My nexus 10 is without a recovery and without a Rom, I was try to change the rom, thing i have done many times, i was unable to flash it, don't remeber why, so i format and wipe all partitions but every time i tryed to do that, recovery freezes, after i made a mistake, i have a desire hd, i was searching for nexus toolkit on my pc, but i didn't saw i was using desire hd toolkit, when i tryed to flash new recovery obiously it stops to flash, but it had already removed the recovery, so now i m without rom and without recovery, i can go to bootloader, i m tryng to flash stock img with nexus toolkit, but if it will not work, what should i do? (sorry for bad english)
Flash the stock image without toolkit.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
I'm trying to get Clockwork Mod installed on my wife's Nexus S via ROM Manager but whenever I reboot into recovery it's just the default recovery.
I had this issue with my Nexus S too and I never resolved it. I was only able to flash via fastboot. This isn't an option on my wife's phone as it's not unlocked and I don't want to wipe everything.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
How can you flash cwm without unlocking? I don't think that's possible(correct me if I'm wrong).
Sent from my Nexus S from Tapatalk
ljordan2 said:
How can you flash cwm without unlocking? I don't think that's possible(correct me if I'm wrong).
Sent from my Nexus S from Tapatalk
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You mean rooting? You're supposed to be able to flash it from within Android if your phone is rooted. OEM unlocking the phone lets you flash things from the bootloader. However, despite that I haven't been able to do it.
I finally gave up. Since the phone is rooted I just backed everything up with Titanium Backup and then OEM unlocked the phone and I'm not restoring from scratch. Not sure I'll ever have an answer to this issue.
Note: If the phone is rooted and you have flash_image, you can use that to flash custom recovery(without bootloader unlocking) 'manually'.
cbstryker said:
I'm trying to get Clockwork Mod installed on my wife's Nexus S via ROM Manager but whenever I reboot into recovery it's just the default recovery.
I had this issue with my Nexus S too and I never resolved it. I was only able to flash via fastboot. This isn't an option on my wife's phone as it's not unlocked and I don't want to wipe everything.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
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I have had the same problem with ROM manager ever since I bought it. What I do is flash the recovery a few times. I'll hit flash recovery, and when it finishes I'll do it like 3 or 4 more times and eventually the recovery will stick.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
To fix this, flash CWM recovery using ROM Manager, and then install root explorer. Using root explorer, rename /system/etc/ to something else (e.g. /system/etc/ and that should make your CWM recovery stick. Otherwise it gets overwritten on each boot by the stock Android recovery.
I actually just learned this over the weekend when I got my new NS and I had to do the same thing. I've previously been a happy SGS i9000 owner for the past 2 years, so the NS is pretty new to me still.
i had the same bug i flash a more oldest vercion of rom manager and cmw and that work for me but im crazy ,there are better methods I just tell my experience
Just flashing using CWM..dont flash using ROM manager...many users have problems flashing from ROM manager..
rhainman said:
To fix this, flash CWM recovery using ROM Manager, and then install root explorer. Using root explorer, rename /system/etc/ to something else (e.g. /system/etc/ and that should make your CWM recovery stick. Otherwise it gets overwritten on each boot by the stock Android recovery.
I actually just learned this over the weekend when I got my new NS and I had to do the same thing. I've previously been a happy SGS i9000 owner for the past 2 years, so the NS is pretty new to me still.
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This ^
Sent from my Nexus S
Hi guys. I have been trying to fix this problem for like 10 hours but I could never get it right.
Device status: Rooted, unlocked bootloader.
Currently my problem is that whenever I factory reset my device it goes back to CWM recovery. I tried using mskip toolkit and Wug toolkit to flash back to stock rom but it didn't work. The thing I realized is that I could never mount my sdcard from the CWM recovery.
Besides that, whenever I push some files into my sdcard through Windows and reboot my Nexus 7, the file gone missing. I also tried to install and uninstall app and it seems to be working at first, but it goes back to the default state after rebooting it.
By the way, I am able to fastboot it and enter CWM recovery and boot like normal, but could never edit anything on it, not even flashing.
Things I have done:
-Flash stock rom(full zip file) using mskip and wug toolkit.
-Flash stock rom part by part(boot,recovery,system,userdata)
-Boot image using TWRP and wipe data.
-Flash custom rom using toolkit(Bugless Beast).
-Downloaded twice for the stock rom and checked with md5sum.
Things going on now:
-Back to same state no matter what I do to the device.
Sorry for my English.
Anyone help please?
Hmm that is kind of weird, what system are u using? Windows Mac or Linux?
Try using Nexus 7 Toolkit 2.0, it works great in my case :s Restore to stock rom using it. Also check the console if there are any bug report.
Btw you could try to lock/unlock your bootloader as it wipe all user data at the same time
Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
jamesst20 said:
Hmm that is kind of weird, what system are u using? Windows Mac or Linux?
Try using Nexus 7 Toolkit 2.0, it works great in my case :s Restore to stock rom using it. Also check the console if there are any bug report.
Btw you could try to lock/unlock your bootloader as it wipe all user data at the same time
Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Thanks for the reply! I have tried both mskip and Wug toolkit and it doesn't work.
The data inside the device is basically uneditable right now! No matter I delete or add in new files and reboot, files that deleted will be back while the files that I added in will be removed. Seriously I need some help, I'm unable to flash rom or do anything with it since I have unlocked the bootloader(and unable to lock it back) and warranty is voided.
I tried to install a new rom after updating TWRP after all was complete it stuck on the boot screen. I then tried with the Nexus Root Toolkit to use a restore from backup. Same problem. I then tried to flash stock and unroot. Same problem. I then tried a number of things through TWRP from backups I had their. Same problem. At present I have no OS and I can only boot into TWRP, turn if off or look at the GOOGLE screen. I have run out of ideas and would appreciate any help offered.
If you have tried everything else (flashing a ROM zip etc.) Then you should flash the factory image from Google.
Don't use the script/batch file as that will wipe your internal storage.
Just flash system and boot.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Sometimes a rom takes a long time to boot for the first time, please be very patient. Also, try wiping everything from /system, and then re install a custom rom from your /sdcard partition. also make sure your roms are for the nexus 7 not galaxy nexus or other similar devices. ONE MORE THING 4.1.2 wont flash with 4.1.1 bootloader.
jmtend said:
I tried to install a new rom after updating TWRP after all was complete it stuck on the boot screen. I then tried with the Nexus Root Toolkit to use a restore from backup. Same problem. I then tried to flash stock and unroot. Same problem. I then tried a number of things through TWRP from backups I had their. Same problem. At present I have no OS and I can only boot into TWRP, turn if off or look at the GOOGLE screen. I have run out of ideas and would appreciate any help offered.
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There was a bug in TWRP V2.3.0.0 use fastboot to flash V2.3.1.0 and then reflash the rom
Sent from my BAKED Nexus
spaceman860 said:
There was a bug in TWRP V2.3.0.0 use fastboot to flash V2.3.1.0 and then reflash the rom
Sent from my BAKED Nexus
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Got it working. Thanks all for your suggestions.
jmtend said:
Got it working. Thanks all for your suggestions.
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How did you fix it? I have no OS and my internal SD card was erased too I don't know how to flash from fastboot
Adb push a ROM.
-Brought to you by Marino's Nexus 7-
AshleyPem28 said:
How did you fix it? I have no OS and my internal SD card was erased too I don't know how to flash from fastboot
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I know many people hate the talk about toolkits but I was in the same situation and I used Wug's toolkit and it saved me. I downloaded 4.1.2 image directly from Google, as the toolkit only has 4.1.1.
I tried to return to stock on my own and it just went from bad to worse. I would of spent more time trying to fix it on my own but I was on a very tight time constraint. It will unroot your device but it is easy to root again.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Billchen0014 said:
Sometimes a rom takes a long time to boot for the first time, please be very patient. Also, try wiping everything from /system, and then re install a custom rom from your /sdcard partition. also make sure your roms are for the nexus 7 not galaxy nexus or other similar devices. ONE MORE THING 4.1.2 wont flash with 4.1.1 bootloader.
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THANK YOU the "ONE MORE THING" is all I needed to know for the same problem!
Hello guys,
I wonder if somebody can help me. I bought a new Nexus 7 few days ago. As usual like with any other new device, I unlocked and rooted the device with the nexus root toolkit. After that I flashed via recovery a custom ROM. Everything worked fine, but after few hours, I wanted to try another rom, so I rebooted into recovery and the mistake I made was, that i wiped the inernal storage instead of cache. I was not able to get the custom ROM to the internal storage and the ROM was deleted, so the only option to bring the tablet to work was flashing original ROM via the toolkit or fastboot. Now I'm running on the original ROM, because when I try to flash any custom ROM, the insallation finishes fine, the tablet restarts and it gets stuck on the bootanimation.
I already tried 3 different ROMs, but the problem still persists and I have always to flash back the original ROM to get the tablet working.
Does anybody know, how to solve this problem? I really want to have a custom ROM running.
I appriciate your help!
Thanks for any ideas!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Re download the rom of your choice to the tablet. Goo manager is my preferred method Keeps from adb push to the device...
Then Boot into recovery.. TWRP is what i use..
Wipe dalvik cache and system...
you can also in twrp .. copy your rom to usb/sd media boot into twrp with a connected usb media.. do full wipe and flash the rom from usb storage.. Great for those who have issues with internal storage. This way you can wipe it as well...
Good Luck....
Hello Erica, of course iI didit this way. As I wrote, I tried 3 different ROMs and the problem is always the same. I stucks on bootanimation.
First time I flashed custom ROM without any problems, but after flashing original ROM via the root toolkit, I am not able to get any custom ROM running.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Wipe caches and if it gets s stuck at the boot screen sometimes you just have to turn it off for a bit and try turning it on in a couple minutes
sunman277 said:
Wipe caches and if it gets s stuck at the boot screen sometimes you just have to turn it off for a bit and try turning it on in a couple minutes
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did you flash a custom kernel? you are not suppose to before the first boot
Sunmann, I will try.
billchen, In the custom ROMs I tried was always a custom kernel. So it flashed kernel as well.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Hello guys, I'm back again. It still doesn't work flashing any of the custom ROMs. Does anyone, please, have any other idea, what could cause the problem?
Thanks a lot!
I recently bought a Nexus 4 and rooted the device using the WugFresh Toolkit 1.8.0
Everything went fine and ROOT was successful.
Then I installed a custom ROM named LIQUID SMOOTH which when started went into Bootloop mode.
Instead of wiping the Dalvik Cache and Cache, I formatted the phone in a hurry.
I had got a backup of the previous ROM in my Nexus but before I could transfer it to my PC, I wiped the phone completely.
Now I am able to get into only RECOVERY MODE.
Could I get some help for the issue I am facing now?
Thanks in Advance.
You need to flash a ROM. You can either flash the factory images though fastboot, or use adb sideload in a custom recovery to flash a ROM of your choosing.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Nexus 4
Well I tried the ADB Sideload Option first.
Did not work out.
Tried flashing a ROM, but for the flashing procedure according to WugFresh toolkit, I need to get into bootloader mode.
But I am not able to get into Bootloader mode.
Any idea what to try out next??
Turn off your phone, press volume down + power and hold. That should get you in the bootloader.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app