Please help me find why my phone is staying awake. - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My phone seems to be staying awake a lot longer than the screen is on. I have tried wakelock detector and the apps that have kept the phone awake (Facebook being the main culprit) dont add up to anywhere near the extra wake time. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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Forgot this pic..
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For me a simple reboot did the trick. My phone was not switching off unless I pressed the power button, I started to get worried about a hardware issue, but now is ok.
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Battery life tips?

I need some useful battery tips!
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This works for the S4 as well...
searching and reading can show you everything you need to know.
Only thing ive disabled is google play apps auto update.
My brightness is always at max and disabling auto updates helped me out greatly. You really don't need latest updated apps to run. Just go home and update them manually while charging.
My phone goes through over 12 hours on a single charge. But then I am not a heavy user. Just facebook, web browsing, emails when I am not on ky desks. Maybe 1 hour of phone conversation daily.
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kevinrubio1 said:
I need some useful battery tips!
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Use a power manager app. I'm using GO Power Manager, but there are many.
kevinrubio1 said:
I need some useful battery tips!
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Get better battery stats app and figure out where you wake locks are. Then work on reducing them.
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Google talk make sure u signout/offline is a must. Facebook notification to off. Enable power dsaving mode
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Galaxy s4 turn off and restart time?

Hey guys, I was just wondering exactly how long it takes to turn off or restart galaxy s4 i337. After the mf3 update (unrooted) it takes me a good 45seconds to a minute just to turn off. (hold down power button and select 'restart' or 'power off'). How long does yours take? When I power off, the blue led light shows, and there's a blue circle on the bottom of the screen which always spins for a bit and then stops spinning exactly when it reaches a vertical direction of 6 o'clock . (directly up and down) then right before the screen turns off, which is usually 45 seconds later after the spinning stops, the phone gives a short vibrate and the phone turns of completely. Thanks guys.
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That sounds about normal. I think mine takes about 30 or longer. I just set it down haven't ever timed it
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Yeah but for me it's a slight bother. My camera app starts glitching and just doesn't respond... Shows black screen instead and crashes. Only resolves after a restart. And I take tons of shots... Guess I'll just deal with it. I love this phone too much haha. Thanks btw!
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When I got my s4 before 4.3 booting was about 15-20 seconds, same for shutdown. Hated it! Too much background processes and bloat. 45 seems a bit long though.. I just flashed a better rom and kernel than Samsung's touchwiz. Takes about 5-10 for startup and shutdown.
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If I have mf3, unrooted, is there anyway to minimize my power off time? I asked my cousin and my friend and theirs took 10 seconds to shut off approximately. Same phone
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ahura999 said:
If I have mf3, unrooted, is there anyway to minimize my power off time? I asked my cousin and my friend and theirs took 10 seconds to shut off approximately. Same phone
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if you don't want to root to remove bloatware you can just disable them
deadenz said:
if you don't want to root to remove bloatware you can just disable them
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What does that have to do anything with this topic? I already have disabled them.
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ahura999 said:
What does that have to do anything with this topic? I already have disabled them.
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br4nd3n mentioned too much bloat and background processes, and you didn't say anything about already disabling them so that's why I said that
Ah, ok
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I have the same problem with my phone taking about 30 seconds to power off. Is rooted by the way. I hope is a way so we can short the time taking to power off.
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lthary said:
I have the same problem with my phone taking about 30 seconds to power off. Is rooted by the way. I hope is a way so we can short the time taking to power off.
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Try this, but beware, don't do it in bulk! My phone got stuck on the att screen after I tried reboot and ultimately had to factory restore. Just move apps from SD card back to device storage. Now it just takes 8 seconds to shut off for me.
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ahura999 said:
Try this, but beware, don't do it in bulk! My phone got stuck on the att screen after I tried reboot and ultimately had to factory restore. Just move apps from SD card back to device storage. Now it just takes 8 seconds to shut off for me.
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Thanks! Moving the apps back to the device reduced the time considerable. :thumbup:
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lthary said:
Thanks! Moving the apps back to the device reduced the time considerable. :thumbup:
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Glad to hear.that's probably my first time helping someone in here.if only I waited 5 minutes so everything could have moved back to my device storage I wouldn't have had to factory restore. Good luck!
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Gs4 haptic feedback turns off automatically

When the battery goes down to 15%, haptic feedback turns off by itself and I have to manually put it back on even after charging it again. This gets annoying after a while. What should I do? (i337)
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Charge your phone before it gets to 15%.
Battery life is optimized when the charge is kept between 20-80%.
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numbere said:
Charge your phone before it gets to 15%.
Battery life is optimized when the charge is kept between 20-80%.
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Buy what happens in the case that it goes below 15%?
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ahura999 said:
Buy what happens in the case that it goes below 15%?
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It's trying to save your battery. It's normal.
jd1639 said:
It's trying to save your battery. It's normal.
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I know that... But I hate manually turning it on.... I'm asking how to stop it from turning off by itself.
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Can anyone take a pic of wakelock on phone please for me to compare

I was wondering if anyone with wakelock detector can take a pic of "phone". I'm seeing a high number in RILJ, but can't remember if this is normal or not. From doing searches it says that it's Google maps related but I have all location services disabled. Not rooted if that matters. Thanks
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MACHEK said:
I was wondering if anyone with wakelock detector can take a pic of "phone". I'm seeing a high number in RILJ, but can't remember if this is normal or not. From doing searches it says that it's Google maps related but I have all location services disabled. Not rooted if that matters. Thanks
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Dude, 1 minute of wakelock for 15 hours of uptime is not an issue.
siciliano777 said:
Dude, 1 minute of wakelock for 15 hours of uptime is not an issue.
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Yeah I get that sort of, but I can't remember it doing that many of them, that's seems like a crazy high number. I just don't know if I installed something that may have affected it
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Well once again I feel like too much wakelock, but I need something to compare too. Can someone please post. Thanks
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Here's mine
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I don't even see phone and I was on it for like an hour today...
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Why is mine 23%? How do yall keep yalls so low?
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Does anybody know how to stop play music wake locks?
Sent From My HyperDriven Note 3
Sent From My HyperDriven Note 3
XzxBATTxzX said:
Sent From My HyperDriven Note 3
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One of two things, turn it off If you don't use it, and if you do maybe try a force stop.
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Takinato said:
I don't even see phone and I was on it for like an hour today...
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You have to turn on advanced mode in Settings
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This app doesn't help me at all unfortunately. My issue is my phone won't 11 hours it was awake almost 6. No clue why because better battery stats and WLD tells me nothing other than it was awake.
Anyone else experience this
sEnt from thE noTe 3
Rippley05 said:
This app doesn't help me at all unfortunately. My issue is my phone won't 11 hours it was awake almost 6. No clue why because better battery stats and WLD tells me nothing other than it was awake.
Anyone else experience this
sEnt from thE noTe 3
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Can you post a picture? Maybe you have location services on. An amazing app I use is "app ops starter". Allows you to modify permissions of apps. Don't like that a app can use your camera? Disable it. Also you can see when your apps access them. I hope this helps you out!
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[Q] Battery Drain?

I just purchased my s5 a week back. From the last 2-3 days i charge my battery to 90-100% at night and sleeep and when i wake up it 10-15%. I turn off everything: wifi, data, bluetooth, gps, sync, nfc, etc.
Any solutions?
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Install 'BetterBatteryStats' and you'll specifically be able to see what's keeping your phone from sleeping/what's using all that battery.
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Inm8 said:
Install 'BetterBatteryStats' and you'll specifically be able to see what's keeping your phone from sleeping/what's using all that battery.
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Okay thank you! Will try that too!
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