[Q] Samsung Galaxy S4 GTI9505 Viber fix? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys!
I have an issue with my Viber app on my custom ROM. I have tried multiple ROMs and I have experienced the same issue multiple times. After Viber has run for approximately 10 minutes it will either crash my device or force close ending my call, and when I attempt to call the recipient back they can't hear me and I can't hear them. I haven't yet found a fix to this. I am currently running Foxhound Diamond Dogs 3.4 with theatest KT Kernel. TW build 14/11/13.
Help would be appreciated.
Thank you.



call problem, please help!

hey everyone,
for a couple days now I have a weird and really annoying problem wich keeps getting worse. Almost every time now I make or receive a call my phone hangs up on me. most of the time right after a couple milliseconds, sometimes after a couple seconds. Tried to change kernel, and modem, but both didnt help...
Am running SlimICS 4.0 atm with Semaphore 1.2.5s, tried devil too though.
Rom has been running for over a week without any issues before...
Anyone experienced anything similair???
Thank you!
If it's not the kernel nor the modem maybe you have a faulty Phone.apk.
Did you flash any system app recently?
Anyway, I suggest a clean re-flash of the entire ROM. Or at least of a new Phone apk.

[Q] Speaker problems after hyperdrive Rls8.

Hello once i loaded the latest hyperdrive rls8 rom on the galaxy note 3 i noticed i cant hear anything when i put it in speaker mode like voicemails or like bbm voice chat, only phone call speaker mode works, and want to know if there is a fix for this.
Thanks for the help.
Hyperdrive has a Q&A thread here, you're better of asking there. Try a clean install.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 3 ?

[Q] Phone lock up, camera freez.

Hey all
I need some urgent help with my N7100 which is running slimkat 4.4
Ever since i rooted & installed Slimkat 4.4 rom i'm experiencing camera freezes & phone lock ups which is becoming frustrating i have tried & searched various options but seems to work is there expert help on this matter.
Thanks in advance

Which roms are stable in making the audio during calls work?

I was wondering if you have any suggestions on rom where the audio will work during calls.
I have tried stock nexus 5.0, 5.0.1, 4.4.4 and PA latest Alpha.
All of these continued to give me no audio during call.
Instead of keeping on trying roms randomly, I wanted to try something which is likely to work.
Somebody mentioned omni rom is working with audio during call, is this the general feeling?
I really like Lollipop interface and would love to have a lollipop rom if possible? Any other advice on why my audio during calls may not be working even with downgrading to 4.4.4?
Edit: Tried OMni ROm Feb 13, 2015 Nightly; 3.4.0-perf-ge7e8c8f omnirom kernel; baseband M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1701.03
Please help because audio during calls is still not working!
Bump... plz help... I am trying my best i can with my basic skills and am looking out to the community for some guidance.
If you don't a get audio in calls on stock you have a defective device. A rom isn't going to make a difference
Sent from my Nexus 9 using XDA Free mobile app
This problem only started once lollipop build came out. And i believe it is a problem loads of people are facing... something to do wit google play... I doubt that it's a defective device issue. Also, there are times when the audio does work and audio almost always works if I put the device on speakerphone. I am puzzled though why it is not working with OMNI and stock 4.4.4... could it have something to do with radio or bootloader? Are these aspects changed when flashing from TWRP recovery?

Phone calls not working as it should

Hey guys, when I'm in a phone call the other person can't ear me properly, I can listen him just fine but he says there's a lot a strange noises and my voice is weird, the problem occurs with everyone. I already tried to update/change the bootloader and the modem but the bug persists, I'm running a custom Sammy Lollipop rom, but I had the same problem with Temasek CM12 builds. Any Idea ?
Thank's in advance

