I have no idea how this started
back story
running sacs 4.3 v 4.3. no issues
one day I over sleep find it odd that my alarm did not wake me up. notice through out the day no sound coming out of my phone
thought maybe I some how blew my speaker. nope
bluetooth gets no sound
I try running samsung music. all my songs are not supported
final test
the voicemail app that comes stock with the s4. cant even play a voicemail
what I have tried
reflashing v4.3. v5.0
any help will be greatly appreciated
dewrust said:
I have no idea how this started
back story
running sacs 4.3 v 4.3. no issues
one day I over sleep find it odd that my alarm did not wake me up. notice through out the day no sound coming out of my phone
thought maybe I some how blew my speaker. nope
bluetooth gets no sound
I try running samsung music. all my songs are not supported
final test
the voicemail app that comes stock with the s4. cant even play a voicemail
what I have tried
reflashing v4.3. v5.0
any help will be greatly appreciated
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I accidently thanked you.
Go back to stock. This will delte your internal memory. Test it out and see if that helps if not then could probably the way you installed the rom. Did you dirty flash or you on mf9 bootloader?
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ROMANTiC KiD said:
I accidently thanked you.
Go back to stock. This will delte your internal memory. Test it out and see if that helps if not then could probably the way you installed the rom. Did you dirty flash or you on mf9 bootloader?
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Mf9 bootloader
Been working fine for a few weeks then all of a sudden it does not support playing any media
Was hoping I didnt have too flash stock but if I dont get a fixed by the time I get home tonight ill odin stock mf9
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Reflashed the mf9 baseband and all sound came back
No idea why this messed up
Edit: case closed
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Hello ever since i flashed the crawjs MF9 tar my lte speed is terrible and my friend same phone stock gets 20mbps where i get 1mbps if that ive flashed different roms hoping to fix it i updated profile and prl still no luck someone help me thanks in advance
Go back to stock unrooted and perform a factory wipe.
Or also on a touchwiz ROM do a ##72786# in the dialer. It reactivates your phone.
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jamal717 said:
Hello ever since i flashed the crawjs MF9 tar my lte speed is terrible and my friend same phone stock gets 20mbps where i get 1mbps if that ive flashed different roms hoping to fix it i updated profile and prl still no luck someone help me thanks in advance
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First confirm that your baseband and software version say mf9 in about device. If not you need to install the modem again. I have experienced, on occasion, where installing the stock tar from Odin doesn't always update everything on the first or sometimes even the second try. Also what Rom version is your friend using? If your modem is mf9 and his is something else maybe the modem is a problem in your area. I am using it with no speed issues.
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crawrj said:
First confirm that your baseband and software version say mf9 in about device. If not you need to install the modem again. I have experienced, on occasion, where installing the stock tar from Odin doesn't always update everything on the first or sometimes even the second try. Also what Rom version is your friend using? If your modem is mf9 and his is something else maybe the modem is a problem in your area. I am using it with no speed issues.
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See well now i flashed that blue kuban rom so it says
Software version- MDL
Baseband MDL
Kernel is ktoones
Idk where the modem is...
what do you think i should do?? if its the modem where do i find an appropriate one? I kind of want to go back to 100% stock but even when i flash Crawjs mf9 it still says MDL in my settings about.... Could this be the issue? If so what do i do
daniel4653 said:
Go back to stock unrooted and perform a factory wipe.
Or also on a touchwiz ROM do a ##72786# in the dialer. It reactivates your phone.
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I will try this also
Edit: that did not do the trick :\ thank you for the response tho
jamal717 said:
See well now i flashed that blue kuban rom so it says
Software version- MDL
Baseband MDL
Kernel is ktoones
Idk where the modem is...
what do you think i should do?? if its the modem where do i find an appropriate one? I kind of want to go back to 100% stock but even when i flash Crawjs mf9 it still says MDL in my settings about.... Could this be the issue? If so what do i do
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I know this will sound odd but Odin the tar a couple of times back to back or until about device shows mf9 for everything.
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The crawj tar? Alright I will when I get off work idk why it didnt say mf9
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jamal717 said:
The crawj tar? Alright I will when I get off work idk why it didnt say mf9
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Yeah or completely stock mf9. Either one will work. It happens to me also. Not sure why it doesn't always take on the first try.
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Okay ill try both have yiu ever had the data issues tho
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jamal717 said:
Okay ill try both have yiu ever had the data issues tho
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No I haven't had that problem. But I also just got 4G in my area about a month ago so I don't have very much time on it.
crawrj said:
No I haven't had that problem. But I also just got 4G in my area about a month ago so I don't have very much time on it.
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Okay I am having terrible luck i downloaded your tar again stock rooted odexed mf9... flashed it through odin it passed rebooted stuck on yellow sprint sign :\ im now in the process of reflashing through odin.... I want my note back lol
Flashed everything says mf9 still bad lte speeds I kay return this to the store
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I was wondering if a new method to install the last OTA was out. I didnt feel comfortable doing the methods I saw before. Like doing a backup then going stock then reinstalling root. Im hoping there is a apk file and only needing to install that and be done. I looked and couldnt find anything but that is probably my fault. Lol
Sent from your moms room
byebyev8 said:
I was wondering if a new method to install the last OTA was out. I didnt feel comfortable doing the methods I saw before. Like doing a backup then going stock then reinstalling root. Im hoping there is a apk file and only needing to install that and be done. I looked and couldnt find anything but that is probably my fault. Lol
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Easiest way is to download the firmware from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43418277 then download the app mobile odin from the play store. Then use the app to flash the tar file and then you are on the mf9 baseband and firmware. Then flash the mf9 rom and you have the entire OTA update.
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Seriously? If you are rooted. Just flash mf9 stock rooted ROM.
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Like windows, the best way is to do a full install and not an upgrade. Use PC Odin to flash the official full mf9 md5 tar. Reroot it. PC Odin seems to do a more thorough job than mobile Odin pro app. IMO, back up everything then do a full flash. The file is like 2.2gb. Yes that patch upgrade might work but you will have better performance and less problems if you do a full install tar.md5. I haven't messed with the full zip cwm flash, so I can't vouch for it. I have done what I explained and noticed better performance than just taking the update file. Yes it's more work but I, and a few other people, agree it's worth the extra time spent. Titanium backup can help speed things up, but doing the full job is better IMO.
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daniel4653 said:
Seriously? If you are rooted. Just flash mf9 stock rooted ROM.
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Flashing the rom does not give you the modem/firmware.
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wotandsdwys said:
Flashing the rom does not give you the modem/firmware.
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Bet he was referring to this method or similar: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2357471
Which IMO the steps listed by crawrj in post #2 is still the easiest/fastest way to get to stock rooted MF9. But to each his own.
Yeah, I was ready on the mf9 rom, so just downloaded the firmware tar and used mobile odin for that. Haven't noticed any performance issues or anything, although I have nothing to compare it to other than different roms.
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Ok. Here is what I have done and where I am at. First off I consider myself a noob. I am rooted with odex. I used the method from qbking77. My build was mdl on both lines under about phone. No issues there at all.
So last night I downloaded the MF9 zip file. Not the ones from craw. I used oden. I had to update the one file in note pad. I then put the MF9 file in the pda field on odin and installed. It installed and said passed. Now under about phone the build says MF9 and the other is mdl. No biggie there. Now the new rom is not taking. Im getting the stupid knox message and will delete that. My wifi is not working. I did read that a guy flashes the new rom and kernel and everything was fine. I go into twrp to flash the rom but cannot find it. I am assuming it starts off with mf9 in file name. This is where I need help and that help dumbed down for me. I just want the app to sd and the camera update.
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To get WiFi to work you just need to.flash a new kernel. Go with agat or ktoonz. You need to be on MF9 based ROM to have the apps to SD and the camera update.
To update your baseband you need to flash the update modem zip. I'll try to get you a link.
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The mf9 does show but it isnt what is running. It did load once last night but everything of mine was gone and I kinda freaked out and reloaded a backup.
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byebyev8 said:
The mf9 does show but it isnt what is running. It did load once last night but everything of mine was gone and I kinda freaked out and reloaded a backup.
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I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here.
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I've had bad luck with every custom kernel. Some, after flashing, the phone heats up and won't cool down. All of them seem to make my keyboard flip out.
For using Mobile Odin pro, it finished the flash much faster than PC Odin, so I wonder if it did everything properly. With my previous phone, e4gt, it wouldn't flash modems. I don't know if it works or not with this phone. I haven't tested. Tested meaning purposely flash a md5 with a different baseband to see if it actually changed it.
Let me see if I can say this better cause I am a noob. I am running odex rooted. Basically stock. I want MF9. I installed MF9 and it shows that under about device. Now when the phone boots it is still running 4.2. 4.3 is not running. When i finally got 4.3 to run all my apps and everything was gone. I freak out and installed a backup so now im back to 4.2. Now on 4.2 and 4.3 my wifi is not working. So what I need help with is getting 4.3 to run and my wifi to work.
byebyev8 said:
Let me see if I can say this better cause I am a noob. I am running odex rooted. Basically stock. I want MF9. I installed MF9 and it shows that under about device. Now when the phone boots it is still running 4.2. 4.3 is not running. When i finally got 4.3 to run all my apps and everything was gone. I freak out and installed a backup so now im back to 4.2. Now on 4.2 and 4.3 my wifi is not working. So what I need help with is getting 4.3 to run and my wifi to work.
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What the heck are you talking about? 4.2.2 is the only software available for the Sprint S4. The MF9 update does not update your android version to 4.3. It is just a service update to touch wiz to improve performance and add some features. 4.3 android is a work in progress on our phones and not 100% functioning.
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cruise350 said:
What the heck are you talking about? 4.2.2 is the only software available for the Sprint S4. The MF9 update does not update your android version to 4.3. It is just a service update to touch wiz to improve performance and add some features. 4.3 android is a work in progress on our phones and not 100% functioning.
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What he said. What specific rom are you trying to install? If it's Touchwiz, it'll only be 4.2.2. Which recovery are you using?
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I was only trying to uae that as a exaample but didnt say so. I know there is no 4.3. I should have added that. My fault
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I used qbking77 root method. I only used odex and twrp. I havent installed any other roms. Under device info its MF9 and MDL. Sorry I confused this issue with my noobness.
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This is the method I used to install MF9. I really need some help!
Use this, not the one you posted. That'll confuse you if you're new. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2375523
Official MF9 tar is up~!
Use this to root. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2291827
[SPH-L720] CF-Auto-Root
Sorry, I'm doing all this copy paste on the phone.
Since my S4 is bricked and I have no MF3 Odin to save it, I put on the Beta I337UCUEMJ6. It works fine. Now my phone is alive. I'm going to keep this one at stock.
I've not noticed any big difference vs. the MF3.
The official MJ6 should come soon.
As if this morning there are mf3 files for Odin. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=46943588
That's great news but people on mj6 can't go back.
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[email protected] said:
That's great news but people on mj6 can't go back.
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You are correct. But for those who are semi-bricked they have another option other than mj6, or best buy
I could not find MF3 Odin files. That is why I put on the MJ6. This phone will run stock only. I just want it to work....
Can anyone confirm whether this gets rid of the talk back issues running a pebble watch
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I updated to kitkat today after I unrooted then I used odin v1.85 n the tar.md5 file for rooting the rooting went fine but everytime I try to kick in wifi or hot spot it says" your phones security has blocked an action..."???
Also my baseband is mk2 n my buildnumber is nae
Little more background info after updating I tried to put the nae hotspot mod into my framework n backed up my old ones by putting .bak n restarted the phone n the hotspot nor wifi worked so I removed the modded ones n put back the stock n tried that still didn't work n then unrooted n tried again n neither of the two work I can use any advice that is given Thanks
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Just wondering if you thought about flashing the hotspot mod instead of pushing the files yourself.
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Yeah I did but at this point I just want to get my wifi working even without root cause it's not working currently n I'm unrooted n which number do we look at for the hotspot mod the build number or the other one
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You need to start from scratch, you say you updated to Kit Kat after unrooting?? The reason why your phone isn't working properly is your update didn't complete properly. You have mismatches in your software version and baseband. Did you update with the OTA file or did you install one of the semi custom roms from the development section. Anyway, the wifi problem is probably a mismatch between your baseband and your kernel. Sense your software is NAE and your baseband is MK2 I don't know which hotspot you should use. Straighten out your install first and then you should have working wifi and hotspot.
Well how do I start from scratch to be honest I used the the supersu unroot tool cause mine was stock but rooted but then I hit the install icon in my notification window n it started installing the update n it succeeded n it says I'm on kit kat but software and basband version are on mk2 n my build number is nae ?
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13jkilgo said:
Well how do I start from scratch to be honest I used the the supersu unroot tool cause mine was stock but rooted but then I hit the install icon in my notification window n it started installing the update n it succeeded n it says I'm on kit kat but software and basband version are on mk2 n my build number is nae ?
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Then the update failed. You could try to Odin the NAE modem files but that might not fix you. If it was me, I would try to Odin the stock mk2 file and see if it completes. If it fails, then your bootloader was upgraded to NAE and you won't be able to go stock. If it completes, then you should be fully mk2 again and you can try the ota and hopefully it succeeds this time.if it succeeds everything should show NAE.
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This may sound stupid but we're do I bet the stock mk2 file from I'm new to this
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13jkilgo said:
This may sound stupid but we're do I bet the stock mk2 file from I'm new to this
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"We are do I bet the stock mk2"? I hope you're asking where do you get stock mk2 tar file. If so its in the development section by random45
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Yeah that's what I meant but thanks u appreciate it
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13jkilgo said:
Yeah that's what I meant but thanks u appreciate it
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Came into another problem i went to plug my phone into the computer and now everytime i try to it says that same security message. any ideas??
I recently received an AT&T Galaxy S4 from one of my friends and it was already updated to KitKat 4.4. Well.. i was bored with touchwiz so i had to experiment.. I tried to downgrade to 4.3 and it worked, except I cant make or accept calls, and i cant play any audio/video file. I've tried using Odin to flash to the leak 4.4 firmware, and it didnt work, also i downloaded the OTA and it also didnt work. I messed up and didnt make any backups or NANDROID, so knowing how helpful is XDA is, ive brought my issue to you guy!! Sorry for bad grammer, im in a hurry to post this! Any help would be appreciated!
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Thanks! But miraculously I re tried the OTA, and it worked perfectly!!
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