Camera: Low Light & Moving Subjects? - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone have any good/bad results taking photos in low-light (regular in-door to darker evening environments) or with pets/children and other quick moving subjects?
Debating between the N3 and the LG G2 and overall they are about equal to me, camera is the only area I'm still debating on.
G2 has been reported to have some funky auto focus and watery audio during video, not so hot low-light photos, and terrible for moving subjects (which I like to take photos of).
N3 seems to also to suffer in the low-light department not unlike most phones, but maybe it could be improved down the line with an update as previous Samsung devices had a Night Mode which is missing and doesn't seem to be "replaced" by the new camera features.
I haven't owned any of the Galaxy devices and have only messed around with ones friends/family have. I'm assuming with things like Drama mode, that it should do decently with pets/children running around.
So overall, just looking for any user samples or reviews that may have hit on this area. So far most of the reviews I've seen point at the GS4 for comparison, but if the N3 is using updated software and missing Night Mode, it makes it sort of hard to compare.


Camera Question

Ive read in the research that the S4 takes beautiful pictures, but that a challenge for more casual "snapshot" usage is that it blurs pretty easily if not held very steady.
I use my phone camera mostly for things like whipping out my phone and snapping a quick pic of the kids running around, or a friend skiing by over a jump, etc.
So while I know the PQ is awesome on the S4, Im worried that maybe for my needs the camera wont be great as it may not be well suited to snapping those pictures in situations where you dont have time to really position yourself, be still, frame the pic, etc.
Can anyone share with me whether this has been your experience?
lirong said:
Ive read in the research that the S4 takes beautiful pictures, but that a challenge for more casual "snapshot" usage is that it blurs pretty easily if not held very steady.
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I also own a high-end full frame camera, but have been amazed by the S4 camera. I certainly would not say that it "blurs pretty easily if not held very steady." S4 pictures are sharper than the iphone 5 or galaxy s3, both of which I used at lot.
That said, if your primary concern is minimizing blur from fast moving objects, you might be better off with the HTC One, especially if pics are taken in low light. I say that not having tried the HTC, but just based on its specs.
If you are you are taking pictures of the kids running around or someone skiing, whether or not you are holding the camera steady doesn't matter that much. The motion of the subject will outweigh camera shake (unless you have very shaky hands). For minimizing the blur from moving objects you want a fast lens and sensor with low noise at high ISO. The specs of the HTC One camera are better in both those respects.
If your concern is motion blur from the camera itself shaking (but again, this is typically not a consideration when taking pictures of fast moving objects), the HTC One has optical image stabilization which reduces motion blur from camera shake. The S4 does not have this.
One camera is better in low light (bigger pixels, OIS) than GS4, but 4MP is usually a dealbreaker for the average joe. Overall i think the One has a better camera than the S4 (which is WAY oversharpened and oversaturated). I actually like the flatter images out of the iPhone 5, but i dont use my phone as a camera unless its a random shot and i dont have a real camera with me.
Typically i shoot Nikon D4 and GF shoots Canon 5D Mk III, but for parties or random stuff, cell pic is ok.
What I found is that you either need to switch to sports mode or lower the exposure to -1.5. This essentially raised the shutter to 1/30 instead of 1/15 which is way too slow.
The annoying part is that the camera doesn't retain the settings...
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The one is oversharpened. Its 4 megapixels the s4 tends to look sharp until you zoom it in on the phone because of so many pixels crammed in. Please know what you're saying before you go out and say it. I also do photography but that isn't relevant to this
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I don't understand your post. Please improve the grammar in what you're saying before you go out and say it.
GeorgeP said:
I don't understand your post. Please improve the grammar in what you're saying before you go out and say it.
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Let me reiterate, One, I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the poster below you. And also what I stated was that the HTC One has 4 ultrapixels and such so it tends to let in more light because less pixels mean bigger pixels in the same size sensor, so more light can be let in. As well as a wider aperture that the One has over the S4.
The pictures are good in low light but in normal lighting conditions the HTC one is extremely oversharpened to compensate for the low quality the images it produces. The images aren't bad because it's 4 megapixels it's just bad because the software and optics are subpar in anything but low light.
The S4 uses a sensor even superior to the iPhone 5. Look at gsmareana for comparisons.
The HTC one got a 6 overall, the iPhone 5 an 8 and the Galaxy S4 a 9.

Camera: Pets/Children & Low-Light?

I'm debating between the G2 and the Note 3 and while I like both, I prefer the G2 overall, but the camera has me worried.
Note 3 so far seems to handle video fine and takes quick enough shots to capture pets/children scampering around. Low-Light isn't so good and might actually be worse then GS4 and N2 due to software changes which is annoying but hopefully fixable down the road. Overall, seems Note 3 doing well, but I'm not sure if it is worth forking over another $100 and dealing with the larger size when I prefer the smaller G2 just for the "chance" it has a better camera.
From the various reviews I've read and user reports on here, the G2 does very well in well lit situations, but may or may not be having issues in low-light and video.
I'm not big on video, but the audio and focusing problems do concern me a bit. I've read little to no feedback on taking quick photos capturing children/pets running around and am having my doubts with how the focus works (or doesn't).
While obviously low-light isn't a real strength for any phone, it's hard to get a real grasp on the G2 when review sites say it is great and does better then the rest (maybe due to office/studio perfect set ups?) and then users say it is down-right terrible without proper lighting (real world use).
Just looking for any feedback or samples of G2 users taking photos in low-light and of quick moving subjects. Search isn't working for me atm, but haven't seen any threads going into these too much. I really want the G2, but the Note 3's positive feedback is pulling me away.
Allein8 said:
While obviously low-light isn't a real strength for any phone, it's hard to get a real grasp on the G2 when review sites say it is great and does better then the rest (maybe due to office/studio perfect set ups?) and then users say it is down-right terrible without proper lighting (real world use).
Just looking for any feedback or samples of G2 users taking photos in low-light and of quick moving subjects. Search isn't working for me atm, but haven't seen any threads going into these too much. I really want the G2, but the Note 3's positive feedback is pulling me away.
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So what I'm experiencing is that the stock camera app wants to lock focus before it takes a picture. If you're ever used a DSLR that spends awhile hunting before shooting in low light, that's what it feels like. Some other non-stock apps are a little more free with the shutter and take a picture without confirming focus (like a lot of P&S camera where you get blurry out of focus shots). So you can trade a quick shutter for worse focus depending on the app you use. The flash does a weird step down thing if you're really close to a subject (focal and stock) Super Camera does a more standard flash, but its still substantial shutter delay when using flash. You might be able to find other apps that have different flash behavior. So if you're shooting things that aren't going to run off in low light you might be fine. If they're moving you might try turning off the flash. The shutter is much quicker that way and maybe OIS can help make them sharp enough for you.
While this camera is really good in lit situations low light it's just plain bad and no other apps can fully comensate.
I bought ProCapture, already had FV-5 and numerous others from back in the day, (camera zoom, camera 360), tried focal. on and on.
Photos of children and pets even in "normal" lite rooms at night come out looking like watercolor abstracts and it has to be at a ROM or firmware level since all the apps do it to some degree.
If photos are you thing then the Droid DNA with a Sense5 ROM will produce fantastic results easily.

[Q] I need opinions on the Sony Xperia Z1

I just switched to TMobile yesterday and I got the LG G2. I am highly disappointed with the camera, specially the low light. I love taking photos on my cell (before this I had a Lumia 1020 which replaced my HTC One which replaced my S3) and the low light just didn't cut it.
The Z1s comes to tmobile in a week so I'm thinking of swapping it out for that. The thing is, I've heard so many mixed reviews about the Z1 and it's camera. I would love to have opinions from you all that own it. If you can compare the photos to any other phone that would be great. I was actually debating between the LG G2 and Note III and Z1, but I really think the Z1 (specs wise) might be the closest to the Lumia 1020 (which is the best smartphone camera I have EVER used....too bad it was on WP8)
Thank you in advance!
The Z1 camera is infuriating to use because it's obvious that the hardware is a beast. It's the best camera hardware you can get on an Android device. However, the software is a hit or miss. Superior auto is okay for daylight pictures but is almost unusable for lowlight pictures. However, if you take a bit of time to learn how to use the camera in manual, you will have no problem getting excellent images from the Z1. Lowlight performance is decent, better than the LG G2 but worse than the HTC One, it's just you cannot rely on Superior Auto mode to get you the best pics, usually they end up very noisy.
In daylight there is no contest, the Z1 is one of the best out there. 90% of the time Superior auto does the job well. The other 10% of time there is overexposure or noise but then you can use manual or try again and it should come out okay. Low light is tricky.
If you want a camera that 'just works' I would suggest looking at the HTC One or LG G2. However, if you are willing to spend a bit of time to explore the camera's features and functions you will love the Z1. It's definitely the most fun camera phone to use. Don't get me wrong, it's not 'bad', it's just not as good as it could be. Also, the viewfinder is one of the smoothest I've used. 60fps of awesome.
The thing about the Z1 is that is one of the best 'allround' phones. You get a premium feeling, waterproof body with the fastest processor available and an extremely good camera. There's almost nothing like it. The iPhone 5S and HTC One are probably the only other ones that can compete with the all-roundedness. The LG G2 is really good as well but IMO has a horrible, cheap looking and feeling body. For me looks matter as much as the internals because I have the phone on me at all times and is a part of me, so I want it to reflect who I am. The Z1's sharp looks do just that .
Hopefully KitKat will stabilize superior auto and make it better because it's infuriating having poor software when you have unbeatable hardware.
I will have to say that while the Camera software disappoints it really isn't that bad at all..
As far as low light pics are concerned, for me superior auto does the job well enough..and of course low light photos have the element of noise as on any camera phone but don't let it bother you too much. You will just have to compare for yourself lowlight photos between the G2 and the Z1 to see if its up to your expectations.
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robamacaf said:
I just switched to TMobile yesterday and I got the LG G2. I am highly disappointed with the camera, specially the low light. I love taking photos on my cell (before this I had a Lumia 1020 which replaced my HTC One which replaced my S3) and the low light just didn't cut it.
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The night sky shot you took with the 1020 has a shutter delay of 4s.
Z1 has a max shutter delay in night mode of 0.8s. This is the best you have currently with android. Also the Z1 has a 2.0 aperture to the 1020's 2.2. So about 25% larger.
bear in mind the nokia's can go as slow as 4s shutter delay because WP8 allows it. So even mid range WP8 phones with nokia camera app can get the 4s shutter delay. Android at this time does not even if the hardware can support it. I see no reason why this cannot be done in the future with android if mid range WP8 phones presently allow such low shutter delay. It's an OS limitation. Another limitation with android is its not possible to manually set shutter speed or do any manual focus unlike with WP8. This limits to a certain extent or makes it harder than it would have been been with say Nokia camera.
Whereas the slowest shutter delay with the G2, note3, N5 or S4 is around 1/8s (6x faster than 0.8). What they then do is take a HDR. They cheat. This means a relatively stable hand held low light shot but if an even slower shutter speed is required then you cannot do it. Has the low light video improved on the G2 since ? as the video from examples i'd seen earlier was mostly not usable.
i have a g2, ordered z1s, z1s is beatiful phone, liked the screen and mostly everything, little snapier then g2, for some reason z1s felt a little big, battery life i was not impressed, on the first charge, 15 min screen time and down 6%, comparing to g2 where you will loose 2% tops, great phone but going back to g2, will wait for somerhing else with better cam then g2
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One Twelve said:
Another limitation with android is its not possible to manually set shutter speed or do any manual focus unlike with WP8. This limits to a certain extent or makes it harder than it would have been been with say Nokia camera.
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Just as a side note, the LG G2 DOES have manual focus where you can move a slider (sorta like the 1020) to focus on things.
Thank you all for the opinions. I'll have to get hands on with it I think to really get a feel for it but I'm really leaning towards it. I'd get the HTC One again in a heartbeat if it had higher MP to actually have details in the photos
Check out this video mate:
The pictures were taken on the initial software release, the software has slightly improved since then but it should gives you a good idea on how well the camera perfomes.
shem2409 said:
Check out this video mate:
The pictures were taken on the initial software release, the software has slightly improved since then but it should gives you a good idea on how well the camera perfomes.
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Thanks for this. You put a lot of info into that video. I also watched the 3 min one you made with mostly low light pictures. Looks like the Z1 is def worth getting
robamacaf said:
Thanks for this. You put a lot of info into that video. I also watched the 3 min one you made with mostly low light pictures. Looks like the Z1 is def worth getting
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I absolutely love it
I only wish the screen was better. It's not bad by any means but due to poor viewing angles the experience is not on par with other devices (oppo find 5 etc)
robamacaf said:
I just switched to TMobile yesterday and I got the LG G2. I am highly disappointed with the camera, specially the low light. I love taking photos on my cell (before this I had a Lumia 1020 which replaced my HTC One which replaced my S3) and the low light just didn't cut it.
The Z1s comes to tmobile in a week so I'm thinking of swapping it out for that. The thing is, I've heard so many mixed reviews about the Z1 and it's camera. I would love to have opinions from you all that own it. If you can compare the photos to any other phone that would be great. I was actually debating between the LG G2 and Note III and Z1, but I really think the Z1 (specs wise) might be the closest to the Lumia 1020 (which is the best smartphone camera I have EVER used....too bad it was on WP8)
Thank you in advance!
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I had a G2 and while I liked it I decided to not keep it. Just got my Z1s on Monday and was very impressed with the handful of shots I took, and find I like the Z1s all-around more than I did the G2: better design, better android skin, better battery life & performance (and the G2 was no slouch in either of those two areas), and at least based on first impressions better camera.
I am exchanging my Z1s because of some difficulty getting it to acknowledge long press while holding the phone (started a thread on that), but other than that was very happy with it and am looking forward to getting my replacement.
Any opinions on the battery life? I know the G2 and Z1 and the same sized battery and so far I've had the G2 off of charger for 6 hours and it's only at 91%. I've made some phone calls, checked emails, sent hangout messages through out the day. Connected to WIFI and 4G. It's fantastic
Battery life is not G2 good but it's still excellent. I usually get 6-8 hours screentime on, which is much better than most phones out there.
Tough decision for me, sell my G2 and payoff my EIP or keep it and sell the Z1S and profit a bit and wait for something else.
Sent from my LG-D801 using xda app-developers app
robamacaf said:
I just switched to TMobile yesterday and I got the LG G2. I am highly disappointed with the camera, specially the low light. I love taking photos on my cell (before this I had a Lumia 1020 which replaced my HTC One which replaced my S3) and the low light just didn't cut it.
The Z1s comes to tmobile in a week so I'm thinking of swapping it out for that. The thing is, I've heard so many mixed reviews about the Z1 and it's camera. I would love to have opinions from you all that own it. If you can compare the photos to any other phone that would be great. I was actually debating between the LG G2 and Note III and Z1, but I really think the Z1 (specs wise) might be the closest to the Lumia 1020 (which is the best smartphone camera I have EVER used....too bad it was on WP8)
Thank you in advance!
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Check My Low light photos[email protected]/sets/72157637726566185/
you will also find Htc One set and Comparison Set between note3 vs z1
Me also swapped the htc one with the z1
reason: Purple tint camera and very long time focusing during night and mostly out of focus
how do i compare : Z1 blew away Htc faster lock never out of focus and Better lowlight
you can see in the sets both taken with htc and z1 ... Just to mention i never used Superior Auto i always use manual @all auto .. except if i want to capture a night landscape or scene with longer exposure i choose Night Mode from scenes and rest my arm on somethings
by the way
note3 camera at night it [email protected] !
ashouhdy said:
Check My Low light photos[email protected]/sets/72157637726566185/
you will also find Htc One set and Comparison Set between note3 vs z1
Me also swapped the htc one with the z1
reason: Purple tint camera and very long time focusing during night and mostly out of focus
how do i compare : Z1 blew away Htc faster lock never out of focus and Better lowlight
you can see in the sets both taken with htc and z1 ... Just to mention i never used Superior Auto i always use manual @all auto .. except if i want to capture a night landscape or scene with longer exposure i choose Night Mode from scenes and rest my arm on somethings
by the way
note3 camera at night it [email protected] !
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Wow! Those are fantastic! Thank you
I've had a play with a G2 and it's a cracking handset, but not a patch on the Z1 in terms of the on screen user experience, the LG skin looks too much like Touchwiz, which is hideous. The camera rocks, all round anyway, no phone camera I've ever come across actually performs perfectly, but the Z1 comes close.
robamacaf said:
I just switched to TMobile yesterday and I got the LG G2. I am highly disappointed with the camera, specially the low light. I love taking photos on my cell (before this I had a Lumia 1020 which replaced my HTC One which replaced my S3) and the low light just didn't cut it.
The Z1s comes to tmobile in a week so I'm thinking of swapping it out for that. The thing is, I've heard so many mixed reviews about the Z1 and it's camera. I would love to have opinions from you all that own it. If you can compare the photos to any other phone that would be great. I was actually debating between the LG G2 and Note III and Z1, but I really think the Z1 (specs wise) might be the closest to the Lumia 1020 (which is the best smartphone camera I have EVER used....too bad it was on WP8)
Thank you in advance!
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The Z1 is really the best camera in an Android phone. The flash sucks, specially compared to the 1020's (and the 808's, still the best camera phone by a huge margin) xenon, of course; but it's bad for a LED. However, its low light, non-flash performance is way above the rest of the pack. More comparable to the 1020's non-flash pics than to the G2's. You will also have the benefit of some lossless zoom. As a camera, it's definitely an upgrade over the S3/One/G2, and a clear downgrade all around from the 1020.
This is an interesting comparison of the Z1 with Nokia's last few cameraphones:
Note that no non-Nokia phone had ever beaten the N8 on that site. But I'd suggest you to rate the pictures by yourself. Assign points to each, then assign a factor of importance to each category, and sum up the scores (multiplied by the importance of each category). You may come to a different conclusion than Steve.
Another interesting data point is this:
Which includes a direct comparison between the Z1 and your previous two phones. I suggest the same approach, assigning your own scores and importances to come to your own conclusion.
Sorry to hijack the topic here but how does z1's camera compare to iPhone 5s' then? I was under the impression z1's was better even before the FW updates but after reading this thread I am not so sure..
fmmsf said:
Sorry to hijack the topic here but how does z1's camera compare to iPhone 5s' then? I was under the impression z1's was better even before the FW updates but after reading this thread I am not so sure..
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Yes, it's WAY better. I don't have the shots with me, but when we went on vacations, my Z1's pictures were always better than my wife's 5S's. The Z1 focuses better (and faster), isn't as noisy, and exposes much better on low light. Also, the 5S has an annoying tendency of keeping the flash on for 1-2 seconds while it focuses, while the Z1 does it way faster; that much time with the LED on makes the subjects uncomfortable, and spoils the images. Whenever we took pictures of the same scene on both phones, mine were better (so much better that most of hers were instantly deleted). I usually don't shoot videos, so I can't comment on video quality.
Steve_max said:
Yes, it's WAY better. I don't have the shots with me, but when we went on vacations, my Z1's pictures were always better than my wife's 5S's. The Z1 focuses better (and faster), isn't as noisy, and exposes much better on low light. Also, the 5S has an annoying tendency of keeping the flash on for 1-2 seconds while it focuses, while the Z1 does it way faster; that much time with the LED on makes the subjects uncomfortable, and spoils the images. Whenever we took pictures of the same scene on both phones, mine were better (so much better that most of hers were instantly deleted). I usually don't shoot videos, so I can't comment on video quality.
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Ah, that's awesome! And how long does it take for the phone to bring up the camera app after you press the shutter button on the Z1? (That's a feature, right?)
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Does the camera blur moving shots indoors?

The note 3 and s4 blur shots if your subject moves in low light conditions. Have they actually fixed this in the s5 or is it just the same.
Right now my note 3 bugs me as any pictures I take of my son indoors blur, if he moves in the slightest.
I've had 2 note 3s and an s4 they all had this issue.
It's weird how all the camera reviews never cover this.
Any info would be much appreciated
Having received my S5, I can say the differences between the S4 and S5 camera aren't as pronounced as I would have hoped. There is a difference in the quality of the final shot in favour of the S5, but the process of taking the photos, in terms of shot speed and auto focus speed, isn't that different, especially in low light conditions. Actually, with the new low light 'hold still' shot mode of the S5, it's slower, although the final result is much better.
I'm actually debating returning my S5 and returning to my old S4 contract which only had 12 months to run.
So far my M8 wipes the floor with my S5 on those shots - indoor, medium light. It still blurs, in other words. Tomorrow I'll be able to test more. I've enabled face detection, maybe that'll help. I shouldn't have to hold the camera still for 4 seconds every time it has to get a decent shot in medium light...
I really really wanted to love the S5, but so far the only improvement in the camera over the S4 is the speed. And honestly, I'd argue the quality might be worse in some scenarios b/c of this new isocell technology.
Disappointed by low light performances. My Z1 is way better. Pictures taken in broad day light are excellent though.

Photo quality

Say "cheese", then rate this thread to express how photos taken with the Moto Z2 Force come out. A higher rating indicates that photos offer rich color (without over-saturating), sharp detail (with all subjects in-focus), and appropriate exposure (with even lighting).
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
So far I'm pretty pissed off with the camera. I recently tested the LG G6, Huawei Mate 9, OnePlus 5, and now the Moto Z2 Force which I was hoping would be my dream phone. I owned the Z Force and so far and a bit disappointed. The Camera seems to have potential but the software is terrible, at least on my specific device. The camera is plagued with shutter lag which really seems to take a toll on picture quality. Pro mode is what really upset me with only having the option of 1/4 for shutter speed as the longest time for exposure. I have taken a great deal of pictures to compare with the phones listed above, so far the Huawei Mate 9 has had the best camera in my opinion. Obviously, this is totally objective as views will change per individual. I am by no means a photography expert, but I am always in search of a great camera in a smartphone. The biggest reason for my angry toward the quality of the Z2F camera is the retail cost of the phone, I really thought this would be a camera I would have loved. It seems like I may wait to see how the Essentials Phone turns out and am very curious about the Nokia 8, both in terms of camera. To date I think the use of a dual camera, one being monochrome and the other RGB, is the best implementation. Please let me know if the inconsistent shutter I'm facing is just a problem with my unit or if other's share it as well. I really had my heart/mind set on this phone being able to go toe to toe with others in its price range. Side note, the LG G6 wide angle lens was great for taking pictures, I was surprised that I liked the secondary camera being a wide angle lens as it allowed for unique perspective. I let go of the LG G6 because my father broke his phone and really thought the Z2F would be the phone of my dreams.
Update: Twist for camera sometimes hangs and after some time force closes. This has also happened on 2 occasions when opening camera app, viewfinder is black followed by hang and crash.
Ksehwail said:
So far I'm pretty pissed off with the camera. I recently tested the LG G6, Huawei Mate 9, OnePlus 5, and now the Moto Z2 Force which I was hoping would be my dream phone. I owned the Z Force and so far and a bit disappointed. The Camera seems to have potential but the software is terrible, at least on my specific device. The camera is plagued with shutter lag which really seems to take a toll on picture quality. Pro mode is what really upset me with only having the option of 1/4 for shutter speed as the longest time for exposure. I have taken a great deal of pictures to compare with the phones listed above, so far the Huawei Mate 9 has had the best camera in my opinion. Obviously, this is totally objective as views will change per individual. I am by no means a photography expert, but I am always in search of a great camera in a smartphone. The biggest reason for my angry toward the quality of the Z2F camera is the retail cost of the phone, I really thought this would be a camera I would have loved. It seems like I may wait to see how the Essentials Phone turns out and am very curious about the Nokia 8, both in terms of camera. To date I think the use of a dual camera, one being monochrome and the other RGB, is the best implementation. Please let me know if the inconsistent shutter I'm facing is just a problem with my unit or if other's share it as well. I really had my heart/mind set on this phone being able to go toe to toe with others in its price range. Side note, the LG G6 wide angle lens was great for taking pictures, I was surprised that I liked the secondary camera being a wide angle lens as it allowed for unique perspective. I let go of the LG G6 because my father broke his phone and really thought the Z2F would be the phone of my dreams.
Update: Twist for camera sometimes hangs and after some time force closes. This has also happened on 2 occasions when opening camera app, viewfinder is black followed by hang and crash.
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Camera shutter speed seems to be a stock app issue mostly. I have CameraZoom FX and that works better at taking the picture quickly. I do expect this to improve as the device matures and some updates get pushed out to it.
That being said, the overall photo quality seems to be pretty good overall. The S8 I am leaving does a better job of handling multiple light levels (like say bright window light in an otherwise dimly lit room), but I do think the Z2F has some promise for sure.
I do agree that I think the shutter lag is very hoping Moto does fix that
disappointing camera
Ksehwail said:
The Camera seems to have potential but the software is terrible, at least on my specific device. The camera is plagued with shutter lag which really seems to take a toll on picture quality. Pro mode is what really upset me with only having the option of 1/4 for shutter speed as the longest time for exposure.
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I agree with this. The camera app is terrible. I came from the HTC 10 into this phone and the HTC blows it out of the water as far as camera quality goes, and I doubt there's any reason for that as far as the sensor/hardware goes There are also other apps that don't seem to access the front flash on this phone, I.E. Instagram, snapchat, etc. could be a driver issue or something, but motorola needs to get it together with the Android O update.
Has any compared picture quality with Open Camera and the google camera app?
Camera App Update
I just noticed that they added two features to the camera app. Object recognition and landmark recognition.They said that they included some bug fixes but did not elaborate. Hopefully they will continue to work on the app and image quality will improve as the phone matures. I think there is potential to improve low light photo's seeing that the black and white sensor should aid low light photography.
So far I am very happy with my photo's. I am a casual user and happy with the images. Realistically I do not think one can expect DSLR quality on a mobile phone. Maybe one day....
I've used several third party apps, and this camera is total trash compared to even my nearly three year old Galaxy S6.. I have to place dramatic Instagram-style filters on everything to hide how crappy this camera is.
I took this picture with full manual mode and it's quite good for me
why not use Hasellblad?
RE910177 said:
why not use Hasellblad?
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It's only useful for its optical zoom.
Does anyone have problem with autofocus....? The autofocus on this device is absolutely terrible.
Google Camera port is your friend when it comes to the Z2 Force. Also, Snapseed is a great editor.
Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
xRogerxC said:
Google Camera port is your friend when it comes to the Z2 Force. Also, Snapseed is a great editor.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So, I'm reading through this thread: ; there seems to be no gcam available for Z2, which would be fully functional. Are you saying you solved this issue and have one that works? Perhaps you can post to the thread with your findings if you did?
