[Q] Phone cant find networks - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
i got a problem with my phone...
for some reason it stopped getting signal a few days ago..
when i try searching for a network i get an error saying "Error while searching for networks"...
now, i've already searched the forum and found a few solutions but for some reason nothing helps!
tryed switching my sim with another friend's sim - nothing
reflashed 4.3 - nothing
reflashed the latest radios - nothing
reflashed all the radios from the 4.2.2 versions to the 4.3 versions - nothing
reflashed stock 4.2.2 including radios, kernel and everything - still nothing...
i got no idea what else to do /=
anyone can help?


maybe hardware failure?
what recovery you use? TWRP or CWM?
this also happen to me and not only to N4 but also to my Gnex, but after restart i've got signal again
---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------
maybe hardware failure?
what recovery you use? TWRP or CWM?
this also happen to me and not only to N4 but also to my Gnex, but after restart i've got signal again

im hoping its not hardware related...
quick update - i can get a connection but only when i "set prefered network type" to gsm only (through the *#*#4636#*#* menu)
still cant get HSPA or HSPA+ and after reboot i need to set it to gsm all over again

Sounds Like antennae problems then. High probability of hardware fault
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

the phone is only two weeks old /=
is there a way to check if its really the antenna?

Check ur APN.. Usually its the #1 culprit...
Nexus 4 - PA rom and franco kernel

checked the APN... it's correct /=

Apn well not have any effect on general signal. Only connecting to data /mms
The fact that you could connect before hand and now can't means something has changed.
Because you can still connect to gsm seems that the radio software is good.
You have flashed Different roms and radios eliminating software as the culprit
By process of elimination I would say you have a hardware fault. Either in the radio chip or an antenna.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

Is your imei botched?
Sent from a Slim Sexy Nexy

Nope, imei set properly...


LTE/Reception/I'm an idiot issues

Hey guys having a bit of problems. I tried the LTE enabler since we have it where I live now. I got the zip from a popular thread in the general section, I asked in there but figured this warranted it's own thread. I had no bars, so I switched back to the latest radio and now I'm permanently stuck with zero cell reception of any kind. I've tried everything I can think of to fix it, I flashed a new ROM, restored a backup, I even flashed the stock image from Google, and did each piece individually in a terminal, so I know I flashed the radio and I'm STILL not getting any service.
Today, I went into Telus to get a new sim card because I thought that was the problem, but that didn't help at all.
Please don't tell me I'm screwed. And yes I did try the disable zip multiple times.
I've attached screenshots of my APN and mobile network settings. Trying to join the network results in an error message.
Anyone? Would greatly appreciate some help as I'm stumped and this is my only phone.
Restore the Nandroid you made before starting the process.
Uh huh.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
chrisrozon said:
Restore the Nandroid you made before starting the process.
Uh huh.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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My apologies if I was unclear in my original post, I've tried that. Multiple times.
i followed this thread, and LTE worked like a champ. Though i did not stay on a stock ROM, u personally used DirtyUnicorn rom, but still followed steps to edit the build.prop manuall, and flashed the radio .33. You must use the correct apn's. For US T-Mobile, there is a old epc.tmobile.com apn that does not get LTE reception even if you have a lte equipped device, i had to use the fast.t-mobile.com apn, im sure Telus has an updated apn as well.
BTW, i dont think it matter what android version your in, cause when i did this, i was on a stock 4.2.2 and it worked, and then i flashed over to the DU ROM, and made the same edits since i used a new rom, and it worked perfectly again. Make sure to press *#*#4636#*#* once all is set said and done and put the netowrk setting to LTE/GSM auto-prl. Not sure why the option for LTE/WCDMA/GSM is not available, maybe someone could help with that one???????
One thing most people forget is that your provider plays a big part in your LTE service. If your sim/account is not provisioned for LTE you will never get it.... period. IN my case I came from an android phone that had no LTE support so it was never provisioned on my account(att). And since the nexus wasent shipped with LTE support or part of att' s LTE phone lineup...they refuse to add LTE support for my nexus. The only way for me to get LTE provisioned on my sim is for me to buy an att LTE compatable phone....then I could just use the sim in my nexus. Try flashing a stock Google image, see if it helps.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

[Q] i9505 - No reception, black screenfreeze, no sound

Hey all, i got this serious problem.
I've flashed most of the cutom roms right after buying the phone but at some moment i decided i wanted to return to stock again as the phone was behaving weird. I did, was a TNL 4.3 dutch stock rom. After some months i began to encounter no reception problems, it first started once a week for a whole day then it was 3 days problems 1 day reception. I then decided to flash a new 4.4 custom rom to see if it solves the issue but it didnt, i tried to flash a 4.3 rom and then the no sound/black screen/ phone dialer freezes started to occur. I flashed the 4.4 UFNA1 modem, it still persists, i flashed the nightly 4.4 rom and reflashed the UFNA1 modem twice (which was done correctly) and i still have no sound etc... What am i doing wrong here? I feel terrible as i also have no warranty left ofcourse.. Btw. I tried flashing to several stock roms by ODIN which coused the program to freeze and the phone went into a bootloop, which could be fixed by just flashing a custom recovery, and after that ofcourse a custom rom.. Very strange! Someone has an idea??
Can anyone help me?
kilkil said:
Can anyone help me?
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Download and extract this file then flash the .Tar file via odin by selecting CP
Repulsa said:
Download and extract this file then flash the .Tar file via odin by selecting CP
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It actually worked. Thanks!
There's only this thing, which i can't test atm, but the sim reception problem i talked about, will that be fixed too?? That's the biggest issue and iv've read a lot about it on the net, nobody could seem to fix it. Lots of em said it was an internal error which got fixed by their warranty (they say they got new phones, up till 3 times..) They tried replacing sim/sd bay which didn't solve a thing. Anyone else experiencing this problem and got it fixed??
kilkil said:
It actually worked. Thanks!
There's only this thing, which i can't test atm, but the sim reception problem i talked about, will that be fixed too?? That's the biggest issue and iv've read a lot about it on the net, nobody could seem to fix it. Lots of em said it was an internal error which got fixed by their warranty (they say they got new phones, up till 3 times..) They tried replacing sim/sd bay which didn't solve a thing. Anyone else experiencing this problem and got it fixed??
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Try to change the modem ,base from your countryprovider mate , and feel free to check it from here which Modem you need .then Download the modem from here and try to Set your apn as well / and try to Change the network mode to GSM/WCDM or something . Lastly hit that thanks button for me
Repulsa said:
Try to change the modem ,base from your countryprovider mate , and feel free to check it from here which Modem you need .then Download the modem from here and try to Set your apn as well / and try to Change the network mode to GSM/WCDM or something . Lastly hit that thanks button for me
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Hey, didn't i just flash a modem? Which fixed the sound/freeze bug etc? What if i reflash another (4.3) one and get that old problem again? (im on 4.4.2) I tried selected gsm/lte/wcdma settings manually, the phone was totally dead. My little brother who owns exactly the same phone and carrier (tmobile) have had 0 problems with his phone, he never touched it though and only recently upgraded to 4.3 by KIES. I tried switching out sim cards and my card worked on his phone, but his card didn't work on mine.
kilkil said:
Hey, didn't i just flash a modem? Which fixed the sound/freeze bug etc? What if i reflash another (4.3) one and get that old problem again? (im on 4.4.2) I tried selected gsm/lte/wcdma settings manually, the phone was totally dead. My little brother who owns exactly the same phone and carrier (tmobile) have had 0 problems with his phone, he never touched it though and only recently upgraded to 4.3 by KIES. I tried switching out sim cards and my card worked on his phone, but his card didn't work on mine.
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You can Flash any GSM modem you like mate and The file i gave you Which solve your Sound issue was the one i repacked GSM+LTE combined packaged. and about the Network Mode , like i said choose one then reboot (Play with it). and make sure to setup your APN.
Repulsa said:
You can Flash any GSM modem you like mate and The file i gave you Which solve your Sound issue was the one i repacked GSM+LTE combined packaged. and about the Network Mode , like i said choose one then reboot (Play with it). and make sure to setup your APN.
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I will look into this, thanks for your time!
kilkil said:
I will look into this, thanks for your time!
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We already fixed the Sound problem and Im sure that signal Dropping issue can fix it easy just flashing a different modem/ or setup the right APN.
Hey all, the XXUFNA5 modem helped out great, untill today where i'm getting no reception at all again.. i'm on the Google Edition 4.4.2 rom prerooted for about 3 days. My speeds and reception were great before this and had no sound/freezing issues aswell. Anybody know what to do?? If i look in the REF modem topic, it's not showing any new modems? Am i missing something? Thanks in advance!!!
Edit* it seems in Holland they are using this modem -> I9505XXUFNC4
Cant find it anywhere though, any tips??
kilkil said:
Hey all, the XXUFNA5 modem helped out great, untill today where i'm getting no reception at all again.. i'm on the Google Edition 4.4.2 rom prerooted for about 3 days. My speeds and reception were great before this and had no sound/freezing issues aswell. Anybody know what to do?? If i look in the REF modem topic, it's not showing any new modems? Am i missing something? Thanks in advance!!!
Edit* it seems in Holland they are using this modem -> I9505XXUFNC4
Cant find it anywhere though, any tips??
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Come on guys, not one reply? This is urgent, need some help!
I'm having this reception problem ever since I got this phone from my friend overseas I tried everything flash stock ROM ,change modems, flash custom roms and still no signal I tried different Sim cards also, I'm guessing maybe something is wrong with the main board? So I just gave up and started using it as a media phone alone

[Q] [HELP] I think my cdma radio is downi'm

I'm having a big issue with my galaxy S4 I9505 with stock 4.4.2 the thing is when i turn mobile data i only get edge, and when i try to switch to 3g only mode i get emergency calls only, i'm freaking out because this happened just like 2 days ago, before everything was working just fine, the coverage is perfect here, i tried to factory reset i reflashed stock, i even tried cyanogenmod, still no luck .. i'd appreciate if u help me out with this.
objectd said:
I'm having a big issue with my galaxy S4 I9505 with stock 4.4.2 the thing is when i turn mobile data i only get edge, and when i try to switch to 3g only mode i get emergency calls only, i'm freaking out because this happened just like 2 days ago, before everything was working just fine, the coverage is perfect here, i tried to factory reset i reflashed stock, i even tried cyanogenmod, still no luck .. i'd appreciate if u help me out with this.
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And when youre on the wcdma/gsm mode?
Only wcdma and only gsm at times causes a pain in the buttcrack.
Same with my voda here...
Sent from my Ozcan GT-i9500 using XDA mobile app
DeepankarS said:
And when youre on the wcdma/gsm mode?
Only wcdma and only gsm at times causes a pain in the buttcrack.
Same with my voda here...
Sent from my Ozcan GT-i9500 using XDA mobile app
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even in auto mode, i tried everything i could try and i cant seem to find a solution for this, my guess is it's either a hardware problem but i dont know how could that happen.
objectd said:
even in auto mode, i tried everything i could try and i cant seem to find a solution for this, my guess is it's either a hardware problem but i dont know how could that happen.
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@AntaresOne is the man for you.
Ask him.
Sent from my Ozcan GT-i9500 using XDA mobile app
I answer here to help also someone else in case has the same problem.
Fiest thing: you wrote CDMA module, what variant is?
The GT-I9505 has a LTE/WCDMA module, not CDMA.
Have you touched something with secret menu codes? If you don't know what they are, the answer is no
What carrier do you have?
Have you roaming enabled?
You data plan reduces connection after a total GBs used at maximum speed?
Try to flash latest available modem fw along with latest bootloader, you can find them here
Inviato dal mio GT-I9505
DeepankarS said:
And when youre on the wcdma/gsm mode?
Only wcdma and only gsm at times causes a pain in the buttcrack.
Same with my voda here...
Sent from my Ozcan GT-i9500 using XDA mobile app
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AntaresOne said:
I answer here to help also someone else in case has the same problem.
Fiest thing: you wrote CDMA module, what variant is?
The GT-I9505 has a LTE/WCDMA module, not CDMA.
Have you touched something with secret menu codes? If you don't know what they are, the answer is no
What carrier do you have?
Have you roaming enabled?
You data plan reduces connection after a total GBs used at maximum speed?
Try to flash latest available modem fw along with latest bootloader, you can find them here
Inviato dal mio GT-I9505
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Thank u for ur reply,
First you are right I'm talking about the LTE/WCDMA module, and yes i messed up a little bit the with the secret menu codes but only after i got the issue, not before that.
I'm from morocco so the carrier is a moroccan one called inwi, the carrier does not reduce the speed, when u consume the GBs given the service is suspended.
the issue appeared when i was using wanam lite 3.1 i'm using wifi at home all the time so i couldnt notice until i went out and used data, i noticed that i only have edge in locations that used to give me H+, so when i tried to force wcdma by choosing wcdma only i got emergency calls only.
i messed around before with a couple of bootloaders and modems, I still cannot figure it out
your help is appreciated, thanks in advance
I had the same problem on Wanam. What solved it for me:
Use Shortcut Master (lite) to go to this menu: 4636
Then go to phone information and change the bandwith to something else. Then set it back to LTE/WCDMA or whatever works for you. Strange but it worked for me.
Lennyz1988 said:
I had the same problem on Wanam. What solved it for me:
Use Shortcut Master (lite) to go to this menu: 4636
Then go to phone information and change the bandwith to something else. Then set it back to LTE/WCDMA or whatever works for you. Strange but it worked for me.
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that didnt help either, i never had an issue that stubborn, i tried almost everything i could
objectd said:
that didnt help either, i never had an issue that stubborn, i tried almost everything i could
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Get the network cable changed or change it yourself.
The only easy "non software" related solution.
Or maybe if it is in the software, tried flashing the stock rom or any ither custom rom after a full wipe.
Mine was with the stock rom but ozcan rom + data wipe has solved it..
Not i get H+ in only wcdma amd E/H+ in auto mode. (depending on the network area)
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app

Problem with a gt i9505 GALAXY S4 PLZ HELP...

My s4 is rooted. The problem is that after some flashing of custom roms my 4g/3g is not working properly . In other words, in all roms above jellybean ( kitkat and lollipop) my LTE and 3G is working only for 1-2 minutes and then my signal drops to zero no signal at all. When i switch to GSM signal comes imidiatelly to full! I have searched a lot in this forum , I have tried many times to change modem , CSC using ODIN ofc, but no succeess so far.. I dont know what else to try or to do differently...I also tried to flash the stock modem but still no success... I would like to add that in 90% of roms that i have tried so far my WIFI , and everything else is working normally ... My only issue is what i had mentioned before...PLZ help me.. I DONT KNOW WHERE TO REFER TO IN THIS SITE...
May be you need to set APN (Access Point Names) for your mobile service provider
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ----------
Under Settings->More Networks->Mobile Network
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well i tried to switch them many times ...but nothing ..Do you have any idea how to speak with any kind of admin here?? i tried everything i had thought of.... Still nothing ! Why the Site itself"XDA" isnt replying?? Should i post it anywhere else...Anyway who has a clue about this network problem plz help !!
Voulis1821 said:
Well i tried to switch them many times ...but nothing ..Do you have any idea how to speak with any kind of admin here?? i tried everything i had thought of.... Still nothing ! Why the Site itself"XDA" isnt replying?? Should i post it anywhere else...Anyway who has a clue about this network problem plz help !!
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I think you have a big misconception about what this site it. It's not a helpdesk. It's people helping people and we are not forced to reply.
You have the losing of the signal also on stock Lollipop roms?
Setting APN is not a switch though, you have to put in settings that your 3G/4G service provider uses. Either search for the settings on the Web or ask your 3G/4G service provider for the settings.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Forums Pro.
As i have stated above i use a rooted galaxy s4 and of course my rom is custom lollipop ...with reference to apn settings , i know what they are and i will say again that the settings are ok i have checked it. The problem is that in custom roms above jellybean i encounter the following network problem . 3G/4G is working properly for 1 minute the most and suddenly signal drops to zero . Only if i switch to GSM will the signal be up again ! Anyone any ideas?Same problem with kitkat roms and lollipop. Installation is always correct . But i dont know ... Any ideas where to look ??? anyone with the same problem ??? tnx in advance all guys
Voulis1821 said:
As i have stated above i use a rooted galaxy s4 and of course my rom is custom lollipop ...with reference to apn settings , i know what they are and i will say again that the settings are ok i have checked it. The problem is that in custom roms above jellybean i encounter the following network problem . 3G/4G is working properly for 1 minute the most and suddenly signal drops to zero . Only if i switch to GSM will the signal be up again ! Anyone any ideas?Same problem with kitkat roms and lollipop. Installation is always correct . But i dont know ... Any ideas where to look ??? anyone with the same problem ??? tnx in advance all guys
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I kind of just saw this in the "unread" tab here on xda, so first I would like to apologise for replying without having your device. But, the only thought that comes to mind is a baseband/modem. Not sure if the sgs4 has flashable modems but it would definitely help if you guys did.
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Free mobile app
Nigglenuts said:
I kind of just saw this in the "unread" tab here on xda, so first I would like to apologise for replying without having your device. But, the only thought that comes to mind is a baseband/modem. Not sure if the sgs4 has flashable modems but it would definitely help if you guys did.
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Free mobile app
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I don't have the device too, yet i'm sure its APNs
Contact your network provider and describe your problem.
They'll guide you through the process.
Sent from my LG-E400 using XDA Free mobile app
Voulis1821 said:
As i have stated above i use a rooted galaxy s4 and of course my rom is custom lollipop ...with reference to apn settings , i know what they are and i will say again that the settings are ok i have checked it. The problem is that in custom roms above jellybean i encounter the following network problem . 3G/4G is working properly for 1 minute the most and suddenly signal drops to zero . Only if i switch to GSM will the signal be up again ! Anyone any ideas?Same problem with kitkat roms and lollipop. Installation is always correct . But i dont know ... Any ideas where to look ??? anyone with the same problem ??? tnx in advance all guys
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I also use a rooted galaxy S4 but model GT-i9500 I have the same problem as you,
can not connect to 3G/4G network with kitkat and lollipop based rom.
All I had to do to fix it is to set the correct APN settings for my 3G/4G network
just make sure that the modem you are using is the same one as your new rom is based on,
I have to do this every time I flash a new rom....
well i dont know but it all seems complicated . I ll try guys !!! Another question to those who have galaxy s4! Is it my misconception or all the roms above custom jellybean make the S4 slower?? Lollipop Kitkat are ok But exept of the Google based( pac-man , cyanogen, paranoid etc..) all the touch wiz roms are slower than a custom jellybean ...
Voulis1821 said:
well i dont know but it all seems complicated . I ll try guys !!! Another question to those who have galaxy s4! Is it my misconception or all the roms above custom jellybean make the S4 slower?? Lollipop Kitkat are ok But exept of the Google based( pac-man , cyanogen, paranoid etc..) all the touch wiz roms are slower than a custom jellybean ...
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Touch Wiz is the slowest ROM ever existed.
Sent from my LG-E400 using XDA Free mobile app
Voulis1821 said:
As i have stated above i use a rooted galaxy s4 and of course my rom is custom lollipop ...with reference to apn settings , i know what they are and i will say again that the settings are ok i have checked it. The problem is that in custom roms above jellybean i encounter the following network problem . 3G/4G is working properly for 1 minute the most and suddenly signal drops to zero . Only if i switch to GSM will the signal be up again ! Anyone any ideas?Same problem with kitkat roms and lollipop. Installation is always correct . But i dont know ... Any ideas where to look ??? anyone with the same problem ??? tnx in advance all guys
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Flash suitable modem

Bought a used N900v with TWRP installed and no 4G signal just 3G

I have 2 N900V phones with Alliance roms with safestrap on both. , wifes phone has a a bad switch so i bought a used N900V on Swappa. The phone came with TWRP installed so i flashed Alliance rom and everything works on except it is stuck on 3G. have tried most suggestions i could find and nothing works. So i thought it might be the rom, thought i remembered reading some where that Alliance rom may not work on TWRP. I installed Android 8.1]LineageOS 15.1 which works ok but still no 4G. The phone has a 4G back cover and model numbers are newer than my other 2 phones. Any ideas? Thanks for any help, my wife loves this phone Also i tried my sim card and both sim cards are new.
dmcccrae said:
I have 2 N900V phones with Alliance roms with safestrap on both. , wifes phone has a a bad switch so i bought a used N900V on Swappa. The phone came with TWRP installed so i flashed Alliance rom and everything works on except it is stuck on 3G. have tried most suggestions i could find and nothing works. So i thought it might be the rom, thought i remembered reading some where that Alliance rom may not work on TWRP. I installed Android 8.1]LineageOS 15.1 which works ok but still no 4G. The phone has a 4G back cover and model numbers are newer than my other 2 phones. Any ideas? Thanks for any help, my wife loves this phone Also i tried my sim card and both sim cards are new.
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In setting about phone what is the baseband?
Thank you for your response. The new phone Baseband is N900VVRUE0F1. Both other phones are RUCNC4
I am not sure how TWRP works , is it overlaid on factory rom like my other phones which have safestrap ?
dmcccrae said:
Thank you for your response. The new phone Baseband is N900VVRUE0F1. Both other phones are RUCNC4
I am not sure how TWRP works , is it overlaid on factory rom like my other phones which have safestrap ?
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TWRP replaces stock recovery if you're not using safestrap or bootstrap and the custom ROM replaces the factory ROM. Does the new phone have an unlocked bootloader or is it using safestrap? Which custom ROM are you using.
cssr said:
TWRP replaces stock recovery if you're not using safestrap or bootstrap and the custom ROM replaces the factory ROM. Does the new phone have an unlocked bootloader or is it using safestrap? Which custom ROM are you using.
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I do not know if the boot loader is unlocked, how do i check? The phone came with TWRP and i have installed the Alliance rom using TWRP
dmcccrae said:
I do not know if the boot loader is unlocked, how do i check? The phone came with TWRP and i have installed the Alliance rom using TWRP
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If the it's unlocked you may see a unlocked pad lock on the screen, after boot or reboot. Also if you boot into download mode and wait a few minutes a list of text will show up, one line will be " Developer Device ". If it is unlocked.
Read this, ( all of it, its short )it will help you update TWRP.
Alliance ROM looks old (Android 4.4) from what I can find. Your baseband is for Android 5.0 or higher. After TWRP update you will be using HLTETMO ROMs and a lineageOS ROM like this one.
Or one of the other ROMs here:
May be best for you. Read the first post in the tread of any ROM you want use. If you have a problem with a ROM use search in that ROMs tread, most questions have already been answered. You can also ask me here for help. Good luck and always make a backup before making big changes.
cssr said:
If the it's unlocked you may see a unlocked pad lock on the screen, after boot or reboot. Also if you boot into download mode and wait a few minutes a list of text will show up, one line will be " Developer Device ". If it is unlocked.
Read this, ( all of it, its short )it will help you update TWRP.
Alliance ROM looks old (Android 4.4) from what I can find. Your baseband is for Android 5.0 or higher. After TWRP update you will be using HLTETMO ROMs and a lineageOS ROM like this one.
Or one of the other ROMs here:
May be best for you. Read the first post in the tread of any ROM you want use. If you have a problem with a ROM use search in that ROMs tread, most questions have already been answered. You can also ask me here for help. Good luck and always make a backup before making big changes.
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Thank you for the links, Bootloader appears unlocked as i get the custom unlocked padlock when it boots. I have 3.2.3-0 TWRP already and i flashed the 15-1 Linage rom and it works fine . My main problem is no 4G on any rom. Do you think i need to update or change baseband? Thanks again for the help.
I have the same issue except I get No service after 1 reboot or any twrp backups.
dmcccrae said:
Thank you for the links, Bootloader appears unlocked as i get the custom unlocked padlock when it boots. I have 3.2.3-0 TWRP already and i flashed the 15-1 Linage rom and it works fine . My main problem is no 4G on any rom. Do you think i need to update or change baseband? Thanks again for the help.
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Your baseband is OK. Did you do a clean install and what does the status bar say for the cell signal?
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Dlind said:
I have the same issue except I get No service after 1 reboot or any twrp backups.
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Try turning the phone off for a minute and then back on. I've had a no signal problem a few times, reboot and/or power down got the signal back.
Try turning the phone off for a minute and then back on. I've had a no signal problem a few times, reboot and/or power down got the signal back.[/QUOTE]
Im starting to believe my issue is I have a Verizon note 3 board in a sprint phone I put the Verizon back plate back on
---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
Also when I did get service 1x-4g the network name was "roaming indicator off". For maybe 2 minutes it stayed " Verizon wireless"
I just remembered that all touch wiz Roms do the same thing to me. Also for some reason I can't flash stock based Roms. I'm getting a little worried about my note 3
Dlind said:
Try turning the phone off for a minute and then back on. I've had a no signal problem a few times, reboot and/or power down got the signal back.
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Im starting to believe my issue is I have a Verizon note 3 board in a sprint phone I put the Verizon back plate back on
---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
Also when I did get service 1x-4g the network name was "roaming indicator off". For maybe 2 minutes it stayed " Verizon wireless"
I just remembered that all touch wiz Roms do the same thing to me. Also for some reason I can't flash stock based Roms. I'm getting a little worried about my note 3[/QUOTE]
I would make a full backup and try a custom ROM that's not a touch wiz ROM ported to note 3. It may fix the phone and if not restore the backup.
cssr said:
Your baseband is OK. Did you do a clean install and what does the status bar say for the cell signal?
---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------
Try turning the phone off for a minute and then back on. I've had a no signal problem a few times, reboot and/or power down got the signal back.
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#1 I think i did a clean install , each time i do an advanced wipe and tick all the boxes go back and install rom
#2 i get the same amount of bars as both my other phones, 3-4 bars only new phone is 3G and both other phones are 4G. also i have line of sight to cell tower a couple of miles away.
#3 have tried power down and reboot and still 3g.
cssr said:
Your baseband is OK. Did you do a clean install and what does the status bar say for the cell signal?
---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------
Try turning the phone off for a minute and then back on. I've had a no signal problem a few times, reboot and/or power down got the signal back.
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#1 I think i did a clean install , each time i do an advanced wipe and tick all the boxes go back and install rom
#2 i get the same amount of bars as both my other phones, 3-4 bars only new phone is 3G and both other phones are 4G. also i have line of sight to cell tower a couple of miles away.
#3 have tried power down and reboot and still 3g.
#1 I think i did a clean install , each time i do an advanced wipe and tick all the boxes go back and install rom
#2 i get the same amount of bars as both my other phones, 3-4 bars only new phone is 3G and both other phones are 4G. also i have line of sight to cell tower a couple of miles away.
#3 have tried power down and reboot and still 3g.
dmcccrae said:
#1 I think i did a clean install , each time i do an advanced wipe and tick all the boxes go back and install rom
#2 i get the same amount of bars as both my other phones, 3-4 bars only new phone is 3G and both other phones are 4G. also i have line of sight to cell tower a couple of miles away.
#3 have tried power down and reboot and still 3g.
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I almost think you have a hardware problem. The only way to be sure is to go back to shock, but it's a pain to root, unlock the bootloader and install TWRP again to get back to using custom ROMs. I let you know if I think of anything else.
---------- Post added at 04:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------
Dlind said:
Try turning the phone off for a minute and then back on. I've had a no signal problem a few times, reboot and/or power down got the signal back.
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Im starting to believe my issue is I have a Verizon note 3 board in a sprint phone I put the Verizon back plate back on
---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
Also when I did get service 1x-4g the network name was "roaming indicator off". For maybe 2 minutes it stayed " Verizon wireless"
I just remembered that all touch wiz Roms do the same thing to me. Also for some reason I can't flash stock based Roms. I'm getting a little worried about my note 3[/QUOTE]
I would make a full backup and try a custom ROM that's not a touch wiz ROM ported to note 3. It may fix the phone and if not restore the backup.
Thank you for the help. I need help getting back to stock, i tried a stock program with odin 3 but i keep getting fail. I may be using the wrong stock rom as you noted this a a newer system.
# 1 Iam i doing the right process with odin 3 ?
#2 can you point me to the correct stock rom?
#3 can you tell me how to message another menber as i have not been able to find a link, the person i got the phone on Swappa from an XDA member and maybe he may know how to fix before i start from scratch.
Thank you for your help and sorry about the extra posts above, did not relize it was on page 2 (newbie)
dmcccrae said:
Thank you for the help. I need help getting back to stock, i tried a stock program with odin 3 but i keep getting fail. I may be using the wrong stock rom as you noted this a a newer system.
# 1 Iam i doing the right process with odin 3 ?
#2 can you point me to the correct stock rom?
#3 can you tell me how to message another menber as i have not been able to find a link, the person i got the phone on Swappa from an XDA member and maybe he may know how to fix before i start from scratch.
Thank you for your help and sorry about the extra posts above, did not relize it was on page 2 (newbie)
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I was just helping someone else going back to shock. The information is here:
You need the XDA members user name. Then use search and find any post by that member. Click on the members avatar ( circle/picture next to their user name ), click the 3 dots at top right corner, click PM and write the member a message.
cssr said:
I was just helping someone else going back to shock. The information is here:
You need the XDA members user name. Then use search and find any post by that member. Click on the members avatar ( circle/picture next to their user name ), click the 3 dots at top right corner, click PM and write the member a message.
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Thanks for your help Zachary. Update: Used your links and have phone back to stock 5.0, still 3G only signal. I called Verizon tech support and 1st person has you go through the basics and has sent a referral for a real tech, i am waiting for a call back. I let the phone perform updates, did hard reset and wipe still 3G. Let me know if you have any ideas while i am waiting for Verizon , thanks again for your help.
dmcccrae said:
Thanks for your help Zachary. Update: Used your links and have phone back to stock 5.0, still 3G only signal. I called Verizon tech support and 1st person has you go through the basics and has sent a referral for a real tech, i am waiting for a call back. I let the phone perform updates, did hard reset and wipe still 3G. Let me know if you have any ideas while i am waiting for Verizon , thanks again for your help.
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My name is actually Mike. I live on the edge of a small city named Zachary. Good luck with your phone.
Thanks for your help Mike!
Well i am down to hardware issue, Verizon is telling me there is an issue with the 4G antenna and it is a different than the 3G antenna.
Does anybody know if this is true and if so where is the 4G antenna? I know there is an antenna cable between 2 contacts inside, does it handle
both signals? Thanks again for all your help and time.
