Extremely slow charging - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys. I'm currently facing a huge problem which is very very slow charging rate. Last time it charged slowly and i tighten the usb port on the n7, thank God the problem solved. But now, even if i did that, it won't solve the problem. Now it took me more than 12 hours to charge from 5% to 95%. Please guys, help me. I couldn't wait for that long to fully charged. Is there anyway make it fast charging? My N7 just 10 months old and i am not so heavy user. thanks in advance.
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kakarotto.ss1 said:
Hi guys. I'm currently facing a huge problem which is very very slow charging rate. Last time it charged slowly and i tighten the usb port on the n7, thank God the problem solved. But now, even if i did that, it won't solve the problem. Now it took me more than 12 hours to charge from 5% to 95%. Please guys, help me. I couldn't wait for that long to fully charged. Is there anyway make it fast charging? My N7 just 10 months old and i am not so heavy user. thanks in advance.
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are you using the charger that came with Nexus 7?
If so, try with some other charger and even if that didnt help, then there's some problem with the battery.
In case you had changed the charger, it will be slow as the output voltage of Nexus 7 charger is high compared to that of other devices.

What is the voltage output of the chargerv
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nijom said:
are you using the charger that came with Nexus 7?
If so, try with some other charger and even if that didnt help, then there's some problem with the battery.
In case you had changed the charger, it will be slow as the output voltage of Nexus 7 charger is high compared to that of other devices.
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yes. i'm using the same charger that i bought N7. i tried Galaxy S4 charger but it is still the same. now i have to constantly charging. it took me more than 12 hours to fully charge..

chding said:
What is the voltage output of the chargerv
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the words on the charger fade away. i think is 2.0A..

just chiming in here , i have noticed my nexus takes longer to charge and run out faster since 4.3
lets hope kitkat actually bring fixes not problems, jb was a great update n all but the amount of problems device spread was silly for an official. google really needs to start sourcing employees from xda


Nexus 7 very slow to charge?

Hello everyone, I have a new nexus 7 and love it, but it seems to take way too long to charge. After a full discharge, my tablet takes more them 24 hours to charge. I have drained my battery twice to the point that my nexus powers off. Then I plug in, some back after more then a nights rest and still not fully charged? Not sure what'd going on, but this does not seem normal....
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criminal666 said:
Hello everyone, I have a new nexus 7 and love it, but it seems to take way too long to charge. After a full discharge, my tablet takes more them 24 hours to charge. I have drained my battery twice to the point that my nexus powers off. Then I plug in, some back after more then a nights rest and still not fully charged? Not sure what'd going on, but this does not seem normal....
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are you plugging it in a usb or a wall charger? usb will take much longer.
I am using the wall charger adapter and cord which came with the nexus...
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criminal666 said:
I am using the wall charger adapter and cord which came with the nexus...
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try a different outlet or a different charger? to make sure its not the n7 that's having an issue.
Great idea! I should have thought of that, now I feel like a retard....lol
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I'm in the same boat. It makes no sense. I've called Google Play support once already because it randomly died at over 30%. This last time I was using it I was at I assume over 20% since the battery level wasn't red and then it made the noise that battery was low and then turned off. What is the proper way to calibrate a battery since there are 90 million different ways if you search Google. I am running stock, rooted 4.1.1 btw. The last person's suggestion and lols following are not uncommon nowadays on xda, we just need some real solutions, thanks.
I feel my Nexus 7 is slow to charge, but it does do so overnight.
When plugged in to the charger and cord provided by google/asus, under Settings/Battery it says it is charging(AC), though once it did say charging (usb).

[Q] Battery charging

Quick question guys from zero to full how long is it taking to charge you're N10?
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SpartanVissepo said:
Quick question guys from zero to full how long is it taking to charge you're N10?
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From my week or so with the device, it's been taking around 5-6 hours for a full charge.
I heard they were releasing a high-voltage Pogo Pin charger soon though, hopefully this will bump the charge time down to 2 or 3 hours
Huggogguh said:
From my week or so with the device, it's been taking around 5-6 hours for a full charge.
I heard they were releasing a high-voltage Pogo Pin charger soon though, hopefully this will bump the charge time down to 2 or 3 hours
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Ok thanks a lot for the answer because that is what its taking for me and i thought that the battery might be damage and i was about to take it to the store. But wow 6 hours thats a lot right.
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SpartanVissepo said:
Ok thanks a lot for the answer because that is what its taking for me and i thought that the battery might be damage and i was about to take it to the store. But wow 6 hours thats a lot right.
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You're welcome my friend. But yeah 6 hours is quite a long time, mostly because they used a micro USB port to charge the device and it doesn't carry much power quickly. I'm looking forward to the pogo charger though
Personally, I haven't timed it as I charge my devices overnight. However, there are a few things to note.
The official Nexus 10 charger is 10W. Most other "phone" chargers are 5W. The device will charge on a 5W charger but very slowly.
Also, if the device is plugged into the official charger and is being used as it's charging, it will charge very slowly. If you are using a 5W charger, the device will actually discharge if you use it while it's plugged in.
The moral of the story: for best performance, use the official charger. I look forward to seeing the magnetic charger on the market.
Sent from my Nexus 10

Using my Nexus S and 7 charger on 4?

Would this be a safe idea it terms of the life of the battery down the road? I also bought a 3rd party car charger.
biggyk said:
Would this be a safe idea it terms of the life of the battery down the road? I also bought a 3rd party car charger.
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I use chargers from various phones. Have used different phone chargers with all my phones. Never had or noticed any problems. I'm sure you will be fine.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Yes, it's safe. I'm using an old Samsung charger to charge my Nexus. The charger doesn't really matter IMO.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
When using chargers that don’t come with the device, the only difference it can possibly cause is the rate of charging (how fast your device charges).
Just take a look at the milliamp rating on your charger. The N4 comes with a charger that outputs at 1400ma. I found that if I charged my N4 with a charger made for SE Arc, it takes forever to charge which isn’t a surprise since that charger outputs 750ma.
Don’t worry about using a higher milliamp charger on a device that’s rated to charge at a lower rate. The device will only draw what it needs. I’m not sure what’s the maximum ma the N4 will charge at, but let’s assume it will charge at 1400ma maximum. Even if you use a 2A charger, it will still charge at 1400ma.
Even I thot its safe and was using my Nexus 7 charger with the Nexus 4 . everything was fine for a few hours. Then suddenly it froze and the screen started getting weird lines on it .I immediately removed the charger and while the device was rebooting I could notice that the screen had a burn in kinda image on it. It slowly faded away later. Haven't used the Nexus 7 charger since and I've never got the same issue again.
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okay thanks for your answers guys
_KP said:
Even I thot its safe and was using my Nexus 7 charger with the Nexus 4 . everything was fine for a few hours. Then suddenly it froze and the screen started getting weird lines on it .I immediately removed the charger and while the device was rebooting I could notice that the screen had a burn in kinda image on it. It slowly faded away later. Haven't used the Nexus 7 charger since and I've never got the same issue again.
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Did you overheat the phone?
Sfkn2 said:
Did you overheat the phone?
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I don't think so. Cuz I wasn't even using it. It was just lying there most of the time. I switched on the display and was looking at battery monitor widget to check the charging status and then maybe twitter or something and it just froze. Held down the power button for 10seconds then restarted it.
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As a rule of thumb I'd keep then Nexus 4 away from the Nexus 7 charger.
Sent from my Nexus 4
The N7 charger is rated at 2A. I sometimes use it to charge my N4. Most of the time, I use a generic 2A charger. At the office, I use a Samsung 2A charger for my N4. I’ve encountered zero problems.
Truthfully I'm more concerned using a 12v in the car. Any suggestions what I can get?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

How long does it take to full charge your phone?

Im on stock 4.2.2 with Matr1x kernal...mine takes too damn long
This isnt a new device so not the first run obviously... And had this problem on full stock aswell...using the original LG charger.
Takes around 5+ hours to full charge from 25% to 100%
Its not a biggie since i plug this is in before going to sleep and by the time i wake up in the morning (around 7 hours ) its fully charged...but i just want to know is it a hardware problem only in mine?? Or a common issue??
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IKnowIRock! said:
Im on stock 4.2.2 with Matr1x kernal...mine takes too damn long
This isnt a new device so not the first run obviously... And had this problem on full stock aswell...using the original LG charger.
Takes around 5+ hours to full charge from 25% to 100%
Its not a biggie since i plug this is in before going to sleep and by the time i wake up in the morning (around 7 hours ) its fully charged...but i just want to know is it a hardware problem only in mine?? Or a common issue??
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next time you charge, go to the phones main settings, about phone, status.. check if its connecting/charging as usb or ac. usb takes longer to fully charge than ac.
simms22 said:
next time you charge, go to the phones main settings, about phone, status.. check if its connecting/charging as usb or ac. usb takes longer to fully charge than ac.
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It says "Charging (AC)" how long does it take yours??
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about 3+ hours on the wall charger i guess, 5+ hours if i was plugged into my laptop. try another charger with the right amperage. or try another usb chord with that charger.
Mines about 2 hours wall 3 hours USB...
sent from my i577/1.5oc/running one hella LiquidSmooth
IKnowIRock! said:
Im on stock 4.2.2 with Matr1x kernal...mine takes too damn long
This isnt a new device so not the first run obviously... And had this problem on full stock aswell...using the original LG charger.
Takes around 5+ hours to full charge from 25% to 100%
Its not a biggie since i plug this is in before going to sleep and by the time i wake up in the morning (around 7 hours ) its fully charged...but i just want to know is it a hardware problem only in mine?? Or a common issue??
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It only takes 3 to 4 hours to charge my phone by using the original LG charger.
around 2-3 hrs with wall charger and 6-7 hrs with USB.
3 to 4 hours charging from the wall and about 6 charging from USB. I'd suggest swapping out the charger your using and see if that makes a difference.
3.3 hours from under 20% to 100
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Seems like it varies device by device... My cousin's nex 4 takes around 5 hours...
And i think ROM and the kernal has nothing to do with it
Bdw im so glad to see such a helpful community here...never expected it
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IKnowIRock! said:
Im on stock 4.2.2 with Matr1x kernal...mine takes too damn long
This isnt a new device so not the first run obviously... And had this problem on full stock aswell...using the original LG charger.
Takes around 5+ hours to full charge from 25% to 100%
Its not a biggie since i plug this is in before going to sleep and by the time i wake up in the morning (around 7 hours ) its fully charged...but i just want to know is it a hardware problem only in mine?? Or a common issue??
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Also with my LG original charger I've this issue. Try another one that is at least 1A
Inviato dal mio Nexus 4 usando Tapatalk 4
tnw513 said:
Also with my LG original charger I've this issue. Try another one that is at least 1A
Inviato dal mio Nexus 4 usando Tapatalk 4
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The LG original charger that came with the phone kept randomly ticking from AC to permanent USB charging on the wall. I switched chargers and it stays on AC now.
there's been a few issues with the stock charger, some are inferior to others, I charge mine while I sleep, but my old lg charger is alot better, same with iphone charger
Mine takes more than 3 hours on wall charing
Sent from my Nexus 4
Wall charging: 2h20m from 8% to full of course.
Wysłane z mojego Nexus 4 za pomocą Tapatalk 4

Battery draining

I bought nexus 4 a week back and battery is draining fast
Please tell me whether these stats are normal for a nexus or should I ask for a replacement
marupudisasikanth said:
I bought nexus 4 a week back and battery is draining fast
Please tell me whether these stats are normal for a nexus or should I ask for a replacement
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It's hard to tell from the info you've posted. But you're screen is on all the time so it looks pretty normal. How much screen on time to you get?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
2.5 hours of screen on time and taking 5 to 6 hours for full charge
marupudisasikanth said:
2.5 hours of screen on time and taking 5 to 6 hours for full charge
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2.5 hours is on the low end of normal, but not unheard of. When charging are using usb? That sounds right. If you're using ac that's long. When charging go to settings, battery and it'll show ac or usb charging
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marupudisasikanth said:
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I'm not sure if you're using a wall charger or not. If you are your cable is probably bad. It could also be your charger
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
I have also tested it with Samsung and Motorola chargers but it's taking lot of time to charge
Hot Google Nexus 4. Yikes! Help!
So I dialed in *#*# 4636*#*#, went to battery information and Holy F*ck.I was just downloading an app or two on the Play Store. (My hands feel like they've been bitten by red ants.) I am seriously gonna lose it on this phone I actually plan on putting it on the freezer the next time this occurs. I just finished doing a factory reset btw so..

