4.3 - very thick stylus track in hand writing mode - Galaxy Note II General

After upgrade to Android 4.3 in hand writing mode the track of styles is very thick.
How to make it thinner?
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razumichin15 said:
After upgrade to Android 3.4 in hand writing mode the track of styles is very thick.
How to make it thinner?
Wysłane z mojego GT-N7100 przy użyciu Tapatalka
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Interesting Android version. You mean 4.3?

Yes, of course
Wysłane z mojego GT-N7100 przy użyciu Tapatalka

Same.Can't find any setting for it.

Did you try:
Settings>Language And Input>Samsung Keyboard Settings>Handwriting>Pen Thikness>5 Pixels.

hagba said:
Did you try:
Settings>Language And Input>Samsung Keyboard Settings>Handwriting>Pen Thikness>5 Pixels.
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No such setting on MI6.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

~N.A.W.Y~ said:
Same.Can't find any setting for it.
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Unfortuntely no handwritting options in settings. Using sotmax rom with n3 keyboard maybe thats why. Thanx though

I can confirm the problem aswell. Settings to change are nowwhere to be found.

any news?

spen thick lines in handwriting mode
razumichin15 said:
any news?
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I too have the same issue with my 4.3 ROM for N7100.
Also, there seems to be no option within Language & Inputs ----> Samsung Keyboard to resolve this.

Same problem to me.. no way to change it?

I have the same problem!

This worked for me, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=47165263&postcount=1300
Give it a go, might help you guys as well.

Everytime i change the setting like explained in the post before and i reboot, after rebooting there is the old setting and the new wasn´t saved.
Edit: When i delete the .bak. It works very well after reboot! Thank you for the hint!!!!

Or change the file permission to rw-rw-rw also works.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

I today I uploaded rom Sotmax and have a thin line : P

I also tried to fix it, the only solution for me was:

Is their anyway to remove KNOX bootloader so that i can flash to non Knox Stock Rom???


How to deactivate Home Button?

Do anyone know how to deactivate the home button? I only want to activate the phone only from Power Button.
I've alreday tried to change from the keylayout etc, but nothing happen.
Note : I usually activate the phone accidently when the phone in my pocket from the home button.
With xposed framework and xposed additions and this is wrong section, ask in q/a forum....
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LegendSmoker said:
With xposed framework and xposed additions and this is wrong section, ask in q/a forum....
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Ok, sorry. This is Q/A forum for galaxy S5, right?
Wanam xposed
Hellscythe said:
Wanam xposed
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Lots of existing threads with exhaustive detail on this. So a search would give you the maximum number of options including how to edit the keylayout definitions directly. Or use Xposed as already suggested.

new update 14.4.A.0.157

I hope this brings the ps4 remote play , dsee hx , ultra stamina mode etc to our Z1c :fingers-crossed:
like Z2 got yesterday :victory:
i dont think so...
maybe only new launcher and widgets
We even didnt recive previous update. Im very courious when we get any new update.
saeed-constantine said:
i dont think so...
maybe only new launcher and widgets
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lets see ...
mosespl said:
We even didnt recive previous update. Im very courious where we get any new update.
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mee too :highfive:
Look the screenshot...
MrMmmkay said:
Look the screenshot...
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its also selected carrier update ??
On sonymobile website we can swe that for z1c still is 108 latest
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D5503_14.4.A.0.157_Customized NCB
FTF for Nordic (1279-4149)
Inquirer8087 said:
FTF for Nordic (1279-4149)
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thanks !!! is there any thing new ??
I got it a couple of hours ago. OTA it was only about 6MB big. So I think it's mainly bugfixing. But I can't help but I think the phone got much snappier, much faster in everything.
I think its only the kernel improvement.new kernel which was made on 9th october
ra9na said:
I got it a couple of hours ago. OTA it was only about 6MB big. So I think it's mainly bugfixing. But I can't help but I think the phone got much snappier, much faster in everything.
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ok thanks
ra9na said:
I got it a couple of hours ago. OTA it was only about 6MB big. So I think it's mainly bugfixing. But I can't help but I think the phone got much snappier, much faster in everything.
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Are the bug on camera is fixd?? And gps is better?
Sent from my D5503 using XDA Free mobile app
Hi can any one get ftf link with resume for download manager?!!
Flashed it via FlashTool, lost my root and now trying to get back root via EasyRootTool, no success. Will try harder.
amnher said:
Are the bug on camera is fixd?? And gps is better?
Sent from my D5503 using XDA Free mobile app
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Which camera bug are you talking about? I know, that sometimes the camera will freeze and you have to go to the home screen. But how can someone reproduce this error?
And what about GPS? I have no problems at all with GPS. Can you be more specific?
kokkss said:
Flashed it via FlashTool, lost my root and now trying to get back root via EasyRootTool, no success. Will try harder.
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Flash 108 kernel then root your phone and then flash 157 kernel and root persist
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mosespl said:
Flash 108 kernel then root your phone and then flash 157 kernel and root persist
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Can You provide 108 kerne only ftf file?
kokkss said:
Can You provide 108 kerne only ftf file?
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Sorry but i download whole ROM 108 and flashed only kernel. I can do it later i must download again encrypyion files
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[5.0.2] Resurrection Remix LBL BUGFIXED

Thread moved into XSP Android development!​Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xperia-sp/development/resurrection-remix-5-0-2-lollipop-lbl-t3170211
( Moderator, please delete this thread. )
Hmm seems decent enough. Will be putting this up on the main thread. Thanks for making a bug fixed version skulltus although I would have appreciated it if you could have informed me through pm about your decision.
Furrydaus said:
Hmm seems decent enough. Will be putting this up on the main thread. Thanks for making a bug fixed version skulltus although I would have appreciated it if you could have informed me through pm about your decision.
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I know! Sorry! It came suddenly, and I'm a beginner in this subject. And my english is weak, so the communication seems to be pretty difficult to me. But i want to say thanks for this rom!
This is great news for the LBL community who have been patiently waiting, good job.
Anyways, I think your thread is in the wrong section... Try contacting a moderator to move it to Xperia SP Android Development instead of General.
The TIT∆N Has Landed! Hide your works from this critic! The Official Maintainer of the XSP Lollipop and M Hubs.
I trying to contact a moderator to move this thread to Android Developement.
Sorry,mobile data still didn't work!
tayct said:
Sorry,mobile data still didn't work!
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Ok, i check that!
Do i have to do a clean installation or can i update it from the last build?
CaptainLide said:
Do i have to do a clean installation or can i update it from the last build?
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Make a clean installation! Sorry, i dont write it into "howto" section.
skulltus said:
Ok, i check that!
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So does it work or not?
Edit: sorry, I didn't see You have updated what works list
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miku6r said:
So does it work or not?
Edit: sorry, I didn't see You have updated what works list
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Now i working to fix it! But it's very hard for me because I am not have mobilnet.
Edited: I uploading the new Zip about five mins. Anyone please check that, the fix is working or not.
When the installation end, turn off adaptive brightness, and turn on mobile data and reboot the phone twice. After the phone is booted wait 30 sec and check the mobil data .
Link does not work...
CaptainLide said:
Link does not work...
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I checked the link, and it's working.
skulltus said:
When the installation end, turn off adaptive brightness, and turn on mobile data and reboot the phone twice. After the phone is booted wait 30 sec and check the mobil data .
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I am testing now
Edit: Nope, it didnt work for me, sorry.
skulltus said:
When the installation end, turn off adaptive brightness, and turn on mobile data and reboot the phone twice. After the phone is booted wait 30 sec and check the mobil data .
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Hmm, it doesn't work. But... when I first booted my phone, set up language, and then skip everything in a configuration. It showed me LTE on a status bar. It seems that mobile data worked then. After twice reboot, there is a X or something like that.
I can say that the rom is very fast for now. Much faster than cm12 for lbl. Only mobile data needs a fix, and maybe something to disable auto brightness ( please check cm12 thread, there was a fix ). Also I want to ask how to make settings background white.
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miku6r said:
I can say that the rom is very fast for now. Much faster than cm12 for lbl. Only mobile data needs a fix, and maybe something to disable auto brightness ( please check cm12 thread, there was a fix ). Also I want to ask how to make settings background white.
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To get wifi and data fix go to terminal emulator type "su" grant permission from superuser, then type"setenforce 0". You'll have to do this every hardboot but it gives you wifi and data!
CaptainLide said:
To get wifi and data fix go to terminal emulator type "su" grant permission from superuser, then type"setenforce 0". You'll have to do this every hardboot but it gives you wifi and data!
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The selinux state is auro permissive you not have to do anything like "setenforce 0". But i will check the fix again today!
skulltus said:
The selinux state is auro permissive you not have to do anything like "setenforce 0". But i will check the fix again today!
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Ok what about changing the settings background to white?

[APP][NO ROOT]Latest xperia launcher 10.0.A.0.2 and widget.

I would like to share with you the last xperia home. It is take from latest marshmallow concept build 2099. It's work on aosp 5.x and 6.0. I'm not the developer, so if not working for you, i can't help. I make deodex it, and sign with tool what I found on XDA. And sorry for my english, i hoope you understand me.
On marshmallow if widget do't working. You must change permission in setting - apps.
Install as normal apk.
Thanks for
BDFreak for Advanced ApkTool
svadev for SVADeodexerForArtx32
Would you post the odex version of this please? I'm on stock 6.0 and it's not working for me
Gregor250385 said:
Would you post the odex version of this please? I'm on stock 6.0 and it's not working for me
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What not working ? APP crash or not install ? If you have install old xperia home oraz widget, you can't install it. At first you mistrzostw uninstall older APP.
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omikron20 said:
What not working ? APP crash or not install ? If you have install old xperia home oraz widget, you can't install it. At first you mistrzostw uninstall older APP.
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It just won't install. I have xperia's z5 framework flashed on my nexus, maybe that's why it doest work? Previously version of xperia's home apk works fine. I have also put the home apk to my system apk's and changed the permissions, but i can't see it in my launcher list. Strange
Gregor250385 said:
It just won't install. I have xperia's z5 framework flashed on my nexus, maybe that's why it doest work? Previously version of xperia's home apk works fine. I have also put the home apk to my system apk's and changed the permissions, but i can't see it in my launcher list. Strange
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would you show me the source where you find the sony apks?
---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------
Sorry, my bad. It's working fine. I had a old sony weather widget on my phone (i didn't see if before) now it's working. Thank u
Gregor250385 said:
would you show me the source where you find the sony apks?
---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------
Sorry, my bad. It's working fine. I had a old sony weather widget on my phone (i didn't see if before) now it's working. Thank u
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Good news.
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omikron20 said:
I would like to share with you the last xperia home. It is take from latest marshmallow concept build 2099. It's work on aosp 5.x and 6.0. I'm not the developer, so if not working for you, i can't help. I make deodex it, and sign with tool what I found on XDA. And sorry for my english, i hoope you understand me.
On marshmallow if widget do't working. You must change permission in setting - apps.
Install as normal apk.
Thanks for
BDFreak for Advanced ApkTool
svadev for SVADeodexerForArtx32
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It's not working on my note 3 n900 stock rom(no root) it's says app not installed. Plz help
Daniel_Parker said:
It's not working on my note 3 n900 stock rom(no root) it's says app not installed. Plz help
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Try to clean data of home.apk in setting
Wysłane z mojego Nexus 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
omikron20 said:
I would like to share with you the last xperia home. It is take from latest marshmallow concept build 2099. It's work on aosp 5.x and 6.0. I'm not the developer, so if not working for you, i can't help. I make deodex it, and sign with tool what I found on XDA. And sorry for my english, i hoope you understand me.
On marshmallow if widget do't working. You must change permission in setting - apps.
Install as normal apk.
Thanks for
BDFreak for Advanced ApkTool
svadev for SVADeodexerForArtx32
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omikron20 said:
Try to clean data of home.apk in setting
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Thnx it worked...
Any chance where I can find Xperia keyboard latest for non rooted?
Daniel_Parker said:
Thnx it worked...
Any chance where I can find Xperia keyboard latest for non rooted?
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Try this http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/sony-mobile-communications/xperia-keyboard/
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NEW !!! ParadoX Theme for EMUI 4.0

Hi guys !
I wanted to share you some experience with my theme for emui 4.0. this them is made by other themes + my stuff
Size - 60MB
Version - 4.0 (ArabicFont)
Apps with design:
- Play store
- Youtube
- Huawei Media Center (Music)
- Calculator
- Calendar (will fix in next update)
- Flashify
- Messaging
And more...
Icons compability - about 1,700 icons !!!
How to install:
1. Download .htw File from below
2. Copy Downloaded file into HWTheme directory
3. Go to Themes app and apply this theme
Thanks to
Geraldo carbajal - AOSP, MATERIAL X ...
Please test it and tell me bugs and more...
Drive - https://goo.gl/U50spi
MEGA - https://goo.gl/vFjKjb
good font for arabic .. i love it
mdda7 said:
good font for arabic .. i love it
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Thnx. How about theme ?
Grate theme good work
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Nice theme
Lähetetty minun EVA-L09 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
malezlo22 said:
Grate theme good work
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Thanks you
Zatoxx said:
Nice theme
Lähetetty minun EVA-L09 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
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Thank you very much
Is there any way I can bring back the stock font ? No matter the theme I applied, Arabic sticks. Thanks.
Iona.bartishvili said:
Thnx. How about theme ?
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very cool
mdda7 said:
very cool
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