Pa/omni/cm11 - Galaxy Note II General

puzzled for choices in custom roms .
which is the best and the most stable at the moment ?
i am on Omni for the moment because its officially supported and latest updates are released as nightlies .
please help

Didn't try PA, although it has unique features you may like.
I was on Omni until yesterday's nightly messed up everything, then switched back to CM11 based Probam, which is also great.
Try yourself and then decide.
Sent from my N7100, a.k.a. THE BEAST

I'm using t0lte CM11 myself, It's very good. The battery life is great 2+ days with a lot of messaging, e-mail-ing and about 1-2 hrs of talk.


Rom to choose

Hello i want to flash a new rom on my phone for a change.
Tell me what you are running the pros and cons and tell me if you suggest it
I am now running on AOPK 4.4.2
With unolocked bootloader
Rooted (rom has su binary preinstalled)
On Doomkernel
I would like a 4.4 rom
Unlocked or locked bootloader
Root access of course
And preferably running with doomkernel
Thank you.
i have a SP with UBL and i flashed Vanir AOSP rom since January 6 with "in-rom" kernel. Recently i flashed NayakKernel v0.3.
its fast, good battery drain, and very stable for daily use. Have a little bugs like others KitKat roms but is the most suitable for my daily use.
Try and then tell us what you think
Herminus7 said:
i have a SP with UBL and i flashed Vanir AOSP rom since January 6 with "in-rom" kernel. Recently i flashed NayakKernel v0.3.
its fast, good battery drain, and very stable for daily use. Have a little bugs like others KitKat roms but is the most suitable for my daily use.
Try and then tell us what you think
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hey bro what was your experience with Vanir AOSP rom?
desmond462 said:
hey bro what was your experience with Vanir AOSP rom?
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VanirAOSP rom is really fast, and has great battery life.
I have no crashes or FC. since I installed it, the only problem I had was that the screen became totally unresponsive and I had to do a reset. But just one time…
Sometimes the screen does not respond to touch if it is in a horizontal position on the table, and i need to pick it up ...but I think it is a SP bug and not a ROM bug…. Or not!?
I charge the battery overnight (100%), i make and receive calls and sms, read the news, personal and corporate email, check the XDA forum many times :laugh::laugh::laugh:, facebook, Google +, 3 or 4 lightweight games (almost never play), some youtube videos for my baby, do not usually listen music, and have google location disabled. Usually I end the day with 40-50% of battery,
Is always connected to the internet. At home and at work have WIFI always on. If WIFI is OFF, 3G is connected.
For my daily use, this is the best kitkat based rom for xperia SP, with a very good performance and lite features. I'm very happy and satisfied with this ROM, and i'm waiting the new version (and changelog) to update.
Thanks to Whitemamba for the great job. :good:
Thank you i will give it a try
Sent from my Xperia SP using xda app-developers app

Need suggestions for best rom for s4 i9500

Hey guys, I am really fed up with the bugs and issues in stock 5.0.1 of s4 i9500 edition. Snapchat force closes every now and then, chrome crashes , wallpaper gets auto changed and so on.
I would like to know which would be the best rom that I can install which can be used a daily driver, I want to install it once and use it tension-free. Can you guys suggest which ones do you use as your daily driver, which gives the best performance and maximum battery life and should be based on lollipop 5.1
I am not really into changing roms so I would like this one to bug free and stable, I do not need any additional features.
The best ROM is subjective, in that everyone's opinions are going to differ. The only way you're going to know which ROM is best for you is trying them out.
Thanks for your reply. I actually wanted everyone's opinion so that I can know which ones are very stable and working great for them and then I can go ahead and try them and select the one out of them that works best for me
Euphoria rom is best as if i think so....
But if u want to use samsung apps, airview, air gestures halcyon rom would be nice
For better battery backup go for stock rom which is somewhat stable now.
Aurora is the best
All air functions work fine and some of the note features are there and in adition very stable
after many roms tests
Been using Aurora V2 - crashed yesterday while in a call. A big NO for me, but otherwise the rom was more than satisfactory overall. I have automatic call record enabled, so could've been that... not sure.
Wanna try Halcyon next...
For me,
AOSP-based ROM: GearCM and everything based on that ROM
TW-based ROM: Doctor's S6 port/Halcyon/MBP with VoLTaqe Kernel
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD
My vote is for darklord...
AOSP : Gear CM, Resurrection Remix and Euphoria
T.W. : Aurora S6/S6E V3.0, Dark Lord and Halycon.
Kernal : VoLTaqe Kernel and Light-Weight-Kernel.
Doctor's Rom is also good but somehow didn't work good for me.
**Happy to Help**
Cyanogenmod. Very stable and fast.
Uptill now, am on stock rom, which has been stable . However, waiting for CM 13, as Android 6 is not going to come for s4. Problem for i9500 which has exynos chip and as yet unreleased source code, CM 13 will be delayed. Just released cm 13 for snapdragon i9505. Running CM 12.1s in i9300, s3 for the past year. Very stable.
Sent from my LG-H818 using XDA Free mobile app

I9500 Kernel (Light Weight Kernel 20.4) Issues

There's only one kernel for i9500 CM, and after flashing LWK 20.4 my wifi stopped working and I've just dirty flashed CM12.1 on my phone again.
Well, since I can't post on development forum: is there anyone that can help me with this?
The original reason I've dabbled with kernels is the abhorrent battery life I was getting out of my box. Like, 6-10 hours with little to no usage!
When I've first installed gearCM about 5 months ago, battery life was tolerable. Not as good as stock firmware, but good enough to last the day. I've installed OTA updates every few weeks and after the latest such event (~2 weeks ago?) my battery just started to drain.
I've re-installed another rom, Resurrection Remix 5.5.8, which still drained battery. Now I'm on official CM 12.1 latest nightly. Google services crashes every now and then. I haven't really gotten a chance to test battery life, but I'm pessimistic.
What can I do about a good and functioning kernel with a stable ROM? (no TW please)
CM and CM-based roms I like most, but if LWK isn't going to work on them, what other ROM would you recommend?
Try PAC ROM 5.1.1
Try GearMod kernel and let me know.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD

Going Back to Lollipop - Any Recommendations ?

Hey guys,
after trying many marshmallow and nougat roms and kernal combinations I think I may go back to a Lollipop rom. I just have not found anything that gives me a well rounded experience (gps, bluetooth and decent battery life are the deal breakers for me). Yes I know I could go back to stock and root and debloat but I just don't like touchwiz.
What rom/kernal combinations would you all recommend for Lollipop ? Would this be a wise choice security wise ?
Also, I would even go as far back to KitKat if there weren't the security issues. KitKat had some of the most stable roms I've ever used, especially on my old note 2 lol I miss using that thing sometimes.
Any help would be much appreciated !
I guess no recommendations ?
Anyway, I ended up trying Temasek Unofficial 12.1 again, Team Exodus's rom and ulimately settling for the last Official CM12 Nightly (20161016). I tried all 3 of these with the latest Idle Kernal
Temasek seem's to work for a lot of people but I always end up with a lot of issues with it especially in battery.
The Team Exodus rom was very promising and I wish they had of not stopped working on it. Bluetooth, GPS etc. working flawlessly. But battery life just wasn't good.
CM12 has been great. I have not had a hitch with it and everything seems to be working and I'm getting excellent battery life.
The most stable ROM for the phone will be a stock ROM. You can easily root a stock ROM to remove bloatware too.
rich6619 said:
I guess no recommendations ?
Anyway, I ended up trying Temasek Unofficial 12.1 again, Team Exodus's rom and ulimately settling for the last Official CM12 Nightly (20161016). I tried all 3 of these with the latest Idle Kernal
Temasek seem's to work for a lot of people but I always end up with a lot of issues with it especially in battery.
The Team Exodus rom was very promising and I wish they had of not stopped working on it. Bluetooth, GPS etc. working flawlessly. But battery life just wasn't good.
CM12 has been great. I have not had a hitch with it and everything seems to be working and I'm getting excellent battery life.
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If you want to go back to lollipop, then I recommend you few things:
Touchwiz Based Lollipop ROMs:
1)Aryamod Lollipop ROM
CM Based Lollipop ROM:
Slimlp 0.14. Best AOSP ROM I had ever tried so far.

[Q] Seeking specific rom

I've dug my old N4 for some use while my current device is in for a repair. Been a few years since I last used it. Madhi rom was the last one I flashed, oh yeah the good old days.
Can anyone suggest a stable and battery consistent rom that has status bar tweaks that allow the battery icon colour to be changed (or the icons individually)? I'd prefer Lollipop which is probably the most stable as I'd be using this as a daily driver and not looking for FCs every now and then!
Also would like the latest CM theme engine with the rom.
Resurrection Remix on my HTC fitted the bill, but does the N4 version have the same features, and the N4 version I found is Marshmallow based.
Apologies, I know these type of threads are not popular
Cm 12.1 is available for n4
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Have Nougat roms stabilised enough to be useful as daily drivers without too many crashes? I appreciate the N4 is an antique these days and we're lucky enough to have Marshmallow, let alone Nougat!
Had a feeling battery would be poor on Nougat roms compared to Lollipop or even Kitkat? Thanks,
Nitrogen os rom is very stable best nougat rom chroma is best for marshmallow and I like cm12.1 for lollipop personally
Thanks for that, would you say they all offer similar battery life?
Yes I would say that
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
