App Compatibilities - PAC Q&A

I've flashed nightlies for awhile now, but one thing I've noticed is that sometimes my Juice Defender app doesn't work well when it's set to turn of Mobile Data when screen is off. I have to restart the app a few times before it's working right.
In the activity log for the app I get:
ROM is not compatible with AOSP helper (band switch control is unavailable) - get CyanogenMod
But it does work occasionally.


Quick way to turn 2G/3G on and off?

Ive read that 3G on can drain your battery alot more than 2g, i was wondering if there is a quick way to switch between the two as i have been going into the settings and through that way...
There are some widgets that are just a shorcut to the 2g/3g setting page, for example 2G-3G OnOff from CurveFish.
It's a shame android doesn't turn automatically 3g off when turning off the screen, maybe some custom rom will?
I use smoda widget, just search "smoda widget"and it'll appear. It's a convenient widget that switches your connection from 2g to 3g and vice versa. It's better than other widgets as it just selects and deselects 3g net work instead of changing apn settings like some others do.
Been using it for awhile now and it's great, always off 3g when I'm not using the phone and my batt drops only 3% in 8 hours !
Actually, Smoda doesn't switch between 2g/3g, it just turns off ANY data with just one-click. So, it will indeed improve battery life but you won't receive new mails or anything while switched off, while using only 2g will improve battery life AND let you get new mails (or anything else).
oh ok, well any other ideas?
The android SO doesn't allow that change. That'a why all you find is shortcuts to the menu where you can manually switch it.
There is an app that can do that but needs a custom cyanogen rom that doesn't exist for SGS.
The ideia behind that app is great. Is would switch to 2G when the phone goes to sleep and back to 3G if you wake it up. Has a few lag problems though. Anyhow it's not for SGS.
So get a good shotcut for it
I installed SmartBar, I have a shortcut to "Quick Settings" in the notification bar.
In Quick Settings there is 3g-2G icon that takes directly to the Mobile network settings" screen where you can change "Network Mode" to "G only.
With the firmware update it changed from 2G/3G to GSM/WCDMA. Having it on GSM definetly saves battery for me at home where I get lousy 3G reception.
format said:
There is an app that can do that but needs a custom cyanogen rom that doesn't exist for SGS.
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Can you point which app is that? I thought it didn't exist.
i tried to download smart bar but it doesnt want to install, says install unsuccessfull
use Juice Defender
I am using Juice Defender and it will shut off 3G/2G when the screen is locked.
It also provides a widget to set mobile data off/on/controlled by Juice defender.
The free version can extend your battery life by 1.6.

Trouble with Juice Defender and Cyanogenmod

Ever since I got Cyanogenmod 7 working on my phone, I've had a lot of trouble getting my 3g to toggle back on after turning my screen on. I'm using JD for the toggle so is it a Juice Defender problem or a modem problem?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I have the same problem, I just switch to airplane mode and back and it fixes it. It only happens periodically, it works as it should more often then not. I attribute it to CM7 awesomeness. At least JD works, Green Power won't even try to manage the data connection.
Ah I wouldn't have thought to try that. Yeah I love this rom compared to stock so I'm more than willing to put up with a few gripes.
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TheChillburger said:
Ever since I got Cyanogenmod 7 working on my phone, I've had a lot of trouble getting my 3g to toggle back on after turning my screen on. I'm using JD for the toggle so is it a Juice Defender problem or a modem problem?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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I have this same problem and run JD but it's not a JD problem. I would say it happens to me once or twice a day(usually when the phone is powered on for more than 6 hours without a reboot). A lot of people have this and toggling back and forth between airplane mode fixed the problem pretty damn easily.
If you want a quick way to do this go to
cyanogenmod settings
notification power widget
widget buttons
select airplane mode
Now you have airplane mode in your pull down bar and you can quickly enable it and disable it when this happens.
I have two problems relating to this. My 3g wont turn on automatically when someone sends me an MMS. Usually my stock ROM would turn the 3g on and download the MMS, but now I just receive a text message from a number rather than the name of the contact, and I need to press a Download button to download the picture/MMS. Then I have to turn on my 3G manually, then I have to press the Download button, and only then do I receive the picture/MMS.
Also, It has been happening quite often now. My 3G does not turn on, even when I turn it on manually so I have to reboot my phone an only then will it turn on.
Im using CM7 nightly, latest one up to date on HTC Desire HD.
Hope someone fixes this!

WiFi issues with GSB v3.8

Seeing as the original thread was so abruptly closed, I guess I'll just ask this here.
I've experienced this from time to time on other versions of GSB, and even on KaosFroyo occasionally, but it has become way more prevalent on v3.8. Every time I turn on WiFi using the power control in the notification bar, the WiFi never seems to connect, even though the "open networks" indicator pops up. This would obviously mean that the WiFi radio is scanning, but the only way that it finally picks up the dedicated networks that I use is to finally go to Settings > Wireless > Manage networks, then the network finally appears and connects. What's up with this?
Like I said, I'm running the latest GSB, and the latest radio ending in .29 I believe. Not that I think it has any bearing, but I'm also running ZeppelinRox's v6 Supercharger.
If I've posted this in the wrong place let me know. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GSB Eris using the XDA Premium app.
Regardless of the thread being closed, were others seeing the same issue ?
One thought I had was related to the WiFi scan interval,
i.e. how often it "looks" for a WiFi connection. It's set in the /system/build.prop file and I've seen numbers from 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and so on. What would happen is if you were NOT in range of a WiFi signal and turned it on, it wouldn't look again for that time period. But, in the case of turning on WiFi and being in range, it should connect quickly and not have to wait for that time period.
Having been a longtime user of GSB I don't recall ever seeing mention of this issue, but of course given the breadth of that thread it is entirely possible.
I'm not thinking it's an issue with the scan interval, as it does notify me of open networks nearby after toggling it on. But instead of automatically connecting to the networks I use at home and away, I still have to manually open WiFi settings for it to pick up and connect. Kinda ruins the whole "automatically" part lol.
Sent from my GSB Eris using the XDA Premium app.
Try killing SuperCharger (?)
an on/off but ongoing problem for me too
TarheelChuck84 said:
Having been a longtime user of GSB I don't recall ever seeing mention of this issue, but of course given the breadth of that thread it is entirely possible... <snip, snip>
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Yeah, we've talked about it on the GSB thread. In fact I think I've started several posts about it. There have been GSB releases that were less bothered with this annoyance and some where this happened more frequently.
I too am running GSB v3.8 and I find this happens to me about 50% of the time I turn on WiFi using the notification bar. In those cases where it doesn't connect, I either manually open the WiFi settings screen and turn it off/on again and it'll connect immediately... Or if I leave it alone and come back to check it 10-20 mins later, I'll notice that it connected sometime all on its own.
So it does connect back up, it just takes its time doing so. Who knows? \_O_/
Thanks for the heads up on that bro, I guess I'll just grin and bear it for the time being, at least until I can finally get my hands on the elusive Droid Bionic lol.
Sent from my GSB Eris using the XDA Premium app.
I've had this problem on several versions of GSB, including 3.8 but I'm not sure why. For me a wipe and reflash has always fixed it.
I have found that most times when I have problems with GSB if I flash another ROM then flash GSB it works much better. First I manually clear the /data/dalvik-cache folder using Root Explorer then reboot to recovery. Then I flash xtrROM because it formats boot, system and data I believe, then I enable USB and delete the folder. I do all this without ever rebooting then flash GSB.
I'm still running 3.8 and I have no problems with it. And I am running all 3 of Zeppelinrox's tweaks.
Edit: A day after I posted the above I see that my wifi is doing this again. It worked and now it doesn't. I made no changes; it just quit working and now says "scanning" until I open wifi settings and then it connects with no problem.
Sent from my GSB'd ERIS using XDA Premium App

Mobile data connection doesn't work after using WiFi. Only after reboot

Hey guys,
I am using ICS Evervolv a5 on my N1. The mobile data connection works only if I don't connect to a WiFi network. If I do, the only way I have found to make it work again is to reboot the phone.
This means that while I am at home, everything works through WiFi, however, if I leave home, I have to reboot my phone once I am sure the phone is far enough from my WiFi access point to be able to connect. Then, it starts working with the cellular data plan
The only thing I can relate to this is that I have the "application protection" app installed, protecting the settings menu do with a code so my kids don't mess up with that. However, is still hard to believe that's the culprit.
Sent from my Nexus One using xda app-developers app
I too had this problem when i updated from 4.0 to 4.1U2. I tried couple of things like clearing cache/dalvik cache etc. nothing worked.
Later i used 4EXT Recovery to format all except fat32. After this i did clean install and things are working fine
Do you just have gray bars or is the connection icon showing an x?
I had the problem that I could not connect and I had to clear the data of the Google framework to get it going again.
But that might have been another problem.
Sent from my Nexus One
Try turning airplane mode on and then off, so you don't have to reboot the phone. It works for me.
Sent from my Nexus One
I am getting the gray bars. It seems that is working these past couple of days. I will try clearing the data from the Google framework the next time it happens..
Sent from my Nexus One using xda app-developers app
I noticed that I was getting grey bars over the last few days too, but using CM7. However it corrected itself yesterday. Perhaps it's something external causing it?
Sent from my Nexus One using xda app-developers app
Just a quick note, i guess most people on xda know this but if not, you could try to use an app called catlog or other similar apps.
You can find out if programs are behaving badly by using it and by Googling errors you often find the solution faster.
Sent from my Nexus One
None issue
after switching from wifi if the data doesnt work.
just put ur phone on airplan mode for few seconds and back to normal network mode
it will start the data activity ...
i had the same issue but now i can use it after airplan mode
no reboot required

[Q] Anyone using Llama on CM 10.1 with any success?

I've been using llama for quite a while with a lot of success on the stock rooted rom. I use multiple locations to control sound profiles, custom actions, etc.
The most important action I use is that once I'm in my "home" area, Wifi is turned on and once connected to Wifi, the phone goes into airplane mode with Wifi kept on and Sipdroid activated. Once I disconnect from Wifi, airplane mode is turned off and mobile service is restored.
This works flawlessly on rooted stock 4.2.1. However, on the CM 10.1 nightlies, llama constantly freezes and force closes and doesn't perform the scheduled tasks. Also, This morning there was some weird interaction with it and CM. My alarm was supposed to go off at 630 am. My internal clock was telling me it should have already gone off I looked at my phone and the CM chronus lock screen clock showed 6:42. I unlocked the phone and the UCCW clock on my home screen also showed 6:42. The system clock on the notification bar, however, showed the time to be something like 6:17. Obviously I was confused. Within seconds the system clock changed to 6:42 and the alarm went off. Curiously, llama was also not on the correct profile.
Anyone have any experience or ideas? I love using both llama and CM but there seems to be something causing problems. I haven't contacted the developer of llama but I don't expect any support for custom roms. I haven't tried it with anything other than stock and CM so far on the Nexus 4.
I've been using llama on the CM10.1 nightlys with no trouble. I had problems with llama profiles a couple weeks ago due to the way JB based roms handle notification and system sounds. I contacted the developer and he was able to send me a custom apk that solved the problems. Those changes have since been folded into a new release that he put on the play store. The developer is very responsive and had no issues with the fact that I was using a CM nightly build.
It sounds like there might be some things happening beyond just llama problems with your configuration, though. The system clock not being in sync with the other apps is very strange. Are you using a custom kernel with CM10.1? I'm using Franco kernel #28 and my phone is rock solid.
machostallion said:
I've been using llama for quite a while with a lot of success on the stock rooted rom. I use multiple locations to control sound profiles, custom actions, etc.
The most important action I use is that once I'm in my "home" area, Wifi is turned on and once connected to Wifi, the phone goes into airplane mode with Wifi kept on and Sipdroid activated. Once I disconnect from Wifi, airplane mode is turned off and mobile service is restored.
This works flawlessly on rooted stock 4.2.1. However, on the CM 10.1 nightlies, llama constantly freezes and force closes and doesn't perform the scheduled tasks. Also, This morning there was some weird interaction with it and CM. My alarm was supposed to go off at 630 am. My internal clock was telling me it should have already gone off I looked at my phone and the CM chronus lock screen clock showed 6:42. I unlocked the phone and the UCCW clock on my home screen also showed 6:42. The system clock on the notification bar, however, showed the time to be something like 6:17. Obviously I was confused. Within seconds the system clock changed to 6:42 and the alarm went off. Curiously, llama was also not on the correct profile.
Anyone have any experience or ideas? I love using both llama and CM but there seems to be something causing problems. I haven't contacted the developer of llama but I don't expect any support for custom roms. I haven't tried it with anything other than stock and CM so far on the Nexus 4.
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Mendanbar said:
I've been using llama on the CM10.1 nightlys with no trouble. I had problems with llama profiles a couple weeks ago due to the way JB based roms handle notification and system sounds. I contacted the developer and he was able to send me a custom apk that solved the problems. Those changes have since been folded into a new release that he put on the play store. The developer is very responsive and had no issues with the fact that I was using a CM nightly build.
It sounds like there might be some things happening beyond just llama problems with your configuration, though. The system clock not being in sync with the other apps is very strange. Are you using a custom kernel with CM10.1? I'm using Franco kernel #28 and my phone is rock solid.
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I had the same problems you described back in December when I was running the beta off of the devs site. All seemed fixed when it got released to the play store.
Currently I'm running the CM stock kernel. I haven't made any mods, no theming, etc. It was a clean install with full wipes of everything twice. I flashed it with TWRP 2.3.3.
It is odd that the system clock could be behind the widget clocks. I've seen it the other way around where the widget would be behind the system if waking the phone after being in deep sleep a while. It's more strange that I can't open llama at all when I'm on mobile data now. It will only open when on Wifi. I do have quite a few Wifi dependent actions but since they work fine on the stock rom they should in theory work on CM. Maybe I'll keep testing and try to get a logcat to show something for the dev
I'm using llama for the same purpose as you.
1. At Home - enable WiFi
2. When your phone connects to %AP% - enable Airplane Mode and enable WiFi // haven't looked into if it's possible to override wifi shutting off upon entering airplane mode in jb4.2 yet
3. When your phone disconnects from %AP% - disable Airplane Mode
4. Upon leaving Home - disable WiFi
I'm using the version available from the market as of yesterday and also see it constantly freezing up while trying to set it up. It's never force quit on me though and comes out of its stall after half a minute or so each time. I haven't tested it extensively yet, but after getting it setup, it seems to be working okay so far. I used to use a battery of other apps to achieve the same thing, but unfortunately the easily accessible airplane mode toggle api is removed from jb4.2 so those apps don't work anymore. I found that llama has a workaround that requires root, so it'll have to do for now.
I too am using sipdroid.
You aren't using llama for anything to do with alarms right? Then it's weird that causes your clock issues. You can try to see if ClockSync,, works on jb4.2. I had to use it on my HTC Sensation because the clock would drift hard when not connected to a cell tower for some reason. I think it might have been related to a specific kernel I was using, but a few times I saw it lose almost an hour in a 24 hour period.
Update: Twice yesterday, I got missed texts and calls (saw them via google voice site on computer). I checked my phone and saw that it was in airplane mode with wifi off. This doesn't even make sense, since wifi is set to only turn off "upon leaving home"
ziddey said:
I'm using llama for the same purpose as you.
1. At Home - enable WiFi
2. When your phone connects to %AP% - enable Airplane Mode and enable WiFi // haven't looked into if it's possible to override wifi shutting off upon entering airplane mode in jb4.2 yet
3. When your phone disconnects from %AP% - disable Airplane Mode
4. Upon leaving Home - disable WiFi
I'm using the version available from the market as of yesterday and also see it constantly freezing up while trying to set it up. It's never force quit on me though and comes out of its stall after half a minute or so each time. I haven't tested it extensively yet, but after getting it setup, it seems to be working okay so far. I used to use a battery of other apps to achieve the same thing, but unfortunately the easily accessible airplane mode toggle api is removed from jb4.2 so those apps don't work anymore. I found that llama has a workaround that requires root, so it'll have to do for now.
I too am using sipdroid.
You aren't using llama for anything to do with alarms right? Then it's weird that causes your clock issues. You can try to see if ClockSync,, works on jb4.2. I had to use it on my HTC Sensation because the clock would drift hard when not connected to a cell tower for some reason. I think it might have been related to a specific kernel I was using, but a few times I saw it lose almost an hour in a 24 hour period.
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I have been unable to duplicate the system clock glitch. I don't use llama for any alarms but I do have quite a few time based events to control volume levels and screen brightness. . After further testing, llama seems to do most of the set actions about 80% of the time. Sometimes it will be one of the actions in a string doesn't stick and sometimes it will miss a time based event. For some reason it has consistently missed the event at 11pm when it's supposed to put the phone into silent mode and lower the screen brightness. That time event is based on being in my "home" area, however, usually at that time my other events have been triggered which puts the phone in airplane mode with Wifi. Keeping Wifi on after triggering airplane mode also doesn't happen quite often. I know JB changed the permissions for apps accessing and modifying airplane mode but since I'm rooted and llama was changed to support it, it should work. I think there may be needs to be an option to add additional delays between multiple actions that are triggered by the same event.
Llama still doesn't work with CM. I contacted the dev and he said that the ROM requires additional permission to perform the actions like disabling/enabling wifi and bluetooth...
Boo I love llama.
lilfleck said:
Llama still doesn't work with CM. I contacted the dev and he said that the ROM requires additional permission to perform the actions like disabling/enabling wifi and bluetooth...
Boo I love llama.
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