Are proper lockscreen notifications possible? - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Since I got the Note 3 a week ago, I've spent most of that time trying to find a way to get proper lockscreen notifications. "Proper" in this case means pretty much what LockInfo IV did on jailbroken iPhones (if you're familiar with that):
Each notification chosen by the user is displayed on the lockscreen as a separate entity
Each notification (text or email) can be viewed in its entirety on the lockscreen, if the user chooses that option (such as by tapping to expand each notification)
Notifications are persistent, in that they remain visible on the lockscreen whenever the phone is brought out of sleep mode.
I've tried LockerPro, Nils, Pop-up Notifier, and others and they all fail in one way or another. I'm led to believe that lockscreen notifications are limited by the way that Android populates the notifications panel. The big problem is that if you get more than one email or text, they all get lumped together into a single, useless "You have <x> number of new messages" entry, which means you have to unlock the phone and launch the respective app to see who it's from and what it says.
This completely defeats the purpose of screening notifications on the lockscreen.
I'd appreciate recommendations for any app that will make lockscreen notifications useful. Thanks to designgears, my phone is rooted now, if that makes a difference.

Try dynamic notifications. It mimics the moto x.
Won't show everything though.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried that one and it didn't do it for me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.
For now, I've stopped worrying about lockscreen notifications, since push email is basically broken on the Note 3 anyway. It's like a time machine back to 1995.

barnabydog said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried that one and it didn't do it for me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.
For now, I've stopped worrying about lockscreen notifications, since push email is basically broken on the Note 3 anyway. It's like a time machine back to 1995.
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Hey - I was looking for the same for my N3....i've been trying Dynamic Notifications on and off for awhile now. At first it works, and then just stops. Maybe give Knock2 +V2..I'm testing it now and so far it seems to work flawlessly for me


[DISCUSSION]Notification centre !

Well rumour has it that - Microsoft are thinking seriously about the possibility of adding a notification system/bar/centre/hub in upcoming major update to Apollo !
Well the current implementations on other platforms like android or ios (which are essentially the same)- wouldn't blend with 'modern ui' .
My guess is they'll include maybe silent pop ups or even expand lock screen notification system - a universally accessible notification centre is also not out of the equation .
Don't know if this has been discussed earlier - but anyway share your ideas and opinions on what you guys think of this
I hate the idea of a notification center. iOS got it all wrong and it's useless- android's less so but still prone to the same issues.
Live tiles are meant to get rid of the need for a notification center- thus the only logical solution for WP is a live tile that shows missed notifications FOR MANUALLY SELECTED APPS.
Otherwise all live tiles will become redundant. WPHacker's version of a notification center is fine (live tile, shows a list which lets you "replay" notifications), so long as he figures out how to exclude apps, because I swear- WP had the first system to eliminate data redundancy and if they **** that up I will refuse to update for as long as I can.
Agreed completely there - a tile based solution will be more feasible and look native and its the only way i can think of implementing a notification centre without disturbing the simplicity of ui work flow.But the thing that worries me is whether what MS is planning is going be as simple a solution as this , well there is always a probability of them screwing it up talking too much of outside opinions into consideration .
I agree. If MS listens to and just delivers a traditional notification center as demanded by all the android users coming to WP, then they're going to royally screw the platform.
They should patch the gaping hole in the current system, not add another redundant one.
Edit- I just read one of the ideas on windowsphone uservoice: turning the app list into a hub (a la photo hub), which provides an easy way to integrate a notification center (as part of the hub and as a pinnable tile.
Well, right now users can create their own notification center. Simply put all the tiles giving you notifications as small tiles in the first row of the start screen. It's how I fixed the issue when I moved over from Android.
Live tiles are useless for a notification centre because they don't necessarily capture all notifications, like toast notifications.
We need a proper notification centre implementation. One where we can see notifications without unlocking the screen (customisable of course).
IOS has the best implementation of a notification centre so far. Fantastic customisation. I just hope wp8 gets it sooner rather than later. It wil never be competitive otherwise.
Long press search key to open Notification HUB and it'll also have search notification feature, just to justify the use of long press search key action.
Dr.Paul said:
Live tiles are useless for a notification centre because they don't necessarily capture all notifications, like toast notifications.
We need a proper notification centre implementation. One where we can see notifications without unlocking the screen (customisable of course).
IOS has the best implementation of a notification centre so far. Fantastic customisation. I just hope wp8 gets it sooner rather than later. It wil never be competitive otherwise.
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But how would an ios style implementation blend with modern ui it'd look ugly
Dr.Paul said:
Live tiles are useless for a notification centre because they don't necessarily capture all notifications, like toast notifications.
We need a proper notification centre implementation. One where we can see notifications without unlocking the screen (customisable of course).
IOS has the best implementation of a notification centre so far. Fantastic customisation. I just hope wp8 gets it sooner rather than later. It wil never be competitive otherwise.
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The toast notifications are not shown forever because they are not important. They are usually used in games, to notify achievements, or to bring something to your attention.
Live tiles, and now I am referring to properly programmed live tiles, do exactly what a notification center does, they warn you about the existence of something you are yet to review. You have a missing call? fine...look at the phone tile. You have a new message? fine...look at the message tile. Oh look, someone posted some meaningless thing on your, just check the "Me" tile.
IMO, people have to get used to interacting with the live tiles first....
Do not bring in poorly constructed apps. There are a lot of developers who do not take advantage of the live tile.
link68759 said:
I hate the idea of a notification center. iOS got it all wrong and it's useless- android's less so but still prone to the same issues.
Live tiles are meant to get rid of the need for a notification center- thus the only logical solution for WP is a live tile that shows missed notifications FOR MANUALLY SELECTED APPS.
Otherwise all live tiles will become redundant. WPHacker's version of a notification center is fine (live tile, shows a list which lets you "replay" notifications), so long as he figures out how to exclude apps, because I swear- WP had the first system to eliminate data redundancy and if they **** that up I will refuse to update for as long as I can.
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I had thought livetiles were a pre-notification adoption by microsoft. Wp7 had tiles well under developement when android was released. Then androids notifications were revised a good deal, and microsofts implementation was rethought as a result, which is why this thread is happening. The live tiles are fine for what they can display, but need a supplement for folks that prefer all their info in one place. There is nothing wrong or bad about allowing folks to turn on a feature to show more information in a dedicated (hidden) huge tile or drawer like android/ios have done.
I think wpx could benefit from not neccisarily forcing people to a notification area, but allowing them to choose a more sensible full area as opposed to only a snippet of info in each tile. It would be cool to choose tile, toast, or full one note area.
I would like a notification center, because I'm not pinning all the possible apps that have push notifications on my home screen.
For example, I have WhatsApp and Skype, but they're not pinned because I don't frequently use them.
However, when someone messages me and I'm too late, I'll never know. This just happened yesterday, I got a message on WhatsApp so I tapped the push notification but appareantly I missed a message back from december 9th, because I didn't see the push notification there was no way for me to tell I had a message. Since I'm not a regular user of the app I won't randomly open it just to check for new messages, I just don't think of doing that.
If there'd be a notification center, I could easily pin that and it could show an overall number of notifications I haven't responded to (either tapped or swiped away).
It would work just like an app, once you tap the tile it opens the notification center app and shows the ones I didn't respond to. You could also show the number on your lock screen.
That way you're still free to choose wether you want to use it or not. Don't like the notification center? Fine, don't pin it or use it, nobody's forcing you to do so, but it's convenient for the people who do want one.
I like the idea of a swipe to the left on the homescreen to reveal a notification center. My problem with the live tiles, is that they only show the latest email, or message, etc. no matter how big you make the tile, it should scale or rotate, something.. I would like to be able to see a quick list. And the lockscreen just gives you numbers, I understand the security of not showing previews, but I would like the choice.
I like t
I have at least one hope: Microsoft so far has not opted to simply adopt something "as is" from another system since they launched WP. So I actually believe that when a notification center arrives it well blend in well with the system.
Aside from that: I don't really miss a notification center. Actually the notification bar drives me nuts on my SGS2. It's always full of stuff I just don't want to know or don't care about. 10 Apps updated, every single one of them creates an entry that stays there *yuk*
So yes, I believe that if there is a notification center I have to be able to filter which notifications end up in there. But of course Microsoft mandated that the user must be able to turn notifications off in every App so at least I'll have that possibility.
What I really would like to see is the possibility to add an arbitrary number of Apps to my Lock Screen. If I have 3 Mail-Adresses + Phone Calls and Short Messages there simply is no room for an Icon for Skype or WhatsApp or Whatever. And most of the time not all of them show notifications. It might be beneficial to have certain notifications at fixed positions but overall I would love to have more space for them.
Aside from that I don't see myself using a notification center too often. Just keep me from the Android hell of notification spam.
I don't understand why people keep complaining about Windows Phone not having a notification center. I really think most of them think they need one just because iOS and Android do... I never actually missed notification center on WP.
But still... if they're going to introduce some kind of NC, how about swiping to the right ? To the left we get a list of apps, so the other side is free and could present us with a list of notifications. I'm sure im not the first to think about this solution.
Whatever you do Microsoft, just don't treat us to another lame swipe-down-pull notifications list...
Akiainavas said:
I don't understand why people keep complaining about Windows Phone not having a notification center. I really think most of them think they need one just because iOS and Android do... I never actually missed notification center on WP.
But still... if they're going to introduce some kind of NC, how about swiping to the right ? To the left we get a list of apps, so the other side is free and could present us with a list of notifications. I'm sure im not the first to think about this solution.
Whatever you do Microsoft, just don't treat us to another lame swipe-down-pull notifications list...
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people explained why they want one.
i think a notification center is a necessary evil in a smartphone.
the current (and future) purpose of this device is comunication and exchange.
over time we develeped and are still developing varous forms thereof.
it is not a single system and will never be.
our phones currently try to merge it for us and present it in the most comfortable form.
so the flood of notifications will just grow.
the winner will be the one wich can present them best to us and therefore any form of a (global) notification center is needed imho.
I´m a WP user for years. And i really miss a notifications centre like on Android.
I´m really based on the "latest" news, so i use many news apps with the "pop-up feature".
I dont need a smae centre like on android, but i would have a place where i can see my latest informations about some news, or messages.
There is an app called unification that is trying to do that. If you want notification so badly maybe you support it?

SMS Preview Options

I posted this over in the general GS4 Q&A forum in the relevant thread, but I haven't gotten a response. I figured I'd ask here in a new post in the hopes that someone will read it. This is a copy and paste job, which is why the beginning and the edit seem out of context:
Hey guys. I am an N4 user, but I just bought my girlfriend a GS4. She's discovered a problem that I can't find an answer to.
Is there a way to have text messages preview ONLY in the status bar and notifications? It is very useful to have the preview of the message in the status bar and expanded notifications. However, it seems that the only way to enable this is to simultaneously enable the preview on the lock screen. Even with a secure lock screen, the preview of the message is still there. It seems odd for the control for two completely severable features to be bundled together in this manner. This creates a completely unnecessary compromise between convenience and security. Not to mention that even with the preview option turned off, a message identifying the sender still shows up on even a secure lock screen. I am thinking that I must be missing something in the widgets options, and I can remove this text "widget" (which is exactly what it is in practice) completely from the lock screen without sacrificing the convenience of previewing the message through the status bar and expanded notifications.
So, any advice? I'm guessing switching to a third-party messaging app might work, but I (and she) heavily prefer the stock messaging apps. I am looking to avoid this and simply find a solution while still allowing for the stock messaging app. I am going to try Lockscreen Policy in a few, and I'll report back on that. The idea came to me while typing this up.
EDIT: Looks like Lockscreen Policy did the trick. The message still previews in the status bar on the lock screen, but the text message widget that was the major problem is now gone. Unfortunately this trick prevents access to all other lock screen widgets.

[Q] Notifications: How can you life with that?

I'm new to Android, coming from an iPhone4 to LG2. The worst point in this change until now is by far how Android handels the notifications.
On my iPhone I had a perfect lockscreen with every new Message. On Android, it puts every **** in the Dropdownmenue but doesn't show me on the lockscreen. I'm missing the most of all pushmessages, also for incoming mails... What am I doing wrong - or is this realy all? I tried Nils Notifications, but hey, not to compare with iOS! Any suggestions?
Install Dashclock and you are done.
The Android lock screen is much more powerful than iPhone's lock screen. Since version 4.2 (which the G2 has) you can add lock screen widgets that display whatever information you need, even live information.
But I am asking you, how could you live with the iPhone not actively notifying you if you missed a message ? If you missed the initial notification, screen goes blank and you are not notified until you push the home button...yuck
Samu0815 said:
I'm new to Android, coming from an iPhone4 to LG2. The worst point in this change until now is by far how Android handels the notifications.
On my iPhone I had a perfect lockscreen with every new Message. On Android, it puts every **** in the Dropdownmenue but doesn't show me on the lockscreen. I'm missing the most of all pushmessages, also for incoming mails... What am I doing wrong - or is this realy all? I tried Nils Notifications, but hey, not to compare with iOS! Any suggestions?
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Get "notify me" from xda or an iPhone. Or a ̶l̶̶i̶̶v̶̶e̶ life.
First of all, you have to understand that if you're going to change platforms, things are going to be different. The good news is that now that you're FREE, you can find ways to make your phone do whatever you want. But it is going to require searching and effort on your part. Good luck and ENJOY!
It is good to know you have seen the light and moved from the dark side.
What's iPhone?

[Q] Best Notifications Method for text and missed calls

Guys, I am looking for any suggestions you guys use for the best method to be notified of text and missed calls and such. It was always pretty good with the old iphone in such see the message swipe and then reply. I now really like the new little pop up that comes with the stock messaging app. But the popup is gone in about 2 seconds. Also do we not have any method to have notifications show on the lock screen. Just do not like at all to have to look in the notification center for this stuff. I do use Handcent texting mostly just for the pop up. But still not popup for a missed call. At least the S4 has a notification on the lock screen. I usually finally find a good set up but was wondering what most of you guys do. Thanks
You can try dashclock from play store. It's a widget that you can put on the lockscreen and it has a lot of extensions allowing you to see between others: clock, date, calendars, weather, alarm, gmail, whatsapp, sms, missed calls etc, battery info, etc...
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Years ago I used Handcent solely because I could set recurring notifications. I've since gotten so attached to the little green droid that we now communicate via telepathy...or so it seems...
Why not rely on the notification light? I use Light Flow which not only lets you customize color but also duration and flash rate. So for me emails get a normal flash and turn off after 15 minutes. But a missed call is more important so I have it flashing red very fast and for a long time - like an hour so I'm sure not to miss it.
But this only works when screen is off of course.
I use Dynamic Notifications and Light Flow. The combo really works well for me and I like that I can schedule a sleep time so it doesn't light up the screen or the notification lights when I'm sleeping. DN will keep showing the notification at set intervals until I enter the app or clear it. Very simple, efficient, and customizable. LF is used mainly because the stock light settings did not have enough customizing ability.
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tw557 said:
Guys, I am looking for any suggestions you guys use for the best method to be notified of text and missed calls and such. It was always pretty good with the old iphone in such see the message swipe and then reply. I now really like the new little pop up that comes with the stock messaging app. But the popup is gone in about 2 seconds. Also do we not have any method to have notifications show on the lock screen. Just do not like at all to have to look in the notification center for this stuff. I do use Handcent texting mostly just for the pop up. But still not popup for a missed call. At least the S4 has a notification on the lock screen. I usually finally find a good set up but was wondering what most of you guys do. Thanks
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Get Nils along with Nils+. This will give you very iPhone-ish lockscreen notifications. You can swipe them away to dismiss or slide the icon to launch the app. Nils is the main program and includes a widget (old method), and Nils+ will overlay the lockscreen with the notifications (new method, doesn't need a widget).
I personally use Nils beta from Google+:
Use the links on the right side to Enable Tester for Nils and Nils+. Then you can download them. Nils is on the play store (no tester required), but you must be a Nils+ tester to use Nils+.
I really like the convience of getting a notification, not missing it and being able to reply quickly. As much so many other things the android system does betteras compared to IOS, This is were I struggle to get it better. The LED is great. Helps not miss anything. I have used Lightflow on and off a lot over the last year with a GS3. SO MANY mixed results. lights would work for some apss then not others and then getting the notification LED to cancel when message was cleared has always been a pain. Maybe need to give Lightflow a try on the G2. I'll check out Nils+ and Dynamic Notifications. For now I'm using Handcent which is working ok but I actually like the stock messanger. Thanks again!!!
if you don't mind paying, look up glowfly. it's a pop-up app for texting that works pretty well. I've been using it for about a year. I loved the stock g2 sms pop-up bc it didn't interrupt what you were doing, like if you're watching a video it kept playing... any other popup app, including glowfly, pause the video. but whatever. works better.
Sent from my LG G2 using Tapatalk Pro

Yota cover/panel questions

I'm just getting used to my new Yotaphone 2, it is living up to my expectations so far but I've got a couple of questions...
1. Can you disable yota cover? The manual mentions an option to disable it but I can't find it on the yota hub settings, the scenario is I have a lock screen with swipe pattern to unlock the device, so the yota cover is unnecessary. when mirroring, I end up removing the yota cover, then putting the unlock pattern in , the EPD is all about convenience for me and this double step to unlock is annoying.
2. The "next event" widget should be awesome but it doesn't display "all day events" from the calendar so its somewhat crippled, a true agenda widget would be better but any how my question is why the hell is an address in Moscow showing up as the location of all my calendar events when displayed on the "next event" widget on the EPD?? Any one else getting this?
3. Anyone else getting stuck notifications only on the "any other notifications" icon (the bell) if so how are you removing or resetting the counter?
Thanks for any advice you can give me
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Hey dude, just spotted this thread, sorry didn't answer sooner. You may have figured the answers to your own questions out by this point but i'll reply anyway -
1. Not sure about stopping yotacover, have you tried simply removing each page (via menu > remove in yotacover) until none are shown? Haven't tried it but might work.
2. The next event widget is working fine for me, showing all day events and the address it shows is fine. Perhaps this has been fixed in an update?
3. I get stuck notifications occasionally, mostly they come from apps that leave a notification, whether invisible or not, like ad block plus. These tend to go away eventually and stop showing up after a time, maybe the phone gets used to them. Occasionally there are random notifications that I assume are left over from when there were actually things I had not dealt with or swiped away from notification drawer. These also tend to go away, and I think this has been addressed a little bit in the recent update.
Hope you got the issues sorted and if not I hope you get some use out of this.
Thanks for the input, to add my findings since my original post.....
1. I've got used to yotocover and how it works so it's not bothering me so much now, I may try your en suggestion tho and delete the set up of the yota covers to see if that stops it.
2. The next event is working as I would expect now, it shows all day events and the Moscow location has stopped showing up on my events thank goodness. I'm guessing this improvement is due to the software updates that have been coming via the play store.
3. One of the notifications I was getting was from the google now weather notification that shows up in the notification shade but not on the top bar, also avg notifications do the same. Any notification what so ever will flag the " bell" on the EPD, it would be nice if we could configure that. Or give is an android wear notification yota panel, now that would be awesome!
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