mount error - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have a mount error in all recoveries
i cant mount it manually through adb shell too it says device busy any ideas guys
got it fixed myself by installing busy box
now it mounts but now i am using TWRP
any one if u face a similar problem try this solution


Recovery Console / FW Problem

well, since i rooted via recovery console ( and installed rom manager, that i have a droid and a triangle with a yellow exclamation point in the recovery console as background (i already hard resetted the phone, cleared all data, but the triangle still keeps there when i go to the recovery console... is this normal or do i have a problem in the firmware? I tried to install the from wavesecure from the recovery console and it gave error and didnt install, maybe it damaged the firmware... any tips?
Another question...since i failed to install wavesecure via, i used adb, copied the apk to /sdcard then i moved it to /system/app, its working now, but one of the commands i used was
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
do i need to change permissions with another command or it reverses that command when i reboot? Because on their site they say to do "mount -o remount,ro 0t yaffs /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system" after copying, but that command is invalid, is not working.
Thanks for helping
bump....Please help, mainly about the triangle with a ! in recovery, because if its an error with firmware i can flash another, im still with the stock one JF5

[q] adb remount wont work on vibrant

So i rooted my vibrant with the hopes of removing some of the bloatware. i rooted with the one click root method, loaded clockwork recovery, i know i am rooted but every time i try adb remount i get remount failed: no such file or directory.
so i tried going into clockwork recovery in the partition menu and mounting system there and trying adb remount and got remount failed: operation not permited. i ran adb root and got root can not run on factory builds (or something close to that)
in adb shell ive tried mounting every which way i can think of and nothing works.
ive searched all over and havent been able to find a fix, please help
root explorer didnt work either
also i tried deleting the system apps with root explorer and it would mount either
adb remount wont work on a factory kernel like it says
you can use adb shell and use su to give you root access, you also need to remount /system so it's not a read-only filesystem, there are several posts around here detailing how
cojonesx said:
adb remount wont work on a factory kernel like it says
you can use adb shell and use su to give you root access, you also need to remount /system so it's not a read-only filesystem, there are several posts around here detailing how
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like i said in my post, i tried shell and couldnt get it to mount. maybe i did it wrong

[Q] Superuser permissions not working well

Now I know I'm rooted. I unlocked my bootloader, flashed CWM 3.0 and installed the Superuser (ef) and even installed Rom manager and gave it permission. But for some reason almost every other rooted app I download and try to use it says that my phone isn't rooted?? I'm using a Nexus S. Anybody had similiar issues and resolved it? Thanks for all responses.
Yes the answer has been posted. Go into the recovery from rom manager or by volume and power. Go to mounts and storage and mount / system. You are see it unmount now so mount the system.
You may also need to zap the system with chmod.
You do this by going into Clockwork Recovery's Mounts & Storage. Mount /system. Then in ADB from your computer type in:
1) adb shell
2) cd /system/bin
3) chmod 6775 su
exit and reboot.

[Q] Framework changes with ADB

First of I had no idea where to post this as it's not "device specific"
I'd been undertaking framewokr-res changes fine up until yesterday when I started to recieve an Invalid Argument error in ADB shell.
The command that I am using with ADB is;
cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
chmod644 /system/framework/framework-res.apk
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But after "cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk" I'm now recieving, "cannot remove /system/framework/framework-res.apk Invalid Argument"
Where's that come from, I've never had it before, any ideas please?
I'm no noob btw, I've searched google and the forums here to no avail.
SWFlyerUK said:
First of I had no idea where to post this as it's not "device specific"
I'd been undertaking framewokr-res changes fine up until yesterday when I started to recieve an Invalid Argument error in ADB shell.
The command that I am using with ADB is;
But after "cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk" I'm now recieving, "cannot remove /system/framework/framework-res.apk Invalid Argument"
Where's that come from, I've never had it before, any ideas please?
I'm no noob btw, I've searched google and the forums here to no avail.
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My first guess is that the system partition is mounted read-only, but that seems like an odd message.
Is this on a different device than you normally use, or one that has worked before in the past?
Yep just that device, just tried on my Nexus S and it's still working on, but not on my Archos 70. Is there anyway I can mount as r/w with ADB to ensure its read and write?
Thanks for the response, appreciated.
SWFlyerUK said:
Yep just that device, just tried on my Nexus S and it's still working on, but not on my Archos 70. Is there anyway I can mount as r/w with ADB to ensure its read and write?
Thanks for the response, appreciated.
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I don't know anything about the device, but if it is rooted, busybox mount has a remount option:
busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
Sorry where do I enter that, just the CMD in the Android SDK? I've not used Busy Box commands before.
on the command line just like your other commands above.
I'm doing something wrong as this is what I'm getting;
No, as part of the commands you are running on the device via adb shell:
[COLOR="Red"]busybox mount -o remount,rw /system[/COLOR]
cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
chmod644 /system/framework/framework-res.apk
Yet another error;
mount: can't find /system in /proc/mounts
May aswell give up at this rate
Apparently that device uses some other mounting format that standard android.
Ok cheers, champ, I'm sure I'll find a solution, like I said, it worked before, but after a full reformat last night thats no the error that I'm getting.

(((SOLVED))) Galaxy S4 - Sph-720T - Failed to mount /efs (Invalide argument)

In recovery mode I am not able install any ROMS, theres the error Failed to mount /efs (Invalide argument)
I can only flash stock roms using odin, everything works on stock roms except for the wifi, after connecting/disconnecting multiple times, the wifi stops responding and wont work in the future
(( SOLVED ))
First thing you should do, is to backup your EFS if you still have it.
I had mine but it wasn't mounting properly.
In order to back it up, please download terminal emulator on a rooted device and follow this video
I would try to back it up, even if you think the efs is messed up... worst case scenario is you end up where you started, not worse off.
Your device needs to be rooted.
1.) Download SDK tools here - Scroll down to the bottom and "Get just the command line tools"
2.)Install TWRP , Find your device, download the .tar and flash it using ODIN
Boot in to recovery, in TWRP you want to go to mount, make sure system, esf are checked.
3. If you installed SDK tools, go to c:\android tools\SDK tools. hold shift and right click on the area inside the folder and select run command line from here.
4.) In cmd, type
ADB devices
ADB Shell
mke2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
mount -w -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p10 /efs
5.) You should be good!!!

