Looking for assitance installing HTC hero drivers and Devtool ( adb shell ) on a Linux OS based laptop
I have Jolicloud ( Ubuntu base OS for netbooks ) (sudo commands)
if someone could provide a guide or assitance..
The drivers are there already
as for dev tools that pretty easy
download the sdk, extract it to a folder in ~/bin, run
cd ~/bin
chown +x *
then edit ~/.bashrc and add the line PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
should do it for ya, now you just run adb by putting adb in the terminal
Vrekk said:
The drivers are there already
as for dev tools that pretty easy
download the sdk, extract it to a folder in ~/bin, run
cd ~/bin
chown +x *
then edit ~/.bashrc and add the line PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
should do it for ya, now you just run adb by putting adb in the terminal
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thanks but i am having problems moving it to the bin folder permission denied
whast the line comand to extract file to bin folder?
never mind i got it
sudo mv android-sdk-linux_86
rgildoss said:
whast the line comand to extract file to bin folder?
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Sorry I was cleaning up. Make sure you are extracting it to the bin folder in your home, NOT THE ROOT ONE. If the folder doesn't exist create it
I realized that the first thing I told you to do was wrong, we want the stuff in the tools folder NOT everthing in the sdk, cd into the folder the android sdk is in and run this: (skip the chmod +x step above, I moved it to down here
tar -xzf android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz
chmod +x android-sdk-linux_86/tools/*
cd -r android-sdk-linux_86/tools/* ~/bin
rm -r android-sdk-linux_86 'this will remove anything you don't need Optional
If you get an error saying that ~/bin dosn't exist, run
mkdir ~/bin
then edit the .bashrc like described in my first post
EDIT:If should not have needed sudo if you moved it to /home/rgildoss/bin only if you moved it to /bin should it have caused problems. You don't want it in /bin
that cd -r gives me an error
bash: cd -r: invalid option
cd: usage: cd [-L|-P]..[dir]
Oops! typo! try cp no cd lol
Vrekk said:
Oops! typo! try cp no cd lol
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okay that worked
one last thing
chown +x * also gives error
chown: invalid user: `+x'
also tried
chown +x*
chown: missing operand after `+x*'
It shouldn't have to be in bin unless you're going to need access to the executable from anywhere in the directory tree. I run mine out of ~/android/ and it's fine. As far as permissions go, chown changes the owner of the file, chmod changes the permissions. If you're the only user on the machine, change the permissions with the octal: chmod 777 path/to/files/*
rgildoss said:
okay that worked
one last thing
chown +x * also gives error
chown: invalid user: `+x'
also tried
chown +x*
chown: missing operand after `+x*'
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damn I really off my game tonight, should be chmod not chown
okay everything is good except for the last step:
then edit ~/.bashrc and add the line PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
how do i edit this ? and were is the file at?
im sorry about all the question, its been over 4 years sisnce i used linux ( ubuntu ) and i wasnt very good at then
EDIT: my files are in [email protected]:/home/rico/bin#
rgildoss said:
okay everything is good except for the last step:
then edit ~/.bashrc and add the line PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
how do i edit this ? and were is the file at?
im sorry about all the question, its been over 4 years sisnce i used linux ( ubuntu ) and i wasnt very good at then
EDIT: my files are in root@mini:/home/rico/bin#
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One thing, why are you loged in as root?
and nano ~/.bashrc should do it
or gedit ~.bashrc if you like gui better
rgildoss said:
okay everything is good except for the last step:
then edit ~/.bashrc and add the line PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
how do i edit this ? and were is the file at?
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A user specific .bashrc doesn't exist by default in most Ubuntu based distros. Create it with...
touch ~/.bashrc
...and add the path statement. There should also be a systemwide bashrd located at /etc/bash.bashrc
Vrekk said:
One thing, why are you loged in as root?
and nano ~/.bashrc should do it
or gedit ~.bashrc if you like gui better
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force of habit from old days ....
rgildoss said:
thanks but i am having problems moving it to the bin folder permission denied
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If you want to send to /bin or /usr/bin, you'll need superuser access:
Command is: sudo su
Then type your password.
What was recommended was creating a bin directory in your home directory. Then edit your .bashrc to include the new bin directory.
[email protected]:~$ adb devices
List of devices attached
???????????? no permissions
[email protected]:~$
did i do something wrong?
comintern said:
A user specific .bashrc doesn't exist by default in most Ubuntu based distros. Create it with...
touch ~/.bashrc
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I forgot that, been so long sence the last time I booted up anything ubuntu based or even
rgildoss said:
force of habit from old days ....
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did it work? You will need to reopen a terminal in order for it to use the new file, but then you should be able to use adb like any other linux command
EDIT: you answered my question before I posted it, nice
Hmm, I don't know what to do about that part, when ever I get an error like I can't get it to go away
rgildoss said:
[email protected]:~$ adb devices
List of devices attached
???????????? no permissions
[email protected]:~$
did i do something wrong?
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1. Try adb kill-server first, then rerun the command.
2. If that doesn't work, run as superuser...see if that fixes it.
tkirton said:
1. Try adb kill-server first, then rerun the command.
2. If that doesn't work, run as superuser...see if that fixes it.
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[email protected]:~$ adb kill-server
[email protected]:~$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
???????????? no permissions
[email protected]:~$
Let`s start from beginning...
First download attached file New kernell install.7z and unpack it on your desktop.
Then go to ADB install procedure...
Open Terminal and you will see something like this...
The best way to install is to run on Root Terminal. This is placed on Applications -> System Tools.
On Ubuntu it is invisible by default and you must to enable it on System -> Preferences -> Main menu and make it visible.
That`t it... lets go to work...
Open terminal and you will see this...
[email protected]_name:~$
Then type this in your Terminal window. Only BOLD text must be typed... Don`t forget to press ENTER after type the command in Terminal.
And don`t forget to type your root password after sudo command.
[email protected]_name:~$ cd Desktop
[email protected]_name:~/Desktop$ cd ADB_install
[email protected]_name:~/Desktop/ADB_install$ sudo cp adb /usr/bin
[email protected]_name:~/Desktop/ADB_install$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/adb
Don`t forget that USB Debugging MUST be enabled on your phone !!!
Connect your phone via USB cable and type this...
[email protected]_name:~$ adb devices
After that you can see that is your device properly connected to your computer and will see this...
List of devices attached
0123456789ABCDEF device
Close Terminal window.
Now, the ADB is finished to install on your linux OS and your phone is visible on computer.
Now we can go to update kernel...
Download kernel as you wish. I`m usin a MDJ kernel but if you can, you may use any other kernel.
Create new folder on your desktop and place all files from archive into this folder.
Rename folder to some simple name. In my case this folder is named newkernel
In MDJ kernel files is this...
Copy attached script and place it into the newkernel folder.
After that, all kernel files, modules and script must be in root of newkernel folder.
Open Terminal window and see something like this...
[email protected]_name:~$
[email protected]_name:~$ cd Desktop
[email protected]_name:~/Desktop$ cd newkernel
[email protected]_name:~/Desktop/newkernel$ sh
After finish and after see All Done!!! massage, you must to reboot yor phone and your new kernel is up.
Or just type in existing Terminal window...
[email protected]_name:~$ adb reboot
Enyoy !!!
Hello I have a question. Is it possible to do this from teminal inside Android and after installing the new kernel to reboot? Thanks.
Sticky please
very usefull should be a sticky!
ogoglass said:
Hello I have a question. Is it possible to do this from teminal inside Android and after installing the new kernel to reboot? Thanks.
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You need to mount and remoun your boot.img from NAND to SD card. Yaffs2 must be installed on android but i have not found anywher yaffs2 for ARM processor.
Maybe some other want to help with this. Rework the sh cript is not a major problem.
ADB was installed correctly... but the installation kernel not work for me:
~$ cd Desktop
~/Desktop$ cd newkernel
~/Desktop/newkernel$ sh 1: @echo: not found
Creating directory and mounting /boot...
mkdir failed for /data/boot, File exists
Pushing zImage...
1427 KB/s (2401156 bytes in 1.642s)
Remounting system and pushing modules...
remount succeeded
310 KB/s (272851 bytes in 0.857s)
1459 KB/s (185916 bytes in 0.124s)
failed to copy 'cifs.ko' to '/system/lib/modules/cifs.ko': No space left on device
1579 KB/s (635894 bytes in 0.393s)
1294 KB/s (120735 bytes in 0.091s)
619 KB/s (28764 bytes in 0.045s)
Cleaning up...
rmdir failed for /data/boot, Directory not empty
All done!
FileFixer said:
You need to mount and remoun your boot.img from NAND to SD card. Yaffs2 must be installed on android but i have not found anywher yaffs2 for ARM processor.
Maybe some other want to help with this. Rework the sh cript is not a major problem.
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mkyaffs2image command comes on most builds of android that are rooted
really cannot understand, please, advise for noob:
is this manual for Linux OS PC or Windows PC?
which exact Terminal you mean?
Excellent Job! Sticky for noobs!
dimdimdim said:
really cannot understand, please, advise for noob:
is this manual for Linux OS PC or Windows PC?
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primarily for Linux,
I have run it under OSX
but ADB can run under everything.
internauta2000 said:
ADB was installed correctly... but the installation kernel not work for me:
~$ cd Desktop
~/Desktop$ cd newkernel
~/Desktop/newkernel$ sh 1: @echo: not found
Creating directory and mounting /boot...
mkdir failed for /data/boot, File exists
Pushing zImage...
1427 KB/s (2401156 bytes in 1.642s)
Remounting system and pushing modules...
remount succeeded
310 KB/s (272851 bytes in 0.857s)
1459 KB/s (185916 bytes in 0.124s)
failed to copy 'cifs.ko' to '/system/lib/modules/cifs.ko': No space left on device
1579 KB/s (635894 bytes in 0.393s)
1294 KB/s (120735 bytes in 0.091s)
619 KB/s (28764 bytes in 0.045s)
Cleaning up...
rmdir failed for /data/boot, Directory not empty
All done!
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This is correct on my PC...
~/Desktop/newkernel$ sh 1: @echo: not found
Creating directory and mounting /boot...
Pushing zImage...
1994 KB/s (2401156 bytes in 1.175s)
Remounting system and pushing modules...
remount succeeded
1809 KB/s (272851 bytes in 0.147s)
1775 KB/s (185916 bytes in 0.102s)
1951 KB/s (3056268 bytes in 1.529s)
1964 KB/s (635894 bytes in 0.316s)
1643 KB/s (120735 bytes in 0.071s)
663 KB/s (28764 bytes in 0.042s)
Cleaning up...
All done!
Do you have a rooted phone or you not have more free space on your phone?
Look at this line when start sh script...
mkdir failed for /data/boot, File exists
and this...
failed to copy 'cifs.ko' to '/system/lib/modules/cifs.ko': No space left on device
g30rg10u said:
primarily for Linux,
I have run it under OSX
but ADB can run under everything.
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which are requirements for adb and how to run if I already have on my windows7 android sdk?
g30rg10u said:
primarily for Linux,
I have run it under OSX
but ADB can run under everything.
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actually, adb.exe's window I'm trying to run under platform-tools disappears after a second.
what's my problem? (besides "invalid user", of course)
The build is Gauner HD-FI 0.3 and understand that is routed by default ... Correct me if not...
With respect to free space on the phone, is a TMUS with 1024 Mb in ROM... shown that limited ... I do not know because it shows to have 431 Mb free...
This is what marks my last attempt:
... 1: @echo: not found
Creating directory and mounting /boot...
mkdir failed for /data/boot, File exists
Pushing zImage...
1653 KB/s (1708764 bytes in 1.009s)
Remounting system and pushing modules...
remount succeeded
1508 KB/s (272303 bytes in 0.176s)
1404 KB/s (184956 bytes in 0.128s)
failed to copy 'cifs.ko' to '/system/lib/modules/cifs.ko': No space left on device
1577 KB/s (633598 bytes in 0.392s)
1312 KB/s (117451 bytes in 0.087s)
654 KB/s (27800 bytes in 0.041s)
Cleaning up...
rmdir failed for /data/boot, Directory not empty
All done!
What confuses me even more you can look into the following screenshorts
It has installed the new kernel?
phoenixtraveller said:
You just use DAF.EXE and DFT-Android (Desire original release with Magldr) partition layout.
Unyaffs BOOT.IMG and copy initrd.gz
Copy over ALL ubuntu \linux\ files to sdcard root (not \linux).
rename main adb_htc_leo_zimage to just zImage.
do not rename initrd.cpio.gz as ppl are doing: use initrd.gz from DFT' Android BOOT.IMG (unyaffs).
Now you can copy over all rootfs.ext2 to the appropriate partitions in NAND and Run.
Any suggestions on how to improve this?
Proper layout settings for flash.cfg?
I get to keyboard etc then cant use it (no usb connected - no touch).
But point is: IT WORKS AS LONG:
1) INITRD.GZ is Magldr compatible and matches flash.cfg/AD-NAND-partion (why I did this proof-of-concept with DFT's initrd)
2) rootfs.ext2 must now be mounted.
3) usb keyboard etc? internet? POWER?
self notes: for future ref: install magldr, do dft-droid-daf.exe, copy linux: ren htc_adb_zimage to just zImage. then. USE THE INITRD.GZ from inside DFT's BOOT.IMG. !!!
make magldr/ubuntu work: ad hardreset, install dft-android by daf.exe, copy all \linux\ files to root. rename files like so: (above)
Magldr and Ubuntu working: ok... You need to make sure your initrd.gz initial ramdisk is in sync with the nand partitioning by daf.exe so...
Hmmm.. Looks like--> It is mounting rootfs.ext2 --> by itself in - NAND? SDCARD? Will update but seems to have booted properly !!! Takes a LONG time and black screen etc for ages before "desktop" - mentions "adb" and other things in verbose output during "boot". Someone please let me know thoughts as I am nt kernel developer (drivers etc) and new to Linux. Thankyou. This is my first day on XDA. My first intro to all of this so sorry if over-posting or in wrong spot.
Linux penguin screen verbose:
ANDROID unable to open persistent property directory
init: cannot find /system/...
(a lot of them)
then: enabling adb, adb open, et etc etc, host does not support read-only switch assuming write-enable...
mmc1: new high speed sdhc card at address b504
then a lot of lines with numbers microp set bkl(9) and ACR= FL= RAAC=
power button works as in screensaver/lock... this all leads up to keyboard and desktop eventually !!!
any ideas ?
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It takes forever: but it is till going and ALIVE.
Can anyone please help getting Ubuntu/Linux up over Magldr-NAND/SD ***properly***?
Happy (as explained above) to make donation $$$.
Can you post a simple step by step guide for us Windows users?
I really dont know how to make it work.
i am getting a strange error after i connect the phone.
[email protected]:~/Desktop$ cd
ADB_install/ Backup/ Rom Android/
[email protected]:~/Desktop$ cd
ADB_install/ Backup/ Rom Android/
[email protected]:~/Desktop$ cd ADB_install/
[email protected]:~/Desktop/ADB_install$ sudo cp adb /usr/bin
[sudo] password for ionut:
[email protected]:~/Desktop/ADB_install$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/adb
[email protected]:~/Desktop/ADB_install$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
???????????? no permissions
[email protected]:~/Desktop/ADB_install$ adb devices
List of devices attached
???????????? no permissions
i am using on the phone this nand build: [03 Jan][NAND][data.img with copy from phone]LEO "Stock Desire" MOD
service MUST be started as root. if you are getting this error try this:
[email protected]:~$ sudo su -
[sudo] password for ionut: <<type root password >>
[email protected]:~# adb kill-server
[email protected]:~# adb start-server
[email protected]:~# adb devices
List of devices attached
0123456789ABCDEF device
seems it's working
The best way to install is to run on Root Terminal. This is placed on Applications -> System Tools.
On Ubuntu it is invisible and you must to enable it on System -> Preferences -> Main menu and make it visible.
i'm trying to root my HTC Legend (stock froyo) but i'm stuck to the downgrade step.
i've created the gold card but when i try to downgrade i get always this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools>crackin.bat
"Copying tools"
2301 KB/s (698452 bytes in 0.296s)
1190 KB/s (76044 bytes in 0.062s)
2413 KB/s (655360 bytes in 0.265s)
"Freeing primary PERM linker"
rm failed for /data/DxDrm/fuse/*, No such file or directory
rm failed for /data/DxDrm/fuse, No such file or directory
rmdir failed for /data/DxDrm/fuse/, No such file or directory
cannot create /data/DxDrm/fuse: directory nonexistent
Unable to chmod /data/DxDrm/fuse: No such file or directory
"Freeing secondary PERM linker"
rmdir failed for /data/DxDrm/fuse/, No such file or directory
rmdir failed for /data/DxDrm, No such file or directory
link failed Permission denied
"Rebooting to normal mode to unlock CHMOD links"
rmdir failed for /data/dontpanic, Permission denied
rm failed for /data/DxDrm, No such file or directory
link failed File exists
link failed Permission denied
"Rebooting to normal mode to downgrade ROM"
/dev/mtd/mtd0: Permission denied
cr--rw---- 1 1001 2002 90, 0 Mar 5 17:17 /dev/mtd/mtd0
error writing misc: Permission denied
"Freeing links"
rm failed for /data/DxDrm, No such file or directory
rm failed for /data/dontpanic, Permission denied
any idea?
- Get visionary+
- Temproot your legend with it
- Use commandline with adb on your pc to flash misc1-2.img.
type the following commands from the folder where you have adb;
adb shell
accept the notification on your phone if one comes up
and then in the command line type this;
/data/local/flash_image misc /data/local/misc1-2.img
That should be enough to make it possible to run the 1.31 RUU.
same problem here..try many way as stated!!
Azaruc said:
- Get visionary+
- Temproot your legend with it
- Use commandline with adb on your pc to flash misc1-2.img.
type the following commands from the folder where you have adb;
adb shell
accept the notification on your phone if one comes up
and then in the command line type this;
/data/local/flash_image misc /data/local/misc1-2.img
That should be enough to make it possible to run the 1.31 RUU.
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thanks for your answer.
please, tell me if i'm right.
i should follow these downgrade steps till the end when i keep receiving the reported error, then i should install visionary, temproot, and from a command prompt (starting from the "tools" directory of the android SDK? and the misc1-2.img goes there?) i should type those command.
and then?
run the RUU_Legend_HTC_WWE_1.31.405.5_R_Radio_47.26.35.04_
thanks man!
i did it!
I get error [171] anyone have any idea what is the reason ??
please hepl
I tried every way i managed o find
hboot - 1.00.0000
Azaruc said:
- Get visionary+
- Temproot your legend with it
- Use commandline with adb on your pc to flash misc1-2.img.
type the following commands from the folder where you have adb;
adb shell
accept the notification on your phone if one comes up
and then in the command line type this;
/data/local/flash_image misc /data/local/misc1-2.img
That should be enough to make it possible to run the 1.31 RUU.
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i get permissions denied on the last step
/data/local/flash_image misc /data/local/misc1-2.img
help please?
Ohh c'mom dude! What does "adb shell" return? What does "su" return?
Sent from my HTC Legend
chris.chhoeu said:
i get permissions denied on the last step
/data/local/flash_image misc /data/local/misc1-2.img
help please?
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Did you get the # symbol after the su command? If not, then you have to do temp root again.
What does ADB say? Do you have Debug Mode eneabled?
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
temproot on boot or temproot now pls ?? thanks m8
"Temproot now"
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA Premium App
Hi All,
As some may know, current Official SDE for gen8 doesn't work on the new Froyo Gen8 v2 devices (currently: A70b / A70it2).
As we do on Gen9, there is a way to enable SDE menu in recovery for the new Archos A70S/A70it2. It's quite easy and safe, it has been used multiple times on gen9 and only use Archos commands (except of course temp root that is done by using psneuter).
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you blow your device with this, I'm only using existing Archos commands but this is not an official Archos release. Use at your own risks.
If you don't know about SDE, check my Gen9 thread here, it has some pictures that could help (70it2 menus are not exactly the same but are similar).
So, to enable it:
1) You must have adb working, I won't detail how to install or use it here. "adb shell" should give you a '$' prompt, if it doesn't, check your adb installation first.
2) Unzip content of the attached file to a directory (or platform-tools if adb is not in your PATH)
3) Launch enable_sde.bat script (or for linux, don't forget to chmod 755 it)
4) It should display something like this:
5800 KB/s (557962 bytes in 0.093s)
4625 KB/s (2564188 bytes in 0.541s)
5000 KB/s (728825 bytes in 0.142s)
property service neutered.
killing adbd. (should restart in a second or two)
Generating KD...
Updating KD (3293269 bytes)...
4) If it worked properly (check file sizes, some had troubles with adb push), reboot in recovery with power+vol+, you should now see the SDE boot menu. If you go to recovery, you should see the and if you go to recovery, you should see the "Developer Edition Menu". If it doesn't work for you, please report in this thread.
Next step is to install a rooted build, you can find one here.
Flawless victory...excellent.
i get the following error:
D:\test>adb push psneuter /tmp
failed to copy 'psneuter' to '/tmp/psneuter': Permission denied
D:\test>adb push init_zImage /tmp
failed to copy 'init_zImage' to '/tmp/init_zImage': Permission denied
D:\test>adb push init-cpio.gz /tmp
failed to copy 'init-cpio.gz' to '/tmp/init-cpio.gz': Permission denied
D:\test>adb shell chmod 755 /tmp/psneuter
chmod: /tmp/psneuter: No such file or directory
D:\test>adb shell /tmp/psneuter
/bin/sh: /tmp/psneuter: not found
D:\test>ping -n 5 -w 1000 1>nul
D:\test>adb shell /usr/bin/kd_flasher -i /tmp/init-cpio.gz -k /tmp/init_zImage
Generating KD...
cannot open kernel file: No such file or directory
mkflashimage failed
D:\test>adb shell sync
it is an archos A70it2.
Honeycomb or Froyo model ?
This one is for Froyo, I changed title to reflect it, sorry. Check my sig for the Honeycomb one...
Ok, it is the honeycomb model I will try the other one - thx!
Can anyone help me with rooting U8800pro running the official 2.3.5 ?
I tried all the methods I was using for the U8800 but all of them doesn’t work... Any advice ?
i have the same problem, how to root???
linomaniac said:
i have the same problem, how to root???
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i'm searching everywhere for 3 days now with nothing usefull
If automatic ways failed try this:
dancer_69 said:
If automatic ways failed try this:
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i think its not that easy to me to do it manual
but thanks anyway for trying to help
Of course automatic ways are easier, but it' s not that difficult, just need a little more time and attention.
The other way is to find a prerooted boot.img and put it to .cust_backup/image folder(replacing the original). I haven't pro model, so my boot.img will not work
dancer_69 said:
Of course automatic ways are easier, but it' s not that difficult, just need a little more time and attention.
The other way is to find a prerooted boot.img and put it to .cust_backup/image folder(replacing the original). I haven't pro model, so my boot.img will not work
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i tried this way but it didn't work too.. i found a prerooted boot.img.. replaced the original one but it didnt work
To just say didn't work doesn't help. Write where you get an error and which is. Then maybe I can help you(or someone with more knowledge).
dancer_69 said:
To just say didn't work doesn't help. Write where you get an error and which is. Then maybe I can help you(or someone with more knowledge).
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i got the prerooted boot.img file for the U8800pro... replaced it with the original one.. But the phone is not booting.. It stuck on the huawie logo (the 1st logo before the one with the animation) so i had to put back the original one to make it work
I mean the error on manual rooting.
As fro prerooted boot.img file, are you sure that is compatible with ther rom you have? If is from a custom rom will not work. You need the boot.img of a phone with the same rom as yours, just rooted.
well, maybe it wasn't compatible with my stock rom.. do you have anywhere where i can find some prerooted imgs ?
and about the manual root.. i didnt got any errors coz i didnt know how to wirte those codes :s
Sorry I' don't know because I haven't a pro model and I don't know if there is a rooted boot.img uploaded fro pro mode. Maybe a member with pro read your thread and upload his img file.
-About manual rooting, you need to open DOS command prompt window. It' s in all progarms -> accessories
If you put the DoomLordRoot program in the root directory of your C drive and rename this folder to DoomLordRoot.v3(if have another name), you need to just put the commands one by one as given on the link I posted.
You just need to put first the command:
cd \DoomLordRoot.v3\files
to go to directory in which adb.exe is.
You can check if you are in the right path if you enter the command:
afterwards. If you are in correct folder you'll see the files which are in c:\DoomLordRoot.v3\files directrory listed.
After that just start to follow the directions of the link. Just hit enter after every command you put. If you don' t see errors after every command you're ok. If you get an error on a command, write it here, for farther help. I don' t think that you' ll get an error, because I've done this proccess about 5 times and never get an error. But if you do, just put it here to see if we can help.
Thanks alot bro for the help.
well, i followed what u said but i think i got confused somewhere.. i'll type what i got.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\User>cd\
C:\>cd DoomLordRoot.v3
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3>cd files
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3\files>adb shell
$ chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
$ ./data/local/tmp/zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118
[*] Scooting ...
bugreport dir[/data/local/tmp] exist.
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
bugreport dir[/data/local/tmp] exist.
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
$ ^C
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3\files>adb shell
$ chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
$ /data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
$ dd if=/data/local/tmp/busybox of=/system/xbin/busybox
dd if=/data/local/tmp/busybox of=/system/xbin/busybox
/system/xbin/busybox: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
VaMpYMaSTeR said:
Thanks alot bro for the help.
well, i followed what u said but i think i got confused somewhere.. i'll type what i got.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\User>cd\
C:\>cd DoomLordRoot.v3
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3>cd files
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3\files>adb shell
$ chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
$ ./data/local/tmp/zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118
[*] Scooting ...
bugreport dir[/data/local/tmp] exist.
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
bugreport dir[/data/local/tmp] exist.
[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
$ ^C
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3\files>adb shell
$ chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
$ /data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
$ dd if=/data/local/tmp/busybox of=/system/xbin/busybox
dd if=/data/local/tmp/busybox of=/system/xbin/busybox
/system/xbin/busybox: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Put su or sudo before command. like this "su /data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system"
Yes, seems that you didn' t give the su command before(I think I've include command su, on my tutorial but I' m not sure. I'll check it).
If you see the symbol $ this means that you haven't get root rights yet.
Seems that zergrush succeed, so everytime after adb shell command, first you need to give the command:
If device is rooted, you'll see that the symbol changes to #
I think that you' re in good way though.
when i put SU in the begining it give me this :
su: permission denied
if you rebooted the phone you must run zergrush again.
Zergrush is the hack that unlocks the root account temporary. If you didn' t success to put su program on the right place, rooting access loosed after rebooted. su makes root permanent, busybox is an advanced shell and superuser is the app which used to give or denied root rights to apps which asking for this.
First be sure that zergrush is copied to data/local/tmp and you give to it the right permissions(all commands are in tutorial)
These messages mean that zergrush running
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118[*] Scooting ...
bugreport dir[/data/local/tmp] exist.[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
bugreport dir[/data/local/tmp] exist.[*] Sending 189 zerglings ...
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
after that check if root succeed by input su command. If you get the # sign you're good to go to continue(exit shell etc)
i'm so sorry, but what do you mean with "If you didn' t success to put su program on the right place" ???? what where is the right palce ?
Some of the commands on tutorial handle the su program.
Push it to /system/bin(this is the right place), change its ownership, permissions etc.
For these commands to succeed(and also the commands for busybox and superuser), first need to enter to root account, by command su:
adb shell (press enter)
su (press enter)
these give the # sign which means that you are root.
If you don' t do this all commands will fail with errors as:
permission denied or cannot write to...
now i'm getting this:
C:\DoomLordRoot.v3\files>adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
$ chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
Unable to chmod /data/local/tmp/zergRush: No such file or directory
i think i will give up