Is it possible to "show grid" with WidgetLocker application? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

I am attempting to make my lock screen appear like the image posted below. This screenshot is actually of the home screen, not the lock screen.
The only lock-screen app I could find that allows widget overlap is "WidgetLocker". If there are others I could play around with, please let me know.
My current strategy is to add both "Dash Clock" and "Circle Battery Widget" to the WidgetLocker (WL) lock screen and attempting to align them via overlap. Unfortunately, it looks like WL only allows overlap via resizing - not by placing one widget on top of another. I think it is still possible, with enough tinkering, but it won't be easy.
One thing that might make this easier would be if I could see the grid when moving widgets on the lock screen. The settings for this app are pretty extensive and I can't find the option if it's there.
Any suggestions that might help me reproduce this lock screen are welcome. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I guess I don't have the privileges to add an image yet. If you're curious, head to bitly slash 19muwsg

You can't make two threads about the same thing.
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[email protected] said:
You can't make two threads about the same thing.
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They look similar but are two different questions. Sorry about that, should've been more careful with my wording. :angel:


A few android question

I've been with WinMo since 2001 until about a week ago when I switched to andriod. I have many questions and was unsure where to turn to. I will try here. If there is a better place, please let me know.
I have a Desire Z that I got with ATT 3G bands. I have successfully rooted the device, overclocked it, and installed Cyanogen 6.
1) When I hit the power button, I still have to swipe my finger across the screen to unlock. How do I make it so I don't have to do this?
2) I had some difficulty upgrading to Cyanogen 6 and was unable to get 7 to work. IfI want to mess around further with roms, is there some way I can backup EVERYTHING so if I screw up, I can make my phone exactly the way I have it now without a whole lot of work re-installing stuff, etc.?
3) The link to the phone, app, and browser are all stuck on the bottom of the phone. Can I get rid of this?
4) When laying apps out on the home screen, there seems to be some kind of grid that they are locked into that makes it hard to move them exactly where I want them. It will let me lay them so they overlap each other, but not very close to each other. Is there some way to overcome this?
5) I can't seem to arrange apps close to the top of the screen because the garbage can overlay slides down and when I move the app near the top it thinks I am trying to throw it away.
6) Is there an app that will show both the current weather and an icon for the weather conditions in the status bar?
Wow, a lot of questions...
1, Go to Settings->CyanogenMod Settings->Input Settings and select Trackball wake/Trackball Unlock or Menu Unlock and after that you will be able to select Disable Unlock Slider
2, Try Titanium Backup (
3, As far as I know CM6 uses ADW.Launcher as default launcher. You can change it to LauncherPro ( which is fully customisable
4, There is a grid which can't be changed
5, LauncherPro has the trash icon at the bottom
6, Sorry, I didn't find any
Try beautiful Widgets for the weather
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TheRedDrake said:
Try beautiful Widgets for the weather
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
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It doesn't display conditions in the notification bar, but otherwise it's one of the bests
Sent from my GT-I5700 using XDA Premium App
Hello Everyone.
I went and found some of these answers on my own. I also was able to upgrade to CM7.
1) I found an app for it but will try PsHeger's solution.
2) I found that the bootloader/Rom manager do a good job of this, too.
3) I was able to remove it in the app launcher rather than using pro.
4) This absolutely pisses me off. I have a Winmo 6.5 phone that lets me have a nice, organized home screen. I can't believe there isn't a better solution to this. Good lord.
6) Go Weather App does this.
if you set your grid settings to 10x10 rows and columns in launcher pro, you can put the icons and widgets pretty much anywhere.
kevin2516 said:
if you set your grid settings to 10x10 rows and columns in launcher pro, you can put the icons and widgets pretty much anywhere.
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You can try this, but you will need to buy a pro key for laincherpro to strech the widgets or they will look really stuid
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I found that the auto stretch check box pretty much solved the problem with layout.
synpax said:
I found that the auto stretch check box pretty much solved the problem with layout.
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I didn't know it works without pro key

[Q] App to lock individual home screen

I have one homescreen that has my emails and calendar. I would either like it hidden or with its own look screen. is there an app or a launcher that does that. i apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to post.
I'm a little shaky on understanding what you mean. Are you trying to ask if you could have different wallpapers for each home page? Can you elaborate a bit more?
Protocol 7 said:
I'm a little shaky on understanding what you mean. Are you trying to ask if you could have different wallpapers for each home page? Can you elaborate a bit more?
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I have 3 homescreens. 2 are general, roughly divided by activities and contain and have no easy access to sensitive information. The third homescreen has my emails, my calendar, office access and has widgets to have the information visible on the homscreen. I don't want everyone who has access to the table to have access to those accounts.
When I am working on my tablet i like these things to be there and easily accesbile to me. Therefore, I would like to be able to either hide this homescreen - not accessible by casual presses or swipes, or separately lockscreen it. so even if the tablet is unlocked and active, say I hand it to a colleague, if they scroll through the homescreens, this one either wouldn't show, or would have a second lock screen, without showing the content of the real homescreen.
you can password protect individual applications.
I Know I can do that, but what i want to do is hide one of the homescreens that has widgets to those apps open.
killersnowman said:
you can password protect individual applications.
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I think I know what deecee52 is asking for, and I don't think it's possible, But I'd really like to thank you for that link
Not sure if it will help but you can simply install a second launcher and set it up with the widget/app you want to hide and create a invisible shortcut (in the corner of a screen or something).
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or use Regina 3D Launcher
- Secret workspaces where you can hide some of your app shortcuts and widgets for your privacy
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swee08315 said:
I think I know what deecee52 is asking for, and I don't think it's possible, But I'd really like to thank you for that link
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thats why i gave the link and the alternate idea, because at this time i dont think you can lock an entire home screen without that functionality being built into the launcher itself
Thanks for the suggestions. I like the idea of Regina 3d, although it doesn't seem to be on the market anymore.
I've thought of two browsers and widgetlocker, not sure if it will work. Hoping one of our crack devs might look into this for one of the launchers
you might have some luck looking into the hide calls/sms/apps on the market to see if they have a setting that would allow you to do what your looking for. there are several ones that you could try but please read them carefully because i do know that with some if you lock something (say a photo) this way and forget the password you will not be able to access your information/pics/sms files etc you've locked. all of these are avail in the market & range from free-$12 (loky)
extreme call blocker, lock, secrets, horizon, secret phone settings & loky
not sure if any of these will do what you want but what your asking for to my knowledge can only be done with Regina 3d as meantioned already...which is a great app btw​
Also take a look into child protection type apps. I did come across Smart lock 2.0 which seems rather close to what you had described.
tittieslover said:
Not sure if it will help but you can simply install a second launcher and set it up with the widget/app you want to hide and create a invisible shortcut (in the corner of a screen or something).
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Yeah...! This ll definitely help...
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA Premium App
thanks for the child safe approach. As I said the Regina Launcher is very attractive and the separate workspaces get pretty close to what I would like. It does not yet play well on tablets as it is only in portrait mode. I will definitely report back when I have had time to play around with some of these ideas.

App for changing lock screen wallpaper automatically.

I'm looking for an app which will change the lock screen wallpaper automatically. I tried the "Wallpaper Changer" from market. But it changes the home screen Wallpapers only. Any app there for lock screen? also I want to use the native lock screen itself. Thanx!
Why don't you try Settings>Display>Screen Display>Lock Screen Wallpaper
or you can go to a image the press the edit button and choose set as lock screen.
At least read the damn post!
The guy is asking for something that automatically changes the wallpaper, I would asume at a predefined or even random time.
I dont know of any app only for home screen wallpapers though, sorry cant be much of a help.
EarlZ said:
At least read the damn post!
The guy is asking for something that automatically changes the wallpaper, I would asume at a predefined or even random time.
I dont know of any app only for home screen wallpapers though, sorry cant be much of a help.
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Yes I know how to change it manually. But wanted it auto like every few minutes or whenever I unlock the screen which would have been cool to look at different lock screen Wallpapers everytime u look at the screen
well thanx guys. Hope someone will make an app for this!
I use flikie HD to change my homescreen wallpaper, then I choose the lock screen option to change the picture to my wallpaper.which means it changes as per the schedule i set on flikie
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You can probably do that with "Tasker" but this is not the cheapest app
Aimixess said:
You can probably do that with "Tasker" but this is not the cheapest app
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You can definitely do this with Tasker. As stated though not the cheapest app if this is the only thing you'll use it for. Steep learning curve too. Still, its an option.
Harsha Raj said:
I'm looking for an app which will change the lock screen wallpaper automatically. I tried the "Wallpaper Changer" from market. But it changes the home screen Wallpapers only. Any app there for lock screen? also I want to use the native lock screen itself. Thanx!
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Very nice idea, I am also interested in this.
Aimixess said:
You can probably do that with "Tasker" but this is not the cheapest app
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It will be nice to select the photo automatically from an local album or even better from Picasa.
stoney73 said:
I use flikie HD to change my homescreen wallpaper, then I choose the lock screen option to change the picture to my wallpaper.which means it changes as per the schedule i set on flikie
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Now this I am not able to make it work. Can u tell me a detailed step by step as to how? Thank you.
And I am not ready to spend that much of bucks on tasker hehe
Use CM locker, its change your wallpaper daily.. Yes daily that's my problem, I need an app that change my lockscreen wallpaper every hour.
Hi guys, try "Hi Locker" from Lockdown Team. You can change it every 1 hour, 2 hours, etc.

Assistive Light Widget Mod Help

Ok, so I love having the assistive light widget. Its the only flashlight app/widget I've seen with the ability to launch it and simultaneously view other apps or lock the screen and have it continue to operate. However. The widget is larger than it need be and is above all ugly as sin.
My idea is to use something like Desktop Visualizer to create a 1x1 transparent widget to place in a second dock in Apex Launcher or somewhere on the home screen.
My problem is I cannot find the corresponding app or action to link the custom widget to the Assistive Light widget.
Does anyone know what it is, where to look, or can find it? Because I have been at it for two days and continue to fail lol.
Thanks for the time and help.
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YoungChrisG said:
Ok, so I love having the assistive light widget. Its the only flashlight app/widget I've seen with the ability to launch it and simultaneously view other apps or lock the screen and have it continue to operate. However. The widget is larger than it need be and is above all ugly as sin.
My idea is to use something like Desktop Visualizer to create a 1x1 transparent widget to place in a second dock in Apex Launcher or somewhere on the home screen.
My problem is I cannot find the corresponding app or action to link the custom widget to the Assistive Light widget.
Does anyone know what it is, where to look, or can find it? Because I have been at it for two days and continue to fail lol.
Thanks for the time and help.
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Might I suggest TeslaLED from the Play store? It comes in very handy and has a 1x1 widget that isn't an eye sore. It also stays on whether you turn off the screen or start using other apps.
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mickeywdw1254 said:
Might I suggest TeslaLED from the Play store? It comes in very handy and has a 1x1 widget that isn't an eye sore. It also stays on whether you turn off the screen or start using other apps.
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I will do just that. Thanks for the help.
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im gettingvreally annoyed with unlovking d phone and the clock expands. Is there a way to remove the expand option?
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I don't see one.
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Bumping this one ... Anyone knows how to get a clean unlock screen like S3 for example ?
Are we all on the same page here.... sometimes the lock screen will go haywire and show some mini applications, or boxes that have edit options? Like adding stuff to the lock screen when you didn't ask for it... ? Anyway to turn it off.... Might have to buy a custom locker
I dont have any widgets/apps on the lockscreen, but its kind of annoying when the clock expands and makes it hard to unlock the phone....
I guess we got too used to the "slide from anywhere to unlock" feature. Just slide at the very bottom and youre golden every time
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If you slide downward from the clock widget or any other screen widget, this feature allows you to edit the current widget, add a new one, or replace.

