Finally a Swipe Keyboard for Windows 8 that works - Windows 8 General

I have tried swipe keyboards on my Lenovo Lynx Win8 tablet before
Before I bought the tablet I just assumed there would be some swipe functionality built into it. Then I discovered to my horror that not only was there no native swiping support in Windows 8, there were no keyboard apps at all!
Shocking, considering how many options you have on android.
Anyway, I tried out both the options that I managed to find, Touchpal and Inscribe, but neither of them worked properly, if at all. This must have been 3-4 weeks ago. So I uninstalled them and resigned myself to the old hunt and peck method.
Today, I decided to try Touchpal again. Maybe they would have an update out? Turns out they did!:laugh:
So I installed it, and to my surprise it worked!
This is the procedure I followed:
1. Uninstall any previous instances of Touchpal or Inscribe on your system.
2. Download the new Touchpal release from here:
3. Unzip, then right click and run as administrator. Choose custom and tick the languages you want. (I just ticked English)
4. Once installed, restart your windows8 tablet.
5. The icon should be in your taskbar. Click on it and select the Touchpal keyboard.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
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6. Open Notepad or Word and try it out!
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7. It has an autocorrect option.
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8. You can save (and restore) your custom user dictionary.
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Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Hmm, I tried this months ago and it was pretty horrible. You would swype a word and it would put in a completely different word, you could not even find your word in their suggestions list. I tried it again a couple of days ago, and still the same level of horrible.
It's too bad because windows NEEDS a better keyboard option, not only swype but they need voice input.

spinedoc said:
Hmm, I tried this months ago and it was pretty horrible. You would swype a word and it would put in a completely different word, you could not even find your word in their suggestions list. I tried it again a couple of days ago, and still the same level of horrible.
It's too bad because windows NEEDS a better keyboard option, not only swype but they need voice input.
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Yeah I don't see why Microsoft can't work on something so basic and obvious as a swipe keyboard app themselves, even after having realized how important tablets are going to be in the post-pc world. Just another example of their short-sightedness and lack of vision.
To come back to your first point, in my case when I tried it sometime ago none of the swipe apps worked at all, so this time it was a huge improvement (it worked!!!)
At least someone is working on it. Hopefully they'll improve their accuracy and word-prediction algorithms as they come out with more (and faster) updates.
About voice input, doesn't windows already have voice integration since w7 and earlier? I remember having set it up on my desktop a couple of times, (to make it learn to recognize your accent etc) but never really used it for anything.
Though on a tablet it needs to be there as a button on the keyboard, or better still, as an always on feature like on the MotoX.

itsnotmeatall said:
Yeah I don't see why Microsoft can't work on something so basic and obvious as a swipe keyboard app themselves, even after having realized how important tablets are going to be in the post-pc world. Just another example of their short-sightedness and lack of vision.
To come back to your first point, in my case when I tried it sometime ago none of the swipe apps worked at all, so this time it was a huge improvement (it worked!!!)
At least someone is working on it. Hopefully they'll improve their accuracy and word-prediction algorithms as they come out with more (and faster) updates.
About voice input, doesn't windows already have voice integration since w7 and earlier? I remember having set it up on my desktop a couple of times, (to make it learn to recognize your accent etc) but never really used it for anything.
Though on a tablet it needs to be there as a button on the keyboard, or better still, as an always on feature like on the MotoX.
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Hmm do we have voice input? I'm used to seeing the microphone right on the keyboard in iOS and Android to enter in text via voice. I'd be curious if this can be done on my windows tablet as well.

spinedoc said:
Hmm do we have voice input? I'm used to seeing the microphone right on the keyboard in iOS and Android to enter in text via voice. I'd be curious if this can be done on my windows tablet as well.
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Yup, it's there. Can't say how good it is though, haven't really gotten around to actually using it ever. You have to read a bunch of sentences into it to train it and stuff. Set aside at least an hour to set up the thing, and then it'll learn your accent, preferences and so on as you use it more.
This was a feature in Windows before anyone even started working on Android 1.0, and Google has left them so far behind its not even funny.

itsnotmeatall said:
Yup, it's there. Can't say how good it is though, haven't really gotten around to actually using it ever. You have to read a bunch of sentences into it to train it and stuff. Set aside at least an hour to set up the thing, and then it'll learn your accent, preferences and so on as you use it more.
This was a feature in Windows before anyone even started working on Android 1.0, and Google has left them so far behind its not even funny.
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Cool, I'll give it a try, thanks.

I'm often using my nexus as a Bluetooth keyboard with unified remote. A little bit battery consuming but better than the build in keyboard, and it allow me to swype. That's the better workaround for me...
Envoyé de mon Nexus 4 en utilisant Tapatalk

I followed the instructions in the OP. It said it installed, I restarted and nothing. No icon, no keyboard. Does this work with 8.1?

wifesabitch said:
I followed the instructions in the OP. It said it installed, I restarted and nothing. No icon, no keyboard. Does this work with 8.1?
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I only tried with 8, so I'm not sure. Their website says 'For Windows8.' I guess we'll have to wait for them to make a 8.1 version.

I got this working with the latest update.
It's better than stock but I still can't get the auto-pop up to work in desktop mode.
Does that feature work for anybody?

wifesabitch said:
I got this working with the latest update.
It's better than stock but I still can't get the auto-pop up to work in desktop mode.
Does that feature work for anybody?
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It isn't a feature of windows 8 to have an auto pop up keyboard on desktop

I got this working on my Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet. Thank you.

barakisbrown said:
I got this working on my Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet. Thank you.
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Were you able to get it working so that the auto keyboard popup didn't come up in Desktop mode and you could bring it up on demand?

itsnotmeatall said:
Yeah I don't see why Microsoft can't work on something so basic and obvious as a swipe keyboard app themselves, even after having realized how important tablets are going to be in the post-pc world. Just another example of their short-sightedness and lack of vision.
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Although I'm glad Google have added swiping, they still took years after this was being done by 3rd party keyboards, and I don't think Apple have added it either (nor can you even use a 3rd party keyboard). So I don't think they're more short-sighted than anyone else.
One of the annoying things I find about larger tablets is that touchscreen keyboards start to become slower to use, because your finger now has to travel a greater distance, and swiping is affected more by this, because of the friction, so I can see why they first investigated alternatives (e.g., split keyboard) given Windows 8 initially being targetted at big tablets. Though it would be nice for them to add swiping anyway.

mdwh said:
Although I'm glad Google have added swiping, they still took years after this was being done by 3rd party keyboards, and I don't think Apple have added it either (nor can you even use a 3rd party keyboard). So I don't think they're more short-sighted than anyone else.
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Yeah but Microsoft is late to the game. They should have learned from the others who came before them.
mdwh said:
One of the annoying things I find about larger tablets is that touchscreen keyboards start to become slower to use, because your finger now has to travel a greater distance, and swiping is affected more by this, because of the friction, so I can see why they first investigated alternatives (e.g., split keyboard) given Windows 8 initially being targetted at big tablets. Though it would be nice for them to add swiping anyway.
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You are right about the larger screen affecting speed, but there is an easy solution: Having the keyboard in a phablet-sized box on the bottom right of the screen, so that you can use the thumb that is already used to swipe-typing on the phone.
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sav2880 said:
Were you able to get it working so that the auto keyboard popup didn't come up in Desktop mode and you could bring it up on demand?
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Actually. I had to uninstall it because it was causing other weird glitches with my tablet.

Sorry, wrong forum, you show android. The Windows 8 app cannot be "detached". If you resize it, there remains a black strip over the full screen width.
*** Correction ***: one can detach it! However, swype does not work in Windows 8.1 (you can get the keyboard running by finding TPKeyBoard.exe in the Programs folder and starting it directly.

A beautiful addition to Windows, we will facilitate the writing ... Loading
Thank you for providing :good:

no worky, worky on Winn8.1 Pro
itsnotmeatall said:
I only tried with 8, so I'm not sure. Their website says 'For Windows8.' I guess we'll have to wait for them to make a 8.1 version.
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I'll add a second vote to the quote above.
Felt like I almost gad it there and working only to find I had wasted my time. BTW, works even less well (is that even a sentence) with a digitizer/pen combo. Found that what little I could get from it, only worked with my flesh and blood finger on the touch screen (I have a Sony flip which offers both if you chose to purchase the optional active digitizer pen--something I recommend highly even though it was less than useless with this even more less than useless app.).
I just don't get it, there should be a plethora of swipe type keywords out there for All versions of Win 8. Boggles the brain.
H. A.


PockeTwit - Twitter client with GPS support (Updated 8-24)

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
See it in action here.
I admit it, I'm a bit of a twitter addict. And like my MPD client, I just couldn't find a twitter client that I liked. So I had some spare time today and whipped up my own. So far it does the basics -- shows the timelines, lets you set your status, and let's you reply to tweets. Of course there's a lot more to be done like showing user info (besides their icon), direct messages, and dealing with URLs in tweets.
It uses the same kinetic list code that I used in the MPD client, so it's kind of fun to scroll up and down and view the menus on the sides.
If you're a twitter user, you can try get my client from the google code site. Let me know if you have anything to say about it.
Current Version: v.52
I use tinyTwitter which works really well on my diamond
kimusan said:
I use tinyTwitter which works really well on my diamond
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Umm, yeah. . . that's great you already have one you like. Keep right on using it . But like I mentioned, I never did find one I liked. Even more importantly, I never found an open source one that I could contribute to. So I made my own.
This version probably won't work out too well on a VGA screen. I took some shortcuts with sizing some info. VGA-pretty will have to wait for a bit.
This client has some real potential! I have been using ceTwit, but its slow load time, (seemingly) heavy battery drain, and lack of kinetic scrolling were all shortcomings. I am looking forward to further development especially direct msgs and twitpic support.
The UI took a bit to figure out but is slick and fun once you get it.
Thank you for putting this out.
Updated with some new features:
Direct messages
URL shortening with
Clickable @names and URLs in tweets
Bigger user images.
If you had a previous version installed, you may want to delete the cached profile pics so it'll get the bigger ones. Just delete Program Files\PockeTwit\ArtCache and run again. It'll re-fetch all the bigger images automatically.
Looks good. I have been trying every twitter client under the sun and cannot find one I am happy with. In particular I have been looking for one that supports GPS for location based messages.
mikebphoto said:
Looks good. I have been trying every twitter client under the sun and cannot find one I am happy with. In particular I have been looking for one that supports GPS for location based messages.
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I've been trying to think of something to do with GPS. I think twinkle is doing something with their own webservice to find users located near you -- I don't have those kinds of resources. But I could do something more basic, like posting your current location. I've got a great idea for a location-aware component, just no apps that need to know my location
There's a crash bug that pops up occasionally in my last release--that's still my first priority. And I think the code I wrote to parse out the clickable words is slowing things down a bit too much. But despite both of those, I'm proud of how well it's going so far.
I'm definitely looking for suggestions on what features to implement next, so I can surpass the other apps that are out there.
my UI suggestion is to right justify the timeline links on the left side of the UI, so that way you don't have to side scroll all the way across to click on one (Like on the right side ...but backwards) Also this may just be a user training issue, but I have a hard time side scrolling far enough that it doesn't auto reset back before I can make a selection.
Also maybe a tap and hold menu on the user picture for @ and D replies? Finally the clickable text is a bit, umm, sensitive? I don't know if it is just me, but my feed is littered with @replies so that makes scrolling down a landmine trying not to flick across a link.
Does it have, or is there plans for an auto-update of the friends timeline?
just got a crash while attempting an update, I think the URL link was tapped by accident. still not quite sure how that works yet.
I know people like features and not everyone wants the same features, but keep in mind that light and fast is a feature in itself, I like the fact it loads quickly and has a smooth interface. Great work!
mikebphoto said:
Looks good. I have been trying every twitter client under the sun and cannot find one I am happy with. In particular I have been looking for one that supports GPS for location based messages.
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SO this would inbed your GPS coordinates into twits? is that a desired feature? I just can't imagine that would be more effective than just saying "corner of 6th and Red River" ... unless the coordinates were clickable to say google maps, but then that is still an extra step. hmmm ... my phone doesn't have GPS so I never think what it's advantages are for these types of apps.
Thanks for the thoughtfull reply chuque. You made some great points.
The auto-update is probably what made it crash! I forgot and made a UI call from another thread. I'll try to fix that up in the next build.
I think I have a way to make the clickable text less sensitive too. I'll just make them react if you aren't scrolling. That should help.
I like the idea of right-justifying the left menu, but I'm not sure how easy that will be. I'll try it out though.
What advantage would a tap+hold menu have over the right menu?
Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it.
Dromio said:
What advantage would a tap+hold menu have over the right menu?
Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it.
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None really, just another path to the same result. Right now, (and I am still in the learning curve) it feels like more work to have to highlight a twit, side scroll, click D, while thinking wouldn't it be easier if I could just click on the icon and go from there? ... I guess one is just more intuitive to me over the other. Given another few days I am sure it'll be second nature, so by no means consider it a highly desired request.
Also updates say "from web" instead of listing the client, I hope that changes as well, this is a good WM client already and could use the free advertisement.
chuque said:
SO this would inbed your GPS coordinates into twits? is that a desired feature? I just can't imagine that would be more effective than just saying "corner of 6th and Red River" ... unless the coordinates were clickable to say google maps, but then that is still an extra step. hmmm ... my phone doesn't have GPS so I never think what it's advantages are for these types of apps.
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I agree I would not want to see lat. and long. coordinates. I think something more like what you said, "corner of 6th and Red River". I have looked at apps that do something similar to this ( & but they do not support Windows Mobile. My current device is my first with GPS and I must say it is a lot of fun. Like you I had no desire for it ... until I had it. Now that I have had it I will not buy another device without it.
Dromio, one of the things that bugs me the most about other Twitter clients is the UI. They are stereotypical Windows Mobile looking. Why should iPhone have all of the cool looking apps? The only other Twitter client that I used that had an almost good looking UI was quakk. It is simple and easy to look at and I think has some potential, but progress seems halted. How interested are you in the UI of TinyTwit? I would not mind lending a hand myself, but I do not want to intrude either.
Another update this morning. Nothing major, just some bug-fixes and cleanups.
No more crash on auto-update.
Lots of fixes dealing with clickable text.
Some UI cleanups.
mikebphoto: Yeah, my main problem with the other clients was the "feel" too. Just so utilitarian. I'll admit I'm a bit jealous of all the fun the iphone folks seem to be having and I want to give us WM folks some of that same feel. I know my UI takes some getting used to, but the fun I get out of it makes it seem worth it to me. I hope others feel the same way.
Quakk looked nice, but scrolling did a wierd refresh thing every time. If you haven't seen Twitula, it's UI was pretty smooth too, but I had other problems with it. I know there are a bunch of clients out there (and the mobile web site is plenty useable too), but I was able to whip something up in a few hours using existing components and decided it was worth sharing.
And unlike the others I've seen, it's open source. Anyone can see how it all works and anyone is welcome to submit code to help out. I know my code is messy and can be tough to read, but I'm not too embarrassed to share.
I know I must sound like a total fanboy by this point, but I think this app is almost easier to use, and certainly more fun that the website itself.
Both the right justification and the linked text changes work well.
Next suggestion (I am almost starting to feel you are building this just for me) maybe add a setting for how far back it pulls twits? say 20/50/75 newest twits? or something like that. I am not a high traffic user but as I get more and more into this app I can see me relying on the sms forwards less. and it seems most my friends are west coast and ***** twit on their way home. So I get a lot of twits in a short period.
Thank you again for all the hard work.
The twitter library I used is already starting to hold me back. It doesn't support:
1. Follow/unfollow/block
2. Fetch more than one page of tweets
3. Set favorite on/off
4. Probably a bunch more I haven't looked at.
It's very very bare bones, but it was the only one I could find the source for and convert to fit the compact framework.
Looks like the fun development has to slow down while I work on adding features to the library itself
yet another (hopefully easy) suggestion from the peanut gallery. In mid twit today I wanted to flip over to opera to look something up, and realized there was no minimize option anywhere, and as it is a full screen app, didn't have access to the top bar, and had to get creative to do it. So maybe changing the right (or left) exit to a minimize button?
chuque said:
yet another (hopefully easy) suggestion from the peanut gallery. In mid twit today I wanted to flip over to opera to look something up, and realized there was no minimize option anywhere, and as it is a full screen app, didn't have access to the top bar, and had to get creative to do it. So maybe changing the right (or left) exit to a minimize button?
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Another good idea, but I'm embarrassed to admit I don't know how! I've just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to make the application go to the background and come back the next time it is run in CF.NET and I've gotten nowhere!
To contrast, I was able to add a feature to automatically check for upgrades in 30 minutes (to be in the next build).
I feel silly
Ok, finishing up "fun development" on the weekend and have to start "pay my bills development" again on monday. I squeezed in a few more features though:
1. Can make a tweet "favorite". I use this to go back and follow URLs once I'm on a PC
2. Can Follow/Unfollow users
3. All timeline updates happen in the background so the UI doesn't pause while updating
4. Automatically check for new versions and upgrade
I think the next step will be storing tweets locally and only fetching new tweets since the latest stored one, to make it more friendly to the servers and able to display a longer list. But for now, I have to do my real job
I'm watching the download count grow on the homepage, and my excitement is tempered by the fear that the auto-update has gone out of whack and is re-downloading the application for someone over and over again.
Is the auto-update working ok? Should be up to v.09 now.
Shouldn't you be coding for food right now?
It updated just fine for me from .08 to .09 yesterday. closed itself launched IE D/L the .cab etc ... however nowhere does it say .09 (ie: no about or version in the remove program area)
also still listing as "from web" I guess the twitter folks are slow to trun around the client request form.
Had a random crash, and then when I reloaded it the top bar was still visible (cutting off the top line of txt in the time line) ... rebooted phone all is well. is there any type of log or anything I can send (assuming it would be helpful; and not jsut a random glitch as I was running a couple other apps at the time. I am running on a sprint ppc-6700 running one of the cooked up 6.1 upgrades)

Why my HD2 will be my last windows phone

Last November I ordered my new HD2 with excitment, finally an potential iphone killer was on the market. After weeks of reading reviews and watching youtube un-boxings I cancelled my order for the Touch HD and got the HD2 instead.
Initially i loved the phone but i have to say that i have grown to dislike it, due to software issues. Here are the reasons why
1. When I close and application I want the application to actually close, not hang around in the backgound making the phone sluggish and unusable. Skype and Goolge maps are the worst culprets for this. My T-Mobile Vario allowed me close application done by holding the 'X' for a few seconds. Why cant the HD2 / WinMi 6.5 have this feature.
2. When i want to reply to an SMS message, i want to start typing right away. If there are more than a couple of messages in the thread i dont want to have to sit an wait 5 minutes until it will allow text input.
3. Market place no longer works
4. When i put my username and password into the facebook app, ans select "save details" why can it not actually save the details. Did MS / HTC actually test this feature before the app was released.
5. I cannot select items in the facebook app as it was not designed for device without the D-Pad....lots of point it being on the HD2 them..
6. The youtube player complains about "storage full" at start up and then just close for no reason. Another useless app. other phone have no problem playing you tube video.
7. There is just not enough memory, take a few photos and a couple of video, thats it the phone is full. I had to mess around trying to figure out how to save things to the memory card by default. Why cant windows support more storage, Apple manage it!
8. Alarm Clock. You turn off the alarm and it still sounds at the set time, you change the time of the alarm and it still sound at the original time, even though thats not the time that sense tell you that it set to. Again did no one actually test this before shipping?
9. Windows Phone 7 looks aweful and is still the same old WinCE 5 with a different interface. Microsoft should have done something spectacular, instead they are shipping the same old pig in different lipstick. Why can't Microsoft not get mobile right?? Just a phone that works would be a great start. No wonder there are no so many HTC android devices.
Just my thoughts, please feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
Vertuas said:
Last November I ordered my new HD2 with excitment, finally an potential iphone killer was on the market. After weeks of reading reviews and watching youtube un-boxings I cancelled my order for the Touch HD and got the HD2 instead.
Initially i loved the phone but i have to say that i have grown to dislike it, due to software issues.
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Firstly, what ROM do you have?
What version of HD2 do you have? (TMobile US or other?)
1. When I close and application I want the application to actually close, not hang around in the backgound making the phone sluggish and unusable. Skype and Goolge maps are the worst culprets for this. My T-Mobile Vario allowed me close application done by holding the 'X' for a few seconds. Why cant the HD2 / WinMi 6.5 have this feature.
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This should work as you hope, does it keep all programs open? If not, maybe it is a program setting rather than Windows.
I have WKTask running on mine, so can't check, I would recommend this, but add the exclusion for the start menu if you decide to use it.
2. When i want to reply to an SMS message, i want to start typing right away. If there are more than a couple of messages in the thread i dont want to have to sit an wait 5 minutes until it will allow text input.
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This goes back to my original questions, this was solved for me with a 1.72 ROM update from O2, try checking the HTC website for an update. (back up your settings first!)
3. Market place no longer works
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That is a bit too vague to help, but try looking for an update for the Marketplace app, from memory there was one only a couple of months back.
4. When i put my username and password into the facebook app, ans select "save details" why can it not actually save the details. Did MS / HTC actually test this feature before the app was released.
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Again, there are updates for this, would recommend sorting out Marketplace first.
5. I cannot select items in the facebook app as it was not designed for device without the D-Pad....lots of point it being on the HD2 them..
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I don't know which app you're using but the one shipped with mine is designed for touch screens. has it not got a slider on the right hand side to scroll with?
6. The youtube player complains about "storage full" at start up and then just close for no reason. Another useless app. other phone have no problem playing you tube video.
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This may be due to lack of onboard storage, try looking for PMClean, it should give you an idea of whats using it up, and let you remove pretty much all temp files.
7. There is just not enough memory, take a few photos and a couple of video, thats it the phone is full. I had to mess around trying to figure out how to save things to the memory card by default. Why cant windows support more storage, Apple manage it!
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I'll admit there isn't much going for the onboard storage, but changing the photos/videos to storage card is a couple of taps...
8. Alarm Clock. You turn off the alarm and it still sounds at the set time, you change the time of the alarm and it still sound at the original time, even though thats not the time that sense tell you that it set to. Again did no one actually test this before shipping?
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Never had this, but can't check if its a regular thing as you've not mentioned your ROM version.
9. Windows Phone 7 looks aweful and is still the same old WinCE 5 with a different interface. Microsoft should have done something spectacular, instead they are shipping the same old pig in different lipstick. Why can't Microsoft not get mobile right?? Just a phone that works would be a great start. No wonder there are no so many HTC android devices.
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I am still in two minds about WinPhone7, not sure if I like it, but I thought it was based on a newer kernel. I'll have to look into that.
Vertuas said:
please feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
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Your wrong
1. I've had 10 apps running before and not had any slow down. You can set the registry to close apps on X, and it's probably a nice easy tick box in one of the many tweak apps.
2. I've got SMS conversations going back months and can type straight away.
3. Which one? MS Market place? Works fine for me.
4. Again, not a problem here with mine.
5. See 4.
6. Youtube works for me and others. Starting to think there's a problem with your phone, are you running the latest stock ROM?
7. Mine saves to the SD card by default.
8. My alarm works great, if I untick the box or unhighlight the day it won't sound, getting the feeling you're running a custom ROM.
9. WP7 is unfortunately not just a vaneer on top of WinCE 5.0, if it was our old apps would be compatible. It's based on the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 kernal.
If you're running the latest stock ROM, then I'd suggest doing a hard reset (backup your data first!) and then see how it goes.
If you still have trouble then contact HTC and submit a warranty claim.
Vertuas said:
Last November I ordered my new HD2 with excitment, finally an potential iphone killer was on the market. After weeks of reading reviews and watching youtube un-boxings I cancelled my order for the Touch HD and got the HD2 instead.
Initially i loved the phone but i have to say that i have grown to dislike it, due to software issues. Here are the reasons why
1. When I close and application I want the application to actually close, not hang around in the backgound making the phone sluggish and unusable. Skype and Goolge maps are the worst culprets for this. My T-Mobile Vario allowed me close application done by holding the 'X' for a few seconds. Why cant the HD2 / WinMi 6.5 have this feature.
2. When i want to reply to an SMS message, i want to start typing right away. If there are more than a couple of messages in the thread i dont want to have to sit an wait 5 minutes until it will allow text input.
3. Market place no longer works
4. When i put my username and password into the facebook app, ans select "save details" why can it not actually save the details. Did MS / HTC actually test this feature before the app was released.
5. I cannot select items in the facebook app as it was not designed for device without the D-Pad....lots of point it being on the HD2 them..
6. The youtube player complains about "storage full" at start up and then just close for no reason. Another useless app. other phone have no problem playing you tube video.
7. There is just not enough memory, take a few photos and a couple of video, thats it the phone is full. I had to mess around trying to figure out how to save things to the memory card by default. Why cant windows support more storage, Apple manage it!
8. Alarm Clock. You turn off the alarm and it still sounds at the set time, you change the time of the alarm and it still sound at the original time, even though thats not the time that sense tell you that it set to. Again did no one actually test this before shipping?
9. Windows Phone 7 looks aweful and is still the same old WinCE 5 with a different interface. Microsoft should have done something spectacular, instead they are shipping the same old pig in different lipstick. Why can't Microsoft not get mobile right?? Just a phone that works would be a great start. No wonder there are no so many HTC android devices.
Just my thoughts, please feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
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Wow, just wow. You've had the phone for 8 months and this is your first post? Definitely not a WinMo power user.
1. Many different task managers on here to choose from, including the htc default one, free for download. Might try searching.
2. Have you done any of the available updates for the phone? Besides complete ROM updates, there have been hotfixes for sms. I'm guessing you haven't taken the time.
3. WM Marketplace works, Omarket works, Handango works.
4. Facebook saves my login fine after every flash, not sure what your problem is. I'm guessing it has something to do with you not updating your phone.
5. ??? Never needed a dpad on this phone. Not sure what facebook app you are using.
6. Sounds like you need a memory cleaner. I would start with cleanRAM and clearTEMP. Once again, google is your friend. I'm guessing your youtube, album and internet caches have taken over all free memory. Might be time to clean house.
7. Did you try reading the manual? Or pressing that little sprocket looking thing when you open the camera to see what was inside?
8. Never had any problems with the alarm clock, so can't help you.
9. You are just completely clueless aren't you???
There's a reason that none of our current programs will be backwards compatible.
I hope you didn't pay full price for your HD2 because you have not come close to realizing its potential. Maybe an iphone is what you need?
Every one of the problems can be solved by using the 'search' button on this site.
I do agree that WinMo7 looks awful, but if microsoft are smart, they will leave it an open system like previous versions of WinMo. This would mean that some of the geniuses on here can make it an outstanding operating system.
This phone was designed for use with a removable microSD card, which is a whole load better than the fixed memory type (iPhone and HTC Diamond).
1. It's called multitasking and dont slow the phone down for me.
2. Not a problem with my Dutty CDLC v8 ROM.
3. Works fine for me.
4. and 5. I don't use Facebook because i actually got a life ;-)
6. Get a bigger SD card.
7. Get a bigger SC card to save stuff on, and that will also solve #6. Many users want it to save photos and videos internal as default.
8. Use S2U2 as lock app.
9. If you don't like Windows Phone 7 then don't use it.
I really think you crying. Try to go to bed a little early because it will sure help.
You can still close apps properly by holding the X. If you just tap x, is will stay in the background. If you press and hold, it will close properly.
My advice: Learn how the task manager works
madindehead said:
It's people like you, who give HD2 users a bad name...
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"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Indeed, the OP obviously needs help, his phone is not behaving as it should, and he isn't aware of some of it's capabilities.
The last thing he needs is posts like erikvario's.
Be sure you always installs the hotfixes and latest ROM's.
And to close applications, then use Dutty's taskmanager.
Then you get a icon at the upper right corner, you tap it, and you see the list of running applications.
Vertuas said:
Just my thoughts, please feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
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And you think we are fools to keep a device like that.
And yes you are dead wrong.
I have,actually, we have no issues such as you have mentioned (we have 2 HD2s at home).
madindehead said:
It's people like you, who give HD2 users a bad name...
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Indeed and it's also the reason he will be absent for a while!
In all honesty you didn't give this phone the attention it deserves. I have only found success using windows after I put a good deal of thought into properly flashing a radio and a rom. The effort is worth it for me. My dual booting, over/underclocked HD2 is more capable than any Iphone.
mikechannon said:
Indeed and it's also the reason he will be absent for a while!
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Hehe was about to write him a warning, like usual you beat me
LOL @ ban. Much deserved
polo753 - snap on the setup!
Energy 23678
shubCRAFT 1.4d
After three days of Android - and still occasionally popping into WM for TomTom/book reader (still not found anything that beats AlReader2) I'm confident Android will be my next phone, despite not being a huge giving-Google-my-data fan. Wm6 is dead - and WM7 looks a (slight) mess (I'm already bored of the interface following a years-worth of screenshots), although I'm happy to change my mind when I eventaully get to play with one.
Hello Again Everyone,
First, Thanks to all the helpful people how have given me usuful tips and solutions. I will try an check some of them out and see what can be inproved. As it happens i checked market place and it actually connected 10 minutes ago for the first time in about 6 weeks.
As for all the people flaming i've not gone away for a while
If i went out an bought a new car i would expet it to be working as normal 9 months down the line other wise i would be might unhappy.
The HD2 is my third WinMo phone and it the first one that frustrates me. The hardware and HTC sense are awesome it just niggly annoying things that should just work.
As for Apple, i would not own an Apple product if you payed me to take it away!!!
For interested in being help full, the phone has the HTC rom and not a network specific one. Rom version : 1.43.405.1 (70124) WWE
As for me giving the phone a bad name, I know my way around wondows mobile and if i have a problem i know where and what task manager is, i can close stuff. Where the phone get a bad name is from the lesser technical and informed people went out and bought the HT2. Propobly 90% of consumers of the handset as not techically minded and how no idea when is going on that making windows run slow. These are the people that will say that the phone is no good, with out actually knowing what they are talking about.
These are the people in the street who are seeing the issues with the phone and writting it off and migrating to handsets by companies named after frui,t because they "Just Work"
The phone should work, 99% percent perfectly, update for new features i can live with, but the feature on the phone should work. without me searching forum for answers.
Yeah to be fair I love my HT2, its like a girlfriend. Its great to have around, but it annoys the crap out me sometime
madindehead said:
You can still close apps properly by holding the X. If you just tap x, is will stay in the background. If you press and hold, it will close properly.
My advice: Learn how the task manager works
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I opened up excel mobile.
i held the close ('X') in the corner for ten second, it highlighted but did not close until i let go.
open up task manger....excel still running!!!!!
go figure!
Vertuas said:
For interested in being help full, the phone has the HTC rom and not a network specific one. Rom version : 1.43.405.1 (70124) WWE
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1.43 is the original ROM, give this one a try:
Don't forget to back all your stuff up first (contacts, etc)
Vertuas said:
Last November I ordered my new HD2 with excitment, finally an potential iphone killer was on the market. After weeks of reading reviews and watching youtube un-boxings I cancelled my order for the Touch HD and got the HD2 instead.
Initially i loved the phone but i have to say that i have grown to dislike it, due to software issues. Here are the reasons why
1. When I close and application I want the application to actually close, not hang around in the backgound making the phone sluggish and unusable. Skype and Goolge maps are the worst culprets for this. My T-Mobile Vario allowed me close application done by holding the 'X' for a few seconds. Why cant the HD2 / WinMi 6.5 have this feature.
2. When i want to reply to an SMS message, i want to start typing right away. If there are more than a couple of messages in the thread i dont want to have to sit an wait 5 minutes until it will allow text input.
3. Market place no longer works
4. When i put my username and password into the facebook app, ans select "save details" why can it not actually save the details. Did MS / HTC actually test this feature before the app was released.
5. I cannot select items in the facebook app as it was not designed for device without the D-Pad....lots of point it being on the HD2 them..
6. The youtube player complains about "storage full" at start up and then just close for no reason. Another useless app. other phone have no problem playing you tube video.
7. There is just not enough memory, take a few photos and a couple of video, thats it the phone is full. I had to mess around trying to figure out how to save things to the memory card by default. Why cant windows support more storage, Apple manage it!
8. Alarm Clock. You turn off the alarm and it still sounds at the set time, you change the time of the alarm and it still sound at the original time, even though thats not the time that sense tell you that it set to. Again did no one actually test this before shipping?
9. Windows Phone 7 looks aweful and is still the same old WinCE 5 with a different interface. Microsoft should have done something spectacular, instead they are shipping the same old pig in different lipstick. Why can't Microsoft not get mobile right?? Just a phone that works would be a great start. No wonder there are no so many HTC android devices.
Just my thoughts, please feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
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first of all, the following paragraph is not intended to flame you or anything such...just something i found odd...
you've started a new thread...its title suggests its another one of those "i hate my HD2 and never getting a WM phone again" threads...then you list all your problems...but no details!!! honestly, nearly ALL your problems are fixable! like you mentioned, nearly ALL of them are software problems! and you can tell they are fixable by the suggestions people are giving. i now see in your second post that you have finally mentioned some much needed information.
so, nearly all your problems are fixable...and you say you are familiar with WM...but you've just GOT to at least try a hard reset...better yet, try one of the newer official ROMs...they were released for a reason! the 1.43 ROM you're using is ANCIENT...its like complaining about an iphone4 that you're using with version 1 of the iOS. best suggestion from me is to try a custom/cooked ROM...they are da bomb!
1. almost all custom ROMs include one (or two...or even THREE) task managers. the energy ROM i am using includes "arkswitch" (tap top-left corner to bring up running applications list) and "ameba" (lets you configure and fine tune the behavior of the X button)
2. the energy ROM i am using completely does away with the HTC messaging client. if you have used WM phones before, you will find yourself more comfortable with the DEFAULT WM text messaging client. the energy ROM i am using integrates the DEFAULT WM text messaging client quite nicely. its speedy, to the point, and very much more compatible with backup programs like pimbackup and MS's myphone.
3. the MS market place app gets updated every now and then. still, a hard reset should get it going.
4. don't use facebook at all so can't help you there...but if it worked before, it truly sounds like a hard reset should get it going again.
5. don't use facebook at all so can't help you there.
6. this happened to me from time to time when i was using the stock ROM. never happened again on the energy ROM i am using. moreover, you can always install the official youtube app direct from google.
7. in EVERY WM phone i have owned, one of the FIRST things i did after booting up for the first time was to set the camera to store to the storage card...make a habit of it! apple is able to manage it because the iphone has BUILT IN storage (non-expandable! yuk!) so there is NOTHING to configure in the first place!
8. use G-Alarm! fantastic alarm application. search for version 1.5.1 which was the last FREE version. works fine on the HD2.
9. WM7 is truly many steps backward for the geeky users like us but it will probably allow MS to take many steps forward by attracting the non-power users currently being drawn to the iphone. as much as i hate the fact that MS seems to be abandoning the requirements of the power user, i take comfort in knowing that at least apple won't get the whole pie
to be honest since purchasing the hd2 a few months ago you realise this phone is not for everybody it does not work straight out the box like the iphone you have to spend some time to tweak/customise the phone to make it perform to its full potential personally i enjoying this aspect if it thats why i love the the points you made i havent come across any of these and im confident they can be rectified

What's your expecting for Samsung Froyo?

Hi all, Each time there is news about leak firmware, I believe many of us here go mad and try to flash to the latest firmware, even though we know that those leak beta firmware may not be stable are and might bricked our phone permanently.
Among those firmwares we flashed, Froyo leak firmwares those we everyone is looking forward, one of the reason is of course promise from Samsung since day one that our SGS will get Froyo release.
But I would like to know what do you expect from Froyo release?
New function? Lag fix? JIT? New TouchWiz? Better Exchange support? GPS fix?
Personally, I'm looking forward "better" Exchange support, especially
1.GAL support,
2.task sync,
3.full table view support,
4.meeting invitation request/response
5. Away setup
Most of the features listed up there is supported by my older Nokia's sad to see Samsung rollout Froyo without those.
PS: item 1, 4, 5 is supported by HTC sense on their Desire of I'm not mistaken.
How about you all? Mind to share your Froyo wish list?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Would love a lag fix, but have my doubts it's gonna happen in an official firmware from Kies. What I'm looking forward to the most is Norwegian Swype, the screen rotation lock, integration into Chrome (chrome to phone) and being able to auto-update my apps.
I also heard something about an integrated 'official' task killer?
i'm only looking forward to the Install to EXTERNAL SD card option
and the ability to track each single app that uses the internet
only the app2sd thing to free some space. possible gps fixes? idk. not expecting much really.
i'm an update-whore. i don't know what it will help with a fresh flash, but i want it.
Speed boost. The Nexus One got a major speed boost from FroYo, I'm hoping it's the same way for SGS.
I hope Samsung dumps their RFS file system for something decent like ext2 or ext4.
And to optimise performance so it can beat the Nexus 1 like it should with the powerful hardware it has.
We already know about things like Flash and apps to SD card because they're in the JPC beta firmware (which I'm using).
I would like:
1. Flash
2. Lag fix
3. Speed boost
4. Better contact organisation.
5. GPS Fix
6. (I don't know how ppl call that but on iphone when you want to press bettween two letters when you are typing you got like some magnifier).
7. Serbian Swipe
I hope to see a speed improvement, since the N1 got it too. I really don´t think that it´s needed, because i come from WM6.X and i´m very happy with my SGS, but would be nice.
GPS should be fixed too.
Everything that comes additionaly is welcome
Like others, I'd love to see Samsung replaces RFS with a filesystem that has actually proven itself performance-wise like ext3. I'm not holding my breath, though...
Roy Ngan said:
Hi all, Each time there is news about leak firmware, I believe many of us here go mad and try to flash to the latest firmware, even though we know that those leak beta firmware may not be stable are and might bricked our phone permanently.
Among those firmwares we flashed, Froyo leak firmwares those we everyone is looking forward, one of the reason is of course promise from Samsung since day one that our SGS will get Froyo release.
But I would like to know what do you expect from Froyo release?
New function? Lag fix? JIT? New TouchWiz? Better Exchange support? GPS fix?
Personally, I'm looking forward "better" Exchange support, especially
1.GAL support,
2.task sync,
3.full table view support,
4.meeting invitation request/response
5. Away setup
Most of the features listed up there is supported by my older Nokia's sad to see Samsung rollout Froyo without those.
PS: item 1, 4, 5 is supported by HTC sense on their Desire of I'm not mistaken.
How about you all? Mind to share your Froyo wish list?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Um, GAL works on mine. Do a Search when in a To/CC/BCC field. You just can't browse it.
Croak said:
Um, GAL works on mine. Do a Search when in a To/CC/BCC field. You just can't browse it.
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Thanks for pointing it out, I'm expecting GAL support to cover other outlook info, for example phone number contact.
It's funny that you can use "Get Friend" function for FB, Tweeter and myspace, but not Exchange contact via GAL, weird, don't you think so?
It will be good if Froyo can support Landscape mode for desktop like what they show in IFA on another model
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
All Android phones can support it. The reason it doesn't by default is that it's confusing to some, and causes some display issues and heinous redraw times as you flip from orientation to orientation.
And that Epic/Pro in the picture above doesn't support it either, it just goes right to landscape when the keyboard is open, just like the Droid, MyTouch, G1, etc.
get alternative home screens like launcher pro and you can go landscape. but I hated it. annoying really.
Adevem said:
get alternative home screens like launcher pro and you can go landscape. but I hated it. annoying really.
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I have car dock module, and I like to put the phone in Landscape mode for GPS. so it comes handy if Tw offer landscape.
The issue with launcher pro is that, it can't call Samsung Widget
I just can't have both world.
I would like (in order):
1. Lag fix
2. GPS Fix
3. Froyo's Speed boost
4. Improved battery life
5. Flash
1. Support for changing tone for calendar reminders
2. Lagfix
3. Remove autocapitalization of I when using Swype (since I mostly write in swedish)
These things I really want since they can almost be considered bugs. But I will of course enjoy everything that gets added with 2.2 like speed boost and such.
1. Lag fix
2. Lag fix
3. Lag fix
And by the way, I really hope they fix the lag...
djr83 said:
3. Remove autocapitalization of I when using Swype (since I mostly write in swedish)
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Settings > Locale and text > swype settings > uncheck "Auto-capitalization"
SkullDeath said:
I would like (in order):
1. Lag fix
2. GPS Fix
3. Froyo's Speed boost
4. Improved battery life
5. Flash
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there is a conflict between 3 & 4.

New video chat/conference software

I ported my ReelPortal video conference to Android recently. It's reported to be working on the Viewsonic G Tablet with certain ROMs. I believe it works on the Archos 70/101, but I don't know how well, since the G Tablet has the Tegra-2 dual-core CPU and the Archos don't.
Anyhow, my app is published on AppLibs, or you can get it from the G Tablet thread here:
Please provide feedback if you try it. Thanks.
Beware of firmware 2.1.3 (not sure if 2.1.4 is any better):
Kashban: I got word from one of my friends owning an Archos 101 (non rooted, latest firmware 2.1.3), that ReelPortal is very buggy and slow on it. I have no problems on UrukDroid based on FW 2.0.71 and still waiting for Uruk to move on to the new FW, so as soon as I migrated I will test again.
Thanks! I will try it out
ookiller said:
Thanks! I will try it out
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Cool! Let me know if you have any questions.
i am use your APK on Archos 10.1 it and 7.0
for 4.3 it the webcam is on side of the Archos
install ok
connect ok
how deconnect ?
but the screen with the webcam is very big
have you a solution ?
see pictures
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
First of all: Nicely done.
I tested it between my HTC Desire, the Archos 101it and my Netbook running Win7 32bit using Firefox 3.6.x.
A few Things which may be improved from my Perspective:
Exit function:
Not prominent enough on Android: If you just chose to back out of the App, it's still running, including Video and Audio broadcast. This is good if you want to bring another App to front without breaking the Conference, but if you intend to disconnect, you have to longpress on the Screen, which isn't obvious at first. You may accidently broadcast on and on without knowing.
Proposal: If leaving the app by the back button, ask the user what to do: Exit Application or put it in the background with running video/audio or put it in the background with video/audio stopped and muted. If the App is in background and still sending, it should show this by an Icon in the status bar of Android. Don't know if that's a goal possible to achieve with Adobe Air. Otherwise you may be sending video / audio without knowing and giving away your privacy.
Regarding privacy: Is there a way to encrypt the Streams? If not, even with your own Server someone might spoof on the Connection (I know it's P2P, but nevertheless routed through internet relays).
Login screen:
Sometimes when writing into the Nickname / Room Fields a leading Space is added and the Strings are not accepted. Better strip any leading and trailing Spaces from the input Strings without bothering the User.
Terms of Service: Should be gone once I clicked "save" and changable by Options Menu.
Would be nice if the App stores my Nickname and the Room I used before
Moving Windows are fancy but not needed on the login Screen. I was more irritated by it.
The Conference Room:
Paused Video Stream of Participant: No indication whether the Connection has been lost or the Participant paused the Stream. Perhaps putting a Message on Screen for Paused Streams (and Muted voice) would lead to more Confidence in the Robustness of the Software and the Connection.
Size of Conference Room Items: On small Screens like my 3.7 inch one of the Desire the Chat Window Controls are too small. Everything else seems to be ok.
Video Stream Quality. How is the initial setting calculated? Is it depending on the current kBit/s or just an overall Default?
Anyhow, this is a good Piece of Software you developed here. I'm not familiar with other Solutions on Android like Fring or Skype, but it looks very promising given the Fact it runs on all Devices with Flash Capacity (even iPhones and iPads with the Packager from Adobe)
Best regards,
have you the link for the netbook ?
cajl said:
i am use your APK on Archos 10.1 it and 7.0
for 4.3 it the webcam is on side of the Archos
install ok
connect ok
how deconnect ?
but the screen with the webcam is very big
have you a solution ?
see pictures
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If you press and hold on the main screen for 4 seconds, a pop up menu appears. It has the "Exit" and "Toggle Screen" buttons. The toggle screen suppose to toggle the screen between FullScreen and Normal (which is default to 800x480), but it doesn't work on Android because currently on Android, Normal equals FullScreen. I will look for other ways to get around it. Thanks for bringing it up.
For netbook, you can run it from a web browser at Or you can install the AIR version via download link.
BTW, double-clicking on the main screen should also toggle the screen, but also not working on Android .
Kashban said:
First of all: Nicely done.
I tested it between my HTC Desire, the Archos 101it and my Netbook running Win7 32bit using Firefox 3.6.x.
A few Things which may be improved from my Perspective:
Exit function:
Not prominent enough on Android: If you just chose to back out of the App, it's still running, including Video and Audio broadcast. This is good if you want to bring another App to front without breaking the Conference, but if you intend to disconnect, you have to longpress on the Screen, which isn't obvious at first. You may accidently broadcast on and on without knowing.
Proposal: If leaving the app by the back button, ask the user what to do: Exit Application or put it in the background with running video/audio or put it in the background with video/audio stopped and muted. If the App is in background and still sending, it should show this by an Icon in the status bar of Android. Don't know if that's a goal possible to achieve with Adobe Air. Otherwise you may be sending video / audio without knowing and giving away your privacy.
Regarding privacy: Is there a way to encrypt the Streams? If not, even with your own Server someone might spoof on the Connection (I know it's P2P, but nevertheless routed through internet relays).
Login screen:
Sometimes when writing into the Nickname / Room Fields a leading Space is added and the Strings are not accepted. Better strip any leading and trailing Spaces from the input Strings without bothering the User.
Terms of Service: Should be gone once I clicked "save" and changable by Options Menu.
Would be nice if the App stores my Nickname and the Room I used before
Moving Windows are fancy but not needed on the login Screen. I was more irritated by it.
The Conference Room:
Paused Video Stream of Participant: No indication whether the Connection has been lost or the Participant paused the Stream. Perhaps putting a Message on Screen for Paused Streams (and Muted voice) would lead to more Confidence in the Robustness of the Software and the Connection.
Size of Conference Room Items: On small Screens like my 3.7 inch one of the Desire the Chat Window Controls are too small. Everything else seems to be ok.
Video Stream Quality. How is the initial setting calculated? Is it depending on the current kBit/s or just an overall Default?
Anyhow, this is a good Piece of Software you developed here. I'm not familiar with other Solutions on Android like Fring or Skype, but it looks very promising given the Fact it runs on all Devices with Flash Capacity (even iPhones and iPads with the Packager from Adobe)
Best regards,
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Thank you for the extensive feedback! I definitely like a fresh perspective. I will put your ideas on my to do list.
I was able to install on my 101 I now have to get adobe air and i'll try it later tonight.
I also tried to install it on my stock 2.1 verizon facinate and the apk won't install using astro.....any ideas?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Works just fine on my 101. Shows how bad the camera is too.
njbreaker said:
I was able to install on my 101 I now have to get adobe air and i'll try it later tonight.
I also tried to install it on my stock 2.1 verizon facinate and the apk won't install using astro.....any ideas?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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it needs to have Android 2.2, and Adobe AIR 2.5.1, otherwise it won't function even if you manage to install it, because the API is not there to access the hardware....also, if your device have 2 cameras, the current API only allow access to 1 camera (most likely the back one). Android 2.3 would allow access to multiple cameras.
blazingwolf said:
Works just fine on my 101. Shows how bad the camera is too.
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thanks...well the camera resolution is currently set to low (320x240) just so the device won't bog plan is to allow the user to select the resolution, in a future version...but i don't have an Archos, so i can't really tell its actual camera quality.
reelportal said:
thanks...well the camera resolution is currently set to low (320x240) just so the device won't bog plan is to allow the user to select the resolution, in a future version...but i don't have an Archos, so i can't really tell its actual camera quality.
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I think it is a VGA camera. Not very good to begin with. If you can let us change that though it would be great.
blazingwolf said:
I think it is a VGA camera. Not very good to begin with. If you can let us change that though it would be great.
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Definitely! Actually, the original settings was at 640x480, but when some Samsung Galaxy Tab user reported the device was crawling at 1 frame every 5 secs, I figured the tablet cpu may not able to handle it, so I reduced it for now. But I do want to make it a user adjustable control. Same with the frame rate.
reelportal said:
it needs to have Android 2.2, and Adobe AIR 2.5.1, otherwise it won't function even if you manage to install it, because the API is not there to access the hardware....also, if your device have 2 cameras, the current API only allow access to 1 camera (most likely the back one). Android 2.3 would allow access to multiple cameras.
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Roger that!
it worked on my 101 and i video chatted w/ my PC! I LIKE....lots of potential here!
now should i root and upgrade to froyo so it works on my fascinate? hmmm.
njbreaker said:
Roger that!
it worked on my 101 and i video chatted w/ my PC! I LIKE....lots of potential here!
now should i root and upgrade to froyo so it works on my fascinate? hmmm.
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cool! glad it works. thanks. apps, it works ok on my 101T but its a little bit laggy? what will be the problem here?
jetv1r said: apps, it works ok on my 101T but its a little bit laggy? what will be the problem here?
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can you describe your setup details, like:
- are you testing between the 101T and another PC or something else
- is there lag with audio only test (video turned off)
- is there lag with video only test
- and at which end (tablet or PC) do you see the lag
- are you using P2P mode (default), or client/server mode
New Version (1.0.1)
i just added a newer (experimental) version in the first post of the viewsonic thread:
- option to save nickname and room last used (you can clear it by set the fields to blank, then save).
- added new field to enter the Server ip address, in case you want to run your own server (if not set, it defaults to the last used server)
- hide that annoying red TOS box when you check it, and click Save.
- when you enable the webcam, you can set its resolution and frame rate.
the web client is running the new version also. feedback please.
cajl said:
have you the link for the netbook ?
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The flash app is right there.

Xoom & Honeycomb Early Adopter Wish List

So, we're all early adopters and we all know what we're getting into but if we could reach out to Motorola & Google, what would you want to tell them?
What do you wish the Xoom / Honeycomb had?
Please don't list things that we know are already coming down the pipe, like Flash, micro-SD card support, and 4G.
Here are some things I'd like to see in the next software update:
Contrast & Saturation controls
Separate wallpaper for lock screen & home screens
REAL USB support, not this MTP crap!
Trickle charging from USB port
Scrollable task manager
Ability to auto hide clock / menu bar when viewing fullscreen videos or games, it does hide now, but the apps don't go true fullscreen, it's more like a lights out effect
Ability to rate / comment in the Market app
What else would you like to see?
I'm not sure if the second to last one is possible without a gesture to bring it back up. The last one should already be there though.
I would like to see something done about smoothness of entering text in a browser. Its laggy and horrible to use.
Good point. Hopefully, future Honeycomb devices will have a proximity sensor. That would be such a cool way to bring up auto hidden menu / status bars.
I'd also like to see it play many of these video codecs flawlessly with hardware acceleration.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I just did a quick test and hardware video codec support is pretty crappy right now.
What's good on USB file system compared to mtp?
Same functionality to transfer files from PC.
Mtp is better because no need to mount it.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I don't want usb mass storage support if it means I have to unmount the internal 'sdcard' ever.
This is an improvement over the past, and it's a better implementation than Apple's for sure. It makes media transfer super easy for users and that is all it's about. I never want to have to unlock my tab and hit mount to just transfer a file ever again.
My biggest thing would be the ability to be able to re-size the widgets like you can do in launcherpro.
The widgets on the apps are too small because they are primarily designed for the all the things I need right now all fit into one screen...and it looks to empty if i move them.
Other than that, the speed of the internet rendering....with a dual core processor you would think you could use all that power to actually render it in real time so its not all fuzzy for a sec or two
also maybe the same kind of word prediction like they use in sense or blur where it actually shows you the different words that it thinks you are trying to use...which im sure will get fixed by different developers with different keyboards...maybe.
Maybe also the ability to add little icon type things to the task bar for the things you love the you could just be playing a game or something and need/want to use the internet...I mean you could use that last 5 apps launcher but meh...think it would be useful.
killswitch23456 said:
also maybe the same kind of word prediction like they use in sense or blur where it actually shows you the different words that it thinks you are trying to use...which im sure will get fixed by different developers with different keyboards...maybe.
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You can find this under settings.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Bauxite said:
You can find this under settings.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
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Legit?? Dayum...just got it the other day and when i went through I didn't see it. Thanks man!
gogol said:
What's good on USB file system compared to mtp?
Same functionality to transfer files from PC.
Mtp is better because no need to mount it.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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My cousin has the NIA, he chose that over Xoom cuz he wanted to be able to plug in his external hard drives and play movies directly off of them.
32GB sounds like a lot but a typical 1080p mkv is about 8-10GB. Not only is that time consuming to copy, you could only fit 4 or so movies on there.
Not sure if the Android file system even supports large file sizes like NTFS does.
killswitch23456 said:
Maybe also the ability to add little icon type things to the task bar for the things you love the you could just be playing a game or something and need/want to use the internet...I mean you could use that last 5 apps launcher but meh...think it would be useful.
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I wonder why they didn't just put currently running apps right on the task/menu/clock bar itself?
Probably because it would look too "windows/mac"-ish? That's a lame reason. It actually would've been smarter and more user friendly to do that since that bar is persistent and never far as I've seen.
I hope they get rid of that apps button and just put them on the bar in the future.
Neo3D said:
So, we're all early adopters and we all know what we're getting into but if we could reach out to Motorola & Google, what would you want to tell them?
What do you wish the Xoom / Honeycomb had?
Please don't list things that we know are already coming down the pipe, like Flash, micro-SD card support, and 4G.
Here are some things I'd like to see in the next software update:
Contrast & Saturation controls
Separate wallpaper for lock screen & home screens
REAL USB support, not this MTP crap!
Trickle charging from USB port
Scrollable task manager
Ability to auto hide clock / menu bar when viewing fullscreen videos or games, it does hide now, but the apps don't go true fullscreen, it's more like a lights out effect
Ability to rate / comment in the Market app
What else would you like to see?
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I would love to see all those although I don't care for trickle USB charging. Pointless in my mind. I love how fast the xoom is charged with the stock charger.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
The one thing I can think of off the top of my head would be to allow us to "Clear All" notifications in the bar all at one time, rather than click the X to clear out every notification. Would be especially useful if you just batch installed a ton of apps in the market in one run. It's a very minor request but my two cents worth. I'll think of more.
I agree. With most of the items posted. However instead of having the recent apps button make that a scrollable. Task manager.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
Stylus support with hand shadow ignore, so I could write on it like a sheet of paper.
Handwriting recognition would also help.
That is something else called "USB Host" feature.
Which I believe Xoom has it, but you need special cable.
The special cable will be made by Motorola and has not been released yet.
There was a thread discussing this before and you can find one as well in the official Moto support forum for Xoom.
UPDATE: here are the threads:
Tell that to your cousin
Neo3D said:
My cousin has the NIA, he chose that over Xoom cuz he wanted to be able to plug in his external hard drives and play movies directly off of them.
32GB sounds like a lot but a typical 1080p mkv is about 8-10GB. Not only is that time consuming to copy, you could only fit 4 or so movies on there.
Not sure if the Android file system even supports large file sizes like NTFS does.
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Neo3D said:
Not sure if the Android file system even supports large file sizes like NTFS does.
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WHAT? Android is Linux, and almost every linux kernel has ext3... which supports just as large file sizes as NTFS does.
diablo2224 said:
The one thing I can think of off the top of my head would be to allow us to "Clear All" notifications in the bar all at one time, rather than click the X to clear out every notification. Would be especially useful if you just batch installed a ton of apps in the market in one run. It's a very minor request but my two cents worth. I'll think of more.
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I completely agree. There are several things that are available on phoned but not on honeycomb which make no sense, like clear all. The show pictures in the stock email app as well.
I also agree with OP about his suggestions.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
colbyb25 said:
I would love to see all those although I don't care for trickle USB charging. Pointless in my mind. I love how fast the xoom is charged with the stock charger.
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I like how fast it charges using the standard plug and I would use that normally, but I'd like to have the option art least in a pinch or in the car. For example I have a micro usb at work, but I don't have my xoom charger. I can go a whole dayand charge at night but that's not the point.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
lanternca said:
I like how fast it charges using the standard plug and I would use that normally, but I'd like to have the option art least in a pinch or in the car. For example I have a micro usb at work, but I don't have my xoom charger. I can go a whole dayand charge at night but that's not the point.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
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Yep, agree!
What if we wanted to take the tablet on a road trip where you wouldn't be close to an outlet? USB trickle charging would definitely help in that case as well!
The main issue here is whether this is a hardware issue or software issue. If it's software, I'm sure some genius on here can figure out how to unlock that.
Mainly what OP said. Additionally:
Applications in Market should show "installed" or "purchased"
Search result list position should be remembered after "checking out" one app and returning to the list
Integration of PDF viewer into browser
Native support of folders (although I love the Folder Organizer app)
Option to configure transition effects between homescreens (like in LauncherPro)
That's what came to my mind immediately.

