 version of my BS Free roms its only 800 mb in size thats half the size of normal roms. Check out his thread
Sticking to OptimalROM seems to be everything I need.
jrkruse said:
There are several debloater zips I have made just check the OP on my rom threads
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I gave your zips a try on BOK3 with no luck?
secandRRe said:
I gave your zips a try on BOK3 with no luck?
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You need to use the debloat script on a clean install of rom flash rom the flash debloat script. This way you haven't updated a bunch of apps
I'm tempted to try your ROMs I just like the S6 Keyboard on OptimalROM it's probably one of the best keyboards I have used.
My BOG5 BS Free Rom and BS Free Google Rom both have s6 keyboards

Root for at&t note 3 on android 5.0

Is there anybody that has been able to root their at&t note 3 on android 5.0. I bought an at&t note 3 the other day and have been looking for a way to root it but have not found one yet. Please help me.
Absolutely. I just arrived at work or I would post a full detailed guide, but here's the run down.
You have to downgrade from 5.0 (OC1) to 4.2.2 (NC2).
Once you've done that, root with towelroot.apk, install SuperSU (I prefer chainfire), then install Busybox, (I prefer Stephan Erickson) and then finally, install Safestrap Recovery V3.75.
Then boot into Safestrap recovery, wipe/factory reset, and then flash the ROM you want.
I would gladly post links to everything but as I said, I'm at work. If nobody else does before I clock out. I'll definitely help you out.
im not the poster, but I would like the info if you dont mind. Thank you.
phlashb4k said:
Absolutely. I just arrived at work or I would post a full detailed guide, but here's the run down.
You have to downgrade from 5.0 (OC1) to 4.2.2 (NC2).
Once you've done that, root with towelroot.apk, install SuperSU (I prefer chainfire), then install Busybox, (I prefer Stephan Erickson) and then finally, install Safestrap Recovery V3.75.
Then boot into Safestrap recovery, wipe/factory reset, and then flash the ROM you want.
I would gladly post links to everything but as I said, I'm at work. If nobody else does before I clock out. I'll definitely help you out.
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im not the poster, but I would like the info if you dont mind. Thank you.
Did anyone ever figure out how to root this phone yet
Read above...
Sorry guys work got the best of me. I just got permission from a couple of developers to re-do a thread that elaborates more into how to root, flash etc. So that will be up by the end of the week (hopefully). My method I will be posting is completely different than what I'm telling you here. Because my guide will let you flash an a single file using flashfire that will already have root, xposed, viper audio, + extras already installed and configured. What I'm posting below is the main method being used.
In the mean time:
Download and install Samsung Mobile Drivers, Reboot before connecting your phone.
Download - This is a stock NC2 (Android 4.4.2) image you will flash to down grade from 5.0. (Temporarily).
Download Towelroot - This is towelroot, it exploits a vulnerability in android 4.4.2 that allows you to gain root without even rebooting your phone.
Download SuperSU - You can of course user any superuser app. I am personally a big supporter of Chainfire and his applications.
Download Safestrap Safestrap-KLTEVZW-NCG-3.75-B03.apk - This will be your recovery.
Download Odin Make sure it's version 3.10.0 and only download odin from that post please. There are obnoxious amounts of fake odin downloads that come up in a google search that may contain malicious code.
Don't forget Busybox
Also download any ROM you want to flash, BEFORE doing this. Unless of course you want to stay on rooted 4.2.2
0. Backup. Back up everything.
1. Place Towelroot, SuperSU, Safestrap, and Busybox on your SD card.
2. Bring your phone into download mode. (Power Button+Volume Down+Home Button)
3. Connect your phone to your computer using usb. (Back of the computer usb is always better)
-Make sure you installed the Samsung Drivers
4. Bring up odin and place N900AUCUCNC2_Full_Odin_Tar.tar.md5 file in the AP slot. (Odin might hangup and freeze for a minute. It's normal, don't click or do anything, just wait.)
5. Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time on odin should already be checked. Just make sure.
6. Under ID:COM on odin, it should read 0:[COM4] in light-ish blue color.
7. Odins message should read <ID:0/004> Added!!
--Numbers might be different for each person.
8. Click Start and wait a while. After 15-20 minutes your phone will eventually boot into Android 4.4.2
And in this exact order:
9. Install Towelroot and click 'make it rain'
10. Install SuperSU, Be sure to disable knox when it asks. If it hangs at all just force close SuperSU and try again.
11. Install Busybox
12. Install Safestrap
When you want to flash a ROM simply place it on your SD card and flash it using Safestrap. Make sure when flashing that the ROM comes with the OC1 kernel. If it doesn't you'll need to flash it after flashing the ROM.
As I said above I'm going to be posting an entire thread this week dedicated to rooting, flashing, and working with this phone. It's going to have the most updated information that I have and an easier and quicker method that doesn't require Safestrap. I'm going to ask mods and hopefully it will get a sticky.
Thank you!! I`m going to try this tonight. I`ll let you if I can pull it off. Looking forward to your new thread too. Thanks again!!
Quick question phlashb4k, the first step in your guide ( 1. Place Towelroot, SuperSU, Safestrap, and Busybox on your SD card.), the link you posted for busybox is for the play store app. Is there a zip file for it elsewhere. I can`t download the app to my sd card.. Could I install it from the play store after I`ve downgraded from 5.0 to 4.4.2? I`ve searched this site and googled for a while and I still cant do it. Everything else is ready ready to go. Thanks in advance.
I am new to the root process and must also down grade to 4.4.2, can i re-upgrade to 5.0 after the root some how while maintaining my root?
Without question Safestrap is the biggest problem for me
The newer version B03 would not boot to recovery
I had to go back to B01
---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 AM ----------
Upon boot it installs 262 "updates" fro AT&T
Using the rooted file from
Last time it sent me into a boot loop after the updates.
I did get it to run for a while.
Trying the complete stagefright fix also
Which I can't seem to find the link to right this instant.
Constantly get
Unfortunately, the process has stopped errors
Thought I had it fixed at one pint but it is a problem again.
this seems to help
working on it.
ddamm07 said:
Quick question phlashb4k, the first step in your guide ( 1. Place Towelroot, SuperSU, Safestrap, and Busybox on your SD card.), the link you posted for busybox is for the play store app. Is there a zip file for it elsewhere. I can`t download the app to my sd card.. Could I install it from the play store after I`ve downgraded from 5.0 to 4.4.2? I`ve searched this site and googled for a while and I still cant do it. Everything else is ready ready to go. Thanks in advance.
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Yes you can install directly from the Playstore or flash a zip file. Either works just fine as long as everything is installed in the correct order you'll be good to go. Allow me a bit and I can upload the .apk directly to my google drive account and provide a link. You could really download SuperSU and Busybox from the Playstore if you wanted to. It just takes a bit longer.
Gonobn said:
I am new to the root process and must also down grade to 4.4.2, can i re-upgrade to 5.0 after the root some how while maintaining my root?
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Of course. After you downgrade you then have access to Safestrap, which is a custom recovery environment you use to flash ROMs with. (Almost) every ROM for our phones already have SuperSU installed, if it doesn't it will specify in the thread that you need to flash SuperSU using Safestrap. But there's only a few that require it. Most of them already include the OC1 kernel inside the ROM as well. (OC1 is the only kernel that will run 5.0 on our phones).
rlj4214 said:
Without question Safestrap is the biggest problem for me
The newer version B03 would not boot to recovery
I had to go back to B01
---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 AM ----------
Upon boot it installs 262 "updates" fro AT&T
Using the rooted file from
Last time it sent me into a boot loop after the updates.
I did get it to run for a while.
Trying the complete stagefright fix also
Which I can't seem to find the link to right this instant.
Constantly get
Unfortunately, the process has stopped errors
Thought I had it fixed at one pint but it is a problem again.
this seems to help
working on it.
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If the following doesn't help please explain your problem in a little more detail for me, write out each step you are doing and I will try to see which might be causing the issue.
Safestrap is very touchy and actually isn't compatible with 5.0 (OC1). To boot into Safestrap after flashing 5.0, if you want to do a backup (which I wouldn't recommend with safestrap, I've personally only had bad luck) you need to either flash the NC2 kernel with odin, or download and install I suggest downloading the .apk. All you do is flash the NC2 kernel with the flasher app and it will automatically boot you into safestrap. After you do whatever it is you need to do, (flash patches, etc) you then flash the OC1 kernel and reboot. OC1 kernel can be found here:!fAcA3JhL!-hK_TU6NamIJdvgwWdZ90VmOwBdRBxSL70VgC4sILwc
To fix your Playstore issue, remove any Playstore updates you have, then download and install the latest version from here:
Well I was was able to down grade with out a hitch. If I knew it was so simple, I would have done it a long time ago. I finally was able find all the info I needed about ROMs available and how to`s but before I start flashing, I`m going to have do a lot more reading on this awesome site. Now since my note 3 is no longer in service and out of warranty, I`m assuming I don`t have to settle for a at&t rom. I`m just going to use as a little tablet with just wifi and bluetooth. That is after have used it as a guinea pig, then I`ll start on rooting my note 4. Thanks again for your help in getting me going, phlashb4k.:good:
phlashb4k said:
Yes you can install directly from the Playstore or flash a zip file. Either works just fine as long as everything is installed in the correct order you'll be good to go. Allow me a bit and I can upload the .apk directly to my google drive account and provide a link. You could really download SuperSU and Busybox from the Playstore if you wanted to. It just takes a bit longer.
Of course. After you downgrade you then have access to Safestrap, which is a custom recovery environment you use to flash ROMs with. (Almost) every ROM for our phones already have SuperSU installed, if it doesn't it will specify in the thread that you need to flash SuperSU using Safestrap. But there's only a few that require it. Most of them already include the OC1 kernel inside the ROM as well. (OC1 is the only kernel that will run 5.0 on our phones).
If the following doesn't help please explain your problem in a little more detail for me, write out each step you are doing and I will try to see which might be causing the issue.
Safestrap is very touchy and actually isn't compatible with 5.0 (OC1). To boot into Safestrap after flashing 5.0, if you want to do a backup (which I wouldn't recommend with safestrap, I've personally only had bad luck) you need to either flash the NC2 kernel with odin, or download and install I suggest downloading the .apk. All you do is flash the NC2 kernel with the flasher app and it will automatically boot you into safestrap. After you do whatever it is you need to do, (flash patches, etc) you then flash the OC1 kernel and reboot. OC1 kernel can be found here:!fAcA3JhL!-hK_TU6NamIJdvgwWdZ90VmOwBdRBxSL70VgC4sILwc
To fix your Playstore issue, remove any Playstore updates you have, then download and install the latest version from here:
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Playstore is fixed. Got that done last night.
Now I have another issue that I am about to butt heads with.
"Emergency calls only"
BS My bill is paid what is with these jackasses at AT&T
Attacking it now.
---------- Post added at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------
rlj4214 said:
Playstore is fixed. Got that done last night.
Now I have another issue that I am about to butt heads with.
"Emergency calls only"
BS My bill is paid what is with these jackasses at AT&T
Attacking it now.
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It was like talking to Time Warner.
Reboot it.
I understand sir, just reboot it.
Something in their network failed.
So now that I'm off the roof.
The safestrap that you had a link to wouldn't run at all.
I mean it loads and looks like it works tells me that it is installed and that the recovery is installed but won't boot to recovery. That is with mine Safestrap-HLTE-3.72-kk-B01.apk
That is the same thing that happened with your version Safestrap-KLTEVZW-NCG-3.75-B03.apk
I finally unloaded everything and started over from 4.4.2 factory stock
order that I got to work was
busybox pro
safestrap B03
uninstall safestrap B03
uinstall busybox and install it again
install safestrap B01
uninstall B01
restart busybox pro
install B01
And finally I got it to show up correctly and boot properly, recovery and all.
Everything installed but now........
It wants to "update again"
Every time it updates, it crashes the system and I start over.
Gonna try it one more time and then go back to rooted 4.4.2 probably if it doesn't work.
I wonder if Verizon is this bad.
It's like when I had Time Warner's all in one router modem. Crash o matic every time they "updated" something
Now with an Asus RT-68U and Motorola modem I'm fine.
Incorporated the stagefright fix I mentioned earlier and it got all but one file.
Shows good in Lookout but CCVE-2051-6602 shows up in Ziperium.
Just turned off auto mms for this second and see what AT&T screws up with their update her when it finishes.
It's been a long ugly day and has nothing to do with this but I'm tired.
Thank you very much for your post and your help.
Take Care
Could you upload a screen shot(s) of your modem and kernel version .
Verizons Note 3 doesn't have a locked bootloader. Just AT&Ts. Which is why we have to jump to get root and such
phlashb4k said:
Sorry guys work got the best of me. I just got permission from a couple of developers to re-do a thread that elaborates more into how to root, flash etc. So that will be up by the end of the week (hopefully). My method I will be posting is completely different than what I'm telling you here. Because my guide will let you flash an a single file using flashfire that will already have root, xposed, viper audio, + extras already installed and configured. What I'm posting below is the main method being used.
In the mean time:
Download and install Samsung Mobile Drivers, Reboot before connecting your phone.
Download - This is a stock NC2 (Android 4.4.2) image you will flash to down grade from 5.0. (Temporarily).
Download Towelroot - This is towelroot, it exploits a vulnerability in android 4.4.2 that allows you to gain root without even rebooting your phone.
Download SuperSU - You can of course user any superuser app. I am personally a big supporter of Chainfire and his applications.
Download Safestrap Safestrap-KLTEVZW-NCG-3.75-B03.apk - This will be your recovery.
Download Odin Make sure it's version 3.10.0 and only download odin from that post please. There are obnoxious amounts of fake odin downloads that come up in a google search that may contain malicious code.
Don't forget Busybox
Also download any ROM you want to flash, BEFORE doing this. Unless of course you want to stay on rooted 4.2.2
0. Backup. Back up everything.
1. Place Towelroot, SuperSU, Safestrap, and Busybox on your SD card.
2. Bring your phone into download mode. (Power Button+Volume Down+Home Button)
3. Connect your phone to your computer using usb. (Back of the computer usb is always better)
-Make sure you installed the Samsung Drivers
4. Bring up odin and place N900AUCUCNC2_Full_Odin_Tar.tar.md5 file in the AP slot. (Odin might hangup and freeze for a minute. It's normal, don't click or do anything, just wait.)
5. Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time on odin should already be checked. Just make sure.
6. Under ID:COM on odin, it should read 0:[COM4] in light-ish blue color.
7. Odins message should read <ID:0/004> Added!!
--Numbers might be different for each person.
8. Click Start and wait a while. After 15-20 minutes your phone will eventually boot into Android 4.4.2
And in this exact order:
9. Install Towelroot and click 'make it rain'
10. Install SuperSU, Be sure to disable knox when it asks. If it hangs at all just force close SuperSU and try again.
11. Install Busybox
12. Install Safestrap
When you want to flash a ROM simply place it on your SD card and flash it using Safestrap. Make sure when flashing that the ROM comes with the OC1 kernel. If it doesn't you'll need to flash it after flashing the ROM.
As I said above I'm going to be posting an entire thread this week dedicated to rooting, flashing, and working with this phone. It's going to have the most updated information that I have and an easier and quicker method that doesn't require Safestrap. I'm going to ask mods and hopefully it will get a sticky.
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It updated and just said it failed but didn't crash the phone.
I'll have a beer now.
It looked like it was a KNOX update which is disabled.
Score one for the good guys. me me me me me
Thank you so very much for your help and putting up with me.
Have a great evening,,, and a beer.
screenshot you requested
phlashb4k said:
Could you upload a screen shot(s) of your modem and kernel version .
Verizons Note 3 doesn't have a locked bootloader. Just AT&Ts. Which is why we have to jump to get root and such
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So the Verizon is easier to deal with? I just was looking at the BOUNTY for a Verizon note 4 and thought it might have been more of a pain
Sorry for the Delay I have 3 Great Pyrenees a Catahoula and 2 domestic short hair cats the were rioting to be fed.
Hi, are my ROM choices pretty limited because the ATT phone has to run on OC1 kernel? Will most of the popular ROMs from the other Note 3 threads run on OC1?
Thanks, Mike
phlashb4k said:
Absolutely. I just arrived at work or I would post a full detailed guide, but here's the run down.
You have to downgrade from 5.0 (OC1) to 4.2.2 (NC2).
Once you've done that, root with towelroot.apk, install SuperSU (I prefer chainfire), then install Busybox, (I prefer Stephan Erickson) and then finally, install Safestrap Recovery V3.75.
Then boot into Safestrap recovery, wipe/factory reset, and then flash the ROM you want.
I would gladly post links to everything but as I said, I'm at work. If nobody else does before I clock out. I'll definitely help you out.
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Supernoob question. I plan on doing this soon with my new note. However, I was wondering if the hotspot is automatically unlocked in 4.2.2. or do I need to download a special rom for that? thanks
Anybody know how to insall Xposed on Android 5.0? or have the link of the working one?
Thanks plashb4k, did this last night and it worked out great! I have a couple of questions though. (i'm completely new to this.) First, how can I disable Device Management from the phone? Now it is always in the Notification panel saying there is a new update. Secondly, are there any roms you recommend that work with android 4.4.2 really well? Thanks.
