Swiftkey vs Samsung Keyboard - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Which one do you prefer and why? Samsung really picked up their game with the keyboard on the Note 3 and I like some things about the Samsung Keyboard better and some of Swiftkey. I usually lean towards using swiftkey cuz I paid for it lol.
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Swiftkey because I can reduce it. The smallest size swiftkey is fine on the large Note screen. The Samsung keyboard takes up way too much screen space.
Both have good swiping and text prediction.
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I prefer SwiftKey.
- Can type exclamation/interrogation points very very fast with a finger swipe. What a big big mistake Samsung did here. I have used SwifKey in other phones and love it, but i actually liked the stock keyboard but i couldn't stand to long press every single time i wanted to type a exclamation point!
- Flow is faster compared to Swipe on Samsung keyboard. It "hangs" for a second, when swiping multiple words, before it puts the works on the text box.
- Resizable
- Themes
- Hate how slow delete is compared to Samsung keyboard.
Can't comment on the prediction accuracy on stock keyboard, but in Swiftkey is very good.
I'm probably forgetting something, but this is pretty much it.

Lack of number row and emoticons killed it for me. Heard it was coming in an update soon, but til then I'm sticking to stock
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babyshanks said:
Lack of number row and emoticons killed it for me. Heard it was coming in an update soon, but til then I'm sticking to stock
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These 2 functions are already available on swiftkey beta version. Google for it.
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antt00 said:
These 2 functions are already available on swiftkey beta version. Google for it.
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Nice, didn't know that. I'll give it a try
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Sammy keyboard all the way for me. Earlier I used touchpal.

Sammy only because it has the number row. I heard swiftkey is adding this feature but i'm not completely sure

Kawaisa said:
Sammy only because it has the number row. I heard swiftkey is adding this feature but i'm not completely sure
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Like antt00 said, check out their website the new beta includes number row and it's free. I'm testing it now and so far no bugs.
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I like swiftkey but cant figure out how to remove predictive row. I dont like using predictive but being able to resize and make it smaller is an excellent feature. I prefee using less screen real estate for the keyboard so being able to remove predictive suggestions would be good
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I prefer A.I Keyboard , it's the best

Definitely Swiftkey Keyboard.
Why I chose Swiftkey over Samsung keyboard
- Highly accurate predictions so I can type really rapidly on the keyboard (I love this the best)
- Eye-candy themes to choose from
Now that Swiftkey Beta 4.5 has came out with Emojis and added a dedicated number row, all the more I'm leaning towards Swiftkey.

ABSOLUTLY swiftkey is the best from all market place

what about google keyboard?

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The new SwiftKey keyboard has the number row and you can put the direction keys at the bottom. It is the best.

The one thing that isn't good about the SwiftKey beta is that when the number row is active, the popup numbers ought to hide themselves in the top row of the keyboard, but they don't. It's very distracting. I was going to post it as a feature request, but I found that others had mentioned it as well, so all I could do was just agree that it should be changed.


Perfect Keyboard

Im not sure if this topic has been discussed here but wanted to mention it anyway.
I was amazed at how fast I was typing on the stock Samsung keyboard. The only thing I didnt really like was the settings key being on the layout. There were times that I was accidentaly pressing it which would disrupt what I was typing.
I consider myself as an Android newbie and didn't know there were alternative keyboards out there.
So I went ahead and tried Perfect Keyboard and wow, let me just tell you that I am typing with so much more accuracy and speed. I went ahead and purchased the full version.
I dont work for them or anything but I really recommend the app.
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I personally prefer the Swype keyboard. I feel like its much faster than any typing keyboard.
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I like Swype. Swyping is relaxed typing compared to playing arcade game with others.
I agree Swype also can make me hold the phone with one hand more lol
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Can't stand Swype. I like thumb keyboard with the WP7 theme and sounds. Use standard layout. I've tried them all always return to thumb keyboard. Highly recommend.
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I use A.I. Type keyboard and love it. Loads of cool themes for it too.
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Prozac69 said:
I use A.I. Type keyboard and love it. Loads of cool themes for it too.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note using XDA Premium app.
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Gave it a two week trial. Couldn't forgive the lag when initially typing. Drove me up the wall waiting on it to catch up. Other than the lag it was decent but still loses to thumb keyboard IMO.
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Using Hacker's Keyboard from the market.
tap*talked via GT-N7000 (GB.XXLA4)
Buy the latest version of SwiftKey X keyboard phone version....
It is as good as Swype & it is my personal alternative when I am not using Swype!
Tapashocked via my Galaxy Note with a SwiftKey X !
I also am using Hacker's Keyboard.
I love SwiftKey x predictions!
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I checked it but no Turkish support:-(
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eroracing said:
I love SwiftKey x predictions!
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I own Swift Key X and if you type slow the predictions are neat but it sucks when trying to type fast. Very inaccurate even with the fast typing setting.
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What I miss from Swype keyboard is the ability that Samsung one has to detect you are using the pen and switch to handwriting. Swype + hand writing when using the pen, that's what I want
I really like the swiftkey x predictions but the spacebar is too narrow and I keep hitting the period. I love the split 5 inch mode of thumb keyboard - much more comfortable for me.
side note - when handing your phone to others, its best to use a non predicting keyboard as it can really throw them off.
Ics keyboard for me with aggressive mode.
Its really easy to type and corrects any miss presses.
Its available from the market for free.
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anybody have FlexT9? i cant find it in my market?
I gave Swift Key a try as well. It seemed like it detected my Note as a tablet as an error prompt of some sort appeared when I initially ran it.
"Wrong version, this is a tablet. Please download the correct version" or something likr that. Worked fine but still ended up with Perfect Keyboard. Ü
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Swiftkey TABLET keyboard people....TABLET...
Im using thumb keyboard for the split layout.

[Q]Better than Swype?

I just want to know is there any keyboard which is better than Swype in matter of recognition and word deletion/correction?
ICS keyboard is the best one I've seen so far for android, as I'm a really fast typer coming from IOS (vest keyboard over all), I installed ICS keyboard from the play store and set the auto correct to aggressive so as I type every few words my eyes just look to the screen to see if the keyboard auto correct wrong any words then I correct it manually or just continue talking.
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fabu09 said:
ICS keyboard is the best one I've seen so far for android, as I'm a really fast typer coming from IOS (vest keyboard over all), I installed ICS keyboard from the play store and set the auto correct to aggressive so as I type every few words my eyes just look to the screen to see if the keyboard auto correct wrong any words then I correct it manually or just continue talking.
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I beg your pardon but ICS Keyboard doesn't support Swype/Swipe input.
SwiftKey 3, is good.
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Djoudi said:
SwiftKey 3, is good.
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Swiftkey is da best!
+1 for swiftkey
Swiftkey 3
Swiftkey or swype
SwiftKey 3 rocks
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Swiftkey 3 has the best word prediction and correction that I've seen.
But the current Swype beta is close to it.
Both will get better the longer you use them
I can enter in text faster using Swype beta than Swiftkey.
Even faster again if I use the S Pen.
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Swift key is one of the best in terms of prediction. But sometimes I find it a bit laggy.
I'd liked Swift Key 3 but it does not support swyping input on keyboard guys.
I liked the way it recognizes and corrects words.
I used to love Ultra Keyboard...but it doesn't work properly now on ICS....gets force closes...
I prefer Swiftkey 3. My flatmate prefers swype.
Pretty much everyone I know uses either swiftkey or swype.
new swype beta also has word prediction.
I have found that the standard ICS keyboard is best primarily, in addition to it being very accurate, It allows for speech recognition where you do not have to speak all at once- you can take breaks between words without any problem, whereas swype does not. Be sure to enble personalized recognition in settings as it does not do this manually. IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE AND I DONT EVEN HAVE A WEIRD ACCENT.
SandeepEmekar said:
I beg your pardon but ICS Keyboard doesn't support Swype/Swipe input.
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I meant alternative keyboard other than swipe, I never did get used to swype, but that's just my opinion.
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fabu09 said:
ICS keyboard is the best one I've seen so far for android, as I'm a really fast typer coming from IOS (vest keyboard over all), I installed ICS keyboard from the play store and set the auto correct to aggressive so as I type every few words my eyes just look to the screen to see if the keyboard auto correct wrong any words then I correct it manually or just continue talking.
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Can you put a link on the post because there are a few there on the play store. XD thanks. Hehe.
-Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note.
+1 for Swiftkey.
Facemeat said:
+1 for Swiftkey.
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+1 great keyboard
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After so much suggestions towards "Swift Key 3", I am on it now.
I'll try to get used to it.
But I am now really fast with "Swype".
Don't know which to use for a long time yet.

Which keyboard you use, GN2 default swype (Continues Input) or third party

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I prefer default with continues input. It's the best
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I use A I keyboard pro.. nice and you can size it instantly..
Original does not have good arabic layout..
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I'm using SwiftKey Flow.
You can flow couple of words at the same time, which is awesome, and you can enter ?/! very fast!
Samsung keyboard. Only one with swipe, handwriting and number row. AFAIK.
For me the Samsung continues input is a very superior option. Even with fast and sometimes inaccurate swiping it manages to get it just right most of the time. One of the best keyboards I've used. It's just so fast and accurate.
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hacker's keyboard for me the best!!
Samsung keyboard memorize your frequently used sentence even. You enter the first word and it will keep predicted the entire sentence. Love the default one with continues input
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The default keyboard is the best IMHO. Every other keyboard, irrespective of its benefits, leaves out the benefits of Note 2: lacking in s-pen support etc.
The only irritation with the default keyboard is that there is no autocorrect. I have to manually choose the correct word from the list and it doesn't autopick the selected words when space is pressed.
For me samsung the best.
Anyone find a way to enable Swift Key or Swype tablet modes? One of the best options on the default keyboard is that it has one-handed control. Swype and swift key have this mode as well but only for tablets. I miss easily swyping symbols. Perhaps the only way is to root and change the DPI?
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I am now using the Kii Keyboard and loving it. Very fast and accurate typing with lots of options to customize.
I prefer stock JB 4.2 Keyboard. I canys stand stock overcrowded/cluttered keyboards.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317
I prefer gn2 default stock keyboard.. I write a lot in Serbian, and i can use swype then.. When im writing on english i use handwriting or prediction.
The numbers above keyboard are Major ability why i choose stock keyboard
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I have been using SwiftKey since it first came out. Would try others but always came back to SwiftKey. For typing or swype, I just am not getting comfortable with the stock keyboard but would hate to lose the s-pen button. I will be a very happy camper if SwiftKey adds support for the s-pen.
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SwiftKey 3 for me, since I type both English and German text, and the keyboard recognizes (and makes suggestions for) both languages at the same time.
Been using SwiftKey 3 tablet version for a while now.
Have to say it's the best I've ever used.
And it works very nicely with my 240 dpi mode.
Also nice keyboard when in landscape mode
I alternate keyboards randomly!
Sent From An Incognegro Galaxy Note 2
darni said:
Samsung keyboard. Only one with swipe, handwriting and number row. AFAIK.
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I use SwiftKey Flow and then s pen board switcher to switch to handwriting mode when pen comes out.
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Swype is the reason for me to stick with Android, but their latest beta is ****ed up with dictionary issues, so I tried latest SwiftKey Flow Beta, and it has some issues as well, so for now it's Samsung's default keyboard with continuous input. But I'm keenly waiting for the next beta of Swype, which is coming shortly as per their mod.
Sent from my GT-N7100

[Q] Which swipe keyboard is better?

Which you prefer most?
Swift key hands down is the best. You won't use any other keyboard. :thumbup:
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bigox said:
Swift key hands down is the best. You won't use any other keyboard. :thumbup:
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Couldn't agree more. I've been using it since the original beta. I have tried other keyboards on and off, just to see what they offer, and always go back to SwiftKey.
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bigox said:
Swift key hands down is the best. You won't use any other keyboard. :thumbup:
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I rather like Google's keyboard https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin&hl=en_GB
Billy Madison said:
Which you prefer most?
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If you are the person who is a tap to type and swipes occasionally, then Swift Key hands down or TouchPal X which has been recently updated and is now a contender
If you prefer to swype and have the most forgiving swype experience, then I would go swype & dragon all the way.
FYI.... I've bought them all and tried all them. Ultra Keyboard, Swype, Swiftkey, Kii Keyboard, TouchPal, SlideIt, google keyboard, Etc.
Good luck
Just wish swift key had a dedicated number row.
Touchpal FTW
sent from state where marijuana is NOT illegal ! now Free
tried all, for swiping, swype reigns
I never tap to text anymore and have been using the swipe method for texting and typing on my smartphone for sometime now, and I have tried all the major and most minor keyboards out there including buying the paid version of several. After testing and comparing them all, and still doing so, my opinion is swype is still the best keyboard for swipers. it intergrates everything better and just works. It's by far the most accurate and easy to edit if it does get it wrong. Though the others are good keyboards, for me, I always lose functionality when I don't use swype.
I keep trying the others though.
Currently using Google keyboard, free and it works well, will try swype keyboard and a couple of others..
I personally prefer Swype, I like the way you can copy and paste with just gestures. Swiftkey is not bad I suppose, however it does not support Chinese input which I use on a daily basis.
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Stock Google one or swiftkey are the ones I fall back to
I have to say the Google Keyboard is my favourite.
I used to use Swype back in the day, but when Google brought out their swipe keyboard, I found it much more friendly. I recently tried the Swiftkey swipe keyboard, which I like to some degree, but the one drawback is when it incorrectly guesses the word you swiped, you have to hit the backspace, then it only gives you 3 options, none of which ever seem to be the correct word. I prefer the feature of the Google keyboard where you can long press on the central word it suggests and then it gives you a grid of like 20 words it thinks you typed. That is the best feature for me.
I really like the stock Google keyboard.
TouchPal X is the best no doubt.
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Kii keyboard. Like aosp keyboard, but with many more features.
Ascertion said:
Kii keyboard. Like aosp keyboard, but with many more features.
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Kii? Is it best? Does it have swipe?
dnorthington said:
Just wish swift key had a dedicated number row.
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Something for you....Enjoy

the new keyboard 4,3 (Y)

What do you guys think about it? I loved it and I was using swiftkey on 4,2 now im using just the default one but most of the time ending up pressing "b" or "v" instade of the "space bar"
Here's some pictures for the people who didn't update their Z yet
Btw you can only use 3 language at the same time
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I was using the T9 (12 digit keypad) for texting up until just now when I changed it to qwerty keyboard - tried to change back under keyboard settings, only to find the T9 option wasn't there anymore?
What can I do? It's driving me nuts, I can't type using qwerty properly
That keyboard is actually using SwiftKey technology under the hood. Sony added a new skin and some different options a customizations and repacked it as Xperia keyboard. So what you are using is SwiftKey "by Sony", Samsung also did that with the S4 and Note 3. It is great because we have the greatest keyboard on the market out of the box.
smash_07 said:
That keyboard is actually using SwiftKey technology under the hood. Sony added a new skin and some different options a customizations and repacked it as Xperia keyboard. So what you are using is SwiftKey "by Sony", Samsung also did that with the S4 and Note 3. It is great because we have the greatest keyboard on the market out of the box.
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I don't get it though because I had the T9 previously before the update, & after the update it was still there. I managed to untick the options several times until now, & the option to use T9 was gone. I really don't like the small keys (& I have extremely small fingers!) - is there a way to get the T9 back or is this a bug from Sony?
EDIT: Ok another weird thing is that I managed to kinda fix my problem. I CAN use T9 but not under the international keyboard (default one), but under the Chinese keyboard instead? I guess I'll have to stick with that for now.. But before the option was DEFINITELY availble under the international/default one. No idea what has happened =/
smash_07 said:
That keyboard is actually using SwiftKey technology under the hood. Sony added a new skin and some different options a customizations and repacked it as Xperia keyboard. So what you are using is SwiftKey "by Sony", Samsung also did that with the S4 and Note 3. It is great because we have the greatest keyboard on the market out of the box.
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Yes i've noticed that but this one is for free
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Zewarxx said:
Yes i've noticed that but this one is for free
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What is actually the difference? I don't really understand why it's a great keyboard NOW?
Zewarxx said:
Yes i've noticed that but this one is for free
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It's almost free, you didn't pay for the keyboard but you paid for the phone so you can consider that a gift.
SalamiQueen said:
What is actually the difference? I don't really understand why it's a great keyboard NOW?
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Because it uses SwiftKey's word prediction technology which is one of the best out there. If you ever used SwiftKey (which is a paid app) you could see how great it is.
By the way, is there a way to add other languages than English to this keyboard? I like the T9 more than full keyboard.
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Jeo_m900 said:
By the way, is there a way to add other languages than English to this keyboard? I like the T9 more than full keyboard.
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Yes read my post, swipe down from the top bar & choose a different one than xperia default. I can't find any other ways to get the T9 back on the default one so the chinese 1 will have to do for now.
I might give it a go again. I like it visually better than the google one I use, but ever since the google one came out I've found it incredible, especially how well the predictions work. I found the Sony one was just horrible when the phone came out, it would miss so many words that were just one adjacent letter out. The google one I find flawless, and on top of that, the second word prediction is just incredible.
It is a big improvement but is missing one great feature from Swift Key. I like to be able to shorten the length of time to hold down a key to use its secondary input.
SalamiQueen said:
What is actually the difference? I don't really understand why it's a great keyboard NOW?
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Yep it's way more better than the old one
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Mobe1969 said:
I might give it a go again. I like it visually better than the google one I use, but ever since the google one came out I've found it incredible, especially how well the predictions work. I found the Sony one was just horrible when the phone came out, it would miss so many words that were just one adjacent letter out. The google one I find flawless, and on top of that, the second word prediction is just incredible.
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+1 although it's great i still can't do a full sentence by juat predicting it like I used to do in swiftkey
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dirtyjeff said:
It is a big improvement but is missing one great feature from Swift Key. I like to be able to shorten the length of time to hold down a key to use its secondary input.
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+1 on that and also ive noticed a bug with the key 7 and 3 sometimes while holding down to pick the number I hold 7 and get number 3 instade and the other way around also O
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I too love the new keyboard and the only thing to say is that the spacebar is a bit too short. They should make the 12!? Key smaller cause I always end up pressing full stop inatead of space. But then again that could just be me.
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Don't normally like to moan but looks wise I think it's great but the swipe function / predictive is terrible for me. Never thought it as a problem before.
Xperia Z
lyubor said:
I too love the new keyboard and the only thing to say is that the spacebar is a bit too short. They should make the 12!? Key smaller cause I always end up pressing full stop inatead of space. But then again that could just be me.
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Me too im having problems with the space bar :3
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Yeah, would love it if we could move the smiley key to where enter is to make the space bar bigger, and to be able to reduce the time it takes to long press a key to get the symbols. It makes it almost useless

