Solution 4 unlimited video record on android record over 4gb and no time restricted - One (M7) General

Hi All,
i found solution for unlimited recording on android device, it has pros and cons so hopefully some programmer will come and modify the buildin camera apk.
here are solutions they are working perfects but the problem is the quality is no where close to the buildin cam apk.
1. lgCamera
2. Snap Camera HDR
3. moto x camera apk its free and in my opinion its quality better than the other 2.
so the problem of limited recording is not due to format fat32, because htc on buildin cam apk record 30 minutes and stops and its size is 4gb, but i have tried lgcamera was recording over an hours and its size was 5.7gb.
i do not keep it long, i hope some programmer modify htc one cam apk to record unlimit or auto splitted to 30 minutes duration, also modify its zoom default to the value of 50% because htc one cam is way zoomed out.
so if any genius person modify the camera apk then it will be best solution, it just need to override the default camera apk setting when some one modifying its camera apk.
some time when we have party i do not like to go and modify zoom setting and start record again every half an hour.
Thanks for any programmer who modify this and good luck with the rest for temporary solution.

snap camera records 30fps with 20mbit in low light, but the result is darker then htc stock camera.

I could be off here, but since you said recording stops at 30 minutes, I think I have a solution:
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.

zindu said:
i do not keep it long, i hope some programmer modify htc one cam apk to record unlimit or auto splitted to 30 minutes duration, also modify its zoom default to the value of 50% because htc one cam is way zoomed out.
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You do realise that routinely changing the zoom is a terrible idea on the One?
It's a digital zoom, not an optical one, so all you are doing by zooming in is losing pixels - this is fine if you are shooting something and wish to zoom in for effect, but as a general rule if you want to get the best quality out of the camera, you should leave zoom well alone. This is especially true of the One as it doesn't have that many pixels to play with in the first place.
See here for more info -

unlimited video recording android
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.[/QUOTE]
hello homeslice976
Thank you very much for the information you have provided. i have uploaded 2 screen shots of the xml file you have stated and also uploaded 2 xml file which are original xml file on my htc device, but i think the device must be rooted to replace those xml files? am i wrong?
if i need to root my device then i will try to do it later today as my connection is very slow right now.

unlimited video recording htc one
It's a digital zoom, not an optical one, so all you are doing by zooming in is losing pixels - this is fine if you are shooting something and wish to zoom in for effect, but as a general rule if you want to get the best quality out of the camera, you should leave zoom well alone. This is especially true of the One as it doesn't have that many pixels to play with in the first place.
Thank you Dave,
i will test to video one with zoomin at let say 40% and other will let zoom alone but i will crop the video to equivalent of 40% zoomin video, i will compare the 2 side by side and will report back the result.

zindu said:
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.
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hello homeslice976
Thank you very much for the information you have provided. i have uploaded 2 screen shots of the xml file you have stated and also uploaded 2 xml file which are original xml file on my htc device, but i think the device must be rooted to replace those xml files? am i wrong?
if i need to root my device then i will try to do it later today as my connection is very slow right now.
yes you'll need to be rooted. you don't need to do anything with media_codecs.xml. Just media_profiles.xml.

unlimited video recording android
yes you'll need to be rooted. you don't need to do anything with media_codecs.xml. Just media_profiles.xml.[/QUOTE]
Thank you, i will try to rooted later on today and report back if i succeed.

zoomin htc one
hello Dave,
i have tested the video, i captured 2 video phone was at stable position, one without touching zoom and the other shoot was zoomed about 60%
then i cropped the one with 0 zoom to the same frame as the one with 60% zoom.
the result is as follows:
after cropping the video file from 1920 x 1080 became 775 x 425 well if i keep this size the file remain same quality but when i cropped back to
1920 x 1080 the quality is blury and no where near the original or the video was shooted with 60% zoomin.
so i believe the zoomin in htc one does not effect its quality as long as you are not zoomed extreme.
when you crop video and resized you will lose quality the same as zoomin, but all camcorders allow certain zoom without affecting quality, so i believe htc one zoomin is the same, but some video camera have advanced zoomin to go beyond limited for instance 72x advanced zoomin and the normal zoomin is 20x, so if you go beyond 20 you still zoomin further but you will lose quality and shaky the safe is to stay with 20x range.
all edited with after effects and even i did not export the out put, but after editing them compared them side by side, it is like day and night the quality differences between the 2 videos.
thank you though for information, i will try first to root my device and see if i can go beyond the limited recording.

homeslice976 said:
I could be off here, but since you said recording stops at 30 minutes, I think I have a solution:
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.
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hello again
i have changed those number to 60
i started from
<!ATTLIST EncoderProfile duration (60|60) #REQUIRED>
and each
<EncoderProfile quality="cif" fileFormat="mp4" duration="60">
so as you see all are in 60 minutes but no luck sofar i tried twice
1st record 25:39
2nd attempt records 26:04
both size are 3.79 gb in size
now i started recording again to see what is the the outcome if it is the same then i have to try to changed back to 30 at least its 30minutes, so i think it is the size limit thing
update: it is size limit issue, i checked again it says video size limit is reached.
i think it is be useful if some one try to write a code to state when ever the video reach limited time then start again automatically.
but thanks for the advice, i will let you know if i come with better solution..
thank you.

update: it is size limit issue, i checked again it says video size limit is reached.

zindu said:
update: it is size limit issue, i checked again it says video size limit is reached.
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Sorry - that was just a theory anyway. I'll keep looking around for something else that might be limiting the file size.

homeslice976 said:
Sorry - that was just a theory anyway. I'll keep looking around for something else that might be limiting the file size.
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Hi guys, this seems to be the only real discussion on this issue going on at all.
Has anyone been able to find a way around this limitation?

the problem is there are many know how to solved but they do not shared with us.
only who does not know and they spread a word over the net and same crap like, it is due to format type, let me tell you i have solved mine on htc one no problem what so ever until i stopped manually.
i am not a programmer but currently when i have time i try to learn java then i will after that develop simple app and progressing from there and will help the community but that take up to 1 to 2 years.
any way how i solved mine? i do not know my self but i did 2 things will shared with all of you.
1. i rooted my htc one device, there is plenty guide on this forum.
2. i decompile my camera apk and i change a picture and i can not remember if i mess little with codes or not but i doubt i did, so i deleted the original camera apk and replaced with my modification.
i will be glad to share my camera apk with you if you think it might be due to this modifications, i tell you what? i never update the system software now, because i am afraid i will lose the unlimited recording, so it works for me but i do not know how, but in future when i understand java programming i will help every one in this community.

zindu said:
the problem is there are many know how to solved but they do not shared with us.
only who does not know and they spread a word over the net and same crap like, it is due to format type, let me tell you i have solved mine on htc one no problem what so ever until i stopped manually.
i am not a programmer but currently when i have time i try to learn java then i will after that develop simple app and progressing from there and will help the community but that take up to 1 to 2 years.
any way how i solved mine? i do not know my self but i did 2 things will shared with all of you.
1. i rooted my htc one device, there is plenty guide on this forum.
2. i decompile my camera apk and i change a picture and i can not remember if i mess little with codes or not but i doubt i did, so i deleted the original camera apk and replaced with my modification.
i will be glad to share my camera apk with you if you think it might be due to this modifications, i tell you what? i never update the system software now, because i am afraid i will lose the unlimited recording, so it works for me but i do not know how, but in future when i understand java programming i will help every one in this community.
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Zindu, thank you so much for sharing.
I emailed Google about this here is the response I got:
"Thank you for contacting Google. I appreciate your patience with me as I look into this issue. It seems as though the limit placed on the video data file of 2gb is written into the android operating system. This is in effect on all types of android devices.
I have researched a few video control apps, they follow the same rule and stop at 1.9-2gb. At this time I do not believe there is a work around for this issue. I do not have software update information available either. Some of the research I have done points to a possible legislative law that limits the video recording time of mobile devices as it takes away from video recorders."

pal first thing you do undock the cam apk from the bar dock on your phone, see if it is working, what i mean by the dock is the bar on your phone on the bottom which have space for 4 or 5 applications, so undock cam apk from this dock and used on the main windows view.
if that does not work root ur phone and undock cam apk from dock bar.
if both does not work then if you have htc one i will upload my cam apk so you can install it on urs.
mine was limited to 4gb now its unlimited in size and durations, a programmer can develop application to over ride the camera system settings, so if i learn java in future my first apk will be try to over ride system setting.

zindu said:
pal first thing you do undock the cam apk from the bar dock on your phone, see if it is working, what i mean by the dock is the bar on your phone on the bottom which have space for 4 or 5 applications, so undock cam apk from this dock and used on the main windows view.
if that does not work root ur phone and undock cam apk from dock bar.
if both does not work then if you have htc one i will upload my cam apk so you can install it on urs.
mine was limited to 4gb now its unlimited in size and durations, a programmer can develop application to over ride the camera system settings, so if i learn java in future my first apk will be try to over ride system setting.
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I have a Nexus 5. My camera app is not docked. What should I do next?

if its not docked then rooted anyway see if it works?
what i did i undocked, rooted, modified a pick and some codes in xml file, and it works for me so i do not know which step caused the fix, but you need to root your device if you want to replace system application on your phone.
try to root your device first and try to modify xml file see if it works, if it was htc one i could help because i can upload xml and apk file.
that is all i know for now hope someone who have better knowledges to help you out but i hope i learn java within a year or too then i be able to fix this issue.

m__singh said:
Zindu, thank you so much for sharing.
I emailed Google about this here is the response I got:
"Thank you for contacting Google. I appreciate your patience with me as I look into this issue. It seems as though the limit placed on the video data file of 2gb is written into the android operating system. This is in effect on all types of android devices.
I have researched a few video control apps, they follow the same rule and stop at 1.9-2gb. At this time I do not believe there is a work around for this issue. I do not have software update information available either. Some of the research I have done points to a possible legislative law that limits the video recording time of mobile devices as it takes away from video recorders."
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So far this has been the most insightful information. Still, no idea how to overcome something this stupid.

joint.striker said:
So far this has been the most insightful information. Still, no idea how to overcome something this stupid.
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Ikr, it is pretty ridiculous. Zindu is right though, it's simple enough but the people who can figure it out don't care. Most people just don't seem to need their phone for our purpose.
My workaround has been SVR Pro:
-Upsides -It will record in fragments until your storage is full.
-You can use your device while recording
-You can record with the screen turned off !! which is epic for battery life!
-Downside -you loose like a second of video between the fragments


Absurdity of a missing background video recorder for HD2

Been searching since I got my HD2, that is 2 months ago now: there is apparently no way to record video in background on this phone, and it is absurd.
I basically need it as a car black box system, to work together with mp3 player and navigation/gps tracking software.
I found a russian pay software that should do exactly that, together with gps overimposing of current speed, but "garbled" is the best adjective to describe it with when installed on the HD2.
I tried QIK and LiveCLIQ, but they do no support HD2 officially, nor the cab that I downloaded for the touchpro2 worked.
Is that possible that the only software able to effectively record video on the HD2 is the builtin HTC camera, which is less than optimal in settings, and is not able to record in background? (even went through all its keys in HKLM and HKCU, but nothing interesting there).
Could any of you suggest a working solution, even if I am widely losing any hope since google didn't turn up anything during all this time?
I am looking for a solution also, tried the russian software too and it was not usable at all. Found a thread about a backgrounding app but doubt it will be any good. So the search continuous. Hope something can be found.
you could still point me to that thread, you never know
I also think that's not feasible because as soon as the camera app loses the focus it seems to stop recording, and that's silly to say the least... but trying won't hurt anyway, at least for the time being, until another app is released.
Depressing that Android is so young and it's already got its freeware car blackbox software, which is even better (on the paper) than the russian pay software.
new version of LiveCLIQ works
they released a new version (r5075) which finally woks for my HD2.
Find the app here: at LiveCLIQ homepage and select "HTC Touch HD T8282".
good news, will go check right now
Highly disappointed about livecliq:
forces landscape mode... htc camera shows as landscape, but the system is still in portrait, while livecliq actually rotates the display
resources hog, and slow as hell: while the HTC camera displays the images almost realtime as you move the viewport, livecliq lags considerably, and looks more like a fast slideshoq than a real video; while recording, you can put it in background with hide, but the rest of the system is pretty much unuseable from how much slow it is
generally useless for "our" purposes; sure, being able to upload or strem the videos directly online may be a good thing for those who are intrerested, but the developers decided to lock the program to just that function, as the video is recorded as a chain of 1MB max segments in "raw" format, and is not watchable offline
you cannot choose the save location, offline videos are saved under the install folder, which means hell for those who always install to internal memory, and keep the storage card for what it's meant, that it, storage
so well, livecliq is a no go, HTC camera is still the best if only it worked in background.

Only 2 questions I couldn't find the answer to...

I came from an HD2, and what HTC wrote over in WinMo 6.5 I thought was great, especially the gallery app, which cleared up an image when you zoomed in. I've noticed that this phone does not do that. When I zoom in on a picture I took it just turns all fuzzy, like it's been compressed or something. I know the pics are high res cause they look great on my computer, but I just can't understand why they don't clear up when you zoom in. Anyone else experience this? The only other issue I've noticed is that every once in a while I'll open an app up, lets say the web browser, and it pops up and then just force closes. Several others I know with a Vibrant/Captivate are having this problem as well, and I was just curious if anyone knew the cause. I'm totally new to Android so please pardon me if these are dumb questions.
for the second half of your post you should get your phone replaced.
there have been a couple people on here that had that issue with "sticking" buttons so apps would randomly close or settings would popup.
As for your first issue, it sounds to me as though you are zooming into the thumbnail version of the picture. Perhaps the full high-res version is actually found in another pile/folder under the gallery. I don't think the thumbnails are generally viewable separately, though I do see a lot of other media gathered up from various apps which can be kinda annoying.
No I promise I'm not zooming on the thumbnails, I'm clicking the folder with all of my pictures in it, and it'll let me zoom in on them, but they never clear up. It's not the camera cause the resolution is right, just the zooming isn't working properly. it's weird, and frustrating.
I definitely don't have the camera problem. I tested it with photos I took as well as wallpapers in my gallery. I assume you are using the gallery app, right?
If you're getting FCs on stock apps you may want to just do a factory data reset (settings/privacy). It happens occasionally to all android phones and the only sure fix I've seen is a reset. Make sure you're not using task killers or home replacement apps (pandahome, openhome, etc) as they can cause a lot of FCs in my experience.
You might have your camera resolution on lowest settings. Try a higher setting and let us know. The default resolution is 640x480.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Checked the resolution of the camera and the pictures themselved and they're both 5MP, so I really don't know what the problem is now. It is rather frustrating though, when I zoom I want to see the details of the image not a fuzzy picture. Another thing I've just had happen to me is trying to copy over a 4.5GB MKV file at 720p I got the message "The file 'Up' is too large for the destination file system" I don't get that cause I have 6GB free on the phone and 6GB free on the 16GB micro SD. My phone hates me :'(
the 4.5gb MKV isn't a Samsung issue. It's a filesystem issue, relating to the default filesystem used on the sd card memory. FAT32 has a file size limit of 4gb.
It might seem a bit frustrating that you will have to re-encode that huge MKV, but considering that you can count on the fingers of one hand the smartphones that would even be able to smoothly play the video in that container in the first place, it's a small price to pay.
I know the phone could play it, it chews through my 720p copies of Top Gear without so much as a hiccup, and they're nearly the same bit-rate. I think you're right about counting the phones that could do that though because my HD2 didn't have a chance. I didn't know fat32 had a file size limit though, that's very useful information and thank you very much for that. Any ideas on the gallery app problem?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I had/have a HD2, and now a Vibrant that I am using.
I know what you are talking about with the pictures looking pixelated on the Vibrant when you zoom in, but look fine on the HD2. I too, would like a solution to this. Maybe another app does this.
I know exactly what you're talking about and it really is quite annoying. As if losing the flash wasn't bad enough, now even my old photos look bad on it. I've figured out firstly that the stock android gallery app has a 16 bit limit but that's not the issue I'd imagine. What I believe to be the culprit is that, as far as I can tell, what the image viewer does is it actually automatically downsizes all your photos which would explain the pictures' butchered quality. Of course it's just a theory but it seems to check out. Unfortunately I have yet to find a decent replacement app or a solution thus far. And not to dash your hopes but I hear the problem also exists in froyo. Kinda disheartening for such an awesome multimedia phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App with swype
+1.. I also know what you mean, I had the HD2 and zooming in on the pictures on this phone sucks!. I am sure there is an image viewer somewhere that would work well
Yes! Glad to hear I'm not the only one with this issue. I was beginning to think I was alone! I am by no means a developer, but I think it's probably the scaling algorithim, though it would be interesting to check it out on another phone running 2.1. Next time I activate a Captivate at work I'll check that as well, it'd be really weird if that one worked correctly!!
I've figured something out. When you look at photos in the actual camera app, and zoom in that viewer, the pictures look fine, it's only in the actual gallery app where the zoom doesn't work properly...
I definetly do not have the issue with zooming in on pictures (camera or gallery) and I have yet to have a FC on any app. You mentioned the browser, any other apps FC'ing on you?
Have you done anything (other than root if you have)?
Are you using a TK?
Can you give more details?
I know what you mean by zooming the pics. Try image viewer, its awesome and zooms in great
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Well it's only the browser that's done it, and it's only happened once to me, so I'm really not worried about that one. A power cycle took care of it right then and there. As for the zooming, like I said in the camera app itself it works fine, but in the gallery app it's not too good. I'm not rooted (yet), and I have no task killer because I've heard more bad things than good things about those. Idk how else to describe the problem, it just seems like when I zoom in it's like the file is a very low resolution and gets very pixelated and when I check the properties I know it's a 5MP picture, so idk what's going on.
Something I never noticed so I just tested and you're right!
It's the way the built in gallery app works. It creates a thumbnail of all images and that's what it displays. You can even see the thumbnail images if you explore the phone memory. The only way around it is to download and use a different image viewer.
I suggest large image viewer! It is a bit spartan in terms of features and ui but it has the best image viewing of all the apps I tried! Btw the default image viewer basically makes a lower res bitmap of all your pictures and it's impossible (I think) to actually view the original images from within the gallery app. Why it would do this? I have no clue, seems like poor programming to me. Perhaps it's the cost we pay for the nifty though relatively pointless 3d effects.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using the XDA app. You may thank Swype for any and all grammar errors.

Camera takes pics sideways issue

if i hold the camera vertical and take pics, then email or post them, the top of the pic is now on the left side and it is a horizontal picture. (sure hope i am explaining this properly). if i take a picture horizontally, it will remain as it should.
this is default on most phones i think. wifes iPhone 4 does the same thing.
is there a way to make the camera app know that i am taking a pic a certain way and it saves them accordingly?
if i take a picture horizontally, it will look correct and i will not have to rotate the picture. this is just confusing to me that the phone doesnt know that i am taking a picture vertically and saves if horizontally.
any explanation?
Just curious, have you tried changing the pic resolution? Its set to widescreen by default. With camera open, open the menu, pick settings and top choice is resolution.
when changed i am sure it will work but then the quality is downgraded, correct?
i am in the middle of an SBF and 6.5 install right now or i would check. but i defiantly will once it is up.
i take a lot of pics of my 7 month old and want the best quality possible, ya know?
The first choice below widescreen is 5mp so probably not downgraded much.
changing the resolution doesn't change the horizontal issue...I would like to find a fix for this also.
rpolansky said:
changing the resolution doesn't change the horizontal issue...I would like to find a fix for this also.
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same here. this drives me nuts. especially when I am sending a MMS
Not really a solution but you can easily turn them to the left, or right, in the Gallery-app and email them from there! said:
same here. this drives me nuts. especially when I am sending a MMS
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or posting to Facebook
and i can also confirm that the change of settings do nothing. only makes it a more square picture and not widescreen. . .
jange said:
Not really a solution but you can easily turn them to the left, or right, in the Gallery-app and email them from there!
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needs to be automatic but good idea.
jange said:
Not really a solution but you can easily turn them to the left, or right, in the Gallery-app and email them from there!
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good to know. I assume gallery "saves" the new orientation? now that I think about it, the pictures always look correct in the gallery app but are sideways when posting to facebook or sending an MMS
I saw somewhere that using Vignette fixed the prob on other android models. Not free..
I tried the demo version and it does seem to work for me so I a probably going to buy the app.
is there any other reason to switch to this application, vs the stock? i dont mind switching but would like to know more information you know?
not that you have it, just saying... i wonder what other perks there are..
I just tried out the demo version of Vignette. I does fix the locked in landscape issue, however, it seemed quite slow. I took a picture, then it had to make a preview (took several seconds) and then I had to click an option to "Save & Close" the preview. And then I was back to a position to be able to take another picture.
I'm not sure if the paid version is faster or not. I guess I could spend the ~$4.00 and return/refund within 15 minutes if I don't like it. Does anyone else know of any other 3rd party camera apps? I did a quick search in Android Market and didn't find anything promising. (I'll have to do more digging.)
EDIT: There is an autosave setting that I checked on that took some time and work out of what I mentioned earlier. This app is promising, but isn't very polished... especially for ~$4.00 USD.
dont pay.. i uhm. i have it. i will let you know. but i think that it is slow. i am sure you can change the auto preview though and just snap and go and review later.
I need to play with a little more, also. I only tried it for a few minutes. I didn't notice it being that slow but it may be because I didn't spend enough time. I may have to try the full version and return it if I don't like it. There is another camera app on android that is highly rated-Camera Zoom FX. I don't know if it fixes the problem and there wasn't a demo....
there is an auto save option. but when checked, it still shows the picture for 2 seconds. so i am thinking vs the stock camera app, it takes 4 seconds more to take another picture.
obviously this app has other options like effects or what not. but when taking a picture, i dont want to go through all of them and choose and then take the picture. i would rather just edit them later on photoshop or something similar.
so i am going to stick with the stock camera app and just deal with taking them horizontally until this is resolved, or not.
I have noticed the same thing, it seems pretty clear that the orientation EXIF flag is saved correctly with the picture since the gallery displays the picture correctly, and the EXIF auto-rotate feature on software like digikam seems to operate correctly.
This is how most digital cameras operate and should make it irrelevant how the images are actually stored.
Unfortunately a lot of the other android software doesn't seem to be aware of this flag. And there doesn't seem to be a setting to make the camera save the picture in it's correct orientation directly.
Oh and as far as the resolution settings goes, the widescreen setting is actually a lower resolution than the 5MP setting.
vignette has a " auto detect orientation" feature too
tha5150 said:
there is an auto save option. but when checked, it still shows the picture for 2 seconds. so i am thinking vs the stock camera app, it takes 4 seconds more to take another picture.
obviously this app has other options like effects or what not. but when taking a picture, i dont want to go through all of them and choose and then take the picture. i would rather just edit them later on photoshop or something similar.
so i am going to stick with the stock camera app and just deal with taking them horizontally until this is resolved, or not.
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I was playing with it at lunch. Click on the options (normal) and change to "fast shot". I was able to take a number of pics quickly. Doing this auto saves the pics....

how could samsung screw up the camera THIS badly..

besides unnecessary parental control put in place on the camera, like battery limitations, forcing your music to stop when its loaded, and inability to function when mediascanner is running, theyve also, and made a unmutable shutter sound and auto focus sound, and removed the option to adjust saturation, sharpness, and brightness.. and in the video camera, removed the the ability to pause the video, now you have to straight out stop it and take another one.
why did they do this you might ask? because they added extremely watered down picture editor, and video clip editor. and they somehow think that adding these after picture/video editors was such a good idea, that they should just remove them from the camera entirely.. wtf samsung?
now what i wanna know is what WE can do to fix this? is it possible to take these settings from the galaxy s1's camera app, and add them in to the s2's? the camera apps are extremely similar
EDIT: a solution?
i really think these things can be fixed, maybe not adding the saturation, sharpness, and brightness back, that seems like alot of hard work, and i guess it isnt TOO hard to edit the picture afterwards.. but i think removing the 'parental controls' put in place, is simply a matter of deleting that area of the app's code. i wonder if adding the ability to pause the video would be hard, it seems like a simple enough thing to do.. but i dont fully understand how one would go about doing this..
for SGS1 owners, do you guys remember Fr4gg0r? he created a hacked camera app that removed the battery limitation, music from stopping when camera loads, and even added the ability to use the hardware lockkey as a camera shutter button!, and he added a thumbnail of recently taken picture in the bottom right hard corner (which we now see built in to the sgs2). really amazing work! however i spoke with him, and he doesnt plan to get the sgs2, but i wonder if we looked at his changelog from the origional apk to the modded, if then we could just make the same mods to the s2..
can anyone a little more knowledgeable than me give me their thoughts?
SGS [APP] Hacked Camera.apk <- link to his thread for original hacked camera app
Modding the camera app is very difficult since it's closed source. Might be able to take the AOSP camera app and hook the driver up, but that's hard too... amount of work depends on how good the camera driver meshes with the AOSP camera app.. I think?
I've never tried to do anything with the camera so hopefully someone with more knowledge of it can pitch in!
As to your complaint about the settings... do you really sit there before taking a picture on a phone camera and fiddle with contrast/brightness settings? I wish I had your dedication to taking good pictures!
I'm guessing suspending other applications when the camera's running is to preserve resources. I don't think I've ever been listening to music when I've used my phone as a camera. I don't agree with taking away flexibility but I think the percentage of people impacted isn't going to be high.
I can understand your concern but I don't think these restrictions justify saying they screwed up the camera badly.. maybe if they used a crappy sensor, but judging from the photos and video's I've seen posted quality looks very acceptable!
the reason i expect u cant use camera whilst media scanner is running is due to the fact samsungs internal memory, where pics are stored by default, is mounted like an SD card... also ive only ever had media scanner running once re-mounting from mass storage or when turning phone on... although ive never actually tested this senario as my phone is always on and storage mounted...
neither of those issues are a problem for me though... at least ive never encountered them during usage...
i know removing the battery limit requires deleting some lines of code, same goes for it killing music, and forcing a shutter sound and focus sound, but would it be incredibly hard work to add the ability to pause a video, as i find this really necessary when taking videos
soraxd said:
i know removing the battery limit requires deleting some lines of code, same goes for it killing music, and forcing a shutter sound and focus sound, but would it be incredibly hard work to add the ability to pause a video, as i find this really necessary when taking videos
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I fully agree about pausing a video recording. I've often used that feature on my SGS, and find it very puzzling, and annoying, that they would eliminate it. Quite odd.
i really think these things can be fixed, maybe not adding the saturation, sharpness, and brightness back, that seems like alot of hard work, and i guess it isnt TOO hard to edit the picture afterwards.. but i think removing the 'parental controls' put in place, is simply a matter of deleting that area of the app's code. i wonder if adding the ability to pause the video would be hard, it seems like a simple enough thing to do.. but i dont fully understand how one would go about doing this..
for SGS1 owners, do you guys remember Fr4gg0r? he created a hacked camera app that removed the battery limitation, music from stopping when camera loads, and even added the ability to use the hardware lockkey as a camera shutter button!, and he added a thumbnail of recently taken picture in the bottom right hard corner (which we now see built in to the sgs2). really amazing work! however i spoke with him, and he doesnt plan to get the sgs2, but i wonder if we looked at his changelog from the origional apk to the modded, if then we could just make the same mods to the s2..
can anyone a little more knowledgeable than me give me their thoughts?
SGS [APP] Hacked Camera.apk <- link to his thread for original hacked camera app
screw camera up??? except for the battery and music "issue" in my opinion this is one of the best cameras on a mobile, i tried many different modes and the pictures are quite good ))
unfortunately we cannot always have everything in just one gadged )))
well we may not be able to have everything, but i wont stop until i get some results.. ive been talking to a clever developer lately, whos on board to help me modify this app
I've started modding the camera app for battery level etc. Will take a look more today
These mods shouldn't be hard to implement and there is no closed source when it comes to android. We have apktool and smali / baksmali, we don't need source code from Samsung for this.

** Avoid Focus Stuttering in Low Light for "SCEF02" Users **

** Avoid Focus Stuttering in Low Light for "SCEF02" Users **​
Hello guys, i'm too one of the SCEF02 users who suffered from low-light focusing for over a year now
we all tried everything we could, like using SIEG02 firmware that would give away our focusing-flash and video light
or setting exposure to -4 and creating a dark video!
i always knew this trick would work but we hadn't this option in stock video recorder or lgcamera app
the answer is lowering the ISO!
i have found a software from market that u can set iso for video recording, its called: "CameraPro (Camera X)" (not free but it worth it)
in v2.27 of this software the hd & full-hd video recording of GSII is fixed and now we can use it as our primary video recording software
in iso 100 and 200 u would Never have Low-Light Stuttering and its not dark while recording its just a bit draker even less than setting exposure from 0 to -1
i tested it last night and i've got Smooth video and Quick focusing like filming in day!
all u have to do is to install and open the software & :
1. go to settings (first tab)
2. find this option: "Show unsupported controls" (now u have control over ISO)
3. go to video tab (8th tab) and in "video profile" and select "720p 1280x720"
4. scroll down and select "Enable video expert mode"
5. set other parameters as you like, audio channels, audio bitrate, video bitrate and many more
6. click back and in main screen select settings icon to change ISO
7. set it to "200"
It's Done! now u are ready to capture non-stuttering videos in low-light
any question about software or sharing your ideas are welcome
Hope u enjoy it...
KINGTATu said:
** Avoid Focus Stuttering in Low Light for "SCEF02" Users **​
Hello guys, i'm too one of the SCEF02 users who suffered from low-light focusing for over a year now
we all tried everything we could, like using SIEG02 firmware that would give away our focusing-flash and video light
or setting exposure to -4 and creating a dark video!
i always knew this trick would work but we hadn't this option in stock video recorder or lgcamera app
the answer is lowering the ISO!
i have found a software from market that u can set iso for video recording, its called: "CameraPro (Camera X)" (not free but it worth it)
in v2.27 of this software the hd & full-hd video recording of GSII is fixed and now we can use it as our primary video recording software
in iso 100 and 200 u would Never have Low-Light Stuttering and its not dark while recording its just a bit draker even less than setting exposure from 0 to -1
i tested it last night and i've got Smooth video and Quick focusing like filming in day!
all u have to do is to install and open the software & :
1. go to settings (first tab)
2. find this option: "Show unsupported controls" (now u have control over ISO)
3. go to video tab (8th tab) and in "video profile" and select "720p 1280x720"
4. scroll down and select "Enable video expert mode"
5. set other parameters as you like, audio channels, audio bitrate, video bitrate and many more
6. click back and in main screen select settings icon to change ISO
7. set it to "200"
It's Done! now u are ready to capture non-stuttering videos in low-light
any question about software or sharing your ideas are welcome
Hope u enjoy it...
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thanks KINGTATu
Thank you for the detailed guide. I will definately try it and report back.
Which rom are you on Btw?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
_Sofos_ said:
Thank you for the details guide. I will definately try it and report back.
Which rom are you on Btw?
@re-2007 deleted the link before you get banned
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i'm on stock XWLPX with Siyah v4.1.5
yeah, remove that link it's not allowed, thanks
ISO values comparison:
Recording Speed: 100>200~1250~Movie>>400>>>800
Recording Lightness: 800>400>1250>200~Movie>>100
Auto mode is unpredictable
It is indeed much better than lgcamera but stuttering is still there every now and then mate.
At least for me.. It's a curse
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
for me no stuttering at all........ again great thanks to KINGTATu
i'm on stock IML74K.JHLP9 stock kerne 3.0.15l
Will try with stock rom cause I'm with cm10 atm
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
This method is well known for months... and is not true solution for SCEF02 problems. You can minimize shuttering effects but on the end you get darker video. So you decrease video quality on your own changing one issue for another.
There was no, is no and will be not any real solution for this problem except full camera module change.
Brutal life.
Burgscheinkerkdeiktraast said:
This method is well known for months... and is not true solution for SCEF02 problems. You can minimize shuttering effects but on the end you get darker video. So you decrease video quality on your own changing one issue for another.
There was no, is no and will be not any real solution for this problem except full camera module change.
Brutal life.
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v2.27 is out for few days now and just this version is compatible with GSII, how u used it before?! there's any other software that capable of changing ISO during videos?
u tried this urself? it wont get any darker its even brighter than setting exposure to -1
try then post ur comment
KINGTATu said:
v2.27 is out for few days now and just this version is compatible with GSII, how u used it before?! there's any other software that capable of changing ISO during videos?
u tried this urself? it wont get any darker its even brighter than setting exposure to -1
try then post ur comment
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can you show any movie - the best test conditions would be night and outdoor street lamps. I am curious how it works with fixed ISO.
bartekaki said:
can you show any movie - the best test conditions would be night and outdoor street lamps. I am curious how it works with fixed ISO.
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it's day time here and my internet upload speed is kinda crappy! but i will upload some short videos till tomorrow's night
Burgscheinkerkdeiktraast said:
This method is well known for months... and is not true solution for SCEF02 problems. You can minimize shuttering effects but on the end you get darker video. So you decrease video quality on your own changing one issue for another.
There was no, is no and will be not any real solution for this problem except full camera module change.
Brutal life.
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Try it by your self it is true solution :good:
NO darker video AT ALL thanksss :laugh:
KINGTATu said:
v2.27 is out for few days now and just this version is compatible with GSII, how u used it before?! there's any other software that capable of changing ISO during videos?
u tried this urself? it wont get any darker its even brighter than setting exposure to -1
try then post ur comment
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So is it darker than 0 setting or not because if it is then it is not solution. It is just walkaround, changing one thing (issue) for another.
Yes I had tested this app before I replaced module to OMEF01 and videos were choppy (2.20 IIRC).
lgCamera can change ISO too, worth to try.
i'm using lgcamera since i bought my phone! changing ISO on lgcamera is not effective, worth a try!!
Here r the videos from my device, i had to resize it to nHD
Edit: CameraPro video is darker because i forgot to change exposure from -1 to 0 (it's -.5 btw)
first of all, thanks for sharing your experience with all of us.
I have some questions about this software:
I got the version 2.27 that you mentioned in your post and when I went to "Video profile" in the menu I only have 2 choices: "low quality" or "high quality", but you said that you could select 720 p 1280X720.
How is that possible? Do I need to go to another place in the menu?
In addition, I saw that when I selected video, it says "Video (Test)". Is this your case also?
In the video section of the settings, it also says that the video section is a beta version.
So far, I was using lgcamera with ISO set to 200 and it is working great, but obviously when I read your post I was curious about this software.
However, I realized that in lg camera if I touch to focus before I start recording, the program does it very quickly and show me a green square meaning that it focused well. On the other side with CameraPro, it focuses not so quickly and the result is always a red square, so I am not sure if it is working properly.
Thanks again for your comments, and regards.
joromano said:
first of all, thanks for sharing your experience with all of us.
I have some questions about this software:
I got the version 2.27 that you mentioned in your post and when I went to "Video profile" in the menu I only have 2 choices: "low quality" or "high quality", but you said that you could select 720 p 1280X720.
How is that possible? Do I need to go to another place in the menu?
In addition, I saw that when I selected video, it says "Video (Test)". Is this your case also?
In the video section of the settings, it also says that the video section is a beta version.
So far, I was using lgcamera with ISO set to 200 and it is working great, but obviously when I read your post I was curious about this software.
However, I realized that in lg camera if I touch to focus before I start recording, the program does it very quickly and show me a green square meaning that it focused well. On the other side with CameraPro, it focuses not so quickly and the result is always a red square, so I am not sure if it is working properly.
Thanks again for your comments, and regards.
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that's odd! u should have 1080p 720p 480p ... and the two low and high quality
i couldnt understand what u mean by "Video (Test)"
yeah the video recording section is still in beta but now its ready for GSII
u dont need to touch to focus before starting to record, why u do that? it always focuses before start
How do i know what camera module that i have?
digitallysick said:
How do i know what camera module that i have?
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type in a dialer *#34971539#
Thanks a lot man for sharing this with us .!

