Not recognized in recovery - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

I was attempting to install a new KitKat ROM. The installation failed, and now the phone only sits at the Samsung boot logo. Since I downloaded the ROM using my phone, I figured the download was corrupt.
I put my phone into recovery to sideload a new ROM .zip downloaded from my pc.
Computer gives me a USB error sound
In device manager on windows, the phone displays as "SAMSUNG_Android" with an exclamation point.
I have correct drivers installed, computer recognizes when its not in recovery mode.
So if anyone could explain why it isn't being recognized it would be of great help!
Also, if I tried to mount the device as USB from recovery I get this
"E: Unable to mount '/usb-otg' "
I assumed that had something to do with it not being recognized.
I Googled this for about an hour and a half now... few people are having this with even fewer people responding to help. I may just be awful at searching though...

I assume you have a custom recovery? If so, boot into recovery and restore a nandroid

jd1639 said:
I assume you have a custom recovery? If so, boot into recovery and restore a nandroid
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Yeah I forgot to make one... And formatted previous ones a while back...

INSM Sin said:
Yeah I forgot to make one... And formatted previous ones a while back...
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Well, lesson learned, always have a nandroid. If you have kies, uninstall it then reinstall your usb drivers. You know you have to push a rom onto the device, now you need to figure out how to get the device recognized on your pc.

jd1639 said:
Well, lesson learned, always have a nandroid. If you have kies, uninstall it then reinstall your usb drivers. You know you have to push a rom onto the device, now you need to figure out how to get the device recognized on your pc.
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Deleting Kies as we speak. I did manage to get windows to recognize it while its in recovery. Now, after attempting adb sideload "filename" I get
"failed to write data 'protocol fault <no status>'" in command prompt.
And yes... lesson learned.


Soft brick (Already searched up and down)

So I messed up my Nexus somehow. I was trying to install MIUI coming from Carbon ROM but something went wrong as it got stuck on the miui logo. So I rebooted to TWRP and restored my backup. So then I tried to install PA and then it just got stuck on the google logo. So i restored my backup again and tried again to no avail. Then after that I couldn't restore my backup ( I keep getting FAILED as soon as the data restore starts). I can boot to Recovery but I dunno what to do. I tried sideloading but that's not working. I tried the toolkit but everytime it tries to download the factory image it says 404. The phone charges and whatnot but I don't know what to do. I only have the PA rom on my phone and reinstalling it doesn't do anything. The only weird thing is that when I try to install the PA gapps I get a FAILED message. Any help would be appreciated
varem said:
So I messed up my Nexus somehow. I was trying to install MIUI coming from Carbon ROM but something went wrong as it got stuck on the miui logo. So I rebooted to TWRP and restored my backup. So then I tried to install PA and then it just got stuck on the google logo. So i restored my backup again and tried again to no avail. Then after that I couldn't restore my backup ( I keep getting FAILED as soon as the data restore starts). I can boot to Recovery but I dunno what to do. I tried sideloading but that's not working. I tried the toolkit but everytime it tries to download the factory image it says 404. The phone charges and whatnot but I don't know what to do. I only have the PA rom on my phone and reinstalling it doesn't do anything. The only weird thing is that when I try to install the PA gapps I get a FAILED message. Any help would be appreciated
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Have you tried to install another rom on your nexus?
you can put it on with adb push command from recovery though a pc, and then wipe everything and try to install it.
Or you can download stock 4.2.2 rom here:
Here you can find your factory image directly from google:
How do I adb push?
varem said:
How do I adb push?
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you must enter into recovery, connect your phone to your pc with usb cable and then you should be able to see your device,
adb devices
on CMD and it can see your phone type
adb push **your-rom-from-computer** /sdcard/
then just install it from the recovery
When you say recovery do you mean the main menu? I'm using TWRP and when I'm on the main menu my PC doesnt read the device
My bad I should have tried a tool kit already
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
mmh i don't have twrp so i don't know, do you have the option to mount sdcard to usb?
varem said:
When you say recovery do you mean the main menu? I'm using TWRP and when I'm on the main menu my PC doesnt read the device
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Ok, wait. I need some clarification. I'm going to try to be as simple as possible, to make sure we are on the same page. When you say your PC doesn't read the device, do you mean through adb or on Windows Explorer?
If you mean through Windows Explorer, then that is not where you need to be. You must get adb working as a bridge to your device. Use this sticky guide to get it set up. I would recommend reading that guide top to bottom anyway, it's extremely informative and new-user friendly. Anyway, the info you need is in the 'Setting up ADB for our device:' section.
If you have adb installed, you need to check to see if it recognizes your device. Do this by opening up cmd and navigating to the folder that adb.exe is located. After that, use 'adb devices' to see if adb recognizes your device. If so, move to the next paragraph. If not, your drivers aren't set up properly for recovery mode. Go into Device Manager on your computer and find your device (under something like 'Other devices', or 'Android device'). If you find it, then get these drivers and install them for the device. Do this by right-clicking, and selecting 'Update Driver Software...', 'Browse my computer for driver software', and browse to that folder. I may have missed a few steps on installing the drivers, it's been a while. If so, just search on how to do it, or post back here. I'm sure I can walk through it and get a more precise guide.
Assuming you have adb installed and it recognizes your device, you need to open up cmd and navigate to the folder that adb.exe is located. Then, use the adb push command as outlined above.
Download stock images from Google's website and flash it via fastboot. If you don't know how to do it then use a toolkit like WuguFresh to do it for you.
Sent from my Nexus 4
You can also use the toolkit for pushing a ROM in your SDcard, or backup your SD in your pc.
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus 4 en utilisant Tapatalk 4 Beta
The PC reads the device as it detects it but when I type in adb devices it doesnt show up. It only ever shows up when I enter the sideload menu in TWRP
atulalvenkar said:
Download stock images from Google's website and flash it via fastboot. If you don't know how to do it then use a toolkit like WuguFresh to do it for you.
Sent from my Nexus 4
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Thanks man. This toolkit saved my nexus!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

[URGENT] Can't access ADB or internal storage in TWRP

I flashed the wrong kernal and I'm stuck on a bootloop. I can't access my internal storage via TWRP or cant use ADB either. ADB isn't recognizing the device. Is there anyway I can come out of this without losing my data on the phone? I can see the g2 listed as Other Devices in my PC's Device Manager while plugged in. I suppose that has something to do with it. Is there some driver I need to use ADB in recovery?
sacredsoul said:
I flashed the wrong kernal and I'm stuck on a bootloop. I can't access my internal storage via TWRP or cant use ADB either. ADB isn't recognizing the device. Is there anyway I can come out of this without losing my data on the phone? I can see the g2 listed as Other Devices in my PC's Device Manager while plugged in. I suppose that has something to do with it. Is there some driver I need to use ADB in recovery?
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not sure if you found out already but
all you have t do is go to mount and mount what uou need
sacredsoul said:
I flashed the wrong kernal and I'm stuck on a bootloop. I can't access my internal storage via TWRP or cant use ADB either. ADB isn't recognizing the device. Is there anyway I can come out of this without losing my data on the phone? I can see the g2 listed as Other Devices in my PC's Device Manager while plugged in. I suppose that has something to do with it. Is there some driver I need to use ADB in recovery?
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device manager, right click phone, update drivers, browse computer, let me pick from a list, unclick show compatible hardware, and find LGE or LG and pick the adb driver
Yes, I solved it. Got the drivers fixed.
Fun fact : If your G2 is just getting stuck at boot, turn it off for an over and try again. I stupidly flashed a zip containing a recovery using Flashify and not the boot.img and I got stuck in Fastboot mode or it'd just stuck at the boot animation. I had given up and decided to go back to stock, wiping all my photos. But thankfully the stock flash got stuck because I am using a custom kernal. I turned it off, watched some tv and tried again. Booted right back into the rom. Flashed a proper recovery using adb, got into TWRP, reflashed my rom and didn't lose any data. @autoprime got me through the process via IRC so big kudos to him!

[Q] Lg g2 cwm bootloop?

Since someone accidently updated my rooted g2, i'm stuck in a cwm bootloop.
Whenever i boot the phone it always ends up in cwm.
When i connect the phone to my pc it doesn't detect it no matter what usb driver i install.
Is there anything i can do? (maybe a modified usb driver?)
I'm on windows 8.1 btw...
breezerx said:
Since someone accidently updated my rooted g2, i'm stuck in a cwm bootloop.
Whenever i boot the phone it always ends up in cwm.
When i connect the phone to my pc it doesn't detect it no matter what usb driver i install.
Is there anything i can do? (maybe a modified usb driver?)
I'm on windows 8.1 btw...
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Ey breezer,
Also see this thread.
If your phone is the whole time booting into recovery instead of OS I suggest to flash TWRP through clockworkmod recovery and then type the terminal commands in the TWRP recovery. Type it good and carefully cause the dd if command could wipe your whole phone, like the OP in that thread said it could nuke your phone(I didn't typed that command here cause I know that people with also maybe bad English would type that command). I hope that you still have maybe some old TWRP recovery in your storage or that you are maybe having some OTG micro sd reader or something like that? Cause If adb doesn't work in CWM then you could still maybe try Download mode and flash kdz but I don't know or it wipes the fota partition.
EDIT: Maybe also try to wipe cache in clockworkmod recovery? I never had this issue so I can't tell you exactly in steps how to fix it, especially in the clockworkmod recovery.

Stuck on TWRP without a system to boot to.

Hi, I wanted to return my g2 to stock rom because I didn't like my custom rom, so I followed the lg flash tool guide(tot):
It worked, but it was jelly bean 4.2 instead of Kit kat 4.4, so I tried to install TWRP so that I can install again a custom rom, but when I tried to backup before flashing TWRP, it wrote "backup Failed", I tried again and it wrote it again, but then the phone just stayed on the boot animation for a few seconds and didnt turn on again. After that, again I tried to do the flash tool method just to return to stock rom but now, it just doesn't work, whenever I insert the DLL and TOT file and start the installation, it goes up to 80% extremely quick and just boots up to TWRP without actually installing the stock rom. So now I'm stuck here with TWRP but without a system to boot to and no rom on my sd card to flash.
I really need help here because I have no idea how to continue.
Thanks for any help!
PriStol said:
Hi, I wanted to return my g2 to stock rom because I didn't like my custom rom, so I followed the lg flash tool guide(tot):
It worked, but it was jelly bean 4.2 instead of Kit kat 4.4, so I tried to install TWRP so that I can install again a custom rom, but when I tried to backup before flashing TWRP, it wrote "backup Failed", I tried again and it wrote it again, but then the phone just stayed on the boot animation for a few seconds and didnt turn on again. After that, again I tried to do the flash tool method just to return to stock rom but now, it just doesn't work, whenever I insert the DLL and TOT file and start the installation, it goes up to 80% extremely quick and just boots up to TWRP without actually installing the stock rom. So now I'm stuck here with TWRP but without a system to boot to and no rom on my sd card to flash.
I really need help here because I have no idea how to continue.
Thanks for any help!
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You could load the zip you want to flash to a USB drive, then connect it to your phone with an OTG cable. TWRP can read from OTG.
Can you get into download mode? (phone off, hold up volume, insert USB cable connected to computer)
thecadman99 said:
You could load the zip you want to flash to a USB drive, then connect it to your phone with an OTG cable. TWRP can read from OTG.
Can you get into download mode? (phone off, hold up volume, insert USB cable connected to computer)
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I just tried to do it through an OTG cable, it said that it flashed successfuly, but when I restarted it just went back to TWRP without booting up the system. Also, when I tried to wipe dalvik and cache, it said "wipe failed.". When I rebooted it said "It seems that the device is not rooted"... I really don't know what to do now And I can get to download mode.
PriStol said:
I just tried to do it through an OTG cable, it said that it flashed successfuly, but when I restarted it just went back to TWRP without booting up the system. Also, when I tried to wipe dalvik and cache, it said "wipe failed.". When I rebooted it said "It seems that the device is not rooted"... I really don't know what to do now And I can get to download mode.
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Can you get ADB connectivity from within TWRP if you connect your device to the PC?
If so you could do the following command from your computer.
adb push /sdcard/Download/
Then navigate to your /sdcard/Download folder and flash the ROM.
d00lz said:
Can you get ADB connectivity from within TWRP if you connect your device to the PC?
If so you could do the following command from your computer.
adb push /sdcard/Download/
Then navigate to your /sdcard/Download folder and flash the ROM.
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When I try to do ADB sideload on TWRP, it just loads forever and doesn't do anything... So I cant get ADB connectivity.
PriStol said:
When I try to do ADB sideload on TWRP, it just loads forever and doesn't do anything... So I cant get ADB connectivity.
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TWRP should detect your phone without the need for ADB sideload.
If I boot into TWRP, I can instantly run "adb devices" from the terminal my phone is picked up as a "device".
If I choose ADB Sideload, my TWRP hangs just like yours does, but if I run another "adb devices" command my device shows up in sideload mode, regardless of it hanging.
Conclusion, try running the adb commands without running sideload in the first place.
Edit: Upon reflection, this is most likely because I have created an RSA key between the PC and my phone.
d00lz said:
TWRP should detect your phone without the need for ADB sideload.
If I boot into TWRP, I can instantly run "adb devices" from the terminal my phone is picked up as a "device".
If I choose ADB Sideload, my TWRP hangs just like yours does, but if I run another "adb devices" command my device shows up in sideload mode, regardless of it hanging.
Conclusion, try running the adb commands without running sideload in the first place.
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It just says error: device not found whenever I do a command.
Please help, I really dont know what to do.
PriStol said:
I just tried to do it through an OTG cable, it said that it flashed successfuly, but when I restarted it just went back to TWRP without booting up the system. Also, when I tried to wipe dalvik and cache, it said "wipe failed.". When I rebooted it said "It seems that the device is not rooted"... I really don't know what to do now And I can get to download mode.
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Did you wiped absolutely everything before flashing? Do you have previous Nandroid backup you can just flash. Anyway if you connect your phone to PC while in TWRP what does your PC show. Anything?
yanis15 said:
Did you wiped absolutely everything before flashing? Do you have previous Nandroid backup you can just flash. Anyway if you connect your phone to PC while in TWRP what does your PC show. Anything?
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I tried to wipe but it just wrote "wipe failed". I do have a back up on my computer but for some reason when I try to connect my phone to my computer through an OTG cable, it doesn't find the backup. And my pc doesn't show anything when I connect my phone.

Erased my phone, need help.

I screwed up. I rooted my phone (oneplus 5) and was in the process of trying some new roms.
Went to install another rom and accidentally hit erase pretty much everything.
I figure no sweat, I'll just copy a rom from my PC onto the phone. No so easy.
Went in recovery (TWRP) The PC see the phone and "internal Storage" but won't allow me to copy anything to the phone, so I can't copy the rom to get back up and running.
Is there a way to flash the rom (zip) in fastboot onto the phone or a way to copy the zip to the phone so I can install it using TRWP?
I've had a mounting issue before, try rebooting to recovery, if that fails again I flashed the stock recovery to format all partitions then re flashed twrp.
blackcell1 said:
I've had a mounting issue before, try rebooting to recovery, if that fails again I flashed the stock recovery to format all partitions then re flashed twrp.
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I can get into TWRP, but I have no files there (on the phone) to flash. How do I flash from the PC? I have the ROM zip files on the PC.
Click reboot, recovery on twrp and reconnect your phone to your PC and it should mount so you can drag files over
blackcell1 said:
Click reboot, recovery on twrp and reconnect your phone to your PC and it should mount so you can drag files over
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That is not working and the device is no longer appearing in windows. Add to that, this time when I tried to communicating with it in fastboot, it the PC was reading "waiting for device" and doesn't seem to be communicating with the phone. Ugh.
Format user data in TWRP, reboot back into recovery and then try again.
Or you can run these commands in fastboot:
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot format userdata
Reboot into recovery and see if it works
rickysidhu_ said:
Format user data in TWRP, reboot back into recovery and then try again.
Or you can run these commands in fastboot:
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot format userdata
Reboot into recovery and see if it works
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It is not.
I erased data in TWRP still will not appear in windows.
I can not connect with fastboot any longer, When in fastboot and trying to connect via the PC (fastboot device) I am getting "waiting for any device" I hope I'm not dead in the water.
noncomjd said:
It is not.
I erased data in TWRP still will not appear in windows.
I can not connect with fastboot any longer, When in fastboot and trying to connect via the PC (fastboot device) I am getting "waiting for any device" I hope I'm not dead in the water.
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Erasing data is different from formatting
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Also make sure your fastboot/adb platform tools are up to date
noncomjd said:
I screwed up. I rooted my phone (oneplus 5) and was in the process of trying some new roms.
Went to install another rom and accidentally hit erase pretty much everything.
I figure no sweat, I'll just copy a rom from my PC onto the phone. No so easy.
Went in recovery (TWRP) The PC see the phone and "internal Storage" but won't allow me to copy anything to the phone, so I can't copy the rom to get back up and running.
Is there a way to flash the rom (zip) in fastboot onto the phone or a way to copy the zip to the phone so I can install it using TRWP?
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If you have the rom on PC but you're enable to copy into device..... maybe ADB sideload? Through TWRP you can also sideload a rom, connecting the phone to pc but only if ADB driver is recognized....
EDIT: if i dont remember wrong you need only to open TWRP>Advanced>ADB Sideload>Swipe to start then connect the phone to pc and the command is adb sideload
Hope i've not forgot something :good:
rickysidhu_ said:
Erasing data is different from formatting
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Also make sure your fastboot/adb platform tools are up to date
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Erasing data is different from formatting
Right you are.
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Been around computers now for a while now, you would think I'd check the basics. Was so damn pissed that I was so stupid to hit erase, I never checked the cable, it was half out...Doh!. Plugged it in and I was able to connect via fastboot, ran the two commands you wrote and was able to see my op5 on windows and was able to copy my files over.
Up and running, thank you all so very much.
rickysidhu_ said:
Erasing data is different from formatting
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Also make sure your fastboot/adb platform tools are up to date
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Erasing data is different from formatting
Right you are.
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Been around computers now for a while now, you would think I'd check the basics. Was so damn pissed that I was so stupid to hit erase, I never checked the cable, it was half out...Doh!. Plugged it in and I was able to connect via fastboot, ran the two commands you wrote and was able to see my op5 on windows and was able to copy my files over.
Up and running, thank you all so very much.
noncomjd said:
Erasing data is different from formatting
Right you are.
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Been around computers now for a while now, you would think I'd check the basics. Was so damn pissed that I was so stupid to hit erase, I never checked the cable, it was half out...Doh!. Plugged it in and I was able to connect via fastboot, ran the two commands you wrote and was able to see my op5 on windows and was able to copy my files over.
Up and running, thank you all so very much.
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No problem! We all have 'derp' errors every now and then lol. Glad you got it working!
