[Q] Android OS WakeLock/Bad Battery Life On Tmobile Galaxy Note 3 - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, Thank you in advance for your time, This is my issue.
Im having Mediocre Battery life to what i would expect from a note device, Getting 8-12 Hours on a single charge, When i look at the default android Battery stats app I see that "Android OS" is taking up the most battery life, with the following info below it in this instance
-CPU Total: 26m 26s
-Stay awake: 1h 49m 35S
-Data Sent: 127kb
-Data Recieved: 300kb
When i look at Wake Lock Dectector, I have no major wake locks listed, the biggest being Exchange Services with 110 Wakes and 2m 13s of total wake time
When i use Battery Stats plus, here is some general Information i get:
-Battery Usage: Android OS is the highest with
A) 33% of battery usage
B)26m of CPU total
C)2 h 44m of partial Wake lock
-Battery Usage: Its also worth noting Google Services Framework is also listed as using 9% of the battery with 43m 14s of partial wake lock with the followign stats
A) 7m 4 s CPU total
B) 2s CPU Foreground
C) 43m 14s Parital Wakelock
D) 330kb of data sent, and 341 of Data Recieved
E) 12m 7s of Sensor
F) 9 Starts
-Under wake usage, the top listed app is "Google Services Framwork with 43m 14s of Wake
-Under Sensor Storage(which is at 7h 33m) Security storage is listed first with 53m 6s of Usage.
Other Things to know:
-I did not allow Tmobile to Collect Diagnostic
Does anyone else have this issue? or know of a fix?

Exhange Services = non-gmail Email Sync. You probably have it set to auto sync.
Send From My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Using Tapatalk

Should be software related ...
As anyone has his own usage of the phone, I can only compare to my previous phone which was a Galaxy Note 2 LTE.
Usually, Note 2 was charged to 100% around 10PM then set to plane mode, Alarm triggering on the next morning at 6am.
1st day : => battery loss : 100% to 98%
Then I set plane mode off before going to work.
At the end of the day: battery percentage was around 50%-55%.
Then again, Plane mode on, one night sleep, 6am alarm
2nd day : => plane mode off.
Then I set plane mode off before going to work.
At the end of the day: battery percentage was around 5%.
With the note 3, with the same usage :
1st day : => battery loss : none (100% in the morning)
At the end of the day: batteray percentage around 75%-80%
2nd day : => at the end of the day : battery percentage around 45%-50% !
3rd day : => at the end of the day : battery percentage around 10% !

completion oess
My Husband and I both have a T Mobile Note 3, He starts off in the Am with 100% after charging through the night from 11pm to 7am. He and I also both have 4g LTE service throughout the whole day- At Work he has his Bluetooth on from 7 am to 8 pm solid, plus normal calls and data consumption- with No auto Sync setting enabled- and then After having WiFi on for about 2-3 Hours when he gets home, He still has at least 75% battery after all of that!!! The lowest the battery has been after that same use 6 days per week, was 66%! And that is with Not charging it at all during the day! Compared to his Note 2 which was regularly at 10% to 20% every night with only an hour of WiFi turned on when he got home and the usual day time uses stated above.
My Note 3 after having Boot Loop issues has been similar- I have about 85-90% left after a day of having WiFi on ALL Day, and making an average of 4 hours of calls- (per day to T Mobile and Samsung). I love this phone- even with my BootLoop Issue!


battery life

Hei all of you
It seems that the legend has been released to some people, and i was wondering what you guys get out of the battery.
I am currently on a Diamond 2, with 1100 Mha battery, and currently get 1½ day out of this, and i want this to be an improvement. The legend, with 1300Mha, OLED screen and newer cpu, sounds like it will be a lot better, but some review mentions the battery life to be really bad.
I am using my phone for 20 text messages, psuh mail, no phone calls and only visit a few websites on 3G. No bluetooth, wifi or GPS. What can i expect of this?
i'm sorry if my English is not good enough,
but i've the HTC legend since Friday, and Saturday i did a simple test, i put the mobile phone to charge Friday night, Saturday about 12:00 pm i disconnected the charger and i've turned the wi-fi, gps,and bluetolth off, only the 3G network was on.
I had also ebuddy running on the background, after 4 hours i didn't touched the phone, and my battery was about the 25%
And the full charge time was almost 2 hours.... i went back to the shop where i bought the phone, they changed my battery and the did a hard reset.
The battery performance is now a little bit better, but it has not the same performance as the iphone 3gs.
Luinwethion said:
i'm sorry if my English is not good enough,
but i've the HTC legend since Friday, and Saturday i did a simple test, i put the mobile phone to charge Friday night, Saturday about 12:00 pm i disconnected the charger and i've turned the wi-fi, gps,and bluetolth off, only the 3G network was on.
I had also ebuddy running on the background, after 4 hours i didn't touched the phone, and my battery was about the 25%
And the full charge time was almost 2 hours.... i went back to the shop where i bought the phone, they changed my battery and the did a hard reset.
The battery performance is now a little bit better, but it has not the same performance as the iphone 3gs.
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I think the first time you run your phone it will consume the most power. So it's not the right time to test. I suggest you fully charge and fully consume the battery 2-3 times and then put it for a test.
Full capacity of a battery shows up after 2 months.
You will pass from 1 day to 3 days
So here is one short statistic after second charging.
14% of energy left in the battery after:
39 hours since last charging
2 hours of display on (35% of energy)
37 hours of phone connected to the cell (36% of energy)
13 minutes of calls (13% of energy)
Phone used for me "as normal" - cca. 10 SMS, 2 hours of mp3 and FM radio, one hour of net surfing, running sync with Gmail and Google Calendar.
Yes, it is period of 1-3 months to get full capacity of the battery, but in first few usage, you can fully charge and discharge battery.
I have a one day of full usage of the phone (wifi always on, twitter, e-mails, calls etc.)
Getting better
It's getting slowly better with each charging, second week and I'm on two days. Everyone is using it in a different manner, but my battery improved for about a 70%.
got the legend now for 2 weeks and loving it.
Battery life is good, don't expect to go 2 days intensive use without recharge but no phone with these function have this.
I can easily go with one to two day with occasional wifi, gps use and keep 3g or sync on settled on 1 hour intervals while playing some games using apps etc
Blue tooth i haven;t tried but like any phone the power munchers are wifi, blue tooth gps and 3g.
wifi should save lots of power compared to network operator connection
i use wifi at office, and with extensive usage, i can get about 8 hours straight, that is pretty heavy, the screen barely got to sleep
I have tested the battery in plain sleep.
If the device has wifi off and mobile data off (and no sync, ofcourse) i guess it lasts for a week - 10 days. But then you cant use wifi or mobile data.
If you only let it be in stand-by (screen locked and off, no data or wifi or gps or bt) it last quite long, probably close to the stated 300-400 hours in the manual.
In real life that translates to 3-5% battery drain (tested by me for 24h, only sent 2 sms and talked on phone for 2 minutes) per day.
But in normal use, wifi will drain 5-10% battery per hour and 3g/gprs with autosync drains 2-5% per hour depending on net.
No device lasts for more then a day or two if you acctualy use the device.
I have had my Legend for a week and a half now and the battery life is also getting better with each passing day. I can easily use it for a day and a half with quite a lot of WiFi browsing, and up to 30 or 40 minutes of call time. I'm really loving this phone!
Sent from my HTC Legend using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Hi fellow Legenders,
i've had the phone for 4 days now. i am having issues with my battery. I have noted some points that i'll share & hopefully find a resolution for my dismal batt life. I have bluettoh on all the time, but it shows very little drain based on BT alone. Other than that, this phone ROCKS!
After full 8hr charge, the phone lasted approx. 13hrs 38mins before reaching critical level with the following findings:
On 08 April 2010
1. Voice calls used 50% batt – 36mins 11s call time.
2. Display on approx. 30% brightness used 21% batt – on for 1hr 10mins 15s
3. Cell standby on 3G used 16% batt – on for 13hrs 38mins (no signal 1%)
4. Phone idle used 8% - on for 12hrs 28mins
5. Bluetooth used 5% - on for 13hrs 28mins
After normal charge till batt 100% (about 3hrs), the phone lasted 15hrs 12mins 41s before reaching critical level
On 9th April 2010
1. Cell standby on 2G used 50% - on for 15hrs 12mins 41s (no signal 3%)
2. Display on aprrox 30% brightness used 18% - on for 29mins 35s
3. Phone idle used 15% batt – on for 14hrs 43mins 5s
4. Voice calls used 10% batt – on for 4mins 14s
5. Bluetooth used 7% - on for 15hrs 12mins 41s
Looking forward to better batt life as the days go by.
Very poor battery life for me.It has 7-8 hours stand-by.
1.Every 5 mins e-mail control.
2.Weather with auto update.
3.Friend stream.
4.Background data and auto sync.
5.Enable always-on mobile data
I don't understand whats going on.If i left device when i go sleep with full battery after 7-8 hours i look it.It shows me only left %35 battery.
After disable all auto-uptade and 3g its over 1 days.
My hd2 had 1230 mah battery and super big screen and 1ghz processor.It was using %10 with same usage.
Legend has 1300 mah battery and small screen and 600 mhz processor.It uses %65.
Can anyone explain this sucks status?
I m using the legend... and a hd2 as my other device. would say the battery life for the legend is really dismal...
Sent from my HTC Legend using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I am happy to report that my phone batt life has improved tremendously since my last charge. I installed OS monitor & checked to see what might be hogging the batt, & discovered some program was keeping my CPU running inthe high 70's & above continuously. I killed that program, fully charged my phone till 100%, restarted the phone for good measure, & with BT on permanently, more than an hour of wifi usage, about half an hour of phone calls & about 30 smses, after 24hrs, i still had about 24% batt left.
So it has definitely improved by leaps. Hope that helps others who have similar problems.
it will be good if you can share what's causing the high cpu usage ...
Oh sorry i forgot. it was OpenWatch for BT watches. It has a problem currently with HTC Legend & SE MBW-150. It doesn't have the full functionality as yet for some reason. The reason it ran the CPU load up, was because i had turned off my watch by accident & set the program to search & connect to the watch. My folly really.
After three weeks of use:
10h 52m since unplugged - still at 50% of battery
- Display: 49%. Time on: 1h 46m. Auto-brightness, mostly indoor
- Voice calls: 31%. Time on: 22m 53s
- Cell standby: 12%. Time on: 10h 52m
- Phone idle: 6%. Time on: 9h 6m
- Maps: 2%. (played with maps for a couple of minutes)
Gmail/Contacts/Calendar/Weather sync is on
GPS on (almost didn't use it)
WiFi off
Mostly in area with good 3G coverage.
Actual usage:
- Phone calls
- Some internet browsing
- Some chatting via Google Talk
Nice battery time
I've bought and charged my phone last Thursday. GSM only, using WIFI every day for 15-20 minutes, 10-15 min talk, and it's still at 35-40% after 5 days. I've got a magic battery or what?
Chapell said:
I've bought and charged my phone last Thursday. GSM only, using WIFI every day for 15-20 minutes, 10-15 min talk, and it's still at 35-40% after 5 days. I've got a magic battery or what?
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I can't believe this . I wanna just 24 hours stand-by.I hate to charge it everyday two times.

Battery Statistics Thread

I thought we could have a thread posting battery statistics in the similar fashion to the one on the Captivate General forums.
1. Make sure your battery is properly calibrated.
2. Charge the phone overnight.
3. Start using your phone in the morning and do not charge throughout the day
4. When your battery hits ~5% record your statistics.
Here's my latest stats:
Still using K10H 256hz kernel on BUPJ8 Doc Rom v9
Have a black background with a black theme, brightness on Auto today.
5% battery after 14h4m
Display 95% with Time on 3h41m6s
Cell Standby 3%
Phone Idle 1%
In Battery History
Running 40.3% 5h40m without sleeping
Wifi on 16.7% 2h21m
I was using JuiceDefender till I got home and also had 3g disabled a majority of the day, however after I got home I wanted to see the drain without juicedefender on.
Drain without juicedefender when on 3g was pretty appalling, probably a % every 5-10 minutes.
Mostly just
-Bit of Tweetdeck
-Few minutes browsing web
-1 phone call (5 minutes)
-Read Ebooks for 30 minutes
-Played Dungeon Hunter for 23 minutes
-Music for 1hour
-Grocery list for 18 minutes while shopping

Battery Usage Report - Gingerbread 2.3.3 (4.22.651.2)

Yesterday (June 12, 2011) I decided to use Sprint's method for conditioning ones battery:
-charge for a minimum for 8 hours with phone on
-unplug and power down
-charge at least 1 hour with phone off
-unplug and power phone back on then power back down after 2 minutes
-charge for another hour and unplug, power back up.
I then proceeded to use my EVO as I normally would without exception. When my phone notified me at 15% battery left, I noted the following stats:
-Up time 08:14
-Awake time 02:45
The following were the top three battery usage stats:
-Display, 78%, 1h 28m
-Cell Standby, 7%, 8h 13m, 0% time without signal
-Phone Idle, 6%, 6h 44m
I am on a hardware v0003 EVO, rooted, running xHausx's stock Odexed Gingerbread rom and kernal with the most current radios. Some other useful information about how my EVO is configured:
-WiFi disabled (used 3G only the whole time)
-Bluetooth disabled
-GPS enabled
-Auto-sync enabled (Gmail & Facebook for HTC Sense; I do not use and do not have installed the actual Facebook app)
-Auto-brightness disabled (constant 40%)
-Screen timeout 30s
-4G disabled
-Mobile network enabled
I use the following apps on a regular basis:
-DI Radio
-Friend Stream
-Stock Internet Browser
-Stock SMS/MMS app
-Racing Live
Tomorrow I will report again on todays usage stats. If there is any other pertinent information people feel I should include please let me know and I will do so.
Made it 10h 47m at the 15% notification this time around. No change in usage really, just the norm.
Im getting right in between you two around 9-10 hours.

Impression of Idle battery usage

I charged my phone before I hit bed & I had minimal usage for exactly one day. Below are the usage info and battery stats in the screenshot.
Google Nexus 4
Freshly formatted and re-installed Android Vanilla 4.4.2
Bootloader: Unlocked
Battery start of test : 100%
Battery end of test : 86%
Total duration of test : 1 day 1 hour
Screen usage : 1 hour 10 minutes
Screen brightness - Auto
Talk time : 15 minutes
Wifi : OFF
GPS/Location : OFF
Network signal strength - Excellent (Green)
What's the purpose of this thread? What are you trying to prove as it is as you said...idle state.. :silly:

H990DS massive lag and Android OS battery drain

Hi everyone.
I bought my V20 in July of this year and in the last week I have started to get big battery drain. Usually it's Android OS and Phone idle up the top of the list.
After unplugging it, the phone will be at 100% battery6 sometimes an hour with light use (eg browsing reddit or general Web search) then its a fast decline in battery life. I can usually tell it's happening because the phone gets hot in my pocket.
It's unrooted btw.
Android OS
I find that if i turn off location services and location scanning for wifi and bluetooth scanning and not use auto brightness and use comfort view i get a full day of battery.
Try Off auto sync, nfc, gps etc
my v20 phone battery draining was about 1% per hour before (about 7% totally ) and recently increased to 2% during sleeping time overnight. (draining 15% overnight in sleeping state) .this situation's screenshot is attached and named : Screenshot_2018_01_21_07_05_15.
it seems that during day either performance off battery is decreased.(about 5h with wifi and screen on usage)
Fast charging while second screen is On , is slower than when it is off therefore when second screen is Off , fast charging goes better . exactly , first 30 mins fast charging makes about 40% battery charge(instead of 50%) and after 60 min leads to 85% and full charging taking place after about 100 min instead of 80 mins.
another important thing is that sometimes shades have been seen on the LCD that many users have complained about it.
phone information is :
Android security patch level: September 1, 2017
BASEBAND : MPSS.TH.2.0.1.c3-00045-M8996FAAAANAZM-1
KERNEL : 3.18.31
my actions are as follows :
phone is factory reseted. No third party apps is installed. [especially social media apps.]
battery calibration steps for not rooted phones is taken place.(turning off the phone and charging several times repeatedly).
testing battery drain in safe mode in done and didn't change results
turn off location services and location scanning for WiFi and Bluetooth scanning
turn off WiFi being On during screen is Off.
turn off auto sync, NFC, GPS etc.
not using auto brightness.
not using comfort view .
turn off location services and location scanning for WiFi and Bluetooth scanning
second screen is off during test overnight. (either with second screen is ON with faced down to lower brightness in other day test [this situation's screenshot is attached and named : Screenshot_2018_01_21_07_49_27] )
phone is in Air Plane Mode and all data services is off.
system apps like Google services and Play and Assistance is limited by permissions.
following are some advanced battery drain overnight figures of my phone for more analyzing.
any help with this issue is appreciated.

