Problem with French rom official - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey I have to install Rom French official I was supposed to have a CSC XEF out I find myself with a CSC CYO how I solve this problem, thank you very much
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Secphone 4.3

Hi, can some one deodex secphone from latest orange france 4.3? Want send it to a dev for make call regestering and incoming call notifucation!
Envoyé de mon GT-I9506 en utilisant Tapatalk

Mhl dont works since kitkat

Hello my mhl and a friend too dont works on kitkat it s normal ? Or maybe have a mod to do ?
Envoyé de mon SM-N9005 en utilisant Tapatalk

Google now from any Screen

Hello All,
I can't find any thread helpful .
I can't activate google now from any screen
Thanks for helping
Envoyé de mon SM-N910F en utilisant Tapatalk

ROOT Android 6.0.1 G298F

Root are available for G928C and for the G928F ?
Did we have information about root for the 928f ?
Envoyé de mon SM-G928F en utilisant Tapatalk
You can root your 928F with a 928C MM firmware, as I did, but be aware to download the firmware from Samobile
Envoyé de mon SM-G928C en utilisant Tapatalk
All is working like a charm here
Envoyé de mon SM-G928C en utilisant Tapatalk
928C up to PB8 can be rooted with CF-Auto-Root
Ok thank for your reply.
I don't want flash G928C Firmware. Because i have android 6 for G928F model...
I must be patient. I think
Envoyé de mon SM-G928F en utilisant Tapatalk
I have flash Skyhigh Kernel and root he work great. I'm happy....... i can disable core and underclock for more battery. I test it
Envoyé de mon SM-G928F en utilisant Tapatalk
So how can I root G928F with MM?

Galaxy A5 2017 original OGG files

Hi guy !
I search the original OGG files of the Galaxy A5 2017 SM-A520F... do you know where I can find it ?
I can extract this files from the original firmware ?
Thanks !
Envoyé de mon GT-I9505 en utilisant Tapatalk
In system/media/audio/
But where I can download it ?
I can extract it from the original firmware ?
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