No new live wallpapers on 4.4? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

there was a new phase beam color on the N5 mako port...but factory N4 image has no new live wallpapers anyone own a N5 notice if there are new live wallpapers or just the phase beam...i like the solid N5 wallpapers i extracted them out of the launcher and added them but im wondering about new live wallpapers

I am using N5 port and it comes with all the live wallpapers. Click on my signature for the rom.
Check the theme and apps section; you will find the live wallpaper.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

Here are some screenshots of it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk


What's with Jelly Bean official wallpaper?

Hello I just got my 16gb Nexus 7 edition. I'm having right now my first Jelly Bean experience.
I got a simple question. The official wallpaper it's not supossed to be a live wallpaper? What I'm seeing it's just a static image and I don't see anything like that on live wallpaper list.
However if I'm not wrong I've seen it moving in videos, am I right?
Post a screenshot. If you have the wallpaper that I think you are talking about its not a live paper. Unless there is download I am unaware of...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
If its this one its not live
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Yes the default wallpaper on Jelly Bean is a not a Live Wallpaper.

Stock Wallpaper Live Wallpapers?

Random request but are there any live wallpaper versions of the stock wallpapers present in JB or ICS? Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
you mean of these?
as far as i know, no there arent any live versions of these

iOS 7 parallax live wallpaper?

I've searched everywhere and can't find the live wallpaper that does the parallax thing? I had one on a previous ROM I was running that was the exact replica of the LW from iOS 7 but can't find it now.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Stock Like Wallpapers?

I love the stock colourful wallpaper and always come back to it. Has anyone got any similar abstract sort of style wallpapers to share? Loads of wallpaper threads but lots of them are too busy for my liking. Don't like wallpapers of people or cars or anything like that. Big fan of HTC sense wallpapers from the desire days ha ha.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
Give this a try. Stock wallpapers from several different brands..
Sent from my LG-D800
Looks good but the wallpapers once applied seem very low quality in comparison to the stock lg ones
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
ephumuris said:
Looks good but the wallpapers once applied seem very low quality in comparison to the stock lg ones
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you're on Google+ there's some Wallpaper communities you can browse through. Android Wallpapers is my favorite. Some people post individual ones. Some zip them up for download. Nick Cooter has an amazing wallpaper collection. Like almost a GB worth now. You could search for him on G+ too
All you'll ever need:

[Nougat Beta] Lockscreen LWP?

Is it possible to set a live wallpaper on the lockscreen in this Beta? I only see an option for static wallpapers. No biggy. Just curious.
bonstio said:
Is it possible to set a live wallpaper on the lockscreen in this Beta? I only see an option for static wallpapers. No biggy. Just curious.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is a thing named motion wallpaper which supports a color changing effect on lockscreen although it delivers a couple wallpapers.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I don't think that's quite what OP wants. I was looking for the same thing but it seems the stupid ass wallpaper theme store only supports static wallpapers and I can't set lockscreen wallpapers from the homescreen. I think it's a bug that'll go away when the release is official
Thanks. Yeah, saw that. They are a little... underwhelming. Was hoping for full control over this.
Note 7 Rom had the same got round it by using wallpaper picker doesn't work on nought maybe someone knows how to get it working
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Is there no work around for the live wallpaper?
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
I tried a few different wallpaper choosers and launchers, and can't get Live Wallpapers to work. Looks like Samsung removed LWP on Lockscreen functionality. Too bad. I really wanted to use some of those gorgeous pixel wallpapers.
