[Library] Android Pulley Menu - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hello everyone,
I have developed a pulley menu for android which is on the lines of the Pulley Menu introduced by Jolla in their Sailfish OS.Basically it is an alternative to the traditional menu and uses a gesture based approach to select one of the options.(Refer to the Screenshots in the github Repository for more clarity)
The project is available on github now and can be easily incorporated in any android application just like any other library. Sample Calls are listed in the project description and also there is a sample app
Github Link : https://github.com/AnshulBansal/Android-Pulley-Menu
Demo on Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.anshul.pulleymenu.samples
Please give your valuable feedback regarding it and if you have any problems referencing the library in your project please comment here
Anshul Bansal

this is one of my favorite things about Sailfish OS, along with the universal color based theming, but Sailfish OS is so lacking otherwise that I would like to just see it in Android.


Android MVVM framework -- Android Binding

Android-Binding is an Open Source framework (licensed under LGPL, good for proprietary or any other apps) that helps developing Android Application with MVVM (or MVC, MVP) Patterns, through binding View (widgets) attributes to Code Objects in XML declarations.
It was initiated in last Christmas holiday and its now released v0.2.
Tester, adopters are welcomed and I will try to provide my best effort to help deploying apps with Android-Binding.
You can get a look at how the framework is capable by visiting the Market for demos:
* https://market.android.com/details?id=com.gueei.demos.markupDemo
* https://market.android.com/developer?pub=Andy+Tsui
Bind View Model data with Widgets through XML Layout file
Much easier unit-testing
Model Validation supports through annotation
Bind any types of objects, Collections, and even Cursors
Tutorials/getting started
Discussion Group

Developer needed

Im looking for ad dev with experience with the google calendar platform.
There is a great opportunity for the right person.
Native android (java) coding
Android Studio (or eclipse)
lifecycle application development processes (conception through fruition)
The project is well defined but lacking a developer or developers.
ANY and ALL experience with google calendar is an absolute plus.
The application that will be developed will be directly related to google calendar.
The application has very high potential for adoption by a very large usergroup.
Please PM me if you are interested in knowing more.

[Library] Localization SDK on Github

Nativer SDK is a new library that enables dynamic resource handling, on-device app translation and language practicing. Currently it supports Android apps written in Java.
We created a sample Android app with the SDK built in to demonstrate the operation on user level. We put the source of this demo app on GitHub: https://github.com/Transround/LocalizationDemoDev
You can try the user experience, by downloading the sample app from GooglePlay
Please try it and comment.
If it raised your interest, you can go on to register.
If you want more info, visit our website.
app demo
You can see a demo here: www.transround.com/?utm_source=xda&utm_medium=mktglocalization&utm_campaign=localizationsdk
App language localization SDK is in Android weekly under Libraries & code section.
We prepared a plugin for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA to provide automated integration of Nativer SDK. It is available on Github:https://github.com/Transround/Native...android-studio and in IntelliJ plugin repository http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7637?pr=androidstudio
In case you use Android Studio or IntellJ, you can make your app translated to 70+ languages and be ready for further translation by your users within a few minutes. Try it – you only risk only 5-10 minutes of your time to discover an exciting and suprisingly effective new technology.
gyuri bp said:
Nativer SDK is a new library that enables dynamic resource handling, on-device app translation and language practicing. Currently it supports Android apps written in Java.
We created a sample Android app with the SDK built in to demonstrate the operation on user level. We put the source of this demo app on GitHub: https://github.com/Transround/LocalizationDemoDev
You can try the user experience, by downloading the sample app from GooglePlay
Please try it and comment.
If it raised your interest, you can go on to register.
If you want more info, visit our website.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Open source template for educational app

Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you an open source project I believe could benefit many of you.
Android Academy is a template for an Android educational app, use it and you will only need to focus on the contents of your courses in order to quickly launch your app idea. You can find the project in the GitHub repository gcorso/android_academy, which is a boilerplate of an Android Studio project and includes by layout files, activities control and database integration, everything already set up for you so that you can get a headstart to bring your project to life.
The project can be used for free and its goal is to give a chance for educators to create their learning platform without having to have a great knowledge of Android development and to save time also for expert Android developers.

[SDK] DeepOnionJ Tor integrated DAPP Development Kit

Fork it on Github (deeponion/Android-DeepOnionJ) - Always free and open.
DeepOnion is an open source blockchain project with the aim to bringing privacy and anonymity to anyone that wants it.
We've recently released the DeepOnion Mobile App template. This will enable anyone to rapidly build and deploy a Tor integrated mobile applications that can connect to the DeepOnion network.
This is a key step in opening up our blockchain to new opportunities. Most blockchain based services need to rely on centralised backends that suck information from you before allowing you to use them. This demonstrates our progress in being able produce privacy first, decentralised applications (DApps) and I'm here to invite the XDA community to have a look at what we are doing, let us know what you think and hopefully use our SDK to develop world class DApps.
The project is new and quite raw at the moment, though any Android Dev should be able to see the basics of how the project is integrated with Tor, syncs with the DeepOnion blockchain and provides an interface to interact with it. I'll be updating it over the coming weeks/months to be fully fledged module that you can just add using gradle.
API Docs - BitcoinJ
DeepOnionJ - Up to date fork of BitcoinJ converted to DeepOnion https://github.com/deeponion/deeponionj (deeponion/deeponionj)
Automated Builds DeepOnionJ - https://travis-ci.com/github/deeponion/deeponionj (Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence)
Automated Builds DeepOnion Core - https://travis-ci.com/github/deeponion/deeponion (Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence)
Please contribute to this project if you can -
Java Devs - Go Here -> https://github.com/deeponion/deeponionj (deeponion/deeponionj)
Android Devs - Go Here -> https://github.com/deeponion/Android-DeepOnionJ (deeponion/Android-DeepOnionJ)

