Tutorial root note 10.1(2014) p605 4g - Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) General

This manual is based on the same created by fellow forum Alucine2 of note3 of HTCMania and work of the plain root on XDA
But with the changes to the note 10.1 (2014 ) 4G LTE.
I am not responsible of the result to stay your tablet, you are free to follow the tutorial or not.
1 download official rom Sam Mobile.
here has been done with the Spanis hit fetches each of your country
2 download https://mega.co.nz/ #! UgJFUTCL ! NrME13 ... hrksHG0HjTtg4g
3 download root https://mega.co.nz/ Script #! QoQnmAQD ! U_dQMR ... i_gbyPDt9TDmmY
4 downloaded odin 3.07 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1738841
5 donwload I installed Cygwin 64 bit http://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe , the original script does not work in Windows 7 64 -bit
7 we put these files in a folder:
Odin- 3.07.zip
Universal- RDLV.ZIP
Unzip 8th Universal- RDLV.zip in this folder c: \ URDLV
9 Unzip P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_PHE.zip in this folder c: \ URDLV
10 Run the shortcut you have on the desktop called terminal cygwin64
11 execute these commands :
cd c:
/ cygdrive / c / URDLV / URDLV.bat full c :/ URDLV/P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_P605XXUAMJ1_HOME.tar.md5
12th After a couple of minutes will have this result:
$ / Cygdrive / c / URDLV / URDLV.bat full c :/ URDLV/P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_P605XXUAMJ1_HOME.tar.md5
================================================== =============================
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution -NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0 United States License .
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Root of the Vega Universal v0.2 - By DesignGears
Public Preview
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MODE : full
Extracting Tar ...
Hex Editing System Image ...
Checking System Image Hook ...
Hooked System Image Successfully
Creating Odin Flashable Tar ...
13 º in the output directory will have the file generated :
c: \ URDLV \ output \ P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_P605XXUAMJ1_HOME_VEGA.tar.md5
14 ° This image is patched with ROOT MJ2 but without the MODEM MJ1 that needs to be thrown with ODIN , you can put the two things at once :
15 º to get the modem P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_P605XXUAMJ1_HOME_tar.md5 unzip the file with winrar original ROM in any other folder created and then open the odin 3.07 has to be the non tiing 3.07 and flash the generated file in the folder c: \ URDLV \ output \ P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_P605XXUAMJ1_HOME_VEGA.tar.md5 to place it in the PDA section of odin while flashing moden.bin file that we will remove the created folder to unzip the original rom . P605XXUAMJ2_P605OXXAMJ1_P605XXUAMJ1_HOME_tar.md5 and place it in the box once PHONE odin flashed the two files at the same time.
We hope to start the system.
After extracting the file contents Root_de_la_Vega.zip at the root of the tablet .
My Computer / [ SM- P605 ] / tablet /
root_files ( FOLDER )
After restarting delete the files
My Computer / [ SM- P605 ] / tablet /
root_files ( FOLDER )
Already Knox root your Tablet with 0x0
1 Go to this post
2 In the download section to download this link
3 Install the downloaded application phone
4 open the application framework in paragraph give to install update
May We downloaded the application Wanam exposed playstore
6 Open the application and security check point system status false.
7 Reboot and we will have the official system .

I cannot download the 1st and 2nd link. Thanks
Sent from my SM-N9005

The links for MEGA is corrupted.
But even if I correct them, and get to MEGAs site I get a message that the file(s) dont exist anymore.
Dont even know what files to look for ... :/

zooorgie said:
The links for MEGA is corrupted.
But even if I correct them, and get to MEGAs site I get a message that the file(s) dont exist anymore.
Dont even know what files to look for ... :/
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Mate, Flash this with ODIN 3.07/09 in AP - http://techerrata.com/bigbiff/openrecovery-twrp-
Then reboot into recovery. It should boot into TWRP recovery.
Install the latest SuperSU file. Make sure it's on your device before starting this.
If you haven't changed your recovery this will make your KNOX warranty void = 1.
If you don't want that you should check out Towelroot thread, not sure if it works on the P605 however.

ultramag69 said:
Mate, Flash this with ODIN 3.07/09 in AP
Then reboot into recovery. It should boot into TWRP recovery.
Install the latest SuperSU file. Make sure it's on your device before starting this.
If you haven't changed your recovery this will make your KNOX warranty void = 1.
If you don't want that you should check out Towelroot thread, not sure if it works on the P605 however.
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Hmm, I prefer CWM to TWRP though...

Rooted and flashed CM11 successfully !
All seems ok for now, except that the camera is not working...
Tried some fixes I found, but all I get is a lot of flickering .
The back camera seems to work though...


[TUT] How To Create DUMP out of Stock Rom ( UP NOW )

Hello .
Posting a tutorial on how to create a dump out of your stock rom, in case you delete some apps or modify some settings.
Alright, so you want to make a backup of your phone software, but dont know what to do. Its simple, download the package the Android SDK from google and copy it to C:\ drive. Once you have download it, make sure you have Java installed in your system or else it will not work. After everything is done, open the program and install these two packages:
1. Android SDK Tools, revision 6
2. USB Driver package, revision3 ([COLOR="Red"IMP: Its important that the USB driver installed shows up as Composite Android Debug Device, else it wont work. ][/COLOR]
What Android SDK ?? Read about it here: [url]http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html[/url]
Why Android SDK ? Because: it has the [COLOR="red"]android debug shell[/COLOR] which you require before communicating with your android phone. So download it ! From here:
Download Busybox from here : http://rapidshare.com/files/407238531/busybox What is Busybox ?? Read about it here: http://www.busybox.net/
MD5 Signature: C5B76280434EEF49310AD8F1810B10B2
One you have downloaded busybox, copy it to the C:\ drive of your computer and then follow the next step. The next step is to open the Command Prompt ( type cmd in the Run prompt ) if using Vista right click on "Run as Administrator".
Assuming you are the root of C:\
Type: C:\cd android-sdk-windows
-> then
Type: C:\android-sdk-windows\ cd tools
-> if you have android debug shell and USB drivers properly installed
Type: adb devices
Now your device will show up as a binary number .. Success ! if it doesn't show up you need to install the drivers again or something else is wrong.
Now once your device shows up, we will need to download the busybox from the computer to the phone. Since we can write anything in the /data/local portion of the android system we will copy the busybox file to the android device.
Type: adb push busybox /data/local/busybox
Once it has been copied to your device issue this command.
Type: adb shell This coomand is issued to go to your mobile's terminal where you can issue commands internally to the phone.
--> then
Type: cd /sdcard This command is given inorder to go to the sdcard ( i.e the internal storage of your phone )
--> then
Type: chmod 755 /data/local/busybox This command is issued to set user -rwxrwxr-x permissions to the file.
--> then
Finally, issue this command.
Type: /data/local/busybox tar cvf Samsung.tar /system This command is given to copy and tar the system folder where all the stock applications and programs are and to create a dump of that system folder.
Job Done !!
The Samsung.tar file can be copied to the computer now. Have fun.
this is perfect, as i want to create a dump of my original ROM
A dump is simply a backup of your original ROM right?
thats good news if it is indeed a a backup of the stock firmware.
i want to back up my warranty firmware!
OrionTC said:
thats good news if it is indeed a a backup of the stock firmware.
i want to back up my warranty firmware!
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it is only a backup of your stock apps and driver if so however it doesnt convert the files into a flashable rom version.
is there a way for us to backup the firmware?? (not just stock apps)
tids2k said:
it is only a backup of your stock apps and driver if so however it doesnt convert the files into a flashable rom version.
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So this is not a tutorial of how you back up your stock rom but how you back up your stock apps and stock drivers?
droidwi said:
So this is not a tutorial of how you back up your stock rom but how you back up your stock apps and stock drivers?
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Correct. We most likely won't be able to actually perform a complete backup until Nandroid works on the handset.
Too bad, the title was very promising but what you show is just an backup archive of the system.
BTW, there is no guarantee that restoring it will produce a usable phone, because kernel, datas, modem baseband etc won't be restored too !
But this can be useful to restore some file after a mistake done on /system files.
supercurio said:
Too bad, the title was very promising but what you show is just an backup archive of the system.
BTW, there is no guarantee that restoring it will produce a usable phone, because kernel, datas, modem baseband etc won't be restored too !
But this can be useful to restore some file after a mistake done on /system files.
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im working on creating a stock rom ... may be some happy results and happy faces. who knows . keep sticked !
uploading dump again .. please wait.
So, Can i just select this dump in Odin and it will recover to stock firmware. Quite confused here.
The file size is 275 megs , so is it only for apps? Have you flashed with this dump. Nice work so far. THanks.
Edit: Just realised the dump option in Odin is for dumping my rom , not loading one.
So stuck with this until Samsung update. Huh!
Is this the same procedure as making a backup /efs?
I've been searching the forum for hours and this is the only thing I could find that looked anything like it.
This won't work
No, no and no !!
This procedure will not backup your stock ROM.
A complete rom consists in:
- a primary bootloader.
- a secondary bootloader.
- an initrd image with the kernel.
- a rootfs (the /system partition).
- an efs partition.
- a binary radio firmware.
There is no known method to backup all the flash partitions and transform them into proper files that can be reflashed with Odin or Heimdall.
Plinn said:
No, no and no !!
This procedure will not backup your stock ROM.
A complete rom consists in:
- a primary bootloader.
- a secondary bootloader.
- an initrd image with the kernel.
- a rootfs (the /system partition).
- an efs partition.
- a binary radio firmware.
There is no known method to backup all the flash partitions and transform them into proper files that can be reflashed with Odin or Heimdall.
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+1.. The thread is misleading.. This doesn't accomplish anything! You really think people in the "Android Development" section don't know about tar?
Did anyone already managed to get the built-in dump function from Odin working?
With Odin v1.3 there was the possibility to decide whether to dump AP RAM or AP NAND (followed by an ID).
With Odin v1.52 you can't choose this anymore. It will only dump AP NAND.
But my first attempts were unfortunately not very promising

[Tool][Linux] AutoApk v1 for app modifications

Hello and Welcome to AutoApk topic
#screenshot attached
This Auto tool will do all job for you and you can access it anywhere
lets get started
requirement :
linux [ tested on ubuntu ]
jdk installed
installation :
Download the file from the link
extract the zip file
open terminal in the folder
or cd to the folder
copy and paste this line
sudo sh $PWD/install.sh
and enter your password and done
easy huh ?
lets complete the setup .
now copy your device framework-res.apk and put in a folder
open terminal there and select 1
install the framework
( if you have a touch wiz rom install tw framework too by using number 2 )
note :for editing system apps you need that rom frame work installed
now for last step you need to install update binary of your device
you can copy it too a folder
open terminal there and install it by selecting 4>1
you can install from a working flash zip file too just open terminal where the file is and 4>2 enter the name and wait
hows this tool works ?
lets see .
you have a apk on here :
you just go to the folder and right click and click open terminal here or manually cd to the folder containing the file
then in the terminal just write
follow by a enter and done
you can choose what to do
here are the available commands :
1) Install-framework-res
2) Install-TWframework-res
3) Install-App
4) Install-Update-Binary ( For flashable zips )
5) Decompile
6) Compile
7) Compile+Sign
8) Compile+Sign+Flashable-zip
9) Flashable-zip
10) sign
11) Check-for-Update
12) Reload
13) Exit
check for update is working but my server is not good :crying:
if it was good enough i could put auto update
codes are sooooooo beautiful ! i love them !
but not open source if any one need anything or want to help me just contact me :victory:
credits :
@iBotPeaches for apktool
any donation will help me keep up the project )
paypal : [email protected]
current version : 1
no bugs
if you found any contact me :good:
Download :
v1 release
added flashable zip
and others ....
A tool for android developing in which you will not have a bad time using. Simple to use with great features. - 10/10 Cosinus.
Awesome work with many features packed in at once, i was having bad times downloading all utilities to work on one app, but now I've finally found an AIO tool.
im the 5th comment?
Sent from my GT-I9515 using XDA-Developers mobile app

[Guide] Flashing Firmware on Linux/Ubuntu using Heimdall

Flashing Bootloader/Modem/Recovery etc with Heimdall on Linux
Tested on G930F / G935F
* I am not responsible for bricked devices
* You are choosing to make these modifications.
Guide for flashing Bootloader & Modem on G935F :
1. Install Heimdall
Ubuntu users can execute the following command in terminal :
sudo apt-get install heimdall-flash heimdall-flash-frontend
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2. Download the Bootloader & Modem you wish to flash.
3. Remove the .md5 extension (erase .md5 from the name)
4. Decompress the renamed tar files and you will get cm.bin, param.bin,modem.bin & sboot.bin.
5. Place the files in a folder and cd to that folder from terminal . e.g cd Downloads
6. Launch Heimall using :
sudo heimdall-frontend
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4. Detect device & download device pit
5. Open pit file in heimdall and select partitions CM, Radio, Param and Bootloader specifying location of each file respectively
6. Flash
How do you flash a firmware that's in zip file. .. the same way?? Trying to root sprint s7 with heimdall....
oct01 said:
How do you flash a firmware that's in zip file. .. the same way?? Trying to root sprint s7 with heimdall....
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Don't do it. Your device has a locked bootloader. This guide is only for G935F.
Thank you
Can I install TWRP this way?
yes, you can install twrp , but its more easy if you use the terminal
heidmall flash --RECOVERY recovery.img
and it should take less than a minute , all done
Wasted the last 8(!) hours of my life with this crap. Do yourself a favour and just grab a Window$ computer, install Samsung drivers and use the latest Odin -- it took less than 5 min in total.
smoneck said:
Wasted the last 8(!) hours of my life with this crap. Do yourself a favour and just grab a Window$ computer, install Samsung drivers and use the latest Odin -- it took less than 5 min in total.
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I use Linux for years heimdall v frustratingly hit & miss _ sometimes works sometimes no.pit file printed dodgy USB cables / ports et al one day device recognised next day nothing sadly I have to concur flashing is much easier using Doze and Odin . . .

Xperia x F5121 ( 34.0.A.1.264) Android 6.0.1 (Prototype)

Greetings.. I bought Xperia x F5121 ( 34.0.A.1.264) Android 6.0.1 (Prototype) online & found its prototype.Possible for me to root & flash custom rom.If theres a way,could anyone guide me .Thks in advance.I appreciate it.
My apologies admin.If i post wrong section pls delete it.
if the BOOTUNLOCK is allowed on your PROTOTYPE DEVICE then
short answer is : YES
dial *#*#7378423#*#* goto SERVICE INFO >> CONFIGURATIONS
HERE you will see alot of info, search for BOOTLOADER UNLOCK ALLOWED text and see what shows ,,, if NO then sorry! this device is locked by SONY and only they can unlock it
since you are already on ANDROID 6 (YAY)
uzip the script on desktop and RUN the .BAT file, it will ask permission on your mobile screen, ALLOW it and after few seconds, the SCRIPT will EXTRACT TA-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-date+timeStamp.IMG file (2mb in size) IN THE SAME FOLDER
you can run .bat mulitiple times! each time it will extact the same TA.img file with different file name , i ran it thrice
SONY official handout unlocking keys for FREE at
follow the steps! select your device model from list, provide them your email, they will send you one time link , to generate BOOT UNLOCK KEY AGAINS YOUR "IMEI" NUMBER ( dial *#06# on your F5121 to obtain IMEI number) (its even given on configuration page, where you checked the bootulock status )
- flashtool (www.flashtool.net) can ALSO unlock xperia Bootloader! (install flashtool and then install drivers also ( c:\flashtool\drivers)
- clicking BLU while device is CONNECTED IN FASTBOOT MODE ( it will prompt you) and giving SONY's generated KEY will UNLOCK your F5121's bootloader! device will JERK, ANDROID BOT WILL APPEAR and ALL PARTITIONS (accpt system) will be FORMATED and you will loose all your data, accounts, details , DRM KEYS ... (make sure you take backup of your photos/videos/music)
NOW IF YOU WANA STAY ON 34.0.A1.264 and DONT wana UPGRADE to ANY OTHER BUILD came after this then
you need to do this
0. put magisk16.0.zip in sdcard (if you don't have sd card then UTG drive, flashdrive, etc)
1. unlock bootloader
2. flash TWRP (via fasboot
3. FLASH modified kernel ( the MASTER TOOL of SONY WORLD www.flashtool.net) (installing Xperia COMPANION + Google Minimal ADB & Fastboot.zip is M - U - S -T )
4. BOOT in to twrp, flash MAGISK16.0 from sdcard
and reboot device
the device will boot ROOTED 34.0.A.1.264
-the recommended NOUGAT Stockrom version is 34.3.A.0.252 (releasedin dec2017)
1. download the .252 ftf file from xda post
2. flash it via flashtool / you need to see solid tutorial for that! please do research , flashing xperia is TRICKY
3. flash twrp
4. flash modified kernel
5 boot into twrp and flash MAGISK and REBOOT.
-for OREO the RECOMMENDED STOCKROM version is 34.4.A.2.97 (released in JULY2018)
1. you must download the latest stockrom
2. flash it
3 flash modified Kernel
4. boot in to twrp and
(a) flash the DRMFIX.zip
(b) Magisk16.0.zip
5. reboot
I have tested all these kernels my self since I have F5122 however if anything goes wrong please note that XDA or any member is NOT responsible
try it on your own risk
Thks again for the fast reply.I'm choosing upgrading to Oreo. I download Germany o2 DE ( 34.4.A.2.97 /R2E ) & i'm using the latest flashtool v0.9.25.0 .I'm stuck at fsc script shown ( Those data are not in the FSC script and will be skipped. RESET-NON-SECURE-ADB. Do u want to continue? )i click no & close it. I download the fsc script 34.4fsc from your site & overwrite paste it on C:\Users\USERNAME\.flashTool\devices\F51XX .Once done,i reopen the flashtool & flash.Same problems occurs.i even restart my pc..No success..
jingaro said:
Thks again for the fast reply.I'm choosing upgrading to Oreo. I download Germany o2 DE ( 34.4.A.2.97 /R2E ) & i'm using the latest flashtool v0.9.25.0 .I'm stuck at fsc script shown ( Those data are not in the FSC script and will be skipped. RESET-NON-SECURE-ADB. Do u want to continue? )i click no & close it. I download the fsc script 34.4fsc from your site & overwrite paste it on C:\Users\USERNAME\.flashTool\devices\F51XX .Once done,i reopen the flashtool & flash.Same problems occurs.i even restart my pc..No success..
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click yes and proceed
what about drmkeys extraction part?
have you done that

Searching TWRP for the SM-A515F

I would like install at the Samsung SM-A515F the Lineage OS and the TWRP. I found only TWRP for the SM-A50. And the flashing dose not work for this phone.
I has try it with Heimdall and Odin.
The recovery I had downloaed from this Page:
Need help or better information, if there exist an TWRP and lineage for this device.
Regards tiptel170
No need to flash twrp,u can flash aosp rom or even gsi with the help of odin only.Go to s10 page
sankhauaa said:
No need to flash twrp,u can flash aosp rom or even gsi with the help of odin only.Go to s10 page
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s 10 page? which one is that? can u please provide the link?
Go here for odin flash method without twrp
sankhauaa said:
No need to flash twrp,u can flash aosp rom or even gsi with the help of odin only.Go to s10 page
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sankhauaa said:
Go here for odin flash method without twrp
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so does this method work for lineage os on A515F too?
After the long searching in the web, I found this:
Link: https://firmware.gem-flash.com
After paying, you can download this TRWP. No idea, if this works. Maybe some one, will be use it.
ibtsam3301 said:
so does this method work for lineage os on A515F too?
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I m not tried. But someone in this a51 group tried.Its working. But not so easy .
---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 AM ----------
tiptel170 said:
After the long searching in the web, I found this:
Link: https://firmware.gem-flash.com
After paying, you can download this TRWP. No idea, if this works. Maybe some one, will be use it.
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Don't pay.Its fake
tiptel170 said:
After the long searching in the web, I found this:
Link: https://firmware.gem-flash.com
After paying, you can download this TRWP. No idea, if this works. Maybe some one, will be use it.
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of course it would be fake
How can I open the img-files in the Linux desktop?
Found here this link, for the Magisk in the A515F:
I'll found this:
1. https://www.androlite.com/2020/01/twrp-root-samsung-galaxy-a51.html
2. https://appslova.com/install-twrp-on-samsung-galaxy-a51/
This links look likes good, because, my phone will not start or the heimdall goes into the error (likes in de page one, the screenshots ).
I found this, and I used basic from this page: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=82241115&postcount=70
My first steps to install the lineage os 17 on the SM-A515F
Lineage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/andyyan-gsi/
All commands in the linux terminal, the path please use your own paths you like it!
Unpack lineage****.xz:
unxz lineage*.xz
1) Extract the AP_file.tar.md5 from your firmware.zip file using 7zip
2) Extract the super.img.lz4 file from the AP_file.tar.md5 file using 7zip
3) Put super.img.lz4 file in LZ4 folder and run in CMD the command
lz4 -d super.img.lz4 superLZ4.img
4) Put superLZ4.img file in Simg2img folder and run in CMD the command
chmod 777 ~/bin/otatools/bin/simg2img
~/bin/otatools/bin/simg2img superLZ4.img superSIMG.img
In Linux OR Bash shell:
1) Put superSIMG.img in otatools/bin folder and extract it in Linux terminal using the command
chomd 777 ~/bin/otatools/bin/lpunpack
~/bin/otatools/bin/lpunpack --slot=0 superSIMG.img ~/1
2) Put, in the folder where you extracted superSIMG.img, the GSI file you downloaded and rename it to system.img. Now you should have odm.img, system.img, vendor.img and product.img files in the same folder.
You may also need to delete/remane the original system.img file before renaming the GSI file.
3) Now you’re going to make a brand new super.img file containing all 4 files of the previous step. This is a critical and tricky step. Run Linux terminal and type:
chomd 777 ~/bin/otatools/bin/lpmake
~/bin/otatools/bin/lpmake ~/bin/otatools/bin/lpmake --metadata-size 65536 --super-name super --metadata-slots 2 --device super:4294967296 --group main:4293513600 --partition system:readonly:1959841792:main --image system=./system.img --partition vendor:readonly:680239104:main --image vendor=./vendor.img --partition odm:readonly:4349952:main --image odm=./odm.img --sparse --output ./super.img
4) Make an tar file:
tar -H ustar -c super.img > lineageos17.1_SMA515F.tar
5) Goto Windows -> Odin -> AP, put the file lineageos17.1_SMA515F.tar in to the AP-slot -> Start
This is what I has done:
But, by the compiling, I got this error:
lpmake I 07-15 20:18:20 92568 92568 builder.cpp:1012] [liblp]Partition system will resize from 0 bytes to 1959841792 bytes
lpmake I 07-15 20:18:20 92568 92568 builder.cpp:1012] [liblp]Partition vendor will resize from 0 bytes to 680239104 bytes
lpmake I 07-15 20:18:20 92568 92568 builder.cpp:1012] [liblp]Partition odm will resize from 0 bytes to 4349952 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
And the phone is into the boot-loop, it will not starting the system.
Any help please...
System requirements:
- Fedora 32 with current kernel
- VirtualBox 6.1 with USB support
- Windows 7
- ODIN 3.14
Enable Root:
I) On mobile phone
1. carry out firmware update
1.1 Set up device, WITHOUT Google Accounts, WITHOUT security settings, set up WLAN only
1.2 Settings -> Phone info -> Software information -> Build number (press 7x )
1.3 Settings -> developer option -> enable OEM unlocking and USB debugging
2. copy the files from the root directory to the external SD card
2.1 Install MagiskManager
2.2 Starting MagiskManager
2.3 Installing Magisk Select
II) In the Fedora area
3. unpack the boot.img from the AP***.tar, on the PC
3.1 lz4 -d boot.img.lz4 boot.img
3.2 Copy the boot.img to the SD card from the phone
4. patching the boot.img in MagikMager
4.1 Select the boot.img, wait until "Done" appears.
4.2 Then copy the magisk_patch.img to the workstation (Fedora)
5.1 Rename the original boot.img to boot_original.img
5.2 renaming magisk_patch.img to boot.img
5.3 Transfer the new boot.img to the PC for the ODIN or HEIMDALL
5.4 Convert the boot.img to boot.tar: tar -H ustar -c boot.img > boot.tar (here for ODIN)
III) Virtual environment Win7
6.1 Copy the boot.tar from the Fedora workstation to the Odin directory of Win7
6.2 Open the boot.tar in the AP slot, Auto Reboot must be off
6.3 Press Vol + & Vol - simultaneously and plug in the USB cable (On SM-A515F), then click on "Start" in the ODIN.
IV) On the Mobile Phone
7.1 If ready, restart with Vol - & Hold PWR for more than 7 sec
7.2 Putting the device into recovery mode (switch off, press vol up and pwr simultaneously, Samsunglog appears, release pwr again)
7.3 Wipe your data: Wiped data/factury reset
Note: Device makes a boot loop for the first time - is normal. The first start takes quite long, be patient!
7.4 Settings -> Phone info -> Software information -> Build number (press 7x )
7.5 Settings -> Developer option -> Enable OEM unlock, USB debugging and system auto update to OFF
7.6 Installing and starting MagiskManger
The device will restart once!
Check it: Whether root is present
Fedora workstation:
Call Terminal, enter adb shell followed by su
If everything went well, the MagiskManager should answer the phone and ask for authorization.
These steps works well with the firmware: SM-A515F R58N60BLPAZ
Where are the exactly steps for installing the TWRP?
I has installed the TWRP-10.0(A51).zip with the heimdall and the phone will not booting. And I'm not entering the TWRP. And finally I has reinstalled the revcovery.img (heimdall) from the APxxxx.zip file, and the phone starting normally.
All things with the AOSP10 etc, I has tried and the other steps for an alternative system will not work on this phone.
Thanks God, the root is now working. And I have to work with the ugly Samsung system.
tiptel170 said:
System requirements:
- Fedora 32 with current kernel
- VirtualBox 6.1 with USB support
- Windows 7
- ODIN 3.14
Enable Root:
I) On mobile phone
1. carry out firmware update
1.1 Set up device, WITHOUT Google Accounts, WITHOUT security settings, set up WLAN only
1.2 Settings -> Phone info -> Software information -> Build number (press 7x )
1.3 Settings -> developer option -> enable OEM unlocking and USB debugging
2. copy the files from the root directory to the external SD card
2.1 Install MagiskManager
2.2 Starting MagiskManager
2.3 Installing Magisk Select
II) In the Fedora area
3. unpack the boot.img from the AP***.tar, on the PC
3.1 lz4 -d boot.img.lz4 boot.img
3.2 Copy the boot.img to the SD card from the phone
4. patching the boot.img in MagikMager
4.1 Select the boot.img, wait until "Done" appears.
4.2 Then copy the magisk_patch.img to the workstation (Fedora)
5.1 Rename the original boot.img to boot_original.img
5.2 renaming magisk_patch.img to boot.img
5.3 Transfer the new boot.img to the PC for the ODIN or HEIMDALL
5.4 Convert the boot.img to boot.tar: tar -H ustar -c boot.img > boot.tar (here for ODIN)
III) Virtual environment Win7
6.1 Copy the boot.tar from the Fedora workstation to the Odin directory of Win7
6.2 Open the boot.tar in the AP slot, Auto Reboot must be off
6.3 Press Vol + & Vol - simultaneously and plug in the USB cable (On SM-A515F), then click on "Start" in the ODIN.
IV) On the Mobile Phone
7.1 If ready, restart with Vol - & Hold PWR for more than 7 sec
7.2 Putting the device into recovery mode (switch off, press vol up and pwr simultaneously, Samsunglog appears, release pwr again)
7.3 Wipe your data: Wiped data/factury reset
Note: Device makes a boot loop for the first time - is normal. The first start takes quite long, be patient!
7.4 Settings -> Phone info -> Software information -> Build number (press 7x )
7.5 Settings -> Developer option -> Enable OEM unlock, USB debugging and system auto update to OFF
7.6 Installing and starting MagiskManger
The device will restart once!
Check it: Whether root is present
Fedora workstation:
Call Terminal, enter adb shell followed by su
If everything went well, the MagiskManager should answer the phone and ask for authorization.
These steps works well with the firmware: SM-A515F R58N60BLPAZ
Where are the exactly steps for installing the TWRP?
I has installed the TWRP-10.0(A51).zip with the heimdall and the phone will not booting. And I'm not entering the TWRP. And finally I has reinstalled the revcovery.img (heimdall) from the APxxxx.zip file, and the phone starting normally.
All things with the AOSP10 etc, I has tried and the other steps for an alternative system will not work on this phone.
Thanks God, the root is now working. And I have to work with the ugly Samsung system.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is work ???
GreggBorowski said:
It is work ???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
These steps works well with the firmware: SM-A515F R58N60BLPAZ
Where are the exactly steps for installing the TWRP?
I has installed the TWRP-10.0(A51).zip with the heimdall and the phone will not booting. And I'm not entering the TWRP. And finally I has reinstalled the revcovery.img (heimdall) from the APxxxx.zip file, and the phone starting normally.
All things with the AOSP10 etc, I has tried and the other steps for an alternative system will not work on this phone.
Thanks God, the root is now working. And I have to work with the ugly Samsung system.
sankhauaa said:
I m not tried. But someone in this a51 group tried.Its working. But not so easy .
---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 AM ----------
Don't pay.Its fake
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Click to collapse
sar please send me a51 group
Mehran` said:
sar please send me a51 group
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Click to collapse
Go to s10 page
sankhauaa said:
Go here for odin flash method without twrp
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not working. I has done step by step in this guide.
ibtsam3301 said:
so does this method work for lineage os on A515F too?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No. Withe manipulation from the vbmeta.img, the system is unwilling to start. It gos in to the bootloader, with error-codes. Like in first thread I describe. Olny the SAMSUNG original system works with the kernel modification for the MagiskManager.
I saw black for the future, there will be exist an custom rom for this device.
I have no idea, what can I do for this device. But I use and spend a lot of time for modification, without an good result. Has anyone an idea what can I do? But it look likes, it has an great secure system intern for not using an customer rom. This is my intention.
